01x07 - Hardcopy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x07 - Hardcopy

Post by bunniefuu »

Lyle, come on, stop it.

Please, you're drunk.

I'm horny too but
you could fix that.

Lyle, I didn't come
over here to have sex.

I came over here to talk.

After, after.

I need you really bad now.

Lyle, it's over.

The hell it is!

Lyle, please, you're
not listening to me.

It's over.

Please, please, I
can't do this anymore.

You'll do what I
tell you to do, Avery.

I paid you for eight.

Not anymore.

Look, you leave when
I tell you, bitch.





Come on, Avery.


Come here.

Come here, baby.

Come here.

Come here, dammit!

What do you want?

Palm beach is prime real estate.

Beautiful homes,
manicured lawns,

ocean views, and
high walls to protect

the paranoids from the press.

Lyle Hayes had lived his
life like a wrecking ball,

blasting holes in those walls
to let the whole world peer in.

He did a pretty good job until
somebody returned the favor.

Guy gets a g*n
emptied into his chest.

Nobody sees or hears diddly?

Not much of a neighborhood
crime watch in this place.

Toss those glasses
if you could, please?

Right, get him out of here.

What's up, doc?

Can you ballpark
this, Dr. Lincoln?


Multiple g*nsh*t
wounds, small caliber.

I'd guess a ,
on the outside.

I won't be able to give you an
estimate on the time of death

until I get inside.

I'll have a report
for you later today.

You can't keep me out of here.

This is my house.

This is a crime scene, ma'am.

I'm going to have to
ask you to back up.

I know.

Lyle, you've never
looked better.

Are you Mrs. Hayes?

Mrs. Hayes was his mother.

I'm Muriel.

Who found his body?

Pool man found the body.

The maid told us that you'd
moved out, miss Hayes.

I did six months ago.

I just came by this
morning to slap Lyle's face

with the divorce papers.

I need a drink.

I'm afraid you can't do that.

That area's been sealed off.

You've got a g*n.

sh**t me.

Sergeant Lorenzo.

When's the last time you saw
your husband alive, ma'am?

A week ago, maybe.

Two we weren't exactly cozy.

Am I a suspect?

Should you be?

I'm but one
of a cast of thousands.

Lyle made enemies for a living.

Then there's the
unions, the society

people, the politicians.

I was hoping that I
wouldn't have to run

to the whole town, miss Hayes.

We were married nearly years.

Can you imagine that?

We came up from
nothing together.

I can't believe I'm crying
over that miserable...

Here you go, ma'am.

Thank you.

You want a suspect, sergeant?

Talk to Avery Benton.

She's the easy piece
he dumped me for.

The center for equal justice.

Hey, just... just get the quote.

Let me worry about printing it.

Oh, and what about that series
of photos with Hayes kissing...

What's her name... the one he
put in charge of the center?

Avery Benton.

They're on their way up.

Some of them look
pretty provocative.



Hey, I want you to get
me the sequence of sh*ts

where he has her up against
the rail with his tongue

down her throat for page one.

Legal has some
problems with that.


Are they worried
about getting sued?

- Probably.
- Leather.

We'll sell twice as many.

Look, even Lyle
would have gotten

a kick out of being exposed
on the pages of his own paper.

Yeah, come in.

Who the hell are you?

Sergeant Lance, sergeant
Lorenzo, palm beach pd.

- You Wayne broland?
- Yeah, that's right.

I let you.

All right, look, play it
on page one above the fold.

And you tell the newsroom that
if they think Lyle kicked ass

they haven't worked for me yet.

You don't waste
any time, do you?

The king is dead.

Long live the king.

Well, somebody's
gotta run the paper.

I have rights of survivorship.

That's when one partner
dies and the other buys out

his interest at market value.

We heard.

So you're the only partner?


Well, Lyle scared everybody
else off when he...

When he took on the unions.

You see, when they threatened
to shut this place down,

everybody folded
their cards except me.

Well, that must have
caused hard feelings.

The losers always
hate the winner.

But we all knew what
it meant to, uh, sit

at the table with Lyle Hayes.

I called his bluff.

I get the pot.

What of ex partners?

Any of them angry
enough to k*ll him?

Probably all of them.

But two of them are in
their s and the other one

is doing business in Europe.

So that leaves you.

A man with a motive, only
I was at a police benefit

last night.

And I believe it was your chief
who was sitting at my table.

Now, if you want a major motive,
you talk to his, uh, widow,

who is now a very rich widow.

We already talked to his widow.

She suggested we talk
to you and Avery Benton.

Muriel would love
to tag this on Avery.

Revenge is a dish
well gorged on.

Did he ever talk to
you about her much?

Hello and goodbye is a
stretch for us, you know?

Thank you.

Listen to this, publisher
dies in a pool of blood.

You know, this broland is quick.

Lyle Hayes' body
isn't even cold yet

and he's knee deep
in yellow ink.

Yeah, this guy knows
what sells papers...

Sex and v*olence.

It's too bad his alibi works up.

I'd like to see this guy's
name up in the headlines.

A partner a partner,
heads up river.

Ooh, where did you get these?

They look home made.

I got them form mother-in-law.

You know what?

Broland could have hired
an outside sh**t.

I think we should
talk to Donovan

about getting a subpoena
for his phone records

and financial transactions.

I don't think so.

I mean, Hayes had
enough holes in him

to let the wind blow through.

That's overkill.

It sounds more personal
than professional.

Well, the soon to be
ex-wife could be a contender.

I mean, why wait for
a divorce settlement

when a few slugs wins
the whole enchilada?

Look, come on, the
widow's too obvious.

Besides, that takes the
sport out of it, you know?

Look, the crime scene
suggests that there

was a big, physical skirmish.

You know what I think happened?

I think that he was beating
the hell out of the sh**t,

she pulled out a
piece and caps him.

Muriel Hayes.

She doesn't have any traces of
a fat lip, no facial bruises.

My money's on the mistress.

You always think
it's the mistress.

Yeah, and sometimes I'm right.

But I like the nasty
shadings of lust

that a mistress
brings to the party.

Just saying, let's go have a
head bang with Avery Benton.

She got a black eye,
this one's in black ink.

Case closed.

I got to go give a
deposition downtown.

Why don't you go talk to Avery
and I'll meet you back here?


All right.

Not bad, not bad at all.

You live here?


All right, what's your name?



It's nice to meet you.

Is your mom home?

No, she's out.

Who are you?

I'm Chris Lorenzo.

I'm a police officer.

Why do you need my mom?

You know what?

We've got to widen
this stance, all right?

You want to get
more of your weight

in the back on that
right foot to get

some weight behind the ball.

That's it.

Now, wrap this
shoulder, all right?

Wouldn't want that
elbow flapping

out there like a chicken wing.

Now, you're going to choke
up on the bat a little bit.

All right, ready?

Take a cut.


Not bad.

All right.

Bottom of the ninth, two outs.

Randall's up at the plate.

Christopher Lorenzo pitching.


How'd that feel?

Felt solid.

Like I'd hit it a mile.

You play ball?

I played ball in college.

You know, I play in the
softball league now,

but it's just not
the same thing.

Is your pop home?

My dad's dead.

Sorry about that.

How long?

It was two years ago.

He still lived in scottsdale.

He hit his head
on a diving board.

I don't want to
talk about him, ok?



Yeah, my parents got
divorced when I was .

When my pop left the state, I
didn't get to see him too much.

Man, I felt so lonely, you know?

I was hurt.
How about you?

You're... you're a couple
years older than I was.

It still hurts.

Who's your favorite team?

- Braves.
- Really?


Mine too.

Dave justice in my
favorite player.


Randall, you got a cap?

I used to.

Some kids staked it on the bus.

Let me get something for you.

All right, Randall.

From me to you, buddy.


Yeah, you look good.


Hey, wrong way, you want
to watch where you're going?

Hey, you ran into me, pal.

Great, a badge.

You see, I was going to
buy a lottery ticket today,

but I guess it's not
my lucky day, huh?

Oh, really.

Oh, that doesn't look too bad.

Not bad at all.

It's a shame.

It's a beautiful car.

Yeah, I'm almost
hysterical with grief.

So what?

I'm supposed to
feel sorry for you?

That'd be nice.

Can I see your license
and registration, please?

Oh, let me get it out for you.

Thank you.

You know, it's,
uh, it's not fair.

I mean, you know my name now.

What am I supposed
to call you, officer?

Sergeant Lance.

So you from New York?


Now I really do
feel sorry for you.

So what are you
doing in palm beach?

Actually, I'm down
here on business.

The music award's tonight.

Major black tie.


Which means no bare feet.

So what?

You're a musician or...

No, actually i'm
a concert promoter.

Do you like rock
and roll, sergeant?

Do I have to call you that?

I mean, I feel like i'm
talking to browder Crawford.

Well, usually when I start
off with a badge then yeah,

well, how about we start
this conversation over then?

Because I mean, I've seen
your badge so you don't

have to show it to me again.

Maybe next time.


Can I have your insurance
company call me, all right?


Have a good time tonight.

Actually, I would have a lot
more fun if you'd come with me,


I mean, if that qualifies as
a new conversation, right,

because it's on
a personal level?

What do you say?

Will you come with me?

Um, yeah.




Well, look, this
thing starts at :.

Um, ok, just picked me
up at : at that address.


You know something?

I think I am going to
buy that lottery ticket.


You're k*lling me.

Oh, mom, this is Chris.

Sergeant Lorenzo.

You need any help with
those, miss Benton?

Uh, no, thank you.

I'm all right.

Oh, what's this all about?

Oh, mom, Chris gave me this hat.

That's really nice, Randall.

I'd like to ask you some
questions about Lyle Hayes

if you don't mind.

Why don't you go outside
and play, Randall, all right?

But mom, we were just
watch them talk about...

Please, Randall.

Come on, go practice that swing.

Yeah, ok.

You've got a great kid.


I heard about Lyle's death
this morning on the news.

It's a terrible thing.

I understand you
worked for Lyle Hayes.


I was the director of the
center for equal justice.

Have you gotten all the
juicy gossip, sergeant?

I'm sure you know Lyle
and I were lovers.

Yeah, I'd heard about
it, and now I know.

What's the last
time you saw him.

He came to the center yesterday.

We... we had words.

That when he hit you?

I hit my face last
night on the car door.

I was bending over to put
something in the back seat.

You argued yesterday.

What about?

He was a very demanding man.

Lately he'd been
demanding too much.

I turned in my
resignation yesterday

and he refused to accept it.

Lyle liked to control things.

Where were you last
night, miss Benton?

I, um, I took Randall
over to my mother's house

and I just drove around a while.

I know that sounds
terrible, doesn't it?

But I just needed some time
to think, sort things through.

I do it myself sometimes.

You own a g*n, miss Benton?

No, I don't.

Can i...

No, no, I'll see myself out.


I can't believe that
you're going out with a guy

you met one time
for two minutes.

Well, I know what I like.

All right, let's go.

Come on.

So, do you like the dress?

No I don't like the dress.

Sammy, that's not a dress.

It's a band-aid.

You don't know anything
about this guy.

He could be a dope dealer.

He could be an ax m*rder*r.

I got his license,
police officer.

Give it to me.
I'm going to run it.

You know what your problem is?

You are so cynical.

You are so suspicious and
you don't trust anybody.

No wants, no warrants.

All right.

Got residences in
New York, la, London.

Got a registration
on a test road

Harley Davidson.

This guy's got much
too much money.

You can't go out with him.

Well, don't hold it against him.

Yeah, I don't want you to
hold anything against him,

not until we find out more.

This guy's money could be dirty.

I told you, he was a rock
and roll concert promoter.

That's what they all say.

' t-bird.

My favorite car.



You look awesome.


You know, the last time I picked
up a girl at a police station

it was to, uh, make bail so
she could make a concert date.


Uh huh.

These are for you.

Oh, they're beautiful.

So are you.

Tyler, this is Chris
Lorenzo, my partner.

How you doing, Chris.

So Rita tells me that
you're a, uh, rock promoter.

That's right.

Travel all over the world.

That must be fun, huh?

Yeah, well, it beats
honest work, you know?

Though I'd probably
trade gigs with you if I

could have a partner like Rita.

Tyler, you married?


I bet you got a lot
of girlfriends, though.

I mean, you rock and roll
types, you attract them.

Well, you can't believe
everything you hear,

you know bottom line is
it's just another business.

We really should get going.

Ok, I'll just go get my purse.


You know, Rita's more
than a partner to me.

She's my best friend.

You should know that.

I understand.

Want to step outside and
check the tires in my car

and make sure they're safe?

No, no, that's all right.

You hurt her and I will
rip your lungs out.

Sam, would you pop these
in some water for me?

No problem.

- Nice meeting you, man.
- You too.

Have a good time.


You know, this
is the first thing

that feels like a relationship
to me in six months.


Yeah, I know,
civilians usually have

problems relating to me too.

Not this civilian.

This career of yours is more
than just a job, isn't it?



I mean, it's not exactly
a life though either.

Sometimes I feel like I am
stuck in this twilight zone,

you know?

My job eats me alive, but I
know that I can't give it up.

I know.

I feel the same
way about the road.

I mean, I bitch and I
moan about all the time

that I spend traveling.

But if I had to spend more
than two weeks in one place,

I'd go out of my mind.


You ever think
about settling down?

You know, a white picket
fence, a beautiful little baby

with a puppy in a
basket by the fire?

Yeah, I did once
a long time ago.

My partner and I
were on the stakeout.

The g*nshots woke us up.



I'm just trying to live my life
one day at a time, you know?

Just trying to
stay in the moment.

Well, keep me in
that moment, huh?

Moment to moment...


To moment.


Morning, Chris.


Have a good time last night?

Yeah, it was fantastic.


I paced all night long.

Why didn't you call me, Sam?

Excuse me, what are you?

My dad?

I mean, I don't remember
you ever calling me when

you're out on all your dates.

But that's different.

Oh, it's different.


I'm a big girl, Chris.

So you two were careful I hope?

Well, yeah, I never
leave home without them.

I knew it.

I knew it.

The second you walked through
that door you look different.

You got kind of
a glow about you.


So you like this
guy big time, huh?


He's big time.

So what did you do this morning?

You want a cup of coffee?

Come on, I'll buy
you a cup of coffee.

What's up?

I got this fax from
scottsdale pd an hour ago.

Avery Benton's first husband
drowned in the family pool.

Initially suspected
foul play but couldn't

make the case against her.

Her husband had a heavy
contusion on his forehead.

He could have hit his
head on the diving board

just like the kid said.

Or she beaned him, rolled
him in the water unconscious,

and she let him drown.

She collected a cool
half million dollars

his life insurance.

We could be dealing with
a black widow here, Chris.

She kills her mates.

I'm not buying it.

You are just full surprises.

Lorenzo, the cop that
always looks for the bad

in the Benton and everybody.

Suddenly you can't
see it when it's

right in front of your face?

Lance, Lorenzo.

Well, it was a good morning.

Where are we on the
Lyle Hayes investigation?

Still investigating.

Captain hutchinson
told me this Avery

Benton is leading the parade.

Anything new there?

We'll let you know.

I'll spitball it for you.

Get a pencil.

Lyle Hayes hires
Avery Benton to head

the center for equal justice.

Part of the job description
includes sleeping with him.

She puts out but he gets
bored and fires her.

She's not only rejected sexually
but professionally as well.

He pulls the plug.
She pulls the trigger.

Oh, I love it
when he talks dirty.

It's a great theory.

When we get the facts to back
it up we'll let you know.

You don't need a slide
rule to work out this one.

You want me to ask
captain hutchinson

to put some extra help
on this one for you?

Look, I'd like to, uh, announce
an arrest before my vacation

starts next week.

You are kidding,
aren't you Donovan?

You think you're
ordering lunch here?

The investigation is
over when it's over.

Just make sure it's over soon.

Carry on.

Yeah, Lorenzo.



Yeah, I got it.



That was the lab.

They got a match on
fingerprints found

on a glass at the m*rder scene.

It belonged to Avery Benton.

So you were right.

It was the mistress.

This time I wish
I was wrong, Sammy.

Oh, well.

Why did you lie to me

about being at the Lyle Hayes
estate that night, miss Benton?

I don't know.

It was such an ugly
scene and I felt dirty.

I just didn't want
to talk about it.

But Lyle was alive when I
left there, I swear to you.

You have a key for this?

No, I lost it years ago.

Before we moved my husband
kept some things in there.

You want to do the honors, Sam?


Almost got it.

There you go.
- What a good thief, Sam.

You make that look so easy.

You told me you
didn't own a g*n.

I forgot about it.

It was so long ago.

It belonged to my husband.

Where is it now, miss Benton?

I think you should
call your attorney.

That won't be necessary.

I k*lled Lyle Hayes.

I shot him in self-defense.

What's happening?

What's going on?

Everything's going to
be all right, Randall.

Your grandma is going to be
here and she's going to stay

with you for a few days.


I don't understand.

They're taking you away?

You're going to jail?

You lied!

No, Randall, please.

Randall, it's going to be ok.

It's going to be ok.

It's going to be all right.

You stay here.

All right, let's take
this one more time.

Now, you went to
Lyle Hayes' house

that night to quit your job
as a director for the center

of equal justice.

That's correct.

That's correct.

Were you also intending to
end your love affair with him?

At first I considered
it a love affair,

but Lyle never did.

It didn't take me long
to understand that.

Why didn't you
break it off sooner?

I have a son to support.

Jobs aren't easy to
find in this economy.

You received
half a million dollars

insurance money from your
first husband's death.

My husband was a great
dreamer and a lousy businessman.

There wasn't much
left after probate

and paying off his debts.

I bought our home
here in palm beach

and I put the rest in
cds and a trust fund

for Randall's education.

Why did you take a g*n with
you that night, miss Benton?

Lyle had a violent temper.

He'd hit me once
before, and I wasn't

going to let him hit me again.

He was drunk.

He att*cked me,
tried to r*pe me.

He started hitting me
when I fought back.

How many times
did he strike you?

I don't know.

It was all a blur.

He threw me down.

He started punching at
me and pulling my hair.

I got the g*n out of
my purse and I shot it.

How many times?

I don't know.

I can't remember.

Once, twice, how many
times did you fire the g*n?

I don't know.

I just kept firing it.

He fell in the pool and I ran.

And what about the
empty shell casings?

Did you pick them
up before you ran?


All right, and
you stopped off on the way home

to get rid of the g*n.

Where did you stop?

Along bayside.

I said that already.

How many times do
I have to say it.

Are you telling us
the truth, miss Benton?

I was afraid for my life.

I thought Lyle Hayes
was going to k*ll me.

I shot him in self-defense.

What was that all about?

You really battered
her in there.

I don't know, Sam.

Something about her story
doesn't jive with me.

Well, she told it
straight enough for me,

and you know what?

I would have done
the same thing.

Look, she said that she
fired until the g*n was empty.

Lyle Hayes had six
b*ll*ts in him.

That says revolver.

But then she said she
picked up the spent casings.

Only an a*t*matic
ejects casings.

We didn't find any
casings at the scene.

You had her so disoriented.

She didn't know what
she was talking about.

You don't want to believe her.

Look, I don't see how
you can justify holding

her on a hour discretionary.

I don't have to
justify anything.

I'm a deputy district attorney.

She's confessed.

It's clearly self-defense.

Are you judge
and jury now, Rita?

I can make this case m*rder
if you bring me something

that establishes premeditation.

Like what?

What would do it
for you, Donovan?

I'll know when you find it.

Keep digging.

She got away with m*rder
once in scottsdale.

She's not going to be
so lucky in palm beach.

Now you're judge and jury, huh?

I represent justice, Lorenzo.

That's frightening.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Come to London with me, Rita.

I can't.

I have this thing called a job.

They expect me to
show up every day.

Look, I don't care.

I want you with me.

Now I'm going to London.





It' a real world tour.


You can stay as
long as you want.

A week, two weeks, a year.

It's up to you.

Come on, I mean, haven't you
ever had a fantasy to follow

the band around the world?

Yeah, as a matter
of fact I have.

But you know what?

If I hop in the shower
right now I'm already

going to be an hour late.

So what time do you leave?

o'clock tonight.

So soon?


Come on.

Rita, I don't want
to let go of you yet.

I can't.

Come on.

I can't.

I'm going to go
hop in the shower.

Think about it, huh?



Look, I know you're mad at me.

I want to talk to
you about that.

I don't feel like talking, ok?

I thought you were my friend.

I am your friend,
but I gotta do my job.

She didn't sh**t him, no way.

She said she did.

Why would she lie about
something like that?

Did your mom love Lyle Hayes?

He was nice to her at first.

I thought he was ok.

He took us out on
his boat and stuff.

He had a nice boat, huh?

Yeah, it was pretty cool.

He let me drive it once.

It sounds like you guys
had a good time together.

For a little while, but then
he started to drink a lot.

He got angry.

He didn't want me
around anymore.

I heard him tell my mom.

He nearly even hit her.

And my mom doesn't
know I saw that.

That must have hurt,
seeing him change,

seeing how he hit your mom.

Did you ever want to hurt
him, Randall, and pay him back

for what he did to your mom?

I want to go now, ok?

You know, she was
really surprised when

she saw that that g*n was gone.

Did you take the g*n, Randall?


Look, you can level with me.

Whatever happens, you and I
will go through this together.

You can count on that.

Just leave me alone, all right?

All right, thanks cap.





Hey, Randall, buddy, what...

Hey, you ok?

Come on, Randall.

Talk to me.

Chris, I just wanted to...

I mean that...

Is your grandma there?


You know what?

I'm thinking about cutting
out of here early today.

What do you say that
you and I, we go

and get a couple of burgers
and spend some time together?

Forget it, Chris.

It's too late.

Randall, don't hang
up on me, all right?

Come on, we'll go.
We'll spend some... Randall.

Pick up the phone.

Come on, Randall.

You ok?

Hey, I just got the
report back from the lab.

They found good prints
on the g*n case.

It was a kid's prints.




Randall, open up, buddy.

I don't see anybody home.


I still have my tools.

I'll pick the lock.


Where is he?

Hey, Sam, look at this.

I want to be with my dad now.

I just messed everything
up so bad for mom.

I'm going through the same
window to heaven he did.

His dad drowned in
a swimming pool, Sam.

Come on.



Get away!

Just stay away!



Can we at least talk about this?

It's too late, ok?

I've messed everything up.

Randall, your mom needs you.

You're all she has,
can't you see that?

She loves you so much.

She's in jail because of
me, because of what I've done.

I shot Lyle Hayes, not her.

It's my fault.

So she needs your
help, doesn't she?

She needs you to tell the
truth about what happened.


I just told you.

She might not believe us, buddy.

She's got to hear
it from your mouth.


Just stay back!

I'm going in!

No, Randall, we
can work this out,

but you got to help us, ok?

I had to sh**t him.

He kept hitting her.

I didn't want him
to hit her anymore.

Why'd she have to go and
lie and say she did it?

Because she loves you, Randall.

She knew you did it.
She had to protect you.

It's not the way it
was supposed to happen.

I was trying to save her!

I let my dad down and now
I've ruined my mom's life.

Your dad was proud of you.

He loves you so much.

I let him die.

He was trying to show
off on the diving board.

He tried to do a backflip.

He hit his head on the board.

So much blood, and
I just stood there.

No, Randall, you
were just a little boy.

You couldn't do anything.

You were scared, Randall.

Nothing to be ashamed of.

He died because of me.

It's my fault.

Randall, no!

Out, Sam.

Here, grab these.

Come, get a pulse, Sam.

One, two, three, four, five.

Come on, Randall,
don't quit on me.

Three, four, five.

Come on, buddy, breathe.

You got to breathe for me.

And , , , , .

Come on, buddy.

There we go.

Get him up.

You made it.

Take a deep breathe.

He's going to be ok.

Donovan, you keep
talking like that

and somebody might actually
think that you have a heart.

No, look, Randall is a good kid.

He deserves a shot.

All right.

I'll be at your
office tomorrow at .

Donovan's been talking
with a child psychologist.

He's going to get in
with the juvenile courts

tomorrow and see
if he can't work

out some kind of diminished
capacity plea for Randall.

Sammy, this kid is going to
get the help that he needs.

Yeah, well, the less sensitive
elements of our society

might recommend
pinning a medal on him

for meritorious public service.

Besides, nobody's going miss
Lyle Hayes..

Sammy, you seem a
little bit anxious to me.

You've got a date
with Tyler tonight?

No, he's leaving on the
: flight to Europe.

He asked me to go with him.

So what are you
doing standing here?

You got two weeks time off.

Well, no, I mean i... I can't.

We have cases.

I cannot just drop my whole
life and go with him to Europe.

I'll bet that if
you left in the next,

say, seconds you
could make that flight.

I don't... I don't
have any clothes.

Oh, I don't think you're
going to need any clothes.

Come on.

I will buy you a
toothbrush at the airport.

Will you?
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