02x13 - Crush

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x13 - Crush

Post by bunniefuu »

( Car approaching )

Damn it, I told her
to stay away from that punk.


I got to go in.

Later, baby.

I’ll wear you out.

Do you mind?!

Cathleen, this isn’t very smart.

You know how your father feels
about you and...


Can’t you even say it?

Look, I'm out
of here, cat.

I’ll call you tomorrow.

Not a good idea.

My husband can make
trouble for you.

Your life will get complicated.

Stay away from her.

You’re not my

Go upstairs.

Do you want your father
to come down here?

Go upstairs.

See you soon,

( Engine starts )

Radio announcer:
Coming up at :.

We’ll be back
right after the news.

( Engine stops )

Radio announcer:
It’s now : a.m.

I’ll be playing
your favorites.

( Heavy breathing )

( Panting )

Oh, Darren...




Oh, man. Foul!

There, Langford.

Unnecessary youth.

( Whistles )

Oh, man, I thought
white men couldn’t jump.

Yo, coach,
you better bench yourself.

Somebody want to get
this man a cane?

Cane? You better
watch yourself, son.

I’ll take care of myself.

Where did you get that hickey
on your neck?

Did you buy that in mail order?

Because I know you’re much too
ugly to get that from a woman.

He’s blushing.

All right, come on,
let’s take it to them

get some points
on the board!

I’ll run you for pinks,

I’ll break your heart,

Look, Chris, can I talk
to you for a minute?

Look, I'm kind
of jammed up.

I was due someplace
ten minutes ago. What’s up?

Cool. I’ll talk
to you later.

Hey, D., if it’s important,
I got time.

It will keep.

Thanks. I’ll see you.

( Engine revving )

( Humming )

( Engine sputtering )

Oh, no, come on, baby.

Don’t do this to me,
you miserable piece of...

( Engine roars )

Whoo-hoo! Detroit magic!

I love this car!

George, relax.

He’s not that late.

Do you want tuna
or Swiss?


Sandwiches, George.

Remember? We were working,
we got hungry

I fixed sandwiches.

Oh, tuna, please.


I’m sorry I've been
a space ranger today.

That’s all right.

Are you sweating
this trial?

I’d say we’ve got them
both nailed down tight.

This case is a dunker.

I could phone it in.

So then
what is it?

You can talk to me.

Is it marriage problems?

Who told you?


How did you know?

I mean,
nobody knows...

You are so damn
perceptive, Rita.

I figure you got work
and you got your family.

If it’s not one

it’s the other,

You guys just had
your th anniversary.

I thought everything
was going terrific.


Except I'm starting to feel

like I'm living
in one of these things--

safe, comfortable,
all my needs met

but on the other side
of the glass

there’s a whole other world

full of chances
and gambles and excitement.

Does any of this
make any sense to you?

You’re thinking about
having an affair.

You read me like a book, Rita,
and you always have.

Does that mean
I'm a terrible person?

No, everybody fantasizes,

It is just a fantasy, right?

So far.

I’ve, uh...

Met someone.

Well, I didn’t just meet her.

I’ve known her for a while.

We work together.

But lately, I've been
seeing her in a new light.

I get flutters in my stomach
when we’re together.

Listen to me.

I sound like a schoolboy
with a crush.

Does she feel the same way?

I don’t know.

In a funny way,
I hope she doesn’t

because if she does

we could both
be drawn inexorably

into an emotional quagmire.

( Knocking )

Are you two

decent in there?!

Sorry I'm late.

Game went into O.T.

Did you win?

Of course we won.

I’m the coach and the referee.

Let me know when your
next game is.

I’ll put a bet down.

Donovan, give me your worst.

My testimony is unshakable.

Let’s, uh, do this later--

sometime early next week after
you have a chance to shower.

Come on, what are you
talking about?

Look, we already bit
into our weekends.

Let’s get this over with.

I tee off in a half hour.

You’re eating my sandwich.

You’re damn right
I'm eating your sandwich.

No, no, you enjoy it.

Rita, thanks for the use
of the hall.

I’ll see you kids
around the campus.

See you, George.

Wait a minute.

I bust my buns to get over here
and Donovan’s got a tee time?

Man, I could’ve hung out
and talked to Darren.

he’s on your basketball team.

The one that works on your car.

That’s the one.

He had something on his mind
he wanted to rap about

but I blew him off
to come over here.

You know, Donovan, he, uh,
he seemed a tad distracted.

I guess my fish
make him nervous.

Tell me I'm the only one,

Tell me you love me.

I’m the only one.

You’re the only one.

Make love to me.

( Both gasp )

Get back here, you little...


I told you to stay away
from my daughter

you scummy little punk.

No, daddy,
leave him alone!

I don’t want to hurt you,
Mr. Carlson.

( Laughing )
( Laughing )

I’ll k*ll you,
you little punk!

( Phone ringing )

Yeah, Lorenzo.



Darren, is that you?


Have you been drinking, man?


Man, I have messed
everything up.

No, Darren, you didn’t
mess anything up, all right?

Booze isn’t going to help.

Trust me on that, all right?

Just talk to me and we’ll
walk through this together.

I swear to god, man

one decent thing
comes into my life...

And I'm blowing it, Chris.

I can’t handle it anymore.

All this sneaking around
and lying.

I can’t give it up, either.

I got... I got the Jones bad.

Darren, why don’t you tell me
where you are and I’ll come by.

I’ll pour some coffee down

that three-point frame
of yours, all right?

Where you at?

Look, I want to talk it
with you, but...

Not right now.

I want to catch some Zs.

Darren, when you decide
you want to talk, all right

you call me, any time,
any place, I’ll be there.

Tomorrow at practice.

I’m sorry I woke you up.

Watch it! Watch it!

Take two, take two!

All right!

Nice shot.

Hey, Paco!

You seen Darren around, man?

No, he cut school today,

Anybody else?
Anybody seen Darren?

All right,
shirts and skins.

I want some hustle today.

( Siren blaring )

Hey, Lorenzo.

Bonner, what’s up?

Did I win the football pool?

Me and Kinnely just got
back from a D.B. Call.

Kid got himself shot.

Found this in his billfold.

Has your home number
on the back.

Figured maybe
he knew you.


It’s too bad.

Kid can’t be more than .

Look, there’s got to be
more than that.

I’m telling you that’s all
she wrote, Lorenzo.

Uniforms found the kid
lying in the street.

Me and Kinnely rode out there
and wrote up the report.

g*nsh*t wound to the chest
fired by person
or persons unknown.

Okay, who’s
primary on it?


And I don’t see it closing.

It’s going to stay
in red ink on the board

unless we catch
some major break.

Whoa, whoa,
wait a minute,
wait a minute.

You going to walk
on this, Bonner?

A kid is dead.

Probably drug-related.

Could be a g*ng thing

or maybe he just cut the
wrong guy off in traffic.

Hey, why all the interest
on your part?

You and Lance
are the red ball.

High-priority homicide

Why slum around
with us bottom feeders?

You’re not going to get
your name in the newspaper
on this one.

I’m just trying
to figure out
what went wrong.

I knew this kid.

He was a Lorenzo snitch.

That makes it
real important.

Hey, another punk
got wasted.

To me it’s
an ecology k*lling.

Thinning the herd.

You watch your
mouth, Bonner.

He was a friend
of mine, all right?

What are you,
nuts, Lorenzo?

I want this case, Bonner.

You got a problem with that?

You got it, hotshot.

Just clear it
with lieutenant Hudson.

Get the paperwork
from Kinnely

and while you’re at it,
you can kiss my...

Chris, I'm sure that
Detective Bonner
has places to go.

He knows where
he can go.

( Sighing )

So what was
that all about?

If I ever get
that coldhearted, sh**t me

and put me out
of my misery.

Darren was a good kid.

He wasn’t some piece of garbage
left in the street

to be kicked back
in the gutter.

I know.

His life meant something,

So should his death.


Darren didn’t have
anything to do

with gangbangers.

You know that.

Mrs. Langford,
I'm not trying to upset you.

I’m just... I'm trying
to make some kind of sense

out of what’s happened.

I know.

I guess I'm still raw.

Those two other cops,
they were...

Well, they didn’t know my boy

but you did.

You know what kind
of boy he was.

Yes, I do

and I want whoever did this
to pay for it.

Look, Mrs. Langford,
anything you can tell me--

uh, a list of his friends

anybody he might
have hung out with.

Look, do you know
this girl?


I haven’t seen her

but Darren was popular
with the girls.


Why, Chris?

Why would someone k*ll my boy?


Okay, okay,
his car is right here.

Right front wheel
up on the curb.


Well, maybe he
pulls in fast.

He bails out.

Maybe somebody’s
chasing him.

He gets out of
the car, he runs

and they sh**t him.

And he goes down
right here.

No, because he was shot
in the chest.

Now, if somebody’s chasing
him from behind

who’s in front
doing the sh**ting?

So maybe they get their
car up with his, right?

They force him over,
then they pass him

and then somebody
sh**t him from here.

All right,
stand right here.

Okay, now, somebody forces me
over to the curb

and I'm going to get out
and make a run for it.


No way.

Darren was faster
than I am, all right?

Now, if somebody
was chasing him

he would have gotten
a lot farther

before they could get
in front of him.

All right...
Okay, new scenario.

Darren sees something
going down.

He pulls over to help.

He gets this far out of his car
and somebody pops him.

Maybe, or maybe Darren
is not alone.

There’s somebody else
in the car with him

like this mystery girl

that nobody in his whole
damn school seems to know.

They get in
an argument.

She sh**t him.

Darren rams the curb.

He staggers out.

He goes down right here.

That’s even better.

How many high-school girls

do you know that carry g*ns,

We only need one.

Hey, Vince.

How are you doing?

the Firebird?

I have it
right over there.

Great. Thanks.

Man, Darren loved this car.

You know that he rebuilt
the engine in auto shop?

Wanted to buy it from him
before I got the charger

but he wouldn’t
sell it to me.

What is it with
guys and cars?

You’re always complaining
about yours

you’re cussing at it,
swearing at it

but you won’t
get rid of it.

It’s a classic.

It’s got soul.



What do we got?

We got a blood smear left
underside of the steering wheel.

We got another smear
here on the door handle.

Check this out.

It’s thick nape.

It looks expensive.

All right, the scenario

gets another

Darren gets shot

someplace else.

He puts the washcloth
against his chest

and he tries to drive himself
to the hospital

but he starts to fade.

He knows he’s not going
to make it.

What about the phone booth?

He’s driving along,
he’s losing it

he sees the phone booth
and he goes to call for help.

He gets out of his car
and he collapses.

And he rams the curb

the washcloth gets jammed
in between the seats.

That works.

It does. I want to go talk
to Dr. Weinstein

and see what her crystal ball

conjures up.

.-caliber lead slug
entered here.

It ricocheted off a rib
and did some major tissue damage

before it lodged
in the left lung.

There was no exit wound.

He died
from internal bleeding.

You know, that little slug
made a slow leak.

Can you give us
a ballpark estimate
on how long he lived

after he was shot?

No more
than ten, minutes Max.

Ten, minutes.

So how far

was the sh**t
from the victim?


There was gunpowder smudging

around the wound.

Virtually contact--
no more than three inches.

Up close
and personal, huh?


Yeah, intimate maybe.

Semen traces indicate
recent sexual activity.

So we got v*olence
and sex all in
the same frame

making this
a crime of passion.

( Phones ringing )

Burning the midnight oil?

George, you didn’t
have to do this.

They’re really lovely.

You were there for me.

I appreciated it.

There aren’t
a lot of people

I can share my feelings with.

It’s not easy
for me.

Yeah, me either.

Well, I guess if you ignore
the feelings

they will just go away, right?

We got a lot in common.

The rumor mill
has it that Chris

almost cleaned Bonner’s clock
in the parking lot today.

What’s wrong?

I think you should talk
to Chris about that.

It’s kind
of personal.

Oh, you don’t want
to betray his confidence.

That’s very like you, Rita.

That’s why I feel safe
to confide in you

I mean, to share my innermost
thoughts and feelings.

Hey, I've got a -year-old
bottle of scotch in my office.

Buy you a drink, detective?

I have to take a rain check.

I should really wrap all this
stuff up before it multiplies.


Well, I won’t keep you, then.

Good night.

Did you ever
talk to her?

The woman

that you were attracted to?



I’m beginning to think
the attraction may be mutual.


Well, you know

won’t get you
into any hassle, George.

Acting on those feelings might.

Be careful, all right?

I’ll try.


I’m telling you, man

this chick was built

like something out
of some magazine
or something.

You Eddie Weldon?

Sergeant Lorenzo.

This is my partner,
Sergeant Lance.

I ain’t done nothing.

We understand that
Darren Langford worked
here with you.

Yeah, Joe college?

Me, I graduated last year.

I heard Darren got dusted.

That’s whacked.

Either of you
know this girl?

Yeah, Darren knew
her real good

a couple times a week

right down
in the outlaw--
her daddy’s boat.

Her name’s cat.

At least that’s
what he called her.

What was her last name?


You see, daddy caught them
doing the wild thing aboard.

He and the missus
came down for a nooner

find the bed
already occupied.

Man, it was rich.

Daddy yelling,
little miss hot
pants screaming.

Darren shoved
daddy overboard.

This happen recently?

A couple days ago.

Daddy hollered
that he was going
to k*ll Darren.

You might want
to check him out,

Garth Carlson.

All his info’s on file
at the harbor master.

Thanks, Eddie.

No problem.



We’re police officers.

We’d like
to speak with you.

What is it?

do you know

Darren Langford?

Is he in some kind
of trouble?

Whatever it is,
my father’s behind it.

He hates Darren.

Um... someone
k*lled Darren.


No, that can’t be.

This can’t be happening.

I loved him.

I loved him!


Darren was supposed
to meet me after school

and he didn’t make it.

That wasn’t like him.

He’d always call
if he couldn’t make it

but I thought he was afraid

after the trouble
with my father.

Because of the fight
aboard your yacht?

Who are you people?

Police officers.

You Mr. Carlson?

Yes, I am.

I don’t appreciate

you barging
in here like this.

We didn’t barge in.

We’re investigating
the m*rder of
Darren Langford.


You can’t believe my
daughter has anything

to do with this.

We’re questioning everybody
who knew Darren.

It’s standard procedure.

Well, I think before anyone
gives any answers

I would like
to call my lawyer.

Darren is dead, daddy.

Are you happy now?

He’s never going
to touch me again.

Never make love to me.


that’s enough.

We have two eyewitnesses

that saw you thr*aten
Darren Langford’s life

aboard your yacht.

We can talk
about that here

or you can call
your lawyer

and have him
meet us downtown.

Your call.

I spend ten grand a year
on her private school

so she meets
the right kind of boys

and she gives herself
to this punk.

Now, you also said
you didn’t see Darren again

after he pushed you in the water
that Sunday afternoon.

That’s correct.

And, yes, I did say
I would k*ll him.

Haven’t you ever said
anything stupid

in the heat of anger, detective?

You own
a .-caliber p*stol, sir?


Cathleen’s young,
rebellious, angry
so much of the time.

I always thought
this romance was her way

of getting back at her father.

And you?

I’m cast
as the evil stepmother.

Didn’t Cathleen tell you?

She doesn’t give a damn
what I think

one way or another.

You know what
our big heart-to-heart

mother-daughter conversation

Condoms, the pill, or foam.

Well, I use the pill,
so, of course, she chose foam.

Yeah, well, my mom was
real big on abstinence.

Hey, at least
she was religious

about using birth control.

Doesn’t that qualify
as "family values"?

Did your husband dislike
all of Cathleen’s boyfriends

or was it just Darren?

There were no others.

Darren was her first love.

Did you ever hear Garth
thr*aten Darren

before the yacht incident?

He never caught the kid in bed

with his baby girl

Does your husband own

a .-caliber
p*stol, Mrs. Carlson?


Donovan, give me my seat, man.

Uh, yeah.

Rita was just briefing me
on the Lopez case.


No, the Langford case, George.


Well, I, uh, better get going.

Wait up, hopalong.

I know you’ve
been briefed

but let me give you the skinny
from the lab, all right?

We found carpet fibers
on Darren’s clothing.

Brand-new carpet fibers.

We also found a paint smear
on his palm.

Given the history between
Garth Carlson and Darren

do we have enough
reasonable cause

to get a warrant to go in,
search Carlson’s place

to try to find fibers
and paint that’ll match?

Iffy-- even if
the judge signs off

and you get a fiber match,
it’s still weak.

How much of that carpet’s
been sold in the
palm beach area

in the last six months
to a year?

Would the fibers
in the wound

prove he was there
when he was shot?

He could have been
there earlier

and been shot
somewhere else.

As for the paint...

All right, all right.

You don’t need to show off.

Just tee the ball up
properly for me, Lorenzo.

Then back off and
let the big dog eat.

Lunch. Next week.

I’ll even take you someplace
with a foundation

instead of four wheels.

Sounds very tempting, George.
Why don’t you call me.



See you, George.

How long has Donovan
had this thing for you?

Did it come on quickly
like a virus or...

Oh, get out of here.

Donovan has taken me
to lunch lots of times.

Yeah, and he always
buys you roses.

Trust me, Rita.

Donovan doesn’t want
to take you to lunch.

Donovan wants
to have you for lunch.

The testosterone is seeping
through his suit.

Oh, come on, Chris.

He’s married, he’s a family man

and he’s... he’s Donovan.

Okay. Carlson has no history
in the computer.


Cathleen was our
number-one contender.

Maybe the spinning bottle
stops on her again.

Possible, but not
the way that we figured it--

that there was a lovers’ quarrel
after sex

which led to the sh**ting.

Is this another hunch?

No, weinstein said that Darren
definitely had sex

prior to his death.

Right, but not with Cathleen.

See, Valerie said
that she was very careful

about birth control.

Cathleen used foam.

Dr. Weinstein says
that she found traces of semen

but no spermicide.

Meaning Darren was having
sex with somebody else.

I couldn’t watch you
every minute of the day

so I hired someone who could
and he took these.

Oh, Garth...

He’s just a boy, val.

Was just a boy.

But look...

Look how hungry you are for him,
look how you’re going for him.

You want a divorce?


I want to see you
like that.

I want that part of you.

I want to hear
all about it.

I want you to tell me
everything he did to you--

every single detail.

Garth, that’s so nasty.

It makes me feel so dirty.

Hey, coach.

Hey, Zack, what’s up?

Bummer about Darren,

You working the case?


Yeah, not much
to go on so far.

We, uh... you know.

You okay with it, man?

Yeah. I went
and saw his mom today.

It helped some, but...

It just doesn’t make sense,
man, you know, none whatever.

No, it doesn’t.

So how was your trip back east?

Everything cool with your pop?

He married
some chick half his age.

It’s kind of weird, you know.

It’s like she should be with me,
you know, not with him.

Zack, did Darren
ever talk to you about Cathleen?

Everybody else
around here--

nobody’s seen her
or ever talked to her

but you and Darren--
you guys were tight.

Yeah, you know

he was always shady about her

like he was guilty.

Always sneaking around,
everything was a big secret

but you know,
she lives up in those new condos

by the Marina.

No, she lives
behind the gates

over on windward terrace.

Must have moved, then

because he gave me
a call one time

to go over there
and give him a jump.

His car was punk

wouldn’t crank
and, uh...

Man, I got
a look at her, coach

and she was some fine work.

Women her age are supposed
to be wild.

Cathleen is years old.

We’re talking about
two different slides here.

The one I saw up there
was way more than that.

I know this is kind
of technical

but we need
to be certain.

Now, Ms. Carlson gave you

to let people
into her unit.

That’s right. She was having
some remodeling done

and she’s got workmen in
and out all the time.

That establishes control

so we can go in without
a search warrant.

I’m no prude.

What a person does
sexually is her own business

but he was just a kid.

They met here
a couple of times a week

then earlier this week--
Monday, I think--

they got into a huge fight,
screaming and everything.

We had neighbors complaining.

It looks like we got
a blood stain on the rug.

I bet you the washcloth
that we found
in Darren’s car

is going to match
the set in
the bathroom.

There’s also a palm print
above the sink

which means he probably
leaned against it

while the paint
was still wet.

All right, let’s
get forensics in here
to nail it down tight.

It’s where Darren
was shot.

Valerie Carlson is going
to go down for m*rder.

Mrs. Carlson?

Isn’t this getting
a bit tiresome, detective?

You’re under arrest
for suspicion of m*rder.

That sounds like a joke...
But I suppose it isn’t.

It’s no joke.

You have the right
to remain silent...

Those photographs
don’t prove anything.

I keep telling you
you have no right!

Read the search
warrant, sir.

I gave you a copy.

It specifies

the house, all the outbuildings,
and the vehicles.

She didn’t k*ll him.

I’ve never seen
that before.

I bet your wife has.

I’m going to ask you
one more time.

Do you understand
these rights as
I've read them to you?

Do I have the right
to another drink?

Found this
in your car

Mrs. Carlson.

Is this yours?

Don’t say anything
until I can call Arthur.

It’s mine.
I have it for protection.

Bulkier than a condom
and not nearly as useful

but Garth insists.

Shut up, val.

This is very interesting.

Look, I was having sex
with him

but I didn’t k*ll him.

Mr. Carlson,
you want to call

your attorney.

Have him meet us

Rita, help Mrs. Carlson
get some clothes on.


Did you have sex with
Darren Langford that afternoon?

Yes, and I know
that having sex with a minor

is against the law

but I assure you,
it was consensual.

I met him there at :.

Maybe it was closer
to :.

Check with
the private investigator

my husband hired
to follow me.

He must have written
it down

when he wasn’t playing
with his long lens.

Anyway, we made love
as soon as he got there

on the floor.

He liked it that way.

We made it again
about a half hour later.

You shocked?

No, not much shocks me, lady.

I’ve been on this job too long.

But your attitude makes me sick.

This is all some
perverted joke to you.

To you, Darren’s life
doesn’t mean anything.

You used him-- you used him like
he was some cheap sex toy

to get your bells rung.

He was seven...

What did the two of you
argue about?

We have statements
from the neighbors

that it was quite loud
and violent.

He fell in love with me.

He said he wanted me
to leave my husband--

live some fantasy
he dreamed up--

the two of us living in my
little condo happily ever after.

He forced me to tell him
how things really were.

He didn’t handle it very well.

That’s not how it was.

I talked to Darren the night
before he died.

He told me that he was blowing

the only decent thing
in his life.

He said he was messing
everything up

but he couldn’t stop, because
it was like an addiction.

You were that addiction,
weren’t you?

He wasn’t in love with you.

He was in love
with Cathleen

but you seduced him
and wouldn’t let go.

That’s what you fought about
that day.

He came over
to tell you it was over.

And you couldn’t
handle it!

I didn’t know
this was personal, detective.

You’re damn right
this is personal!

Come on, George, you got
to be kidding me.

You couldn’t find a jury that
would vote anything but guilty.

Of manslaughter, yes;
Of first-degree m*rder,
no way.

So, what about
the physical evidence?

It all supports

a crime of passion,
which clearly
is what it was.

Now, my hunch is
she’s going to plead out.

Put the icing on it for me

just in case.

Chris, you wanted
to find the person

who k*lled your friend.

You did. It’s a win.

Now, the odds are
she’ll do time.

Bull-- she’s going
to plead self-defense

or she’ll get some
lawyer to run a scam
and get her off.

She’ll end up with
probation, George.

That seem right to you?


But you do what you can
with what you got.



Where’s your partner
in crime?

Uh, he’s meeting
with Carlson’s P.I.

In some sleazy
topless bar.

We had to flip a coin
about seven times

before he
finally lost.

So how are we doing
with Valerie Carlson?

She bailed out
about an hour ago.

We’re charging her
with manslaughter

and so far her lawyer has no
interest in being reasonable.

We’re probably going
to have to go to trial.

Hey, I was hoping
to take you guys

to Mulvaney’s for a beer.

Chris seemed pretty hot.


Well, you know
how it is.

I mean, it gets
pretty frustrating.

But that’s a really
nice gesture.

I’ll tell him.

We could solo.

I can’t tonight.

I promised Chris dinner.


Well, then,
guess I'm out of here.


Pat yourself on the back.

You did good.



Uh... you remember the woman
that you were telling me about--

the one that you work with


That you had a little crush on?

Is it me?


Right, I'm secretly lusting
after Rita Lance.

No, I know it’s crazy,
but Chris...

Well, when you sent the roses

and kind of
been hanging out...


That’s rich.

That’s really funny.

I don’t even find you that sexy.

I mean,
you’re attractive

but I'm not attracted
to you

for crying out loud.

Well, thank you so much, George.

You know just what to say
to a woman.

I’ll talk to you later.

Come on, you know what I mean.

I’m not trying to imply
that you’re, uh...

Lighten up, Chris.

If you hadn’t stepped up
for Darren

he would have been
written off

as another
random street k*lling.

Man, this just
doesn’t feel right.

Come here.


Are we going
to go through this again?

How flawed the system is

and how the wheels
of justice are going flat?

I’m telling you,
this is not random discontent.

This is bogus.

This case, it
doesn’t make any sense.

I mean, Valerie, right?

She’s so smart that she wipes
her prints off the g*n

but she is so stupid
she hangs onto it

even after we question her
for the first time.

I got to admit that’s
a little sideways.

But maybe she thought
we were so stupid

that we wouldn’t put
the pieces together
and come back again.


See, there’s another
gap in the wire.

The P.I. That was working
for Carlson, he said

that he followed Valerie
back to her condo at :.

She left again at :

and he tailed her
to the country club.

She was on the court
playing tennis by :.

Yeah, he even gave you
the field reports. So?

So Dr. Weinstein
said that Darren bled to death

no more than minutes
after being shot.

So let’s say that Valerie
sh**t him at :

or a couple of minutes
after :.

Then he gets into his car,
he drives three and a half miles

he gets out and he collapses.

His body wasn’t found
until :.

And someone would have seen him
lying there

and they would have
called it in.

But no one did.

So we got to assume

that the cops found his body
right after he died.

Now, that was an hour and a half
after Valerie left the condo.


So somebody came in
after her

and shot him
and then put the g*n

where we would find it.

That’s it.

Garth, darling, come be with me.

Hold me till I stop shaking.

He’s asleep.

He took
one of his pills.

He won’t wake up until morning.

Your glass is empty.

Cathleen, I know what I did
was horrible

and I can’t ask you
to forgive me.

But please don’t hate me.

I didn’t mean to hurt you.


You knew

how much I loved him

and that’s why
you took him away from me.

I didn’t k*ll him.

Yes, you did.

Yes, you did!

You had to ruin everything

for us!

You have to pay

for what you did to me.

You ruined my life.

Let go!

Mrs. Carlson, palm beach police!

You have to die!

He had to die
for what he did to me.

And so do you!

( Gasping )

Let me die!

( Sobbing: )
I want to die.

I want to die.


( Whistle blowing )

Let’s go!

Come on, get it! Get it!

That’s it!

You got a big game.

Come on! Come on!

( Catcalls )

Oh, baby!

Is that your
old lady, coach?

That’s my partner, Paco,
and she packs a piece

so you be careful.

No wonder
you’re working

all the time.

You got that right.

All right,
all right

come on, we got
a big game today.

Let’s get our
heads in this.




on defensive sides.

God, I like

What’s the score?

The game hasn’t
started yet, George.

The other team
isn’t here.


Yeah, I knew that.

Come on, come on!

Rita, about
the other night...

Oh, forget about it,

It never happened, okay?

The woman I was
infatuated with...

It was you.



I mean,
don’t worry.

Everything’s cool.

It was like a fever or something

and now it’s broken,
and everything’s

back to normal.

It was fun for a while, though.

I felt
a little younger

a little thinner

a little...

It was nice.

Thanks for telling me, George.

I mean, I really think
it’s kind of sweet.

You don’t suppose...

I mean, you never felt, uh...


That’s good

because I'm deeply in love
with my wife.

She’s a very lucky woman,
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