06x03 - Divorce, Palm Beach Style

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x03 - Divorce, Palm Beach Style

Post by bunniefuu »

Do you do this for all your clients?

It's all about the yin and the Yang.

The balance of...


This afternoon in the courtroom
with your ex-husband...

That was all...

Negative energy.

Well, this is definitely positive.


Driver: Watch it, jerk!

Inside edition...

A current affair...

Hard copy.

I'm guessing there's a Kennedy involved.

Close, but no cigar.

It's Mickey meyerson.

Mickey meyerson, the divorce attorney?

That narrows our suspects
down to about a billion.

What happened?

Won a big case this afternoon.

Came here to "celebrate"

with his client.

According to her, left around : .

Grabbed his keys off the valet stand...

Where was the valet?

Unconscious nearby... somebody clubbed him.

How'd he buy it?


M.e. Thinks it was piano wire.

Maybe it was his piano teacher.

Hey, where the hell were you this morning?

I've been here for over an hour-and-a-half.

I've been filling out forms

handling the press.

We're supposed to be partners.

I had things to do.

In boca?

How'd you know I was in boca?

That's where Don's donuts is.

Look, I apologize.

Next time you can show up

an hour-and-a-half late.

Now, have we got some suspects

or any clues, or anything?

That's the interesting thing...

The lack of clues.

There's no witnesses

no hair or fiber

no fingerprints, no footprints.

Sounds like a professional hit.

That's what I'm thinking.

Famous divorce attorney
noted for representing

the wives of rich, powerful men.

Man who would know people
who know professional K*llers.

I like it.

All we need is a client list.



The leg room here

is like, nothing.

You'd think for the money you pay

you could have parties back here.

What is it about cars

that make men stupid... or stupider?

We like them. Yeah, I know.

But what's the
psychological reason behind it

other than the phallic thing?

Beats me. Unlike you

I tend not to analyze
every little thing I do.

You think I do that?

You think I analyze everything?


Why do you think I do that?

That was a joke.

You want me to think it was.

I'm not a lawyer

but a guy k*lling his
wife's divorce attorney

may be justifiable homicide.

Will you ever get over our divorce?

I'm not talking about our divorce.

You were talking about our divorce.

Cassy, judge gave you the dog, my dog.

There's a reason they
call dogs man's best friend.

You had visitation.

Yeah, until you k*lled him.

I'm not having this argument again.

I don't blame you.

If I k*lled a dog, I...

I didn't k*ll him.

He dug under the fence

ran into the street after a female dog

and got hit by a car.

Right, it's semantics.

You say tomato, I say you k*lled him.

See you back at the station.

I said, see you back at the station.

What are you looking at?

See that gate?

What about it?

There's a camera at the entrance

pointed out at the street.


And... since that street

leads to the main road

the k*ller, assuming he came in a car

would've left by that entrance

after he did meyerson...

Passing that camera.


I take back the car comment.

Tom: Freeze it.

Is there any way to make it clearer?

Not that I know of.

It's a fixed focus on the entrance.

I know someone who can make it clearer.

Do you mind

if we take that tape?

Be my guest.

Uh, hmm... you better wait here.

These guys are the nervous type.

Hi, Glen.


Saw your picture on TV.

Guess it wasn't the camera
that added ten pounds.

Hi, cassy!

Where's the m*rder*r?

Uh, he's out back.

I want you to take a look at this.

Hey, what's that?

Darren, I wanted Glen to look at it.

Where'd you get this?

Surveillance camera near the m*rder scene.

Typical surveillance tape:

Below camcorder quality.

I don't even know why they bother.

Glen, I'm not through with that yet!

Guys, I'm a little short on time.

Glen: Very Andy warhol.

I need to be able to read

the license numbers

on any cars passing by after ten P.M.

Do you think you can do it?

I can do it!

I can do a lot of things.

Glen: Hey, who's the stiff?

That's my new partner.


This is Glen.

Glen, Tom.

Do I come to your house

and touch things on your table?

Sorry. Here's your pen.

It's not a pen.

It's a digital voice recorder
that I built from scratch!

Hasn't even been tested yet.

Cassy: Tell you what.

We'll test the pen for you.

You get us the license numbers.

Win, win.

Yeah, okay.


This is the list of potential suspects.


See, I wasn't that far off.

Close to a billion.

That's a lot of clients.

Yeah. Now, look

do me a favor.

Stay on the list on this one. Okay?

I got hard copy going through our trash.

The chief's calling me nonstop.

What's his problem?

Meyerson represented his ex-wife

in their divorce.

He must be on the list, too.

The chief doesn't want to be accused

of dragging his feet on this investigation.

All I'm saying is...

Stay with the list

and away from hunches.

No problem here.

Who's next?

Jimmy green.

That's the sports agent, right?

Yeah. He represents half the dolphins.

Seems he wasn't pleased

with the result of his divorce.

As a logical reaction

he stalked meyerson for two months

until meyerson got a restraining order.

William drell was the judge.

One to ten, I give him five as a suspect.

Yeah. Me, too.

What's wrong?

Old w*r injury.

Must have slept funny.

Got the name of a great chiropractor.




Okay, fine.

Yeah. Thanks.

Who's that?

Next is...

Who's that?

What's the difference?

Unrelated to this.

Fine. Just making conversation.

I thought meyerson
represented the wife exclusively.

He does.

Not in Harrison v. Harrison.

He represented the husband.

On that alone, the wife's a seven.

The ex-husband was worth about $ million.

Two points for that brings her to nine.

What's her beef?

She openly threatened meyerson in court

got hours of
community service as a reply.

She was generous with her threats.

She also threatened her ex-husband

the court reporter and the judge...

Judge drell, I might add.

Oh! Look, will you get
off judge drell already?

He's involved in this,
it stinks, I can smell it.

Wishful thinking.

That's funny, his name keeps turning up.

There are only three family
court judges in palm beach

meaning a one in three chance

he'll be the judge.

The guy has the
compassion of a cluster b*mb.

I didn't like him when he did our divorce.

Well, the ex-Mrs. Harrison

sounds like a good place to start.

What does she do?

Hmm. Oh, I didn't even notice.

She's an Ingrid's intimates model.

Mandy Harrison.

Mandy Harrison?

Geez. You're pathetic.

You have a breast fixation
that rivals maidenform's.

Sorry, did you say something?

Are you Mandy Harrison?

I don't go by that name anymore.

Did you use to be Mandy Harrison?

Who are you?

Sergeants Ryan and St. John

palm beach police.

Can we talk to you for a minute?


Can you undo me?

So, you're a cop.

You look like a cop.

Thank you.

Do you ever get scared?

I used to... then I
discovered I was bulletproof.

Do you know Mickey meyerson?

Oh... scum of the earth.

He represented my husband in our divorce.

Well, he was found dead last night.

Who k*lled him?

What makes you think he was k*lled?

Obviously, you never met him.

You threatened meyerson.

Two years ago.

Heat of the moment.

You've never done anything like that?

Yeah. It happens.

I sh**t off my mouth

and get hours of community service.

Meanwhile, o.J. Walks.

Tell me about it.

Where were you last night around : ?

I was at a nightclub

promoting the Ingrid's
intimates cd-rom catalog.

There are about
people there who saw me.

I'm sure it won't be a problem.


Why didn't you hire meyerson?

He's supposed to be the best
divorce attorney in palm beach.

Because my ex-husband hired him first.

He had it all planned out

even bribing the judge.

You mean judge drell?

Who else?

Do you have any proof of that?

Read the transcript.

My case was bulletproof.

I signed a prenuptial
agreement under duress.

Judge just ignored the evidence.

And six months after our trial

drell was appointed to the U.S.

District court.

So... what?

So what is that

my ex-husband chaired
the selection committee

that came up with his
name for the position.

Yeah, thanks.

This is insane.

We're going on the word of a woman

who walks around in
her underwear for a living.

Checks out, Norman Harrison was the head

of the selection committee.

He's not even a suspect.

We're following a lead.

I think we both know what we're following.

Look, Harrison has $ million.

He had Mandy sign a pre-nup

but he did it at the altar

which qualifies as signing under duress.

He figures he's going to get halved.

$ million for bad timing...

A lot cheaper to bribe a judge

especially one like drell

who's got the ethics of a tapeworm.

Come on, you got to admit it makes sense.

Yeah, well, so does mandarin Chinese

and I don't understand that.

What do you got against Mandy anyway?


I just think she's...


I have nothing against her.

What do you think of her?

I could do worse.

You have done worse

and that's not what I'm talking about.

Oh, you mean as a suspect.

No, as a potential marriage partner.

It never ceases to amaze
me how little it takes

to turn a man into a blubbering idiot.

Her alibi is airtight.

End of story.

Whoa, that's a big boat.

Well, it's not the size of the boat

it's the...

Both: Motion of the ocean.

Right, you just keep telling yourself that.

What's that supposed to mean?


You meant something by that.

You're trying to tell
me that I didn't stack up

in that department?

Boy, aren't we sensitive.

About that we are.



Oh, wipe that stupid smile off your face.

I'm not smiling...

Not on the outside anyway.

Thanks, honey.

Hey, you ever hear the story of prometheus?

In Greek mythology

he stole fire from
Olympus and gave it to man

and in retaliation, Zeus plagued man

with pandora and her box of evils

and chained prometheus to a mountain

where an eagle fed on his liver.

I named my first
operational system after him

because I felt, like fire,
computers could be both helpful

or they could be harmful.

I'm getting off the subject?

Mickey meyerson.

Right, right, Mickey.

Well, Mickey was a terrific lawyer.

He also became my friend.

It troubles me that Mandy

is dragging his name through the mud

especially when he's not
around to defend himself.

Are you saying she lied?

Mandy's always had a
gift for telling tall tales.

In fact, she has a number of gifts

as I'm sure you've seen.

It just boils down

to sour grapes on her part.

So you're saying it
was strictly coincidence

judge drell was appointed
to the federal bench

six months after your case?

Do you know anything about judge drell

or his family?

Not really.

His grandfather was
the governor of Florida.

There's a county named after him.

His father was one of the state's

finest supreme court justices.

What does that have to
do with his qualifications?

In a perfect world

it wouldn't have anything
to do with anything

but that's politics.

Listen, judge drell is a fine judge

a man I spent time with socially

on numerous occasions

and, yes, a man whose family history

helped him get where he is today.

That's not a crime, is it?

No, it's not.

Thanks for your time.

My pleasure.

But I am curious.

Why did you hire Mickey meyerson?

So Mandy couldn't.

You just can't admit it.

Mandy's breasts threw your equilibrium off

and you jumped at the possibility

that judge drell was dirty

and what's really scary
is a guy like Harrison

is head of a selection committee

to pick federal judges.

At least, cop to the fact
that Norman Harrison

had a perfectly reasonable explanation

for everything that happened.

This is so reminiscent
of when we were married.

Whenever you were wrong

you just clammed up.

What are you doing with
the cellular phone scanner?

Woman: What are you going to wear?

Man: So, what are you doing?

Woman: You've reached the offices

of judge William drell.

Leave a message and we'll
return your call as soon as possible.

Bill, it's Norman Harrison.

The police were just here
asking some questions about you.

Give me a call when you get this message.

Well, I hate to say I told you so, but...

Oh, who am I kidding?

I love telling you that.

I told you so.

Drell's dirty.



He called him the minute we left.

So? It's an old-boy's-network call.

"The cops are here.

"Don't know what's going on.

Thought you might want to know."

Because that's what old boys do.

So what are you saying?

If a cop came to your house

asking questions about me, you'd call?


You're probably right

but drell's still dirty.

Let's say for argument's
sake that he did take a bribe

why k*ll meyerson two years later?

Meyerson has a lot of these mega-divorces

he knows drell took a bribe.

He puts the squeeze on for
another case, another case.

Drell tires of it, hires
somebody to take meyerson out.

That would make sense

except for one thing:

Six months afterwards

drell was appointed to district court.

He does criminal law.

Meyerson is exclusively divorce.

Cassy's right.

This guy's not even on the list.

I said stay with the list.

But, cap... you're upset

because he k*lled your dog.

No, she k*lled my dog

he was an accessory.

Your dog is dead.

I don't want to hear it.

You stay with that list.

There's plenty of good suspects on it.

What about his partner, Van barrow?

She's a criminal defense attorney.

Who practices in front of judge drell.

So what? Drell's district covers

all of south Florida except for Miami.

Every palm beach criminal defense attorney

who practices will go before drell

at the district court level.

The list.

Do you have a filter in your brain

that prevents you from hearing

what Harry said?

Look, nobody asked you to come.

Besides, I'm off the clock.

I'm doing this on my own time.

It's perfectly natural in an investigation

to question the victim's partner.

She was already interviewed.

We're following new information.

Speak louder so when Harry asks

which one of us to sh**t first...

Can I help you?

We'd like to speak to Patricia Van barrow.

Do you have an appointment?

She's really quite busy right now.

I can schedule an appointment.

We'll be brief.

Sir! Sir, I...

Sorry to bother you.

Palm beach police department.

I'm sorry, Ms. Van barrow

he walked right past me.

Want me to call somebody?

That's all right.

You can leave us.

You came to talk about Mickey.

That's right.

How's the investigation going?

There are a number of suspects.

He's not going to win
any popularity contest.

Except with his clients.

So, how can I help you?

How long did you know Mr. Meyerson?

About ten years.

He handled my divorce.

I liked his work so we went into business.

How was your relationship?

It was good... we had
our fights like partners do.

We dated at one time

but we were better partners than lovers.

I've already been over
this with one of the officers

when I identified Mickey's body.

I know, please bear with me.

Do you know judge William drell?

You can't practice criminal law

in this town and not know bill.

What about Mickey?

He knew bill from family court.

Oh, is there a phone I could use?

There's one in the reception
area if you'd like privacy.


You look really tense.

It goes with the job.

You should let Veronica work on you.

She's done wonders with me.

Well, I should give you a call sometime.

Do you have a card?

Thank you.

That's incredible.

Oh, the pain is gone.

Uh... thank you.


That was n.C.I.C.

Glen called in a dozen license numbers.

One of the cars that passed
the surveillance camera

belonged to Sammy porcaro.

Isn't he one of Nicky the Greek's g*ons?

Yeah, and meyerson was a professional hit

and... and this is a big "and"

Nicky the Greek was just indicted.

So Nicky whacks meyerson

and in return gets
preferred customer treatment

on his current case.

I'd be willing to bet a year's salary

that Nicky's trial is being
heard by judge drell.


Are you absolutely sure?

Tom, I've checked three times.

Nicky the Greek's case was filed in Miami

and it's being heard in Miami.

I'm stunned, i'm...

I'm in a state of... I'm stunned.

I mean, it was all locked up.

Please don't sit on my desk.

It happens. Somebody looks good for a crime

and then a better story comes along.

Yeah, but it was strangers on a train.

The Hitchcock movie...
strangers on a train.

Two strangers meet on a train

one guy wants the other

to k*ll somebody annoying in his life.

In return, he'll k*ll somebody
annoying in that guy's life

thus, no connection to the murders.

I'm not sure I follow you.

Nicky had no connection to meyerson

so there's no reason to suspect him, ever!

He whacks meyerson for drell...

Drell throws his case out.

Strangers on a train.

Other than the fact that drell

isn't hearing his case, it's sound.

You want to tell me why Sammy porcaro

is in our interrogation room
with his attorney, hmm?

'Cause I looked on the list.

He is not on it.

Cassy: We got porcaro's

license plate

off a surveillance
camera outside the hotel.

Meyerson was a professional job

and porcaro is tied to
Nicky the Greek, so...

That brings us to now.

All right, then put his name on the list.


We're adding names to the list.

I'm detective St. John...

Detective St. John

detective Ryan.

Mind if I smoke?

Smoking's bad for you.

Also illegal in this building.

What are you

going to do, arrest me for smoking?

You can count on it.

I've been meaning to cut back anyway.

Just so you understand...

In the interest of full disclosure...

We're not charging you with a crime

and you're under no
obligation to talk to us.

I got nothing to hide.

I briefed Mr. Porcaro fully on his rights.

I argued against coming down here

but he felt like there might be

the potential for a lawsuit, so...

That's why we're here.

In the interest of full disclosure.


Where were you Thursday night?


Thursday night, let's see.

Oh, I watched friends

then went to dinner.

By yourself?

Yeah. Believe it or not

I didn't have a date.

Where did you go to dinner?

Le meridian.

In the grand palms hotel?

That's right.

But I didn't eat there.

When I got there

I realized I'd forgotten my wallet

so I went home, made a
sandwich and went to sleep.

I don't suppose you saw anyone

that can provide you an alibi.

I didn't know I needed an alibi.

You never know

when one might come in handy.

I might have called my mom

but other than that, I don't think I saw

or talked to anyone.

Well, I guess that's it.

Thanks for coming down.

Porcaro: I read the papers.

I know a divorce lawyer, Mickey meyerson

was m*rder*d in the garage

of the grand palms hotel Thursday night.

But I don't know Mr. Meyerson.

I don't know anyone who knows Mr. Meyerson.

And if you want to put me on a lie detector

and ask me those questions

I got no problem with that.

Strangers on a train.

Lipschitz: Well, do you have

anything solid?

It's kind of a gray area.

Gray, gray area. Yeah.

How gray?


Three hours, that's all we ask.

Just three hours, and I swear

we're on this list like super glue.

All right.

You got three hours.

Why three hours?

I don't know.

Four seemed excessive

and two didn't feel like enough.

Somebody confess?

I ran a background check on Van barrow.


Because her partner's not even cold yet

and she's getting massages,
like nothing's wrong.

Some people deal with
grief differently, cass.

What would you do if I was k*lled?

I'd be miserable.

It'd create a void in my life

that I couldn't fill and I...

A day wouldn't go by

that I didn't think about you.


Anyway, it seems Van barrow...

had a key man insurance
policy on meyerson

to the tune of ten mil.

Then we've got motive.

As his partner, she would know

where he would be when he died

so that's opportunity... I like it.

And we've only used seconds.

Woman: Need anything else

before I go?

No, I'm fine, thanks.

Okay, see you tomorrow.


Great security.


Who's there?

Take the stairs, I'll take the elevator.

All right.

Shh, shh, shh.

There's someone after me.

Did you see who?

No, they were coming into my office

so I left through my private entrance.

Okay, stay close to me.

Don't worry, I will.

Cassy: So you never actually

saw who it was?

I know someone was there

if that's what you're asking.

Weren't there two b*llet
holes in the janitor's closet?

Do you think this was related

to meyerson's death?

Do you?

I asked you first.

Since I don't know why Mickey was k*lled

and I don't know who'd want to k*ll me

I really can't say!

What were you doing here, anyway?

You had a $ million key
man policy on Mickey, yes?

Are you saying now I'm a suspect?

Someone just tried to k*ll me!

We're just doing our job.

It's an obvious question.

We had policies on each other.

Both for $ million.

It's typical for any business partnership.

$ million?

Do you know what

our annual billings are?

One or two contingency cases could easily

exceed $ million.

We were probably underinsured.

You're not telling us everything.

That's not true.

You know something

about meyerson's relationship

to judge drell.

I told you what I know.

I told you everything I know.

But you suspected there was more.

I knew that Mickey had incredible influence

with judge drell.

And you didn't ask why?

Lawyers are trained never to ask questions

they don't know the answer to.

Did Mickey ever

act on behalf of you or your clients?

We were partners.

We each had a vested interest

in the other doing well.

I never asked for any specific help.

You can draw your own conclusions.

One last question:

Did Mickey know or ever do business

with a Nicky the Greek?

Not that I'm aware of.

Cassy: Divorce lawyer,

criminal lawyer, judge...

People who graduate law school

people who work in a courtroom

people without ethics...

Do you mind?

Don't think out loud.

You're not helping.

Look, I've been over this a million times!

Over what?

The list. What else?


Well, the chief wants
a status report by noon.

No problem.

We're dead.


Could you hang on a minute, please?

So... do you want

to fabricate the status report

or should I fabricate the status report?

It's the underwear queen, right?

You made a date with her

in the middle

of a homicide investigation.

Do you know how incredibly
unprofessional that is?

And not to mention...

Rude? Callous? Unfeeling?

All of the above.

She probably fell off of her
shoes and needs your help.

Detective Ryan.


Well, I appreciate you calling.

Thank you.

That was Patricia Van barrow.

A request for change of venue

has been put in for Nicky's case.

It's about to be
transferred to palm beach...

Judge William drell.

You're kidding?

It hasn't been approved yet

but these things are
rubber-stamped all the time.

Whatever it is you're thinking, forget it.

Last time I saw that
smile, we got suspended.

I got an idea.

With a little luck, we might have a plan.

First, we pay a visit to judge drell.

See? I don't like it already.

Who has the most to lose here?

Other than us?

If Nicky doesn't have a stacked deck

with the judge, he ends up doing time.

Judge does time for the bribe

is publicly disgraced.

Norman Harrison, he gets...

Six months in a federal country club

publicly humiliated

but he stands to
potentially lose $ million

if his case is retried.

So if Harrison's the weak link

why do you want to see the judge?

To get him to admit he accepted a bribe.

If something's important to the police

it's important to me.

Now, how can I help you?

As you're probably aware

we're in the middle

of a high-profile homicide investigation.

Mickey meyerson.

Tragic affair.

I knew Mr. Meyerson

from his many appearances in my court.

He was always well-prepared

respectful of the law

and a worthy advocate for his clients.

In the course of any investigation

we hear lots of things

many of which might not be true.

We heard innuendo about you

and wanted to squelch it

before the press got wind of it.

You mean Mandy Harrison.

I suspected that might be why you're here.

Norman Harrison phoned me.

Did he?

We're friends.

He called out of a
concern for my reputation.

Much like the reason why you're here.

Mandy Harrison threatened Mr. Meyerson

a court reporter and myself.

And while it may have been made in the heat

of the moment

the integrity of the legal system

is of Paramount importance to me.

I gave her a chance to retract it...

Well, you can read the transcripts.

I took the opportunity to.

When she wouldn't retract

you gave her community service.

Threatening an officer of the court

is a felony punishable
by up to two years in jail.

I thought I was doing her a favor

by only giving her hours

of community service.

So there was no...

And you'll forgive me for this...

Quid pro quo for Norman Harrison?

Bluntly speaking, did I take a
bribe from Norman Harrison?

No, I did not.

You can understand

given he was head of
the selection committee

there was the appearance...

I understand completely.

But, fact is, the selection committee

merely makes a recommendation.

I was appointed by the president

and I don't think he had a vested interest

in the outcome of Harrison v. Harrison.

Judge drell's voice: I took a bribe

from Norman Harrison

in Harrison v. Harrison.

It's perfect.

It sounds like he
actually said it that way.

What were you expecting?

It's digital.

Makes it easy to smooth
out the highs and lows.

By the way, this sounds like entrapment.

How about a hug?

I took a bribe from Norman Harrison

in Harrison v. Harrison.

That's an interesting tape.

I have no idea what he's talking about.

I really think

anything you have to say

should be said to my lawyers.

That's fine, if that's the way

you want to handle this.

There's an alternative

that might be more attractive.

It only exists now.

Let's say for the sake of argument

I was interested.

We want you to wear a wire

when you have dinner
with judge drell tonight.

Get him to admit he was involved

with Mickey meyerson's death.

I have no idea why I would do that...

But if I did, what would I get?

This tape would cease to exist.

Although you're still
going to have to write

a rather large check to your ex-wife.

How large?

Yeah, it's me.

Let me talk to him.

Hey, I'm at the Marina.

The judge is on Harrison's boat.

What do you want me to do?

Hurry up.

Judge drell is here.

He's heading down the dock.

The whole idea is to get him

to talk about meyerson.

"Remember our questions, our visit?"

I'm sure he'll take the bait.

When we have enough
information we'll come out.

Here's to your health.

So, guess who paid
me a visit this afternoon?

Ryan and St. John?

That didn't take long.

Drell: You want to hear

something funny?

I was the judge at their divorce.

Small world.

He was an idiot... all testosterone.

So I gave her his dog

and his mustang.

You think the least

she could have done was thank me in person.

I wouldn't kick her out of bed.

Although I remember her being thinner.

Harrison: So, what do they want?

What you said on the phone.

They asked about Mandy's allegations.

I held the line, gave them my...

Distinguished judge speech

end of story.

Did they ask anything about Mickey's death?

Why, did they ask you?

No, I just thought it might have come up.

You know how cops like to fish.

You know, Norman,
this whole police business

makes me very nervous.

Drell: You wouldn't tell them anything

to jeopardize our agreement, would you?

Of course not.

Why would you even think such a thing?

Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Or maybe I think that
you'd do just about anything

to keep all of this.

I don't like the sound of this.

Harrison: I can assure you

what happened between us stays between us.

I appreciate that.

Get out of the way.

It's porcaro.

Unfortunately, Norman

I'm not much of a risk taker

and relying on you
sounds a little risky to me.

You're going k*ll me?

No, I'm not going to k*ll you.

He's going to k*ll you.

Drop it, porcaro.


Got him.

Ooh, that had to hurt.

All: Surprise!

You did this?

You did this, didn't you?

Happy birthday, cass.

Ah, so that's what boca was about.

All the phone calls and
hushed conversations.

You were planning

my surprise birthday party for me.

That's right.

Mmm, I feel like an idiot.

Well, I'd go with that feeling.

But in all fairness

my birthday was three months ago.

I know that.

That's why... it's a surprise.

Totally unexpected.


You are incredible.

I owe you an amazing thank you.

Not necessary.

But out of...

Intellectual curiosity

how would you...

How would you define "amazing?"
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