06x15 - Pumped Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x15 - Pumped Up

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: Let's march!


Come on, now!


To the side!





Come on, Kelly!

Woman: Oh, god.


Come on, britt.





This... is a much better way

to raise your heart rate.

Actually, I was hoping for another set.

Roxy, please.

I'll do all the work, darling.

You know

you're the best thing

that's ever happened to me.

Then come here.


Even if I could, my love, I can't.

I'm late already.

I'll call you.


So is he gone?

Everyone's gone.

The gym's closed.

Oh, that's a relief.

I was starting to feel
like a poached salmon.

Serves you right.

The next time you want
to surprise me with a visit

call first.

Then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?

I didn't know

you had a regular Friday thing with him.

Oh, you keep secrets from me

so it seems only fair

that I should keep a few from you.

We share so much.

What's a few secrets?

I've got something
special for us in the gym.

Did you make an appointment?

Not yet.

Have your parents arrived?

No, not yet.

What have we got?

The victim's name is roxy McCall.

Fitness queen of palm beach.

How did she die?

A little belt

around the throat.

M.e. Sets time of death

somewhere between : and midnight.

Autopsy will tell more.

Who found her body?

Tina hart.

She's an aerobics instructor here.

Manages the place.

She's waiting for us in the office.

I got here about : .

I open up the gym on Saturdays, and...

There she was.

I called you guys, and... like that.

No sign of forced entry?


You don't sound too broken up

over roxy's m*rder.

I'm not. It's not like society

has lost one of its greats.

If you didn't like her

why work here?

There's other sweatshops.

Not that are going to pay me

the kind of money I'm making now.

I started here the day roxy
and nino opened the doors.

Who's nino?

Nino cunetto.

This whole place was his idea.

We were under the impression
that this was owned by roxy.

Roxy and nino were partners when it opened.

But no longer?

Roxy shafted him

right before everything took off.

Hmm... gimme.

It's a shirt stud.

I don't suppose you saw anyone with roxy

who was wearing a tuxedo?

As a matter of fact, I did: Harmon lange.

Hmm. One of palm beach's higher fliers.

Is he a regular here at the club?

Yeah, but not to work out.

He and roxy used to like to get it on

here in the office during a class.

He was here last night.

Did you see him leave?

He left right after I
finished my last class.

Was their relationship purely physical?

With roxy it was always hard to tell.

But she claimed that he
and she were engaged.

Did she date anyone besides lange?

I think he was the only guy she was seeing.

The only guy?

Roxy had a fairly broad approach to sex.

So, she was bisexual?

Oh, yeah.

About the only thing she'd
turn down was road k*ll.

Thanks. Bye.

Lange's housekeeper said

he's in New York on business

won't be back till Monday.

How convenient.

Isn't it? Do you want to talk

to this nino cunetto?

Sure... you want to come for dinner tonight

with my parents at my place?

Is your father cooking?


You're on.

Tom: Have to call New York

and get harmon lange

on the next plane back here.

Okay, good, that's good

that's good.

Feel that pull right in there.

Right in there, right there.

Looking good. Keep pumping.

You stay here, you keep feeling that pull.

I'll get the door.

Nino cunetto?

I'm sergeant Tom Ryan

sergeant St. John, palm beach P.D.

Can we speak to you for a moment, please?

Yeah, sure, come on in.

Won't take more than a minute

of your time.

I promise.


All right... so what did I do?

Roxy McCall was found
m*rder*d this morning.

Now there's a piece of good news.

What happened?

Well, sometime last night

between : and midnight

someone strangled her in the gym.

And you want to know my whereabouts.

If you can pull yourself together

yeah, we would.

I was right here, all right?

I spent the night with someone.

Her name's Tina hart.

The instructor at roxy's gym?

The same.

Come on, back it off a turn.

It's not like Tina and I

are the first two co-workers to get it on.

Can't argue that.

Miss hart alleges

roxy blew you out of the business one day

and the next, boom...

The hottest workout spot in palm beach.

Well, Tina tells it right.

Boy, if it was me I would be resentful.

I am resentful.

The whole thing was my idea.

I worked hours a day,
seven days a week on the place

and she screws me over.

Did you pursue legal action?

Oh, yeah. Till I ran out of money.

Okay, just a second.

Two, one, Ryan...


Hey, hey, hey, dad!

Hey, son!

Good to see you.

You, too. Where's mom?

Ahh, she decided

to stay home at the last minute.

Oh, you're kidding.

Is she okay?

Oh, sure.

Still at her fighting weight.

Speaking of which, you look like

you're staying fit!

I'm okay. Listen, it's crazy at the station

I got to get back.

I invited cassy for dinner

that okay with you?

Sure, sure, sure.

I know my way around.

I'll call your mom and tell her

I arrived here safe and sound, you know...

Yeah. You're okay?

No. No, I flew ,
miles to tell you I'm not.


I'll see you when you're done.

Tom: Does this tuxedo stud

belong to you, Mr. Lange?

Yes, it's mine.

I presume you found it in roxy's office.

We did.

Do you want to tell us why?

Roxy and I had a...

Kind of standing Friday evening tryst.

We met in her office.

While classes were going on?


Tina hart told us that roxy said

you two were to marry.

That's right.

So you meet, you make love, then what?

It was late, so I dressed quickly and left.

And went directly to the
junior league ball, correct?

That's what I said in my statement, yes.

Tom: Did you stop anywhere?

Did you... buy a drink?

Make a phone call?

Mr. Lange.

On my way I realized

that I'd lost that shirt stud.

I turned back to see if I could find it.

When I got there

the... lights were off,
the gym was closed, so...

I let myself in with a
key roxy gave me, and...

I saw them.


Roxy was with someone.

They were naked and...


Then what did you do?

I went home

and got another

set of tuxedo studs.

My housekeeper can verify that.

So you're telling me

that you saw your fiancee with another guy

and you just... merrily

went on your way to the ball?


You just put it out of your mind

that your fiancee was in a liplock

with a young testosterone stallion?

Don't bait me, sergeant.

That was the coroner on the phone.

They found smudges of a woman's lipstick

on roxy's right ear and neck...

Hypo-allergenic to boot.


Either there's something about yourself

that you're not telling us, Mr. Lange

or you got a lousy set of eyes.

Yes, it was a woman.


I-I couldn't see her face.


I admit being angry, humiliated...

But I am not the m*rder*r.

Mr. Lange, we'll talk to you again

when we get the coroner's
exact time of death.

Thank you.

You're free to go.

I don't buy it.

Him just driving away

after seeing his fiancee
with another woman?

I wouldn't.

Jealousy, rage, hurt.

That's not bad motives for m*rder.

So, Harley and me

we put our shoulders against it

and break it down.

There, in the room

in this smoke and flame-filled room

on the floor is this gorgeous woman.

Now, she's not even breathing a little.

So, without any hesitation

Harley's down there giving her c.P.R.

Is she dead?

That's what I thought.

So Harley blows a
couple of times, and hello

she starts coughing.

So he throws her over his shoulder

we're out of the building
just as the roof crashes in.

My, that must have been one thankful woman.

Yeah, but here's the... here's the deal.

We get outside, and
Harley's a little ahead of me.

And this broad's wig falls off.

And there's a crewcut underneath it.

Harley was giving

mouth-to-mouth to a drag queen?

And to make matters worse

every year, he gets a Christmas card

from the guy with his picture on it.

Want me to help with the dishes?

No, no, let Tom do that.

Yeah, that's fair.

Hey, I like the way this man thinks.

Okay, well, I'm going
to call it a night then.

Thank you for dinner, Liam.

You really are a magical chef.

Tom, you want to meet at
roxy's office in the morning?

Yeah. Deal.

I'll see you then.

Good night.

So, dad, this is how

you're spending your retirement, huh?

Telling stories and doing dishes.

You might as well ask, Tommy.

All right, why are you here without mom?

We decided to spend some time

in neutral corners.

And why would you need to do that?

Our marriage may be over.

After years, hello, good-bye

that's it, it's over.

I'm a cop, I don't go for flimsy excuses.

They don't hold.

All right, we...

We're always at each other.

The slightest disagreement
turns into a world w*r.

Who lobs the first shell?

Don't blame me.

I'm not blaming you.

I'm just asking, what's wrong?

If I knew, I'd fix it.

You might, but it must be something.

Like what?

I don't know, I'm not a psychiatrist.

If I was a psychiatrist...

When cassy and I

were breaking up, they always asked us

about our sex life.

Is it that? Has it changed or...?

Is that what they taught you

living here in palm beach?

Ask a question like that.

You ought to be ashamed.

Forget that question.

Your finances all right?

I took the early retirement

to make sure of it.

Maybe we're just tired of each other.

Everything else has a life-span

why not a marriage?

You think that?

If there's another answer, I'm listening.

Tom: I still say

we're wasting our time.

It's a slam dunk.

Harmon's got means, opportunity.

Motive, the other woman.

Short of a confession, what do you want?

Well, so you just k*ll her?

No conversation, no
how-comes, how could you?

You just strangle her?

That doesn't wash with me.

I think it's a lost cause.

If roxy was discreet enough

we're not going to find anything.

I mean, do you keep a list of guys

you've been dating?

Yeah, I do.

What it is with women
smoking cigars these days?

Is this an attack on the
last stronghold of men...

The stogie?

I'm young, I'm open-minded, I'm adventurous

but I don't get that.

Oh, Tom, have you ever
been to a place called "it's me"?


Oh, boy, hotshot

are we about to test

your definition of open-minded

and not to mention your sense of adventure.

I'm open-minded, I'm open-minded

I'm open-minded.

You fibber, you've been here, haven't you?

Where is the manager?

Which one?

Ooh, what do you do in an electrical storm?


You big flirt.

Excuse me, ladies, I'm sergeant Ryan

this is sergeant St. John, palm beach P.D.

Who is the manager?

I'm Marlene,

what can I do for you?

You're a man.

Am I!

Uh, we'd like to ask you

a few questions about roxy McCall.

Yeah, do you know her?

Everybody knew roxy.

She was a regular here.

She always seemed to be having a good time.

You don't know the half of it.

When was the last time you saw roxy?

She was in

I guess, a couple of nights ago?

She was with a very
to-die-for femme... blonde, s.

They had been in a few times together.

You know her name?

What's in a name, really?

But, you know

now that I think about it

a very cut homme joined
their table that night.

They had a bit of a tiff.

Big tiff or a little tiff?

Broken glasses tiff.

He was way non-control.

It really made his cuts deep.

Did you get a name?

Right, what's in a name?


You are very cute.

You a significant other?


I'm actually very deeply
involved with my sanity.


Um, thank you.

You've been a big help.

If you can think of anything else

give me a call.

Or feel free to call sergeant Ryan.


Okay, thanks.

Nino... sergeant Ryan, open up.


We need to talk.

What can I do for you?

You ever heard of a bar called "it's me"?


Nice jammies.

Thank you.

Oh, please, come in.

Why don't you tell Tina to come out?

I recognize her perfume.

It's a girl thing.

Ooh, better jammies.

Yeah, all right, all right.

So ask your questions.

Manager of "it's me" said you were there

two nights ago with roxy.


So she said you two had a fight

and you stormed off.

You failed to mention that

when we talked.

It was no big deal.

We were discussing a business arrangement.

That's all.

Sure, things got a little heated

but it was nothing.


Getting cheated out of millions is nothing?


Pretty strong verb, Tina.

Please, nino

tell them.

When the gym began to slip

roxy says it's got to be a one-person show.

So she offers to buy me out.

As a gesture of friendship.

So how much did she give you?


A week later, she sells
to some big corporation

for a million seven...

They keep her on

they pump money into it, franchise it

and months later

the whole thing's worth tens of millions.

We asked them for our fair share.

They said no.

Our fair share?

Yeah, Tina and I are engaged.

Boy, there's a lot of that going around.

Anyway, we tried to sue them.

Yeah, but the lawyers...

They ate the grand that roxy gave me

in a heartbeat.

Cassy: So you met with roxy?

Yeah, I met with roxy.

To ask her to do the right thing.

And she told me to stick it!

That night you were with her

who was she with?

Some little toy

goes by the name of angel.

I'd never seen her before.

The corporation's name?

Lange limited.

Cassy: You got

so many motives

it's hard to pick the right one.

Was it resentment?

The shafting on the money?

Humiliation, what?

Wh... what are you talking about?

I thought this was a non-issue.

Hey, I've got an alibi and you know it.

But you're engaged to your alibi.

She's sort of a biased witness.

Wouldn't you say?

Tina, is your lipstick hypo-allergenic?


Cassy: You wouldn't mind

if we test it?


Oh, don't make me do the warrant thing.

Thank you.

Tom: So lange is out

and marsh is in.

I don't get it.

Thank you.

Think Harry would mind

if we decorated the bullpen like this?

Why would lange give all this up?

I don't know.

What did happen to lange?

Retired, quit, who knows?

If I had his kind of money

I'd travel the world

listen to the people tell their story.

Write the perfect lyrics,
compose the perfect song.

It'd be a long trip.

Well, maybe he was pushed out.

This guy that replaced him...

Taylor marsh...

Is probably a wharton-trained k*ller.

They eat old school guys
like lange all day long.

See, that makes sense.

Big time guy like marsh...

He'd have the Polish

to have a box of cohibas.

Actually, they're macanudos.

Cohibas are illegal.

Hi, I'm Taylor marsh.

You're a woman.

So I've been told.

But I, I...

Common mistake.

I think my father wanted a son.

I'm sergeant St. John

sergeant Ryan, palm beach P.D.

The receptionist said you wanted

to talk to me about roxy McCall.

Tragic situation.

I want to tell you

we were shocked and saddened

by her death.

How well did you know her?

A little.

I should have known her better.

She was, after all, about to be family.

Harmon lange is my father.



I came to work for my
father right after college

and no, I didn't get where I am today

because I'm the owner's daughter.

In fact, I had to work twice as hard

and stay twice as long because of it.

Broke up my marriage.

What about roxy?

You said you hardly knew her

but your father's going to marry her.

You have to understand my father.

He's a player.

Since my mother died,
he's had one after another.

He married two of them.

So you didn't take the marriage seriously.

On the contrary, I took it very seriously

because the minute roxy came into his life

he more or less abandoned the business.

He wanted to devote more of his time

to her and her company.

Luckily, I was prepared

to assume the day-to-day operations.

Do you know someone named nino cunetto?

If it's the same nino cunetto

who filed this frivolous suit against us

you bet I do.

He doesn't think it's frivolous.

But it is.

Roxy McCall offers him

a graceful out on a dying business

and he took it.

My father breathes
new life and cash into it

and now cunetto wants more?

It's totally groundless.

Could we get a copy of that?


Follow me.

So, you do all your own photocopying?

And word processing and phone calls.


When I took over lange limited

I cut the overhead

by %.

I figured if I didn't set
the example for hard work

who would?

Ah, cars, that's better.

Usually I find perfect reproductions

of completely naked women.

Look at these copies!

These look like the original pictures.

When you're paying
$ , for a color copier

they'd better.

The secret service caught this guy

with $ , worth

of perfectly cut and copied $ bills.

Claimed he was making mobiles.

He used a copy machine just like this.

You believe that?

You done?


Miss marsh, uh, where does the cunetto suit

against your company now stand?

I suggested a settlement

as a way of getting rid of the nuisance.

Harmon and roxy vetoed it.

They insisted we counter-sue.

We served Mr. Cunetto
with papers last week.

How did nino react to that?

He punched out the process server

and said he'd see roxy in hell first.

Now we have an angry ex-partner

and a lovesick father as suspects.

Both with alibis.

We need to find out who the woman was

with roxy the night of the m*rder.

You really think it was a woman?

Ha, cassy, give me a break.

Marlene could have fooled anyone.

Didn't fool me.

You tell me, one look

and you knew she was a guy?

It's nothing to worry about.

A lot of guys go through gender confusion.

I'm not going through gender confusion.

Not you, of course not.

Look, let's go back

and see if the lab results

are in on Tina's lipstick.

You go ahead. I told my dad I'd meet him

for some Ryan ball.

Ryan ball?

Yeah, it's a fun game

where he stands in one place

while I run my ass ragged

trying to catch his lousy throws.

Did you find out what's going on?

Nah, he didn't say anything.

I know it's not about money or sex.

It wasn't about money
or sex with us either.




Love you, but you got
the worst arm in america.

No! No, that distinction is reserved

for the notre dame quarterback.

Yeah, I don't think they'll
be retiring his number.

Speaking of which, how's it going for you?

Ah, when the battalion
chief explained to me

all the benefits of early retirement

I somehow thought that was the answer.

Well, it's not like something

you haven't been thinking
about for a long time.

I know, I know.

I thought there would
be a million things to do.

But somehow those million
things got done in six months.

And now you're bored.

It's more than that, Tommy.

I don't know what to
do with the rest of life.

All I know how to be is a firefighter.

Now that's gone.

What about another career?

Name one

that doesn't mean standing
at some fast food counter

asking "is that with or
without the special sauce"?

Huh. What's mom say?

She stopped making suggestions.

I don't blame her.

It's not her fault.

I've been behaving like a horse's butt.

Trouble is, I can't change.

We'll think of something for you.

Don't worry about it. Go deep.



You won't believe this.

Someone confessed?

The lipstick report came in on Tina.

It's not a match.

But we got the full autopsy back on roxy.

She was pregnant...

Seven weeks in.

Hello. It's not looking
good for harmon lange.

I found that in your windshield.

What is it?

I don't know.

This looks like a prenuptial agreement

between lange and roxy.

Who would want us to
know about their prenup?

Well, lange said it was different with roxy

than it was with his other wives.

Well, apparently not.

This isn't even signed by roxy.

So lange, enraged his
bride-to-be is pregnant

bi-sexual and unsigned...

decides to end the
affair by k*lling her.

Who did give us this?

Tina... nino, deep throat, I don't know.

Someone who wants us to think it was lange.

Want to hear lange's side?


Now, what's so important
that you wanted to ask me?

Your daughter doesn't mind

your office is next to hers?

If she had a choice, she would.

Fortunately, I have a
controlling stock position.

But that isn't what you wanted to know.

Did you draw up a prenuptial agreement

between roxy and yourself?

No. Never.

You did with your other two wives.

We checked with your lawyer.

Yes, that's true, but I didn't
feel it was necessary with roxy.

She has money of her own.

I didn't need any protection.

Well, then, can you explain this?

Tom: Is that your signature?

Huh... yes, it is.

But I've never seen this
document before in my life.

Mind if we look at your other prenuptials?

Not at all.

Can we take these?

I'd like to have the signatures compared.

Be my guest.

Now, you're not going
to leave town are you?

You don't have a business trip
planned or something, Mr. Lange?

No, I have nothing planned.

I already told you, sergeant Ryan.

I did not k*ll roxy.

The thing is, the coroner

can't pinpoint the exact time of death.

Maybe you didn't run off all embarrassed

and instead you stayed behind

and you strangled roxy McCall to death.

That's preposterous.

Tom: Some men can do

some weird things, when they find out

their girlfriends are pregnant.

What are you saying?

She was seven weeks along.

I had no idea.

Mr. Lange, you're under arrest
for the m*rder of roxy McCall.

Will you stop that?


Biting your nails.

I'm not.

Yes, you were.

No, I'm not.

I'm seeing if my new cap has a snag on it.

You are lying to a superior officer.

And your partner.

I am not.

Think we did the right thing?

It's a simple request.

The D.A. does it all the time.

Not when it's a friend.


Will you stop it?

D.A. Alexander won't file on harmon lange.

Got to release him.

Come on, Craig, show some mustard.

Says what we got is too circumstantial.

What's it going to take to convince him?

Find the woman lange alleges was with roxy

the night of her m*rder.

She's either got to be a
witness or an accomplice.

So go, go!

Quelle dommage about roxy.

What shall I call you, sweet thing?


We still got a lot of dogs

in the traces in this one.

I'm bothered on how we
got a copy of his prenup.

I hate being run in circles.

I can't figure out how you two can think

being hungry.

Ooh, this looks incredible.

Well, you know, after years

cooking for a bunch of
guys at a station house

pretty soon rice become pilaf,
stew meat becomes stroganoff.

Dig in.

You don't have to say it twice.

Liam: You know

I really enjoy cooking.

There's something about putting
all those ingredients together

and watching people savor it, hmm?

I often think that

if I hadn't been a firefighter

I would have been a chef.

I'd say you did both pretty well.

Hmm. I like to think I can't be copied.

Cassy, do you remember
that story I told you

about the counterfeit twenties?

Oh, how could I forget?

I hung onto your every last word.


No, the important point

of that article was that
every new photocopier

has an identifying footprint.

So what if the prenup

we saw was a fake?

And lange claims that he
had never even drawn up

a prenup between him and roxy.


Think it's something

marnie could decipher?

Give it a try.

Cassy: Okay, well, I'll

call her on the way.

Tom: Dad...

We got to go.

This is so good.


Dad, we'll see you later.

There, you see it... those black dots?

They were made by a copying machine.

Every page is original except the last one.

I've dreamt of being

in a dark room with you, Tom.

Usually we're alone and unclothed.


Marnie, can we keep
our mind on this, please?

Just tell me what machine made this.

Every copying machine

of this sophistication

is required to lay down

a serial number and manufacturer

with a specific pattern of yellow dots.

Those look black to me.


Well, to the naked
eye, yellow is invisible.

But wash it with a blue filter

and the yellow dots turn black and visible.

The structure of the pattern

will tell us who made the machine

the dots will tell us which machine it is.

And how soon before you know

which machine made this one?

Tom and I could probably take

a leisurely soak in my hot tub

sip a glass of claret

slide between my satin sheets.

Just call me when you got it, okay?

You're weakening, Tom.

I can feel it.

On second thought, I'll call you.


I thought you'd be asleep by now.

Nah. I got to thinking, I couldn't.

Thinking, huh?

Uh-oh. About what?

You think you'll ever
really write the great song?


Probably not.

I mean, if I was really any good at that

I guess I'd be doing that
instead of being a cop, right?



That's it, nothing?

Don't make something out
of everything, okay, Tom?

No, it's not okay 'cause I'm tired

and I'd rather just cut to the chase.

What version of Ryan
ball are we playing now?

Don't smart-mouth me!

You want to be a martyr, fine.

But I'm not supporting that.

Oh, support? Support, support, huh?

Let's talk about support!

Who was there for you

when you got hurt playing ball?

After your divorce, who was there?

Me, that's who!

Now I need a little help.

Where's your support?

Tell me what's wrong and
I'll do anything you want!

But don't ask me to weep and wring my hands

'cause that's not me.

What'll it be?

I hate this retirement!

I fe...

I feel so damn useless.

You want to fight it?

Sure. How?

If I can think

of something for you to do, would you?

Sure, any suggestions?

Not off the top of my head, no.

Oh, swell.

At least we've pinpointed the problem.

Why don't we just sleep on it?

Yeah, okay.

You know something?

You got a smart mouth.

You know something?

I know.

Guess where I inherited it?


What do you think you're doing?

I think we're waiting for you.

What's going on here, dad?

I think you already know.

We're having trouble

finding something on your computer.

Maybe you can help us out.

I hope you have a warrant.

Actually, we don't need one.

Your father gave us permission.

He still is the majority owner

isn't he?

So what is it you're looking for, exactly?

We're looking for a prenuptial agreement

you altered to make it look like it was

between your father and roxy McCall.

I don't know what you're talking about.

We know the prenuptial
conveniently left with us

was made from your copier.

Many people have access
to the company copier

including my father.

Why are you doing this, Taylor?

Or should he call you "angel"?

That's the name

that Marlene said you gave her last night.

She identified you

as the mystery woman with roxy.

Did you do it?

Did you k*ll roxy?

I think I'd better get a lawyer.


That's a pretty shade of lipstick

you're wearing.

Looks like the same color

that we found on parts of roxy's body.

Clinique hypo-allergenic.

Can I take a look at your lipstick?

We do have a warrant.

Fine. I have nothing to hide.

Whoa, that's a dumb move, Taylor.

No, a dumb move is my father here

knocking up that sweat queen, roxy.

You know what she was
planning for you, dad?

She was going to have you
come back into the business

kick my hard-working butt out of here.

Being the president's wife
sounded a lot better to her

than retired playboy's wife.

I never would have let that happen.

That's bull, dad

and you know it!

Cassy: So you pretended

to be gay

just so you could get close to roxy

then k*ll her?

It was a lot more fun than I thought.

Tom: The news roxy

was pregnant.

No prenuptial between your father and roxy.

It's all pretty tight, Taylor.

I'd have given you the business, Taylor.

I had to fight you to get it the
first time, so I don't think so.

How can you hate me so much?

Because you breathe air.

Okay, Taylor.

Put the g*n down.

Bye, daddy.

Just put the g*n down!

See you in hell.


Okay. I got the answer.

What the hell is going on here, huh?

Just wait here a second.

Cass, you ready?


Dad? What else do you do well?

Welcome to

"what in blazes."

Do you have a reservation?

What is going on here?

You cook.


You cook, you're a great chef.

Wait, you want me

to open a restaurant here?

Oh, no, no, no.

Back in Boston.

I can't open a restaurant.

Why not?

You're a great cook

you tell great stories.

It'll be the rage.

Harry: Listen,

I got to know

maybe a dozen cops from the north end.

I tell them, they tell others.

Before you know it

you can't get a reservation

for lunch or dinner.

Cassy came up with the name.

What could be more
perfect than "what in blazes"

for a retired fireman?

Your mother!

She loves it, knows all about it.

We're picking her up
at the airport tonight.

You did all this for me?

Cassy: Just don't

let it go, uh...

Up in smoke.

Aw, she didn't

say that.

I love you, son.


Well, I love you, too.
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