01x08 - Batter Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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01x08 - Batter Up

Post by bunniefuu »

So what are you
doing this weekend?

Man: out of the
way! Out of the way!

Somebody help me, please!

Help me.

Everybody clear outta here.
Right here. Can we get the lights on?

Gently down. Support
his neck the whole way.

Yes, this is dr. Eric hall.

I need an ambulance right now

At 507 hyperion avenue.

And the police. Yes, right now.

Thank you.

What happened?

A man with a bat...

He was beating clint.

I yelled at him, and he
ran up st. George street

Towards rowena.

Is there anything you
can do for him, please?

Yeah, well, I called
20 minutes ago,

So could you please hurry it up?

Thank you.

He was nowhere to be found.

We got the bat.

Here. I'm sorry.

[Siren approaches]

[Overlapping chatter]

Declared the victim dead.

I gave a sedative
to his partner.

Do you always carry these
kind of dr*gs with you, dr. Hall?

Do you always carry
your g*n, detective ross?

You should be asking how
come this guy with a bat's

Been allowed to go around
robbing people for the last month.

Why didn't you catch him
before he k*lled someone, huh?

Where were you an hour
ago? Where were the cops then,

Huh, eating a doughnut?

Johnson's on her way.

This case is being handed
off to priority homicide?

Hey, it's not my fault.

You hear that kid?

Get off me. Get off me.

That's why you're
getting this case... Politics.

Clear the room,
detective ross. Now!

Young man: screw you!

Chief brenda johnson.

Can I help you?

This cat is sick. [Meow]

You brought your
cat to a crime scene?

Well, he was crying, and he was
leakin' all over my laundry basket.

And he's not my cat really.
He just sleeps at my house.

Do you feed him?

Look, sergeant, are you
gonna help me or not?

Yeah... Hey!

Uh... Terence.

Deputy chief johnson
here has a sick cat.

Can you help us with that?

C-certainly. Would
you like me to get him

To an emergency animal hospital?

Oh, that would be great.

Thank you so much. Um...

Let me just give you my card...

And you can call me
if anything happens,

And he hates cars,
so... Be careful with him.

I believe you can
count on me not to...

[Lowers voice] let
the cat out of the bag.

Ha ha.


Let's go talk to the witness.


Ahem. Here you are.

Thank you. Sir?

Can you tell me what happened?

What's wrong with him?

Some doctor gave
him a tranquilizer.

Is this the m*rder w*apon?

Why is this witness
holding this bat?

Well, it seems that while they
were waiting for us to get here,

Some of the gay boys put
together a little search party,

And they picked it up.

And they screwed up
the crime scene, too.

They walked in
some of the blood.

They left cigarette butts
on the ground. It's a mess.

People might wanna double
up on your protective gear

Since this is a h*m*-cide.

You seem to be having trouble

With your
pronunciation this evenin'.


Oh... Sorry.


So, the first blow to the side of
the head is what k*lled your guy,

And it was a pretty
hard whack, too.

Got an epidural bleed out
from it. The right pupil was blown.

How do you know
it was the first hit?

It was the only blow delivered
to the back of the body.

There was reside from the
pavement in it. He fell on it.

Scan down slowly.

Now, these other
wounds came afterwards...

His cracked ribs, left
arm broken in 2 places,

And a shattered femur... Humph...
None of which was necessary,

Because your k*ller
had him at "hello."


I could have told you all
this at a regular autopsy.

Oh, I know. But in hate crime

I like to have documentary
evidence of what was done to the body

Before it's cut open

So the defense attorneys
don't get a chance to argue

That we broke the
bones ourselves.

If we're looking for evidence
of a hate crime, I'd say we found it.

I understand some
jewelry was stolen.

A gucci watch
and a platinum ring.

We found this under the t-shirt,
so it wasn't immediately visible.

Maybe your thief has
night-vision issues.

Maybe he was interrupted.

Platinum dog tags with diamonds?

And we found the
reside of some special k

Under your victim's nostrils.

Special k? What's special k?

It's slang for ketamine

It's popular in gay dance clubs.

Means our victim might
not have suffered so much

As he was battered to death.

You got a tip on 4.

Lieutenant flynn. Yes, ma'am.

Uh... Oh, you did?

Well, how closely would you
say he resembles the composite?

He looks exactly
like your boyfriend?

Um... No, ma'am, he
need not find out.

If you could hold on a second,

I'm gonna transfer you to someone
who can take his name and address.

Where the hell is
she? I'm waiting here,

And I've got a very pissy
state legislator in there.

She is having a
personal crisis, sir.

Yeah. It's called her life.


Personal crisis.


Yeah, flynn here.

Yeah. Put taylor on
the phone, pronto.

I've got a tip for him
that's gonna make his day.

[Door opens]

Chief pope, assemblyman bridges,

I'm so sorry to have
kept you waiting.

For 20 minutes.

A little emergency.

Uh, this... This cat I know...

Um, I have a cat.

He's living at my house,
and he's very sick.

Oh. What's his name?

Kitty. I call him kitty,

And I forgot to ask
what vet he was goin' to.

Anyway, um... It's a long story.

I want you to know that we are
rushing that bat through s.i.d.,

Looking for forensic evidence.

Have a seat, please.

But I want you to know that
there may be some question

As to its admissibility, considering
it went through so many hands

Before gettin' to us.

What about the blood
at the crime scene?

Well, so far that only
belongs to the victim,

So it doesn't do us any good,

But I want you to know I'm
bringing in the other men

Who were att*cked by this
guy along with the partner

To refine this composite.

It's upper level, apartment 21.

Door was open. I put a
newspaper in the entry.

Ok. Everybody remember,
this is an apartment building.

Watch your background.
Let's go. Let's do this!

Why wasn't this done
before refining the composite,

Sending it to television
stations and such?

Whenever we disseminate
the likeness of a suspect,

A defense attorney
will accuse us

Of contaminating
the i.d. Process.

We don't want to just
track the m*rder*r down.

We want to make sure we do it
so that he's put away for life.

There does come a time, of course,
when the most important thing

Is to catch the guy
before he kills again.

American postal delivery.

Got a package
for blake rawlings.

Man: leave it at the door.

Someone's gotta sign for it.


What are you doing?
What are you doing?

How do you guarantee
a conviction?

By being extra careful
in how I make my arrest.

Blake rawlings,
you stupid assh*le.

Once I have a
criminal in custody...

I do my very best
to gain his trust.

You're under arrest for
as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

Gentlemen, I think
we got a match.

You have the right
to remain silent...

When there's
problems with evidence,

My most important responsibility

Is inducing a criminal to talk.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

In a court of law.

We have no evidence

From the apartment
where the arrest was made...

No wallets, no jewelry,
no bloody clothes. Nothing.

We got a composite.

Taylor got positive
i.d.s on blake rawlings

From 2 of the people
that he robbed.

Yeah. After he roughed the guy up.
Brenda, we are in terrible shape here.

Oh, boo-hoo! Don't come
cryin' on my shoulder.

clearly wants this case,

And after the mess they've made
of it, I'd just as soon they keep it.

No, no, no. Taylor
made the arrest.

That's all.

Look, will, if you even try
to pass this guy off on me now

After taylor personally went
out and supervised his capture,

You will make huge
problems for me...


Brenda, I'll handle all that.

That's what you
always say about taylor,

And then you never
do anything about it!

Would you stop acting like I'm
the sand shifting under your feet?

Because I have... Ahem.

In every respect
but one, I have always

Stuck with you.

And I need this done.


I... I don't know. I can't say.

Can you move in
closer, please, buzz.

I'm sorry. He was
leaning over in the dark,

And I turned away when
he threw the bat at me.

I mean, he looks familiar,

But it might just be from that picture
they had up in the bar, you know?

Do you think that's the
guy that k*lled clint?

It may be.

Can you tell me what
happened before the attack?

We were stopping for a
drink before we went dancing.

Mm-hmm. Just a drink?

Ha. Not even... Not for me. I
was the designated driver.

But, uh... Clint
was a little high.

And then we left,

And we got about
halfway to the car

When I realized that I had
left my jacket in the bar,

And my cell phone was in it,

And so I had to go back for it.

And clint made a face

Because I always forget things.

So you went back
to get your coat...

The bartender
had kept it for me.

He made a little joke when he
gave it back. I was gonna jot it down.

I, uh, write sitcoms
when I'm working.


Haven't, uh... Haven't been
doing much of that lately...


We just put our
house on the market.

Clint was trying to
get back into acting.

So on your way
back to the car...

Y-yeah, sorry. Um...

I saw someone.

He was swinging a
bat down on clint,

And I started screaming.

The guy jerked up, and I must
have been running towards him,

Because he threw
the bat at me, and, uh...

I just let the guy
go on because...

Part of his head was gone.

[Sobbing] clint's head was gone.

I'm sorry.

You know, I don't care about
the money or the credit cards.

But... He took clint's ring
from our commitment ceremony.

And if this is the guy
and if you could find it,

I'd like to have it back.

Speaking of jewelry, um...

Clint was wearing this...

During the attack.

You don't recognize it?

Not only is that not his, we can't
afford anything like that right now.

I'm worried about buying a
suit I can wear to his funeral.

[Dog tags clink]

You know...

Why would the guy leave something
like that if this was a robbery?

I... I don't see how
this makes sense.

Blake rawlings.
Convicted of car theft.

Served 3 years.
Finished his parole.

Did some time in juvie, but,
uh, we don't know what for.

He's robbed over a
dozen people so far,

And there's no jewelry anywhere,

No rings, wallets, credit
card, buttons, string?

What's the problem, chief?

The crime scene's contaminated,

The bat's out of evidence, we
found nothing at the robberies,

Our witness can't
identify the k*ller,

And he threw away his w*apon,

Which, according to all
records, he'd never done before.

You hit a homer,
you drop the bat.

Flynn, could you please
get your ass off my desk?

Unless you actually know
somethin' about this guy,

I don't need any more
pressure before I go in here.

Ok, that's not why I'm here.

I promised assemblyman
bridges we would

Keep him informed,
and... He may pop by.

I just this second said I
didn't need any more pressure.

Isn't that what I just said?


Hello, blake... Mr. York.

I'm deputy chief brenda johnson,

And this is sergeant gabriel.

How you doin'?

Uh, ms. Johnson, I'm
afraid we're not in a, uh...

Talking mood today.

Well, I'm sorry to hear

Y'all feel that way,

Because it'll be a long time

Before you find a
more sympathetic ear.

I know how you feel, blake.

You can't go anywhere
in l.a. Without seein'

A bunch of gay people runnin'
around, doin' whatever they want.

It's not like that where
I come from. No, sir.

But in california...

They can even register
as domestic partners...

Have the same rights
as married people.

Serves 'em right, too.

Why shouldn't they suffer

Just like everybody else?

Mm-hmm. But they're
not married people,

Are they?

Mr. Pope, good work.

What's going on?

Can we hear anything
from out here?

Uh... No. No, i... I can't seem

To get that speaker to work.

You're kidding. It was
workin' fine earlier.

Brenda: and you're
good-lookin', too.

There you go. A real
handsome young man.

Thank you, lieutenant.

You were in juvenile detention

When you were a teenager.
That must've been rough

On a cute boy like you.

Guys make you do things for 'em?

Don't answer that, blake.

Ms. Johnson, that is a
horrible question. Horrible.

Brenda: because
you're still so boyish...

What the hell is she saying?

She's trying to scare him.

Listen. Listen to
what the criminal

Has to say, not
brenda. Linking my client

To this m*rder, do you?

I have the victims
of his a.d.w.s,

2 Of which have already
given me a positive i.d.

And if those charges
are separated,

That bat gives him
his third strike.

Blake spends the
rest of his life

Being the cute boy in prison.

Sgt. Gabriel: and if it
were a hate crime, too...

Prove to me that you
didn't k*ll that boy last night

Because you hate gay people.

I don't hate anyone. All right?

[Sniffles] none of this has
got anything to do with hate.

Hey, blake... You cannot talk.

We're done.

We're leaving. You
just shut... Shut...

You tell him to
shut up. All right?

Hey. You... Hey. You
gonna shut up or what?!

Hey, jimmy. Jimmy, why don't you
go stand over there. All right?

Your client seems to
be refusing counsel.

Is that what you're doin',
blake... Refusin' counsel?

Can i... Can I get a cigarette
out of that at least?

I'm... I'm hurtin'
here. You know?

You get a cigarette
after you help me.

Hey, look I have to
formally object to you...

Just shut it!

Shut it!

Hey, blake. Blake.

Take a seat. All right?

We're good. We're good.

Just... We're gonna
set you up. Don't worry.

Just sit down.


Down. Just chill.

Uh... You'll... You'll
help me? [Sniffles]

You know what I mean?

All right.

Look. [Sniffles] I only
go after gay guys

Because late at night when
they're walkin' back to their cars,

They're drunk and stuff,
and they're usually alone,

[Sniffles] and they got money.

See? What'd I tell you?

That's it, isn't it?

Like half of the town. You know?

Will you be able to prove

That it's a hate crime, though?

Blake: is that enough?

I think the body
does that for us.

Brenda: stay with me. Where
were you last night at 12:30 a.m.?

I went to the grocery store.

My girlfriend, she
don't like it that i...

I use a little, so, uh...

You know, I did a needle
in the parking lot.

Where is it? The
stuff you stole?

Everything's still in the
back of my girlfriend's car.

[Breathing hard]
can you help me now?

Please. Can you...

Can you help me?

[Police radio chatter]

Lieutenant andrew
flynn, l.a.p.d.

I have a warrant to
search your home.

Flynn. You're the guy I talked to
on the phone about my boyfriend.

Excuse me?

I'm jennifer? You
transferred me to the guy

Who's getting me the reward
money for turning blake in?

Captain taylor, right? So,
did you bring the money?

Look, you don't get the money
until he's convicted, honey.

Now, he said he stashed
some stuff at your place.

You mind if we look around?

Watch your step.

Is blake coming back?

I don't think you have to
worry about him for a while.

You got the keys to this?

Oh, no, you're
not taking my car,

Are you? I mean, how am I
supposed to get around?

This is how you pay people
back for being good citizens?

I need a, uh...

Yes, sir. Thanks.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

You want to relax, please?

[Click] ah.



Lots of loot.

Needles. Yeah.

So. What's this?

Here's the bat.

Yeah, but...

We already have a bat.

[Police radio chatter]

Flynn works for taylor,

So I'm not surprised he transferred
the call to robbery-homicide.

In fact, I'm more surprised that you
told me about it more than anything else.

Why is that?

Well, you're caught
in the middle a lot,

Aren't you, sergeant gabriel?

Must be hard to know which side
to come down on sometimes, I'm sure.

Not if I keep focused
on getting the bad guy.

I mean, truth is
you do good work.

You're the one who
got the guy to talk,

Give up his stash, this proof.

That blake robs people,
not that he kills them;

That he has a wooden
bat, not an aluminum one;

That he steals jewelry,
not that he gets rid of it;

And where is the victim's gucci
watch and his platinum ring?

If he got scared and
threw away his w*apon,

Maybe he dumped the
stuff he'd stolen, too.

That's exactly what
happened, sergeant.

Get detective sanchez
and some uniforms.

Go back to the crime scene

And see if you can find
the watch or the ring.

Deputy chief johnson?

Yes? Oh.

Terence. Terence.



I meant to call you.

Um, how's the kitty?

Well, making feline history.

He was very sick, huh?

No. He was very pregnant.

He had 6 kittens.

And here's your bill.


You know, uh...

I... I happen to be
free this evening.

If you like, I could
pick up your cat

And deliver it...

Him... Her...

To your house.

Bottle of chilled champagne.

Toast fertility...


Mistaken identity.


[Telephone rings] whoop. Whoop.

Deputy chief johnson's office.

Yes, sir. She is.

Chief pope.

Oh, great.

It's my boss. Excuse me.





Uh, no, no, no. That's fine.

I'll come right down.


I have to go meet my boss.


Thank you so much
for your help, terence.

I'll pick up kitty.

Sergeant gabriel
will show you out.

Thank you.

Uh, well, um...

Perhaps another time.

Sgt. Gabriel: right there.

[Sighs] so, do you
want us to go ahead

And charge blake for m*rder?

No. We don't have
that confession yet.

Pope wants to congratulate me.

Damn it.

Gotta go have drinks.

You're kidding me.

You're blowing me
off to meet with pope.

I'm just gonna run in, have a quick
drink, and run back out of there.

A drink?

It'll take me 5 minutes.

I got offered dodger tickets,

But I said no

'Cause I thought we
were gonna have dinner.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's been a crazy
day at work today.

The cat had kittens,

And I've gotta go pick him up,

Because every
moment he's at the vet,

It's costing me
a billion dollars.

Your boy cat had kittens?

I thought it was a boy.

I don't even know
when I can pick him up.

Turn up here.

All right, all right.
Here's what we're gonna do.

I puck up your cat for you
while you're in with pope.

Oh, really?

Oh, fritzy, thank you.

Ok. Let me just get
you the vet's card.

I'm actually kind of
worried about him.

Her. You're worried about her.

So I'll pick up kitty.

Then we'll go get
something to eat, ok?

Ok. Ok.

You sure about this?

Could you still go
to the ball game?


Caught the m*rder*r.
He confessed.

The gay community is...

Gay again. What could be better?


On a, uh... A more
personal note, uh...

I know the l.a.p.d.
As an institution

Has not been as
supportive as you expected,

And, uh, so in
consideration of that...

Oh. Will,

Th-this is too much.

It... No, it isn't.

Honest. It...

Here. Let me... Let me show you.

It's just...

2 Little earrings.

See? Tiny.


You can hardly see them.

It's not that big a deal.

Does estelle know
you're giving me these?

Well, no.

Because she would read all
kinds of ridiculous things into it,

And the last thing
I need right now

Is another lesson in
community property.

It just happens, in the
funny way that life works,

That you would become one of the
few people in the world that I really...

Trust and really...

Brenda? You've
gone off somewhere.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Uh, i-i'm just worried
about the jewelry.

Look, if you feel that
strongly about it...

Oh, no, no. No.
Not this jewelry.

The jewelry that was
found on the victim's body.

Oh. That jewelry.

It's the d.a.'S
m*rder now, brenda.

Did you have other plans?

No. No.


Oh. Well, uh, yes.

You see, the thing is that i...

I haven't charged blake
for the m*rder yet.


Well, there's an evidence issue

And, uh, no confession.

But don't worry
about it. I'll work it out.

Don't worry about what?

The case is solved.

But not closed.

We'll talk about
it in the morning.

And thank you so
much for the earrings.

They're beautiful.

Bye-bye now.



Brenda: oh! Look
at the little ones.

Oh, they're so small.

[Kittens meowing]

Where's his pillowcase?

He had a pillowcase.

You're welcome, brenda.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

It's just that it
was part of a set,

And I have to travel with him,

And he just hates
the car so much.

She. She. She.
She hates the car.

What is the blue box?
Did pope give you that?

He feels bad about the
way I've been treated here,

So he got me a pair of earrings.

That's all. Oh.
Oh, it's nothing.

I bet those are the
cheapest thing tiffany's sells.

Oh, it doesn't matter
what they cost.

Jewelry is never just jewelry.

And where pope is
concerned, come on.

How am I gonna valet
this car with 6 kittens in it?

Just seems
impossible, doesn't it?

How did I become one of these
women with too many cats?

How did this happen?

Ahem. Here's something that
might make you feel a little better.




There's a park across the
street from the crime scene

With a, uh, little
lake in the center.

That's why we didn't find the
jewelry in the trunk of the camaro,

'Cause he emptied the
wallet, dumped the rest.

Sorry to interrupt you
gentlemen on your night off,

But time is not on my side,

And there's someone
critically involved in this m*rder

Who I have yet to meet.

So, uh, lieutenant tao,

Can you have the diamonds
removed from this necklace,

Please, and have them i.d.ed.

I need to find out
where they were bought.

Sure. There's a local office

Of the international
gemological institute here in l.a.

Not only will you find out
what store this was sold...

Thank you so much,
lieutenant. That's great.

That's great.

Detective sanchez, if
you could get me a dump

Off every phone that
the victim was using.

Let's see if there was
someone other than his partner

That he was talking to a lot.

And, sergeant gabriel,

If you could get a credit report

On any frequent callers
as well as clint and barry.

I'm pretty sure they
didn't buy this necklace,

But there's another person involved in
this m*rder, and I'm pretty sure they did.

Hey, chief. Yeah?

What about me?

You. Uh...

Lieutenant, you.

Um, you can man the tip line.

Uh, but we already
caught the guy.

I know, but you never
know who might phone in.

And who would transfer
those calls to captain taylor

If you weren't here?



What you doing with our suspect?

You know how it is, provenza.

The pope giveth, and
the pope taketh away.

Can you help me?

You know what I mean?

You rang?

Actually, I think
I've got this covered.

Go on back home.

No sense in all of
us being exhausted.

Tao said you thought there might be
someone else involved in this m*rder.

There's a strong possibility.

[On video] almost. Where
were you last night at 12:30 a.m.?

Ran out to the grocery store.

My girlfriend don't
like it that I use a little,

So, i, uh, you know... I did
needle in the parking lot.

Anything else you wanted
to tell me, lieutenant?



See ya later.

Deputy chief johnson called me.

Ok, she told me they
found a wooden bat

In the back of my client's car,

And that's not the
m*rder w*apon.

I don't care if he uses
one bat to rob people

And another bat to k*ll 'em.

We're gonna settle
this right now.

You admitted to those other
assaults, didn't you, son?

I already said I knocked
around some fags.

I'm sick, all right?
I need a doctor.

This is never gonna hold up,
ok, what you're doing here.

We'll see who a judge
believes, us or a junkie.

Your client doesn't
have to talk to me

If he doesn't want to.
You need a doctor, son?


Want a transfer to
the infirmary, too?


You know we can help you
out with this drug down, right?

You know what I
mean, don't you, son?

Don't you?

There was a guy who you beat up

Who died.

Now, I know you didn't
mean for that to happen,

But he did.

And we gotta get that settled.

And then detective ross,

He's gonna get
you to a hospital,

And they're gonna
make you feel all good.

This is t*rture, ok?!

You are torturing my client!

Or you can go back to
your cell and wait it out.

Now what's it gonna be?

Blake, blake, you
don't answer him.

I did it.

You did what?

What did you do?

Come on. I need to hear it

Before you can go
to the infirmary. What?

What did you do?

I k*lled the guy.

I bashed him over the
head, and I k*lled him.

I k*lled him.

I k*lled him!

I beat him to death.

Now can you... Can you
do something for me?

Yeah, I can do
something for you.

Blake rawlings,

I can give you an upgrade

From as*ault with a
deadly w*apon to m*rder.

That's what I'm gonna give you.

Detective ross, put
that back in its cage.

And so...

Please, sit.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

The necklace came from
marseilles jewelers,

And so we took all
the names we got

From dumping the
victim's phones.

One guy stood out immediately.

Lots of calls,

Sometimes 60 minutes at a time.

Julian carver, and
here's his credit report.

And a charge to his american
express card at marseilles jewelers.

Which also has
an on-line catalog,

And the price for the dog tags

Just happens to match
what mr. Carver spent.

Barry and clint's
credit reports.

He was telling the truth.

They hadn't made a lot of
money in the last few years.

And if clint bought something,
he would have known about it,

Because these are
all joint accounts.

Checking and credit.

They may not have
been legally married,

But they were
financially. This is sad.

Barry spent the last of his
available credit yesterday.

Bought a suit for
clint's funeral.

But what about
this julian carver?

We did a search on the
internet. He's a photographer,

Does magazine covers, exhibits.

Headshots for actors?

Barry said that clint was trying
to start back up an acting career.

Lt. Flynn: so is every
other waiter in l.a.

Anyway, you're
wasting your time.

Oh, really, lieutenant?

Why is that?

'Cause taylor already got

A confession out
of blake rawlings.

Lt. Provenza: ah, well.

I don't think that
confession is gonna hold up.

I went to 4 grocery stores
looking for these tapes.


We. We. Are you happy?

What do I know about videos?

Come on, buzz. Damn it,
what's taking so long?

Look, you think you can
do this faster, be my guest.

All right, finally. Finally. Ok.

Well, fast-forward
it, would you?

Do I have to tell
you everything?

Hey. Stop. Stop, stop, stop.

See? There's that
camaro parking.

Buzz: so we fast-forward.

Now he gets out of the car, and
he goes into the grocery store.

We've got that on film, too.

Ok, come on. Fast-forward.

Enh, enh, enh, enh!

Blake's back,

And the time stamp
covers the m*rder.

Mmm. So he didn't do it.


He couldn't have.

I want to meet
this julian carver.

You don't mind if we look
around, do you, mr. Carver?

You've got nothing
to hide, right?

No. No, but maybe if you told
me what you were looking for,

Specifically, I could help.

Ah, that's all
right. We'll be fine.

So, how well do you know clint?

Not very.

I did a few rolls
on him, phew...

About 6 weeks ago.

Uh, he was hunting for an agent.

He needed new pictures.

Mm. According to his
cell phone records,

You talked to him quite a bit,

Had some nice, long chats.

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, well, choosing a
picture that'll get you work,

It's time-consuming, you know.


What have we here?

I think this may
be a little, uh...


Special k.

All right, all right.

The reason I have that is...

I just don't know what
to believe, mr. Carver.

Start again.

Tell me how well
you know clint harper.

Whoa. Chief.

Think you might want to
come take a look at this.

Ok, look. You have
the wrong idea here.

It's completely the wrong idea.


All right, listen.

We were having an affair.

Actually, he pretty much...

He'd pretty much decided
to leave barry for me.

He was moving in.

You have any proof of that?

Any shoes, socks?


Looks like he was in
desperate need of underwear.

Ok, uh, I want you to gather up
everything that belongs to clint

And bring it downtown,

And I want these pictures, too.

You're taking my artwork?

This is for a
gallery installation.

Oh, I'm not going
to mutilate them.

I'm going to have them
properly mounted.


Look, you either let
me take these pictures,

Or I'm gonna arrest you for
possession of a controlled substance.

Your choice.

Buzz, move in closer.

Yes, ma'am.

I've never seen him before. No.

He sometimes looks a
little better than this.

Let's try a picture.

It's slightly touched
up, but you get the idea.

You sure you
don't recognize him?

No. No.

No, I don't.

Well, I am so surprised.

Because clint seems to
have known him pretty well.

By the way, here are the clothes

That clint wasn't
wearing in this shot.

They were left at
this guy's house,

But according to the laws
governing community property

In the state of california that
went into effect last january,

These clothes now belong to you.

As does the house that you're
selling to pay off your debts.


Of course, if clint had
dissolved your partnership,

You would've had to split
everything with him 50-50.

That hardly seems fair.

You supported him, hadn't
you, for the last 6 years,

And then you fell
on some hard times,

And he went out looking
for another boyfriend.

No. No, no. It wasn't like...

He wasn't a kept...

Look, he may have been having
an affair, but I didn't know.

I knew nothing
about any of this.

You knew that a composite

Was being circulated around
the bars in your neighborhood.

You told me so yourself.

And, uh...

Do you remember
purchasing an aluminum bat

At the big 5 sporting
goods store 3 weeks ago?

It was charged to one
of the joint accounts

That you shared with
your domestic partner.

You bought a suit
from nordstrom's

On the same account yesterday.

To wear to clint's funeral.

You find that strange?

I do, because those
credit cards were stolen.

Why didn't you cancel
those credit cards?

Mr. Anderson...

Because you knew
where they were.

Because after you
bludgeoned clint to death,

You threw everything away
in the pond across the street.

What you didn't know

Was that clint was wearing a
necklace underneath his t-shirt

Given to him by someone else,

Someone younger, someone
in a little better shape,

Someone with whom he was
having, from the looks of it...

A great deal of fun.

How did it make you
feel, mr. Anderson,

Knowing that the boy that you'd
taken care of for quite a long time

Was about to grab
half your assets

And spend them doing dr*gs
and having sex with a guy like this?

He used to call
it beauty prison,

The gym he worked out at.

The guys there forced
to work out 5 days a week

Just to look great
on saturday night.

Get high, go dance.

Repeat same empty
routine every week.

Our relationship was different.

We... We had a ceremony.

Our... Our parents came,

Everyone I worked with,

My... My friends from college.

Did you have a photographer?

Screw julian carver.

I loved clint.

I loved him.

Oh, good god.

Good god.

I begged him not to
go, not to humiliate me

And to... To allow
these photographs to...

Oh, god.

None of this was easy.

I had given him everything.

What had he given me?

I never wanted to hurt him.

I was trying to work it out.

But then I realized...

This was supposed
to be a hate crime.

Oh, I think it was.

How am I going to explain
this to the community?

Well, you've been
trying for years

To prove that gay and straight
marriages are pretty much the same.

I think this guy's
done it for you.

Barry: he was
going. End of story.

He was k*lling me, too,

And us.

He was k*lling us.

Capt. Taylor: I think I might have
allowed my competitive nature

To get the better of me in my
desire to protect the community,

But I don't think anyone

Should mistake my
dedication to this department

Or lieutenant flynn's,
for that matter.

It's not the department you've
been treating like crap. It's me.

Partly that's because you've
been getting mixed signals,

So let's see if we can't
straighten things out.

Chief johnson, if I
have offended you,

Naturally I apologize.

Oh, I don't want an
apology from you.

I want an acknowledgement
of my rank,

I want an understanding
that you are beneath me

In the chain of command,

And I want you to
be officially warned

That if you make any further
attempt to undermine my investigations,

Chief polk will recommend
an inquiry by internal affairs,

Which is, I believe, the
established procedure

When investigating an
insubordinate officer.

Are we all agreed?

I see nothing improper
in that request.


Now thank you so much

Bye, y'all.

See you tomorrow.

Sir, I think I should point out

I only got the confession
that you ordered me to get.

Chief pope: yeah. Greg,
hardly know how to thank you.

On the other hand...

You may have accomplished
more than I expected.

Oh, cute.

[Talking baby talk]

Oh, hello, mama.


And here's mommy.

And here's mommy.

Here's mommy.

[Knock on door]

Oh, you shouldn't have.

Come in.

Thought this might
solve a problem for you.

Aw, they already
have a place to live.

Oh, no. This is better.

This is better.

For the time being.

Honestly, I can't think
what to do with him.

Her. It's a her.

I know. I know. It's just I
liked him better as a boy.

And i-i'd get rid
of him, too, but i...

They're so cute.

Well, yeah.

And i...

You just don't have the
emotional wherewithal

To break up with
your cat right now.


And just to show you I
understand how difficult it is

To keep a pair
together these days...


Oh, fritz.

Ho ho. Thank you.

Oh, my mother gave me these
when I moved to georgetown,

And i... I just...

My pillows thank you, too.

Well, what about
the rest of you?
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