01x09 - Good Housekeeping

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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01x09 - Good Housekeeping

Post by bunniefuu »

[Helicopter whirring]


Thank you.

Thank you, gentlemen.

You want me to do this?

No, I got it.

There's a scrape on her leg.

She might've been dragged.

Maybe into the river.

There's an indentation
on her cheek.

Make sure you get
a picture of that.

She probably wasn't k*lled here.

Her underwear's missing.

Could you, uh...

Get her to the morgue, please?

I got to get to the mother
before the press does.

Thank you very much.

She's all yours.

Make sure you get the cheek.

[Door opens]

Thank you very much.

Detective sanchez.

What have you told her?

I was waiting
until you got here.

Ok. Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you.

Who's that man with her?

It's her cousin alejandro.

He lives here.

Works for the same
family as their gardener.

Ok. Thank you.

Father, please excuse me.

Thank you.

Carmen alvarez?

I'm deputy chief
brenda leigh johnson,

Lapd, priority
homicide division.

Do you speak english? Do you
understand what I'm saying?

We found a little girl in
the l.a. River this afternoon,

Who we believe to
be your daughter.

No, no.

She's wearing the same clothes

That marta was wearing

And I think it was her.

[Crying and
screaming in spanish]

¡No es mi marta!

Not my marta!

[Crying and speaking spanish]

Based on the level of decomp

And the amount of time
she's been in the water,

I guess she's been dead
between 46 and 52 hours.

So... Ahem... We're
talking between

2 And 8 p.m. On monday?


I'm going to start
with the r*pe kit.

Why don't you stand over there

And I can tell you
everything I see?

You'll know everything I know.

I'm supposed to watch.

All right.

Ok then.

I see a lot of tearing.

[Door closes]

You've been waiting
out here the whole time?

Nowhere to go.

Did you have dinner at least?

You kidding?

Cause of death?

Oh, blunt force
trauma to the head.

The blow was so strong
that it broke her neck,

But, uh... The lungs were empty.


So she died before
she hit the water?

Yeah. And that bruise you
asked about on the cheek,

That happened after death.

There was evidence
of sexual as*ault.

A lot of ripping,
a lot of tearing.

Well, she was a virgin.

You can read the report.


The l.a. River
contaminated her body.

I scraped her nails,
I combed her hair,

But there was nothing.

I'll rush the r*pe kit, but...

I won't hold my breath.

Are you feeling better?


Thanks for asking.

Is there anything
else I should know?

There was no
evidence of t*rture.

No evidence of her
being beaten or bound.

Whatever happened to her,

She didn't hurt for very long.

[Exhales slowly]

I just got here. We're
about to interview the family.

Wow. It's a nice place.

Yeah. I'll keep you posted.

Kids by definition
can be very resilient.

Marta adapted to
america very quickly.

When did you meet
them... Carmen and marta?

3 Years ago.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

Our last housekeeper left.

She got pregnant.

Alejandro our gardener,
that's carmen's nephew.

Cousin, mom.

Cousin. That's right. Cousin.

Anyway, he's the one
that introduced us.

They had just gotten here.

What was her daily routine?

Well, let's see.

Monday through friday,
carmen would ride with marta

On the bus to school.
Excuse me, sweetheart.

And then she would
walk back here.

Have you seen the baggies?


And then marta would
come directly home

After she got
out of her studies.

Thank you.

Look, just so you know,
we pay her on the books,

And that they've always
gotten health insurance, too.

And we never treated them as if
they were anything less than family.

What kind of a monster would
do something like this to a child?

And why can't we protect
our children in this country?

How are we doing here?

We're fine, we're fine.

Are you... Are you leaving?

Yeah. Just for the morning.

I'll be at carnaby's at 2:00.


Chief johnson. Yes.

Yes. Hart phillips.
Thank you so much

For everything
you're doing here.

I was hoping to get a
chance to talk to you

Before you left.
Oh. I would love to.

I'm sorry. I have this morning

That I just... I can't cancel.

But anytime this
evening, though.

[Voice on phone
headset] yes, I'm here.

I'm here. Just hang
on one second.

I have this licensing agreement

That i... It's gotta be
wrapped up by today.

How are you doing, buddy?

You hanging in there?

Yeah, yeah. Kind of. Heh!

We'll talk more tonight.

Hart on phone: yes. Yes, sorry.

Oh, I know. We're all
mourning out here.

Yeah, I know. It's
horrible stuff.

Listen, I told you, we can
beat the price, all right?

We manufacture
in china, all right?

That's what I've been saying.

He would stay if he
could. [Door slams]

Really. I know he's just as
upset about this as we are.

I'm sure.

Did you notice anyone
unusual around the house

Recently or in the neighborhood?

Did you have any work
done on the house?


What is it?

You know, it's
probably nothing. Heh!



There was this one guy.

I don't think he's
doing work in the area,

But he always carries a camera.

Oh, god.

What does he look like?

I don't know. Average height.

Dark hair. 30S, maybe?

Could I borrow you
for a couple hours

To look at some faces?

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Great. Of course.

This is your zip code

And these are the sex
offenders who live there.

Talk about know thy neighbor.

Thanks to this website for
tracking down sex offenders,

We were able to narrow
down our search somewhat,

First by the
description you gave us

And by the type of offense.

Some of these
guys are into boys,

Some into much younger girls.

That leaves us with 13 people.

Wait. That guy. Who's he?


I'm looking for a wayne mathers.


Yoo-hoo! Sir, I saw you.


I'm not leaving, sir.

I'm wayne mathers.
This is my mother vera.

We're here about marta alvarez.

Of course you are.

This is the fourth time in 2 months
you people come to my house,

Question my son.

You take a lot of pictures.

I'm a photographer.
Am I under arrest?

Why can't you just
leave us alone?!

Mother, stay out
of this, please.

Am I under arrest?

You mind showing us
your photographs, wayne?

You're gonna take
them from me, aren't you?

Or you could bring them
downtown, have a little chat with us.


Can I change my
shirt before we go?

Yes, you can.

You people! You people!

Sergeant gabriel.

Would you please
go out the back,

Make sure he didn't
go out the window?

Yes, ma'am. Thank you.


Ma'am, were you here last monday
between the hours of 2 and 8 p.m.?



Wayne! Shut up! Shut up!

Wayne? What are
you doing, wayne?

What's going on?
What's going on in there?

I'm gonna open the door.

Wayne, I'm opening the door.

Wayne? Wayne?!

Oh, sh**t.




Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

I need 2 units, my
location. Code 3.

sh*ts fired. I
repeat, sh*ts fired.

Send paramedics. Oh, my god.

We can't develop wayne
mathers' photographs

In the usual way because s.i.d.

Wants to examine the film canisters
for prints and dna before they're opened

And it's going to take at least 2
days to get a workup on the van,

But we have his computer
and I want that broken down,

And I want to find out how marta
got into the l.a. River to begin with.

Excuse me, chief.

Yes, lieutenant provenza.

We do good work
here, but you know,

We hardly ever get
confessions out of the dead guys

Even when we slap
'em around a few times.

So what's the point?

We found marta but
at the present time,

There are 257 other 12-13 year
old missing latina girls in this city.

257 That we know of.
There could be 1,000, 2,000.

Sergeant gabriel's right, ma'am.

Illegals don't
exist in this country.

Which makes them idea
targets for child molesters.

Anyhow, I want to know if marta was
the only one that wayne managed to find.



Well, it's just, you know,

Daniels is away at the
homeland security seminar

And you sent lieutenant
flynn back to robbery-homicide.

We're a little short-staffed.

Yes, we're working light, but there
are questions that need answering

Before we close up shop.

So if you would,
sergeant gabriel,

Get a crew together and
dig up wayne's backyard.

Make sure that there's
nothing and no one buried there.

Check under the house,
too, and the garage.

I want to find out how she
got that bruise on her cheek.

Lieutenant provenza, if
you could go to trinity

And talk to her teachers.

Find out who her friends were.

Let's see if we can figure out
when and where wayne grabbed her,

Remembering the choice
of victim in this kind of crime

Is usually based
on availability.

Lieutenant tao,
wayne's computer.

And detective sanchez, if you could
run these photos by marta's family.

Thank you very much.

Look, um... I don't like
this kind of investigation

Any more than the rest of you,

But I want to go to sleep at night
knowing that we buried the k*ller

And not his crimes.

Thank you.

I'm trying to find out how the man
who did that to marta chose her.

Do you recognize any of these
gentlemen around your apartment

Or the phillips' house?

You may have just
seen them in passing.

He had a camera. He
often took pictures.

No. None of them.

It's my fault.

How? How is it your fault?

Carmen lost her husband.

We come from a very poor family.

She was desperate.

The phillips were looking
for a new maid fast...

So I talked her into coming.

Fast? How did you manage that?

How did you get
them over the border?

A coyote.

A what?

A coyote. A professional guide.

Someone who sneaks people
into america from mexico.

A professional guide?
How much does he charge?

$2,600 Per person.

Gosh! That's a lot.

Yes. Yes. Too much.

Who paid for them...
Carmen and marta?

I did. I paid.

So the phillips
needed a new maid,

And at that moment, you just
happened to have $5,000 in your pocket?

Yes. Yes, I paid!

You know what, alejandro?
I don't believe you.

I want a lawyer.

You want a lawyer? Yes, yes.

What happens to the citizens
who don't get a lawyer?

Are you running a
little agency on the side?

Selling your relatives,
tu familia, to needy anglos?

All right! Detective
sanchez, sit down.

Sit down. That's enough.

The man took advantage of
marta's age and her illegal status.

He r*ped her, m*rder*d her,

And threw her in the l.a. River
just like a piece of garbage,

And I want to
know how he did it.

If you know anything
that can help me,

I would deeply appreciate it.

Detective sanchez.

Detective sanchez.

I worry about your temper.

I want to talk to him,
not scare him away.

Ok. But...

Find out what you
can about alejandro.

You can be tougher on
him when we know more.

Thank you very much.

Special delivery.

Is it the escape
hatch I ordered?

Nothing from marta's school

Or from the creep's
computer or his backyard

Or his garage.

So what's the special delivery?

The creep's mama, waiting
for you in your office.


[Door opens]

I've got one hell of a
lawsuit against the lapd.

Ma'am, there's no
smoking in my office.

I want my son's photos.

Would you like to
have a seat, ma'am?

I want my son's photos.

Did you ever see any of them?

Did he ever bring any
of his models home?

My son didn't like taking
pictures of human beings.

He liked taking pictures
of parks, gardens,

Stuff like that.

You treated him like
he was a t*rror1st.

We have to monitor
sex offenders.

He was not a sex offender!

He was a drunk, ok?

Like all artistic types.

And if you drink and
you probably should,

You've gotta pee.

So once, maybe twice,
he passed out in a park

In front of little kids
with his pants down.

That was it!



Did you ever see
this little girl

In any of your son's photos?

Wayne would never hurt a kid.

And why are you so upset about
this kid, anyway? This w*tback...

Who's living here
off of my tax dollar,

And my son, he was an american,

And this little spic is more
important to you than my wayne was!

You hounded an
innocent man to death!

My little boy. Mine!


No. I not at the house
on monday afternoons.

I go to whole foods
with mrs. Phillips

After she come home from yoga.

Every monday?

And is anyone else
at the phillips' house?

Is alejandro
working in the yard?

No. Alejandro, he
work twice a week,

Tuesday and fridays.

So who else knows
what you do on monday

Besides the phillips
family and alejandro?

No one.

I think here is
safer than mexico.

Is better for marta.

Now I go home to bury her.

Is alejandro here
today to help you?

No. Ms. Phillips, she help.

She give me the money.
They come for funeral.


Look. See?

Ms. Phillips, she help
marta get into a school,

And marta, she's
so good in school.

My baby, she was so smart.

She tried so hard.

Where did you get this paper?

Uh, i...

Have closet at mrs. Phillips'.

Marta always leave her
bag there after school.

Mrs. Phillips,
she bring it to me

When she bring all the food.

This handout is dated the
day that marta disappeared.

Carmen, can I have the notebook,
please, and the backpack?

I promise I'll get
them back to you.

Thank you. Thank you.

If this backpack made it all the
way back to the phillips' house,

Then marta did, too.

I think we might need
to call leslie phillips

And tell her her house
might be a crime scene.

And I want you to
call s.i.d. And tell them

I want wayne mathers'
photographs and I want them now.

Yes, ma'am.

Listen to this. Hmm?

Some guy in london, he assigned
monetary values to happiness.

Getting married, he says, is
the equivalent of a $100,000 bonus.

Photos we developed from
our favorite pedophile's house.

You want to attach
a monetary value

For sorting through this?

God, no.


You think that horrible
man came into my home

And took marta?

That he att*cked
her in my house?

Oh, my god.

Can we look around? Do you mind?
Would you sign this consent form?

Anything you need.

[Telephone rings]

Hello? Hey, dad.

No, no. The cops came back.

To search the
house. I don't know.

They said marta could
have been hurt here.

Yeah. Hold on.

Mom, dad wants to talk to you.

Wait, dad. Dad, you're
cutting in and out.

Ok. Mom, dad said he
wants to talk to you.

I heard you the first time.

But he's calling back.

[Telephone rings]

Mom. You get it, austin.



Sergeant gabriel, does
this picture speak to you?

Yeah. It says someone
might have smashed into it

While falling down
the stairs. Mm-hmm.


So this is where all
the flowers have gone.

So, it's friday.
Where's alejandro?

He didn't show today. He came by
last night and spoke to my father.

Where are they? Upstairs.

Hey! All right, I don't know
what you're doing in my house.

You caught the guy who did this.

He shot himself.

Actually, we have 2 suspects.

Who's the other guy? Alejandro.

Ok. He doesn't usually do a
lot of gardening in my house.

I'm sorry, I must not have you
people going through my things.

It's upsetting, I know,
but we'll be done soon.

Yeah? Well, I'd
like you to leave.

Right now! Sergeant gabriel!

Ahem! Your wife
gave us her consent.

Well, consider your
consent revoked!

Let's go.

Marta disappeared around
3:30 on monday, right?

Well, the time/date stamp on these azaleas
is between 3:00 and 6:00 on the same day.

So that raises the question...

Well, yeah. Yeah. How
can this freak be innocent?

No, your honor, I need a
warrant for the garage,

The attic... [Telephone rings]

All right, then. Put a warrant
out on alejandro alvarez.

Gabriel here.

No, your honor, I'm sorry.
Let me be more specific.

I want nothing less than
a telephonic warrant

For the house, the
cars, the grounds,

And any other property this family
might possess in the known universe.

Yes, I'll hold.

Ahem! Lieutenant provenza
needs to speak with you right now.


Lieutenant provenza. Yes?

You're kidding.

Oh, my god. Are
the cameras there?

Uh-huh. Tell lieutenant
tao to check and see

If the time and date
stamp's been manipulated.

Ok, thank you.

What's up, chief?

Looks like wayne was photographing
azaleas when marta was m*rder*d.

Alejandro's gone. What?!

Either going back to
mexico or to oklahoma.

Where's carmen?
On her way to mexico.

Oh! Yeah, hold it.

Yes. No, I'm still on hold.

Yes. No, I'm right here.



Yes, your honor?

Thank you, your honor.
Yes, thank you so much.


I've been talking to my family
and I want to do the right thing.

I'm no longer interested
in what you want.

I've got a warrant
to search your house.

Is there any place that
you and I can go to talk...


We could go downtown.

Ok, that's fine.

You gonna be here
when I get back?

I don't want to spend one
more minute in this house.

Leslie, there is an
explanation for all of this.

I don't want to hear it. I
don't want to hear it, hart!

We're going to my mother's.

Ma'am, you're gonna
have to get a ride

Because these cars stay here
until we look through them.

Mina's home. Come on, austin.

Detective sanchez,
sergeant gabriel,

If there's anything even
remotely interesting in this house,

I want it in the m*rder room.

Mr. Phillips.

Let's go to work.

Where is mr. Phillips' attorney?

Mr. Banks keeps calling
to say that he's close.

Banks. Oh, god.

And he's been close for
the last hour and 48 minutes.

Assistant chief pope, deputy chief
johnson. I'm sorry about the traffic.

Even I don't take 2 hours to get
from century city to downtown

Nice to see you again,
too, ms. Johnson.

Shall we?

Yes, sir, we shall.

I'm just a little
concerned about...

About how my wife
is going to take this.

I mean, I know you might
not understand this,

But i, um...

I love her, ok? Very much.

And I just want to know
if there's any kind of way

That you and I could negotiate

At all how this story comes out

If that's at all possible.

Well, how's this for a start?

If we find anything
in your house,

Which we are
searching right now,

That solidly proves you
committed this m*rder,

And we do that before
you tell me what happened,

The d.a. Will charge you
with m*rder in the first,

And I won't need to hear
anything you have to say,

So the longer you stall, the
closer you get to a lethal injection.

How's that for a deal?

We were sort of having
an affair, marta and i.

Hart... Don't, all
right? I need to say this.

Ok. I lost my head
for a couple months.

I'm sorry.

We've had young girls
in the house before.

I mean, austin's friends,
hot housekeepers.

It's never been a
problem before.

Really? Your last
housekeeper got pregnant.

Where is she now?

Ok. Uh...

I paid alejandro to
take her back to mexico

And I paid him to bring
carmen and marta over.

So you've been paying alejandro

To bring young girls back
and forth across the border.

No, no, no, no, no. It
was just these 2 times.

And marta was...

Was a special girl. Yeah.

Smart and very mature.

I've seen the photographs.
She looks a lot older than 13.

Exactly. No, exactly.

I mean, I know technically
it can't be considered

A consensual
relationship. I know that.

But she wanted
me and I wanted her.

Say it. Get it over with.

They always want to explain.

And when was the
first time you had sex?

It was last monday.

Afterwards, she
said that she loved me,

And when I didn't reciprocate
or say anything back to her,

She got really upset.

She, uh... I went to hold her,

But she pulled away and...

She slipped on the steps.

This entire thing was
just a complete accident.

Ok. So why didn't you call
an ambulance or the police?

I panicked, all right?

I wasn't thinking clearly.

She was just completely still.

She was just... She was limp.

So i...

Put her in my car,

Took her to the l.a.
River, and I figured

She would just float away,
you know? Right out to sea.

The autopsy report says she regained
consciousness when she hit the water.


She started screaming...

And I was surprised, but I had
rolled her in from way up on the bank

And I couldn't get down
to her before she drowned.

It was awful.

Mr. Banks, if I find out you
have knowingly participated

In delaying this interview...

What the hell
was that all about?

Thank you.

I've alerted the d.a. They're
sending somebody right over.

Well, you can unalert them,
because marta alvarez didn't drown.

She was dead when
she hit the water.

Is this about the alejandro guy?

He's not covering
for a gardener.

Yes, sergeant gabriel.

How long ago did leslie leave?

Stop what you're doing,
bring the boy's car downtown,

And find me austin phillips.

He kept us all sitting here
so he could let his son escape.


Leslie phillips borrowed
her neighbor's vehicle

And used her credit
card toward a car at lax.

Spread the number on those
plates around the globe.

And 37 minutes ago, she
checked her home phone

From a 619 area code.

San diego. Any guesses
where they're heading?

Sea world?

Lieutenant tao,
can you call bor...

I'm calling border
patrol right now.

Chief? Yes.

We've got some stuff here you
are gonna want to take a look at.

All right. Let's
do it in the office.

The kid went on-line
after k*lling the girl

And checked out the county
sex offender website himself.

He had wayne mathers picked
out we even arrived on the scene.

Oh, good grief.


Plus we got this out of
the back of austin's car.

This end here, it seems
to match up perfectly.

We got s.i.d. Working
the trunk right now.

Thank you, gentlemen.

I never arrested an attorney
before, but you'll be my first.

I had nothing to do with this.

I only took my time
because hart told me

He needed a couple
hours to compose himself.

You mean compose one
hell of a false confession.

You better convince austin
to come home, mr. Phillips,

Or you and I are gonna
have big problems.

Given my son's age,

Given the special
circumstance of r*pe,

The d.a. Is gonna move
to try him as an adult.

You know that's true.

He'll spend the rest of his
life in jail, without parole.

Mexico won't extradite austin

Unless you agree to
try him as a minor, period.

You can't touch him now.

Congratulations, mr. Phillips.

You've taken exploiting
mexico to a whole new level.

My son made a terrible mistake,

But he is a juvenile.

If the d.a. Will recognize that,

I'll see to it that he returns

And serves the maximum.

And walks out of
detention when he's 25?

I don't think anyone's
gonna agree to that.

Well, I'm sorry, ms.
Johnson. Those are my terms.

We'll see about that.

If I were you, mr. Phillips, I would stop
worrying about what we might do to your son

And spend a little time
considering what I'm gonna do to you.

Leslie phillips used her credit
card to check into a resort

In ensenada.

You've got friends
in low places.

Do you mind talking to
the mexican federales,

See if they'll hold 'em
there so I can talk to austin?

Mexico will not extradite a
minor to face a life sentence.

I'm planning on having a discussion
with him about coming back to america.

Brenda, eliciting
confessions is one thing.

Convincing a 17-year-old
to leave the beach

For life in prison
I think is another.

Maybe I have more faith
in my abilities than you do.

Well, I guess nobody
can blame you for trying.

The federales can be a
bit fickle with the lapd.

These might come in handy if they
decide to stop being cooperative.

Well, thank you.


Leave a better
record with the fbi.

Well, I guess you won't
be needing a escort, then.

No, thanks.

I have one.

Thank you.

[Music playing]


Where's my lawyer?

Never been to mexico
before. Kind of cozy.

Where's my lawyer?

You're not in the
united states anymore,

So you don't have
the right to a lawyer

And you don't have the
right to remain silent.

Austin phillips, this is special
agent fritz howard of the fbi.


You can't arrest me here.

Now why would I
want to arrest you?

Your father already
confessed to the m*rder.

Saved us the
aggravation of a trial, too,

So he'll probably be
spared the death penalty.

I just wanted you to know
that it's ok for you to come home.


Nice try.

Mom spoke to mr. Banks.
We know what's going on.

You can't trick me
into anything, ok?

I'm not an idiot.

Well, then, how
about a little trade?

You come back to the states
and I won't extradite your mother.

My mom?

When we leave the room,

I'm gonna file this warrant
with the mexican government

Against your mother for aiding
and abetting the flight of a criminal

Across international borders.

Then she'll have to serve
a little time in mexico,

But if she survives that,

She'll go on to spend about
15 years in american prison.

And then there's your father.

What about him?

Well, he made a
false confession,

And he helped plan your
escape with your mother,

Which makes him an
accessory after the fact

To the r*pe and m*rder
of marta alvarez,

With an obstruction of
justice charge thrown in

Just to make sure that he never
sees another day of freedom

In his life.

Or you could come home with me.

You go to hell!

Hey, sit down!

Mexico won't be much
fun without an allowance.

What are you gonna do
without your parents around

To give you checks and cash?

There's plenty of money.
Actually, there isn't.

We've already frozen
your family's assets.

You just try to use an atm.

No cash, no parents, no hotel.

You know, there's a
significant difference

Between visiting a
beach and living on one.

You listen to me.

I'm not leaving, ok?

I'm not leaving. Do you
get that? I'm not leaving.

Whatever you say, whatever
you do, it doesn't matter.

There's nothing you can do
to make me change my mind.

All right, then. Stay,
you little bastard.

All right, look. I have
to close this case.

You tell me the truth about what
happened and I'll let your parents go free.

Brenda, you can't
do that. I can.

The fbi might have
a problem with that.

We will not bring charges, and
your warrant depends upon ours.

Brenda, think about
what you're doing.

Please, fritz.

This is a mistake.

You tell me the truth
about what happened,

You can sit here and
your parents go free.

And you'll unfreeze the assets?

Yes. I'll unfreeze their assets.

But I want to hear the truth.

I want to hear it.

Are you into little girls?

No. No! I messed around with our
last housekeeper and she was 19.

Marta was into me.

She was always
coming into my room,

Sitting on my bed, watching me.

Giggling. You know how they are.

And then last week, she told me
she wanted to be my girlfriend.

Did you want to
be her boyfriend?


But, you know, she was hot.

And so I explained to her

What it would take
to be my girlfriend

And how she could do it.

She was excited by it, ok?

She was looking forward to it and,
I thought, I have a little experience.

A lot of guys don't, you know.

But you ended up hurting her.

I guess.

She said she wanted to stop,

But... But what?

But I told her

That this is what it
meant to be my girlfriend

And that she
couldn't go back now

Because she'd
already agreed to it,

And you know, she couldn't.

And I even tried to talk
her all the way through it.

I tried to help her.

But then, when we got
all done, she got all weird.

Weird how? All quiet and stuff.

But we had to move it.

We were in my father's study

And my mom would be home soon.

And then she started to cry...

So I held her and
she pushed me away,

So I told her she had to go.

She had to put her
panties back on and go.

And then she tried to run

And she said that she
was gonna tell everyone

And... And... You
know, she fell.

You pushed her. No!

No. No, I didn't...

We were... We were struggling.

I was trying to
get her downstairs.

It was an accident.

But it wasn't an accident

That you went on-line to
find a list of sex offenders

To find a pedophile
you could blame.

It's not an accident that
wayne mathers is now dead

Because he couldn't take being
falsely accused one more time,

And it's no accident that you
dumped marta's body in the l.a. River,

And it's no accident
that we found her dna

In the trunk of your car,

All of which I have
evidence to prove.

Great. Good for you.
Now you can leave.

And now you can stay.


Spanish is not as
good as your english,

But I believe that that
is a birth certificate

For marta alvarez, am I right?

Si, senora. Carmen
gave it to me.

It shows that marta
was born in mexico.

Just your bad luck, I guess,

That you sought sanctuary
in the country of your victim,

Because, you see, these gentlemen,
they just don't take too kindly

To their citizens
being m*rder*d,

No matter where in
the world it happens.

And since you k*lled
a mexican national

And you won't come home with me,

You can be tried
here for your crime

And spend the next 40
years in a mexican prison.


Mom! Mom! Mom, help me!

Aah! Aah! Help me!

Leslie: I want to
see my son! Austin!

Mom! Mom! Take... Aah! God!

I'll go with her! I'll go
with you! Take me with you!

It's too late, austin. We
already agreed to everything.


Austin! Mom! Mom!

What are you doing?!
Where are you taking him?!

What are you doing?!

Where are you taking him?!

Where are you taking him?! Mom!

Give me back my boy!

[Indistinct shouting]

Are you ok?

I take it that
means I'm driving.

Yes. Thank you.

And you were very, very helpful.

I appreciate it.

I'm just too disgusted.

Why don't you go
easy on that stuff?

They say not to drink the water.

Yeah, well, there are
other alternatives.


Maybe we should stay the night.

Hmm. Maybe we should.

Maybe that's a good idea.

I just have to take
care of one thing first.

What's that? Just a...

Just a little thing.

[Kittens mewing] hey,
it's no problem, chief.

I'll just find their
bowls or whatever

And you can just relax about it.

No. I don't think you're trying
to take advantage of anything.

I think you might want
to eat a little something...


And plan on
sleeping in tomorrow.

No, no, no. I'll
take care of kitty.

Ok. Yeah.


Yeah. Oh, ok.

Well, you be careful, ma'am.

I'll be careful, too.

Ok. All right.

Bye-bye now.


Oh, no.


That is not a litter box!
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