03x07 - Love Never Dies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x07 - Love Never Dies

Post by bunniefuu »

( Rock music playing )

Good afternoon,
 ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the premiere showing
 of sinful secrets lingerie.

I hope you enjoyed our preview.

For those who enjoy browsing
 through our catalog

the beautiful
 and talented Veronique

is here today.

( Audience applauds )

So, is this where
we say "break a leg"?

That’s for actors, Chloe.

I’m going
 in front of a crowd

in nothing but my underwear.

Look like I’m having
the time of my life

and I’m not acting?

Good luck, Veronique.


He’s here again.

It’s the third show
he’s been watching me.

Every guy out there
 is looking at you.

You’re the reason
 they’re here.

This is different.

He’s different.

Don’t you worry
 about it.

You just worry
 about looking pretty.

You didn’t
believe Veronique

when she said
she was being stalked.

She wasn’t being
stalked exactly.

Guys looking at her
was her living.

This guy bothered her.

He didn’t
do anything.

Describe him.

s... I don’t know.

He was just some guy.

What happened
after the show?

We went back to my house
 for a little R and R.

Three glasses?

Put that out,
would you?



You’re quite the ladies’ man,

aren’t you, Mr. Garland?

I haven’t had
 any complaints.

You left your house
at : this morning.

I took Chloe
 back to her place.

I got home after :.

Hey, baby, I’m back.


Whoever said perception
is reality wasn’t a cop

because eyewitness accounts
  vary with every eyewitness.

If three people see
the same thing happen,

they always remember it

The trick is to fit
  the pieces together.

That is the beginning
  of the truth.

 for somebody whose girlfriend
 overdosed on dr*gs,

you don’t seem shook up.

Maybe you just don’t see it.

Would you put that out?

If it bothers you.

Yeah, it bothers me.

Did you know

Veronique had a drug problem?

I knew she was using.

I tried to get her help.

Some people you can’t help.

Not my fault.

You’re not on trial.

You could have fooled me.

You took Chloe Wells home.

Her house is

ten minutes from yours.

You were gone
 almost an hour.

Get yourself a copy
 of the sinful secrets catalog

and look up Chloe
on page

and tell me
 how any guy

could get out
 in less time.

Do you ever think
 about anything else?

The down Jones, baseball,

My old man told me
to find something to do

that would make me happy.

 dr*gs make you happy?

I don’t do dr*gs.

I do money.

I do beautiful women.

I do... things.

What about manipulating people?

You do that, too?

If you haven’t tried it,
don’t knock it.

You just have
 all the answers, don’t you?

No, I’m all out
 of answers for now.

Am I free to go?

Yeah, we’ll be in touch.

I’ll be looking forward to it.

The life of a wealthy man.

Do you think they got any
 openings in the mailroom?

I could start at the bottom,

work my way
in the yachts,

then up
to bachelor pads

on the beach.

It doesn’t happen
 that way, partner.

You got to be born

with a silver spoon
in your mouth--

not a plastic fork.

Mmm, mmm, mmm. Whoo.

I never pegged you

as the French-cut
bikini type.

You could give
a guy a complex.

Aren’t those
 awful drafty?

Don’t ask me,
I don’t wear any.

Notes on my arousal threshold

or the M.E.’s report?

Looks like your dream girl

was a skin popper.

For some time,
judging by scar tissue.

Skin poppers
don’t get enough heroin

in their system to O.D.

It doesn’t fit her tox screen
 which showed

enough opiates to drop a horse.

Something else does?

See these bruises?

Got a matching set
 on the other side.

Somebody held her down.

There is also a puncture wound

under her left arm.

Somebody shot her
full of heroin.

Death at the hands of another.

Beautiful woman,
not too strong.

Wouldn’t be
tough to do.

It’s a shame.

Oh, you look stunning.

As usual.

I’m not high

if that’s what
you’re checking for.

Don’t be cross
 with me, Veronique.

I told you I could
 make things happen.

This is only
 the beginning.

But it only works
 if you’re on your game.

I know.

I’ve got plans for you.

I’m going to make you famous.

Now go out
and dazzle them.

Mr. Garland,
 no visitors backstage.


I think you’re
not only sore

because I handle
 the hottest model

your catalog
has ever had

it’s because
of the way

I handle her.

You may have
her confused

with your promises
 and money

but not me.

Now, do I call

Oh, break a leg, Amanda.

Really, break a leg.

Amanda Jamison and Rick garland
 weren’t the best of friends?

Amanda is protective
 of her girls.

Maternal instinct.

 you sure it wasn’t

a different instinct?

Does he have to be here?

Forget Mr. Sensitivity,
we want to know about Veronique.

You’re amongst friends.

My friends can’t arrest me.

You still dealing dr*gs?

There he goes again.

We’ve already done
 some checking.

We know
 you went down

for possession
with intent to sell.

Are you still selling dr*gs?


To friends.

Did you sell

to Veronique?


Never enough to k*ll her.

I wouldn’t do anything
to hurt Veronique.

Seeing you with her boyfriend
 hurt her.

He doesn’t seem your type.

He wasn’t.

( Whispering: )
 but Veronique was.

If I had to put up
 with Rick garland

to get to Veronique,

then okay.

I can’t believe
 you taped us.

I can’t believe
 you let him.

I didn’t know, honest.

Don’t tell me
knowing you did it

in front of a camera

get you going again.

Put the camera
 away, Rick, please.

I got to go
get more tape.

Alone at last, huh?


Just you, me,
 my boyfriend

and his camera.

Something is bothering you.

You can tell me,

Are you holding?

Is that all I am to you?

I’m sorry, Chloe,
 I didn’t mean it
 like that.

 rick came back

five minutes later
with another blank tape.

Did Veronique tell you
 why she was anxious?


A man was
following her.

Do you know who it was?

No, we don’t.

Did you notice

Lots of strangers
 hang around models.

We don’t look at them.

We don’t want to know
 they exist.

Why not?

They’re an
occupational hazard.

Veronique was becoming famous
 because men in need of a life

got off on her pictures
in the catalog.

It doesn’t take a lot
of imagination.

A sicko man lets
his fantasy life

cross over into reality.

Do you buy
garland’s alibi?

Chloe backed it up
 all the way.

Including the roll
 in the hay

while Veronique
 was dying.

She wasn’t
very convincing.

Maybe she had
 a bad acting coach.

As in garland?

Hello, cotton.

Rita, your prayers are answered.

You prayed
for a two-faced

swindling scammer?

That hurt, Chris.

Cotton is looking
 for my new place.

Rewind that for me.

Give me your purse,
I’ll burn it.

Save yourself
the hassle.

You know how busy
 I am, Chris.

If I don’t move
 this week

I owe another month’s rent.

I want a house
with a yard.

You’re going to have
time to farm it?

Cotton is looking for me.

How bad can that be?

She’s smart
 hiring a pro.

A novice reads
"ample parking."

I see "dirt front yard."

They see
"has character."

I see
 "bad neighborhood."

They see "rustic."

I see "leaking roof."

You mean you know
all about bull, cotton.

Have you found anything?

A dandy abode
 with your name on it.


"One-and-a-half bath.

"Hardwood floors,
 bonus room.

"Great neighborhood,
 walk to beach.

Won’t last long, call Totsie."

It’s in your price range.

Sounds too good
to be true.

I’d be out now if it wasn’t
 for this problem of per diem.

Per diem?

I thought the only Latin
you knew was habeas corpus.

It costs money

to drive beauty
 to open houses.

I realize you’re
going to pay me

but expenses
 are eating me up.

Okay, cotton, I surrender.

You know what
 you’re doing?

I’m giving cotton money.

Okay, let’s see.


Yeah, Lorenzo.

That should do it.


Keep it close by.

How do you
 know John Penner?

We worked homicide
investigations together

before he quit the force.

I heard he was
 asked to leave.


Lorenzo, long time no see.

It’s Sergeant Lorenzo now,
 isn’t it?

I’d like you
 to meet my partner

Rita Lance,
 also sergeant.

So you’re
John Penner, huh?

Guilty. Don’t believe
everything you’ve heard.

So, what’s up?
 what’s so urgent?

My friends tell me
 you’ve got the k*lling

of a lingerie model.

What about it?

I can do something for you.


I can give you the k*ller.

 so you talked to Chloe Wells?

Yeah, this morning.

And you know she’s a junkie,
 a pusher, and a habitual liar.

Why don’t you tell us

how you really feel?

What’s your connection
to Chloe Wells?

I was hired to find out
 who’s selling dr*gs

to sinful secret models.

You were hired?

Who hired you?

Hey, old buddy, I’m a P.I.

You believe that?

Hated them when I
 was on homicide.

Used to call them
 all kinds of names.

Well, now I is one.

You didn’t tell us
 who hired you.

Well, now,
 I can’t tell you that.

Hey, Marcie, thank you.

Scotch for
breakfast, huh?

Well, it’s :
 in Singapore...

Or someplace.

You aren’t telling us
anything we don’t know.

We pulled Chloe’s rap sheet.

We know about

her drug history.

Then you know Chloe will lie

even when the truth
would serve her better.

Maybe, but she
 established an alibi

for the dead woman’s boyfriend

we can’t refute.

And you believed her?

We don’t have a lot of choice
 until we can prove otherwise.

Well, for a couple of seconds,

I thought we were all
 speaking the same language.

So did I.

Then why can’t you see
what I can see?


This Rick garland?

He did it.

For somebody who hasn’t been

in the department
for five years,

you sure get around.

Well, like I said.

I was hired to investigate
 anybody with anything to do

with sinful secrets,

including this Rick garland.

Now, trust me on this,
will you, folks?

The man is dirty.

John, you know
 we can’t do anything

until we have evidence.

Oh, it’ll come.

Don’t you worry.

When I was a cop,

I met enough bad actors
 like this garland

to know that,
sooner or later,

 down the line,

he’s going to screw up.

we need to talk.

I told you
 to leave.

I just checked
my answering service.

Guess what?

A message from Veronique

from the Mayfair agency
in New York.

You’re not
the only one

with friends
 in high places.

Veronique is mine.

You’re disgusting.

Veronique is not
a side of beef

for you to claim.

I found her

and turned her into
what’s selling underwear

in your catalog.

I’ll be damned
if I’ll let you

or the Mayfair agency

horn in on my action.

The girl needs
professional management.

Think about what’s
 good for her for once.

You mean she needs
to get away from me.

You were about to
 leave, Mr. Garland.

You’re going to
regret this, Amanda.

You either butt out,
or before I’m through

going to be sorry.

 and now everybody is sorry,

especially Veronique.

You sound
 like you

blame yourself
 for her death.

I blame the bastard
who m*rder*d her--

Rick garland.

Is there any proof
of that, ma’am?

Whether you can prove
that Rick garland

shoved that needle
into her arm

is beside the point.

You’ve just lost me.

I’m talking about
 all the little crimes

he committed against her.

He heaped
humiliation on her.

And he enjoyed it.

She didn’t understand
 what was happening to her.

Okay, Chloe, into the water.

Swim on over here.

Chloe, surprised
to see you here.

What do you think
 you’re doing here?

A few more questions
came up.

I’ve said all
 I’m going to say.

Now, if you
 don’t mind...

This won’t take
too long.

I think I’ll
 call my lawyer.

Give him
the afternoon off.

I have
 nothing to say.

Miss Jamison says

you made a threat

the night of the m*rder.

That’s ridiculous.

That lesbo would say anything
 to get even with me.

Get even for what?

She loved Veronique.

Amanda was trying to get control
 of Veronique’s career

and shut me out.

When I found out, I lost it.

How much, hmm?

You make a threat?

Get off my property

and don’t come back
 without a warrant.

If we come back,
there will be a warrant.

Count on it.

You should have stayed
in the picture.

Uh, I’d probably break
 your camera.

You must be Totsie.

Mr. Dunn.

Well, hi.

It’s a pleasure

to finally
 meet you.

It’s just not the same
over the phone.

You’re a people person,
 too, huh?

Mama always said so.

Something the matter, Mr. Dunn?

Well, uh...

I’ve done the comps on this
 and this doesn’t compute.

What doesn’t?

The rent is half as much

as places
 with the same square footage

and similar beach access.

This place isn’t built over

an ancient burial ground,
is it?

No, Mr. Dunn,
the house isn’t haunted.

It’s just owned
by a very anxious couple

who doesn’t want the house
 to stay empty.

Good news, don’t you think?

It is.

Let’s talk money first.

I’m brokering
for another party.

If we make a deal,
 I’ll expect my commission

from your end.

And what would that
 amount to?

My usual %.

Well... I think
 the owner might go %

if we make a deal,
 close it real fast.


What do you say
 we kick the tires

and check
under the hood?


Oh... sorry.

Make yourself
at home, John.

What are you
doing here, man?

Just wondering why Rick garland
 isn’t in jail.

I mean, I thought
 you went to see him.

Yeah, not that that’s
any of your business.

And you came back empty-handed?

It’s not
that easy, John.

Things have really changed
 that much?

Tell me the truth, partner.

Have I been away
that long?

’cause I’ll tell you something.

I’d have Rick garland’s head
by now.

You’re not running
 this investigation.

You’re right, I’m not.

I’m butting in on it.

I apologize.

It’s all right, I understand.

No, you don’t understand.

It’s a whole different world
on my side of the badge.

You’re jazzed about the case--
 it’s okay.

Don’t patronize me, Rita.

I’m a big boy,
I can face the truth.

You two are the cops,

not me.

No problem.

But on the other hand,
 I get to go home at night.

That’s pretty much
 what I’m going to do.

Good night.

What if he’s right
 about garland?

I don’t know.

Garland’s not
 the only suspect.

We still got Chloe Wells,

Amanda Jamison...

Plus the guy stalking Veronique.

Maybe garland
 looks so good for this

because he is such a sweetheart.

Nothing to drink for breakfast?

It’s not : in Singapore.

Where’s your
partner, Rita?

I hope she’s not still mad at me

for sticking my nose
 in your investigation.

No, she’s not, she likes you.

She’s got business
to take care of.

She’s a good cop.

You’re lucky

to have her
as a partner.

Yes, she is.
 why’d you call me?

A little tender

this morning,
aren’t we?

I said I was sorry
for butting my nose in.

I’m going to help you nail
 rick garland.

Rick garland is
 all I hear from you.

And don’t tell me
you did anything to him

the D.A. Is going
to throw back at me.

Don’t point your finger at me!

Stay out of my investigation!

All right, show me some respect.

What’d you do to him?

I didn’t touch him.

I paid off my street snitch

who was helping me

with this sinful secrets thing
 and the drug deal.

You know how the D.A. Feels
 about information

from paid

This guy’s never let me down.

I’m sure he’s an
 upstanding citizen.

He’s upstanding enough.

All right?

The snitch tells me

the night the model got k*lled,

he sold a packet
of Persian brown heroin

and a syringe

to Chloe Wells.

Now you’re going to tell me

Chloe Wells is the k*ller?

No, you’re getting ahead
 of yourself again.

Well, you explain it to me.

Chloe Wells had
 a friend with her

when she bought
the goods.

Rick garland.

Rick garland.

Rick... garland.

 what the hell are
 you doing in here?

It’s called executing
a search warrant.

You have to have probable cause
to get a warrant

and you don’t.

Judge Walters
 would argue that.

A reliable source saw you
with Chloe Wells

when she
illegally purchased

heroin and a syringe

the night of
 Veronique’s m*rder.

Heroin overdose was
 the cause of death.

Administered by someone
other than her.

Probable enough
 for you?

So you wave that piece of paper,

and that gives you the right
 to invade my home?

Turn it upside down

and treat me
like a suspect?

It gives us the right
to search for contraband.

As for treating you
like a suspect...

That depends
on what we find.

I’ll be
in the kitchen.

I think I’ll call my lawyer.

When he gets here,

we’ll talk about
your rights.

Hey, Chris.


Look what
we found

in the trash

Mike, get
Mr. Garland.

Cuff him and read him
 his rights.

As I see this,

we have two ways to proceed:

The easy way

and the not-so-easy way.

The choice is yours.

I won’t talk to you

until my attorney gets here.

 I’d like to
 meet the lawyer

who can explain away

how we found this
 in your house.

How many times do I have
to tell you

I never saw that
in my life.

You couldn’t tell us
enough times

to make us believe you.

Somebody planted it.

Cops pressured
to solve a case

they don’t have
 a clue on.

It could have been you.

Let’s say Sergeant Lorenzo

did plant
the syringe.

You have
to explain

the blood we found
in the syringe.

He’s got blood in his veins.

Sorry, but
I’m o-positive.

Blood in the syringe
 doesn’t match me.

It does match
your dead girlfriend, Veronique.

Ab-negative is the rarest
blood type in the world.

If your lawyer can get a jury

to buy the planted
evidence idea,

can he explain away
 the blood type, too?

Doesn’t look good.

It looks thin,
 Mr.. Garland.

You think about that.

He’s determined
 not to crack.

He’s not stupid, either.

And he wouldn’t have used
 his trash compactor

to get rid of
the m*rder w*apon.

No, he’d do
 what I’d do--

throw it
 in the ocean.

That brings us back

to John Penner
and his snitch.

John Penner has been
in a serious yank

to get garland.

Let’s say John
 planted the syringe.

That leaves us
 with one problem.

Where did Penner

get the rarest blood type
in the world

to put in the syringe?

Chloe, it’s the police,
 open up!

You think she heard
 about garland’s arrest

and decided
to skip town?

No way
she could know

we have him
in custody.

Looks like somebody
 left in a hurry.

You got a pen?


( Phone dialing )

You’ve reached -.

Sorry I can’t come to the phone,

but leave
 your name and number.

I’ll get back to you
 as soon as I can.

 hey, cotton.

Your office told me
I’d find you here.

This is a handicapped spot,

You should see my short game.

I’m going to get us
some coffee.


What’s up?

Rita Lance,
welcome home.

This is nice.


Norman Rockwell is nice.

This is Jasper Johns
meets Frank Lloyd Wright.

This is cutting edge,
this is passion.

This isn’t just four walls,
a door and some windows.

This is a statement.

Curb appeal
like that

comes with a tight dress
and three-inch pumps.

How much is it?

What’s it
worth to you

to have your own
 personalized living space

to create your very own
 gender-specific universe?

How much, cotton?

Give me a cashier’s check
 for two thousand five

and the universe
is yours.


Plus my fee and expenses.

The is for first and last

and a nominal
security deposit

which I might add

I negotiated down
 to a fraction

of what
the owner wanted.

I don’t know, cotton.

What’s not to know--
 it’s perfect.

It is a very pretty house.

Live large, Rita.

You don’t want
 a stucco cr*cker box

surrounded by people
 with no-neck kids,

people who take owning
an R.V. Seriously.

I have to go by
 my credit union first.




What brings you down here?

I need to see somebody’s file.

How’s Rita?

Does she talk about me?

I thought we hit it off
 when we met.

The last and only time
 you saw Rita

was at last year’s
 new year’s Eve party.

She said "hello."

What file did you need?

Everything you got
on John Penner.

Big bad John?

You don’t ask for much,
do you?

There are internal affairs
 reviews in his file.

It’s confidential stuff.

You know, Artie...


I see Rita Lance every day.

It would be
 no big deal

to mention the guy
 in records

she met at last year’s
 new year’s Eve party.

He’s got a lot
 to offer.

You serious?


You mean on the guy
down in records

bending departmental protocol
with confidential files.

That’s one way to look at it.


You didn’t want the
free trial subscription?

Garland just got out
on bail.

The judge didn’t think
he was a flight risk?

Not after the lawyers
 got through with him.

Garland could have run
 for governor.

Oh, man, I would have loved
 to have seen that performance.


I keep thinking about something
Penner used to say to me

when he was still a cop.

When a case suddenly
wraps itself up

like a present underneath
the Christmas tree,

always check your calendar.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.


Stu, next time we have
chili fries, I’m buying.

Okay, thanks.

I have got an address

to go with the number
 off Chloe’s telephone.

Got a name?

Yeah, Amanda Jamison.

Boom, boom, boom.

Oh, man.

It was dumb of me

to think I could hide
from everyone.

He won’t get away
 with this, Chloe.

One phone call,

garland’s bail
 is revoked.

You say the word.

As much as I’d like
 to see that happen,

Rick garland
didn’t do this.

The man that did this to me said
that I could expect a lot worse

if I came forward

to back up
garland’s alibi.

He said I should leave
the state... for good.

If you saw this man again,
 could you identify him?


I know the guy’s name.

It’s that same
rent-a-cop bastard

who’s been hassling me

ever since I got to Florida.

His name is...

John Penner.

Well, here it is,
 everything you’ve ever wanted

to know about John Penner
but were afraid to ask.

What’s this?




( Sighing )

I knew you couldn’t
 go through all these.

So, in the interest of time
 and my love life,

I cross-referenced
 as much as I could

on the computer.

You said there
 were I.A. Reviews.

That was a little
 too hot to handle.

How hot?

It was just before
Penner resigned.


I guess with all
 these commendations,

they let him
slip out the back door.

What’s this about
 a psychological fitness test?

I noticed that, too.

Apparently came just after
 Mrs. Penner filed

the domestic v*olence claim
against him.

I’ll be damned.

Cotton, what are
those people doing

moving furniture
in my house?

Moving in?

I thought I was.

Totsie’s meeting us.

She told
 us that, too.

Let’s not go
losing our heads

while everybody else
is losing theirs.

Not to mention
their deposits.

Totsie’s phone’s
 been disconnected.

Oh, great.

No kidding.

Totsie’s not
a real estate agent.

She’s running a con.

She finds
 an empty place,

puts an ad in the paper,
 gets the deposits;

moving day,
 she’s gone.

This is priceless.

Frankly, the humor of losing
 $, escapes me, cotton.

The lady running this scam
knows what she’s doing.

You sound impressed.

She’s conned a con man.

You can appreciate
 the irony in that.

Then a con should
 be able to catch her.

And I want her caught, cotton.

I want
my $, back.

Is this a bad time

to ask
 for gas money?

( Jukebox playing blues )

I ran into Chloe Wells.

I saw
your handiwork.

Here’s a quarter,
call somebody who cares.

You’re going down
for this.

I was wrong about you.

I thought you were
 what we call

a real cop.

Now look at you.

You’re like
 all the rest.

I obey the law.

Spare me that crap.

There’s a whole world
 full of dangerous people.

The only thing
 standing between them

and the public

are people like me.

And I used to think

people like you.

Don’t compare me
to you.

There’s a w*r
 out there

and I want to win.

That makes me
 a criminal?

If you brutalize witnesses
and tamper with evidence.

We all bend rules.

There’s bending rules and
there’s breaking the law.

You were
stalking Veronique.

Was it some sexual thing?

She rejected you?

Shut up!

You know,
 you just about

got the response
 you wanted there.

I know about the trouble
with your wife.

Who doesn’t know
 about our trouble?

And I think I know why

you stalked

There’s really
 no going back at this point

you understand?

There’s no way for them
 to handle me in the department

like they did

I tell you what.

You do me a favor.

You tell...

You tell them I am willing
 to go to jail.

But not until I finish the job.

( Grunting )

So you were following Veronique?

And you k*lled her.

What do you want?

I want you to pay.

If it’s money you want,
 I got a safe.

( Grunting )

You took an innocent kid,
 hooked her on dr*gs,

you turned her
into a whore.

Only one kind of money
can cover that.

I’ll confess.
 just don’t hurt me anymore.

Oh, no.

Just... tell me why.

She was going to leave me.

That’s it?

She was mine!

I created what she’d become
 and she was leaving.

( Grunting )

She was nothing to you,
 just property.

What the hell
was she to you?!

She was
 his daughter.

We know about
everything, John.

Chris showed me

the reports
 on you, John.

Yeah, well, my wife split
 and took our baby.

Baby girl,
 wasn’t it?

It explains the ab-negative
 blood type in the syringe.

It was yours because
you were Veronique’s father.

It took me years
 to track them down.

When I heard Veronique
 was coming back to Florida

I figured I’d be a father
for the first time.

I never got to talk to her
 because this dirtbag,

hooked her on dr*gs, used her

and then he m*rder*d her.

Chloe Wells has
already confessed.

She’ll hang garland
out to dry.

There is no need
to do this.

Come on, this is John Penner!

No judge will convict him

after some of the stuff
I’ve pulled here today.

 listen to me.

Look at me.

k*lling him won’t bring
 your daughter back.

You’re right.

It won’t.

But it’s the next best thing.

 turn around, John.

Now, folks, don’t dawdle.

A cream puff house
 like this,

it won’t last long.

( Clapping )

 well, shut my mouth
 and flip my pancakes.

If it isn’t

little old Totsie McGee.

Cotton, how’d
you find me?

I followed
 this trail
 of cream puffs.

I knew that cutesy stuff
was trouble.

Honey, you don’t know
 what trouble is.

This scheme would bring
 a tear to Ponzi’s eyes.

But to stay
 in this business,

you better screen
 your marks.

You a cop?

Not exactly.

I have a chance
to talk my way out of this?

Take your best shot.

Guess that’s
the end of the line

for John Penner.

I guess it is.

Is that what
happens to a cop

who takes his job
 too seriously?

No, maybe when they don’t
take it serious enough.

 sergeants Lance and Lorenzo?
 Totsie McGee.

Hi. Cotton told me
so much about you.

I’m sure he has.

Um, this is yours.

Thank you.

All we know
about you

is what we found out
from the mug books.

We’re going upstairs--
totsie’s turning herself in.

That’s noble.

Do I detect
romance here?

You are perceptive.

I look
 into those eyes

and I see a woman to share
 my joys, my hopes



Why take the woman
you love to get booked?

We talked it all out.

We’ll need a clean slate
to start our new life.

With only
 two priors

a promise of restitution and
 a contrite demeanor in court,

we’re looking at
six months tops,

 community service.

So then what,
 dare I ask?

We take
 my business acumen

and totsie’s
 real estate expertise

to the next
logical plateau.

Time shares!

Is that right?

You two are looking at
 a ground floor situation.

How would you
like to vacation

in Bermuda
one year,

the Virgin Islands
 the next?

We’re going to get
 a lot of bookings...


Me, too.
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