02x50 - The Hands of Justice Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x50 - The Hands of Justice Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

I told you.

No one is impervious to the light.



Are you all right?

Sartorius brainwashed you, didn't he?

No, jay. That's not sartorius.

It's not? No.

His body has been taken over by some power-hungry alien,

And only you can stop it.

You hold the final key, and if he gets it,

He'll control the satellite and the fate of the world.

Stop him. It's too late for me.

It's all you. Don't screw up. Later.

Huh. Hey.

[Both gasp]

All right. What have you done with him?

Ha ha ha!

Let's just say he's resting,

But what happens to him next is up to you.

Behold arcana, goddess of judgment.


In one hand sits aster's key.

And where's aster?

Funny you should ask.

He's in arcana's other hand.

Now what?

Her arms form the scale of judgment,

But look.

The scale is a bit off balance,

So this is where you come in.

Arcana needs to be holding both keys.

If not?

Then the scale of judgment will tip,

And aster will fall.

Aw, man. He's fightin' dirty.

Sartorius: so, what's it going to be--

The key to the satellite or your friend's life?

The choice is yours, jaden.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Student: I'm gonna be the gx champ. Who wants to challenge me next?

Sheppard: attention, all tournament participants.

This is your chancellor speaking.

As you know, this competition is coming to a close,

So to all of you medal holders out there,

Good luck in the finals,

And may the most deserving duelist win.

[Thinking] jaden, I need to see this tournament through,

So it's up to you to save aster.

All hail the light.

Listen up.

The gx champion has to be one of us.

The future of the society depends on it.

Now let's illuminate the world.

All hail the society of light.

Let's show them. See the light.


Guess things can't get any worse.


All hail the light. All hail the light.

Kissed by the poison lips of defeat.

May as well lay here forever.

Bonaparte, I'm going to advise you against that,

As I've lost all feeling below my chest.

Students: who's gonna win?

The chazz!

Chazz! Chazz! Yeah!

What in the name--

Chazz: if you society geeks honestly think

You have a shot at this thing, think again.

Tell 'em who's taking those medals home.

The chazz. The chazz.

The chazz. The chazz.

The chazz!

What the--

Ready, boys? It's chazz time.


So, that thing is just a hologram, right?

Yeah, of course.

Linda: wrong.

Linda? Prince ojin?

The light is stronger than ever,

And it brought that statue to life,

So this is all real.

It is? So, let me get this straight.

If jaden doesn't put his key

In that statue's hand, then aster's gonna--

Plummet to his ultimate doom,

So let the judgment commence.

Stop it. Ohh...

Jaden, if you hand over that key,

He'll have control of the satellite.

And he'll brainwash the whole world.

Jaden: but if I don't balance the scale, aster is a goner.

Hassleberry: fate of the world in one hand and one guy's life in the other.

Seems like a no-brainer.

Yeah, but aster is our friend.

Then again, the fate of the world is pretty important, also.

Friendship vs. Humanity?

I wasn't built for decisions like this.

You win. Uh!

No! No! No!

Linda: what have you done?

Sartorius: you would let me lead the entire world into the light

Just to save one insignificant life?

I'm not letting you do anything.

Your whole "take over the world" deal just isn't happening.

Oh, no? And who's going to stop me?

Why don't I give you a little hint?

He wears a red coat, hates homework,

But loves to get his game on.

Huh. You foolish human.

I have traveled through space

To purify your planet with the power of light.

Destruction is creation.


Neos: jaden... Huh?

The force that controls sartorius

Is as old as time itself.

Neos, is that you? Where are you?

I exist in neo space, but soon my home will be gone,

Along with the rest of the universe.

Life draws its energy from the balance of light and dark,

But the light of destruction threatens to tip the balance.

So how do I even things out?

You must fight the light with darkness.


All right.

We're gonna do things my way, bro.

Get your game on.

D'oh. Say what?

If I win, then you take a hike.

Ha ha ha!

That's all very cute,

But I don't need to duel you.

You've already given me what I want.

What was I thinking?

Aw, man.

We're all done for.

Satellite keys, come to my hands.



Aah! Ooh! Uh!

I'm afraid I have other plans.

Neos, it's you.

Yes, and I shall protect these keys.

Now, defeat sartorius in this duel,

And the light of destruction will be sealed away forever.

That's what you think.

Looks like we're dueling after all.

Ha ha ha!

Do you honestly think any of this surprises me?

Sorry, but I've foreseen these events.

Prove it.

This duel will end in your defeat, jaden,

And your neospacian friend will perish.

Yeah, right. Just try.

Chazz: defeated in one move. How lame.

Huh? Who's there?

I've come a long way to duel you, zane,

So what do ya say?

Cute outfit, kid.

Very funny.

Now, I need to win your medal, so let's do this.

Uh, you dropped something.

Yeah. Looks like I did.

Ya better pick it up before someone else grabs it.

So, you're just gonna give it away?

Let's just say that tournaments aren't my thing,

Never were,

So take your little trinket and have a ball.

Well, this tournament was fixed.

I can't believe I lost all my medals.

Chancellor, the tournament has a winner.


He defeated every member of the society of light.

This kid single-handedly saved duel academy.

Students: chazz it up. Chazz it up.

Chazz it up. Chazz it up.

Chazz it up. Chazz it up.

Chazz it up. Chazz it up.

Chazz: it's good to be da chazz.

I hate to burst your bubble,

But didn't you lose to jaden?

Huh? D'oh!

Alexis, that duel didn't count, and you know it.

Maybe you're right.

I mean, my memory is a blur.

Yeah, real blurry.

Sorry. My bad. Whew.

Well, if there's no one else left

And chazz has every medal, then our winner is--

Girl: hold that thought.

Huh? Huh? Huh?

He doesn't have every medal.

It looks like this tournament is still on.

Uh, should we know you?

Show us your face, loser.

Oh, real mature,

But I need to know somethin' first.

What's the prize for first place?

A kiss from dorothy.

What? What? What?

Uh, in addition, I'll grant the winner anything they desire,

Within reason, of course.

Deal. When I win, I want the white dorm torn down

And the good ol' blue dorm brought back.

Done. What about you?

If I win, I want into the slifer red dorm.

Red dorm?

The winner deserves to be admitted into obelisk blue,

But, hey, if it's red you want,

Then who am I to stand in your way?


Hey, wait.

You're that grade-school kid.

You know her?

She tried to sneak in last year.

She was obsessed with zane, remember?

I've grown up since then.

The name is blair. Who're you?

Tell 'er, boys.

All: the chazz. Chazz-man. Chazzberry pie.

The chazzmanian devil. Whoo! Ha ha!

All right. I think she gets the point.

She's about to get chazzed.

Jaden: of all the planets out there,

Why'd ya have to go and mess with ours?

Ha ha ha! It's simple.

Earth needed a facelift, so I came to help.

No, thanks. What's wrong?

Oh, I see.

You don't think I'm capable of a good deed?

I guess that all depends.

Everyone has a different definition of "good."

The way I see it, your people

Have been destroying this planet for hundreds of years,

So destiny sent me here to stop you,

And soon, all earthlings will be reborn.

Hmm, game on.

Very well.

Fate shall lead the way.

Wrong. I'll lead off with this--

My elemental hero bubbleman...

And thanks to his ability,

I draw two more cards.

Now I can hook him up with this--

Bubble blaster.

Enough child's play. Ha ha ha!

I summon arcana force seven--the chariot.

Its special ability depends on what direction it faces.

Normally, you decide when it stops.

However, destiny has already chosen.

No fair. Don't worry.

It's what you would've picked.

What? No.

It's whatever is best for you.

And that just proves I'm destined to win.

Now, chariot, attack bubbleman.

Sorry, bro,

But thanks to my blaster,

Bubbleman is just fine.

Ha ha ha! Just as I predicted.

Yeah, right.

Next, I play my divination of fate.

Here's how it works.

Since your bubble man survived this battle phase,

I can summon a monster of my own

As long as it has the words "arcana force" in its name,

So, arcana force six, arise.

What do you know? It's right side up.

How's jaden supposed to beat a guy who can control the future?

Talk about sucking all the fun out of a duel.

I got a feelin' he didn't come here to have fun.

Think you're cool? Watch this.

I activate my e-emergency call.

Now I can transfer an elemental hero

From my deck to my hand.

Is that supposed to frighten me?

It will once I activate my double fusion spell card.

Oh, please.

You gave up your life points just to merge a few monsters?

Ha ha ha!

It'll take more than that to scare me.

Let's put that theory to the test.

Go ahead.

Prove that you're the chosen duelist.

Let's see you defy destiny and emerge victorious.

Everyone is waiting.


I fuse avian and burstinatrix

To form elemental hero flame wingman,

And it doesn't stop there.

Next, I'll fuse sparkman with flame wingman

To create elemental hero shining flare wingman.

Now for some bonus action.

Shining flare wingman gains attack points

For every elemental hero in my graveyard.

It's time to show him what ya got.

Attack that chariot.

Aah! Ugh! Uhh...

And last, your monster's attack points

Come out of your life points.


Take that.and that.


Did ya predict that?

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

I assume there's a reason you're laughing.

Can't you feel it?

The light of destruction now shines in you.

Didn't it feel good to hurt me,

To watch me writhing in pain?


You've just proven my point.

Humans love destruction, and that's why your planet

Has been doomed since the human race began.

Don't you see?

It's the recklessness of your people that brought me here.

Are you done?

The truth is painful to hear, isn't it,

But you can't hide from it

By closing your eyes to the light.

Trust me. I don't hide from anyone.

Except yourself. Take a look.

What do you see? Who are you?

Deep down, I think you know.

You're just another angry human

Whose hatred feeds the light of destruction.

The angrier you get, the more powerful I become,

And before long, everyone on earth will see the light...

Ha ha ha!


And there's not a thing you can do to stop me.

Watch me.

Very well. I'm watching.

First, I switch bubbleman to defense mode.

Next, I summon neo-spacian air hummingbird.

Ha ha ha!

You act confident,

But there's uncertainty in your eyes.

Your head games won't work.

Now check out hummingbird's effect.

For every card that's in your hand,

I get points.


Not bad, huh?

Who's the man?


And who's the evil psycho from outer space?

Sartorius. Sartorius.

Thank you.

I play my light barrier.

I'm sure you know by now

The position in which it lands will determine its power.

Of course, with the winds of destiny at my back,

I already know the outcome.

Now, let the light barrier envelop us.

Aah! Aah! Aah!


Thanks to this barrier,

The powers of all non-arcana force monsters are now negated.

Come on.


You may not have summoned your neos to the field.

However, I'm afraid he's still powerless.

It's true.

This light barrier is draining my energy.

That's your cue, my prince.

Yes, master.

What did you say?

Ha ha ha!


Take the keys and unlock the fate of man.

Heh heh.


Hassleberry, are you nuts?


Hold on.


I was taught that no solider gets left behind.

Good job.

Ojin, go. Time is running out.

The hour of fate is upon us.

Don't do this.


Uh! Linda!

I'm fine. Stop the prince.

Ojin, wait!

Hassleberry: fall back, truesdale.

Leave the prince to me.

Keep an eye on him.

I'm going with you.

Ha ha ha!

In mere moments, the people of earth will worship me.


Neos: jaden, you can still stop him.

Win this duel, and the light barrier will be broken,

But you must hurry.

Neos, come back.

Oh, it's lights out for you.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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