Sortilèges (1945)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Sortilèges (1945)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Bellman

Mandrake grows in the month of December,
after the great storms of autumn.

It possesses a root, shaped
like a human being.

It is called ?Little Earth Man?.

He who pulls it up becomes master of
a host of astral or elemental forces.

?Elemental forces?, appear at my voice.

Forces of water, earth and fire,
show yourselves.

Oh, Bellman, don't look at me like that !

It's not you I'm looking at !

That's what bothers me - gives me the creeps.

Read some more, Fabr?,
it's all quite simple.

I've lost my place.

Go on to the birds.
- The birds ?

I've been talking about them
all night, don't you remember ?

Oh, yes, the birds !

?By sacrificing one of a pair of birds,
you may destroy a human couple...

... and replace it by another.?

?Choose randomly with your eyes closed."

"The first one to draw back must bleed.?

?The delicate being is sacrificed,
and the human love changes.?

?The first one to draw back must bleed.?

You hear that, my turtledoves ?

My poor little turtledoves !

I wonder how they did such things.

They knew everything back in those days.

When I think that with a
worthless little root...

... a bit of string and a piece of glass,
I can make the whole world tremble.

Really, it's comforting.

And how a man like me, alone up here
with the sheep, for days and years--

Oh, I don't complain about being
a shepherd,

I learned things up there.

Do you know how to talk to sheep ?

Well, I do.

Go on, read some more.

You can switch books if you like.

Not that one, that's the Bible.

That's astrology - the one that describes
the secrets of nature, of science.

Where's your head this evening Fabr??

Bellman, I get confused easily.

You've got bats in the belfry !

You're right. But I'm alright ;
it's Katherine who's sick.

No point complaining - it's your fault
your daughter's sick !

What a thing to say !

Then why aren't you there
taking care of her ?

It's not me who doesn't want me there,
it's the doctor.

The doctor ! Has he cured her,
the doctor ?

And what did he say, the doctor ?

Oh, it's a wasting disease.


It's all quite simple.

The doctor can't do anything because
he doesn't know Katherine.

To take care of people,
you must know them.

To cure them, you must love them.

I've known Katherine since she was little.

I've watched her grow up and I know her.

Like I know everyone around here.

I know them in the corners
where they hide.

They think they do as they like,
but they don't - I manage them all.

And whatever they do, it's because
I want them to !

I'm not an ordinary man -
not one who obeys.

Because I'm one who controls,
I march to my own tune.

Jupiter, Cagliostro, Jules Verne,
Nostradamus, Napoleon, Denis-Papin...

I can read the signs.

I know the stars

I know, Bellman, you're not
an ordinary man...

Your memory is extraordinary,
not like mine.

Well, you have to start.

Oh, it's not my fault, but all the same,
there are times when it makes me sad.

I am a little batty.

But before my wife died I was just
like everyone else.

And the bees... oh, I could tell you
a thing or two !

I was a good beekeeper.

Then snap ! My wife died.

The bees...

It all got so mixed up and scrambled.

Then I got sick too ; what good did it
do me, my strength ?

What good was your strength ?

Then everything broke,
like a violin string.

Or a kitchen table suddenly
tipped over - dishes smashed.

Yes... the dishes broke in my head.

Oh, if I didn't have Katherine,
what would become of me ?

No, Bellman ! Don't give me
the evil eye !

Listen, Fabr?; I've got something
to tell you, so listen.

It's true about your memory, but
I don't want you to say that I have a good one.

It's not a good memory that I have ;
it's knowledge. Knowledge - science !

And if you ever get the notion to blab
that I can't read, then...

Ah, you still remember the countersign ?

Oh, yes, I do it, because
I don't quite trust you.

If you try to cast a spell on me,
this will turn it back.

You think I'd do something evil ?

You didn't say you wouldn't.

Relax, I'm not evil ! Why else do I stay
here to rescue poor passers-by ?

Ringing my bell, like St. Bernard.

Because in my own way,
I'm carrying out a divine mission.

A man is lost in the snow,
and the Bellman rings the bell.

He takes the right path,
to get through the pass.

And if the Bellman stops ringing
the bell ?

Quiet ! You frighten me.

I know you live in the town.

Funny place, eh ?

It's crowded in town, lots of people...

All kinds... in houses, in the streets

What do they consider a crime
in the town ?

It's poverty, Fabr?.

They hate the poor, they curse
and spit at them.

You, for example, you're
a laughing stock.

Oh, the little kids like me.

Yes, the kids, but the others ?
They curse the sight of you.

I've never hurt anyone,
and I used to keep bees.

I was a good beekeeper.
My wife was pretty...

Everything's smashed... The bees...

What happened ?

An accident.

Is he dead ?
- He fell. On a stone.

Did you know him ?

He went through the pass this morning ;
he was a horse trader.

No point staying here ;
there's nothing we can do.

So many travelers come through the pass ;
mustn't let them get lost.

One accident is more than enough.

It wasn't an accident, Bellman.

I'm sure that someone k*lled that man.

Who ?

I don't know.

Who'd commit a m*rder and leave the body
near the bellringer's house ?

Oh, forget it ! The police will find
his body in the spring...

... and will conclude that it was
an accident.

It's all quite simple, Fabr?.

What's this ?
- Your share, to help you forget.

No, I don't want it.

It's written in the book :
never refuse the gift of fate.

Did you see ?
- What ? It's just an ordinary horse.

Take this gold.

No, I don't know.

Don't try to understand, Fabr?;
it's all quite simple.

I share with you because you're
my friend. So take the gold !

You never know.

If you also had an accident,
your daughter would be all alone.

All alone. Consider it an investment.


I have to separate you, my turtledoves.

It's written in the book.

'Choose randomly, with your eyes closed.
The first to draw back must bleed.'

'The delicate being is sacrificed.'

Oh, it's you, Fabr?!
I thought you were a werewolf.

Don't ! You'll bring bad luck !

What bad luck ? There's enough in the
world, werewolves are the least of it.

Come on, get in.
- Thank you.

I'm heading for Marthe's house.

So, Pierre, you're not superstitious ?
- No

Except for one thing : touching wood

Before cutting a tree, I do touch
it a little, so it will leave me alone.

Especially so it won't crush me
like it did my father.

You never know with trees ;
they're like men.

Turn your back and they'll
pounce on you.

I don't blame them - I protect myself.

I know the forest well, you know.
- Yes, my boy.

You remember my dad ?
They called him The Woodman.

You remember him ?
- Nope.


What do you mean ?

How's Katherine ?

Oh, still sick ; she's been
in bed for weeks.

That's too bad.

She's not unhappy - she'd tell me.

I remember when you got back
from the army - she was so happy.

Never mind, I forget
what I was going to say.

Thanks, Pierre ! It's very good of you.

Not at all ; come on, a bowl of wine
to warm you up.

I don't want to refuse, but I never
drink - it goes straight to my head.

Oh, Simple Simon ! It's been
a while. Out of the way, mother !

So Fabr?, have you escaped
from the cops ?

Watch out for dogs !

Quiet. Nobody wants to listen to you.

You're not from around here.

How are you, Pierre ?
- Good.

Collected a lot of wood.

Collecting wood on a night like this ;
that's work !

Oh, Ma, could you get out of the way ?

Old people are nice,
but they can be a bother.

So, have the cops found your bees yet ?

Hey, Fabr?, what do they call you,
since you don't work...

What's it got to do with you ?
You're not from around here !

All the same, I came here
when I was 3 days old !

Three days or 3 months,
it's the same thing.

Yes, you came here when you were little.

And you've never lived anywhere else ;
but you're not from around here !

You're from the next village.

But it's not far.

It doesn't matter ; you're not from
around here. You're an outsider.

A stranger !

Anyway, let's play. There !

Hello, Pierre.
- Hello, Marthe.

I haven't seen you for three days.

Yes, I've had a lot of work to do.

Men always use that excuse.
You think I don't work ?

I didn't say that.
- Come on, I want to talk to you.

Oh, you're always underfoot !

I like grandma, but she's always
in the way.

Pierre, it's always me
who kisses you first.

You do love me, don't you ?
- Of course.

I wonder...

Of course, you love me.

I don't know - lovers are always
snuggled together off in a corner.

Even when they hide it,
you can see they're having fun.

You say you love me,
but I always have to ask.

We're not in love, Pierre -
just engaged.

So, we'll get married then.

Oh, what do you expect ?
I'm like my father - a savage.

What are you looking at ?
Do I have big feet ?

Pierre ! I remember !

I remember what I wanted to tell you :
Katherine would like to see you.

What for ?

What do you mean ?

She's right - what for ?

What's wrong with you - leave him alone !

It's natural - Katherine and I
were childhood friends.

Childhood friends ! Behind the doors
and in the corners !

I don't want you to go ! Forbid him !

I'm free, I can do what I want !

Oh, nobody's arguing with you.

This is all your fault ! You've got
no business here !

I'm a customer !
- Yes, with other people's money !

A horse !
- It's just an ordinary horse !

A black horse - it gives me the creeps !
I've never seen one like it !

Hold your tongue - it's nothing to do
with you ! You're not from around here !

You're not sleeping, my child ?

I was asleep - I heard you come in.

Did you eat anything ?

A little.

I'm so sad to see you ill.

At least you're not in any pain ?

No. I sleep, I dream - I'm fine.

You're like your mother - she also
liked to dream. And then dance.

She sang like a bird.

You sang too before you were sick.

Did you take your medicine ?

It's expensive - we're poor.

Maybe not as poor as all that.

What are you saying ?

Just the facts :

We're poor. But not for long.

I can't tell you - but you mustn't
tell anyone.

But after a little while,
maybe we can go away.

Where ?

I don't know far away,
where it's sunny.

It would do you good.

Yes, the sun.

Your mama always spoke of a sunny land.

Lovely face...

Lovely shoulders...

Lovely body.

All this for me, and nothing
for anyone else.

Sacrifice the delicate being.

Fair couple put asunder...

So be it for Pierre and Marthe,
Pierre and Katherine also.

Is that you, Bellman ?
What do you want ?

I came to see you.

To help me - to cure me ?


No one can cure you,
because you're not sick.

No, Katherine, you're not sick.

What's going on ?
- Nothing.


I know some things about you Katherine.
- No, you don't know anything.

I know about you and Pierre.

Yes, I know you love him.

So ? You don't know why I love him -
how much I love him - how I love him.

So you don't know anything.

I also know that you're not sick -
you're unhappy.

Same thing.

No. Listen.

I saw you the day you fell ill -
you were bright, happy and you sang.

Then suddenly - finished.

Sick, they said ; I thought - bad news.

Quiet, Bellman.

Bad news, and you fell ill, they said.

People talk a lot.

You know what they say about the marmot ?

When she comes out in the spring,
she looks for her mate...

... and if she doesn't see him,
she's so upset...

... she hides her face
and goes back to sleep.

Same thing with you ; you went to sleep
because of unhappiness...

... and you're waiting for a sunny day.

Spring... Happiness...
Happiness for you.

Pierre... That's a nice story, Bellman.

I'm not saying it to be nice -
it's so you'll understand.

It's all quite simple.
It's not rational.

You refuse to live - you can fix that
if you trust me.

Because I read the signs,
and I can bring you happiness.

What did I tell you ?

Pierre !
- Kat ! My little Kat !

Did you tell him to come ?

How is Katherine ?
- She's cured.

It's not right to say it, Bellman,
but you're not an ordinary man.

I thought you didn't want to see me.

Is it true you're sick ?

Is that why you've come ?
- No.

I'm so happy, Pierre. Come closer.

Closer. Yes, I'm happy.

But you know you hurt me.

Maybe it's not entirely my fault.

You're sad ! You're unhappy, aren't you ?

- What's wrong, Pierre ?


It's true, I have nothing.

That's what I have, Kat.

Do you hear me ? NOTHING !

And here, when you have nothing,
you ARE nothing !

Two hands for working -
that's what I have.

That surprises you - my hands,
between the tree and the bark.

That's why Marthe...
- What about Marthe ?


Remember when we were little ?
- Yes.

We were inseparable. When I was there,
you were there.

And when you were there, so was I.

Even sleeping - we were together
in our dreams.


You remember the Wolf Ravine ?
And the great stone.

They said if they were ever parted,
it would all sink into the sea.

And no one would ever be able
to find it !

But they years went by so fast -
so many sad things happened.

Your father died, then your mother -
you went into the army.

I waited for you.

Did you ?
- Every day.

The day you came back,
I was the happiest girl in the world.

Then people said,
'Pierre and Marthe are engaged.'

Quiet !

It doesn't matter.

Look at me and tell me :
am I happy to be here with you ?

Yes !

You're bleeding !
- Me ?

Yes, you ! Ah, the Bellman !

I don't want you to see him,
Katherine. I forbid it !

Forbid ?

Of course you're free to do as you like.
- Free !

I'm not free - because I love you.

How old are you, Kat ?

You know.
- True.

It's funny...

I don't know... you're changed.

You're not the same. You're lovelier.

I never forgot you either, Kat.

Listen, when you're not sick anymore--

I'm not sick anymore !

Next Sunday, we'll go out together -
I promise.

We'll spend the whole day together,
just like before.

Next Sunday.

Tomorrow is Sunday, Pierre.

I tell you Fabr?, I wonder if all these
books aren't just full of hot air.

Why ?

It's not possible to foresee everything,
explain everything...

How can it be ? I'm done with books--

No ! No that one !

It's my beekeeping book !

Beekeeping ! What good
did it ever do you ?

Did your bees bring you a fortune ?

Lucky for you the Bellman is here,
with his little bell !

You haven't told anyone, have you ?
- What ?

You know what I'm talking about.

Yes, I know. The money.

It's here.

Nice and safe.

Despite your addled wits, when you
see something, you do it very well.

You're wrong about understanding,
because everything is quite simple.

Just like the bees.

They make honey - why ?
Because man likes it.

And the man who eats the honey ;
who made man ?

God did.

Not on purpose.

As for the money - don't talk to anyone
about it, not even Katherine.

Later on, fine - it can be a surprise.

And a bit of advice :
don't let Pierre come around so much.

Why ?

It's not proper.

You frightened me, Bellman !

That happens a lot

It's my nature to frighten people.

What are you doing ?

Looking ? Watching ? Spying ?

Leave me alone.

They call these blinds ?jalousies?.

How is she ?
- Bad.

Very bad ?
- Very bad.

Are you saying that she could die ?

Why not ? That's what you've been
working for.

But I don't want her to die !
I just want her to suffer !

Maybe - why are you telling me ?

I can't ask the priest or the doctor.

They know some things,
but not everything.

Whereas I - I do things
you read about in books :

A little wax figure of her--
made with wax from her father's bees--

Stop it, I beg you.

And every night, you stuck a pin
in the heart...

...the heart that torments
a jealous lover.

Oh, I don't want to ! I'm frightened !
Take it !

What do you want me to do with it ?

I won't listen to you anymore.

Too bad - I could have done something.

Anyway, you won't have to worry
about it anymore -she's cured.

Little velvet paws, Kat.

Oh Pierre, it's been so many years ;
I thought you'd forgotten.

P?re Denis used to say that, Kat.

You know what that means in English ?

Little kitty cat ! I know !
Oh, I'm so proud, so happy !

You learned a lot from P?re Denis ?

Everyone who goes to Canada
learns these things.

I don't want you to go to Canada !
Not for years.

When they come back, they'll
have money, to buy trees.

One day, maybe soon,
I'll have money too.

We could buy a forest.

Of course. A teeny forest -
two trees apiece.

I mean it !

You're dreaming, Kat.

No, I'm just so happy.

"Upon the palace steps,

There stood a lovely lady.

She had so many suitors,

She couldn't make a choice.

It was a little cobbler

Who finally won her heart."

Am I the little cobbler ?

Yes, it's you.

Oh, the Wolf Ravine !

Take me in your arms, Pierre,
like you used to do.

You'd show me how strong you are.

You're so light, Kat, and warm.

I'm a little cat ! Look !

Wolf Ravine, as deep as ever.

I'm not afraid because you're
holding me in your arms.

Take me away, Pierre.
Keep me close in your arms.

"It was a little cobbler

Who finally won her heart.

'If you wish, my fair one,

'We'll surely lie together.

'In a great soft bed,

'Covered with white linen.

'In the middle of the bed,

'The river is swift and deep.

'We'll be happy there together,

'Until the end of time.'"

Pierre - until the end of time ?

My little Kat !

If only we could kiss like this
in the town.

Are you upset ?

The trees already ! The edge
of the forest.

And that's your house ?
- My house ; my palace.

It's so quiet.

It's Sunday ; the others are gone out.

So we're alone ?
- Yes.

Till the end of time.

It's odd, a house with just men in it ;
do you get along with them ?

Yes - we don't talk much.

Woodcutters aren't chatty.

This is your bed.

How do you know ?
- It's the neatest.

Are you cold ?
- A bit.

Because I thought of something sad.

I know I promised not to ask
questions today... come close.

Tell me... Marthe...

Do you kiss her the way you kiss me ?

You're talking nonsense.

I want--
- What ?

I don't know. Everything, maybe.

I want to be happy and I want you
to be happy too.

Kiss me.


Hey, Bellman, did you see it ?
- What ?

The horse. No one can catch it.

Hey, look, there it is !

What's it doing ?

Look !

A gold coin ! Between his teeth !

It's to pay the ferryman.

What is it ?

A dead man.

Yes, it's a dead man alright.

What are you waiting for ?

Do something - I don't know,
maybe call the police ?

I'll look after your dead man there.

Well, here they come.

Hello, Brigadier !
- Hello !

Who is it ?
- The Bellman.

Ah, yes, the conjure-man.
- That's what they say.

They're a bit backward up here.

He has his own following.

You're here for the corpse ?
- Yes.

There he is. I made a little cross -
just a temporary one.

Nice of you, Bellman,
since you're not a believer.

Yes, but the dead man might have been.

Oh, it's high !
- High ?

For him to fall from a horse.

Quite a wound ! Perhaps he fell
on a stone.

Or a stone hit him.

Someone could have thrown one.

It's true - why not ?

What makes you think so ?

What reason would there be ?

He had a belt full of gold.

Money doesn't bring happiness.

Did you hear anything
the day this happened ?

No ; and I don't know
what day it happened.

What did you expect me to hear ?

A man dying in the snow
isn't very noisy.

And what with the bell...

Yes, yes, the bell.

What's funny is that coin
between his teeth.

'A coin to pay the ferryman'-
it's in the report.

An odd custom.

It's been around a long time.

Since the first century -
they did it a lot.

He who kills a man puts a gold coin
in his mouth.

For prayers !

It's practical, and it buys
a quiet conscience.

It's an easy job to send word
and have the body taken away.

And the horse ; is it true what they say,
his horse is roaming about ?

Yes, I've seen it. A superb animal.

Everyone's heard about it.

Poor thing - it's all alone.
Like my turtledove.

Not like that ! There's a spot the side !

No, no, not like that !

Now look - like this.

A nice sharp little throw - there !

Look, the police !
- Must be for the m*rder.

It can't be !

What's wrong ?


I had a bad dream.
- You were sleeping ?

Maybe. I never know if I'm dreaming
or if it's real.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm myself
or someone else.

At any rate, you're not sad anymore,
Katherine !

Sad ? Me ? I've never been so happy.

I wanted to ask you about what
you said the other day.

What did I say ?

That soon we might have some money.

Money ? No, no !

We're poor, my child ! Poor as churchmice
and poor people never have any luck !

I know - good luck comes to those
who can pay for it !

Landlord ! Another round !

So, Landlord, has the groundhog
come out yet ?

A real pest ! But I'll wait for spring.

If it tries any tricks, I'll poke it !

And if that doesn't wake it up...

So then...
- What ?

The m*rder - what's new ?

Yes, what's the news ?

What's happening ?
- We want to know !

Yes, we want to know !
- Are you making inquiries ?

We're just talking to people,
that's all.

Part of it is talking,
but you're really searching.

Of course he's searching.

I'm telling you, you shouldn't
beat around the bush.

Questioning us is fine.

But you should start with folks
who aren't from around here.

It's an outrage !

Start with the most suspicious.

An outrage ! Accusing me,
who's never done a thing !

I'm not accusing you ! I'm just saying...

Enough blather. We're not even
sure it was m*rder.

What about the coin for the ferryman ?
Of course it was m*rder.

Ah, it's Simple Simon !

Is it true what they say ?
The coin has vanished ?

Poor man, helpless on the mountain !

Poor victim, alone in the snow,
like a dog caught in a trap.

Ah, the good are taken
and the others remain !

You've saved me from feeling
I'm wasting my life.

You're feeling depressed ?
I have so much to tell you !

Something nice ?
- Yes.

But I can't stay long -
my father is in such a state tonight.

You know my father -
he's a bit like a child.

Poor Kat ! You have so much
trouble in life !

Not now. Kiss me - that's why I came.

Pierre - I'm yours... always.

Leave me alone.

I know what you two
have been up to every day.

Oh, you're very cute, under the trees.

Like storybook lovers -
that gets around.

It's laughable.

Then why aren't you laughing ?

Who do you think you're talking to ?

You have an ugly expression
about you, Marthe.

You think it's serious between
you and Pierre ? I know Pierre.

It's odd that your face is so twisted
when you say his name.

What use is a woman like you
to a man like him ?

He's strong, like me !

As for you...
- Yes ?

You're not strong, Katherine.

One hard winter, and you'll go,
just like your mother.

You'll leave him all alone,
with your father.

A nice housewarming present,
your father !

Don't talk about my father !

You're right, why should I ?

It's not about him, it's about Pierre.

You think you love Pierre ?

What are you saying ? He's told you
some tales - romance and sweetness.

You think you're the only one ?
It must be the full moon.

You don't love him, Marthe.
You want him, but you don't love him.

You're crazy ! He's already had
a bunch like you !

Here, there, when he was in the army.

One hour fianc?es, one-night stands.

While I will be his wife.
I will be the one who lives with him.

And all my father's property will be his
- hundreds of acres, the trees, the land.

You can walk for days
and still be on our land.

What do you have, what can you give him ?

Your big eyes, your little mouth,
little hands, little feet !

Amazing, Marthe ! You don't love him,
but it's not possible you--

Shut up ! Poor unhappy girl !

No, Marthe, not unhappy ! Happy !

So happy !

Not for long, Katherine.
- We'll see.

Not for long, Katherine !

Not for long !

Come for a spin, Pierre !

I'm working.

I can give you the day off,
since my father's the boss.

Be nice and get in.

See you later.

Pierre, you're so hard-hearted with me.
So distant.

You act as if I were a block of wood.

It comes from living with trees.

Why do you talk like that ? You don't know.
I try to be nice to you.

I know, I'm not the kind who flirts,
like the others.

That's why I'm rich -
people give me a lot of things.

You don't have to be jealous.

Not jealous, Marthe ; you're right -
everything's fine.

I forgot, I'm a hired hand -
so what if I'm also a man ?

When you buy a horse or a pig,

A man doesn't cost much,
even when you love him.

Because you love me, Marthe, don't you ?

Of course, Pierre.

You want me to be happy ?

Yes... with me.

Look !

Surprised ?

It's an ordinary horse.

Everyone's afraid of this animal.

He's lost... all alone.

I'm also alone, so we understand
each other.

He ate out of my hand.

It's all quite simple.

A nice day for lovers,
though it is cold.

But love warms the heart.

So when's the wedding ?

Maybe earlier than you think, Bellman.

All the better. I hope
it will be done handsomely.

Why not ?
- Don't forget to invite Fabr?.

He's a riot at big events,
especially when he sings.

Right from the first verse,
you'll laugh till you cry.

Of course, some cry without laughing,
and not at weddings.

And Katherine -
you'll invite her too, I hope ?

Poor Katherine ! She doesn't get
much entertainment.

I forbid you to talk about Katherine !
And stay away from her !

If I catch you hanging around,
I'll crush you like a rat !

I also forbid you to talk about
Katherine or to see her !

You forbid ?

There it is again - the horse !

The dead man's horse !

Everyone dies !
- Everyone isn't m*rder*d.

I know why that horse is crazy ;
it knows things and can't speak.

I'm the same perhaps -
I know some things...

What are you talking about ?

I don't want you to talk about

You'd be sorry to have the whole village
talking about her and her father.

Her poor old father !

Everyone might call him "thief".

And maybe even "m*rder*r".

Are you crazy ?
- No ! I have a secret.

If you're nice to me,
it'll stay a secret.

You won't be sorry.

A nice little wife - very discreet.


It wasn't nice of you to put
a hex on me, Bellman !

You shouldn't have done it.

I was comfortable, and now,
the m*rder, the rider, the officers...

It's all making me crazy !
People even wonder if I did it !

Oh, don't be stupid, Fabr?,
it's all quite simple.

Did you tell anyone about the money ?

The money ? Luckily no.

And I looked for it everywhere ;
couldn't find it.

Perhaps you hid it and can't remember.
With your memory, who knows ?

You should look for it, Fabr?.
- Quiet !

You should be quiet. Remember,
if you talk, I'll talk.

Think how that would hurt your daughter.

We mustn't talk about it,
even if it isn't true !

Do you think I'd cure her
just to cause trouble ?

I'm very fond of Katherine.

Hello, Katherine.
- Hello, Bellman.

I haven't seen you for a long time.
Several days.

You've changed a lot.

Changed ? I'm better, that's all.

Better ? Oh, that's funny !

Pierre and Marthe are getting married.

It's not true.

They've even moved up their wedding day.
- It's not true !

It's true, Katherine.
What do you expect ?

She's rich, he's poor,
it's human nature.

It can't be true !

There's been a m*rder and all the
suspects are accusing each other.

The innocent aren't spared, not even the
poor... like your father, for example.

There's a lot of talk about your father.

'He's so good at throwing stones,'
they say.

Quiet, Bellman, you make me afraid.

I'm also afraid - afraid for you.

You're all alone in a hard world.

Trust me, Katherine - I can do anything.

You hear me ? ANYTHING.

I told you not to come here.

Yet I came anyway.

So we meet - I can't help it
if it's a small world.

I didn't come looking for you, Bellman.

But since you're here,
you can read my palm.

You can see my fortune -
very bitter and dark.

And something else - right here.

It's nothing, just a little premonition.

You're lucky I just hit you
instead of beating you.

Otherwise I'd have k*lled you.

Perhaps that's your fortune -
that I'll k*ll you.

It's in the stars, my boy.
What can one do about it ?

Do you know what I've done ?

You disgust me - you always have.

Your mumbo jumbo and black magic -
they disgust me.

It's useless - harmful, even.

You're all alone and unhappy, that's why
you want to keep others from--

I don't want you hanging around

Beat it ! I don't want you even
saying her name ! Understand ?

Sure, I understand.

Never speak her name - Katherine.

Katherine !

Pierre ! You're bleeding !

I'm fine - it's nothing.

Take my handkerchief.

What happened ? Did you fall ?

You haven't been drinking, have you ?
- No.

Maybe I should have - a drink would
give me the nerve to deliver bad news.

I'm getting married.

Don't move around.

I'm getting married.

Don't move, you'll start bleeding again.

Married, Pierre ? It's not possible.

So you don't love me anymore.
Maybe you never did.

I've loved since we were little.
- Well then ?

Listen. Remember what you told me
about your father ?

That he'd have some money ?
- Yes. A forest - a little forest.

Were you joking ?

No, I thought it was true.
- Why ?

He told me and said not to tell
anyone. A secret.

It was a dream.

A dream.

What difference does it make, Pierre ?

I love you, you love me,
but the rest - the money...

What does it matter ?

Poverty - maybe that doesn't matter.
But it gets worse.

Poverty and unhappiness go together.
I won't...

I don't want to die like my father.

What does your father
have to do with it ?

I was in the army when it happened.

His luck turned bad and he was crushed.

By a tree ? No, it wasn't a tree
that crushed him.

It was poverty.

Poor old man, his poverty
sent him out to the forest.

I don't want to be crushed ;
I want to live.

I want to have the things trees are for :

Wooden house, furniture, dresser full
of linen...

... a table, chairs, a bed...

And you'll lie in it with another !

I can't bear to hurt you - I love you.

You're marrying another.

There are things I don't know
how to say.

Oh, if only you knew, understood.

I understand, I'm too poor -
leave me be.

Oh, it's you ! I almost forgot,
I wanted to tell you--

I've forgotten what it was.

What's this ? What's with |the long faces ?

Cheer up, it's the festival day !

There's going to be a good band
and a stone-throwing contest.

Just because there's been a m*rder,
no need to look like we're at a funeral !

And who knows if it was m*rder ?
Some say it was an accident.

An accident.
- Why not ?

Why are you looking at me like that ?
You've got the evil eye too !

The evil eye !

Oh, my head is like a sieve today !

What's wrong, Katherine ? You're crying !

Let me be !
- You're crying - are you unhappy ?

And we were so happy together !

My head was a bit funny,
but I counted on you.

It's over then - if you're unhappy,
I can talk about it.

Katherine - why are you unhappy ?

Because of Pierre !
- Pierre !

Then you're not just unhappy -
you're in love !

Oh, that's not serious !
Love always works out in the end.

So both of you are unhappy ! Because
I hope that he loves you too.

I don't know anymore.

I thought he did.

Katherine - my little one !

In love ! Like your mama !

She was so pretty at twenty,
and loved me till she was thirty

Another man ! You'll see.

I'll show them, the Bellman can come
around with his evil eye - let him !

I can read the signs, and we'll start
by going to the festival.

No, no !
- Yes !

No more discussion ! We're going to the
festival, with my new hat and a suit.

And wear your best dress -
you'll be the prettiest one there !

We'll waltz - the first dance is mine !
Wait till you hear the music - you'll see !

Excuse me - I've danced enough.

My turn !
- Not you ! Mademoiselle Marthe...?

No, thank you !

There's the one you're looking for.

You're not dancing, Pierre ?
- No, I don't feel like it.

Everybody's looking ; it's a festival day,
we have to dance !

A festival day !

After all, we're engaged !

Don't forget...
- Oh yes, I know ! Your threats.

That's not what I was going to say.

I was going to remind you that
not so long ago you said you loved me.

Because you asked me.

Pierre ! You really are a brute !

It happened just as I said.

One day I was cutting down a pine.

You said, ?We've known each other
a long time.

"I'm a good match for you.
Why not get together ??

Yes, I did say that.

It's only after that we spoke of love-
and we were wrong.

No ! I love you !

If you loved me, you wouldn't
try to hurt me !

It's not my fault I'm jealous.
- Yes, it is !

Listen, Pierre...

I'll prove to you I'm not so bad.

I promise ! No matter what !
- No matter what ?

I'll stay quiet about Fabr?.

I'll always...
- You don't have to say anymore.

You promise, that's enough.

Some people have all the luck.

What ?
- Some people have all the luck !

Two sous, two sh*ts, two stones
k*ll the bird and take it home !

The horse !

It's the black horse !

The Bellman !

It's the Bellman !

Hello, ladies and gentlemen !

You're surprised by the horse ?
The black horse, that everyone fears.

I told you, it's an ordinary horse.

Look at it - quiet and tame.

I caught the animal,
now you catch the m*rder*r.

Hello, my friends ! And don't forget
to buy the Bellman a drink or else...

The Bellman keeps his eyes peeled
and doesn't miss a thing.

I don't want any trouble.
- Oh, don't whine !

Oh dear - hit the feathers !

A real slaughter of the innocents.

Because the guilty you're justified
in slaughtering...

...but you have to find them first.

Is your inquiry still going on ?

We're not here for that.
- We're here to have fun.

Me too.

Can that be Simple Simon ?

Sure ! He's here for the stone-throwing !

Just like at the horseman !

Hey Fabr?! Simple Simon !

Simple Simon says hello,
because he's polite.

Oh, Bellman, hello !

All your spells and charms
are useless - I'm cured !

Missed !

Poor guy, it's not your day !

Two sous, two sh*ts, two stones
k*ll the bird and take it home !

Come on, my dear, let's dance !

That's the sort of shot
that k*lled the horseman.

I suppose you could do the same.

Yes indeed, if I do flatter myself.

Lots of people around here
can do it - even the kids.

Of course that doesn't prove anything...

... unless you want to add children
to the list of suspects.

The poor little children.

Oh, they had to come !

You promised.

And you promised to be nice to me.

Smile !


Look, he won't even look at me !

Don't be put off, Katherine - you're the
prettiest, we're on top of the world !

I shouldn't have come !

Nothing, not even a glance !
He doesn't love me.

Come now, I'm going to
take care of things.

No need to be down in the dumps now,
not the Fabr?s !

We can raise our heads and stand
with the best of them !

Not so loud, papa, people are looking !

Because of me ?

No, but what's the point ?
We still have to live here.

I don't want to live anymore !
I've had enough !

Faster music ! Pick up the pace !

Ah, Marie-Th?r?se !

What are doing there alone ?
You should be dancing !

What ?
- Dance !

Ah, Marie-Th?r?se,
you're a good little dancer !

Where are you going, Katherine ?
- Nowhere.

You have the look of those that do
rash things ; those that think of dying.

Quiet, Bellman.

I know, Katherine.

You love Pierre. Don't have
any illusions.

They're all the same.

It's in their blood : money...
having things... possession.

And you ? Aren't you the same ?

Me ? I don't care about money.

There's only one thing in the world
that gives me pleasure.

You frighten me, Bellman.
You upset me.

Too bad.

I frighten everyone but you.

But I swear that what I say
is for your own good.

In order for things to work out between
you and Pierre you need money.

There's not two Pierres, one who loves
you and one who loves money...

... it's the same person.

Well ?

What do you want from me, Bellman ?

What do you want ?

It's all quite simple : you need money
and I can give it to you.

With money you'll be happy, or almost.

Since he likes it, right ?
- Perhaps.

What would it cost you to accept ?
A moment ago you were thinking of death.

If you want money, come to my house.

I'll give it to you.

It's all quite simple.

You'll give it to me ?

Yes. You don't ask my conditions ?

I don't know... Yes, I do know.

Let me go, Bellman, let me go !

I'm thinking.

This reminds me of my youth !
- What ?

Ah, youth, Marie-Th?r?se ! Youth !

Yes - youth !

I got married when I was young - I loved
my wife, and we didn't have a penny !

And it didn't matter ; we were happy,
we shared everything.

We were happy ! Yes ! People share
when they have nothing !

I don't know if it's better
to have plenty.

A boy who loves a girl
will stick with her no matter what !

What is this ?

He's drunk, Papa !
- Yes, I think so !

Enough - get out !

He's not doing any harm.
He asked me to dance ! At my age !

Get out, Fabr?!
- Oh no, not today !

It's the festival,
and everyone's welcome.

You can go home yourself !

Kick him out !

Shut up !
- He's talking slander !

No slander ! The reason
they're against me is simple :

I just say what everyone thinks but
no one has the guts to say, except me.

Regarding Pierre, for example...
- Make him shut up !

Say it in front of everyone !
- What ?

Is it Marthe you love or Katherine ?

Don't answer, Pierre !

Yes, I'll say it.
- What then ?

Do you love my little girl ?
Do you love Katherine ?

Yes, I love her.

You see ? What did I say ?
We're on top of the world !

Thief !

Look at him, strutting about !

You gave your word !
- No ! I didn't give my word ! I only promised !

It's not as serious.

It's not true.

It's not true !

Look at him - isn't he proud ?

Not just a thief, but a k*ller !
He did the m*rder !

I'm curious - what did you have hidden
in your chimney ?

It's the gold ! That's where he hid it !

It wasn't me ! You're all
conspiring against me !

You can all look - there's no gold !

It wasn't me - it's a plot against me !

That's a very serious accusation !
Are you sure of that ?

I swear it's him ! Oh my father's honor !

Why, you bastard !

Scoundrel !

It's him ! He's the k*ller !

Robber ! m*rder*r ! Scoundrel !

I knew it ! And you all had
the nerve to accuse me !

What do you know about it ?
He hasn't done anything wrong ! Shut up !

Quiet, quiet ! These are just rumors,
there's no proof !

No proof ! Just rumors !

What about me ? Was there any proof
against me ?

A k*ller in my house !
Let me through !

How dare you hit my father !

You know me, I'm no troublemaker.

The first one who lays a finger
on him is a dead man.

It's not me ! It's an evil spell !

Go on, go home and hide.

Pierre let him go !
- They cooked it up between them !

That's enough !

There's no justice !

There is, but it's not up to you
to deliver it.

Don't talk - you're not from around here !

A nice piece of work !

You know why she did it, don't you ?

Because she's jealous !
Jealous because I don't love--

Because I love another !

Katherine ! Katherine !

She's driven off with the Bellman !

He'll bewitch her, like me,
like the others !

Poor idiot !

No, I'm sane now.
Do you love Katherine ?

It's all clear now !

Simple Simon will strike back !

I'll k*ll the Bellman ! Strike him down
like he did the horseman !

I was there ! I remember !
I remember everything !

With a stone ! With a stone !

With a stone !

You're the only one in the world !
I never stopped thinking of you.

Out there with the animals,
even then I only spoke of you.

I howled your name to the night.

The animals knew. And when I threw
a stone at them and broke a leg...

... it's because I was sad that day,
not to have seen you.

Why tell me this ? Do you think
I came here to listen to you whine ?

I want to tell you--
- There's nothing to tell.

Yes, there is !

I want you to know that I k*lled
the man found in the snow !

I did it thinking of you.
Only of you.

And then ?

I felt horror... and pity.

Why ?

The man you speak of...
I didn't know him.

You k*lled him, and now you're
as dead to me as he is.

You don't exist, Bellman.
You don't count.

Pierre counts, eh ?

Yes. Why am I here ?
You know why I came.

For the money - that's all.

It's here.

It's been waiting for you.

I've also been waiting for you.

You must be happy then, since I'm here.

No, it's not you.
It's not Katherine who's here.

Someone else.

You're not the same anymore...

... the innocent girl I wanted
all for myself.

You're not like her.

And you standing there,
you're really two people.

One sad and forsaken,
you're with him, you're there.

You're two - shining, radiant !

It's all quite simple.

It's over.

Here - take the horse-trader's money.

He's in hell now.

Oh, you can feel safe.

I just ask one small thing in return.

No, I don't want to !

I would like just once for you to call
me by my Christian name :


Just once, gently,
with your lovely voice.


That's what's written
in the register in America.

Then they said it in the church,
where they sprinkled water on my head.

Then nothing.

It was left behind.

And then no one uttered it, ever again.

No one's called me by my name.

Except for me, out there, all alone...

... bellowing like a ram : Jean-Baptiste !

And shouting your name with mine :
Jean-Baptiste ! Katherine !

Kat, eh ? You can't come in, my boy !
Are you looking for the bride and groom ?

Too late ! The wedding is already over !

She's already been to the marriage bed !

In bed, your little Kat !
In bed, with Jean Baptiste !

It's not true, Pierre ! I love you !

Me too, Kat. I loved you.

Leave me - go.

Arrived just in time, eh ?

And you couldn't allow me
to say Katherine's name.

Nothing happened - it couldn't.

She loves you too much - do you hear ?

She's yours !

You'd make a fruitful couple.

You said the future is in the stars !

And I'm the one who'll k*ll you.

With a stone ! It's all quite simple.

I was waiting for you, Kat.

Oh, it can't be possible ! It's you !

It's not over - you still love me !

So much, so much ! I don't believe
anyone has ever loved as much.

Always look at me like this, Pierre.

Always !

Together forever, Pierre.

Until the end of time.
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