Other Zoey, The (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Other Zoey, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

So in 270 A.D. in Rome, nobody was joining the army, right?

Because no one wanted to leave their wives.

And the emperor was like, "That's not happening."

And he banned all marriages.

But St. Valentine was like, "That's not fair," so he married couples in secret.

The emperor arrested Valentine and sentenced him to death,

but he fell in love with the prison guard's blind daughter.

One night, St. Valentine reached out

and touched the eyes of the blind girl,

and in the morning, she could see for the very first time.

The date?

February 14th.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

[Kellog] Thank you, Becca.

That was interesting.

Come on.

Zoey, do you have something

you'd like to add?

Just that story's

not really accurate.

- Excuse me?

- First of all,

there were several

St. Valentines who were martyred

in the third century

and... and second of all,

none of them

cured a girl's blindness.

That didn't happen.

Okay, well,

it could have happened.

Come on, it's Valentine's Day.

It felt on brand.

Yeah, exactly, 'cause...

'cause Valentine's Day,

it's kind of about bullshit.

Okay, Zoey, do you wanna


[Zoey] It's just the whole

concept of falling in love

and even romantic love,

it's just a product

of capitalism.

[Kellog] Whoa, hold up, Zoey.

So you don't believe

in romantic love at all?

If it's based on compatibility.

I just think

that's really hard to find,

which is actually why

I created my own app.

- That's gonna fail.

- Crash and burn.

It matches people

based on a data-driven

compatibility report

because people

are really fickle.

But algorithms are smart.

Over 50% of marriages

end in divorce,

and some people,

they see that as a problem.

But I...

I see that as potential,

like a future revenue stream.

[Kellog] Okay, time's up.

That's it, people.

Next Wednesday...

If you want to invest,

just go to GoFundMe.

Yes. Thank you.

Or you can just scan this

QR code to... to invest.

[upbeat music playing]

[singer] I'm coming at you

with a heart of gold

That precious gold is all me

I'm coming at you like a

desert rose

They both can roll with me

Hey, Elle.


I got you a rose-infused matcha latte.

- Aww. Thank you.

- Happy Valentine's Day.

Can we just cancel

Valentine's Day already?

Nope, not tonight.

We're doing a rom-com triple header.

No. No. Uh-uh. No. No way. Not again.

Relax, it's just an excuse to

get drunk

and gorge on snacks.

Well, okay, when you put it that way.

Are you writing another poem?

Do you want me to read it?

Last time you read my poetry,

you corrected me on my punctuation.

It's just the absence

of periods and commas

makes me very nervous.

That's kind of how poems work.

How was class?

Uh, I pitched my app.

In history class? Bold move.

How'd it go?

I don't know,

I think I just have to check GoFundMe.

Hey! Zoey Miller?

What the hell was that?

Oh, slow your roll there, Becca.

You shamed her just because

she likes Valentine's Day.

Are you sure that's the only


What you said made me feel bad.

Becca, I'm sorry,

it wasn't meant to be personal.

Just make sure you add cynic

next to tech geek on your rsum.

- Weirdo.

- Loser.

Ah! sh*t.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Hey, hey. I'm sorry.

That was fully my fault. Are you


Uh, I guess, yeah.

You know that this school

has a soccer field, right?

Okay, that may leave a mark.

Do you want me to take you

to the health center or


Nope. Nope, I'm good.


Very sorry about that, so...

[player] Zach, come on!


- Sorry.

- [Zoey] Bye.

All right, guys. Let's go.

You just had Zach Maclaren's

ball in your face.

[Zach] Come on,

keep the balls in play this time.


Zach Maclaren, the soccer star?

Mm, what's his GPA?


And he was totally flirting with you.

I'm sure that he and I

would have, like,

a zero compatibility score.

Well, his abs should contribute

to that number.

And by the way, I donated to

your app.

So you're buying booze tonight.

Okay, deal.

Pay me back when you get your

first IPO.

Buy me an island.

I'll buy us two islands,

one for business

and one for pleasure.

So with this M-X-N grid filled

with non-negative numbers,

we can find the path

that minimizes the sum

of all numbers along its path.

[phone chiming]

- Crap.

- I think that works.

[Zoey] Crap. We're late.

Guys, the time.

What are you... come on.

- [student] Oh.

- The lecture.

[Maya] Remember, when you

pick a graduate school,

it's more than just about AI

and zero-knowledge proofs.

It's also about finding people

you like

and that you can laugh with

because one can only spend

so many hours in a library.

[moderator] Next question.

Um, what do you consider

your greatest accomplishment?

I have to say winning the Turing Award

and raising my two children

with my partner.

We have time for one more.

Yes, go ahead.

Uh... [clears throat]

Professor, since it's

Valentine's Day,

could you tell us as a scientist

what your perspective on

romantic love is?

[Maya] My belief that most

things can be described

by a mathematical equation does

not affect

my belief

in the power of love,

which keeps me in a state of awe.

And you disagree.

I like the approach of the philosopher

Alain de Botton.

And what's his philosophy?

That romantic love

is a modern-day invention.

And that most people wouldn't

fall in love

if they'd never heard of it.

[Maya] I take it, then,

you've never been in love?

I had a crush or two in grade school,

but I mean love, I...

it's just what big corporations pedal.

When you think about all the flowers

and the chocolates,

the movies, the love songs,

I mean, come on.

Romantic love is a product of capitalism.

Well, on that note,

happy Valentine's Day,

and thank you for coming.


[soft heartfelt music playing]



Hey, I really liked your question.

And don't forget...

- [mouthing along]

- I'm also just a girl...

Standing in front of a boy...

Asking him to love her.


Not even a tear?

I... I can't believe

you're making me watch this.

How do you not love this?

Everyone cries at the scene,

even guys.

Is this what happens when you

code 24/7?

You become the Tin Man?

The line's a classic,

but Hugh Grant says nothing

and then he looks at her

like he just farted.

- You are such a buzzkill.

- I'm sorry!

It's just these movies,

they're... they're so formulaic.

One person gets their heart broken,

and then the other person goes,

"Wait, let me fix it

by making a grand gesture

with a big speech in public."

- What is wrong with that?

- [phone buzzing]

- Hey, Mom.

- Hey, sweetie.

Hey, Paula.

[Paula] Elle, my favorite poet.

Quick question.

Why does your daughter hate


It beats me.

I'm watching "Harry Met Sally"

right now as we speak.

Because they perpetuate

unrealistic romantic paradigms.

I swear if I wasn't there

when she was born,

I would do a DNA test.

What are you doing

over the long weekend, Elle?

Do you wanna

come hang out with us?

I'm babysitting

for my English professor.

People trust me with their kids.

That's crazy, right?

I still can't believe people

trusted me with mine.

Hey, Zoey, did you get the

flight info?

- I'm so excited to see you.

- Uh, yeah.

I'm gonna go back to watching

my unrealistic romantic paradigms.

- I love you both.

- [both] Love you.


I'm worried about her.

I just... I want her to find...

- Love?

- Compatibility, you know?

Their divorce was so messy.

Love is messy.

You just don't wanna get dirty.

I actually met someone at the...

you know, there was this guy

at the lecture,

and he was interesting.

Bury the lede. Spill it.

He quoted Alain de Botton.

Great. Am I supposed to know who

that is?


"If nobody had ever heard

of the concept of love..."

They wouldn't fall in it.

Oh, my God, he quoted your guy?

Alert the tech nerds: a match

for Zoey.

- Was he hot?

- He was just... interesting.

So a hot nerd.

He was just interesting.

- Say interesting one more time.

- Interesting. Shut up.

Look, I'm probably never

even gonna see him again.

Mm. Interesting.


Let's run away together

[upbeat music playing]

[bell jingles]

[Zoey] Hey.

Hit anyone in the head today?

[Zach] Hey, it's you.

How you doing?

- Fine.

- [Zach] Good.

What are you doing here?

It's a bookstore, so I came to

get a book.

What are you doing here?

I work here.

It's part of my work-study



Textbooks are in the front.

Fictions on the right,

and non-fiction's over there.

Thank you.

Do you have any books on


Is that medieval history or a

metal band?

It's a video game.

No, we don't carry books like that.

I could order it for you.

Yeah, that... that'd be cool. Great.

Okay, so two choices,

"The Idiot's Guide to


or "Battletoads for Dummies."

Jesus, they both sound bad,

don't they?

Well, a dummy is someone

of low intelligence,

but it can also mean, like,

a crash test dummy.

But an idiot's just an idiot.

Let's go with dummy.

Good choice.

Thank you.

Uh, it should be here by Wednesday.


Oh, credit card.

Mm. Here you go.

You know video games are now

the leading cause of divorce?

Who says that?

An actuary chart listing

the causes of divorce.

- An actual what?

- An actuary.

Someone who compiles statistics

to assess risk and uncertainty.

Could you... could you actually

order me a book on that as well?



Sarcasm's frequently an attempt

to deflect one's ignorance.

- Hmm.

- Hmm.

Yeah. So is being a know-it-all.

All right, thanks.

Have a good one.



Hey, hey.

[upbeat music playing]

Hey, Zach, you forgot your

credit card.

Hey, Zach.

Zach, wait.


Zach, wait.

- Oh!

- [Zoey] Oh!

- [driver] Oh, no!

- [people gasping]

Oh, my God.

Oh, oh, oh, my God.


Oh, my God. Zach.

Oh, my God. Zach?

I didn't... is he okay?

He came out of, like, nowhere.

Zach! He's not responding. Call 911.

Zach, wake up.

Oh, my God. Please don't die.

- They wanna know if he's


- I don't know.

- Check!

- I can't tell.

She can't tell.

They say give him


- What?

- [driver] Pinch the nose.

- Wha-

- [driver] You have to pinch the nose.

- [Zach gasping]

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[Zach] Where am I?

Oh, my God. You're alive.

- He's alive.

- [driver] He's alive. He's


He's alive. Yeah.

Uh, what happened?

You got in an accident.

You're gonna be fine.

The ambulance is on its way.

Oh, here. They wanna talk to you.

- Me?

- [driver] Yeah, you.

Okay. Yeah? Yeah.

Yeah, uh, he's alive.

He's breathing and talking,

so just keep him awake.

- Sorry.

- Ow.

- My name? Zoey.

- What'd you hit me for?

[soft ethereal music playing]


Oh, thank God it's you.

- Hey.

- Hey. Thank God it's you.

You're okay.

The ambulance is on its way.


Oh. Oh. All right. Oh.


All righty. Okay.

- You're... you're definitely

gonna live.

- Ow... yeah.

So don't worry about that.

[siren wailing]

Oh, I hear it.

- Ah.

- Finally. Thank God.

- [Zoey] Is he gonna be okay?

- [EMT] Probably.

We're gonna take you to the hospital,

get you checked out.

- You're coming with me, right?

- To the hospital?

I kind of need you to come, please.


It's probably best if you come

just to keep him relaxed.


Thank you.

- Ooh.

- [Zoey] Oh.

[soft suspenseful music playing]

Triage, please.


[elevator dings]

Oh, are you all right?

What happened?

I'm... I'm fine.

I wouldn't say fine.

- He's actually got a concussion.

- Oh, my God.

[doctor] He was riding a bike,

hit a car,

and went head-first over the hood.

He doesn't remember the accident

or anything immediately prior.

Things dating back a few weeks

are fuzzy.

- So he has amnesia.

- It's normal.

What's normal about amnesia?

But it's only temporary, right, doctor?

- Most likely, yes.

- Most likely.

Were you texting?

No, he wasn't texting,

but he did break his phone.

[Mr. Maclaren] Who are you?


Zoey? The Zoey?


[Connie] Oh, Zach has done nothing

but talk about you.

- He has?

- Mom.

Okay, well, he's mentioned you

once or twice.

We barely know each other.

You've been dating, what?

Two, three weeks now, right?

- Dating?

- Mom, could you not, please?

[scoffs] I'm sorry.

You were with Zach when it happened.

You called 911.

- Yes, but that's...

- Okay.

I'm gonna go ahead and release Zach.

No screens for 72 hours.

Blue lights can make the

symptoms worse.

Make sure he stays hydrated and rest.

He will get his memory back,

though, right?

Just stick to a stress-free


Keep it simple.

I'm sorry, but we have a family

ski trip

planned for this weekend.

As long as he stays off the slopes

and rests, it's not a problem.

- [Connie] Thank you, Doctor.

- [Matt] That's great. Thanks, Doctor.

Thanks, Doc.

[Connie] You're coming home with us

so that we can keep an eye on you.

And young lady,

you are coming over for dinner.

- No, no, no. That's really not...

- [both] We insist.

- I'm a fabulous cook.

- He is.

Of course, you are. Come on.


Let me just call my roommate.

Tell her, uh, where I will be.

Oh, sweetheart, she is just adorable.

I really like her.

I do too.

She's pretty cool.

[toy playing melody]

[imitating engine roaring]

Parker, stop bashing your brother

with that truck.

What's up?

- [whispering] I'm at the hospital.

- [Elle] Why? What happened?

I'm here with Zach Maclaren.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up.

How did that happen?

So long story short,

he came into the bookstore.

I made him hit a car,

which was an accident.

Now he has a concussion

and he thinks that I'm his girlfriend.

- He is dating a Zoey.

- Zoey who?

- The other Zoey.

- What other Zoey?

Wallace, captain of

the women's soccer team.

You guys do kind of look alike.

Wait, I just texted you her Insta.


I mean, maybe there's a tiny resemblance.

She's very into soccer.

Yeah, I'm sure they'd rate high

in your compatibility app.

Oh, hey, make sure Zach takes it easy.

Nothing that will upset him

or his symptoms could get worse.

- Good.

- [Zoey] Okay.

Wait, who was that?

That was the doctor. What do I


Well, you don't wanna be

the cause of him getting worse.

[Zoey] You know what?

Zach's parents, they invited me

to dinner, so I'm just gonna go

to their place.

I'm gonna get them alone,

and I'm gonna tell 'em the truth.


Let them break their son's


[Zoey] Perfect.

I have to call you back. Bye.

[twins giggling]

[Elle] Why would you do that?

[upbeat calypso music playing]

I have texted him like a billion times.

Zoey, we're in The Bahamas.

I.. I bet it's the reception.

I'm using Wi-Fi.

I'm sure Zach will respond soon, dear.

What if he's ghosting me?

I seriously don't... I don't

even know

what ghosting means, honey.

We were texting this morning and then...

Do you think he met someone?

Between breakfast and lunch?

He is going skiing, mom.

Do you even know how cute

all the snow bunnies are?

You should have never booked

this trip.

She has been in a funk

ever since Barcelona lost Messi.

Wallaces don't wallow,

and crying causes wrinkles.

Just know that.

Your parents' house is really nice.

Yeah, thanks.

Something feels different.

I don't know.

Do you remember, like,

hitting a girl in the head

with a soccer ball?

No, but I mean, I do... I do remember...

- Kissing you...

- Oh! [laughs]

Remember the doctor said

to take it slow and easy.

I just... I want to thank you

for saving my life today.

It was probably my fault.

- Boo!

- Holy sh*t.

Uh-oh, you said the S word.

You know what?

That's what happens when you

scare people.

This is my little sister, Avery.

My name's not Avery.

It's Amanda.


Amand... what are you talking



She's messing with you.

I think your parents might have

told her

- that you have memory issues.

- Oh.

- Wanna fire up the Xbox?

- Yes.

- No, he's not allowed screen time.

- No.

- Sucks to be you.

- So mean.

If you need me,

I'll just be playing


as much as I want!


Video games are

the leading cause of divorce,

and I have no idea how I know that.

- She's so mean.

- That just came back?


Is there anything else

that might be coming back?

Mostly how pretty you are.

I'm gonna help your parents with dinner.

Very nice of you.

- [Matt] Trade you for the olive oil.

- [Connie] Okey-dokey.

[Matt] Thank you.

Ah, Zach was telling me that you were

supposed to go to the Bahamas

this weekend with your family.


There's something that I need to

tell you.

- My family is not in the Bahamas.

- Why's that, dear?

Well, this is gonna sound

really weird, but...

Hey, guys.

Hey, I just heard about Zach. Is

he okay?

[Matt] He has a concussion.

He needs to take it easy.

Come on.

You know the statistics on that.

[Matt] He's right.

Zoey, this is Miles, Zach's



Ah, the... the soccer player?


Dude, you're lucky it's not worse.

That's because Zoey saved my life.

Not exactly.

Miles is in grad school at MIT.

Oh. [chuckles]

He's just visiting for the weekend.

I hear that that's a really

great school.

Yeah. Thanks.

Dude, I can't believe

you weren't wearing a helmet.

You gotta be more careful.

Is the bike destroyed?

So you were telling me

about your family trip.

Oh, we had to postpone it.

Something came up.

Well, just.. everybody just dig in.

Dig in.

[soft ethereal music playing]


So Zoey, Zach tells me

that your dad's a doctor.

Yeah, he is.

What kind?

The kind that sees patients,

uh, in his office.

[chuckles] Oh, oh, I remember.

He's a GP, right?

Yeah, he is.

He is a great physician.

[all chuckle]

I'm sure he is.

So are you training

during the off-season?


Just kicking all those balls.

What position do you play?

Uh, somewhere in the middle.

Sometimes... sometimes on the left...

sometimes on the right.


Yeah, but you know,

soccer can only go so far.

I was actually thinking about

grad school,

maybe MIT for computer science.

You're interested in coding?

Yeah, it's my major.

I don't... I don't remember that.

Wait, do I?

Oh, my gosh, it's your amnesia.

Oh, my gosh. This is so cool.

- Please forget something else.

- Be nice.

Well, Zoey, I, for one, am impressed

that you have so many interests.


You know, Miles is studying

computer science.

- Applied machine learning.

- That's amazing.

Thank you.

I didn't know that we had that

in common.

All right, hey, guys, uh, six letters.

Inventor of calculus.

- [Zoey] Newton.

- [Miles] Newton.

Oh, that fits.

Yeah, yeah.

I.. I.. I had that one too.

Gotta be quick on the buzzer, dude.

A strip of land, seven letters.

- [Avery] Mm...

- [Zach] Mm...

- Island.

- That has six letters.

- That has six letters?

- [Zoey and Miles] Isthmus.

[Matt] Oh, that fits too.


Well done, you two. I'm


I gotta hit it.

I present my master's thesis

next week.

Dude, you should get some rest.

You have a concussion.

[Zach] Yeah. Thank you, Doc.

- All right, man.

- Good night.

- [Connie] Good night.

- Good night, Miles.

- Bye.

- Night, man.

Hey, we're all gonna go skiing

in the mountains this weekend.

Do you wanna go with us?

- Oh, yeah, you should.

- It's a great idea.

Oh, uh...

you know, I don't know

if it's such a good idea.

I mean, you just got injured,

and I have plans

with my mom this weekend.

[phone buzzing]

Oh, and that's my mom,

so I should ask her.

Okay. Sorry.

[Elle] What'd they say?

Nothing, 'cause I haven't told

them yet.

What are you waiting for?


Remember the guy from the


The one you called interesting

23 times?

Uh, doesn't ring a bell.

Well, his name is Miles,

and he's actually Zach's cousin,

and he's here visiting from MIT,

and they invited me

to go skiing with them.

Okay, I don't wanna jump

to conclusions, but this is fate.

- I don't believe in fate.

- [Elle] You believe in


What is the probability of a guy

you find interesting

ending up in the house of a guy

you're pretending to be the

girlfriend of?

Statistically speaking?

Like, zero.

[Elle] Because it's


You gotta carpe diem this

all the way to the ski slope.

I caused the accident,

and now I'm gonna flirt

with an amnesia patient's


Plug it into your app.

One, Zach has a concussion.

Two, he has a girlfriend.

Three, the doctor told you

not to upset him.

Four, his cousin is a hot

computer nerd

who you have a ton

of things in common with.

What does that all add up to?

A perfect match.

Pretend to be the other Zoey.

That's not the way

that the app actually works.

Well, it should be.


And Miles is only here for the weekend.

[Elle] Exactly. Have some fun, Zoey.

[phone ringing]


I'm not coming home this weekend.

Are you okay?

I actually got invited

to go skiing with some friends.

Well, I was really looking forward

to seeing you

but that sounds fun.

I'm sorry, Mom.

It's okay, I'm glad you're


out there and making new friends.

Just make sure you go on the

bunny hill

because I went skiing once,

and I went through these trees

and I almost d*ed.

What are you up to this weekend?

Don't worry about me.

I have plenty to do.

Okay. Bye. Love you.

The professor came home late,

but they paid me extra.

What is that?

Okay, so this one,

it's about computational analysis,

and it's really advanced,

so I think that Miles might be impressed,

but he also might think that, like,

I'm trying to intimidate him.

So then this one

is on computational theory,

and Maya Sayeed wrote it,

and we both love her,

and it kinda shows

how much we have in common,

but I don't want him to think

that I'm, like, overthinking,

so I don't know which one to bring.

What should I do?

Oh! Wha...

Less books, more bathing suits.

Okay, you're going skiing.

Do you know what that means?


No. Hot tub. You know what?

I can't believe I have to

explain this.

I got some for you. I got some

for you.

- Here.

- What is that?

I'm giving you my sexy, hot,

never fails bathing suit.

- Okay.

- [Elle] Yeah.

Okay, fine.

Geez, you're welcome.

What about Zoey Wallace?

I bet that she's super worried

about Zach,

- you know, not being able to

reach him.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Zoey, please get out of your head.

The other Zoey is the other Zoey.

Let's focus on this Zoey.

You're going skiing

with a guy who has amnesia,

and you're pretending to be

someone else.

I mean, that's, like,

the perfect vacation.

- That's the perfect vacation?

- [Elle] Yeah.

[upbeat calypso music playing]

[Mrs. Wallace] Oh, my God.

I think that's a baby whale.

Zoey, Zoey, Zoey, sweetie.

- Zoey, wake up.

- Not now!

I'm in deep focus.

Aqua yoga is starting by the pool.

I've reserved three pods.

These are the girls I think

could be my competition,

girls that Zach follows on Instagram,

and he's liked some of their photos

like Amy.

Okay, she's a 7. You're a 12. Okay.

I should have never passed her

that ball.

- I should have taken that sh*t.

- Oh, my God, you're


Mom, he's either dead, or he's

dumped me.

Honestly, I'm not sure which is worse.

I think dead is worse for sure.

[Mr. Wallace]

Let's go. Aqua yoga starts in five.

Dad, read the room.

Call the airlines.

- Oh, my God, again.

- [Zoey] I need to get back

and find out where's Zach is...

and who he's with.


That's what I like about you

That's what I like


[Avery] Ugh. Let's play a game.

What about the license plate


Isn't that game, like,

known for being boring?

No, not the way I play it.

You add up the value of the numbers

on the plate until you get a

prime number.

That sounds like school, which

is boring.

I think it sounds fun.

Just ignore me.

Happy accident.

[Zach laughing]

Don't look at me. She got that

from you.


That's what I like about you


["What I Like About You"


Ah-ah-ah, hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey!




[Matt] Here we go. Oh.

[Connie] Ah!

Wow, this is better than the pictures.

- Nice job, honey.

- [Avery] Whoa.

Thank you.

[Zoey] Wow.

This is amazing.

Yeah, this is fantastic.

Hey, Zach, remember how much fun

we had here last time?

Um, yeah.

Have we been here before?

No, memory boy. I'm messing with you.

- Mm.

- It's a rental.

Oh, Zoey, you and Avery don't


bunking together, do you?

I don't mind. I understand.

Any more excitement for Zach,

and his brain will explode.

- [imitates expl*si*n]

- Avery.

Hey, let's get up the mountain.

Get half a day in.

Oh, yeah, let's do it.

Zach, honey, remember, no screens.

Oh, I know. Yeah.

Fair warning, it's been a really

long time since I last snowboarded.

I feel like you said you went

every year.

- Twelve months is a really...

long time.

- [Miles] Don't worry.

- It's like riding a bike.

- Is that the best analogy?

Sorry. Sorry, dude.

She's a little insensitive. It's


- Yeah, it's all good.

- What are you gonna do?

I mean, the mountain's


Maybe just hang at the lodge,

grab a book, read something.

- Do you have a book?

- I do not.

I have one.

It's about female spies in World

w*r II.

It might not be your thing,

but just in case.

Oh, okay. Well... cool.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

All right. Should we, uh, hit

the slopes?

Hit we shall.

Sorry. It sounded cooler in my head.

[upbeat rock music playing]

[Avery] That's a lot of struggle

for a soccer player.

Have you ever snowboarded?


She'll be at it in no time,

don't worry.

Got it. Easy.

- [yelling]

- [Miles] Whoa!


I got it! I'm good. I'm good.

I'm good.

- I'm good.

- I got you.

Are you okay, honey?

You're holding on very tight.

It's so she doesn't fall.

Why don't you guys go ahead,

and we'll catch it up with you


Fine by me. I'm built for speed.

- You guys have fun.

- Yeah. I'll race you.

- [Connie] Let's do it.

- [Zoey] Thanks.

- [Miles] Okay.

- [Avery] See ya, suckers.

- Can I move my arm now?

- Mm-hmm.

Okay. You're ready.


First off, wanna make sure that

your weight is on your front foot.

- That's what's...

- Okay.

- That's how you're gonna steer.

- So just weight.

- Yeah, like...

- Whoa. Whoa!

- There you go. There you go!

- Hey!

All right, slow down. Slow down.

I can't! Oh! Ah!

Oh! Oh!

You okay?

- Mm-hmm.

- Well, let's take it slow.

- As slow as you need.

- Okay.

- Sound good?

- Mm-hmm.


- Yeah, this is much better.

- [Miles] Walk back.

[singer] I got green in my

pocket, gonna let it do the talking

Yeah, I'm feeling kinda lucky today

I got nothing to lose

I'm gonna take a sh*t

- All right. Heels. Heels!

- [Zoey] This way?

- No, no, no. Don't... ah.

- [Zoey] I'm fine.

- Use your...

- [Zoey] This way. Just watch your...

- Oh!

- [Zoey] I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

I'm sorry.

- Oh.

- Oh, my God!


Slow... slow down, slow down.

Use your heels.

[yelling] I'm sorry!


- That was amazing.

- Oh, my God.

- I did it.

- You did.

- I did it.

- [laughs] Yeah.

[Connie] Hey, you two.

- Hey.

- Hi.

How was it? Like riding a bike?

I thought I had a pretty solid run,

the last one.

She did.

- You did great.

- Thanks.

It was the only time

when her face didn't meet snow.

Avery, what is with you this


- How's your head?

- Feeling good, yeah.

Like my memory will be back in

no time.


And then I fell,

and then he helped me get up,

and he was really sweet.

And you made out?

No, no, we were on the mountain.

Well, it sounds romantic.

You gotta admit that.

Fine. Whatever. You're right. It was.

Yey, look at you.

So how's Zach doing?

How's his memory?


Who knows?

It could come back at any time, really.

Clock's ticking to get

that bathing suit on

and get in that hot tub and call

me back

when things get steamy, pun intended.

I don't know, Zach's family is

so nice,

and he's so nice.

It just feels... wrong.

[Elle] Every great love story

starts with a love triangle.

"Gone With the Wind,"

"The Great Gatsby," "Lolita."

Maybe I should just get it over with

and tell him the truth,

and then I can start out honest

with Miles.

- [doorbell rings]

- My food's here. I gotta go.

Zach will get his memory back,

and you can tell everyone

that you honestly did not

wanna be the cause

of any permanent memory loss.

Now go flirt with the only guy

who thinks calculus

is as interesting as you do.

Love you. Bye.

Okay. Love you. Bye.

Why, hello.


Green curry with rice,

garlic naan, and a Diet Coke.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

I-I haven't seen you before.

You must be a new delivery guy.

Yeah, I'm from Chile.

I just moved here.


I'm just babysitting.

[both chuckle]

- Uh, so do you go to school?

- Yes.

First to learn English better,

and then to be a doctor.

Oh, very ambitious.

What kind of doctor?

Cardiology. And you?

Uh, I wanna work in publishing.

- You're a writer.

- I am indeed. [chuckles]

I'm a creative writing major,

but my concentration's poetry.

So we both like the heart.

Or... el corazon.

[chuckles] I guess so.

Well, I gotta go.

- Deliveries call.

- Yeah, me too.

Gotta get back to the kids.

They've been too quiet.

Means something's wrong.

Good luck.

See you next time.

Good night.

Why are these called hamburgers

when they're not made of ham?

That's a very good question, Avery.

Despite the hamburger being

quintessentially American,

it actually originated

in Hamburg, Germany.

However, pizza is most

definitely Italian.

This is just a ploy

to tell us how they met.

- Mm...

- [Avery] Oh, man.

We were both abroad backpacking.


The smell of chianti, pizza,

and Bolognese in the air.

[sighs] We know, Dad,

you've told us before.

Well, Zoey doesn't.

I'd love to hear.

We just got out of college.

[Connie] We were just taking our time

trying to figure out our future.

Two lost souls.

Well, I was literally lost,

and my Italian was failing me,

and nobody spoke English,

and I was trying

to find the train station.

And we bumped into each other,

both of us with our heads buried

in our "Let's Go Europe" books.

Yes, and that was our meet-cute.

I love it.

And you guys seem so compatible.

[Connie] I think we are.

[Avery] You both fell in love

over pizza.

Guess that's why I like it so much.

Oh, me too. I love pizza so much.

- [Avery] I know. It's so good.

- Too much, probably.

- Wait, don't I?

- Yes, honey.

- Pepperoni.

- Do you remember owing me $200?

No, no, I... see, I think what

it is,

is you owed me 200 bucks.

Don't even think about it.

Hi, yeah, my delivery guy just left,

and there's no rice with my order.

No, no, no,

I don't wanna take it off my bill.

You know, what's green curry

without rice, am I right?

Have him bring it.

And can you make sure it's the

same guy?


Thank you.

Hey, wanna watch a movie?


What about "Pretty Woman"?

Julia Roberts' only dream

in life is to bag a rich guy.

And not to mention

the unrealistic portrayal of sex work.

- Exactly.

- Yeah. It's weird.

I just thought... I thought it

was one of your favorites.

What about "Say Anything?"

Mm. Really?

- Oh, really what?

- [Zoey] No, just...

Come on, I don't think

there are any sex workers in

that one.

- No.

- Right?

- But it's boring, and it's...

- What?

Come on, the boombox at the end.

Mm, the grand gesture

where the protagonist

professes their love in public.

It just perpetuates

unrealistic romantic ideals.


Okay, well, I mean,

there's a new Marvel movie...

- Hey.

- That...

You can't watch a movie.

Remember it?

- The doctor said no screens.

- Oh. Yeah. Great.

But guess what we can do?

- [Avery and Connie] Movie.

- Yes.

- [both] One word.

- Mm-hmm.

- [both] Two syllables.

- Yes.

Uh, cold, shivering,

really cold, freezing.


- [Matt] Yes!

Oh, wow! Avery, good job.

b*at that, sh*t birds.

- Hey, hey. Hey, language.

- Whoa!

Zoey, you're up.

Come on. You got this.

TV show.

One word.

All right, two syllables.

Okay, um... oh.

- Soccer.

- [Miles] Electric shock.

Is she okay? Should we call 911?


[Zoey] Um...

- [Zach] Okay.

- [Zoey] Oh! Oh, oh.

- Uh, "Seinfeld."

- Yes!

- [Zach] How did you know that?

- She made a sine wave.

- [Zach] A what?

- It's oscillations of constant height.

- [Miles] Yeah, sine wave.

- It's a science thing.

- Wow. Wow.

- Of course.

Very impressive, you two.

I knew that too.

Oh, Zach, it's getting late.

You know, you're still recovering.

Better get some rest.

I'm pretty zonked.

- Good night, son.

- Good game. Good game.

You know, I was thinking

'cause of all the falling

that I did that the hot tub

might be nice.

Of course, sweetheart.

Just make yourself at home.

Okay. Does anyone else wanna


Ooh, ooh, I want to.


Hi, again.

Sorry there was no rice.

- I thought it was in the bag.

- [Elle] Oh, it was there.

Silly me.

Then why did you...


[romantic music playing]

What about the kids?

They're asleep.

I'm Diego, by the way.

I'm Elle.

I know. I saw the check.

So, tell me about you and Zach.

Like, how did you meet?

We met at a party.

Huh. That's strange.

'Cause Zach told me that you met

at a co-ed soccer practice.

We met at a party after the practice.

You know, my brother

is my very best friend.

That's really sweet.

And if you hurt him, I will make certain

that you will never, ever

be able to kick a ball again.



Anyone in the move for some


I got the fireplace going.

Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes.

- Hey, wanna go inside and grab

the stuff?

- Okay.

- I'm glad we had our little talk.

- Yeah.

Yeah, me too.

[Miles] I could use a soak.

I'm a bit sore from today.

[soft romantic music playing]

So how's MIT?

It's good.

It's hard because everyone there

is smart.

Like, really smart.

That kind of makes you

just want to try harder.


But you should definitely apply.

- You think?

- Mm-hmm.

For sure. You're, like, wicked smart.

- Thanks.

- Hmm. And funny.

I really like spending time with you.

Also, this is gonna sound kind

of random.

You and Zach, you know,

are you, uh, like, exclusive?

We haven't really talked about it.

- Right.

- The relationship's really,

really new.


Because like I said, I really

enjoy spending time with you.

I don't wanna sound mean here,

but do you really think

that you're a good match?


Like we are.

- Like... like us?

- Yeah.

I mean, we're so in sync.

Yeah, and compatible.


So much in common.

[Avery] Got everything.


- Yeah.

- Yeah.


How many times did Dad

eat it on the slopes yesterday?

[Connie] Ah, he wasn't that bad.

- You're lying. You're lying.

- [Connie laughs]

- Good morning.

- Hey, baby.

[Connie] Zoey, did you sleep


- Yeah. Yeah, I did, actually.

- [Connie] Great.

- [Zoey] Thank you.

- Here's a cup of coffee.


Where's everybody else?

Zach's dad's getting his skis,

Avery's getting dressed,

and where is Miles?

Uh, I think he's talking to Emily.

Who's Emily?

Miles' girlfriend.

[tense music playing]

His girlfriend?

- [Connie] She's adorable.

- Yeah, she's nice.

She's really nice.

Oh, I should grab a jacket.

[Connie] Yeah, you should, hon.

It's gonna be really cold today.


Hey, you ready for day two?

You have a girlfriend?


So... so what about us?

What about last night?

Yeah, she doesn't care.

We're poly.


I care.

I mean, relax. It was just a kiss.

How are you so casual about


You said that we were in sync.

You said we had so much in common.

You said that we were a match.

Yeah, we are.

You thought that meant

that we should date?


I just thought we'd be a good hookup.

You thought... you thought that

of me?

[Miles] I don't know why

you're being so judgey for.

If you haven't noticed,

you're dating my cousin.

Actually, I'm not.


- And I can't.

- You can't what?

I... it's complicated, okay?

Just... never mind.


Hey, baby.

- You okay?

- Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

[Connie] Carpe diem. Seize the day.

It is gorgeous out there.

Matt and Avery are in the car.

Are you two ready?


I think I'm just gonna hang out

at the house today, so.

Yeah, I'm kind of sore from yesterday.

Turns out I have a big bruise.

Sweetheart, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

I think I'm just gonna hang with Zach.

Oh, you are?

Yeah, if that's okay.

Uh. Uh, yeah.

Let me, um... let me check my schedule.

Yes, it looks like

he's free the entire day.

- [Connie chuckles]

- Just wide open.

[Connie] I'm just glad you won't

be alone.

You're, uh... you're not gonna



- All right.

- Let's do it, Miles.

- [Miles] Let's.

- Hey, hon.

The arnica's in the bathroom

upstairs for her bruise.

- [Zach] Okay.

- [Zoey] Okay.

[Connie] Order pizza

if you need it.

- [Zach] Thanks, Mom.

- [Connie] All right. Have a

great day.

- [Zach] Have fun.

- See you later.

See, I got you all to myself.

Game day?

Game day.

[Zoey] Okay, so the object of

the game

is to capture the opponent's


The queen, however, is the most powerful,

and she can basically move

anywhere she wants.

[Zach] Okay.

Queen is the most valuable. I

like it.

And the knight moves

in an L-shape like that,

and the bishop moves diagonally

like that,

and the rook moves up and down.

Why do they call it a rook?

Comes from the Persian word rukh,

R-U-K-H, which means chariot.

You're so smart.

Chess is really like soccer, to

be honest.

The pawns are the defenders.

The bishops are the midfielders.

The rooks are the wingers,

and the queen is the striker.

Your offense, you got your defense.

I don't think I'm ever gonna

see chess the same way again.

Good, because I'm about to take

you down.

- Oh. Oh, you are?

- Oh, yeah, for sure.

Your move.

Whoo... checkmate.

That was aggressive.


[soft playful music playing]



What do you think the most

important thing

in a relationship is?

Strategizing here, so, uh, you first.

I always thought it was about

having things in common,

like compatibility, shared interests.

- You?

- I think...

You just gotta like each other.

I mean, it sounds simple,

but I mean, look at my...

look at my folks, right?


You're in check.

I can see that.



It's a stalemate.

What is... what is that?

It's a draw.

No one can checkmate the other.

- So it's a tie?

- Yeah, we tied.

All right!

I will take that as a win for

Zach, okay?

Uh, uh, uh.

It was a... it was a hard

battle, but, uh,

the Comeback Kid prevailed.

Now we play my game.

[upbeat music playing]


Got a good feeling

Doing okay, gonna make it through

I got a good feeling

Nothing's gonna stop me now

Got a good thing going

What'd you get?



Nothing's gonna slow me down

Can you feel it, can you feel it

Can you feel it, can you feel it

- [yelps]

- [yelling]


These are the good times

Everything's all right

These are the good times

Are you trying to hit me?

Do you need lessons or


I can... I can show you

the ropes a bit if you want.

Is there a tape measure?

For what?

What do you... what do you need

a tape measure for?

Is this coding?

Oh, calculations.

Do you think it's gonna help?

Constant and the distance

to the edge of the table's 36 inches.

Then the only variable

is the force of the push.

I was gonna say that too.

That's what I was thinking.

- [laughing]

- Oh, my God. Oh, my...

Goal! Math, baby. Don't

underestimate it.

Zoey, that brain of yours

is gonna take you far.

- Oh, my God.

- I don't know about that.

I do. I mean, grad school, coding.

You know, you've got

a whole career path ahead of you.

What are you talking about?

Hey, you have a whole

career path ahead of you.

[Zach] No.

Isn't soccer the angle?

I... you know... you know,

I've had soccer my whole life.

I mean, that's the only thing

I've ever really been good at.

But, uh...

Let's be honest, like,

I'm not gonna go pro.

So I have absolutely no idea

what I'm gonna do with my life

after I graduate...

And I'm... I'm pretty...

pretty scared about that.

Zach, you just learned chess in, like,

20 minutes

- and almost b*at me.

- Almost, yeah.

You'd be great at anything.

You think so?


So other than being

a paper football professional...

[Zach] Right.

What else do you like to do?

[singer singing in Italian]

[up-tempo music playing]

[Zach] Whoo.

- [Zoey] Wow.

- [Zach] Breakfast pizza.

- Don't let the eggs scare you.

- I'm a little scared.

You're a little scared? Trust


Eggs and bacon.

- Yes, like that?

- Mm-hmm.

Cheers. Big old bite.


Mmm. Oh, my God.

[Zach] Mm-hmm.

- This is so good.

- [Zach] Yeah.

No, this is amazing.

No, you're just saying that.

Where did you learn to cook?

Was it your mom?

[Zach] No, I took cooking classes.

- Seriously?

- [Zach] Yeah.

Well, why are you so surprised?

I mean, I feel like

I would've told you that.

Well, I have to say

I'm very, very impressed.

It's the nicest thing

you said to me all weekend.

No, it's not.

- That's... is that true?

- No, it's... it's fine.

I'm really enjoying getting to

know you...

Over again.

So, um, besides...

so besides chess, like, what else

do you like to do for fun?

Remind me.


N... noth... nothing.

All right, well then that...

that's an obvious sign

- that you need more fun in your life.

- I'm...

Unless you... do you...

unless you hate fun.

- I don't...

- Do you hate fun?

No, I don't... I... I'm very fun.

- I love fun.

- You love fun.

I'm the queen of fun.

We will see about that.

[Zoey] Pew, pew, pew.

Pew, pew.

Jesus, this is addictive.

Oh, I know. Yeah.

I mean, it's a great way for

Avery and I

to stay connected when I'm at

school too.

That's really sweet.

You know, I think I remember

ordering her a book on


Oh, that was for Avery.

Yeah. Yeah.

Wait, you know about the book?

No, no, I was just saying

that's, uh...

that's really, like,

sweet to buy her a book.


Speaking of books, how's that


I mean...

It's amazing.

I mean, I had no idea women codebreakers

shortened the w*r in Germany

by, like, two years.

Yeah. Yeah, it's fascinating.

You know and the way the book,

like, weaves together

the lives of all these women,

captures their voices,

I mean, all under the thr*at of


It's like I'm actually there

with them.

I mean, it's... it's incredible.

I mean, I feel like you definitely

could have been one of these women.


That's really sweet.

[door opens]

- [Connie] Hi.

- [Avery] Hi.

Hey. How was the snow?

- [Matt] Great.

- [Avery] Yeah, it was really good.

Wait, wait.

Are you playing "Battletoads"?

Hey, what happened to no


I wasn't playing. Zoey was playing.

I was wearing your sunglasses.

- [Connie] Okay.

- Just in case.

So what did you do? Did you have


- What didn't we do?

- Excuse me?

- All PG-13.

- Okay.

Oh, sh**t,

I forgot my gloves at the lodge.

Avery, don't worry about it.

Zach and I can take you.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

I think I left them inside on

the table.

- Mm-hmm.

- See you in just a sec.

- Okay.

- Okay.

All... all right, Avery, just

hurry up.

I'll be waiting down here, okay?

All right.


You got a pretty good arm

for a computer nerd.

Hey, nerds rule the world.

- They do?

- [Zoey] Yeah.

You're not gonna throw that

at my head, are you?

[Zach] Huh?

'Cause I can't throw it

at your head, Concussion Boy.

Nobody said

it had to be, like, a fair fight.


- [Zach] Oh, gosh!

- Is that all you got?

Oh, you wanna... you wanna see some,

like, actual competition?

- I didn't know if you were

warmed up.

- Bring it.

Hey, guys! I found them!


sh**t, sh**t.

Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm


- Oh, sh... you good?

- [Zoey] Yeah.

Hey, it's fully my fault. I'm


[soft ethereal music playing]

That may leave a mark.

May leave a mark.

May leave a mark.

Ah, I th... I don't know.

I... I feel like I'm having

dj vu or something.

There's something I have to tell you.

Hey, no smooching in front

of your little sister.

Thank you. Thank you, Avery.

- [whispering] Miles kissed me.

- [Elle] In the hot tub?

Oh, my God.

- That bathing suit really never fails.

- What have you done in that

bathing suit?

Don't you worry about that.

Then I found out he has a girlfriend.

- Um, what?

- They're poly.

You don't wanna be the third at

the party.

I understand that, and thank God

for Miles

for expanding Zoey's mind.


But now Zach...

Zach is really surprising me.

He hit me in the head with a snowball,

and then he kissed me.

And I can't believe

that I'm saying this, but it felt...


Do you have amnesia now?

How hard did that snowball hit


It's confusing, right?

Wow. Zach Maclaren.

That's not surprising.

That's revolutionary.

Elle, I need to tell him the truth.

Wait, hold on. Does he like you?

I don't know, I mean, how much

of it's me

and how much of it's the memory

of Zoey Wallace?

- But you two are vibing.

- [Zoey] Sure.

So the real you

is vibing with the real him,

minus the tiny amnesia detail.

It's not a tiny amnesia, it's a

big detail

and our vibing, whatever it is,

it's duplicitous.

You didn't know that Miles was poly

or that you were gonna end up

liking Zach.

I mean, give yourself a break.

Elle, I should come clean.

Zoey, wait until Zach has recovered

then tell him the truth.

That was the original plan, right?

I like plans that are straightforward

and follow a logical conclusion

like good code,

not ones that look like

a fried hard drive.

Yeah, but that could be Zach's


if you tell him too soon.

Okay. Thank you.

I have to go.

[warm heartfelt music playing]

- [chuckles]

- Mm.

- Yeah.

- Are you awake?


- Hey.

- Hey.

All right, I'm pretty tired,

so I'm gonna go up and crash.

[Zoey] Of course.

I just wanna thank you

for such a lovely day.

Like I had a wonderful time. Really.

You sound surprised again.

I think that it just

wasn't what I expected.

You're really full of surprises,

Zach Maclaren.

Well, yeah, I mean, you're...

You're full of surprises,

too, Zoey Wallace.

You okay?


What's wrong?

No, no, it's just...


I'm just hoping that when you...

when you get back to school

and your memory returns...

That you'll still...

You'll remember this day

and you'll still wanna hang out.

Yeah, of course, I do. Why

wouldn't I?

No, no reason.

I just wanted you to know.


Zach, can you come do a monster check

Uh, you got it, Avery.

Yeah, I'll be right up.

She won't fall asleep

unless I go up, so I...

- Good night.

- Good night.


[pensive music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[singer] Don't quit dreaming

until every dream comes to life


Just close your eyes, you'll

get it right

All that's left to find

[Zach] Taking the middle.


- [laughs]

- Fire up the Xbox!

Let's play "Battletoads"!

- Hey, honey, let me get that.

- Hey, it's still early.

- You wanna stay for dinner?

- Uh, okay. Yeah.

Zoey Mill... Zoey...

Why does it say Zoey Miller?

You're Zoey Wallace.

Who's Zoey Wallace?

[car horn honks]

Zach Maclaren, you are so


- Who are you?

- I'm Zoey, Zach's girlfriend.

But that's Zoey, Zach's


No, she's not.

- [Connie] I don't understand.

- [Matt] What's going on?

[Zoey Wallace]

That's what I'd like to know.


You're my girlfriend.

Yeah, of course I am.

And... and I hit you with a

soccer ball.

- Yeah.

- I don't understand.

That's good 'cause I don't, either.


Yeah, let me explain.

So... I know you don't remember this,

but when you got hit by the car...

What? When was this?

No, no, no, no. Let her finish.

You left your credit card

in the store where I work,

and I ran out to give it to you,

and you didn't see this car

pulling out.

So then you kind of went flying

and you hit your head,

and when you woke up,

you thought that I was your girlfriend

because we have the same name

and I guess we kind of look alike.

You wish.

I knew something was up.

Then at the hospital,

everyone just thought

that I was the other Zoey.

And I was gonna tell you the truth,

but the doctor said that

you had a concussion

and you couldn't handle any stress,

so I didn't wanna say anything

'cause I didn't wanna make it worse.

And then I was gonna tell your parents

as soon as we got back to your house,

and I know that this is gonna

sound awful,

but then Miles came over.

- Wait, who is Miles?

- I am. I'm Zach's cousin.

And I just thought that Miles

and I had so much in common

that, uh... that... that when

you invited me skiing

and he's only here for a weekend,

that I would just...

I would be the other Zoey, Zoey Wallace,

Zach's girlfriend.

I am not the other Zoey. You are.

But then after Miles and I kissed...

What... hey, you kissed my

girlfriend, man?

We have just established

that she is not your girlfriend.

- What about Emily?

- Yeah, we're poly.

- What's poly?

- Math, honey.

They're... they're talking about math.

It's not Miles' fault. It's


Are you into Miles?

I thought that I was, but I'm


Not anymore. No offense.

I felt like we had

a connection this weekend.

We... yes, we did.

What kind of a connection?

You two share a room?

- They wanted to.

- Avery...

But it was a lie.

Wasn't a...

I don't... I don't know what I thought,

but it doesn't matter now.

Oh, my God,

you're the girl from the bookstore

that called me an idiot.

No, that was...

that was just the title of the book.

That w... you're not an idiot.

You're... you're so smart,

and you're sensitive,

and you're really... you're


I... I know that this whole situation

and what I did was wrong.

We all make mistakes, honey, but


This was awful. I know.

I'm really sorry.

So, uh...

So I'm just gonna leave now,

and you can be with, um...

yeah, you can be with the real Zoey.

[somber music playing]

[Avery] No, wait. But I like you better.

[Zoey Wallace] Oh, my God, babe.

You got hit by a car?

Are you okay?

- You hurt?

- No, no, I'm fine.

If his brain wasn't broken

before, geez.

[Zoey] So embarrassing.

I just feel so stupid.

Why did I think that

this would be a good idea?

- [Elle] I'm so sorry.

- [Zoey] I'm an idiot.

What... I mean, who am I to

create an app

about compatibility

and dating and relationships?


Okay, stop, stop, stop. You're


Well, yeah, of course, I'm


You followed your heart,

and sometimes that doesn't work out.

No, I followed your advice.

Wait, are you saying this is my


I never would've gone

if you hadn't pushed me.

Zoey, I was trying to help you.

- By encouraging me to lie.

- [Elle] No.

You have never once

been interested in anyone.

What is wrong with that?

You're so afraid of getting hurt

that you refuse to let anyone in.

I don't understand how that's a pro...

What made you the authority on

love, huh?

You have never been in love.

Neither have you.

And at least I'm willing

to embrace the concept.

[Zoey] How?

Obsessing over rom-coms

or romanticizing Prince Charming

in your stupid poems?


Really nice, Zoey.

You know what? I am seeing someone.

And I didn't tell you

because you were so caught up

in your Zach-Miles drama

that I didn't wanna hurt your feelings.

But now I don't give a sh*t.

And I have never once

called your app stupid.

[apprehensive music playing]

[student] Yo, there's Zoey Miller.


She stole Zoey Wallace's


- Oh, look who's here.

- Oh, my God.

She conned Zach's entire family.

Ought to be arrested.

She slept with both of them.

[student] Identity theft.

She ran over Zach with her car.

[all giggling]

[student] Hooked up with the cousin

on the ski slope.


She's pregnant with the cousin's


I'm not f*cking pregnant.


Thank you for sharing, Ms. Miller.

Would anyone else care

to share their fertility status?


[singer] It's hard enough to

find my way

But it's harder when the

lights go out

The shadows of my darkest days

Keep me quiet when I'm trying

To make a sound

The old me

Would be running away, but

I'm not afraid To hold it close



[singer] Watch hours go by

To get through the night, oh

I was up till the break of dawn

Trying to pick myself off the ground

Wanna get back the time I lost

And turn this around

There's a bright side in the storm

But my head's in the clouds

Trying to find what I'm

looking for

Where's the upside of down?

[Zoey on video]

I'm not f*cking pregnant!

I'm not f*cking pregnant!


[singer] I was up till the

break of dawn

Trying to pick myself off the ground

Wanna get back the time I lost

And turn this around

There's a bright side in the storm

- But my head's in the clouds

- [door closes]

Trying to find what I'm

looking for

Where's the upside of down?

[door slams]

[melancholic music playing]

Oh, I'm scared

'Cause I'm still falling

It's right there

- [Paula] Wow.

- [Zoey] Mom.

You did all that because you

thought you were compatible with


[Zoey] Sadly, yes.

What... what happened

to the pottery stuff?

Oh, my kiln blew up.

Right. Really?

No worries.

I mean, my jewelry design

is really taking off.

I feel like you need more of these.

[Paula] Oh.

Relationships are about so much more

than having surface things in common.

Yeah, yeah, I know obviously,

or you and Dad would've stayed together.

You think that's why we split


You guys could not be more different.

That's not why we got a divorce.


Yeah, I mean, we met

when we were in high school.

We were so young, and I mean,

it was our differences

that kept it exciting.

Then what happened?

Why did you get a divorce?

We just...

our identities were intertwined,

and we wanted to see

what it was like to be individuals.

Being together was the only life

we had ever known.

But I can promise you it wasn't

about having things in common

or not having things in common.


[Paula] I mean, divorce is not easy.

I know ours wasn't.

But being vulnerable

and letting your guard down,

I mean, that is when

a real relationship starts.

That's what life is all about.

I want you to experience that.

It's is about more

than just checking a box

and someone checking a box,

because boxes are boring.

That's probably why

my app didn't take off.

Well, every app needs a good pivot.

You taught me that.

And you remembered that.

Of course, my daughter's

gonna be the next tech genius

to take over the world.

It's the least I could do.

That's a lot of bags.

How long are you planning on

staying here?

Yeah, um, a while, if that's


You like this guy Zach.

You have to tell him how you feel.

I lied to him.

I lied to his entire family.

Now he's with the real Zoey.

The real Zoey's lame, okay?

You are the best Zoey.

You have to go after

what you want and be brave.

Oh, my God.

You're just giving me rom-com

advice now.

I know. It's so fun.

[playful electronic music



[student] Well, I can

meet with you next Friday,

- but I don't know for sure.

- [student] Oh.

Really? I checked on that place.



I went home.

I figured when I saw

your luggage was gone,

so I didn't file a missing

persons report.

You working on your book?

I'm working on a short story.

The main character feels

she's been stabbed in the back

by selfishness and misdirected blame.

That sounds honest.

Well, they say write what you know.

Yes, they do.

So I...

Wrote you a poem.

You wrote me a poem?

[Zoey] Yeah.

But you hate poetry.


Just hear me out, please.


"I took the sun for granted...

"As it shone its light on me."

"Basking in its warmth full of jubilee.

"I took the sun for granted

as it lit the crowded way.

"Clearing the darkened path,

urging me on my way.

"I took the sun for granted.

"So many times, you see,

"That I went and I pushed it

far away from me.

"So I'm begging the sun to come back

"'Cause life without it

is as dark as can be.

"I'm a fool for letting you go.

"Dear Elle, please forgive me."

So will you?

Shut up. You had me at hello.

Does my poem suck?

- No.

- [Zoey] Really?

I love it.

How often do you get to hear

the word jubilee?

But it did fall off at the end.

We're gonna work on that.

Now tell me about this guy.

- Oh, my God, he's everything.

- [Zoey] Really?

- Yes.

- [Zoey] Like a... like an

everything bagel?

Like an everything bagel.

[Zoey] Okay.

[Becca] Zoey!

Oh, Becca, ah, I'm sorry.

If you're just gonna give me sh*t,

I'm really not in the mood.

In high school, I told everyone

my prom date was Ryan Reynolds.

- The actor?

- Sorta.

Uh, my cousin's name, uh,

is also Ryan Reynolds,

and I let everyone believe that

the real Ryan Reynolds was my date.

So when the truth came out,

I was not very popular,

to say the least.

- I can imagine.

- Look, we are organizing Jam Fest.

It's gonna be a big party.

- All the local hot DJs are playing.

- That sounds cool.

Which is why we need your help.

We want the event to have its

own website.

You could just do that yourself

if you use, like, Wix.

No, no, no, no, no.

That's not the kind of website

we want.

We want interactive,

simultaneous geotags.

People's own life feeds

projected on screen at the venue.

It'll be like IG Live, Eventzilla,

and Zoom on steroids.

Yeah. Yeah. That's kind of cool.

And you could preserve the feeds

in a digital time capsule.

- Yeah!

- Yes, we love that idea.

[Francesca] Can you build it?


But, uh... but I don't know.

Zoey, right now, you're persona

non grata.

This is an opportunity to change that.

Plus, it's a good pivot from


which is pretty much a bust.

And this way you're remembered

not for being a liar

like I kind of was,

but for building

Jam Fest's kick-ass website.

Okay, I'm in.

[both] Hell yes.

[singer] You're lost and found

You're at my door

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- Awesome.

- Okay.

[computer chimes]

Okay, try it now.


- [computer beeps]

- [gasps] Ah, I can see it.

- It's on the site.

- Oh, my God. She said it's


Not so fast, I now have to make

it work

for a hundred feeds.

- Is that doable?

- [Zoey] Yeah.

I'm gonna need to rally the troops.

[phones and computers beeping]


[singer] The light, the

corner store

You're lost and found

You're at my door

I'd rather be close to you

Maybe that's something that

you knew

I'd rather be close to you

- [computer chirps]

- [Zoey] Done.

[singer] Maybe I'm easy to

see through

I don't mean it like I used to

But if I told you that I

still meant it

I'd be lying, hmm-mm

I'd rather be close to you

Maybe that's something that

you knew

I'd rather be close to you

Maybe I'm easy



[Elle] If you're gonna pull

an all-nighter, please open a window.

It smells like moldy towels in here.

I'm not going. I'm exhausted.

You put a lot of work into this.

Don't you wanna see the DJs

twist their knobby things

surrounded by your


It's basically a website.

I can watch it from my cushioned throne.

This is about Zach.

You don't wanna see him there

with Zoey Wallace.

No, it's not about Zach.

Look, you should go.

Go, have fun with Diego.


But I'm gonna text you

way too many times when I get there.

I love when you text me too many times.

One last chance. DJ and their knobs.

Knobs, knobs, knobs, knobs,

knobs, knobs,

knobs, knobs, knobs, knobs, knobs,

- knobs, knobs, knobs, knobs.

- You know, you've seen one

pantomiming DJ,

you've seen them all.

Go. I'm good.

Have fun.


You're missing out.

You're gonna have FOMO.

[pounding dance music playing]

This is so much fun! Whoo-hoo!


[phone ringing]


It's really fun.

- Hi, Diego.

- Hi, Zoey. You should come.

It's great.

Yeah, I've got a gallon of

salted caramel.

I'm good.

Go to the main feed. Do you see



Is she wearing a wedding dress?

[Elle] It's got lace and a veil.

Yeah, who is she with?

[Zoey] I think she was going

with Jesse,

the lacrosse player.

Oh, they make a cute couple.

Hey, my battery's dying.

Can I call you later?

- Bye.

- Bye, Zoey.

[narrator] Images of the hypothalamus

reveal the pain one feels after

a breakup

is the same pain addicts experience

- when they withdraw from dr*gs.

- [footsteps approaching]

- And MRI...

- Zoey, what are you doing?

I've been calling and texting you.

Sorry, my phone d*ed.

I think it put itself out of its misery.

What are you doing here?


Um, yeah, that's Zoey Wallace

and she's...

She's kissing someone,

and that someone is not Zach.

- Whatever.

- What do you mean, "whatever"?

It means they broke up,

and you have to go to the party.

- I don't even know if he's at

the party.

- Um, he so is there.

I saw him and it ends in,

like, 20 minutes.

Elle, come on, Zach and me,

we're not right for each other.

Shut the hell up.

We aren't right for each other.

What are you talking about?

Zoey Miller, you and I

have nothing in common.

- No.

- You like numbers. I like words.

You're a science fiction nerd.

I'm a rom-com girl.

You schedule everything out.

I don't even know what day it is.

And you know what?

I can even embrace polyamory!

But have you noticed we are best friends

and we love each other?

We are the perfect example

that opposites attract.

So will you please stop with this

"we have to be compatible"


and go take a swing at life?

Elle, he doesn't want me.

How do you know unless you try?

And it's Saturday.


You said you never know what day

it is.

Thank you.

[Zoey] Uh...

I don't know.

- Maybe this is a bad idea.

- [Diego] No, it's not.

Just when the caterpillar

thought she would die,

she became a butterfly.

Aw, my Diego is a poet.

[Diego] Time to be a butterfly, Zoey.

Let's do this.

[Elle] Hurry up! People are


[pounding dance music playing]

[partygoer] Then why do you keep liking

his Instagram posts?

Oh, my God. He's my cousin.

- [feedback squeals]

- Sorry, I'll give it right back.

Hi. Hello?

Hi, can you cut it?

- Cut the music.

- [partygoer] Let her talk.

- [Zoey] Cut it. Cut it.

- [partygoer] Guys, shut up. Let

Zoey talk.

- [partygoers murmuring]

- Hi.

Sorry to interrupt.

I'm Zoey.

- [feedback squeals]

- I built the website.


- Uh...

- Oh, no, don't choke. No.

Is... is Zach here?

My name is Zach.

Uh, nope. No, not you.

- [partygoer] You're k*lling the


- Zach Maclaren?


Zach, if you are here, I just...

Was just hoping we could talk.

[partygoer] Deal with your problems

in private like the rest of us.


[Zach] Zoey, I'm over here.

[partygoer] Go! Put the music

back on!

- Thank God.

- [feedback squeals]

- [music resumes]

- Sorry.

Look who it is. It's the other Zoey.

Do you want to pretend

to be my girlfriend, or...?

- Dude. Stop.

- [Stan] Hey.

- Friendly... friendly joke.

- Go.

Okay, I deserve that.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- [Zach] Hi.

I... I love your outfit.

Great choice.

Oh, uh, yeah.

Yeah, I rushed.

I wanted to get here

before it was over and you left.

[Zach] Right, yeah.

Yeah, you took...

took Jam Fest pretty literally.

[Zoey] Hm-hum

You're wearing your pajamas.

So you're probably wondering why

I'm here.

It's a good assumption. Yes.


I always thought that relationships

should be based on, like, data.

Like there was a science to it.

But now I realize that...

it's not about some algorithm.

Sometimes it's just a feeling.

It's like what you said that day,

that liking someone is way more important.

I really like you, Zach.

I'm just sorry that I had

to lie to you to figure that out.

[sentimental music playing]

Uh, you know,

Zoey Wallace and I, uh, broke up.


Do you know why?

Because you're the Zoey I wanna

be with.


Isn't it, isn't it, isn't it,

isn't it


I'ma feel it from head to toe

And I get so emotional

'Cause there's nothing more...

[partygoers cheering]

You know going up there

was a grand gesture, right?

Sorry I didn't bring my boom box.

Whoo! Whoo!




Colors changing

Dreams awaking

Something in my heart is burning

Somehow I just can't stop smiling

Oh, what a time to be alive

Oh, I feel it from head to toe

- You need a hint?

- [exhales]



I think we should play again.

- Oh, you wanna play again?

- Mm-hmm.

Play me again 'cause I think, uh...

I think you're just jealous

that I b*at you.

- I just don't...

- It's a checkmate.

- I don't think maybe...

- See that?

That move there, all right?

That's a checkmate.

If we... if we did the best of three.

All right, I'm done. I'm gonna

call it.

I'm pretty tired, so... have a

good one.



[upbeat music playing]
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