09x04 - The Tale of the Danse Macabre

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". Aired: August 15, 1992 – August 13, 2022.*
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Both series of Are You Afraid of the Dark? revolved around a group of teenagers who referred to themselves as "The Midnight Society".
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09x04 - The Tale of the Danse Macabre

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on
"Are You Afraid of the Dark?"...

These are flashbacks.
She's not telling us

what happened.
She's showing us.

"The Book of Shadows"
is what created him,

so maybe...

That's what we use
to break them out.

Found it... "protect us
in your hallowed light."

It's you.
It's really you.

[tense music]

[suspenseful music]

[♪ ♪]



I know you're out there.

I'm not afraid of you...



[♪ ♪]

- Hello.
- [gasps]

[panting nervously]

I can't see you.

Who are you?

I'm Zoey.

[uneasy music]

What is this place?

You're in the dark house.

[♪ ♪]

What happened to me?

You were taken
by the Shadow man.

We all were.

Are we dead?

We don't know.

How long of you all been
in here for?

None of us can remember.

The longer you're
in the dark house,

the more things you forget.

[♪ ♪]

I know you.

You're that missing kid.

I recognize you from all those
old posters by the marina.

And you.

You went camping in the woods
with your family.

Two days later, you vanished.

Everyone thought you ran away.

How do you know all that?

When I was looking into
the curse, I Googled you guys.

You've all been missing
for years.

What's Googled?

[♪ ♪]

You've been here in the dark
all this time, trapped.

That's how the legend goes.

Once you go into the
Haunted Woods, you're cursed.

The Shadow man can only
come for you at night.

But when he finally gets you,

you belong to the dark.


Unless the curse is broken.

Found it.

[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

- Jai!
- Jai, no, Jai!

[indistinct shouting]

That's Luke!

- Jai!
- Jai!

What are you waiting for?
Break the curse, come on!

Help us!

Okay, wait.

[indistinct shouting,

You guys, this is them.
These are my friends.


Help us, we're here!

Got it!

"Drive away our heart in fear."

[cell phone ringing]

Oh, hi, Mom.

"Only goodness walking here."


Help us! Help us!

We're trapped in here!

"Spell magic pure and bright.

Protect us
in your hallowed light."


What's happening?


What's happening to me?

[grunting, groaning]


[dramatic music]

[gasps, coughs]


[plaintive music]


[♪ ♪]

[door creaks]

It's you.
It's really you.


It's really me.

[dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]



No, I'm in here!

I'm in here!
Luke, help us!

That's not me!


[eerie music]

[♪ ♪]

[unsettling music]

[♪ ♪]

- His pupils are dilated.
- How can you tell?

- Because they're dilated.
- Not good.

Gammy hurt her kidney
when she got dilated.

That's dialysis.

Okay, look here.

See the black parts
of his eyes?

Those are supposed
to get smaller

when light shines into them,
but his are getting bigger.

- So what does that mean?
- He has a brain injury.

Or a seizure.

Or it could be
acute food poisoning.

- Hey, what are you reading?
- Phone Doctor.

- That's not helpful.
- Excuse me, this has access

to over 27 doctors
across the nation, so, I mean...

Okay, he needs
a real doctor, guys.

Not an app.
Not Hanna.

We have to take him
to the hospital.

Connor, are you okay?

We're gonna get you some help.

I mean, he talked earlier.

I don't think
he's blinked yet.

Telling you,
he looks just like Gammy

when she got dilapidated.

Maybe he's been in the dark

so long that
he's just in shock.

Maybe he's been in the dark
so long that he can't see.

[♪ ♪]

He can see.

Hey, Connor, it's me, Luke.


We're in the light.


I brought you into the light.
You're safe now.


We broke the curse.

The Shadow man's gone.
We can go home now.

Gotta say,
I'm getting pretty good

at navigating
these Haunted Woods.

Maybe I'll get one of those
flannel shirts, you know,

some puffy vests,

be, like, an outdoorsy man
in the wilderness, you know?

Yeah, totally.
Which way is south again?

Maybe just stick
to the comic books.

Wait a sec.
The Shadow man's dead.


So, these woods
aren't haunted anymore.

Now we can meet here
at midnight.

I mean, how amazing would it be
to tell scary stories

around a real campfire?

How do you know there aren't
other monsters in these woods?

- Other monsters?
- My friend Jeremy Sepowicz

told me about a guy
named the Bunny Man,

who lives under an old bridge,

and every Halloween,

he comes out and hunts kids
with a giant axe.

Okay, is this the one
who smells like maple syrup

- and eats paper?
- No, that's Jeremy K.

I'm talking about Jeremy S.

And he swears
the Bunny Man's real.

Well I'm sure
he just made it up.

How are you so sure?

None of you thought
the Shadow man was real,

and we all know
how that turned out.

- All right, touché.
- I say we look for him.

Great idea.

Why don't you come back here
on Halloween,

find that old bridge,
and wait for the Easter Bunny?

- Will you come with me?
- No.

'Cause either he's not real
and it's a waste of time,

or he is real
and we get chased with an axe.

We'd run.
He wouldn't catch me.

You can't outrun
a monster, kid.

I don't have to
outrun a monster.

I'd just have to outrun you.

[light tense music]


Connor, you okay?

[crow squawking]

[soft uneasy music]

[♪ ♪]

I'm fine.
I just...

I'm a little weak.

[laughs softly]

Come on, dude.
Let's keep moving.

Everything okay?

Yeah, it's nothing.
Come on.

[suspenseful music]

Sorry about the mess.

We broke in when
you went missing

'cause we were worried
about you.

And then we broke in again

because we needed
a place to hide.

Oh, and then that broke when
we were fighting the Shadow man.

[♪ ♪]

Oh, and that too.

They also broke
into your laptop as well.


We gotta get back home

before our parents
realize we're gone.

But we'll see you at school?

Maybe we should skip school.

- Why?
- Keep an eye on him.

It's obvious something's wrong.

Can't you see
that he's acting weird?

So we take him to school,
where we can see him.

People are already
starting to ask questions.

Dude, people are gonna ask
way more questions

if he shows up
acting like that.

[♪ ♪]

Yeah, I see your point.

Can't leave him
alone like this.

Well, I can't skip school.

Maybe we take shifts.

Take shifts?
What are we, babysitters?

I'll do it.


You're okay
with skipping school?

It's like you said.

There are more important
things than school.

- Thanks, Gabby.
- But I need a favor.

The PSATs are tomorrow.

Any chance one of you can swing
back by here before school

and bring me back my book?


I have to return a book.

Why does he always leave
like that?

So dramatic.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
[phone ringing]


[clears throat]

Thank you for calling
Sardo's Magic Mansion.

This is Sardo.
Accent on the Do.

How can I help you?

Absolutely not.

We don't sell that here.
This is a lawful business.

And you...
You got my name from whom?


And this is a secure line?

Be at the shop in 20.
Come around back, bring cash.

Thank you.

[knocking on door]

- Magic word?
- Let me in, Sardo.

I hate that kid.

[door buzzes]

The young lad lives
to see another day.

I figured you'd be
a goner by now.

A deal's a deal.

We're even.

You didn't open it, did you?



I know why Connor stole it.

Because he's awful?


Because it's what created the
Shadow man in the first place.

The lighthouse keeper
cast a spell

to try to save his daughter,
and it backfired.

He became the Shadow man.

How could you
possibly know that?

Let's just say
that the séance worked.

It appears so.
And what about the Shadow man?

Did this ghost girl
tell you how to get rid of him?

She did.

And we broke
the curse last night.

- How?
- I'll tell you.

- For $5,000.
- [chuckles]

- [laughs softly]
- Very clever.

Well, in the end,
it seems

we both got
what we were looking for.

I suspect this means goodbye.

50 bucks for a shrunken head.

I'm losing on the deal.
Come on.

No thanks.

Very well.

It was nice to meet you, Luke.

[dramatic music]

Promise me.

Promise you didn't open
"The Book of Shadows."

No good can come
from that book.

Only evil.

- Promise.
- [grunts]

You have nothing
to worry about.

[grunts, sighs]

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]

[dramatic music]

- Dude, we got a huge problem.
- What's wrong?

The Glow Dance, it's tonight.
We completely forgot about it.

You scared me.
I thought it was something bad.

This is bad.
I mean,

we're gonna be the only guys
in school without dates.

Our lives are over.

We might as well have been
taken by the Shadow man.

I mean, there's
still time to get a date.

- So you're gonna ask Hanna?
- Wait, what?

Did she say something to you?

She wants to go out with me?
She told you that?

Yeah, no, she told me,
right before

we braided each other's hair
and did our nails and...

Yeah, whatever.
[bell rings]

But seriously, man,
I need your help.

Well, I gotta go to class.

So I'd say just, like,
find a girl and ask her.

What does that mean?

[light music]

We went to school together.

[quirky music]

[♪ ♪]

Oh... hey, Toni,
I didn't see you there.

Out of all the places
you could have run into me.

- You ran into me.
- Listen.

I know we've known each other
since, like, second grade,

and I don't want this
to affect our friendship, but...

I'm sorry,
what's your name again?

Jai Malya!

[bell rings]

Well, do we see
the problem here?


You were in charge
of decorating for the dance.

But the dance
is in a few hours,

and I see no decorations.
Where are my stars?

What have you been
doing all week?


Can't explain.

- Yeah, okay.
- Yeah.

So I suggest, sir, that you
get to work very, very quickly,

or you can explain
to the whole student body

why the dance
has been canceled.

And you can do it
from detention.

Start with these.
I got you streamers.

And I wanna see
more paper stars.

Twinkle, twinkle, sir.


[dramatic music]

After two to three weeks,
you'll start to see

long vines with green leaves.
And if you'd like to,

you can transplant it
into a pot with soil

so it becomes a pretty,
leafy house plant.

And there you go.

That's how you grow a potato
using nothing

but water,
a jar, and egg shells.

Well done, Ava.

Um, Luke?

- Huh?
- You're up.

[light music]

Come present your project.

[♪ ♪]

Oh, yeah.
About that, I...

This accounts for 10%
of your grade, Mr. McCoy.

Do you have something
to show us?

I, uh...

I'll go.

Thank you, Hanna,

but I asked Luke to present.
It's his turn.

See, that's the thing.

Luke and I worked
on our project together.

But this was not
a group project.

I know, but...

well, what we want to do
requires two people.

I mean,
it's like you always say,

teamwork divides a task
and multiplies the success.

[♪ ♪]

[laughs softly]

Okay, right now.

We're going right now.


Our project is on...

Ava, can I borrow your potato?

- What?
- Thanks.

Women supporting women.

Okay, now Luke
is gonna grab some wires

from the project over there.

Um, I'm sorry,
what's the project?

Okay, you're about to see.
So, using this potato,

- metal, and some wires...
- Sorry.

Luke and I
are making a light bulb.

Using a potato?

[♪ ♪]

Oh, yeah, a potato...
We're using.

[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

- [knocking on door]
- Connor? Lucas?

I'm fine.
I just wanna be alone.

Oh, okay.

[eerie music]

[♪ ♪]

[inquisitive music]

[♪ ♪]

Conductors allow electricity
to flow through them, right?

Even humans...
We conduct electricity.

That's what
we're about to show you.

- So basically...
- Am I gonna get shocked?

No, you're not gonna
get shocked.

Can I just go back to it?

Okay, so I am going to grab
the first metal plate,

and then Luke
is gonna grab the second.

Right there.

And right now
it's an open circuit.

See? Right?
There's no light.

But when Luke and touch
our hands together,

the circuit will close,
and the light will turn on.


Okay, let's just...
[clears throat]

[delicate music]

[electricity buzzing]

♪ ♪

Talk about electricity.

Really well done, Hanna.


Luke, you barely did
any of that.

You owe me a new project
on Monday.

- Got it.
- I have something to say.

No, no.
Not during class.

You can fight
for social justice later.

Okay, it's not really that.

It's not even really
an announcement.

It's more of a question.

So Luke...


Will you be my date
to the dance?

Say yes.
This is awkward.


[light dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]



[clears throat]

You can do
the next project now.

'Cause it's over, so...

[door creaks]

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]


What are you doing?

I just... I wanted to say
that I was sorry.

I didn't mean
to be rude before.

It's okay.
You've been through a lot.

I think we should do
something tonight.

All of us.


You, me, the others, tonight.

After sunset.

- Tonight.
- Yes.

I can't.
I have to study.

And the others are going
to the Glow Dance.

The what?

You know, the Glow Dance?

School does it every year.
Black lights.

You wear neon.
They turn off all the lights.


Turn off all the lights.

Just like that?

She asked you point blank?

In environmental science?

- Well, yeah.
- That's great, man.

I know you've been in love
with her for, like, ever.

No, I haven't.

Coolest kid
in Shadow Bay High, man.

I don't know about that.

No, I'm serious.
You do it.

You do all the things.
You face your fears.

You fight for what you want,
and you get them.

And I think that's really cool.

I wish I was like that.

You are.
I think you're cool.

Of course I'm cool.

But, okay,
I love scary stories,

but the idea of actually going
on an adventure terrifies me.

Not you... I mean,
look what we just went through.

You literally k*ll monsters.

If we were in a comic book,

I'm the sidekick who cracks
jokes when he gets scared.

You're the guy
who fights the villain,

gets the girl,
and becomes a hero.

Maybe in my story.

But you can be
the hero in yours.

[warm music]

[♪ ♪]

Uh, so, this is the comic book
you say is cursed, right?

Not anymore... it was only good
for Shadow man fights,

but now that he's gone,
it's not so special.


[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

I can feel you
standing there.

What do you want, Seth?

[faint music playing]

I wanna fight
another monster.

We barely escaped
the Shadow man.

Why do you want
to find another?

I want us
to get cursed again.

Now that the curse is broken,

you guys have no reason
to hang out with me.

And I don't want us
to stop being friends.

We can still be friends.

I wanna join
The Midnight Society.

- I've earned it.
- No, you haven't.

But you can, if you tell us
a really scary story.

I'm giving you an audition.

- Really?
- Really.

But you only have one shot.
Impress us, and you're in.



[gentle music]

[♪ ♪]

How do you calculate force?

Easy... force is equal to mass
multiplied by acceleration,

and acceleration is measured in
meters per second squared, so...

Okay, okay, cool.
Got it.


Let's go
to the dance now.

- What... no, I have to study.
- Come on.

Think of how much fun it'll be,

all of us hanging out together.

It's just one night.

When's the last time
you've had any fun?

Connor, I've been preparing
for this for months,

- and this is important.
- So what?

You take the next test!

[tense music]

Don't raise your voice
to me like that, ever.

[♪ ♪]

[door shuts]

[water lapping]

[birds chirping]

Gabby, come here!




[mysterious music]

[♪ ♪]

Are you here?


[panting nervously]


[♪ ♪]


- Gabby?
- [exhales sharply]

- You okay?
- I just saw the Shadow man.

He was there.

- I know, I saw him too.
- What?

Yeah, I got away,
right before he grabbed me.

But we broke the curse.

And the sun is still up.
He can't get us.

- I know, I know, I know.
- This doesn't make any sense.

We have to go warn the others.

[♪ ♪]

[light tense music]

[♪ ♪]

- ♪ Shout it loud ♪
- Whoa.

We actually pulled it off.

Just in time, too.
It's officially party o' clock.


I need help writing
a scary story.

How's this?

A magician pulls vampire rabbit
out of a top hat.

That's the whole plot?

What's a plot?

[Camille Saint-Saens'
"The Danse Macabre" playing]

♪ ♪

Are you on hold?

Pardon me?

This bad music.

This is "The Danse Macabre"
in G Minor.

It's a masterpiece.

But it has no words.

Music doesn't need words
to tell a story.

Listen for yourself.

"Danse Macabre" means
"the dance of death."

Every year, Death walks
the earth at night

to play his fiddle
for the skeletons,

tricking them into a dance.

Oh, oh.
Hear the violins?

And the rattling bones
in the percussion.

This song reminds us all
that no one

escapes the dance of death.


Hey, that's
"The Book of Shadows."


Did Luke tell you about
how he used it to save Connor?


[faint upbeat music playing]

♪ ♪

Wait, wait, stop.
We can't go in yet.

- We have to warn them.
- First, we need more lights.


I can't see.
Can give me your phone light?

- There's nothing over here.
- Wait... just, wait.

Look over in that corner.

Maybe we'll find something else

to fight the Shadow man with.

Like that yoyo you used
as a morning star.

[tense music]

I never told you about that.

[♪ ♪]


oh, yeah.
Luke told me.


Know what we haven't tried?

Cutting off
the Shadow man's head.

You know, like in that
zombie movie you love so much.

What's the name?
"Night of the Living Dead"?

I love that one.

[♪ ♪]

Connor hates movies
with zombies.

He likes werewolves.


I really wish you
wouldn't have done that.

Where's Connor?

- Connor's mine now.
- Stay away from me.


I'll be back at sunset.

And please,
don't ruin the surprise.

No, no!

No, no, no!
Please help!

No, no, no, please!
No, no!

[indistinct yelling]

No, anybody there?
Anybody out there?

[♪ ♪]

I think this is it.

I found my calling.
Dance decoration.

That's a thing, right?


♪ La la la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la
la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la la la ♪



What are we doing, guys?

We make a great tricycle,
don't we?

- What?
- What is that?

- What?
- Toni.

She's here with Gerald Parsons.

She told me her grandmother's
funeral was tonight.

What the...

[mellow music playing]


You look... yeah.


You look "yeah" too.

♪ ♪


Well, Luke cast the spell,

and then
the Shadow man went away,

and Connor came back.
The end.

That's impossible.

A spell cannot simply
cast away the Shadow man,

let alone undo
what happened to Connor.

I swear that's what happened.

Seth, this is very,
very important.

I need to know exactly what
spell Luke used from this book.

I don't remember.
I think it rhymed, though.

They're spells.
They all rhyme.


Something about hollowed light,
I think.

Hallowed light.



Was this the spell he used?

Yeah, that's the one.

Do you have any idea
what you've done?

We made a light that
protects us from the Shadow man.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You cast a spell that protects
the Shadow man in the light.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Heart is pounding on
away ♪

♪ Stop and notice calling me ♪

♪ Body's frozen,
out of control ♪

♪ Falling in the shadows ♪

We have to hurry.

Your sister and friends
are in grave danger.

I don't get it.

The Connor that you thought
was your friend

is actually
the Shadow man in disguise.

Don't you see?
He tricked you.

Okay, well,
if he is the Shadow man,

then why hasn't he taken us?


He can only take you
when it's dark.

He's waiting for
the sun to set.

Let's go.
Move your little legs.

My legs are not little.

Help, please!
Come on!


[faint music playing]

♪ ♪


Okay, Gabby, think.

First we solve...

[dramatic music]


Favorite guilty pleasure

I'm really starting to dig
that one about the sign.

That one's all pleasure,
no guilt.

Most embarrassing secret.

Okay, from time to time,

I may play with some
of Seth's magic tricks.

- No way.
- Hey, some of them are cool.

They are.

Biggest fear.


Not being brave.

You mean the same thing
as fear?

I guess so.

Biggest dream.


Yeah, if you could do

I wanna make a difference
in this world.

I know it sounds stupid.

- I just...
- Good dream.

♪ ♪

It's pretty cool.

I think you're pretty cool.

[clears throat]

[tender music playing]

Wanna dance?

[laughs softly]

♪ ♪

♪ If you're feeling like
you're nervous ♪

♪ If you feel like
you're afraid ♪

♪ If the old way
isn't working ♪

♪ We can take a turn
to better days ♪


I didn't know you were coming.

Thought I'd come
join the party.

Is Gabby here?

She... she went home to study.

The acceleration of...
Proportional to the mass.

Using tension
to increase net force.

[exhales deeply]

Here goes nothing.

[tense music]

You don't understand.
We have to get inside.

It's an urgent matter.

He looks way too young to be
in high school,

and you look way too old.

Sorry, mister.

No mister.

Okay, fine,
we're not in high school.


here's $1.

Not on the list.

that's not fair.

- I'll find another way in.
- [scoffs]

We're running out of time.

Once the sun sets,

he'll be able to transform
back into the Shadow man.

[indistinct conversations]

- [indistinct].
- Yeah.

You better get in there.

That's where all the fun
is happening.

No, I'm fine.

I don't have anyone
to dance with, anyway.

Come on, pal.

Enough with
these stupid comics.

Get up.
Let's go find Luke.

♪ Never go back in time ♪

♪ Here I am ♪

♪ Wishing that you were here ♪

[tense music]

Yeah, I gotta use
the boys' room.

No, you'll miss all the fun.

Let me go.


- Is it sunset yet?
- I don't know!

[tense music]


♪ But I was wrong ♪

♪ Maybe deep down
I've been running ♪

♪ Within you ♪


- [shrieks]
- What happened?


Stop, stop.
Stop the music.

Good evening, Shadow Bay High.
How's everybody doing tonight?

[cheers and applause]

- Seth?
- Ladies and gentlemen,

jocks and nerds,
GenZ-ers and old people.

Jai, are you okay?

Tonight, you are in
for a treat.

- Why's Gabby here?
- And it is my pleasure

to introduce to you

a man you've probably
never heard of before.

- Gabby, it's Connor, he's...
- Gabby.

- Hanna, it's Connor.
- Where's Connor?

- Luke.
- Jai.

- Ms. Shaffner?
- What is going on?

And who is this?

The Legendary Sardo.

[cheers and applause]

Why would...?


Thank you, Seth,
for whatever that was.

And good evening, everyone.

My name is Sardo.
Accent on the Do.

And I am here tonight
for the surprise entertainment.

What did you do?

But first,
let's bring back the music.

["Danse Macabre" playing]

Yes, stick around,
and tonight you will see magic

in front of your very eyes.

So, what do you say,
Shadow Bay High?

Are you ready for the show?


Hey, where did you find
this guy?

He is fantastic.


Okay, but we're not paying
for this, right?

First things first,
I'll need some volunteers.

Yes, yes, yes.

Hmm, hmm, hmm.

No, not in a million years.

Definitely not, definitely not.


You four.

You heard the man.
Come on, necktie.

And you, girl,
in the ugly jacket.

Come on.
You too, shield boy.

Come on.

Round of applause
for my lovely volunteers.


♪ ♪

- Sardo, what are you doing?
- Helping you.

Yes, come on, come on.

The water's warm.
There's no water.

They're just chairs.


♪ ♪

Young man, give us your name.

Uh, Luke.

Got it, "Uh-Luke."

Okay, Uh-Luke,
have you ever performed magic?

[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

No, I don't think so.


So you've never done a trick,
sprinkled fairy dust,

waved a magic wand,
that kind of thing?



Have you ever cast
a dark spell?


Mm, that's great news.
Casting spells is easy.

Uncasting can be tricky.

And sometimes it can
even be a real curse.

[♪ ♪]

Shadow man.

There are many people out
there claiming to be magicians,

- when in fact...
- What?

They are imposters
in disguise.

Any who, let's begin.

Seth, if you'd please,
the sheets.

These are just your average,
normal, everyday sheets.

He's not Connor.
He's Shadow man.

I brought all these sheets
from home.

They're all
from my linen closet.

My grandfather used to say,
never have too many sheets.

And last but certainly least,
my assistant.

Could have done
that a little bit better.

Tucked in, nice and snug.

Hello, people.

It is important
for you to understand.

What you are about to see
is not actually magic.

What you are about to see
is an illusion.

If you don't know
the difference,

an illusion means deception.

Now, I must ask everyone
to count to three.

- One.
- All: One.


Et voilà!

No one under here!
No one under here!

No one there!
No one under there!

And no one under there!

[cheers and applause]

There you have it.

The surprise disappearing act.

Where are they?

Hello, Shadow man.

Someone, please explain
what's going on.

Now, we have to move.

No, no, no.
Not without Connor.

- Oh, shut up, Luke.
- Dude.

That's what we've been trying
to tell you.

That thing that we brought back
is not Connor.

When you cast the spell,
you didn't protect us

from the Shadow man.
You only made him stronger.

No, you're wrong.


It's not Connor.


What's the matter, Luke?

[tense music]

Go, go, go, go, go!

[♪ ♪]

Hit the lights.

Doesn't matter, it won't
work... we've already tried.

No, Sardo said when he looks
like Connor, lights won't work.

But when it's after sundown

and he's the Shadow man,
lights will hurt him.

Yeah, that's why he
disappeared in the spotlight.

Okay, so we're good.

- Not good.
- He must have hit the circuit.

- He's breaking in.
- We're gonna die.

We're gonna die.
We're gonna die.

We're not gonna die.

[banging on door]

[♪ ♪]

Hanna, your light.

The potato bulb.

Hold my hand.

The light's not
strong enough.

It won't hold him for long.
We need to go.


You said your book predicts
the Shadow man frights.

Please tell me it shows us
how to get out of here.

[hopeful music]

[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

Jai, come on.


What does it say?

Yeah, it's fine.
We go out through...

The window.
Help me.

Gabby, you're first.
You're the tallest.

- Take Seth.
- I... I...

Hanna, go.
Hanna, go.

Pull up Gabby.
Go, go.

[grunting, panting]

[hopeful music]

[♪ ♪]

- Now you.
- No, my arms are longer.

I can close the circuit myself
and keep the light on.




- Come on, Luke, come on.
- Jai, come on.

Jai! Jai!

[door thumping]

What are we gonna do now?

There's no way
we can outrun him.

You don't have to outrun
the monster.

You just have to outrun me.

- Wait!
- Jai, Jai!

- What are you doing?
- Jai!

[♪ ♪]

- Jai, please.
- No.

- We have to run.
- No.

- We can't leave without him.
- Luke, it's too late.

Let's go.


[wood splintering]

[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

You know what?

You're not that scary.


[♪ ♪]

[melancholy music]

[♪ ♪]

Next, on "Are You Afraid
of the Dark?"...

We don't have
to destroy the book.

We just have
to destroy the Shadow man.

I have an idea.

This is where
the Midnight Society meets.

We'll lure him in
while he's still Connor,

and we'll hit him
with every light we've got.

How do you know
he's gonna show up?

'Cause Shadow man
always shows up.

Gabby, stop!

I know you're in here.

- Now.
- Huh?


[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

Bring us back!

No, no, no!

Both: Midnight clock strike.

Dark night...
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