Never Been Chris'd (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Christmas & New Years movies collection.
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Never Been Chris'd (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Santa, Santa won't

you bring me love

Santa, only what

I'm dreaming of

Santa, candy-cane

and mistletoe

Santa won't you

bring me love

-Ooh! What do we think

of him?

-Of NoelLover12?


-I think his choice

of profile name

suggests questionable

decision-making skills.

-Maybe he just really

loves Christmas?

-My point exactly.

Let's see.


-Mister Lover loves laughing.

That's vague.

Going out and staying in,

also vague.

Excessive use of emojis

and would like to settle down

some day.

-How old is he?

Point taken.

What are you doing over there?

-Going over our talking points

for the pitch tomorrow.

-Ooh! Okay.

What have you got?


We need money.

So give us money.

-Wow. Perfect.

-I know, I'm really putting

my business minor to good use.

-Hey, Liz. Don't worry.


We've got this, just chill.

Deep breaths.

Just relax.

Look! Oh, your favorite

movie's on.

-You know what I

never understood?


-Instead of asking to have

never been born,

why didn't George Bailey

just ask for a redo on life?

So he could live the life

he always wanted.

-Because that's the whole point,

he had the life he wanted

the entire time.

-I guess.

But it's still fun

to think about.

If you could do it

all over again,

what would you do differently?

-Ooh, tough one.

I don't know.

What would you do?

-I don't know.

It's like, let me quickly

catalogue all of my regrets.


Well, I think if I could do it

all over again,

I wouldn't change a thing.


Okay, I should go.

I have to pack for

our trip tomorrow.


I will not feel bad for making

you go home for the holidays.

I bet you'll enjoy it

once you're there.

-The epitaph to my life.

-Text me when you get home.

-I love you.

-Love you.

Best Pal is the premiere app for

finding meaningful friendships,

but we're looking to pivot.

-We're looking to expand

our brand.

-Expand our app to include

events, meet-ups,

affinity groups.

-Even dating.

Because shouldn't your partner

be your best friend?


-So, we are looking

for Series B funding

and we would love to partner

with your firm.

-We love the Best Pal's

origin story.

Two lifelong friends,

one working for the other,

to help her find...

-That's a common misconception.

Naomi and I are co-founders.

-Okay, anyways.

We love your story, love

your mission, love your app...

but times are tough

and this is a risky pivot.

Let's circle back

in the new year.


-For sure.

-Thank you.

-Well, that was a hard no.

-Maybe not.

Ooh, our car is three

minutes away.

Hey, stay positive.

Don't even think about it.

We're officially on vacation.

-Oh, do you consider going home

for the holidays vacation?

Why can't we take your mom

to Hawaii this Christmas

like we always do?

-Because she asked for

Christmas in Weston this year.

-There's this crazy new concept

called saying no.

-I know, but we both know

I cannot say no to my mom.

I mean, ever since my dad passed

it's just the two of us

and I want her to be happy.

-I know, and you have

the biggest heart,

but your dad passed

17 years ago

and while grief isn't linear

I think it's time to set

some boundaries.

-I know.

You're right!

You're right.

Setting boundaries with my mom

is my number one new

year's resolution.

-Well, why wait?

Call her and say aloha.

-Okay, I think

it's a little late for that.

But you're right.

If I don't start now,

I'll probably just keep

skirting it.

So... this Christmas

and forever more,

I will set boundaries

with my mother.

-And I support you

in doing them.



-You could set some boundaries

of your own.

-Such as?

-Not fighting with your mom.

Every visit it's the same

with you two.

- I know.

I love her, I miss her.

I imagine our time as our long

awaited Gilmore Girls moment

but every time it's just...



So this Hanukkah you will

not fight with your mother.

-Okay. I will not fight

with my mother.

-Our car's here.

-We're home. Yay!


-Alright, so we'll stop

by my mom's. Yeah?

-I'm gonna need some serious

caffeination before we do that.


So do you think we'll

bump into anyone we know

while we're home?

-I don't know.

Anyone in particular

you wanna bump into?

Chris Silver maybe?

-Chris Silver!

You know, I haven't thought

about him in years.

-I'm sure.

Maybe this trip will have

a silver lining.

-You know what though?

I heard he lives in Chicago now,

so chances of running

into him are zero.

-Naomi Long.

Liz Waitt.


-From high school.

-I thought that was you.



-Took me a second.

-That's alright.

- Chris Silver.

It's good to see you guys.


-Mm-hmm. Yeah.

-That looks good.

Did you get that here?

-Yeah. Last one, sorry.


-Merry Christmas.



-You got a little...

do you mind?

There. I didn't think, uh...

big celebrities like yourself

came home for the holidays.

I'll get the usual.

Thank you.

-Celebrities? Us?

-Yeah, of course.

Come on, you guys are Weston's

big success story.

-Local girls made good.

You guys just home

for the holidays?


-Just... popping by.

-Oh. Well if you guys,

uh, got some time,

maybe we can get together.

-Yeah, we should!

-Oh, no.

-No, we're busy.

-No, but after we're busy,

then we're not busy.

-Shall we exchange numbers?

-Yes, that would be great.

-No, no, no.

-We'll just see you around town.

-Oh, okay.



-Let's go.


-Yeah. Bye.



-What? Why didn't you wanna get

his number?

-What, and just hang out

with Chris Silver?

-Yeah. Why not?


-It is not fair that he didn't

peak in high school.

-Definitely did not peak

in high school.

-What's that?



Go, go.

-Go, go, go, go.

-Maybe she got it out

of her system


-Who's ready for Christmas?

-Linda, this looks beautiful.

-Oh, it's a labor of love.

I haven't been home for six

years for Christmas

and so I brought all

the decorations out.

-Yeah, we can see that.

-And I have big plans

for our week together.

Crafting, baking, caroling,

Christmas movies.

I recorded 40 of them.

And I Google'd where we can buy

all the scarves.

We can do that tonight!

-Actually, Naomi was gonna

come to my mom's with me.

It's the first night

of Hanukkah.

-You just got here and

I made you a yule log.


I've got a special surprise!

-Would you mind Hanukkah

without me.

-What happened to boundaries?

-I know, but it's my first

night home

she made me a yule log,

it's my favorite.

Oh my...

-Look! Now we're twinsies.


-Liz, I got you one too.


-Yay! Triplets!

-Aww, triplets.

-Happy Hanukkah.

-Hi Mom.

-You finally made it.

Where's Naomi?

-She's at home with Linda

but she wants to see you soon.

-Oh, how nice that Naomi

stayed home with her mom.

I wish that you would stay home

with your mom and family.

You should be sleeping here.

-I would've if you hadn't turned

my room into your office.

-Hello, hello!

-Hey Travis.

-Hey kiddo, happy you're home.

And congrats on The Wall Street

Journal write-up last week.

-Oh, it's not a write-up.

It's barely a blurb.

We're just trying

to stay relevant

as we lock down

Series B funding.

-Whatever it was,

we're very proud.

-Ah! There's my Jojo.

How are you, how's it going?

Have you heard from Stanford?

-I heard from them on Monday

and, and I, uh... I got in.


That's amazing.

Although I'm not surprised.

-Thanks. I couldn't have done it

without you.

You taught me how to code,

you helped me with my essay.

-Isn't this exciting?

Now you two will live close

and Travis and I will come visit

all the time.

-That'll be great.

What's this?

-Oh... it's our holiday card.

I decided to make it

a new tradition.

-But I'm not in it.

-Oh honey, I wanted a photo

of the four of us

but I don't have any recent

ones because you never visit.

-Well, you could visit me

like you will all the time

when Jojo's there.

-Hey! There's brisket!

-Yes, honey. You made it.

-Good try, Travis.


How's Hanukkah?

-Oh, you know.

An entire year of family

dysfunction consolidated

into one fun-filled night.

-Eight fun-filled nights.

-Thank you for the reminder.

And you'll be happy to know

that I held the line

and didn't fight with my mom.

-I am happy. Mazel tov.

-How about you?

How was the start of a lifetime

of boundaries with Linda?

And because I know you so well

and I'm the best friend ever...

You are the best friend ever!

Ooh, now I hope we don't run

into anyone we know.

-Oh, because we're

wearing these?

We absolutely will.

Merry Christmas!

-See? No one we know.

-Oh... hi.

-Hi. Twice in one day.

That's a good day.

-What are the chances?

-It's the only bar in town,

so... hi.

It's perfect timing.

Everybody just got here.

Come say hi.

-No. That's okay.

-You sure?


-Everybody will be really

excited to see you.

-See? Everyone will be

excited to see us.

Come on, lets...

-No, they won't.

-Let's not be rude.

-Is that a yes?


-Okay, come on.

-Okay. Stop being-

-That is not playing it cool.

-Come on.

-Hey, look everybody.

Look who I found.




-You remember Karly?




-The lovely Mindy.


-Party Marty.


-Marty, you want a beer?

-In 18 minutes.

Intermittent fasting.

-I'll have his.

-Oh, man.

-So, do you all still live

in Weston?

-I never left.

-I just moved back

a few years ago.

-I'm in Chicago.

-I'm a Florida man now.

-And I'm still here.

-Take a seat.

Let me take your jackets.



Keep 'em on.

Can I get you a drink maybe?

-No, thank you.


-We're actually heading out.

-Are we?

-Aren't we?

-Whatever you'd like to do,

we'd love to have you.

-Yes, we are going

to grab a drink

and we'll be right back. Right?

Come on.


-Alright guys, we'll be here.

-Well that went well.

-Hi. Two eggnogs, please.

-Are we really staying?

We're gonna sit at

the cool kids' table.

-Yeah, why not?

-Because we were invisible

to them in high school.

-Yeah, but we're

celebrities now.

-I don't feel like a celebrity.

I actually feel like I've been

transported back

to my insecure 16-year-old self.

Like I can feel the blackheads


-Well then it's a great


to lay insecure Liz to rest

because we are

the cool kids now.

-Make mine a double.

-We are at three points down.

Ten seconds on the clock.

I absolutely send it.

Wooooop! Skadoosh.

It is right in the arms

of the Silver b*llet,

the golden god on the field,

at the buzzer.


God! Beautiful!

Uh, and that brings us to

the end of the first quarter.

-Ry, Ry, Ry, Ry, Ry, Ry...

thank you for the trip

down memory lane.

Let's leave some room for

our friends here, please.

-No. That was...

that was interesting.

-Thank you.


-But no, no, no.

You tell us about you.

Um... what have you been up to

since high school?

-Um... after high school

I joined the Marines.


-My dad was a Marine so it

was kind of expected of me.

But, um, I was deployed

three times

and then I came back

to the States.

Studied English at, uh...



-Interesting. Why?

-I know, Liz. I really wasn't

the brightest, was I?

-Do you guys remember

Miss Jess?


-10th grade Lit.


-Yeah, she really inspired me.

Bless a good teacher,

you know.

And don't tell these guys

but, um...

I've always had delusions

of writing

the great American novel.

-I still have that delusion

and I can barely write an email.

-Something tells me

that's not true, Liz.

It's pretty hot in here,

you guys want to take your

coats off?

- No.

-So, um... what else?

How did you end up back here?

-Well, I stayed in Chicago a few

years and then I moved here

and now I teach,

uh... English.


-At Columbia.

-No way! You teach

at our old high school?

That's amazing!

-I mean, I'm the head of

the English department.

- Wow.

-I finally got to see the inside

of a teacher's lounge,

so that's... not very exciting.

No, it is.

-You guys are very exciting.

I mean, congratulations

on all the success. Wow.

How'd it all get going?

-Well, we went to Iowa State.

-Where we roomed together.


I majored in marketing,

minored in Spanish.

-I majored in computer science,

minored in business

and existential angst.

And then, um, after we graduated

we moved to the Bay.

Worked at a few tech start-ups,

got our feet wet.

-Literally got our feet wet.

Literally! That place.

-What's the joke?

-Oh, it's a long story with a

bad landlord and a bursted pipe.

-You had to be there.

Anyway, five years later

we got some seed money

and started Best Pal.


-It's incredible that you guys

have stayed working together

all these years.


-You're better than me.

I can't imagine having

my best friend as my boss.

-Um... I'm not her boss,

we're co-founders.


-We built it together.


-Oh, it's... it's fine.

It's a common misconception.

-Well why don't we, uh,

celebrate your success

with a round of sh*ts.

On Chris, of course.

-Sure, why not.

-I second that.

- Argh!

Ah, sorry. No, I gotta go.

Teething baby won't sleep, so...

Babies have no boundaries.

-And I should call it too.

Another busy day at

the store tomorrow.

-Uh, Chris. Are you still down

to split that ride share?

-Oh yeah, sure. Okay.

Look, it was really good

seeing you guys.



-We'll do it again.


-Some, uh, of our class

gets in tomorrow night

and I'm having a bit

of a holiday party.

Wine, appetizers.

-All vegan so arrive

having eaten.

-Chris is a very vocal vegan.

-Is there any other kind?



-Vegan pride aside,

I would love to see

you guys tomorrow.

-Yes, we will come by.

-Maybe we'll come by.

-Probably yes though.

-Probably yes to a maybe.

-Most likely yes.

-That's very confusing.

But I'm going to leave you guys

my number.

I'll airdrop you.

-Yeah. Great.

-You guys can decide tomorrow.

-Got it.

-Got it?

-Got it.

-I got the check.

You guys get home safe.

-Thank you.

-What just happened?

-It's the season of miracles.

-Also, I'm sweating...

-Ah, same.

-In this jacket.

-Good morning.

-Sorry. Did I wake you?


-My bad.

How'd you sleep?

-Always great, don't be jealous.

Hey, any word from the VC firm?

-No, of course not.

But dev ops sent me an email

of concerning length.

-We're on vacation, remember?

-No, I keep forgetting

this is a vacation.

Oh! I forgot to tell you.

Jojo got into Stanford.

-Oh, that's incredible.

-Yeah, I know.

I'm so proud of her.

-They should've accepted you.

-No, it was for the best.

If I'd have gone to Stanford we

wouldn't have roomed together,

moved to the Bay together,

started Best Pal.

I mean... who knows

where we'd be.

-Well, chances are I'd still be

at home living with my mom.

So thanks for the rejection,


-Oh, you're up!

Grab some coffee and then

come help me over here.


-So... how was girls'

night out?

-Oh, it wasn't a thing.

It was just a quick drink.

-But we actually ran into some

people from high school.

-We actually ran into someone

twice yesterday.

Do you remember Chris Silver?


How could I forget?

You two had the biggest crush

on him.

-What was that phrase

you used to say?

-Oh, I forgot.

Never been Chris'd!

-Um, what did that mean again?

-It's what we used to call

Chris's girlfriends, Chris'd.

-Because he'd date a girl

and then suddenly she'd be

the most popular girl in school.

-Everyone would know who she

is and wanna be her best friend,

so we'd say she'd been Chris'd.

-And that we had never

been Chris'd.


-Well, one of you should've

been Chris'd.

- No. No.

He was way out of our league.

-No, he wasn't.

And even if he was then,

he sure isn't anymore.



I have some exciting news

I've been waiting to share.

The reason why I wanted to have

Christmas here this year

is because this'll be our

last Christmas in this house.

'Cause I'm selling it

and moving...

-Wow Mom,

that's so exciting!

-But, I haven't even told you...

-That's so exciting and I really

wanna hear more about it.

But we actually have to go

do that thing.

Remember that thing we have,

that meeting?

-Oh no! Oh yeah,

we are so late.

-It's a really

important meeting.


-So nice talking to you.

What was that?

You don't wanna hear

where she's going?

-No. Whatever that woman has

to say I don't wanna hear it.

-So you're just gonna run

outta the room

every time she tries

to tell you.

That's your game plan?

-Yes. Just kick

the can indefinitely.

-Aren't you curious

what's in the can?

-No, I'm not.

You know those jack in the box

toys that you wind and you wind

and you try to prepare yourself

for it

and it always terrifies you?!

This will be like that.

-Got it.

Speaking of terrifying...

are we really going to

Chris's party tonight?

-Yeah. We'll make

an appearance.

-Just popping by.

-We might as well be polite.

-Play it cool.

-Play it so cool, I feel like

it'd be so rude not to come.

-Yeah, so chill.

-Just, like, chill in there.

Just, like, cruise.


-You know?

-But it's, like, not a big deal.

-No, not a big deal at all.

-Like, it's not a big deal.

So what are you gonna wear?

Christmas time is here again

-Excuse me?

No, come on.

Full of winter cheer

You're fine. Smile.

-I don't wanna smile.

All the people

are gathered round

as Christmas Day grows near.

- Are we


-No, they're underdressed.


- I just realized this is our

first high school party ever.

-First high school party

over 35.

Doesn't that mean

we're kind of lame?

-No, it means we're cooler

than ever.

Okay, you hang the coats.

I'll pour the wine.

-Don't leave me here.

... I want to dance with

Father Christmas

I want to dance with

Father Christmas





I want to dance with

Father Christmas...



-I wrote my master's

thesis on that.

-On The Great Gatsby?


I always wanted to say that

out loud to somebody.

So thank you, Liz,

for that opportunity.

Did I sound cool?


-Good. Good, good.

It really is one of

my favorites.




-Just his theme that, uh...

you can't repeat the past.

No matter how badly

you want a redo.

-It's one of my favorites too.

-Is that right?

-Even though it is absolutely


The idea of undeniable magnetism

despite one's circumstances.



Columbia, class of 2006.

In honor of our unofficial

class reunion,

how about a little immature

high school fun?

-Yes please!

-Let's play "Never Have I Ever"

Christmas cookie edition.

So, simple rules.

If you've done the thing,

eat the cookie. Okay?

-This is a great idea.

-This sounds awful.


-You have to come.

Join me.


-So, living room, five minutes.

Be there or be square.

-How I got the nickname

Party Marty

was I woke up in

this cornfield...

-Here we go,

here we go.

-I'll tell you later.

-Oh, you're gonna...


-You're gonna, you're gonna...

Hey! Isn't this Christmas cozy,


Alright! Let me get

this party started.


-Okay. Uh... never have

I ever...

gone to the principal's office.

-Okay, that's a little...

-Marty, that's for you!

-Alright. Okay.

Fine, fine, fine.

You too, Chris.

-Yeah, yeah.

Never have I ever... toilet

papered someone's house.

-That was my house!

-I know.

-My parents are still

teed-off about that.

-More like TP'd off!

- Oh!

Huh! Huh!


-It was Ryan's idea.

-I hate you.

So annoying.

- That was fun.

-My turn.

Never have I ever...

cheated to win

Jingle Bell Queen.

You're outing me?

-Yeah. Karly.

-I knew it!

-You called it.

-Okay, I admit it.

I might've voted for myself

more than once.

Eleven times.


-Okay fine, it's my turn.

Never have I ever...

had a high school crush

on a friend.

Wait, no, let me be

more specific.

Never have I ever had

a high school crush...

on Chris Silver.

There's a cookie waiting.

-I hate all of you.

-Take the cookie, Liz.

Take the cookie.

It's a game.

-I'm not taking a cookie.

- I'll eat to that,


- Mm-hmm.

- That is a very

empty tray.

- Uh-huh.

-So, you had a crush on me.


-Don't pretend to be surprised.

Clearly everyone had

a crush on you.

You didn't even know

who I was.

-No, that's not true.

I knew.

-Oh. Hmm.

-I remember a lot about you.

-Oh really?


-Like what?

-Like how you were

always blushing.

It seems like every time

I saw you...

you were flushed.



No. I wasn't.

It was just when I saw you.

But you know, silly high school

crushes, you know?


-What are you guys

talking about?

-High school reminiscing.

I should get back to hosting.

How long are you guys

in town for?

-Through the holidays.

-Great. Can we do this again?


-Like, hang out.

Somewhere where we could

actually hear each other speak.



-There's a bakery on Main

that's doing a, um...

cocktail gingerbread decorating

thing tomorrow night.

You guys free?


-That could work.



I'll text you.


-So... he's cute.

-He's definitely cute.

And so sweet and vulnerable.

-You should go for him.

-No, you should go for him.

-Well, if he's gonna like either

one of us, it's gonna be you.

Everybody likes you.

-That is not true.

Everyone just sees me as

your employee and your sidekick.

-Wait. Do you really think that?


I don't know. Sometimes.

But this Chris thing,

it's romantic. Right?

I mean, falling for your

high school crush again.

It's like star-crossed lovers

together at last.

-Yeah, it's a little

too romantic for me.

But I like the logic of it.

Shared past, shared community.

-Anyway, let's curb

the Chris talk.

We are failing

the Bechtel test.

-Yeah. We don't need

to be Chris'd.

-Yeah, and neither of us

live here

so it's not like we can

date him anyway.

-Yeah, right.


- I'm home!

-Wanna quickly run out

of the room?

-Do you think I have time?


- I did the Christmas

dinner shop.


-I feel like I've barely

seen you since yesterday.

It's like every time I enter

a room, you disappear.

-I know. I'm sorry, Mom.

It's just been kinda crazy.

-Well, now that

we're all together...

I can finish telling you

my big news.


-I'm selling the house...

and moving to...

drum roll please!


Yeah, I'm moving to Palo Alto

to be close to you.

What is it, you're not happy?

You don't want me to live close?

-No, I'm happy! Yay!


-It's just, Mom... Palo Alto,

is... it's very expensive

and there's lots of

dangerous things there.

I mean, like...


-Like, like, snakes...


-Poisonous snakes

and it's really hot.

-So hot!

-Hot. Drought.

-Drought! The drought.

You love the snow.

And mosquitoes!


-Big mosquitoes.

And I just feel like...

we should probably discuss

this further.

-Of course.


-There's so much to discuss!

-Those boundaries are going

really well.


-What'd you say?


-What am I supposed to do?

-Okay, hear me out.

Crazy idea.


-Just tell her no.

-And say what, I don't wanna

take care of her in her old age?

I do wanna take care of her.

-And that's very sweet of you

but she doesn't need

taking care of.

She went rock climbing

last week.

-Yeah, but she wants to be

close to me.

I mean, I can't just say no.

-Then I guess living close will

give you a great opportunity

to set boundaries.

-You don't get it

That's the thing.

There will be no boundaries.

This will not end here. Okay?

This is like if you give a mouse

a cookie situation

but the... the mouse is my mom

and the cookie is, like,

an unraveling of

co-dependent behavior.

-Don't mice eat cheese?

-That's not the...

Chris is coming!

-Do you think he saw us?

-No, I don't think that was him.

-That sounds like the door.

-Could be somebody else.

-Yeah, there was a man

walking behind him.

-Definitely somebody else.

-Sounds like maybe...



-Just a little game we like

to play.



-That's good.

-What are you doing here?

-Well, I'm just helping out

with some electrical stuff.

I do a bit of handy work

on the side.



-Christmas shopping?


-Yeah. Just trying to fix

an entire year

of complex family dynamics

with the perfect holiday gift.

-That sounds doable.

That's probably better

than my gifts.

I do a bit of woodworking

so I handmade everybody

tea boxes this year.

I love tea boxes.

-I also love tea boxes.

-Okay, maybe it's a good gift

after all.

-Yeah. Definitely.

-The best.

-Well, I'd better get to work.

See you guys tonight?

-Yeah, absolutely.

-Can't wait.

-He does a little woodworking.

-I know.

It's like AI algorithm

of the perfect man.

-I wish I handmade my mom

a tea box.

-Oh, I would love

to watch you try that.

By the way, how is it going

with your mom?

-It's okay.

Two days, no fighting.


-Six to go, but I am

trying to let go

of some of my old

grievances, so...


-Which one says I am totally not

resentful of your new family?

-The houndstooth.

Naomi! I've missed you.

-Me too.

I am sorry it took me a minute

to get over here.

-Did Liz tell you?

Jojo got into Stanford.

-Oh yeah, she told me

and I'm so proud of her.

And did Liz tell you

how she's helping us raise

Series B funding?

-It's a huge accomplishment.

-Mmhmm, yeah.

-Oh... but no bites yet, right?

-No, no bites. Anyway...

Happy third night

of Hanukkah.

I actually got you

a little something.


-Thank you.

Ah... a scarf.

-My mom always says you can

never have too many scarves.

-I wanna see your mom.

You two should come for

the sixth night of Hanukkah,

we're gonna have

the whole mishpachah.

-Yeah, I'm sure she'd love to.

-So, are you, um...

are you seeing anyone?

-No, not right now.

-What? Why not?

You're such a catch.

-You can be single

and still be a catch.

-Oh, hey Jojo!

Congrats on your news.

-Oh, thank you.

Now I can hang out with you

and Liz all the time.

-Ah... well it'll be you,

me, Liz and my mom.

She's moving to Palo Alto.

-Linda's moving to be closer

to Naomi.

Isn't that nice?


- Okay.

Here we are.

There he is.

-What are we doing?

This isn't a date.

-No. Totally just a group hang.



-Oops, sorry.

Fun fact, everything here

is vegan.

Well, maybe that's not

a fun fact.

-No, it's very fun.

I... wouldn't have been able

to tell the difference.

-You're lying but

I appreciate that.

You guys ever do this

in high school?

We had a mocktail night.

Oh, sadly we didn't.

-We didn't get out much.

We played a lot of Everquest.

-No, Liz played a lot

of Everquest, not me.

-Oh, I loved Everquest.


-You okay?

Um... yup.

I'm just gonna clean that up.

-No, no, no.

I got it.

-And grab us some more...

No, no, no. Sit down, sit down.

-It's fine, it's fine.

-Please. I got it.

-You sure?

-Yup. Very sure. Yup.



-You know, I keep meaning

to tell you.

I actually downloaded,

uh... Best Pals once.

-Best Pal. Singular.

-Best Pal.

-You did? How was it?

-It was intriguing.

You know, it's... kinda

like online dating.

Meet a lot of people,

most of them are terrifying.

-But you do hit it off

with a few, it's nice.

-Yeah, if you're lucky.


-I don't know, online dating

has never worked out for me.

I don't know.

I just want that in-person zing,

that love at first sight

across the room.

-Yeah, it does sound nice.

You ever had it?

-Versions of it.

My parents had it.

They were high

school sweethearts.

-Wow, that's really rare.


-They still together?

-They would've been

but he passed,

senior year of high school.

-I'm so sorry. I don't know

how I missed that.

-It's okay. Thanks.

-No, I just...

I wish I could've been there

for you in high school.

-What are you talking about?

-Talking about being

a romantic.

-Oh, Liz is not a romantic.

-And Naomi might be

too much of one.

-I wouldn't say that.

I mean, do I have a tendency

to fall for the fantasy

instead of who the person

actually is?



-But that's normal, right?


-They got a name for it,

it's called the honeymoon phase.

I'm very guilty of it, Naomi.


-Sorry. That's my mom

I should get that.

Hi Mom.

-Quit hogging all the gummy

bears. Okay?


-So, not a romantic, huh Liz?

-Not in the traditional sense.

I don't get why believing

there's only one person

out there for you is

considered romantic.

But I am no expert.

-What do you mean?

-Well, just that romantic love

is not my most successful arena.

-Why do you think that is?

-Um... I don't know.

Because of me?

Because I have a hard time

fitting in,

I'm a bit of a niche market.

Maybe I'm just hard to love.

-Liz, I know we don't know

each other that well...

but I can assure you there's

no way that's true.


-Okay. We're out of,

uh... almond milk eggnog.

I'm gonna fill us back up.

Don't be too excited.

It's almond milk.

-So, what is going on here?

There are obviously vibes

between you two.

-There's obviously vibes

between you two.

But that's weird, right?

Weird that he's vibing

with both of us.

-Well maybe he's not vibing

with either of us.

Maybe he's just friendly.

-What, he's just a genuinely

nice guy.

-Exactly. So...

this isn't weird.

-No, it's not weird.

-Did I miss anything?


-Here you go.


-Cheers, Naomi.

-Thank you.


To us.

To us.

- Hey, Chris!

-Frank! How's it going?

This is weird.

-What's all this?

-Well, my mom is starting to

clear out the house for the move

and wants to know

what I'm keeping.

But look at this.

-Aww. Time machine back

to BFF BC.

Your dried flower crowns.

Our friendship bracelets.

-Our best friends forever

photo book.

-Oh... I think I have mine

at my mom's.

Actually, I have a whole box

of stuff.

-Get it immediately.

-I don't know.

Every visit pushes us a little

bit closer to fighting.

-Stay strong, you can do this.

-Says the one helping her mom

pack for her move.

-Point taken.

-Oh. Hi.

This is a fun surprise.

Did you just come by

to say hello?

-I actually came to just grab

a box from the attic.

-Oh. Okay.

-But I can hang out for a bit.

-Well great.

You can help me address

the holiday cards.

-Are you serious?

I'm not even in

the holiday cards.

-Because I don't have a recent

photo of the four of us.

-Well, you could've

photoshopped me in.

- Liz, who do

you think I am?

Some kind of computer wizard?

-No. I just want you to

apologize for leaving me out.

I don't leave you out.

You leave yourself out.

You refuse to be a part

of this family.

-I'm gonna grab that box.


-My half of the friendship


All the letters

my dad sent me.

-Hey, why did you save

your Stanford rejection letter?

-Hmm, I don't know.


-Our yearbook.


Jingle Ball royalty.

-Except it turns out

Karly cheated.

-She probably

would've won anyway.

-I know.

She was Jingle Ball queen,

Prom queen, Homecoming queen.



-And Chris was

hockey team captain

and student body president.

I mean, I think there's, like...

a single photo of us

in this entire book.


-Should we have done

high school differently?

-Differently how?

-I don't know.

Joined a club, played a sport,

gone to a dance.

-I wanted to go to all the

dances but you didn't wanna go.

-Well why didn't you go

without me?

-I didn't want you

to feel left out.

And it wouldn't have been fun

without you anyway. So...

-Just loves a group hang.

-Sure does.


-You okay?


Why don't you guys,

uh, go without me.

-No. We'll stick together.

-No, really.

I mean, skate a few laps

'cause I think these skates...

yeah, they're broken, and

I'm just gonna tighten them.


-Are you sure?


-Okay, alright.

-All good! All good!

-You need a hand,

let me help you up.

-You heard her, she's fine.

-I'm good. Okay.

-You're positive.

-Have fun!

-Okay, we'll be close by

if you need us.

Liz, wait.

You can skate.

-You can too.

-I mean...

-Did that come

from playing hockey?

I was looking at our senior

yearbook today.

I was reminded that you were

hockey team captain.

-And student body president.

And Jingle Ball king.


On the endless teenage quest

for validation.

-Yeah, well you were

Chris Silver.

-That was what I was.

But now I'm just Chris,

living in Weston.

Teaching at our old high school.

-And that's not enough for you?

-Uh... yeah. I mean,

it is.

I love teaching, I do. I just...

sometimes feel like...

maybe I could've done more

with my life.

-Why do you feel that?

-You wanna know?


-My dad was a decorated

Marine and a self-made man.

He always taught me

to be the best.

He said... unless

you're a lead dog,

the scenery never changes.

-I get that.

My parents divorced

when I was younger,

my dad remarried,

moved away.

-Oh, man.

-As a child I told myself

that if I was good enough

or successful enough or...

something enough...

he'd come back.

Luckily as an adult

I have absolutely no need

for validation.

-Of course.

Me too.

-You okay?

-Yeah. Do you wanna go get a...


-Liz! No, no, no...

-You alright?

-Please, it's okay.

I'm fine, really.

-Give me a second.


-It hurts, doesn't it? Okay.

Look, there is a bit

of swelling.

It might be a light sprain.

-It's better than that time

you jumped into that cake.


-Jumped into a cake?

-Yeah, you had to be there.

-I feel like you guys have a

lot of "you had to be there's".

Don't you?



-Look, I'm gonna leave

this here.


-This is gonna keep

your foot warm.


-I know you're okay...

and I am gonna get you some ice.

Elevate your gloved foot,

if you don't mind.

-Thank you.

-I'll be right back.

-You sure you're okay?

-Nothing bruised but my ego.

-Well, were you having fun

with Chris before that?

-It was fine. Whatever.

Naomi, I'm not into him.


-Yeah, really.

He's cute in a high school

throwback kinda way,

but that's it.

-Hm. Okay.

-Alright, alright.

Let's get your gloved foot

outta here.

Come on.

-You know what?

You guys skate.

-No, no, no.

Come on, let's get you home.


-We're not gonna leave you.

-Go have fun.

-Okay. You sure?


-You heard her.


-We will only be a moment.

Alright. Easy.


-Bye, love you!


- I gotcha.

- It's been a while.

-Yeah, just don't look down.

Look at me.

You gotta distract yourself.

-Uh huh.

-You understand?

Don't think about

your skates.

Think about that high school

crush you had.

-You're still talking about

that, it was nothing.

-Why are you blushing,

cheek Pinocchio?

-Okay, okay.

Alright, alright.

Just... let's get back

to the crush.

That seemed to work.

Keep yourself distracted.

-What's there to say?

I mean it was just

teenage daydreams.

You'd pass me a note in the

hallway, stop by my locker.

-We'd go for ice cream

or to the movies.

It was more about you

finally seeing me.

You know?

You picking me and me

feeling special.


-'Cause I was Chris Silver.

-Yeah. We should get...

-You okay?


-You've been Chris'd.

-I'm sorry.

-Why are you apologizing?

I'm happy for you.

You're into him and I already

told you that I'm not.

Plus it was obvious you two

would have a thing.

-No, it wasn't a thing.

It was just a heat of the moment

mistletoe kiss.

-Ooh! Mistletoe Chris.

-But really, you have

my blessing.


Was it everything we ever

dreamed of?

-No. It was nothing.

-Oh. Okay.

Come on.

Snow outside

Christmas lights

Singing on the radio

All the songs we know.

I can't wait to be...

-Hey Liz.


Doing some last-minute


-Actually, this is my store.

This and the gift shop on Elm.

-Oh, I love that place.

Here too.

I mean, I want everything

in here.

-Of course, it makes sense.

-What do you mean?

-Just that you've always had

stellar style.

Even in 2004, you pulled off

Juicy Velour tracksuits

and trucker hats.

-Well, uh, thank you.

But I am very, very glad

those days are behind us.

-Me too.

-You know, I'm sorry.

I'm understaffed today.

I should get back

to the floor.

Oh! But the crew's doing

Christmas karaoke tonight.

Brews Brothers around 7:00?

-Yeah, I'll see if Naomi's free.

-But even if she's not,

come hang.

-Yeah. Totally.

-Good. It'll be fun.

I'll see you there.

-Sounds good.

-Wrapping my present?

-My mom's wrapping

all the presents

so she can pack

the wrapping paper.

-So Liz, how was shopping?

-Good. Main Street is poppin'.

Oh, and you know

that boutique we love?

Karly owns it.

-Yes, that makes sense.

-So, what's the plan for today?


and then we're debating either

a Christmas movie or baking,

and then... I actually have

plans later.

-I actually have plans too.

-Oh! Cool.

-Yeah. Cool.


-It's a lot of chocolate.

-So much chocolate.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

-I know your first thought

when you have chocolate is...

I would love some cheese.

I mean, I love anything

with cheese.

But it's not vegan so should...

-Come here.


-It's vegan.

Whole place is vegan.

Yeah, they just don't advertise

it so that people don't hate it.

Secret vegans?


That's right.

-That's amazing.

-I know.

-So, how long have

you been vegan?

-Since leaving the forces.



-Wow. What inspired that?

-It just, um...

it felt like the right thing

to do.

Felt like who I wanted to be,

you know?

I spent my whole life trying

to be other people

and worrying about what

other people thought of me.

And this just felt like

something, um... just for me.

-I get that.

I'm impressed.

I mean, it's hard to go

against the tide

and it's even harder to know

who you wanna be.

-Yeah. You're right.

Thank you, that means

a lot actually.


-What about you?

Did you always wanna be

a visionary entrepreneur?

-It's that what I am?




-Um... no. Actually, I never

knew what I wanted to be.


-I don't know, all my dreams

were kid dreams.


-Open up the flower shop,

own the bakery.

It's silly.

-No, these are great dreams.

What are you talking about?



How'd you get to,

uh, Best Pal though?


She always has these great,

big ideas and...

so I hitched my wagon

to hers and...

let her drag me along.

-Something tells me nobody

drags you along, Naomi.

I have no doubt

that she needed you

just as much as

you needed her.


-Just my thought.

-So no senior trip?


-A football game?



-No, none of it.

I didn't go to a single thing.

-Alright. Who's ready

for some merry-a-oke?

-Yes please! I'm in.

-We're gonna start

with Jingle Bells.

Ready? Here we go.

-So... why? Was it because

you were too cool?

-Me? Too cool?

Those two words have never

been uttered in sequence.

-Really? You always seemed

too cool.

Honestly, I was jealous of you.

-You were jealous of me?


You just always seemed

to have such a clear sense

of who you were.

You seemed so self-assured.

-I must've faked it really well

because I was a flailing

ball of insecurity.

I felt like I didn't

belong anywhere.


-Honestly, I was jealous

of you.

-Jealous of me?

I cheated to be

Jingle Ball queen.

-It wasn't about being

Jingle Ball queen.

I was jealous because you

hosted Jingle Ball.

It was the social event of

the year and you gave that

to everyone, helped by

your friends,

and I... I wanted that.

I... wanted to be able

to feel like

I had something

to give back.

-Well... you have it now,

so do it.

-Yeah, do it.

-Do what?

-Throw us a Jingle Ball!

We always have an unofficial

class reunion

the night before Christmas Eve.

You could host Jingle Ball!

-No. No, no, no, no, no.


-Why not?


-I'm sure Chris could get us

the high school gym.

-He definitely can.

-Oh, come on!

Jingle Ball!

Jingle Ball!

Jingle Ball!

Jingle Ball!

Jingle Ball!

Jingle Ball!

-Hey. What's going on

over here?

-I'm hosting Jingle Ball!


- Ensure

your log is clean and dry.

If needed, brush off any dirt

or debris with a towel.

-How are we failing

at this so hard?

This looks nothing

like a Menorah.

-It's because we haven't put

on the shelf mushrooms yet.

-Maybe we should just quit this

and watch a DIY on throwing

a dance.

-Yeah, you could definitely use

some pointers.

No. I just...

I mean 'cause you've never been

to a dance.

I mean, you've never even wanted

to go to a dance.

-Actually, I wanted to go

to all of them.


Well why didn't we?

-I don't know.

I knew that if we went,

you'd constantly be asked

to dance

while I'd be left standing

there alone.

-Why don't you invite him

to Hanukkah?

-No. Really?

-The more the merrier.


-So? What's the deal

with you two?

-I don't know.

He's... amazing.

He's so empathetic

and kind and sweet and...

I kind of wonder

if he's the one.

-The one?


You've been on one date.

-Well, yeah.

But I've known him

for, like, 20 years.

-From a distance.

In reality, you barely

know this man.

-So, Jingle Ball.

What's the deal?

What can I help with?

-Oh, it's fine.

Karly's helping me.


-Oh! I have so many

memories here.

My first dance.

My first kiss.

My first break up.

Oh, and I remember

the Jingle Ball.

And Mr. Fray announcing

I had won

and being so afraid people

would know I cheated.

-Why did you cheat?

-I guess I felt like I had

to be queen.

Like, who would I be without it?

-Yeah, I feel that.

I mean, I feel that way about

my company.

My success.

Like... who am I without it?

Anyway. So... DJ

on the stage.


-Bar over here next

to a table of nibbles.

-Oh, and Ryan's

wife's a caterer.

-Oh! Perfect.


Oh! We should do

a photo-booth.

Dina Frank is a photographer

so that's covered.



-I can see it all.

What about a theme?

-Jingle Ball is always


-How about early 2000's.


-Frosted lip gloss, lace-up

jeans, bedazzled everything.

-Stop it. Oh, it's gonna be

so good.

So how do you feel about a

Jingle Ball queen and king?

-Yeah, I don't know.

I think that we're honestly

really past that at this point.

But... you know what?

Actually now that I think about

it, it's a really good idea.

-Oh, yay!

-It's so lovely to see you,

thank you for coming.


-One second.




-Oh, I see your mom.

-I love your earrings.

-You like? Karly lent them

to me.

-Oh. That was sweet of her.




-Thank you for having me.

I don't know if that's

a normal thing to do.

This is my very first Hanukkah.

-Yeah. Thank you.

It's my pleasure.

-Of course.

This is just a little something

to say that I've been, uh...

thinking about you.

-Thank you.

-It's my pleasure.

-I'm gonna go put these

in water.

-Oh, can you take mine too?


-Thank you.



Is it weird that I, uh...

I missed you?

-Hmm... no.

I kind of missed you too.

-Only kinda, huh?

-Just a little bit.


- Latkes are ready!

-You got something here,

let me get it.

-I do? What?

-I got it.

-I'll get us some latkes.


-I thought you were vegan.

-I am.

-Well I hate to be

the bearer of bad news,

but lox isn't a vegetable.

Maybe you're a pescatarian.

-No. I'm definitely a vegan.

Then why do you reek

like fish?


-I saw Chris eating lox.


-So it means he's not a vegan.

-Maybe he's a vegan who

eats fish occasionally.

-Yeah. A pescatarian.

But he says he's not

so he's lying.

-Why would anyone

lie about that?


-Liz, you always do this.

-Do what? Out people

as pescatarians?

-No. Have me not go

to the dance

so that you don't have

to stand there alone.

-Okay. All I'm saying is that

you don't really know Chris-


Oh, Christmas tree.

-How... happy...



-Is this normal for Hanukkah?

-Just being inclusive.

-So, uh, Karly asked me about

using the Christmas decorations

for the Jingle Ball.

And I was thinking, if you'd

like, I could, uh...

head up the decorating


I did do our senior year.

-Oh, that's so sweet.


-I could help you if you want.


-I mean, Liz already said

she doesn't need my help.





-To latkes.

-This looks good.


-Oh. Thank you for


whatever this is.

-It's a handmade birch Menorah

that took me several hours

to make.

-I actually have a little

Hanukkah gift for you.


-I fixed our holiday card.


-You're in it now.

-Yeah, in the corner

like an afterthought.

And my eyes are closed.

-Believe me, it was the best one

in the bunch.

You know, nothing I do is

good enough for you. Is it?

-Why do you always say that?

-It's so nice to have an evening

where everybody gets along.

Isn't it?

It's a party after all.

Maybe it's, uh, time to light

the candles, don't you think?

Everybody, we're gonna light

the candles now!

And then we're gonna have a

dreidel contest for the ages.

So come on over

to the table.

-Thank you so much

for joining us tonight.

We are so happy

to be together.

-Would you like

to say something?



-Okay. Um...

I know a lot of you don't know

what Hanukkah is about

but it's the festival of lights.

The season of miracles.

It's a celebration

of the spirit's ability

to find light in darkness.

It's a time of connection,

dedication, rededication,

which is the meaning

of Hanukkah.

Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai

E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech ha-olam

A-sher ki-de-sha-nu


Ve-tzi-va-nu le-had-lik

ner Cha-nu-kah.

-So close, one more.

No, two more.



-Hi. What's up?

-We have considered your offer

and would like to counter...

-Okay. Sure.


-What's wrong?

-That was the VC firm,

they're not giving us funding.


-Instead they wanna

buy Best Pal.

I don't wanna sell Best Pal.

It's not just my work,

it's my life,

my entire sense of identity.

-Well then maybe

our identities change.

-To what?

-I don't know.

I mean, you start a new company.

You're always thinking

of new ideas,

you're jotting them down.

-I don't get it.

Since when are you so eager

to leave Best Pal?

-I'm not!

I just think that maybe

we could both benefit

from something new.

-But something new together?

-Hey Mom.

-Good morning.

You can help me

with the stuffing.

I'm prepping Christmas dinner.

You told me I'd need

the pans.

-Sometimes I'm right.

-So honey, I wanted

to talk to you.

I gave our conversation

more thought

and I realized your concerns

are valid.

California is expensive,

amongst other things.


So you're not moving then?

-No, of course I'm moving.

But I had an even better idea.

I could move in with you.

Now I know it's not conventional

but it makes so much sense.

Why pay for two places

when we can split one?

So I'll sell the house,

you sell your condo,

and we'll pool our resources

to buy a house together.

-Both of us. One roof.

-What, you don't wanna live

with me?

-I mean, did you wanna live

with your mother?

-Yeah, but she's my mom,

and I'm me.

It's totally different.

-What's different is you're

the daughter in that situation

and I'm the daughter

in this situation.

-So you don't wanna live

with me?


I love you but we are not

moving in together.


-How's the salmon?

-It's so good.


-Oh, no. No, no.

This pasta is, uh... incredible.


-Yeah, it's really good.


I wanna talk to you

about something.


-I know you head home

in a few days but, uh...

cards on the table, I don't

want this to end.

-This feels like it could be

something real.


No, I... I feel that too.

But I mean,

hopeless romanticism aside,

how does this work?

-I think, um... we could do

long distance.


-For a while.


-And if, uh... that works...

one of us could move

potentially, I suppose.

-Yeah. Okay.

Okay, so... in this

potential situation...


-Would you think about

moving to California?




in this potential, totally

hypothetical situation

it would probably make more

sense for you to move back here.

-Move back to Weston?


Why not?

-Okay. Okay.

Well, what is the reality

of that?

I mean, what would I...

what would I do?

Where would I work?

-Well if you sell the company,

you could take the, uh...

the seed money and start

something new.


-You could open the bakery.

Start the flower shop.

-Well, those are just my kid

dreams. I mean, I...


-So... you know,

10-year-old Naomi didn't need

health insurance.

-Neither does 35-year-old Naomi,

I don't think.

But, uh... look, we don't have

to do this, um...

we were just romantic

fantasizing. Okay?

-Yes. Yeah, absolutely.

It's just all happening so fast.

I mean, I didn't expect you.

And we've been

on three dates and...

It's a little warm in here,


I'll be right back. Okay?

-Sure. Yeah.

-Pick up, pick up, pick up!

- Hi it's Liz,

leave a message if you have to.

-Liz! Where are you?

Look, Chris just dropped

a b*mb on me

and I don't know what to do.

And I know that you're right

and I know that I don't know him

all that well.

But also I've known him

for 20 years

and he's kinda the man

of my dreams.

And I just... I don't know.

What if this is it?

You know,

what if he's the one?

And... and I lose it

because I doubted it.

Just call me back.


-Well, the letter

of intent is solid.

Our employees get to keep

their jobs, we cash out,

have enough runway to figure

out what we wanna do next.

-Naomi, what else would I do?

-Maybe you go back to school,

get your masters.

Go to Stanford.

I mean, you always wanted to go

but you didn't get in. Right?

-I don't understand this.

All of a sudden

you're so interested

in doing something else.

-It's not all of a sudden,

I've been feeling this way

for a long time.

-Then why didn't

you say anything?

-I did say something and you

told me to pivot Best Pal,

to expand, and that

brought us here.

So... maybe this is

meant to be.

-Well whatever it is, we'll

figure it out together. Right?


-Oh, can we pop in

for a second?

Our Jingle Ball dresses

are here.

-You got us dresses?


-Thank you so much.

I really appreciate it.


-Ooh come on, the dresses

are in the back.




-This feels weird.

-It is weird.

You know, I wanna be with you,

you don't wanna be with me.

-That's not what I said.

-Eh, it's the short version

of what you said.

-Can we just talk this through?

I mean...

-No, I think we're good.


-Yeah, we're good.

- Do you wanna

try them on?

-Or maybe just...

just try them on at home.

-No, stay. Have fun.

-So, what was up

with you and Chris?

-Nothing's up with us,

we're just not really

seeing each other anymore.


-I guess I realize I don't know

him as well as I thought I did.

-Oh. Something smell

a little fishy?


It's just a realization I've

been having a lot of lately.

-So you just broke it off?

When was that?

-Last night.

-And you didn't tell me?

-I tried!

I left you a voicemail,

you didn't call me back.

-What is this, 2012?

Who uses their voicemail?

-You didn't think it was

a good idea anyway, so...

-Oh, Liz! Come here.

Guess what my mom just found?

It's my Jingle Ball crown.

-Oh wow.

-And I was thinking, if Chris

could find his...

we could be queen

and king again.

-Yeah, whatever you want,

I'm good.

-Or would it be childish?

Or self-actualized?

-Is there a difference?



I wanna apologize for earlier,

I wasn't my best.

I, uh... I was acting

like a teenager.

-No, it's okay.

-I do hope we can

be friends though.

Stay in touch.

DM each other some random

cat videos now and again.

-I'll take what I can get.

-Yeah, of course.


-Happy last night of Hanukkah.

Do you need a hand?

-Nope. I've got it.

Jojo and Travis

will be home soon

and we can light the candles.

I, um... I baked you chocolate

crinkles for Jingle Ball.


-And, um, I was thinking I could

be a parent chaperone.

I did it for Jojo's Jingle Ball.

-Except for most of the people

coming are parents.

-I'm just trying

to be supportive.

-And I appreciate that

but you never baked cookies

or parent chaperoned

my Jingle Ball.

-Because you didn't go

to your Jingle Ball.

Why would I go

if you didn't?

I know I made mistakes,

that I wasn't the mom

you wanted or needed.

But I'm trying.

-Hi Mom.

-Oh good, you're home.

Come sit.

-It's the one where the secret

prince turns out to be

Santa's long lost son

come back in time.

-I saw the sequel.

-Also, guess what?


-I found us a real estate agent

in Palo Alto.


-I figured we should just

look at houses,

see what's out there.

-But I... I said no.

-Yeah, but maybe you were

just being rash.

-No Mom, you're being rash.

I'm sorry but you're being

illogical and disrespectful.

I said no.

No, we're not moving in together

and we are not moving you

to Palo Alto.

-Um... cookies?

-Hey. What's going on,

are you okay?

-No, I'm not.

I mean, I feel like a doormat.

My mom doesn't listen to me.

You don't listen to me.

-When do I not listen to you?

-Maybe when you bought me

a dress that I don't want?

-You don't want it?

-No, I don't want

an ugly satin dress.

I don't wanna go

to Jingle Ball.

I don't want a time machine

to the past.

I don't need it. I don't need

a redo on my life.

-I don't either.

-Then why are you always

talking about it?

What if you had a redo.

Why do you want it?

I mean, is it because you regret

not going to Stanford?

Yeah. I know you got in,

so why didn't you go?

-Your dad had just passed.

I didn't want you to be alone.

-So you...

you stayed for me?

No, you didn't.

You didn't do that for me.

-Why not? I did everything

else for you.

-Like what?

-Like gave you a job,

a direction in life,

a success story.

I mean, I gave you half

of my company.

-Our company!

-But was it, really?

I mean, I carried you.

-Well, if you carried me,

it's only because you couldn't

walk alone.

Because I was your only friend.


-What are you doing?

Where are you...

where are you going?

-I don't know.

My mom's?

You know, I always thought

that our friendship

was the greatest gift

I'd ever received.

But... maybe we're just holding

each other back.

-Yeah, maybe.

-So we should probably take

some space from everything.


So buy me out.

-No. Let's sell.

I'm done with Best Pal.

Oh, hi.

-Hey Mom.

-Are you staying here tonight?


-Do you want me to make up

the bed in the office?

-No, that's okay.

I'll sleep on the couch.

-Is this about Naomi?


It's ironic because I've spent

my whole life

trying to avoid heartbreak

only to realize

that nobody can break your heart

like a friend.

-Try being a mom.


I have an early Hanukkah present

for you.

-Well, you're late.

Hanukkah's over.

-Early for next year.

-My eyes are closed.

-Oh, are they? Hmm.

-Mom. I'm sorry.

-No, I'm sorry.

You were right. I was being

irrational and rash.

I was asking you

to take care of me.

-And I do wanna take care

of you.

You just don't need

taking care of yet.

-I know. Help me unpack?


So, have you talked to Liz yet?

-No. And I don't know

what we'd say.

I mean, you know I love her

with all of me

but I don't wanna be

her sidekick.

And I don't wanna be mistaken

as her employee.

-Yeah, but... Liz never

asked you to be that.

Maybe you were hiding

behind her.

And just because you both

need to grow,

doesn't mean you have

to grow apart.

So what are you wearing

to Jingle Ball?

-I'm not going.

-What? You have to go.

You've waited a lifetime

to go to a dance.

Even if you go alone, go.

And despite what's going on

between you and Liz,

this is important to her.

-It actually is kinda cute.

-Ryan got hung up

with the baby

so he sent me here

with the food.

-Thank you.

-This looks fantastic.


-Blast from the past.

It should come with

a trigger warning.

-You okay?

-Yeah. No, I'm fine.

-What's going on?

-Naomi and I got into a fight.


-A big one.

-Well you guys have been

friends forever, you know.

You don't achieve that

without being able to make it

through anything.

-Yeah. It's not just

a fight though.

Things have been changing

for a while.


I think sometimes things

need to change.

Can't keep living our lives

clinging to what we used to be.

-Yeah. That's true.

I worry though.

What if Naomi doesn't need me?

I mean, she's my best friend

but she's also the only person

who's ever made me feel seen,

made me feel like I belong.

Made me feel like...

-Like what?

-Like I'd been Chris'd.


-Sorry, you had to be there.

-Sounds like I was there.

You're a good guy, Chris.


Thank you.

To be honest...

I sometimes am a pescatarian.

I knew it.

-I know you knew.

-Nice try though.

-Thank you.

We'll figure it out.

-Yeah. You're right.

...would know

my Christmas list is

Someone who could

give me hugs and kisses

Oh, oh, oh.

Santa, you know, oh, oh.

-You want a shot with us?


-Say merry!



-You look amazing.

-Thank you.

So do you.

-I couldn't have done it

without you.

-Well I was happy to help.

Oh. So I talked to Chris

about the whole queen

and king thing and...

we decided it'll be fun.


Well, I'll make a little speech

and then coronate you.

-Okay. Awesome!

Outside the snow

is falling down

...I'm just wishing

you were here now.

Dreaming that I could have

true love this year

That's what I want

for Christmas




Listen, I just wanted

to say that...

that night at the restaurant,

when you brought up our future

and long distance, it sounded

terrifying and illogical.

And also like something

I would do.

Something I would

wanna do.

And I just got scared.

Because sometimes

I can romanticize...

and I just didn't wanna

get hurt.

-I'm glad you told me that

'cause honestly at the time

it felt like you were just

straight rejecting me.

Which I think we've learned

that I am deeply insecure

and that I'm not the best

with rejection.

-Especially coming from you.

'Cause with you I felt like

Chris Silver again.

-Chris, you've always

been Chris Silver.

And you always will be.

Especially to me.

So... do you think we can try

to figure this out?

... my world like

a snow globe

Suddenly everything

is so cold

Got me head over heels

while in love

can't even tell

which way is up

So close

Everything shimmers

in your globe

Baby do it again and never

let go

Keep shaking my world

like a snow globe

-Only if occasionally I can have

a bit of fish.



-Hi. Hello.

Can I get everybody's attention?

Merry Christmas!


-Thank you for letting me

host this dance

and thank you so much to

everybody who helped me out.

Believe it or not,

in high school

I dreamt of hosting this dance

and 17 years later... I did it.

Anyway, without further ado,

it is my great pleasure

to announce

this year's Jingle Ball king...

-Come here, come here.

-Sorry, just give me

one moment.

What is it?

-I've changed my mind.

I mean, I know it's not

a big deal or anything,

but the truth is I don't care

about any of it at all.

Because I realized...

I don't need a redo.

-I don't either.

Sorry about that.

There has been a slight change

of plans.

We're no longer doing

Jingle Ball king and queen.

We're gonna reschedule it

to next year.

Anyway, so... who wants

to party?




-You wore the dress.

-Of course.

-You wore yours.

-Of course.

-Wow, for the first time

I don't actually know

what to say to you.

I mean, I think you're right.

We should sell Best Pal.

-You can buy me out.

-No. I need to do something

different too.

Not crypto, I promise.


Well I hope that even

if we need space

we can somehow

do it together.

-But can we?

I mean, I want you to have

everything you want in life

and I don't wanna get

in the way.

-No, that's just it, Liz.

Everything I want in life

involves you being there

to share it with me.

Because when I think of my past,

and my present, my future...

you had to be there.

You have to be there.

-You know that I think

the statistical probability

of soulmates is limiting.

-But... I think they come

in many different forms.

Even if I had the chance to redo

my life over a thousand times

I wouldn't because I wouldn't

change anything

to be your friend.

-Wow, we are really good

at this.

-I know, we should fight

more often.

So... friends?


-I love you.

-Let's get a picture.

Let's get a picture.
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