07x01 - It Takes A Village

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*
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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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07x01 - It Takes A Village

Post by bunniefuu »

Morgan: Previously, on "Criminal Minds"...

When do I leave?

The end of the week.

They can't just take you away.

It's done.

You want me to raise your son so he can have your life?

He needs a mother.

I can't do this.

Go to your father.

That corner right there, that's where he d*ed, and that's where I'm gonna k*ll you.

There's something you don't know about those photos.

God, so they took pictures of them being sh*t?

Look at the fingernails.

Oh, my God.

Just because I held a g*n to him doesn't mean I sh*t him.

I staged his death.

He's alive?!

No, no, no. No, Emily.

Stay with me.

Come on, stay with me.

Where's the medic?!

JJ: She never made it off the table.

Reid: I didn't get a chance to say good-bye.

Yeah, sometimes I feel like I want to quit my job and spend my time chasing down the son of a bitch who k*lled Emily.

You're damn right I'm angry.

The bureau is facing a lot of changes.

Over the next few weeks each of you is going to be asked if you'd like to stay with the unit.

Why wouldn't we?

There are other options for you out there.

You've given some thought to what we discussed?

I'm coming back.

And how long have you been back with the bureau?

3 1/2 months, sir.

A lot has happened since then.

Sabbaticals, transfers, reassignments.

Four of you remained in the unit?

Agents Rossi, Morgan, and I were there with our technical analyst Penelope Garcia.

Hmm. You had 14 cases in that time.

17, sir.

Oh, yes. In 14 weeks.

That's impressive.

Thank you.

But what's more impressive is the fact that you were reinstated, promoted, and suspended in that short time.

I believe that's a record, Agent Jareau.

Why aren't we in there?

They're just trying to intimidate us.

Well, that's not about to happen.

I'm not ok with this.

You may not even be a witness.

Sir, I'm not worried about me.

Don't they have anything better to do than-- baby girl, this is just what they do.

Rossi: Anything?

It doesn't look good.

How long is she gonna be in there?

Two days?

That's correct.

How can an investigation be active for just two days when the gathering of intel took months?

There's surveillance and hundreds of man-hours to prove it.

Yes, that's true, but--

How often do you spend months on a case, Agent?

We don't, but this one was--



It required a lot of detail.

If this was too big for your team, why wasn't it a joint taskforce?

We didn't have time, sir.

Once the subject was confirmed, we had to act quickly.


I've got the sh*t, Agent.

Don't take the sh*t!

Don't sh**t!

I got him!

Want to k*ll me yourself, Agent?

Do you realize what you've done?

Yes. We put an international criminal with t*rror1st connections in federal custody.

You may consider that a victory, but you used government funds for a personal vendetta, never called Homeland Security, and now 6 people, including two of your agents, are dead.

♪ Criminal Minds 7x01 ♪

It Takes a Village
Original air date on September 21, 2011

JJ: Queen Elizabeth I said, "the past cannot be cured."

Interpol, Europol, the CIA.

No one could locate Ian Doyle, except Agent Morgan.

Well, it wasn't easy.

Doyle disappeared underground.

It looks like Agent Morgan spent the first few months following Doyle's arms-dealing contacts but came up empty.

So, how did he find him?

After hitting dead ends in that world, Agent Morgan put himself in Doyle's shoes and knew that he would be looking for his son, Declan.

Ok, Emily needed to get Declan a new identity.

So she must have used someone she trusted.

All right, well, that's a short list, but it's probably not even written down.

Even if it was, she's had contacts all over the world.

Oh, tell me about it.

Two columns-- domestic and imports.


You guys seen Spence?

He's at the f*ring range.


Ever since Prentiss d*ed, he...



Did you guys just get a new case?

It's just an old one.

Do you want some fresh eyes?

Not just yet.


Um, well, let me know.

Shouldn't we tell her?

Garcia, this has been a long sh*t for 6 months.

Why get her hopes up?

What about Hotch?

He knows I'm doing this.

He does?

Not technically, but he knows I'm not about to let Doyle roam free.

Does he know we're looking for Declan?

I just figured I'd call him when I have something to report.


But it feels weird not sharing.

Baby girl.

You don't have to do this.

I know.

Did you trust Agent Jareau?

I did.

But don't anymore.

I didn't say that.

You left her out but involved Penelope Garcia, whom you trust.

That is not why.

Isn't it?

Her specific skills were very helpful.

For your vendetta.

For justice.

You don't believe in the system.

Ian Doyle wasn't at the top of anyone's list, Senator.

Except yours.

I'm thinking domestic contacts.

Em was already in the states when she faked Declan's death, so...

Her associates must be in Boston?

No, Garcia, she would have covered her tracks better than that.

All right, why did Prentiss join the BAU?


To have a normal life.

She could have gone anywhere with her skill set, but she chose D. C.

Maybe to be close to her mom?

No. No way.

That was just by default.

Garcia, she did all of this to protect a child.

Right. So you're saying she came here just so she could be close to the kid.

And if she did, she probably had people she could trust living right here.

Right. So domestic contacts.

There are surprising few in our nation's capital.

One of which is dead.

Ben Corelli.

He was the forger.

Doyle k*lled him and Prentiss' friend.

He worked out of his apartment, remember?

Yeah. And we processed his belongings.


This would have been a heck of a lot easier had he gone digital.

Garcia, there's an art to all of this.

This guy was meticulous.

Definite control freak.

Yet he's dead.

He couldn't control that.

There can't be a lot of I. D.s for children.

Actually, you would be surprised.

Ok, wait a minute.

Didn't Prentiss live in Reston, Virginia, for a while?

Yeah. Before we knew her, she rented a big house in a cul-de-sac.

Ok, why would she live way out there?

To be close to Declan.


Who had blond hair and blue eyes.

Well, I'm sure they've changed his hair color by now.

Yeah, but you can't change those cerulean blues.

Ok, here's the nanny.

Garcia, she still lives in Virginia.

Garcia: Here's all I got. Declan's going to a boarding school in Stafford county. His nanny lives 5 minutes from campus.

All signs point to a really well-adjusted kid.

He's an honor student.

He's playing lacrosse.

He's winning science fairs.

It looks like he's got the life Emily wanted him to have.

You watched Declan for two months.

I knew if I could find him, it was only a matter of time before Doyle did.

Around-the-clock surveillance requires constant presence.

When I wasn't in the field, I was there.

And when you were on a case?

I set up pole cameras for surveillance.

Under what authority, Agent?

Senator, I needed to protect this child because I knew Doyle would find him eventually.

And what was the plan once you found Ian Doyle?

Lock down security on his son and then move in on Doyle.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

It's him.

I'm pretty sure it's him.

It's blurry and, you know, he's not like posing for the camera or anything like that, but you said he'd come and it's been a while and now he's here and--

Garcia, Garcia, calm down.

Let me take a look.

That's when Agent Morgan initiated the as*ault on Ian Doyle.

What? No, it doesn't work that way, sir.

Agent Morgan called Hotch-- excuse me, our unit chief.

Who was on temporary duty.

I imagine he wasn't easy to find.

When the team downsized, he was assigned to lead an investigative taskforce.


Hey, it's me.

How's it going out there?

You know, long days, some territorial issues to work out.

Nothing surprising.

How's everything there?

Hotch, we found Declan Doyle.


Listen, I knew that finding the kid was the only way I could find Doyle, Hotch.

I know what you're thinking, man.

Is Declan safe?

Yeah, he is for now.

I've had surveillance at his house and his school for a few weeks.

Morgan, I didn't authorize this.

I know you didn't, Hotch, but listen to me.

I think Doyle may have found Declan, too.

All right, I'm coming back.

You want me to wait?

Morgan, it could be a trap.

You make sure you have eyes on Doyle.

And if it is him?

Then you take the sh*t.

Morgan: You got any movement?


No movement detected.

JJ: That's all Hotch said?

Take the sh*t?

Yeah, but he's pissed.

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, Spence.

I can't find him.

What do you mean, you can't find him?

The headmistress said Declan got sick and went home.

Ok, uh, call for backup and get to the house.

We're already here.

You see the agents?

Their car's out front.

The lights are off.

I'll call you back.


[Off-the-hook beeping]

[Off-the-hook beeping]


[Turns phone off]

I'll check the back.

You take the hallway.

Must be the nanny.

3 bodies and no kid.

Doyle's got him.


The squad car that went by got Doyle's attention.

You see that?

I've got movement.

He's in there.

Morgan, voice-over: We had to move quickly.

Agent Hotchner said if we have the sh*t...


Take it.

He's going to the roof.

JJ, cover the back stairs.

Spence. What do you mean, he's gone?

I've got the sh*t, Agent.

Don't take the sh*t!

Don't sh**t! I got him!

Want to k*ll me yourself, Agent?

Why didn't you let him take the sh*t, Agent?

Because a b*llet to Ian Doyle's brain would have ended his life too easily?

You wanted him to suffer.

He deserved the same b*ating he gave Prentiss, but I did not unleash that on him, Senator.

No, you didn't.

Instead, your actions put an innocent child's life on the line.

[Declan coughing]

Rossi: Have you ever been in the field?

I have.

But I'm not the one on trial, Agent.

Then maybe you can imagine what it was like for Agent Morgan to find Emily Prentiss dying...

At the hands of Ian Doyle.

Now ask yourself...

Was it wrong for him to want to take that man out?

Forgotten where I've been, Agent?

Places far worse than this.

Doyle, where's Declan?

Don't play dumb.

You found him a month before I did.

He's living in that lovely little house our friend set up for him.

I should have found him sooner.

Finally remembered she likes cul-de-sacs.

Where is Declan right now?

You expect me to believe you had nothing to do with his abduction?

And you expect me to believe this isn't part of the strategy?

You tell me my son is missing when I know he was safe a few hours ago?

You'll have to get more creative.

Listen to me, you son of a bitch.

I am not playing games with you.

If you care about anybody other than yourself, you'll give me a list of who would have done this.

Why would anyone take Declan?

You tell me.

No one even knows he exists.

Someone does.

Because when we followed you to that little rat trap, somebody took him from his house.

Somebody else was watching you, Doyle.

Now tell me who.

I don't know.

I don't.

Your son is missing.

So think.

I don't know.

How long has Agent Morgan been looking for Doyle?

The night he k*lled Prentiss in Boston.

He refused to believe Doyle just vanished.

He's been investigating Doyle for 7 months?


Why, are you surprised?

He seems genuine.

Well, of course he does.

He's a master manipulator.

See his carotid?

His heart started racing when Morgan told him about Declan.

The tightness in his forehead, his darting eyes, are signs of real concern.

Well, if he didn't take his son, then who did?

Damn it.

[Cell phone rings]

Rossi, it's me.

I just see one ninja-like guy.

Yeah, he came out of nowhere you sure?

And just clipped the camera.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry, Garcia.

You were busy looking for Doyle.

She didn't see a team on the footage.

This was well-organized.

One could have cut the camera while the other started in here.

So they cut off the power, but no signs of forced entry.

So how do you overpower two armed agents?

A male and a female.

Maybe whoever did this posed as the next shift?

Makes sense. Everything about them seems efficient.

Except they took the time to shove her in the closet.

So it's personal and professional.

Only Declan and the caregiver live here, so whose stuff is this?

40 long.

You still think Doyle's behind this?

He's capable of a lot of things, but being two places at once isn't one of them.

Doyle, I'm gonna ask you one last time...

Who hates you enough to take him?
How long has it been?

6 hours.

You've had your time to find him.

Now let me have mine.

That's not about to happen.

He didn't do it.


What the hell is going on here?



Has Aaron landed?

He's on his way.


Welcome back, sir.

Thank you.

What have you got?

Got a top-10 list of Doyle's enemies.

Anybody recently in the states?

Richard Gerace's been here a few weeks.

He's a low-level g*n-runner who angrily crossed paths with Doyle.

I caught an image of him on the surveillance camera at Declan's house, confirmed it was him through a scar on his neck.

All right. Get me everything you can on Gerace.

Yeah. What I just told you is everything I've got.

Well, that's a good look.

How was the desert?


You seen Jack yet?

No. Jessica took him to Hershey Park for the weekend.

Well, he'll love that beard.

Yeah, we Skyped every day.

He's not a fan.

[Cell phone beeps]

Doyle, do you consider Richard Gerace an enemy?

I don't consider him at all.

Tell me about him.

Gave him a nasty scar in Belfast 20 years ago.

Hasn't been my problem since.

Whose problem was he?

She won't help.

Why not?

Because I k*lled her.

He was referring to Agent Prentiss?

That's correct, sir.

The government spent 17, 400 on her funeral and another 642,000 on medical expenses.

But this is no surprise to you.

Hey. Got your message.

It's time.

Why? Morgan may be able to break Doyle without her.

Declan tried to make a call. She's on the way.

All right.

I'll get Morgan.

I'll tell the others.

You get anywhere with Doyle?

Doyle doesn't think Gerace has the guts to take him on.

But that's definitely Gerace on the tape.

Welcome back.

Thanks. Everybody have a seat.


What's going on?

Everything all right?

7 months ago I made a decision that affected this team.

As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle.

But the doctors were able to stabilize her.

And she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfiltration.

Her identity was strictly need-to-know.

And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel.

She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security.

She's alive?

But we buried her.

As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision.

If anyone has any issues, they should be directed toward me.

Any issues?

Yeah, I got issues.

Oh, my God.

At least you've got her back.

Did we?

I am so sorry.

I really am.

Not a day went by that I didn't want to...

Really, I-- you didn't deserve that.

And I'm so sorry.

There's so much I want to tell you guys, and I will. I promise.

But right now I really need to know what's going on with Declan.

Emily, was there a man living at the house?

Yes. My friend Tom Koehler.

He was raising Declan as his own.

I never saw him where is he?

Go in or out of that house.

He was on assignment overseas.

But he's all right?

Yes. He's on his way back now.

He got a call from Declan, he called me, and when I landed, Hotch told me that you had Doyle in custody.

And because of Tom's line of work, that's why you enrolled Declan in a boarding school.

I made sure that he, Louise, and I were the only ones allowed to take him off campus.

Louise took him home last night because he was sick.

Food poisoning.

Yeah, a few of the kids had it, apparently.

So whoever did this got to him on campus.

They knew they only had one chance.

Current suspect is Richard Gerace.

He's the most recent arrival into the states.

We've been tracking his progress through the city, but we came up empty.

But we know it's him because he has the scar.

That doesn't make sense.

Gerace gave up on Doyle a long time ago.

He said you were the only one who knew Gerace.

Which is why I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the balls to pull this off.

There was no forced entry at the house?

I had two agents working security.

We think Gerace and his partner posed as the next shift, and one of the agents was a woman.

She's the Alpha.

So we're looking for a woman who's getting back at Doyle.

And our suspect list just got a whole lot longer.

Doyle had relations with all of these ladies?



Hey, can you sh**t these into the roundtable room for me?

Anything you say, visitor Prentiss.


So you're actually back.

They've been looking for your replacement, and Rossi called me.

[Laughs] That's great.

How's Will with the long hours again?

Long story.

I haven't seen Ashley.

Oh, well, she transferred to Andi Swann's unit.

Good for her.

So, how, uh, angry is the team?

They're in shock.

Of course.

Thank you.

It is really good to see you.

These women are associates of Doyle's who may have crossed paths with Gerace.

Anyone have a deeper personal connection with Doyle?

Whoever took Declan showed a lot of rage at the nanny.

She had been with Doyle since before Declan was born.

The nanny represents a caregiver, a mother figure.

Who is Declan's mother?

Doyle told me she was dead.



Of course.

Which one is Declan's mom?

Chloe Donaghy. But she had nothing to do with this.

How do you know?

Did you k*ll her, too?

Because she tried to k*ll Declan before he was ever born.


Do you know who I am?


I'm your mum.

She brought tainted cupcakes to the boarding school and just walked right in.

Oh, that is creepy.

We thought Doyle was bad.

Check her out.

Yeah, she ran an international prostitution ring before moving on to chemicals.

Distribution and trafficking, manufacturing, possession, weapons charges?

Went away for 3 years.

That's it?

She hardly seems like the mothering type.

Why would she take Declan?

It isn't love.

Who were her contacts in the states?

Whoever they are, they're as good as dead.

She works her people, sucks 'em dry, and then...

Moves on.

She never wanted Declan.

Why would she take him?

This is about you, Ian.

You just told me you kept her a prisoner for 9 months.



Did Louise help deliver Declan?


That's called revenge, Ian.

Chloe didn't just forget about what you put her through.

She would rather have been dead than to have my baby.

What as I supposed to do?

Chaining her to a bed wasn't the answer.

She received a lot of money for her troubles.

That was t*rture, Ian.

And you don't think she spent years figuring out how to do the same to you?

She took the only thing you love.

What else would she and Gerace have to gain from taking Declan?


That's all she ever cared about.

I need a list of everyone with the kind of money they're looking for, and anyone else who wants to hurt you.

Forgetting the international ties for a minute, what would these unsubs do?

You know, statistically the abduction of a child by its mother, no matter the psychological disposition of said mother, would be one of low risk to a child.

She's got plenty of connections.

She could go underground.

Is there anywhere in the U. S.

Where Chloe and Doyle had a history?

No. But they do have a lot of ties in Europe.

Doyle came up with associates of Chloe's who have healthy bank accounts.

He thinks it's a trade?

For what, weapons? dr*gs?

Does it matter?

Garcia, run these names.

See if any have local connections.

Yeah. What else should I be looking for, you guys?

Secluded properties.

A legitimate business that requires international bank accounts and trade.

It could be mundane.

They survive under the radar.

Morgan: Garcia, start with Irish backgrounds.

This type of feud could go back generations.

Oh. It looks like the Doyles and the McDermotts have a thing.

What kind of thing?

Ian Doyle m*rder*d Jimmy McDermott, but his younger brother Lachlan owns an import company.

Do they ship internationally?

You know it.

He has 3 warehouses, once of which is slated to be demolished.


Inner Harbor, Baltimore.

Let's go.

I trust you called the Baltimore City Police.

No, sir.

Certainly the harbor police.

No, sir.

Why didn't you?

The last I checked, it takes and hour to drive from headquarters to Baltimore.

And I see your phones were working.

He's gone.

Over here!

Doyle said Chloe would clean house.

So what the hell is she doing now?

She's getting out of the country.

Gerace was dead weight.

She thinks she's gonna get more for the kid without him.

[Cell phone rings]


Declan's disappeared.

They had him at the warehouse, but now they're gone.

[Door closes]

Your ex is working with Lachlan McDermott.

How would he leave the country?

I don't know.

He's got endless funds.

You'll never stop him.

He hates you, doesn't he?

More than you do.

Then I think we should give him what he really wants.


You're the one who suggested Ian Doyle be released.

I am.

And you're the only Agent who has not requested reinstatement to the unit.


Was the decision to release Ian Doyle a personal one?

A young boy's life was at stake.

I ran the probability of his survival and it wasn't good.

If you want to punish me for taking a risk, then I encourage you to do that, but do not put the rest of my team on trial for something that I suggested.

Calm down, Agent.

This is calm, and it's doctor.

No, we are not letting him out of here, Reid.

Emily, I will chain myself to him if I have to.

He'll find a way to escape.

No, he won't, and we're running out of time.

If we find McDermott now, we have a chance to save Declan.

The United States government is not in the business of trading captives.

New York City, July 2010, referred to as the spy swap.


That's enough.

You can't just change the rules, sir.

And you just can't break them.

Is Strauss still there?

She is.

We need full support.

Doyle said McDermott's family imported weapons to a private airfield in Maryland.



All right, send me the coordinates.

I fully understand that, ma'am, but I'm telling you, it's only a matter of minutes before they leave the country with him.

But what makes you think they won't take off with Doyle and his son?

We won't let that happen.

You can't guarantee that.

I am certain that without this move, there is a very good chance that little boy is going to die.

The team's already on their way, aren't they?

Yes, ma'am.

Down there.

He looks just like his father.

It makes me sick.

So what are you gonna do with him?

I didn't think you cared.

I don't.

You were supposed to get me Doyle.

What can I say?

The feds b*at me to it.

He'll have to do.

As long as the kid's alive, Doyle will find a way to get to him.

Unless he gets k*lled in custody.


You played Gerace.

You're not gonna play me, too.

I don't know what this is.

Lachlan McDermott and Chloe Donaghy, this is the FBI.

You called the feds?

Why would I do that?

We know you have Declan.

To ensure his safety we would like to trade.

We will give you Ian Doyle and you send us the boy.

This--this was not our deal.

Not, but it just got interesting.

You're not leaving.


Get over there, boy.

Bring Doyle here!

I want him here on his knees!

Hotch, are we really gonna do this?

No one leaves here.

You bastard.

How's it feeling?

It's your bloody time now, isn't it?

Now hand him over.


I remember you.

Sorry, son.

This team took many unprecedented risks.

None were approved.

The DIOG has rules, and you chose to ignore every last one.

That's blatant disrespect to the bureau and to authority of law in general.

What I find interesting is that you are the experts in behavior but find nothing wrong with yours.

May I?

The journey was not traditional, but this team neutralized 4 international criminals and saved the life of a young boy in the process.

You started a w*r with Ian Doyle years ago that this team and the U. S. government had to finish.

The rest of you are dismissed.

Agent Prentiss, we're not done.


I never thought we'd be taking one of these down.

I already tried.

It's screwed in.

You're kidding me.

I got this.


I also have Sergio.

Oh, I knew you would.

I need visitation rights.

He's a love, isn't he?

Yeah, he's takes after his mom.


I know what you've been through.

I understand that you're angry, but I hope that you understand that this is not about you...or me.

This was about saving Emily.

We need to talk.

The committee made it clear they will not support a rogue team.

Agent Prentiss convinced them you were not that.

They will be watching you closely.

So I suggest you play by their rules.

So we're ok?

Suspension is lifted for everyone.

Thank you, ma'am.

There may be more paperwork, considering your...

Situation, but the team is lucky to have you, if you're interested.

May I think about it?

Of course.

I'm in.

I have a stack of cases on my desk.

I'm happy to pass them all off to you.

I'll pick them up in the morning.

Emily, uh...

What did you tell them?

The only people I know who could accomplish that mission just walked out.

They do their jobs with integrity, and most importantly, they honor their oath.

"I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. That I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God."
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