Night Falls (1952)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Night Falls (1952)

Post by bunniefuu »

The film material of this movie
has been preserved... Filmoteca de la UNAM.

This movie was digitalized by
the Laboratory of Film Restoration...

...of Cineteca Nacional, from a
35 mm negative nitrate and acetate film.

"The Night Draws On" belongs to
the Collection of Fundation Televisa A.C.

This version is the result of a joint
conservation project...

...between Cineteca Nacional Mexico and
Fundación Televisa A.C... order to preserve Mexican Cinema.


The events depicted in
this film are fictitious.

Any similarity with actual people
or companies is mere coincidence


Ten for a hundred!

Ten for a hundred!

A hundred for fifteen!

It's 20!


Should we suspend the game?

No. I can go on.

Ladies and gentlemen,
undoubtedly Marcos is the Master.

No one can beat him.
25 victories in 25 matches.

We can say Marcos
is a real wonder of jai alai.

Ten for a hundred!

The audience is uttering just one word,
hear it for yourselves!


Yes, I'm Marcos,
I'm used to success...

...and everyone's used
to seeing me succeed.

It makes sense.
Nobody looks at failures.

Not even enough to get
accustomed to their failures.

This is why we'll never stop
being the winners.

I am amongst the victorious,
the strong.

The weak deserve a regrettable,
inglorious fate.

The weak don't count.

How does it look?

It's serious.
It's surely fractured.

- This is not funny, Marcos.
- What's up with you?

Why did you have to throw that ball
with no regard for your teammates?

He'll probably be out of the game
for a month.

He won't go hungry.

That's what pawnshops are for.
Besides, this is a man's game.

If you don't want to run risks,
you'd better leave.

I'm just giving you a warning,
so I won't have to suspend you.

Suspend me?

Who does the audience
come to see?

Take care, or a ball
might break your skull.

What, with that weakly arm?
No can do!

- We're tired of your boasting!
- I'm the one who's going to break you!

Come on, easy!
Let go, Marcos!

Let me go!

- Enough!
- Relax!

We'll fix this later.

What? You didn't like it?

- It's OK, 'bro.
- Of course it's OK!

You won, of course.

- Bet on the Ace and you'll win.
- The Ace? That show-off Marcos?

- Let this be the last time I see you here.
- But I came with my dad.

I don't want to see you
'round here again.

Take care of your little sister.

What she doesn't lose
playing it on Marcos...

...she'll lose it playing
with Marcos.

Don't make jokes about that.

What? It's ten thousand short.

I want to talk about that.
Come in.

- You're telling me a story?
- Come on, Marcial.


- What's up with you?
- I crossed the line.

Don't bullshit me.

My severance is short by
ten thousand.

Yes, Marcial,
but you must do me a favor.

Consider it paid and
I'll give you that money.

Who do you take me for?
Pay me or I'll make a big fuss.

Don't shout. I played my own hand
and I had bad luck.

And you think I'm your fool, don't you?

You're my friend,
the strongest bet for jai alai.

Thanks for telling me.

- The jai alai safe will pay up...
- Wait...

I'll give you a document.

I don't believe in documents,
especially if you sign them.

Look, it's a receipt for
a confidential deposit.

You know these documents worth a lot.
I'll be totally in your hands.

You have until Saturday,
not one day more.

Thank you, Marcial.
Thanks a lot.

♪ I'm general of La Acordada
From Real Del Mapimí

♪ If you love me


- Who is this?
- It's Miss Rebeca.

It's for you, Miss Rebeca.

I'm not here.

- Mr. Marcos just left, Miss.
- Thank you very much.

If you love me
Like I love you

Remember that I loved you
Like a mad

Biltmore Hotel,
at your service.

Mr. Marcos has not arrived yet.

Tell him to call Miss Rebeca
as soon as he arrives. It's urgent.

Yes, thank you very much.



- You're a champ!
- Thanks for the earnings.

You're welcome.


- Sir, I was told to give you this.
- All right.


Wait here.

- The same as always, right?
- I can't stand jealousy.

I'm not saying anything,
I'm used to sharing you.

But sometimes
it makes me feel bad.

- You're so ungenerous with me.
- Don't be ambitious.

It's better to have
one-fifth of a first rate man...

...than the five-fifths of
a fifth rate man, don't forget it.

It's amazing, Sara!

What a nice surprise!
You look just the same.

Who knows? Three years
means a lot for a woman.

But not for a woman like you.
You're as good looking as ever.

I don't believe you.

I recognize your old style,
always the flatterer.

- When did you get here?
- A little over a week ago.

And you didn't think of looking
for me in all this time?

I confess I was a bit scared.

A week was enough time to learn
about your affairs here in Mexico.

I see you haven't changed.
That's a good symptom.

Forgive me for asking,

I have no other excuse,
except that I still love you.

- She... Lucrecia...
- You even found out her name.

Considering she's a known
warbler it wasn't hard.

As I said, she...

Is she your latest romance?

Why call her like that?
She's just a friend.

Well, I just wished to say hello.

- It seems your friend is waiting.
- She knows how to wait.

Are you free tonight?
We could have fun somewhere.

We could,
but let me choose the place.

To home.

Why not come in my car?
I'll take you.

No, thanks.

I thought you would be

My final shelter

But I was my great failure

Because I trusted in you

Today I faced this fail

That makes me suffer

My heart is now bleeding

While I take refuge in my pain

Because my poor heart

That belonged to you

Ask me to conceal

My crying to you

The poor thing is enduring
And crying

He doesn't find solace

In this loneliness

Which is my last shelter

I see you live well, Sara.

With luxury, too.

The half of the inheritance
I got was no laughing matter.

Let's just say it was...

Your jewelry suggested
a change in fortune.

But I did not formulate
the word "millions".


...none of us
has cause to complain.

I haven't done badly, either,
that is, not quite as well as you.

The last time we met in Manila
I suppose you thought me lost forever.

When you left,
I was ruined.

- Reproof, Sara?
- No.

Mere history.

But you were right...

I was of no help to you.

We both squandered
my personal fortune...

...and my husband
had forgotten his obligations.

- So at last you're a widow.
- For over two years.

Although after you and I separated,
I was no longer in any hurry.

But you still haven't told me
why you came to Mexico.

You want me to say
I came looking for you, don't you?


I came looking for you,
to be at your side again.

Naturally, if there is still space
in your heart for me to anchor.

I thought you'd be
resentful with me.

I've shown you I'm not.

No one could be resentful,
once they know you.

I became an obstacle
in your triumphant career.

And you simply set me aside.

It's your nature,
your personality.

You love success
over all things.

Of course I do.

A man who does not triumph,
doesn't deserve to live.

The world belongs to the victorious,
never to the vanquished.

It's easy for someone who always
had it all to talk like this.

But, it's absurd!

We got together to talk about us...

...and we're wasting time
with distasteful subjects. Sara... always were unique in
my life, you can continue like that.

Now we're both in a comfortable
position, no dependencies.

No one would dare think our
relationship is based on interest.

I'd like to believe that.

You will if I tell you we're going
to Havana together next Sunday... never be apart again.

My contract in Mexico ends on
Saturday and I must leave at once.

Marcos... make me
the happiest woman in the world.

I admire your pluck, Lucrecia.

It's five in the morning and
you keep hope alive that he'll come.

Leave me alone, will you?

Believe it,
Marcos is not good for you.

You won't get very far with him.
Any day he'll get bored...

- ...and go on to something else.
- You're trying to rile me up?

You'll get nowhere like this.
You're wasting your time.

I'm serious, Lucrecia,
I just want to help you.

I know you're infatuated
with Marcos...

...but you'll get over it,
like the others.

The others?

Don't you dare compare me.

Marcos never had
a woman like me, I swear.

And he knows it well.

The others are adventures,
whims, who knows!

Marcos tries to satisfy
his vanity...

But I'm different!

If you say so. You can deceive
yourself all you want.

I do offer you a real future.

You can still accept,
before Marcos destroys you.

With me you'd have everything,
no questions asked.

You don't know me, Marcial.

I'd rather have one-fifth
of a first rate man...

...than a whole fifth rate man.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Go to the car!

- Marcos, please!
- I said go to the car!

I kept her company while she waited
for you, don't get the wrong idea.

I know you, coward.

You want to take her
from me on the sly.

I don't like spineless men,
you know?

You want to take her
from me? Me?

What an idea!

Isn't she worth fighting
for face to face, like a man?


No man could ever
take my place.

Consider yourself warned.

You won't come up?

Marcial insisted on sitting
with me.

- I never meant to make you jealous.
- Save it.

I didn't think anything...

...I would have done
what I did anyway.

And I didn't do it for you or
for anyone, I did it for myself.

I don't like a worm like Marcial
stepping on my shadow.

I'll leave you whenever I want to.

But losing you? Never.

- You're very sure of me.
- Of course, and the day I'm not...

I'll kick you out.

Don't even think it.

I don't know
what you do to me, Marcos.

You're like a drug to me.

I love you.

I seek you
even when you harm me.


I seek you
even when you harm me.

Come in.

Sit down.

- You want some?
- No.

I came to see you because
they always hide you from me.

I don't understand you.

We agreed our relationship
would not be known.

- You shouldn't be looking for me!
- But I haven't heard from you in days!

Weeks go by and you don't
get in touch with me.

I had problems, a thousand
things that won't let me be!

But since we've met... could be nicer,
I don't like to see you mad.

- Don't touch me!
- Rebeca! I don't recognize you.

You never behave like this.

Tell me, what is it?

What gossip have you heard now?

I could say it myself.
That's how unimportant it all is.

They've seen me here and there,
with so and so, in some cabaret.

Of course it's true.
I owe myself to my fans...

- ...and I have obligations.
- You don't have to talk so much!

I came to tell you
we're going to have a child.

Why don't you say anything?

What are you thinking?

I don't know, Rebeca.
It's just that...

I'm surprised.
I didn't expect this.

You don't want it, do you?

Don't be silly.

You know what our child
means to me?

It's mine!

It would make me so happy!


But listen, hear me out,
no v*olence, don't get upset.

This child must not be born.

I expected that!

It couldn't be any other way.

How could I believe in you?

How could I think
that you loved me?

Listen, to me that child means
losing everything:

Status, family, name, everything!
Nothing matters to me now!

My child and me
will both sacrifice ourselves.

If you abandon me, if you don't
fulfill your promise to marry me...

...I'll do something crazy,
you hear?

And no one will be able
to erase if from your conscience...

...not even after your death!

Wait in your room.

This news is in bad taste.
I'm surprised at your audacity.

The honesty of my actions
is my only excuse, Mr. Villarreal.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

I do not authorize this relationship.

There's no use in our
talking any longer.

You're wrong. We must talk
so you will know everything.

I agree with you. Marrying
Rebeca would be a mistake.

So what are you doing here?

Rebeca is in love with me.
She's too young and inexperienced.

I am far from
the best husband for her.

I must honestly confess
I am not in love with her.


I want you to help me find the least
painful solution to this problem.

Mr. Villarreal, Rebeca threatened
to k*ll herself if I abandon her.

She said that?

Unfortunately, it's not an idle threat.
She's capable of doing it.

I know her.

What do you suggest?

Tell her you agree
to our marriage...

...that we will marry
at a certain date.

What you ask is terrible.
A merciful lie...

...the cruelest of lies.

I'm going abroad soon.

Time and distance will do their work.

She'll forget me eventually.

It's very hard for me
to deceive Rebeca.

- Let me think about it.
- There's no time to lose.

If you don't act at once,
it will be too late.

Understand, if I did not
have a conscience...

...I could leave her
with no explanation... never see her again.

However, I feel responsible
for what might happen to her.

At least, I can help prevent
such a tragedy.

I don't know,
I don't know.

The problem is in your hands.
You have the last word.


- I know the difficult spot you're in.
- The most bitter one of my life.

Fortunately Rebeca met
a gentleman like you.

I thank you for your attitude.


There are not enough words
in a case like this, Rebeca.

I believe Marcos
is a blameless man...

...and I have no objection
to your marriage.

Thank you, Daddy!
You're wonderful!

- Ok. But I will set the date.
- As you wish, Father.

Ok, with your permission,
I'll go.

At your service, Mr. Villarreal.
Rebeca, I'll call you later.

- What's up, how you doing?
- Hi.

What the hell is
that guy doing here?

He came to ask for my hand,
he will be your brother-in-law.

Come, I'll explain everything.

It's as if Gabriel had always played
on this court. He's so together.

- You think he's a big deal?
- Look at that.

What a catch, what a touch.

The last time we played in
Barcelona, I beat him square.

- How long ago was that?
- Two years.

Two years? What about now?

Honestly, Marcos.
Better or worse?

I acknowledge he's grown,
he's stronger, more secure...

...his catches are cleaner,
his throw's harder.

You can write in your newspaper
that I, Marcos, the Master, said that.

- What's new, Luis?
- Hi.

It seems the rookie
is in good shape.

- What do you think?
- Well, I see what everyone sees.

A hard nut to crack
for Marcos, isn't it?

If you want opinions on the players,
you can look elsewhere.

One last question. The rumor has it
Saturday will be your last game in Mexico.

The news came from Havana.
A cable arrived at the paper...

...saying you've been hired over there
can you confirm the news?

What can I confirm it?

- When are you leaving?
- Sunday morning.

That's enough for today.

- Shall we take a picture?
- Of course! Take another one.

As well as Gabriel plays,
he'll bite the dust behind you.

Even if he beats you,
you'll lose honorably.

You won't ban Marcos Arizmendi's
wife-to-be from going to tomorrow's match.

And now, the sports news...

Turn that radio off.

Don't. I want to hear
what they say about Marcos.

Amongst the sports events,
what caused sensation... tomorrow's stellar
jai alai match.

The Master of the pitch,
we mean Marcos...

...does not doubt
about his victory.

Today we saw him practice, he seems
healthy, agile, in his best shape.

Gabriel will face the star. Today,
Marcos confirmed for Sports News...

...Saturday's match will be
the last of his season in Mexico.

On Sunday he'll travel to Havana
under a juicy contract.

His absence will leave a great hole
in the Basque sport in Mexico.

Why are you silent?
Did you know about this trip?

Why did you hide it from me?

What's going on?

Maybe Marcos will come
say goodbye before leaving...

...and he'll explain things.

Why "maybe"?

Isn't he committed to you,
to me and to all of us... tell us something
as important as a trip abroad?

Dad... I think it's better
if you tell Rebeca the truth.

I know only one truth.
I love Marcos and I trust him.

My daughter,
you must be brave.

Marcos will not come back to you,
nor will he marry you.

I don't get it. It was a farce?

What was your role in this infamy?

Don't talk like that.
It was all for your own good.

Marcos himself told me
brave and honestly.

He asked me to separate you
from him without causing you any harm.

Without harming me, or hurting me.
Marcos is so generous!

You are still young, Rebeca.

- Sooner or later another man...
- Yes, the standard...

...phrase in these cases!

Thanks for telling me
the truth!

You must thank me for not adding a
single word to what you already know.

- What do you mean?
- Nothing important, I assure you.

- You can relax.
- Rebeca!





Don't be foolish, it's the best
thing that could happen.

- You don't know Marcos.
- Now I know him better than anyone.

But the harm is done
and it's irreparable.

- Irreparable, you hear?
- What do you mean?

Armando, swear my father
will never know!

What is it that he mustn't know?

Marcos and I...

- ...we were more than just sweethearts.
- You did that?

You shameless hussy!

Hit me, it does me good!

I deserve it for being a fool!
An idiot!

You should've thought
about that before.

I'd k*ll that bastard
with my own hands.

Me too. I wouldn't falter
before doing it...

...even if Marcos
is the father of my child.

You should have started there.

Marcos will pay dearly
for all that he's done.

I don't care what you do
as long as you destroy him!

I hate him now
with all my soul!

I assure you Marcos will be
punished for the rest of his life.

It's six thousand.

What about this?

That's what I wanted to talk about.
Meet me in the bar.

Talk? That is not money.
I only know you must pay me.

Don't think
you'll get away from me, ok?

I'm serious, what I'll propose you,
worths more than you think.

We'll see about that!

You drive me crazy


Really crazy

For you I'm crazy


Really crazy

My love for you is


So decent

And beside you

I feel fits

Of madness

Because you drive me crazy


Really crazy

When I kiss your mouth

Your mouth
Oh what a mouth!

I am yours

Do with me what you will

For other men

I am defeat

But for you

I'm all yours

Because you drive me crazy

Because you drive me crazy

Crazy, really crazy

When I kiss your mouth

Your mouth
Oh what a mouth!

I am yours

Do with me what you will

For other men

I am defeat

But for you

I'm all yours

Because you drive me


Marcial has some business
with you.

I don't deal with bastards
like you, or like Marcial.

However, I think this time
you'll have to listen to me.

It's a personal affair.
A family affair.

Since when
do you need ambassadors?

Armando has given me authority
to speak for him about this affair.


Yes, of course.
Ok, I leave you so you can talk freely.

- Good night. See you, Marcial.
- See you.

Ok, stop playing around,
spit it out.

Relax, relax. You're a man of action,
I'm an intellectual.

We complement each other.
Why not become partners?

I don't put together
with a thief!

Harsh words, huh?

However, in spite of your insults,
we'll deal with this my way.

I don't care to listen
to you anymore.


Look, I'm doing you
and Armando a favor.

- Right! I don't believe it's for free.
- No. I'll gain something from it.

Read this, find out.


Armando owes you
ten thousand pesos. So what?


It turns out Armando found out
what happened with Rebeca and you.

Look, you can't scare me.
Besides, let me tell you something...

...anyone who wants to entangle me
will be disappointed!

You're wrong,
where I'm concerned.

- I stopped him to denounce you...
- That doesn't scare me.

I can solve this mess
on my own at any time.

Maybe it's not that easy.

Even if Rebeca's father doesn't
sh**t you when he finds out.

You're in a really big mess.

You'll be accused of ugly things:

r*pe, abuse of a minor, etcetera.

Okay, I think now I understand.

- No, no, no, hey, no.
- What, then?

You don't have to pay a single cent.

I just demand you lose the match.

Leave, Marcial, before
I smash your face!

No, man. Don't be like that.

Your enemy is worthy of you,
you said it to the papers.

No one will guess
you're selling the match.

Well, and...

If I refuse?


I'll give Armando the document
so he can press charges.

You planned out this blackmail
really well.

Again with your ugly words?

Obstacles, Marcos, obstacles.

You can't go back to Havana,
the police will capture you.

Your name and prestige
are at stake...

Let me think about it.

- Impossible, it has to be today.
- What's the rush?

Marcos, I know the law pretty well.

I know how they're enforced
and how can they be broken.

When you don't denounced a crime
as soon as it is known...'s call a cover-up
and when you do it later...

...people will think, like you did,
that it's blackmail.

Ok, I admit you've won.

I'll lose the game.

Give me the paper.


You'll get it right after the game.

It's not mistrust, but
it's good to play it safe.

All right?

All right.

But first, grant me this.

Here's the paper. It will be worth
the 10,000 you stole from me...

...if things go as I hope.

Ten thousand is nothing compared
to the amount I'll help you win.

I think I at least deserve
a percentage, don't I?

Don't try to become
my partner in this business.

Be glad
I'm not putting you in prison.

I'll not be making
millions with this business...

...but I'm not doing this for money,
but to settle the score with Marcos.

No money can pay
for that pleasure.

Ok, at least lend me something
so I can play myself.

You know it's a sure thing.

Lend to you?

You must think I'm mad.

You specialize in playing
with the money of others... can take a risk
in tomorrow's main match...

...knowing that it's a sure deal.

Ok, ok,
I'll take care of it.

Ciao, kid.

Don't be afraid of Marcos,
we've got him by the neck, like this.

You know, eliminate Marcos
and the match is yours.

Just get him to raise the ball.

Cover the court and
ten points later you've made it.

Cross the ball on the 11th.
The rest will be milk and honey.

That's his weak spot...

Marco has the tail between
his legs.

I know, what's wrong with him?


What's wrong with him?

He's a coward.
That's what happens to loudmouths.

What's wrong, Marcos?

With me? Nothing.

- You seem weird, you feel all right?
- Perfectly.

- It's almost time. Come on.
- Yes.

Come on, Gabriel!

- Good luck!
- Hit 'em hard, Gabriel!


Why the hell
did you come here?

You don't have to lose the match,
I paid Marcial off.

Yeah, right.
Where did you get the money?

Rebeca gave it to me.

- Rebeca?
- Yes, Marcos.

I told her I was taking revenge
on you and she opposed it.

She got money from Dad for my debt
I had to tell you before the match.

She doesn't want you to lose.

And Marcial?

He has nothing to say. I paid him.
All this depended on me.

All right. But how do I know
you're telling me the truth?

Here's the receipt.

- Now you'll sell it to me.
- I wish!

Rebeca begged me
to give it to you.

Tear it up, if you wish.


And thank her.

I don't have to thank
Rebeca or anyone else.

Too bad you're not playing this match,
so I'd make you regret your words.

It's all arranged, catch
all of Marcial's stops...

...and always on Marco's
favor, you get it?

I get it, on Marco's favor.

- To the blue ones, anything they offer.
- All right.

- Is everything okay?
- Everything.

Ok, you know, all the money
you can against Marcos.

- All stops for all the reds they want.
- I'll ask for 80 to a 100, 50 stops.

All they want, you idiot.

Get ready, this will be
your toughest match.

- We'll see if you can.
- We'll see if I can.


- A 100 to 90!
- A 100 to 90!

- 80 to 100 reds.
- 100 to 90.

- 100 to 90.
- 80 to 100 reds.

80 to 100.

50, stop.

100 to 90.

100 to 85.


A hundred!
Ninety! A hundred!

Ninety! A hundred!

Ninety! A hundred!

Ok, enough of playing it safe.

I'll place it in a twenty
so you can read it.

I'll continue playing the ball
while you rest, or I'll get cold.

- A hundred to fifty!
- A hundred to fifty!

Forty to hundred!
Forty to hundred!

- A hundred to eighty.
- Forty stops!


- How's it going, Marcial?
- I'm up you forty thousand pesos.

- Forty five to hundred!
- Forty to hundred!

- A hundred!
- Thirty, ok!

A hundred to fifteen!
A hundred to fifteen!

A hundred to fifteen!
A hundred to fifteen!

- What's the matter with that bastard?
- Who knows? He's not to be trusted.

I've lost over sixty
thousand pesos, cover me.

If only I had a blanket. You have over 600
stops! How do you want me to cover you?

Shouting fives for hundreds?
A million pesos wouldn't cover you.

There's no solution to this.

Nobody fails me like this.
Marcos is playing for his life.

That's between you and him.

Exactly. Between him and me.

Fifty to thousand!
Fifty to thousand!

- A hundred to fifteen!
- A hundred to fifteen!

The champion!

For a sum total
of fifty four thousand pesos.

That's it, twenty-seven for me,
twenty-seven for you.

That's right.

I hope you can think up
more of these combinations.

It's good. It's good.
I like it a lot.

Not every day is Easter, Li.

It doesn't matter.
Soon, rich. You, me, rich soon.

I'm general of La Acordada
From Real Del Mapimí

Here comes that broad
to spoil the whole thing.

Tell madam not to wait for me,
I'll have a drink with some friends.

- I'll go get her at six thirty.
- Yes, sir.

Have you seen Miss Lucrecia?

She was here a while ago,
but she just went out.


You thought it would be easy
to betray me, didn't you?

Speak out!

Armando's the one who betrayed you,
he told me not to throw the match.

I'll get payback
from him soon enough.

But right now it's your turn.

You're not funny.

Tell your henchmen to let me go
and fight me like a man.

What did you think?
They'll let me go now?

I didn't bring you here
to fight you.

Whoever comes to meet my justice
leaves his manhood at the door.

- Do what you want!
- I'm not asking for your permission.

Chicote, bring a bottle of tequila.
Marcos wants to drink with me.

See? I'm a true gentleman.

You throw that in my face and
I invite you to swallow it.

You made me lose
a lot of money tonight.

But seeing you here
is the best payment.

You thought you were the master?
The one who never loses?

Life gave you a toy called joy,
fortune and love.

You broke it with your own hands.

Open your mouth.

Open your snout!
Be a man!

- Such is life.
- What life?

That guy's. He thinks he's really
something. A real master...

...drinking up the court in big gulps,
so pretty it seemed...

...but a bottle of tequila
destroyed it, and there he goes.

We're taking him.

What happened to him is he missed a step,
now he's going down into the sewage...

...and as Westinghouse said:
"The rest is silence".

What does that mean?

That you must shut
your mouth, assh*le.

It's always bad to be thrown in
the sewage, you imagine, Chicote?

- Bad waves, bad waves.
- And this guy had so many broads...

...always drinking fine drinks,
living the good life.

Why are you so upset?
What goes up must come down.

Today you're not more than yesterday
and less than tomorrow.

That's true.

Watch out, boys,
keep an open eye!

And you better give me
my fair share!

I get the coat.

That's all.

We must burn this.

- What's the date today?
- The twenty-fourth.

He signed the last check
on the twenty-two.

- So what?
- He has 25 grand in the bank.

- And he hasn't spent that money.
- That would be a shame!

But what will we do?

We'll talk straight to him.
Leave it to me.

Yeah, you'll make him sign,
drunk as he is.

We wake him up and make him
change it himself.

- There's no way to wake this guy up.
- You don't think so? Give me your lighter.

Hey, careful. I think we already
lost this little angel.

No we haven't,
let's go find a doctor.

Who knows what Marcial
will think about all this.

He doesn't have to know. When
he finds out we'll be far and rich.

Bodoques, don't you chicken out now.

- Ok, it's your funeral. Let's go.
- Let's go.

Cheer up, my friend.
You're getting better.

Who are you?

I'm the doctor. Your friends
brought you so I could heal you.

They'll k*ll me! They'll k*ll me!

- They'll k*ll me!
- Calm down.

Half an hour ago I wouldn't
have bet five cents on you.

They're not my friends.

- Toñito, we'll take you home.
- Don't touch me!

I'm Marcos, the Master!
You understand? You know me.

Yes, yes, I know you.
Calm down! Calm down!

What a binge! He was in a coma,
but it will pass now.

- He drank too much, doctor.
- I'm not drunk, these are...

They're Marcial's henchmen,
I tell you!

I'm the Master!
They want to k*ll me!

Calm down, man!

If they wished to k*lled you, they...

Understand me!
I tell you they want to k*ll me!

- Let me go!
- Calm down!

Sorry, doctor,
you must understand.

You should take him away,
he's out of danger now.

Thanks doctor.

Here's some money.

Here's your money.

Goodbye, doctor.


General call.
General call.

General call.

Localize car with plates 19436.
One, nine, four, three, six.

kidnapped in that car.

Stop them wherever
you find them.

Protect Mr. ARIZMENDI.

I repeat, protect Mr. ARIZMENDI.

- Stop, Chicote!
- This is not what the boss ordered.

Shut up or we to finish you off.

- You have money in the bank.
- This is against law.

The boss ordered us to end him.

You're so idiot. He ordered us
to throw him drunk into the gutter.

He doesn't want blood traces.
How will we do that now?

Oh, well, yes, that's true.

Speaking of money...

Yes, I have twenty-five
thousand pesos in the bank.

We're not going to k*ll you. Instead,
you must sign a check for the 25,000.

You'll see how you manage that.
Here's your checkbook...

...and the other stuff you had with you.

- I had about five hundred pesos in cash.
- Travel expenses. Where are we going?

Biltmore Hotel.

Li Chan hasn't arrived yet?

No, sir. It's Saturday,
he must be at the Chinese Casino.

Call him for me,
I must speak to him.

Hello? Chinese Casino.

- Hello?
- Five!

- Five.
- Five.

Mr. Li Chan cannot come to the phone.
He's playing with Mr. Marcial Gomez.

It's ok.

Get me 140423.

It's busy, sir.

He's gone! I'm sure he went
to talk to Marcial.

- We're in trouble!
- Let's go for the money.

There's no time.
We have to fix this.

- Marcial's bullies will k*ll us.
- There's my car. Let's go.

Drive on, I'll tell you where.

- Marcos ARIZMENDI lives here?
- Yes, sir.

Have you seen him?

He was here with some men
a moment ago.

Did you notice
anything suspicious?

No, sir, he asked me to call Mr. Li Chan
at the Chinese Casino...

...but he couldn't get through.
Maybe he went there.

Thank you. Let's go.

There it is.

Yes, those are the plates.
Hurry up, close up their path.

- Come with me.
- Why must I come with you?

- Come with me!
- But...

- Who lives here?
- A friend.

- Who?
- Who cares?

- We'll come with you.
- Just in case.

All right!

Wait for me here.

Ok, but leave the door open
so we can relax.

Any false or suspicious move
and I'll sh**t you dead.


I wasn't expecting you so soon.

It's an hour and a half
before the flight.

- And those men?
- Please, don't ask me anything.

I can't explain it to you.

I need money. Otherwise none
of us will be able to leave.

You gambled again.

You stopped doing it
for a long time.

How much did you lose?

25,000 pesos. I need it
right now, before it's too late.

Our last scene in Manila
is repeated again.

I imagined this would
inevitably happen again.

Just not so soon,
and not so unexpectedly.

I'll explain later, Sara.

I have the money in the bank, I'll
pay you back. It's just a loan.

You don't know how much
you're hurting me, Marcos.

Of course. You saw my jewelry,
a luxurious car, a big house... inheritance of millions.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have
asked me to go to Havana!

Please, Sara.

If I ever told you the truth,
it's right now.

Help me.

This is extraordinary.
The Great Marcos!

The eternal winner,
owner of the world!

Asking like a beggar.

If I told you what moves me,
you'd spare me your sarcasm.

This is life or death, Sara,
you must help me. You can't refuse.

You know that I love you, I'd love
you the same if you had no money.

Give me the money to get out of this
problem and we'll leave at once.

The best proof that I mean it is
that I brought the plane tickets.

Forgive me, Marcos,
for not believing in you.

I thought it was all a farce.

It's natural. You thought
I was still the same man.

- Do you have the money?
- Marcos...

Can't you see it
was all a foolish lie?

I was scared that you wouldn't want me
if you saw I'm almost destitute.

All I can give you is
my great love for you.

You didn't wonder why
there are no servants here?

This house is not mine.

You remember that old diplomat
friend of ours in Manila?

I met her wife traveling
through New York.

She lent me the car,
the house, the jewelry...

To get you I had to surround
myself with all this luxury...

...and forge a legendary million.

So you deceived me, Sara.

An unimportant deceit that is justified
if we thing about our love.

Don't be stupid! Deceiving
Marcos is never justified!

You're crazy when you talk about
what you call "our love"!

Marcos, what's wrong? You never
used that tone on me before.

You need this tone
to know the truth!

Come here!

Look in that mirror!

Have you never seen your face?
Look at those awful, sagging cheeks!

The wrinkles around your eyes!
The aging lips! The cheap hair dye!

You thought I'd give
my love to a ghost?

To a shadow that fades
in my hands like ashes?

- Stop, Marcos!
- Where's the jewelry? Answer me!

No, Marcos, don't do that.
You won't get out of here alive!

Give me the jewels.

Give me the jewels, I said!

Give them to me.

She's dead.

- You sure did it this time.
- What do we do with the jewels?

Bring them, I know
who'll pay a good price.

Let's go!

These people sure
have ugly relationships.

As Westinghouse said:
"The rest is silence".

This is a fine work, admirable.
A perfect copy.


Yes, sir. A perfect copy
of authentic jewels.

I can offer you four hundred
pesos for the lot.

There's no time,
we must do something.

Wait, there's still a recourse.

- You have a phone?
- There.

Biltmore Hotel.

This is Marcos.
Has Li Chan arrived?

Put him through, please.


This is Marcos.

I need you to cash
a check for me.

Yes, it's urgent.

25 thousand pesos.


Ok, I'm on my way.
Thanks a lot, Li Chan.


He's here?

He arrived with three men.
He's up there, in room 511.


What's the matter?

Are these the people
you want us to arrest?

But these are my friends.

We got a report that you had
been kidnapped by thugs.

A doctor who cured you called and
he even gave us the plates of their car.

That's strange,
I don't remember.

Well, we were out partying
last night. But, wait. A doctor?

Didn't you take me to a doctor?

Sure! You were really drunk.
You had a full bottle of tequila.

If we hadn't taken you,
I swear you'd be dead.

As you see,
this has been a mistake.

The thing is we captured two men.

Marcial Gomez and a guy
they call "El Bodoques".

that's a really bad joke.

Marcial and Bodoques
were with us last night.

That's the mistake.

I'll tell the commander to set
them free right know, Mr. Marcos.

I'm glad it was all a false alarm.
Have a good trip, and excuse us.

Thank you.

OK, we've had enough,
haven't we?

as Garibaldi said.

Goodbye, Li Chan.

- Have a happy and uneventful trip.
- Thank you.

I remember
an old saying from my land:

"Don't set your sight too high,
you won't find diamonds in the air".

Now what?

You recognize this object?
Is it yours?

Bodoques had it. He said
you gave it to him for safekeeping.

Of course. I was a bit dizzy.

I couldn't remember. Thank you.

Very well.

The airport says you'll miss
the flight if you don't hurry.

I'll be right there. Have my car
put in the garage and get me a rental.

We'll take you ourselves. You'll be there
in a jiffy. That's what sirens are for.

All right.


Mr. ARIZMENDI hasn't arrived?

- He has a reservation for Havana.
- He's on his way.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- We'll get there on time.
- I hope so.

Patrol Car 25! Patrol Car 25!
Lomas de Chapultepec Section.

Patrol Car 25,
go to Explanada Avenue... house 1200.
Aggravated robbery.

Patrol Car 25.
Attention. Urgent.

Go Ambassador Ramirez's,
Explanada Avenue.

Unknown woman
was found dead.

Ambulance. Ambulance.
Go to Explanada Avenue.

Body of a dead woman.

Can we go faster?

Yes, of course.

You got what you wanted,
didn't you?

I'll see you soon.
We're on the same path...

Thanks for coming
to say goodbye, Marcial.

It's OK. I'm just sorry
you didn't give me time..

- bring mariachis and flowers.
- Don't worry, man!

It's the thought that counts.
Thank you so much, boys.

You have no idea
how much you helped me.

I'll see you, huh?

I'll see you.


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