Fireworks (1954)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Fireworks (1954)

Post by bunniefuu »

"The little town."

"There she lay comfortably,
dreaming in the heat of the day"

"Those were the times, when it
was still summer with not much rain."

"I'm talking about August 8th, 1909."

"A date that no citizen
will forget."

"The day began in the dance-school
of Madame Sperling."

"Allow me to invite you in!
Mesdames! Messieurs!"

More gracefully, my ladies!

Bow, first the men, then the
women. Right foot, on the toes

And on the toes!


And bow!

Wait, Anna! How should bow?
Are you a man or a woman?

I don't exactly know.
You are a man.

Indeed, Madame Sperling.

And right foot!

More charm! More grace, my ladies!

The hour is up. Thank you very much.
Until next time.

Remember! Grace is the most powerful w*apon
a woman has in the battle over men.

Anna, stay!

Madame, I've much to do.
It's my father's 50th Birthday.

We need to practice
The Wiesenelf dance.

At least the beginning. 2 - 3!

What is it then?
I forgot my cornucopia.

Just use something else!
Like the wastebin.

Franzel, you scared me!

That was nothing, but tonight:
4 sparklers!

- 20 light-crackers und 5 rockets.
- Don't let father catch you with them!

Why not? Birthdays have to go
off with a bang!

You'll blow yourself up with a bang.

Piepereit, Help! I need a vase
for the table decorations.

Herr Oberholzer already brought
this one.

Perfect. Can you bring these packages
in the house? Is my father in his office?

Don't go in there!
Is someone with him?

No, but ...
Then I'm going!

Father! Congratulations
And happy birthday.

- My gift will be a nice surprise.
- I also have a surprise.

- Do you know this paper?
- Of course. The Garden Friend.

This newspaper,
which all of my customers read.

And what do they read?

"Us young gardeners are fighting
against the ruining of nature."

Against garden-gnomes,
decorative mushrooms, and kitsch.

Flowers should be in gardens,
not Gypsy figurines!

Signed: R. B. So!
And who is this R. B.?

You don't know?
I'll tell you! Robert Busch!

The so-called garden architect.
You've brought him over before.

- I don't want to see him here again.
- But father we already invited him.

Then uninvited him!

Should I celebrate with someone
who thinks my life's work is kitsch?

- But father, be reasonable!
- I will not be reasonable.

I can't stand this.

- Happy Birthday! What is going on?
- "Long may he live!"

"Long may he live! Three times longer!"

Long! Long! Long!

Robert, you're not finished
with the garland!

- People used to say hello first.
- Hello, Robert. Hurry up!

- All of the relatives come in an hour
- In an hour hang it on the door.

- Robert, I wanted ...
- I know.

I should fill the ugly
Nutcrackers with flowers.

What would he do if I
drop this thing?

- You're being outrageous.
- He's being outrageous.

So small and tasteless. Today
I'm going to buy your old man.

You can't do that.
I can't fight over my heart?

Great, let the gnomes be!

Later we will have a different garden.
I want to show you something!

Ah, that is cute.

The house!
This is what it'll look like.

The garden! Beautiful.

- No gnomes from your father as wedding gifts.
- Wedding? - It's not that far away.

How so?
I can see it all now clearly.

"I'm poor, it's true.
But I manage and save."

"And build a little house for us."

"A few flowers, a tree."

"For a loving couple is
the smallest room."

"Who knows? And later, then
we'll build it bigger."

"Then finally the house
won't be so small."

"Also we'll have children
that we'll care for."

"The first will certainly
be a boy."

"A girl or two
that like to dance in circles."

"They'll enjoy the sunshine
as they play."

"They'll brighten our world,
with pride and joy."

"And bring our lives
meaning and purpose."

"One day we'll receive
a letter in the post."

"Which will say;"

That we've won the international
garden show!

And the gold medal!

"And the fairy tale will come true."

"It ages, but is clearly written
in old diaries."

"The hair whitens with age
like snow."

"It lives a spring, that never ends."

"A long life in love."

"Yes, if that is what will happen
then let it happen to us."

"I promise it."

"I've felt it from our first kiss,
From my head down to my toes."

"That something will happen
which will never end."

"A blossom that doesn't end,
Like valley-lilies in May."

"It's not lucky,
How the snow spreads."

"You'll laugh and cry
and I'll do the same."

"I'll live in you
a long life full of love."

"I like to cook. I cook good.
What a cook cooks today ..."

"But I can only cook with a song."

"The turkey stews half as long."

"La-la-la-li. La-la-la-la.
La-la-la ..."

Kathi, is the cake not ready?
It is, the garnish is done too.

What did I want ...

Ah, glasses!
Don't put too much arak in the cream!

Don't worry, Frau Oberholzer.
Just like the recipe says.

One shot-glass full.

Franzel, do you always have to run
around? What's that! Give it to me.

No, it's my surprise.


Help me! Father said
I have to uninvite Robert.

Where are the spoons? Uninvite, why?

Robert upset him!
You can get him to change his mind!

I've only managed to change
your father's mind once. 20 years ago.


- Uncle Gustav doesn't have a fork.
- What?

You wanted to place the councillor over
there. It's drafty by the window.

I've never noticed a draft.

Aunt Paula said its drafty.
And that he just got rid of his cough.

We'll place Robert there.
He's not coming.

Pity. We have a free seat there.

- Do you now who is sitting here?
- Yes?

Alexander. The family would finally
be all together.

In this house that name is
not to be spoken of. The salt!

Why all the secrecy about
Uncle Alexander?

I'm not going to talk about
your wayward uncle. The salt!

- What is the secret about Uncle Alexander?
- He got outraged once.

Nobody has heard from him since.
He was my favorite.

Franzel, don't run around the halls.
Have you washed your hands?

- Yes.
- Show me!

- Eek, throw that away!
- Throw it out!

Shame on you, young man!

You threw it.

Yes, Kathi!
God bless you!

Yes, Franzel.
God bless you!

Berta, Fritz!
God bless you!

You're already here?
Happy to see us?

- We took the early train.
- She couldn't wait!

We're lucky to have gotten in.
We could have gotten shot outside.

I brought my brother the best
ham I could find!

G'day, Uncle Fritz.
My child, God bless you!

How much they've grown up!
Anna, you're a grown woman.

Excuse me!

- Robert!
- Yeah, I hung it.

- The garland looks lovely.
- I've got to make an impression.

Ah yea, I thought it would be nice,
for you to see me dance.

- But I can't.
- Did something happen?

- My father read your article.
- Should I ask for a no-show?

- So unfair.
- I'm sorry.

- For him to be so calculating on his birthday.
- Tell him you didn't mean it.

But I did! His birthday doesn't make
the garden gnomes any less ugly.

I was so excited.
I was too.

A song for your father?

Anna, come! You have to see this!

Attention! Attention!
The riders are coming!

- Wonderful.
- What?

Over, there! The horse.

He looked at you and then
tipped his hat!

- What your plan for tonight?
- I'll come!

- You'll talk with my father?
- No. With you, by the garden wall.

- I don't have much time.
- I'll whistle, OK?

No, I'm ticklish!

Thank you.

Thank you kindly.

Thank you.

- Iduna, can I help you?
- Don't strain yourself!

- Are you upset?
- No, you're the director.

Directors have to be nice with
their weak performers.

- Because I was helping Jasmine?
- Jasmine, Pepita, Rosita, Dolores.

- You're helping a lot of women.
- That's an old story.

Oh, most of your stories are
so young.

- You think that I'm some kind of Casanova
- Me? You think so.

Iduna, I can't do anything
About the women looking at me.

Sascha, you have nothing to
apologize for.

Papa told me that men of a certain age
act this way.

I'm a man in his best years.

Papa told me, when you're in your
best years, you don't know it.

Why are we making a detour
in this small town?

You'll see why.
Put on the dress you got in Paris!

- The red one?
- Yeah. And the hat with the red feathers.

There they all turned there heads
out of fear!

That's what they're supposed to do,

My lovely daughter-in-law Caroline!

The roast is delicious.
My compliments.

And the decorations. So tasteful.

It isn't enough to simply
have a clean household.

When my husband was voted into
the city council we had a celebration,

and we had ox tongue for dinner.
Everyone was talking about it.

It was a bit tough.
And our knives ...

Gustav, don't talk so much.
Mind your cough!

- More turkey?
- Yes, please.

- I can't pass up such an offer!
- No, you've already had two servings.

He's had three. I saw.

My dear birthday-boy!

We're all so excited to be here
to celebrate as a family.

Here in the home where we all
as boys learned to dream.

Like in the past, our childhood
home embraces us with peace and serenity.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I present to you a preview
of our program tomorrow.

First up,
a circus legend.

A woman without fear!

Who could it be?

Berta, the faithful wife
of our dear brother Fritz,

Who supports him without tiring.

And his praise-worthy appetite,
that all men must commend.

And now, our next attraction!

Our dear brother Gustav, now
an appointed council to the government.

At his side his wife Paula

who has trained him to behave
with merely her gaze.

Gustav, put that down!
Think of your cough!

What is going on out there?

- The circus , Aunt Paula.
- A circus! How unusual!

Anna, close the window!

Dearest Albert, we raise
our glasses to you.

We wish you success
and happiness in the coming year.

...A fascinating experience
with thrills and chills.

Tomorrow evening in the Obolsky Circus.
Tickets on sale now!

The food was magnificent.

Oh how funny, all the chairs here!
Like a theatre.

Is there going to be a show?
Great, we'll digest dinner as we watch.

- What have the children come up with?
- Anna has written something for you.

I didn't know that the children
had artistic proclivities.

- Are you raising a female Beethoven?
- Ach, him and his erotica.


Distinguished guests!

I have the honor of introducing
Anna, who will play a self-paced...

a self-written piece called
'The Meadow Elf.'


How delightful!

"Today, I have wings,
like an elf from the hills."


"Flowers of the meadow.
These are the prettiest I saw."


"Evening and yesterday ..."

Dancing on her toes is
going to give her arthritis!

It must hurt.

"I took the wings and daisies
from the hill and here I am."

Mrs. Oberholzer!




How is it possible?
Alexander, how'd you get here?

- I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.
- Thank you.

- Alexander, finally!
- My dear Caroline.

We made a detour,
aren't you glad?

- Of course.
- We, who else is with you?

I didn't know if
you'd want to meet her...


This is Iduna, my wife.

The pride of my life.

And this is the birthday boy.

I have been so wanting to meet you

and not just you,
but all of the family.

She's beautiful, you old slob!

My brother Fritz.

He can't help it,
he always grabs like a vice.

- My wife!
- These are our children.

- This is my daughter.
- They seem familiar.

- We can use the informal 'du'.
- This Franzel. Come, come!

- Our young son.
- You also look so familiar to me!

- Someone threw a firecracker at us.
- It wasn't me.

Right, the boy I saw
didn't have a beard.

- This is my brother ...
- Gustav!

- He works as a government advisor.
- He's been promoted to councillor.

My brother Wilhelm, a Professor.

- So, I've recently been promoted to director.
- Director?

- What do you mean!
- Director of what?

- You'll have to guess.
- Insurance director?

- No.
- Election director?

What else is there! Much more.
Bank director?

- No!
- I know, Circus director.

Correct. Circus director.
You're astonished, aren't you.

Iduna, let's get out
the birthday gifts!

Did we forget them?
Oh well, no problem.

We're circus performers,
we'll just make them with magic.

Simple illusions are not sinful!

Hocus-pokus! One.


An egg!

What have we here?

Who'd have thought?
A real-life rabbit.

We'll be done after this, here:
the gift for the birthday boy!

- Do you like what you see?
- It's wonderful.

- Please, use the informal 'du'.
- Excuse me, From here on I will.

- A storm's brewing, we should go in.
- But it's not raining.

It's going to, trust me,
I have lived here my whole life.

- Where are you going?
- Robert is at the garden wall.

- You're going to catch a cold!
- But Robert ...

- Stay. I'll go.
- Tell him to pick me up tomorrow morning!

Thank you!

Come here right now, you brute!

Tell me all about your circus, uncle.

- Please, don't call me uncle!
- But you are my uncle.

- Call me Alexander or Sascha!
- Uncle Sascha.

- I used to live up there.
- Ah, so you'd go up the stairs...

No. The steps would creak too loudly.
I'd go in through the window.

Children, come over!
The drinks are prepared, hurry!

By the way,
I really enjoyed your dance.

- You can't possibly mean that.
- I do, you've got talent.

- You could go become a successful dancer.
- Really? I'd love to...

Not so loud! How do you think you
could achieve this goal?

- Are you coming tot he show tomorrow?
- Of course.

Here! A ticket for my little ballerina.

Thanks, uncle Sascha.
I feel so lucky.

- This is Alexander when he was 10
months old. - Oh, very ugly.

- He learned piano here.
- He's quite musical.

Do you also play an instrument?
I play the cello.

- I'm the violinist.
- I love the violin.

What do you say to that?

That crosses the line.

- A nice birthday surprise.
- Excuse me, Albert!

I'm sorry the rain ruined the festivities.

I'd like to invite you all, though,
to the circus tomorrow.

- Thank you.
- We won't be taking your offer.

- Too many pictures of naked women.
- I don't feel like going either.

Then there's no discussion,
we're not going!

And then, a knock. The rope breaks.
The audience screams.

I start falling deeper and deeper...
And then?

Then I woke up!

- Ah, the third brother.
- Yes.

- Iduna, are you having fun?
- Yes.

- I've also seen you're having
a nice time? - Yes.

- Can I get you anything?
- No.

Your brother is spoiling me here.

I feel cozy as a house without wheels,
Where dwarves live.

I feel secure here.
No clattering, no roaring.

Excuse me.

I'm going to go check on them.

- Please, tell us more!
- Yes.

Children, behave yourselves!
What's going on here?

- 2 Cakes are ready!
- So that's why you're all so quiet.

So, gentlemen!

Children, I beg of you!
What will Kathi think of you?

When he was young, he made more
ruckus then you all.

- Now they're drinking all my punch.
- Kathi, what a gypsy!

Those troublemakers...

The ventriloquist said: I can't
talk. My stomach is hoarse!

Oh, my partners.

- Aren't they lovely?
- A small refreshment.

So small? Thank you, Fred.

So attentive, as always.
Thank you very much.

If I'd drink this whole glass,
I'd end up singing on the table.

- Or under it.
- Please, drink it!

You all have to drink with me.
Just a sip.

Thank you.


Poor Gustav!

You made him cough.

Hmph ... May I ask
just who you are?

You have a strange accent.

I was born between
Bucharest and Paris.

- So? Where exactly?
- I don't know exactly.

- It's listed on your passport.
- Not on mine.

I was born on an overnight train.

Our men have been eating
your stories up.

They're all so charming.
Especially him.

He reminds me of a man
with whom I was once in love.

- Madame!
- You have something so unforgettable..

a certain sadness in your face.
Like my father.

You mention your father...

What kind of family do you
come from?

I come from royalty!

So your father was ...
A clown.

A clown is not a king!

On the contrary, Madame. My father
was a king, a king of the circus.

The whole world laughed and
cried because of my father.

He was famous. There are paintings
and statues made after him.

Even a song was written
about him.

You must know the song? No?

He was a great clown.

My Papa. We'd always stand
on the bleachers to watch him work.

"Papa, like an arrow,
darts from the cable."

"Eh la hopp, eh la hopp, eh la hopp!"

"He'd do the splits,
his legs so far apart'."

"Spring into the air and stand
up on his hands. Eh la hopp."

"He'd laugh: Haha!
And go: Hoho!"

"Gently say: Haha!
And call: Eh la hopp!"

"Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!
Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!"

"He'd walk the tight rope, high
in the air. Eh la hopp, eh la hopp!"

"He'd do it 12 times
without any effort."

"He laughed and never
knew fear."

"Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!
Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!"

"Oh, my father was
a wonderful clown."

"Oh, my father was
a great artist."

"High on the rope.
He was a sight to behold."

"Oh, my father was a handsome man."

"Aye, how he laughed, his mouth,
it'd open so wide."

"And his eyes were like
beams of diamonds."

"Oh, my father
was a wonderful clown."

"Oh, my father
was a great artist."

"High on the rope.
He was a sight to behold."

"Oh, my father was a handsome man."

"He'd juggle 6 balls up in the air.
Eh la hopp, eh la hopp!"

"He'd watch her dance
in fiery light."

"And beamed happiness
all over her face."

"He'd laugh: Haha! Haha!
And go: Hoho! Hoho!"

"Gently say: Haha!
And call: Eh la hopp!"

"He'd juggle 6 balls in the air"

"While up in the dizzying heights."

"Father was the climax
of the whole soiree."

"Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!
Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!"

"Oh, my father
was a wonderful clown."

"Oh, my father!
He was a great artist."

"Father, my sweet father."

"High on the rope.
He was a sight to behold."

"a handsome man!"

"Oh, my father was a handsome man."

"Aye, how he laughed, his mouth,
it'd open so wide."

"And his eyes were like
beams of diamonds."

"Oh, my father was
a wonderful clown."

"Oh, my father was a handsome man."

"A handsome man."
"A handsome man."

"Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!
Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp! Eh la hopp!"


- Wilhelm!
- Gustav!

Ah! You're crazy!

Anna! The hat!
You took my hat.

- Oh, excuse me Madame.
- My goodness, what's with you?

Sorry, Madame.

- Anna!
- Robert! I forgot!

So? Don't forget
that I'm still alive!

- I don't have any time.
- Is the birthday still going on?

No it is, but I have to
go get ready for the circus.

- You're going to the circus?
- Yes.

- No.
- I am. He invited me.

- He who?
- Sascha sent me a ticket.

- Who is Sascha?
- My uncle. You haven't met him yet.

- But I did! Yesterday, on his horse.
- The one with the top hat.

- Yeah.
- Why didn't you tell me about him?

Uncle Sascha is the sweetest uncle
in the world. Yesterday I danced for him.

- And do you know what he said?
- No, but I'm curious to hear.

- You're terrible.
- You don't care about me anymore.

You only care about dancing and the circus,
but I'm terrible. Typical.

Just listen. Finally there is someone
in my life with some courage!

He said, 'your dancing could
take you places.'

- Your flea-circus director.
- Flea-circus? It's not a flea-circus.

He's filling your ears with them.

Ah, 7:30. In a half an hour
it will be 8:00.

Then she'll enter the
circus, with her large eyes,

- expecting us.
- And we won't be there.

- Why don't we just go?
- And our wives?

- If only we had an excuse.
- Wait!

We used to go bowling.
Why shouldn't we do that today?

'Eureka!' as that old Greek said!
Let's go bowling!

- Thanks you, Gustav. - A clerk always
can come up with a good excuse.

- Let's go!
- Matadors!

Now another one!

One, two, three.

- Are you coming into the warm?
- Yes, it's cold out.

Come here and have some hot tea!

Gustav, sit here!

No, we've come to bid

- Goodbye.
- Where are you going?

To ... the ...

We've decided we'd like to relive
our youth today.

- Yes.
- And, relive it how?

- We'll go to Mahn.
- They have a nice bowling alley.

You want to go bowling? Alright.

- Is that alright with you?
- For you to have fun bowling?

- Why not?
- Take Albert along with you!

- No that won't work.
- Why not?

It would be unchivalrous for
all us men to leave you here alone.

- I'd rather stay here anyway.
- Right, then have fun!


- Have fun!
- Thanks, thanks.


Gustav, don't overwhelm yourself,
mind your coughing! Kisses!

- Back to our game!
- Mommy, I'm tired.

Of course you are, shall I
come put you to bed?

I can go myself.
Can I have another piece of cake?

Of course.
Thank you.

- G'night, Mama.
- Goodnight, my child.

- G'night, Pappa.
- Goodnight, my boy.

- G'night, Aunts.
- Goodnight, Franzel.

So well-behaved.
That's due to our strict rearing.

- If only you'd raised Anna the same.
- Attention!

- Good evening.
- I'll have Kathi warm up some dinner.

- No thanks, I'm running a bit late.
- Late for what?

- For the circus.
- We're not going.

- But I am. Sascha invited me.
- Sascha?

You won't get anywhere following
that circus animal around!

He's a member of our family!

I don't want anyone to know that someone
in our family is running a circus.

- I like him and I'm going to the circus!
- No you will not.

- Yes so!
- Don't take that tone with me...

That's what you get.
If I'd raised a daughter like that ...

- Good you didn't raise me.
- Brat! Let me deal with her,

and in a year she'll learn
not to talk back.

- That's not a bad idea.
- Father, mother, no please don't!

It wouldn't hurt for you to see
how another mother raises her daughter.

I'm going to go!
But not to Aunt Paula's.

- I'm going to the circus!
- Now I've had enough! Anna!

Unacceptable ! I'm shutting you up in your
room for as long as the circus is in town.


You look nice. Trying to impress
Kristenpalast circus director?

Do you think the Spontini Brothers
will really come?

As certain as I am my brothers
will come.

I had such a great time last night.

Sometimes I wish I were
a housewife.

It must be nice,
to have one at home.

Not really. Did you see
how they were looking at me?

If looks could k*ll.

Yes but the way your niece
looked at you was so charming.

- Anna is so captivated by her uncle.
- Don't say uncle, I hate that word.

I understand. you want her
to look at you so steadfastly.

Don't kid around!

I feel bad for her. Just think what
she could become if she were allowed?

Ah Sascha discovers
another new circus-star.

If she'd work with us for
just a few years ...

- You'd like to take her with us?
- Her family wouldn't allow it.

- Too bad.
- Yes, really.

Poor uncle!

- A young lady would like to talk with
- you. After the show

She says she is your niece.

Oh. Yes, OK. Give me one moment.

- What does she want?
- No idea.

- Really?
- Yes.

- Maybe she just wants to look around.
- Sascha, please!

I like this girl. Keep her in front
of the scenes, don't take her behind them!

- I don't understand what you mean.
- You always know, just too late.

Anna, why are you here
and not watching the show?

- I have to talk to you.
- Not now.

- You're missing a lot.
- I have to say something.

- Herr Mielke from Spontini is there.
- He should talk with my wife.

- Kids, the Spontinis are in there!
- You have to listen to me, Uncle.

- Alfons, take the girl to her seat!
- When can I talk with you?

- After the show, wait for me.
- Number 4 then 3 or 7?

The Spontinis didn't come.
Am I right?

Oh, yeah. But maybe they'll come
tomorrow or the day after.

Maybe next Christmas,
maybe never.

Are the Spontini's
actually interested in us?

Oh, yes. They esteem you
like our God in heaven.

You're unbelievable.

The circus could travel next
year to London!

I doubt that very much!

Excuse me, may I pass by?

- Franzel!
- Anna!

- What are you doing here?
- I'm fast asleep in bed. Just like you.

- Incredible, isn't it?
- I could never try that.

Watch what will happen!

How are you?
I can't let you sit alone.

- Where is your family?
- At home.

- What's the bag here for?
- Robert, please don't ask!

- Argue somewhere else!
- I know what you're planning.

- I'm going to go talk to your parents ...
- Then I'll never talk to you again.

- Do you even think of me anymore?
- Robert, I'll come back.

- You're crazy.
- Be quiet!

Not there.

Dear lady!

- Has she appeared yet?
- Not yet.

She's coming up next:
Iduna and her magic act.

Paula, maybe they're bowling
in a different alley.

There's only one alley.
They're at the circus.

If that's true,
I'm going to let them have it.

- I don't think there is anyone there.
- Then let's go in the theatre!

Freddie, take care.

Look out!

Watch out, the aunts!
Take cover!

- Is there room here?
- Oh, yes.

Thank you.

Berta, you search this side!
Alwine, you over there!

I'll take the middle.

Ladies and Gentlemen!
I have the honor to introduce

Madame Iduna on her stallion Orlando
and her pony Jonny.

Jonny! Jonny!
Where is my little Jonny?

Jonny said he won't come out today.
His feelings are hurt.

-But why? - You forgot to
give him his sugar yesterday.

Oh that's right.
He has every right to be upset.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have to excuse Jonny.

There's nothing that can be done.
He's so sensitive.

"I have a small
and sweet pony."

"who is so sweet and smart,
so says everyone."

"A pony so dark
whose name is Jonny."

"I tell him everything
and he'll always nod back."

"When I'm feeling down,
I'll tell him how I feel."

"He'll lifts my spirits,
and we'll go off together."

"Everyone knows, my pony Jonny."

"Oh yes, my pony laughs
and cries with me."

"His warm snorts,
so softly on my ears."

"And his neighing makes
a tenor's melody."

"In the morning
he tip, tip, taps on my bed."

"And takes a sugarcube."

"He gives me
goodnight kisses"

"Which tickle my nose."

"And when he dreams ..."

"He dreams I take stars from
the pony heavens for him."

"I have the sweetest black pony."

"He is so sweet and smart,
so says everyone."

"A pony so dark
whose name is Jonny."

"I tell him everything
and he'll always nod back."

"When I'm in feeling down,
I'll tell him how I feel."

"He'll lifts my spirits,
and we'll go off together."

"Everyone knows, my pony Jonny."

"Oh yes, my pony laughs
and cries with me."


Paula, look!
Look in the ring!

- The ring doesn't interest me.
- No, look!


That is nothing to laugh about!

There are Wilhelm and Fritz!
What will you say to them?

- Those scoundrels!
- Come!

- May I see your tickets, please?
- No, leave us be.

Madam, please show me your tickets!
We don't have any!

- I'll need you to come with me!
- I don't believe this !

- This is just awful!
- Ruthless brat!

Thank God!


Who's there?

Oh, gentleman!
What did you think!

- We're blown away.
I- t was simply delightful.

- I could never forget this day.
- Oh, how lovely!

Thank you, gentlemen.
That makes me so happy to hear.

Now I don't mean to be rude, but
I must change before my next appearance.

- Ah, of course!
- Thank you so much.

Please wait here,
I'll ask the director.

Hurry, please!

Thank you all so much,
you make me feel so wonderful.

For the rest of my life
I'll treasure your performance.

I won't be able to sleep,
just thinking about you.

Iduna, you're simply breathtaking.
Come here!

Gustav, come home!

My, why do you look like this?

- Away!
- March!

- Madams, you may go back in.
- Thank you, but we've had enough!

Come on!

- Anne, come now!
- I'm not going home.

But there's no future for you here.

Your dancing is not what interests him,
he's after something else.

- Phoo-ey!
- Anna, I'm asking you ...

- Be quiet you two!
- As you like!

- Where are you going?
- To your Sascha.

- No! Robert!
- Quiet, you're driving the lions crazy.

- How's it going?
- Senta needs to eat.

- They've been acting up all day.
- Don't worry, they're just being testy.

You are too. Let's go!

- Are you looking for someone?
- Excuse me?

- I want to speak to the director.
- The director is busy.

- Then I'll wait.
- He won't be free until tomorrow morning.

That's too long.
I need to speak with him now.

- Why are you so perturbed?
- Pardon me,

It's a matter of life and death.
I doubt the director can help you with that.

- He's filling my girlfriend's head with silly
ideas. - She wants to leave town with him.

- Who wants to leave with him?
- Anna.

I'm sorry, this doesn't interest you.
I'm just overwhelmed.

- Can I give you some advice?
- Yes, please.

There is no point in you
talking to the director.

Why not?

My father used to say, don't blame
the water when it carries your coat away.

- What do you mean?
- The current can't stop itself.

- But you can hold onto your coat.
- Thank you.

Na, Senta watch out! Senta!

Hopp! Alle-oop! Hopp, hopp!

Senta! Hopp!

- Do you know where your sister is?
- No, I don't know.

Sit down!

Anna! Anna!

Sascha, already?
I thought you had more to do?

The show is done.
Now I have time for my private life.

- You didn't have any visitors?
- What kind of visitors?

A young man wanted to speak with you.
Did nobody come?

I didn't see anyone.
Is that a... filet mignon?

It's gigantic.

- I've learned it.
- How?

- Senta was up to his shenanigans again.
- No!

I have to have him looked at by a vet.

This tastes adventurous.

Do you not like
this filet mignon at all?

Of course I do.
You're the best cook in the world.

You've told me that once before.

It was in Prague, when you were
working with my father, in Palladium.

Ah, yes. 8 years ago.
The same month when we were married.

You told me, 'I love you almost as
much as I love your filet mignons.'

Yes, of course.

After we ate Papa left us alone.

He went to play chess,
like he did every evening.

Before he went he left us a bottle
of Bordeaux on the table.

Oh, la, la!
I'd almost forgotten about that.

What's going on today?
It's a real party.

Just a small reminder.

A small reminder of the day
when you gave me this.

- What date is written in this ring?
- I haven't forgotten our anniversary.

- The 9th of August.
- And what day is today?

The 9th of August.

Fred, here's another one!

Hey, you! What are you doing here?

Excuse me. I was told to wait here
for director Obolsky.

- Still? He's in his wagon now.
- Well he'd wanted to speak with me.

After the show.
Please, madame.

May we escort you?

- I'm so terribly lucky.
- I know.

Love flows through your stomach.

If a fairy came to grant my wishes,
I don't even know what I'd ask for.

- You really don't?
- No I do, two wish.

- 1. For the Spontinis to finally come.
- And the second?

Why do you look so funny?
I meant that they'd sign the contract.

Your fairy.

- Yes, what is it?
- Director, could you come out a moment?

- I could've guessed it.
- What is it then?

It must be about Senta.

- You'll come back?
- Of course, my love.

I'll say good night.

- Anna! I thought you'd be at home.
- I'm not going back home.

- What's wrong?
- I escaped through the window.

- Don't fool with me!
- What is really going on?

They want me to live with aunt Paula.
You're the only one who understands me.

- You have to take me with!
- Take you with?

I'll work hard, until I can
be a part of the program.

Be reasonable. You imagine this
being so easy. It's not like that.

But I know, Uncle Sascha! I can do it!
If you don't take me with you, then ..

Now, now! First just calm down a bit!
It'll all be OK.

- My husband wasn't here?
- No, Frau Director.

What's wrong with Senta?
Everything's fine. She's sleeping.

- Good night, Josef.
- Good night, Frau Director.

No one should have to experience
that. This I can promise you.

One moment. Who are you looking for?

You know who. If he won't
let her go then I'll ....

Ah, I understand.

- No don't do it!
- What does it matter to you?

- I'm his wife.
- What, you?

Come with me!

Go to sleep now and in the morning when
the sun shines everything will be different.

Ah, uncle Sascha!
You're so good to me.

Now no more whining.
Sleep! Close your eyes!


Are you already sleeping?

"I'll raise your daughter,
give her to me!"

"I am going to go to the circus!"
"I'll raise your daughter!"

"I am going to go to the circus!"

"Enter Anna Oberholzer.
Enter Anna Oberholzer."

Can we wait here, until the first train
departs? The waiting room is closed.

The train station is also closed.
Where do you want to go?

- To Paris.
- Paris! That's not... Wait a second,

Take a seat, madame.
Pretend this wasn't there.

In the morning I can tell everyone how
somebody was traveling to Paris from here!

It's a secret.
You mustn't say anything.

Pity. Nobody ever goes
to Paris from here.

Once a couple were traveling to Vienna
That was back when....

That was a long time ago.
They were on their honeymoon.

- Who said anything about a honeymoon?
- You're both in such a hurry.

- Write us up our tickets!
- You'll see, it'll be quite fast!

Traveler train?

Of course. How stupid of me.
To Paris.

I was there once. Not with my
wife, with the railway administration.

And isn't that a city!

5 train stations!
Each one prettier than the next.

- So, two tickets to Paris.
- Why two?

- One.
- You're not traveling with?


A man shouldn't let his wife
travel alone to Paris.

- She's not my wife.
- You're a bachelor?

Why are you going by yourself
to Paris?

Can I get you anything?
May I offer you a cigarette?

No, well maybe a cigar ...
No. Thank you.

- Have you seen my wife?
- No.

Have you seen my wife?


- Where is my wife? She isn't here.
- That can't be.

My carriage! Hurry!

Excuse me,
has the train already left?


- Have you seen a slender women
anywhere? - No, Herr Director.

Otto with the wheelbarrow: 50.
Fips with the fishing pole: 75.

- Albert, Anna is gone!
- What do you mean gone?

- She ran away.
- Out the window.

If only you hadn't done anything.
You have to go to the police right away!

No, there can't be a scandal.
We're elected officials.

- Our profession.
- That doesn't matter; Anna is gone!

- Is Iduna here?
- No. Anna has disappeared.

- Don't worry about Anna. Where's Iduna?
- So, your wife has blown you off?

You can read a guilty conscience
on her face.

- We're not all innocent white sheep.
- But I am.

So we don't need to worry about Anna?
Everything is fine with her!

She's in my wagon at the circus.

- Aha! So you're the one behind this!
- I am again the black sheep.

A young person must suffocate
in all your fuss and dust.

I understand Anna. Since I've left
here, she hasn't changed!

Look, this is what you are!
Garden gnomes.

No heart, no soul.
Just plaster and dust.

Bravo, Alexander!

- You're going to let him say that?
- Your threats made Anna run away.

- Get your affairs in order!
- Well, then!...


- So! Come! We're leaving!
- Yes indeed!

Me too!

He knew that girl was in his wagon.

- Who have you been gossiping with?
- The pony. He was there.

If that is so, then its no wonder
he lets Iduna ride him.

Look there!

Good morning!
I hope you're all well rested!

- Has my wife come back?
- You haven't found her?

No. I don't know where to look.

New city, everyone exit!

To Paris.
The train is on track 2.

- 2nd Class?
- Yes, please.

We're just going to bring
the name Obolsky ...

That is Iduna!

Yes.. Madame Iduna!

Oh, the Spontini brothers.

- I've recently made your acquaintance.
- You! It was me.

- Thank you.
- Where are you off to?

- I'm ...
- Wait, I know.

- She wanted to pick us up.
- She has!

"North express through
Strasbourg to Paris."

We wanted to surprise you later tonight.

- Was that Alexander's idea or yours?
- No.

- "To Paris, please board!"
- We'd love to ride with you, Iduna!

'In love all life long.'

Turn the music off!

I don't want to hear that song!

- Robert, it's all going to be OK.
- You really don't want to be in the circus?

- And I should just take you at your word?
- You're such a pig-head.

What changed your mind?
Did he throw you out?

No. I had a dream, a dream I'll never
forget. You were in it.

- Thank you.
- You saved me from the lions.

You came through the bars, grabbed
me in your arms and then ...

- Forgive me, I was upset.
- It's OK, I understand.

- Funny that Anna Anna isn't here.
- We'll pick her up.

- Write us!
- To my 60th Birthday you'll come visit!

- But no circus then.
- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

My handkerchief, Gustav!
Is Gustav with you?

- Huh?
- Is Gustav with you?

- No.
- Oh my heavens! Conductor, stop!

- What is with Gustav?
- I don't know, just let them drive!

- Aunt Iduna is traveling to Paris.
- Where do you get that from?

I brought your wife to the train station.

She was at the train station.!
Why didn't she say anything?

- My Robert was very angry with you.
- Your Robert?

I would have never guessed.

- 3 O'clock, the audience is waiting.
- Wait a moment!

- Albert, what are you doing here?
- Anna isn't home.

- She's here.
- She's gotten the craziest notions ..

- She'll go back to you.
- Thank you, Alexander.

You have no idea what we've been
through. We were terribly worried.

- Go and get her.
- Is Anna in there?

- Robert is with her.
- What does he want with her?


Iduna is gone I tell you
She's never coming back. Prost!

Lay off the drinking
that won't make it better.

Listen up, children! I have to go
to Paris. The show is canceled.

Herr Director! The Spontini brothers
have just arrived.

I'm sorry, Mielke.
We're not going to have a show tonight.

But Herr Director! Now we can finally
get to do a tour in England!

- Program without Iduna. No!
- Let's use Fantastika instead.

- The transformation-show.
- We haven't done that for years.

- Director, we can do it.
- We'll help.

Then good, we'll do the transformation-show!

"Circus, circus, acrobat.
Oh, how pretty!"

"Jugglers, trapeze swingers,
hopp, 1-2-3!"

"And the stupid August is there."

"Throwing plates, tearing steel,
like its paper."

"And the man, see him here,
who drinks fire like its beer."

"It isn't art for those who do
it so easily."

- Franzel, are you enjoying this?
- It's fantastic, I've never been to a circus.

It must be hard on Alexander,
how his wife has just left him.

Robert, please tell them that we'd like
to invite Alexander over after the show.

Of course.


- What a wonderful atmosphere.
- It'd be better if Iduna were here.

- Madame Iduna! The Spontinis are there!
- We're saved!


- I have to tell you something important!
- I don't have time, I have to change.

You have to listen to me.

"Here comes the terrifying animal,
but the torero in front has no fear."

"Nor has he any anger."

"Brazen against the figure,
the stupid bull will attack."

"Charging at the red cloth
another failed attempt."

"He charges everywhere."

"But the wildest blood that does him
Good is the blood in this cool Spaniard."

"The beautiful beast plays well
with the heart of man."

"But this is all not an art
for those who can. Ole!"

"Hua, hua, hua the w*r song means
today it will go out to the prairie."

"As is written in the book
by Karl May."

- He was really innocent?
- Yes, you've actually hurt him.

Oh that's so good to hear!

Shouldn't that should excite you,
that he had been so worried?

I'm always the one worrying,
now it's his turn.

Papa said, in a happy marriage
one must tremble.

- But one should be the other.
- He can't help it.

- It was all your jealousy.
- Mine?

You were also suspicious.
You made this mess yourself!

- Frau Director, your entrance!
- I'm coming!


- Iduna.
- Sascha.

Now nothing can go wrong.

"I have the sweetest black pony."

"He is so sweet and smart,
so says everyone."

"A pony so dark
whose name is Jonny."

"I tell him everything
and he'll always nod back."

"When I'm in feeling down,
I'll tell him how I feel."

"He'll lifts my spirits,
and we'll go off together."

"Everyone knows, my pony Jonny."

"Oh yes, my pony laughs
and cries with me."

Herr Director,
Beele is drunk.

Don't worry, I can still do it.
Where is the pony?

Look at that!
You can't work like that!

- Give it here!
- Herr Director, you yourself?

It's too small.

Without a pony the act is ruined.

Stable master,
where is my pony?

Your pony doesn't want to come out.
He's half cut.

- He is quite cut up about it,
- His feelings are hurt.

I forgot to leave a sugarcube
out for him yesterday.

Jonny is so sensitive.
Give him two!

One, two.


Ring the bell.

What is the deal with Freddie?

You're a very rude Pony.
Why are you making those faces?

- I'm sweet. You're making the
faces. - Sascha!

Oh, my poor pony!
I've made you sick.

Can you ever forgive me?

If I give you a big sugarcube?

And if I should give you a kiss.


- There is uncle Gustav.
- What? Gustav?

'Oh, my Papa'.

"High on the rope.
He was a site to behold."

"Oh, my father was a handsome man."

"Aye, how he laughed,
his mouth, it'd open so wide."

"And his eyes were like
beams of diamonds."

"Oh, my father
was a wonderful clown."

"Oh, my father was a handsome man."

"Oh, my Papa!
Oh, my Papa!"
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