02x07 - Max''s Dragon Shirt/Max''s Rabbit Racer/Roger''s Choice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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02x07 - Max''s Dragon Shirt/Max''s Rabbit Racer/Roger''s Choice

Post by bunniefuu »

[Whimsical music]

[Man and woman] ♪ max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

♪ Max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

[Man] ♪ max and ruby.

[Woman] ♪ ruby and her little brother, max. ♪

[Children giggling] ♪ max and ruby. ♪

Two, please.

Thank you, ruby.

Hello, max.

Look, max.

Window seat.

Those overalls are disgusting, max.

That's why we're going to the store

To buy you a pair of brand-new overalls.

Dragon shirt.

We only have $ to buy new overalls.

After that, there will be no money left.

Come on, max.

Dragon shirt.

We're here to buy new overalls, max,

Not a dragon shirt.

I think boys' sportswear is this way,

Through girls' better dresses.

[Gasps] look, max.

This red dress matches my purse perfectly.

I'm going to try it on.


This red dress is too big.

Maybe they have it in a different size.

Wait here, max.

I'll be right back.

They don't have any red dresses in my size.

But look what else I found.


Don't move, max; I'll be right back.

I can't believe my luck!

Look what I found in my size:

The red dress in green.

Stay right there

While I just try this on quickly.

Dragon shirt.

What do you think of this, max?




Where do you think you're going?

Dragon shirt.

No, max, you can't have a dragon shirt.

We came here to buy overalls.

And after that, there will be no money left.

You stay right here, and don't move a muscle.

I'm going to take this dress off

And change into my own clothes.

Okay, max?

I really like this green dress, but it just

Doesn't look as nice as it did on the hanger.

Now, we'll just take this back to the rack where I found it.

And then we'll get you some new overalls.


Where did you go now?

Max, where are you going?


[Gasps] the dress!




Now, which way did he go?

Dragon shirt.

Where did he go?


Dragon shirt.

I was sure he came this way.

He's got to be somewhere here with these dragon shirts.





[Ruby] I know you're here, max.

I just don't know where.

There you are.

Come on.

Let's go get you those overalls.

Max, what have you got on?

Dragon shirt.

No, max.

We're not here to buy a dragon shirt.

We're here to buy overalls.

And when we buy the overalls, we'll have no money left.

Now, we'll just put that shirt back on the hanger.

Let's see.

Where did it come from?

[Chimes ringing]

Good morning, max.

Would you like to taste a sample

Of our munch-a-bunch- a-crunch ice cream?

It's free.

It's so crunchy,

You'll be munching all afternoon.

Here it is.

All right, max.

Off with the dragon shirt.



What are you doing?

Oh, no.

Look at that shirt.

It's disgusting.

It's a dragon shirt.

And it costs $.


Thank you for shopping with us today.

What about your new overalls, max?

No money left.

Yay, mrs. H.

That was amazing.

We'll never be that good.

Oh, sure, you can.

You just need a few more lessons

And someone to cheer you on.

That's why I have these pom-poms

And I'm wearing my old cheerleading outfit

From high school.

Are you ready to start twirling?

[Together] ready!

Okay, girls.

Now twirl to the left.

Twirl to the right.

Yay, ruby!

Yay, louise!


[Puttering softly]


Who can do it?

Ruby and louise can.

Yay, girls!

[Cheerful music]

Now we're going to try a toss.

When I count to three, throw the baton in the air,

Turn around, catch it, and keep twirling.

Do you really think we can do all that?

Oh, sure.




[Music winds down]


[Both groan]

Oh, don't worry,girls.

Tossing and catching is the hardest move to learn.

You must be twirling up a big thirst.

I'll go make some lemonade.

And when I get back, we'll see if you're ready

To go on to the next level.

[Together] okay.


Crank, crank, crank

[Giggles][ragtime music]

Oh, and please keep an eye on baby huffington, will you?

Okay, bye!

[Door shuts]


One, two, three!

[Cheerful music]

[Gasps] oh!


Louise and I

Are practicing baton twirling, max.

Instead of playing with rabbit racer,

Why don't you play with a toy that won't bother us?


Here you go, max.

Ooh, you can play with can't-sit-up slug.



[Sighs] all right, max.

You can play with rabbit racer

But not with this car.




[Together] one...





Max, we're still practicing our baton twirling.

No more cars, all right?



Later, max.

Here you go.

You can play with pinocchio.


No more cars, max.

Look; you can make him dance.





[Cymbal crashes]

You lead this time, louise.

Twirl to the left.

Twirl to the right.








I did it!


Where's your baton?

It's up there.

And it's not coming down.

How did it get on the roof?


Oh, I see.

It's stuck.

What am I going to do now?

I won't be able to finish our lesson

With mrs. Huffington.

We could take turns using mine.

That's not fair to you.

We each need our own.

I'll just watch.

[Toy buzzing]

I'll get it!


I've got it!

[Mrs. Huffington] yaaaaay,


Good catch.

How did you learn so quickly?

I had a little help from max and his...


Do you see him, louise?

No, but I thought I heard him.

Roger always comes this way

When he goes to help in mr. Piazza's store.

Do you think he'll stop and play with us?

I don't know.

He's nearly /.

A whole half-year older than we are.

[Max] vroom, vroom!

[Both] whoa!

Oh! Watch out.

[Ruby] max.

What are you doing?


Vroom, vroom.

We can't play car with you now, max.

We're going to play with roger piazza.

And he won't want to play

With your little rabbit racer car.

He's too big for that.

You can play car by yourself.

I just thought of something, ruby.

What are we going to ask roger to play?

I don't know.

[Birds chirping]

We should find a game.


Vroom, vroom!

Do you think roger would like

To play jacks?

Everybody likes to play jacks.

That's what I was thinking.

It's fun.

You bounce the ball

And see how many jacks you can pick up

Before you catch the ball.

That was great, ruby.





Roger won't want to play

With your mini mighty motorcar, max.

He's a big kid.

He's nearly /.

We're going to play jacks with roger.

Ruby, what if roger doesn't like to play jacks anymore?


Maybe we should have some other games ready,

Just in case.

That's what I was thinking.

[Together] but what?

I know; what about hopscotch?

[Gasps] of course.

Roger would love to play hopscotch.


Vroom, vroom!

Do you think roger will like our hopscotch squares?

Of course.

Look at all the colors we used.

We should practice before roger gets here

So we'll be as good as he is.

Okay, ruby.

Good throw.

Good work.

Now you just have to pick up your stone.

[Max] vroom!





Roger won't want to play with your roaring roadster car.

Roger's too big for that.

I wonder if roger's too big for hopscotch too.

That's what I was wondering.

We should have something else ready.

[Together] just in case.

[Louise] this is the best idea yet, ruby.

I think so too, louise.

Who could resist a game of croquet?

I know I can't.

Oh, louise, that was so close.

Let me try.

[Basketball bouncing]

That sounds like...

[Together] roger!

Hi, roger.

Hi, roger.

Are you going to help your father in the store?


Do you have time to stop and play for a while?




Vroom, vroom!

We have a few different games for you to choose from.

We can play whatever you like.

Does that sound like fun?


We could play jacks.


Or we could play hopscotch.


[Ruby] or...

We could play croquet?

Nobody can resist a game of croquet.


Have you decided what you want to play, roger?






[Together] croquet!


Then what?





[Toy horn honks]

[Together] huh?

Honk-honk, honk-honk!
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