02x11 - Ruby''s Figure Eight/Ruby''s Surprise Party/Ruby''s Tent

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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02x11 - Ruby''s Figure Eight/Ruby''s Surprise Party/Ruby''s Tent

Post by bunniefuu »

[Whimsical music]

[Man and woman] ♪ max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

♪ Max and ruby.

♪ Ruby and max.

[Man] ♪ max and ruby.

[Woman] ♪ ruby and her little brother, max. ♪

[Children giggling] ♪ max and ruby. ♪

Come on, max.

We're almost at the skating rink.


You can't

Play hockey yet, max.

First you have to learn how to skate.

Louise and I are going to practice our figure skating,

And you're going to practice not falling down.

It's max's first time on skates.

Ruby, look at her.

A figure eight.

Louise, that's what we're going to practice today.

Right, ruby.


[All laughing]

[Together] roger scores.


Wait, max, you can't play hockey yet.

You have to learn to skate first.

And the only way to learn is to practice, practice, practice.


You see, max, you can't skate without your skates.

How's that, tight enough?

Don't forget your helmet.


No, max, let's try skating first.


I think he needs some lessons.

Don't worry, max.

I've got something to help you learn to skate.

This is how I learned.

You just hold on to the chair and push yourself forward.

Try skating to the other side of the rink and back.

That's a good way to start.

Here goes my first try at a figure eight.

Good try, louise.

I can turn to the left, but not to the right.

Well, you're halfway there.

Let me try.

I'm the oppositeof you.

I can turn right, but not left.

So we can each do half.

Together, we can make a figure eight.

But separately, we're just two big zeros.

[Giggle together]

Let's try it again.

You go first this time.

Oh, no, max.

Come on, max.

You can't play hockey yet.

The other boys are bigger and faster,

And they might bump into you.

See whati mean?

You practice skating here, max, away from the game.

Louise and I are going to practice our figure eights.

I almost did a figure eight.


See, you just have to get a good start

And know when to turn the other way.

You try it, ruby.

Okay, here goes.


Freeze, max.

Did you see that, max?

Those boys could have knocked you down.


If you really want to play hockey,

You have to learn to skate first.

Right, roger?


See, max, you have to keep practicing,

Just like louise and I are doing.

There, max.

You start skating all the way back.

That should give me enough time

To practice a couple of figure eights.

Hi, max.

Come on, hon.

Okay, ruby, let's see a whole figure eight.

This time, I'll do it for sure.


Don't worry, max.

I'll get you.


Here I come, max.

Are you all right, max?

Nice figure eight.

Ruby, you did it.

You made a perfect figure eight.

I did?

Did I really make a figure eight?


Max scores!


This is going to be so exciting.

I can't wait

To see louise's face when we shout "surprise."


No, max, not now.

When she walks into the diner

And sees all of her friends there

For a surprise birthday party.


No, max, not yet.

Come on.

We can't be late.

This will be the best surprise birthday party ever.


This is the cake

Grandma and I made for louise's surprise party.

I don't want anyone to touch it until she gets here.

It's grandma's special recipe

For chocolate cake with raspberry fluff icing.

It was my idea

To add the butter cream roses.


No, max, not yet.

We have to get everything ready for the party

And wait until louise gets here.

Then we can have the cake.

Hi, ruby.

Hi, max.

Hi, katie.

Everything in the kitchen is set for the surprise party.

Great, thanks, katie.

I'll just go finish making the fruit punch.

Okay, hon?


Let's see if I remembered everything.

There are place cards

And streamers

And this.

This will look beautiful hanging from the ceiling.

Don't you think, max?



No, max, not now.

You have to wait until louise gets here.

I told louise to meet me here

For an emergency bunny scout meeting.

But really, we're having a surprise party for her birthday.

All the guests are coming early

So we'll be able to surprise louise when she walks in.

Then we'll have the cake.

Do you understand, max?

Good, now, why don't you help me put up the decorations?

Here, you take this end of the streamer

And go to the other side of the room.

Okay, max, I'll tape this end of the streamer on this wall,

And then I'll tape yours up on the other wall.

Ready, max?


Max, the streamer is supposed to go in a straight line,

Not all over the diner.


No, max, not now.

Come on down, max.

I'll ask bunny scout leader to help with the decorations.

Let's find something else for you to do.

I've got it.

Max, you can be our lookout.

Come on.

You stay here and watch for louise.

When you see her coming, run in and tell us.

That will give us time to hide so we can surprise her,

And then we can have the cake.

Okay, max?

That's it, max.

[Whimsical music]


[Ruby] these sandwiches

Look yummy, katie.


Louise is here now?

But--but she's early.

The guests aren't here yet.

We've got to hide, hon,

Or it won't be a surprise.

You're right, katie.

Hide, max.


Oh, bunny scout leader, it's you.


Yes, ruby, and I was surprised,

But I thought the party was for louise.

It is.

I asked max to let us know when louise was coming,

Not you.

I thought I saw max outside the door.

Where did he go?

I think I know.


No, max, not now.

Remember, max, only come in and tell us

When you see louise coming, all right?



Quick, we have to hide.



I think you're early.

Louise isn't here yet.


I'm going to explain it to you one more time.

We're all ready for louise,

And we want this to be a big surprise for her.

All right?

So when you see louise,

What are you going to say?


That's right, max.

That's what you're going to say when you see louise,

But only louise.

Nobody else.

Do you understand what you're going to do?


You've got it, max,

But don't say it until you see louise.

All right?



No, max, not until--

[All] surprise!

Happy birthday.

Thanks, everyone.

I was really surprised.

And so were you, ruby.

I sure was, thanks to max.



Yes, max, now.

[Man over radio] faster and faster went the runaway train.

There was only one hero who could catch it

Before it crashed.

Super bunny!

I brought the tent, ruby.

Now we can practice putting it up

So we can get our bunny scout camping badge.

Thanks, valerie.

I'll help you take it into the yard.

Super bunny!

Look out!whoa!

[Together] whew.


What are you doing?

Super bunny.

Ah, you can listen to super bunny

On the radio inside, max.

Valerie and I have to concentrate

On putting this tent up.

It isn't easy, you know.

There are instructions and everything.

Super bunny.

Thanks, super max.

[Man over radio] a terrible monster was on the loose.

Every bunny in town was in danger.

This was definitely a job for super bunny.

Okay, now we're ready to put the tent together.

Right, bunny scout valerie?

Right, bunny scoutruby.

All we need is the instructions.


Where are the instructions?

I don't know.

Super bunny.

Max, you can't play super bunny here.

We're trying to put this tent up.

It isn't easy, and we have to find the instructions.

I found them.


Max, we're going to start putting up the tent now.

So you really need to play somewhere else.

Okay, max?

Super bunny.

All right, let's get started.

Red alert,

Red alert.

Danger, danger.

Red alert.

Red alert, red alert.

Danger, danger.

Super bunny.

Red alert.

Red alert.

Danger, danger.

Super bunny.

[Ruby] now we have to stick the poles

Through the holes in the top of the tent.

[Valerie] it sure is hard to find the holes under here.

We have to keep trying.

A bunny scout never gives up.

Bunny scout leader is going to be so proud of us

When she sees how well we put the tent up.

Right, bunny scout ruby?

Right, bunny scout valerie.

Oh, no, here comes max's lobster again.

[Valerie] what's that other sound?

Red alert.

Red alert.

Danger, danger.

[Ruby] max.

Red alert.

[Valerie] look, ruby, I found a hole for my tent pole.

Great, now let's try to find mine.

I found mine too.

Red alert, red alert.

Danger, danger.

Red alert.

Red alert.

Danger, danger.

Red alert.

Red alert.

Danger, danger.

Super bunny.

[Ruby] there,

That's the last tent peg on my side.

How are you doing, bunny scout valerie?

I'm nearly done, bunny scout ruby.

Let's look at our beautiful bunny scout tent.

Hmm, that isn't how it looks in the instructions.

Did we miss a step that said we were supposed to blow it up?

No, we followed all the steps.

We put the poles on the inside

And attached the lines to the pegs on the outside.

What about this line here?


We did miss a step.

It says here hold the line at the back

Away from the tent until it's very tight.

Use the mallet to pound the peg into the ground.

All right, let's do it.

One, two, three, pull.

This is harder than I thought.

Oh, no, max, don't come this way.

We worked so hard to put this tent up.


Valerie, you did it.

Our tent is up.

I didn't do it by myself.

I had help from--

Super bunny!
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