Story of Temple Drake, The (1933)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Story of Temple Drake, The (1933)

Post by bunniefuu »

[thunder rumbling]

Before you retire to the jury room
to deliberate upon your verdict,

I must add one thing.

I don't want you all to hold it against
your fellow townsman, Mr. Benbow here,

because he is acting as
counsel for this defendant.

It wasn't that he wanted
to take this case.

He had to,
as he was appointed by the court.

Objection, Your Honor.

I take exception to Your Honor's charge.

It is clearly prejudicial
to the interests of my client.

Furthermore, Your Honor's last statement
is not the fact.

-[gavel banging]
- I had no objection to taking this case.

- On the contrary...

Delete Mr. Benbow's last remarks
from the record.

Well, you fixed it.
We haven't got a chance now.

We never had a chance after that charge.

[judge] You may withdraw
to the jury room, gentlemen.

[man] Come in.

Well, Stephen.

Afternoon, Judge Drake.
You wanted to see me?

Yes, about this report on the Barlow case.

- I've decided against you.
- So?

Yes. Your brief was bad law.

And it was bad morals.

The statutes of this state
have got to be enforced,

no matter what
we may personally think of them.

But it's an obsolete statute, sir.

Totally out of key with our time.

Now, Stephen. You're always
butting your head against a stone wall.

And when will you stop giving
your valuable time

to every lame duck in town?

Every penniless criminal.

-[laughs] Aren't you exaggerating, sir?
- Well, you...

You haven't been around
to see Temple lately.

Oh, I've been pretty busy, and so's she.

I hope my granddaughter
will never be too busy for you.

Thank you, sir.


why don't you marry her?

Another stone wall.

She said "no."

"No"? Why?

Uh, I'm too serious. Unromantic.

Oh, nonsense.

Now, you ask her again.

You know, Stephen,
I'd feel better about Temple,

if I knew that she had someone steady
and reliable like you to take care of her.

She's a good girl, Stephen.

[woman] Do I? Sure enough?

- Just me?
-[man laughs]

-[woman laughing] Men are so funny.
-[man] Come on.

[woman] I said "no."

Of course I like you.

[sighs] Dreadfully.

- But I'm not a wrestler.
-[man] Aw...

[woman] Hey! You're too rough! Let go!

Good night.

- Temple.
- Why, Granddaddy.

What hour of the night is this to come in?

Well, is it late sure enough?
You know, I didn't know.

- Why, it's nearly daylight.
- Oh...

Now, where have you been?

Whom have you been with?

Darling, won't you unhook me?


Who did you say you've been out with?

Why, a boy called Gowan. Toddy Gowan?

Gowan? No, I don't remember meeting him.

Well, he's the nicest boy, Grandad.
Honest, he is.

He's from your own college.

So... Oh, well, that's all right then.

- Good night.
- Good night, my dear.

[man] Man, that drinkin'!

College man, eh?

Yes, sir. State University.

Hey, have a slug?

Why so glum about it?

Oh, he's still sore
because a girl made a sucker of him.

"Stop it. Don't touch me.

You don't know what you're doing."

And just when I was going good.

Who cares if her grandfather is a judge?

[laughs] You ain't the only one.


- Are you referring to Temple Drake?
- Nobody else but.

Well, you can't talk about her.
Not around me.

- Oh, no?
- Aw, sit down.

My, them's pretty!

They needs mending.

Miss Temple is sure hard on her things.

And ain't no wonder,

with nobody except an old grandfather,
can't see past his own specs.

[both laugh]

If he'd done her laundry,
he'd know more about that child.

[woman] I oughta know.

I've seen three generations of them
in my time.

They're a stiff-necked lot, most of them.

Proud and all that.

There's a wild streak in them.

Every now and then
one of them comes along like Temple...

with something bad in them,
something wrong.

Maybe Temple will get over it, but...

There's not one of them that's had it
that didn't end in the gutter.

If I was the old judge,
I'd marry her off quick.


My ball of yarn, please.

Oh, sorry, Aunt Jennie.

You didn't hear a word I said.

That's possible, Auntie.

Well I was talking about Temple Drake.

Yes, I know.

- That's why I didn't listen.

[big band music playing]

That's enough.

Let's go in.


Not till you promise.

- You're drunk.
- Sure I am. [laughs]

- But it isn't the gin.
- Oh, come on, honey. Be nice now.


That's what you always say.

It ain't fair.

Fire a man all up, then poof! Put him out.

Do I do that? Sure enough?

Come on, let's get out of here.
Go somewhere.


[music continues]

Oh, I'm so sorry we're late.
Toddy had a blowout.

Steve, honey, you did come. Oh, I'm glad.

[chuckles] You almost make me believe it.

There you go. You know I'm thrilled.

You bored, darling?

No, there are rumors of a poker game.

Did you promise me a dance,
or was it only a dream?

A dream, but come on.

- Will you check that, Stephen?
- Surely.


Well, good luck, Judge. [laughs]

Oh, if you only knew what a dream.

You can't be arrested for dreaming.


I thought you'd folded up for the night.

I don't fold.

Don't talk in your sleep, honey.


Emptied. Oil drained and greasy.
And runnin' on high.

But I need gas.

- Oh?
- What do you say, sugar?

Uh-uh. You got too rich a mixture now.
[both laugh]


Why'd you do that?

You know you don't like to dance with me.

Oh, I do.

But let's not, huh?

[music stops]

[crowd applauding]

[music resumes]

Well, aren't you going to kiss me?


Why not? Don't you like me anymore?

- Well, I do you, Steve, best of everybody.
- Cut it, Temple.


Honey, will you be honest with me?
Just once?

- Of course.
- Really? Man to man?

Yes, dear.

Marry me.

- No.
- Why not?

- Why do you have to ask that?
- I want to know.

Perhaps I like you too much.

And love me too little?

It isn't you, Steve. It's me.

What do you mean?

Oh, I'm no good.

- Don't be silly.
- I'm not. Let's not talk about it anymore.

- But, Temple -
- I can't explain, it's just me.

It's something inside me.


I've wanted to marry you
ever since I was little...

but I won't.

I can't.

- Hadn't you better tell me about it?
- No.

But I do love you.

Part of me does.

It's like there were two mes.

One of them says, "Yes, yes, quick.
Don't let me get away."

And the other?

I won't tell you.

Of what it wants...

or does,

or what'll happen to it,
I don't know myself.

All I know is I hate it.

Oh, I'm sorry, Steve.

Good night.

- How's about it, chickie?
- Oh, Toddy!

- Take me somewhere.
- Huh?


- I want to get away from here.
- Say...

What you need is a drink.

Yes, a drink. Lots of drinks.

Yay, Drake!

Hey, I know a great spot.
Lee Goodwin's place.

Come on, sugar.

[car radio: big band]

[humming along to radio]

- Who wrote this?
-[man] I don't know, sir.



Toddy, where are you? Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm all right.

On, Toddy.

Say. What's this, stickup?

Where do you think you're going
in such a hurry?

We're going to Lee Goodwin's for a drink.

I'm Temple Drake.
My grandfather is Judge Drake.


Hey, Jack.

Take them up to the house.

I don't want to go up there.

Please, can't we stay here
until he gets a car?

Tell your skirt to lay off of me, Jack.

Go on with him.

You hear? Calling me Jack! [chuckles]

He calls everybody Jack.

My name's Tommy.

Dog, if he ain't better than a circus.

- Come on.
- Tell him we won't go. We'll stay here.

I'd rather take you up to Goodwin's, lady.

That's what Trigger said.

Sure, sure. Anyway, I want a drink.

My grandfather's a judge.
I don't have to do what that man said.

He can't thr*aten me.

Oh, it ain't no need to fret.

Trigger, he's just scary.

Come on.

Remember when that old dog come out
from under the house.

Sniffed Trigger's heels.

Just like any dog.

Darned if he didn't whip out
that little a*t*matic.

Shot that hound dog dead as a doornail.

Just an old dog.

Wouldn't hurt a flea.

I know.

'Cause he was my dog.

Keep your hands off me.

[thunder rumbling]

[men chattering]

Who's in there?

Just the boys.

Come on.

I don't want to go in there.

Aw, there's nothing to be afraid of.

I want to go home.

Well, I want a drink if you don't.

Toddy, please. We can't stay here.

Ain't no need to fret.

Lee will get you back to town, I reckon.

[thunder rumbling]

Did it Spill?


He don't know what happened.

Pap's stone deaf and blind too.

Why the sh**t'?

You've had enough.

What's the matter now?

I thought that was you sh**t'.

It's your own fault, Lee,
for letting scum like him come here.

Why didn't you leave him in the city
where he belongs?

All right, all right.

Get back in there
and make these drunks some coffee.

Dirty, stinkin'...

[thunder rumbling]

I... I'm with Mr. Gowan.

What did you come for?

I didn't want to.

Then why don't you get out?

It's raining, and our car got smashed.


Couldn't your husband take us?

What do you think he is, a chauffeur?

Anyhow, they got to load the truck.

They're hauling to the city tonight.

What'll I do?


Use those.

How about that coffee?


[woman] She come with that drunk.

- Come on in.
- No, no. Leave me alone.

- Let me go.
-[woman] You leave her be.


Keep your hands off of me, you drunk.

[baby crying]

A baby.

Why do you keep it in the wood box?

So the rats won't get it.

Leave it be.

- It's sick.
- I won't hurt it.

Temple won't hurt you, will she?

If anybody tries to hurt you,
you tell Temple.

Her grandfather will tell
the governor's soldiers.

Soldiers? [scoffs]

What are you afraid of?

Think Lee runs after every little -

[thunder rumbling]

I'm taking the light.

Course, if you wanna stay there
in the dark...

[thunder rumbling]


Sit here, kid.

Right in my lap.



Let her alone.

Gentlemen, I've got to protect...

[man laughs]

- Now, come here.
-[Lee] Quit it.

Who's gonna make me?

Who's big enough?

I am.

All right, if it's that bad.

[woman] He don't want nothing
to do with her.

Y'all better get started

if you wanna get that stuff
to town and back before light.

You can take her and that drunk with you.

Yeah, I guess that's best.

You get him out to the truck.

- You come with me.
- Nah.

You're takin' the drunk.

Not her.

Well, if that's the way it is.

Fix her up a place to sleep.

Are you gem' on the truck'?

[thunder rumbling]

Come on.

No! I don't wanna stay here.

I wanna go.

Well, you comin'?

Take off them wet things.

You can use that.

Thank you.

Give me that coat. I need it.

[mumbles indistinctly]

Darn, you fellows.

Why don't y'all quit pestering her.

Always snooping around, ain't you, Tommy?

Ain't no need to fret.

I'll be watching.

You putty-faced little fool.

Now you're satisfied.

You got them all fighting over you.

You nice women.

I know your kind.

You get a kick out of playing with kids.

Burning their gas, eating their food,
spending their money.

And what do you give 'em?

Always got away with it before, ain't you?

And now you're scared.

Because these ain't kids. They're men.

If one of them laid a finger on you,
you'd faint.

Well I ain't letting Lee run after you.

He was mine before you ever come along.

They had him in Leavenworth once.

sh**ting a soldier
over one of them foreign women.

I got him out.

And how do you think I paid?

Sure, you wouldn't do it, would you?

Well you leave him alone, and get
out of here in the morning first thing.


[Temple] on!

What are you doing? Trailing me?



I was just thinking.


Darn it.

Why don't you fellows quit pestering her.

Get out.


I could tell it was Trigger
by the smell of that stuff on his hair.

You can come along with me
down to the barn.

They won't bother you none there.

Come on.

Are they back yet?


Lee's back and going to sleep.

Likely, he'll take you to town
when he wakes up.

I... I'll be out here watching.

[footsteps approaching]


[Temple screams]

- I just seen Trigger and that -
- You seen nothin'.

Where are you goin'?

- Up the road to telephone the sheriff.
- The sheriff?

Tommy's shot.


[horn honks]

- Nice morning.
- Ten.


Want some coffee?

Here you are.

Take it.

Drink it.


And a nickel for the coffee.

- Here's five.
- Thank you.

[engine starts]

Hey! Here's your change!

Fix yourself.

[doorbell rings]

[woman] Miss Reba?

It's Mr. Trigger,
and he's got a girl with him.

[Miss Reba] A girl! Well, open the door.

- I'm comin'.
- Yes'm.

[Miss Reba] Come right in.

Come on.

Come on.

Got a room?

[Miss Reba] Oh sure, honey. Sure.

Pretty nice, ain't it, deary?

Course, it ain't been fixed up yet.

But I'll send for Minnie,
and she'll tidy things.

- How long are you staying, deary?
-[Trigger] We'll let you know.

No, I don't want to.

No, I don't want to stay.

I'm not keepin' ya.

If you wanna go back to that town,

to your grandfather,

go ahead.

No, leave me alone.

I ain't hurt you none.

Spotted you the minute I seen you.

- You holler and you faint but -
- No.

You're crazy about me.


You're gonna stay.

You'll like it here.

[man] Lord's sake!


Where is... Where is...

Who is you?

How did I get here?

You ask me, white man?

Blood, ain't it?


[stammers] Say...

Where is this? What town am I in?

- Dixon, boss.
- Dixon.

That's it, passed out.

- Out cold!
- Huh?

When is the next train out of here?

About 20 minutes, boss.

Say, better get out of here.

Judge Drake informs here
that his granddaughter,

the popular Miss Temple Drake,

has left unexpectedly
to visit relatives in Philadelphia.


Don't believe a word of it.

[cook] If you ask me,
there's something smelly about it.

[man] That why you putting
all them onions on it?

[cook] No. I mean, Temple Drake.

They tell me she ain't been seen
since the night of the dance.

[barber] Probably run off and married
that young fellow from upstate.

Be just like her.

[man] Not to marry him, it wouldn't.

[woman] And what do you think
the judge says?

"Oh, sorry, Mrs. Lanham," he says.

"But I'm afraid she took that dress
with her to Philadelphia."

"Oh," says I without batting an eyelash.

But saying to myself all the time,

"You old hypocrite!

Course she took it with her.

She didn't have nothing else on
when she ran away."


[judge] The defendant will rise.

[bailiff] Rise, please.

Lee Goodwin, how do you plead
to this indictment?

- Guilty or not -
- Not guilty.

Who's your attorney?

Don't want none.

But you have to have a lawyer.

I got no use for him.

Nobody's got nothin' on me.

It's up to them to prove it, ain't it?

Besides, I ain't got no money.

Then the court is required
to appoint counsel for you.

Notify Mr. Stephen Benbow
that I've appointed him in this case.

How am I gonna defend you if you sit there
with your mouth shut tight?

If you want me to save your life,
you'll have to tell me what happened.

I didn't do it.

I wouldn't hurt Tommy.

Not a feeb.

The jury won't know that.

Goodwin, you've got to face it.

Unless you talk to me, I can't save you.


And if I talk to you, nothing can save me.

That's nonsense.

It is, huh?

You see that?

And that.

That was yesterday.

I was standing at the window
trying to get some air.

And it come from the hotel
across the street.

Zing! Right past my ears,

flattened in the wall.

And when it went past, I got the message.

"Shut up, you."

That's what it said.

I ain't taking no chances.

Then you'll probably hang.

You better tell him.

That's right. Make him tell.

Nobody can make me tell nothing.

What you gonna do,
keep your face shut and swing?

I never cared nothin'
for nobody except you.

I ain't gonna let you swing.

{Lee]Shut up.
- I ain't gonna. Trigger or no Trigger,

- I'm gonna tell.
- And get me shot?

- Who's Trigger?
- I don't know.

He's lying to you, Mr. Benbow.

Trigger was there that night with the gal.

Trigger and the gal,
they know who done it. You ask them.

- Shut up, you...
- Where can I find this Trigger?

You try Miss Reba's place
down Emmanuel Street.

- In the city?
- Yes.

Emmanuel Street.

Is, uh, Trigger here?

Trigger? Who wants him?

It's all right. He's expecting me.

Which way did you say?

Um, the second door to your left.

Thank you.


[Trigger] Who is it?


Temple Drake.

What are you doing here?

Are you...

Did he...

They tell me you're a very tough guy.

Well, stand up.

First, I'm gonna beat you to a pulp.

Then I'm gonna take this girl home
to her people.

Wait a minute!

What right have you got
interfering, Stephen?

- This isn't any of your business.
- Get out of my way, Temple.

When I'm through with him,
I'm gonna take you home.

Well what's he got to do with it?
Wait. Listen to me.

He brought you here.
I'm gonna k*ll him for it.

He didn't bring me here.

I came because I wanted to come.

And I stayed because I wanted to be here.


You couldn't. I don't believe you.

Well, it's true.

Oh, Stephen. Go away and leave us alone.

You? Temple Drake? In this place?

- With this -
- Yes.

This what?

Let him finish.


He shan't interfere.

You're just angry
because I preferred him to you.

Well, that's how it is.

And you needn't say I didn't warn you.

Don't pay any attention to him, Trigger.

He's not really a busybody.

He used to be kind of crazy about me.

And he's just a little bit jealous.

Okay, kid.

You heard her, mister.

Anything else we can do for you?


I'm Lee Goodwin's lawyer.

Know anything about that case?

I don't read the papers.

Uh, weak eyes.

You and some woman were at his place
the night Tommy Bassett was shot.

Who said I was?

I know you were.

Someone's been giving you a phony.

We was right here that night.

Right here in this place.

Wasn't we, kid?


So what?

This is a subpoena of the court.

I'm gonna give you both
the chance to say that again...

under oath.

Don't worry about this, baby.

Nothing to it.

Absolutely nothing.

I said they had nothing on us.

I heard you.

And you heard right.

Poor lug.

Busting in here
with that Frank Merriwell stuff.

He don't know yet how near he came.

I'da let him have it, sure,
if you hadn't stepped in when you did.

He's stuck on you, ain't he?

I could tell that.

You came through for me.

Stood up for me
against one of your own kind.

Honest, I never thought you'd do it.

Sometimes I thought
you kinda looked down on me.

And hated me too...

when we wasn't together.

Honest, babe,
that's how I had you figured.

I had you wrong.


When you kissed me,

in front of him...

and him stuck on you.

That subpoena don't mean a thing.

We'll go to the big town
until this case cools off.

Lights, music,

plenty of rocks
on your pretty hands and...


What are you putting your hat on for?

I'm leaving.

You're what?

I don't get you.

You mean you're leaving me?

Hey. It was a rib, huh?

You put on an act for me so I wouldn't
croak the boyfriend, is that it?

Answer me.


Kissing me and double-crossing me,
and I fell for it.

I got gabby and spill my brains, and
you're givin' me the laugh all the time.

No, I wasn't.

And now you're gonna put the finger on me.

Tell all you know
to the hay-shakers back home.

I'm not going back. I'm never going back.

Nobody will ever see me again.

I'll just disappear.

You'll just disappear.

You ain't going nowhere. Sit down.

You can't stop me!

I am going!

Sit down.

I ain't through with you yet.


Even if you are
a dirty little double-crosser,

I still got juice for you, see.

You can't stop me! You can't stop me!

Oh, yes I can, baby.

I got your number, and you know it.

No! No! Keep away from me!


I told you not to.

I told you not to!


-[woman] It was down here.
-[man] I didn't hear anything.

[woman] sh**ting.

I swear it was down here.


I think I heard Mr. Trigger go out a
little while ago with that man that came.

I heard the front door slam.

Aw, come on, Miss Reba.
You're hearing things.

No, I could have sworn I heard sh**ting.

Just as sure as anything in the world,
I heard it.




[Miss Reba] Minnie! Minnie! Where are you?

- I'm coming, Miss Reba.
- Well, come on.

Where to, miss?

How far is it to Dixon?


Uh, about 110 miles.

Can you take me there?

Sure, miss.


[man] Now then, Doctor,

is this the b*llet that you took
out of the body of Tommy Bassett?

[doctor] It is.
The b*llet that caused his death.

[man] And what caliber is it?

[doctor] Thirty-eight.

I now show you Colt .38, marked Exhibit F,

which was taken
from the pocket of the defendant.

I ask you if that b*llet
could have come from that g*n?

It certainly could. It's a .38.

Thank you, Doctor.

Your witness.

No questions.

The people rest, Your Honor.

Proceed, Mr. Benbow.

May it please the Court,

I move that this indictment be dismissed
and the case withdrawn from the jury

on the ground of insufficient evidence.

I submit to the Court

that the people have made out
more than a sufficient case.

We have proved that the defendant had
not only the motive,

but also the means and the opportunity
to commit this crime.

Motion to quash the indictment is denied.

You will proceed
with your defense, Mr. Benbow.

Exception, sir.

Better change your mind, Goodwin.

I can't save him if he won't help himself.

- If you have any influence over him -
- When he's sat there ain't no moving him.

But don't you realize -


Will the Court grant me a short recess
in which to prepare?

The defense has had several weeks
in which to prepare.

Court will recess for 15 minutes.

[audience chattering]

[Judge Drake] What do you mean
by this, sir?

Have you lost your senses?

Subpoenaing my granddaughter

in a case involving
bootleggers, murderers?

How dare you, sir!

You know as well as I do she's never
laid eyes on one of them in all her life.

Is that what she told you?

- Do you dare to imply, sir, that -
- I'm not implying anything, Judge.

I'm only asking if you've spoken
with your granddaughter on this subject.

There's no need for me to speak to her.

- And I resent your impudence.
- Why don't you ask her, sir?

Granddaddy, let me talk to him.

Stephen misunderstands. That's all.

- If you just let me talk to him alone.
- No, there's nothing to discuss.

- It's unheard of, dragging Temple into a -
- Please!

Won't you please leave me alone with him
for just a few minutes?

Perhaps you better had, sir.

Very well.

I will leave you.

You remember this, Stephen.

I'm an old man.

I'm not too old to do
what I am in honor bound to do...

if you persist in dragging
my granddaughter's name into this case.

You understand me?

I understand, sir.

Stephen, you can't call me as a witness.

- I must.
- If you put me on the stand, I'll lie.

I'll swear I was never there.

I'll swear I've never seen those people
in all my life.

And they'll believe me too.
You know they will.

- Just the same, I'll have to call you.
- Why do you have to?

- It's my sworn duty.
- That isn't true.

You don't really care
about your bootlegger client.

You're calling me
because you're angry with me.

You want to hurt me.

I don't wanna hurt you, Temple.

Then leave me out of this.

Don't you see?

Nobody knows what I've done.

Nobody but you.

Oh, Steve.

Give me a chance to live it down.

Don't you see?
If you put me on the witness stand,

it'll all come out, and I'll be disgraced.


Once, you asked me to marry you.


Stephen, please.

If you ever loved me...

you won't.

You can't do this to me. [cries]

I'm sorry, Temple.

It isn't you or me... how we feel.

Or even Goodwin.

It's bigger than that.

It's our duty before God
that we mustn't let them,

no matter how much it hurts us,

execute a man for something he didn't do.

Oh, you lawyer, pleading about your God
and your duty to your client.

You don't know
what you're asking me to do.

You don't realize.

I'm asking all that's good and fine in you
to stand up and take your medicine.

Remember what you told me once
about the evil streak in you?

Well, here's your chance
to destroy it forever.

- No, I can't.
- You can.

- I tell you, I can't.
- You will.

I daren't go on that stand.

Because the man Trigger is dead...

and I k*lled him.

k*lled him?

After you'd gone,
he tried to keep me there.

And I shot him. I had to.

When they question me on the stand,
that'll come out too.

Now you know everything.

If you still think it's your duty...

then call me.

They're waiting for you, Mr. Benbow.

On. All right.


Better put the wife on.

She's our only hope.

I doubt if they'll believe her though.

[judge] You will proceed, Mr. Benbow.

With submission to Your Honor...

gentlemen of the jury...

I will not attempt to outline the defense.

But after you have heard it,

I know that you will find the defendant,
Lee Goodwin, not guilty.

Will Miss Temple Drake take the stand?

This is an outrage.

[audience chattering]

-[gavel banging]
[Judge] Order.

Miss Drake,
your right hand on the Bible, please.

Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth,

the whole truth and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

So help me God.

[Stephen] Your name?

Temple Drake.

[Stephen] Where do you live?

Right here in town.

Your family, the Drakes,
have lived here for generations?


HOW long?

Since before the w*r.

The Civil w*r?


Your father is dead?


He died serving his country
in the World w*r?


You're proud of your family,
aren't you, Temple?

Object, Your Honor.

I don't see the point of all this.

I ask the court to be patient with me.

This witness is of vital importance
to the defense.

Won't Your Honor let me question her
in my own way?

All right.

But it isn't necessary
to establish the character of the witness.

It hasn't been questioned.

And I assume it won't be.

You understand the reason.

Don't you, Miss Drake?

Yes, I guess so.

You are proud of your family, aren't you?


Proud of their courage?

Their... Their willingness
to make sacrifices?

Their... Their love of the truth?

Won't you answer, please?

Yes, I guess so.

I object.

Let's get down to this case.

I'm about to.

Temple, once a Drake...

had taken his oath to God...

had, had sworn on the Bible
to tell the truth...

he'd tell it no matter what happened.

Wouldn't he?

Yes, I guess so.

Even if in doing so

he destroyed himself?

You're a woman.

But you're still a Drake.

You want to act like one, don't you?



Will you tell us...

where you were...

the morning...

May it please the Court...

I withdraw the witness.

[judge] This is most irregular,
Mr. Benbow.

I must say, I find your conduct
of this case to be frivolous,

not to say unwise.

You may step down, Miss Drake.

The court apologizes to you.

As I trust Mr. Benbow will.

For this unwarranted intrusion
on your time.

You may step down.

Call the next witness.


I want to answer.

I want to tell everything.

I was there.

A boy took me.

Toddy Gowan.

Our car got smashed.

And it was raining.

Then he went away and left me.

Nobody would take me home.

I got frightened.

And that woman took me out to the barn.

She said I'd be safe there.

I couldn't sleep.

It was getting light when a man came in.

Trigger, they called him.

He came at me.

Tommy heard us and looked in.

Trigger shot him.

I didn't see Tommy anymore.

[judge] And then?

And then...

And then...

he att*cked me.

Trigger did.

If you saw the m*rder committed,
why didn't you say so before?

If Your Honor, please.

Let her answer.


I didn't go home.

I went to the city with Trigger...

and stayed there...

until this week.

You stayed there?

A prisoner, you mean?

Where is he now?

This man, Trigger.

Where can we find him?


Never find him.

I k*lled him.

[audience chattering]

Be proud of her, Judge.

I am.
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