A Christmas Vintage (2023)

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A Christmas Vintage (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[film reel clicking]


Dust off the decorations


Send out the invitations


We're having a celebration

But you're the one

that I'll be waiting



Never been so excited


All of the lights

are lighted


Time that we're reunited

I have never felt this way


Four, three, two, one

Got me counting

down to Christmas

At the very top of my list

Is you and me

under the mistletoe

Got me crossing off the days

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Till I see your smiling face

Baby, you got me counting

down to Christmas

Baby, you got me counting

down to Christmas

Baby, you got

me counting down

To Christmas

You're too slow.

Not fair, your

legs are longer.

[gentle music]

Sam, Sam.

[dial clicking]

[person screaming]

Hey, Emily, I got you, okay?

How are we gonna

find our way out?

First, this is for you.

Mom gave this to me.

She said I'm always

safe when I wear it.

It's gonna keep you safe, okay?

Now don't let go of my hand

till we're out, got it?

Mom, mom?

[dramatic music]

[gentle music]

[object whirring]

[footsteps walking]

Where are you off to?

Just going on a date.

When am I gonna meet

this new suitor of yours?

New suitor, dad,

it's the 21st century.

He's my boyfriend.

Ah, boyfriend, right, okay.

Well, you guys have been

spending a lot of time together.

I think it's time I

meet this boyfriend.

Yes, you should,

and I want you to.

There's just some things,

it's little complicated.

Ooh, goodness,

I'm gonna be late.

All right, I love you, Dad.

Complicated how?

Nope, no, no, no, no.

Tony, why did we hire

the local preschoolers

to design these labels?

These labels are awful.

I might as well fire the kids

and finger paint these

labels on myself.

You know, it would I help

if you gave me some guidance.


You know how when

you try my Norton,

you get these notes

of black cherry?

Or if I blend the Norton

with the Chambourcin,

it curbs the acidity,

giving it more fruit-forward

taste with a dry finish?

That's what these labels

need to feel like.

I mean, do any of these labels

make you think black cherry?

I mean, come on, this

isn't rocket science.

What do I even pay you for?

I'm the co-owner and

technically I do payroll,

so I pay you.

You're missing the point.

I need you to fully

realize my vision.

Our vision, Parker.

Okay, I get enough

frustration from the staff.

If you can't get this,

then maybe we should,

I don't know, I'll figure

something else out.

I'll put you anywhere

else if you can't do this.

We'll pull even more numbers.

I need to know what

are these charges, well?


Or that cherry.

Every kid deserves

a toy for Christmas,

even if they suck

at finger painting.

Besides, we can use

that as a write-off.

[phone dinging]

Hey, listen, Parker,

it's late, okay?

Let's table this

till tomorrow, huh?

[gentle music]

[paper flapping]

[upbeat music]

[people chattering]

[gentle music]

Hi, my love, I'm here.

Well, I'm glad

you could make it.

Are you kidding me?

You're the highlight of my day.

I wouldn't be anywhere else,

but I did think Parker

would never let me leave.

[Emily] That guy

is so difficult.

Anyway, did you order already?

Oh, just a glass of wine.

[Waiter] Two Nortons.

One Reserve Cellar for the lady.

One Hermannhof

for the gentleman.

Right on time.

[person laughing]

You spoil me.

Are we ready to order?

Can you actually give

us a couple minutes?

Of course.

Uh, with tonight's wine,

might I suggest the steak?

Thank you so much.

You know, it feels naughty

drinking competition's wine.

It does, doesn't it?

[person laughing]

Can I be honest?

I really don't understand

the whole rivalry thing.

I mean, you need diversity

to inspire innovation, right?

I'll toast to that.


- Yeah.

- Yes.

[glass clinking]

You know, it is pretty good.

That is, but I think

I like yours more.

Oh, you admit it.

I don't know know.

[gentle music]

Oh no.


Emily, hon, can you

get under the table?


Please get under the table.

No, not again.

Please, get under

the table, please.

Great, last time.

Yes, thank you.

[person coughing]

Ah, there you are.

I think I figured it out.

We have to approach this

whole thing differently.

Hear me out.

Please, have a seat.

I say we treat this like

a pirate's treasure map.

We have the edges

torn a little bit,

but the color palette has

to match the flavor profile,

you know what I mean?

Oh, thank you.

How do you even

know I was here?

I tracked your phone.


You did what?

It's a company phone.

I have to know where

you're at at all times.

How'd you know I was coming?

And why'd you get the 2020?

Well, that's all they had.

Nonsense, the 2020's

vastly inferior to the 2021.

Where's the waiter?

I want this removed now.

Excuse me.

Parker, brother?

[Parker] Which one's yours?

Everybody likes the 2020

as well as they like

the 2021 and the 2022.

You make good wine, let it rest.

Most people wouldn't know

good wine from grape juice.

What are you drinking?

Just Norton.

[person spluttering]

Wait a minute,

this is a Hermannhof.

Why are you drinking this?

'Cause I just felt

like drinking Hermannhof.

It's quite good actually.

While I question your taste,

guess it's not a bad idea

to know your competition,

even if George is

a total has-been.


May I take your order?

Yes, let's talk

about this right here.

This vintage, the 2020, it's

not as good as the 2021.

Could you please not

serve it here anymore?

Wait, what?

That's not an answer,

look, this is a local place.

I'd hate to think the locals

aren't getting the

best from our winery.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry, be better.

Could I just talk

with a manager?

As I was saying,

Hermannhof's old news,

George is washed up,

and if it weren't for

us buying his grapes,

then he'd probably be out of.

[Emily] That's enough.

How dare you talk about

my father like that?

What, are you spying on us?

Wait, Tony, what

is she doing here?


I am his girlfriend.

Seriously, I am your girlfriend,

and you wanna talk

about this later?

You're dating the princess

of that has-been winery?

Has-been, how dare you?

Tony, I need to speak

with you outside right now.

Apologies, the manager's left.

Forget it, forget

it, forget it.

With this guy.

Get the steak au poivre.

It'll pair better with

that below-average wine.

I'll make it up to you.

Have a good night.

I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry, I'm

sorry, I'm sorry.

[person sighing]

What are you thinking?

This is idiotic, moronic

and simultaneously insane.

Yeah, no, Parker, but I

really care about her, man.

Forget it, you know the deal.

Dump her or you're out.

That contract was stupid.

Why can't I be with

a girl that I like?

Because the girl you

like is the competition

and that jeopardizes our winery.

This is not classified

military intelligence, Parker.

It's just wine making.

Oh, just wine making.

[Tony] And you

know, the only one

who cares about

competition is you.

End it with her or you're out.

Got it.

See you in the morning.

Don't be late.

[Tony] Right.

I seriously do not

know how much more

of your wicked

stepbrother I can take.

Right, yes, I don't

know what to do.

You should not have

to put up with this.

How are you putting

up with this?

He's family.

[gentle music]

And besides, you know how

much the winery means to him.

I know.

And I would never wanna get

in the way of your dreams.

I just, I wish you hadn't

put that stupid clause

in your contract, baby.

I mean, okay, we gotta

strategize on this.

There's gotta be

something we can do.


[Emily sighing]

You're right.

Can you send him

on a extended trip

somewhere very far away?

But then he's just

gonna come back.

I got it.


It is so obvious.

What's obvious?

Okay, what is one

of the only things

that can make someone change?


No, not therapy,

something so much better.

But we're gonna

need help, come on.

[upbeat music]

[plane whirring]

[birds chirping]

[machine beeping]

[people chattering]

[Speaker] This is my bag.

[Speaker 2] That's

definitely my bag.

No, it's not, this is my bag.

This is most

definitely my bag.

I bought it right

before we left.

Well, maybe you

left your bag at home.

This is my bag.

[Speaker 2] Are you kidding?

How many times?

Hi, what seems

to be the problem?

He's trying to take my bag.

Okay, I get it.

There's tons of bags

that look alike.

Is there a possibility

that one of you guys

could be mistaken?

We can just look

at the luggage tag.

The tag must have

gotten ripped off.

Well, we can just open it up

and get this fixed

really quickly.

No, all right, fine.

[footsteps walking]

What about this bag?

This belong to one of you?

I'm so sorry.

This is my suitcase.

Thank you so much.

You guys are welcome.

And I know traveling can be

stressful, so happy holidays.

You too.

[people chattering]

[footsteps walking]

[gentle music]

[zip whirring]

What, 10 missed calls?

[phone ringing]


Sam, I need you to come home.

[Sam] I'm working.

You are always working.

All right, well,

I just happened

to land in St. Louis,

so what's going on?

[upbeat music]

It's like not much has changed.

[car whirring]

[footsteps walking]

[person gasping]


[Sam] Emily.


[person laughing]

Oh, I missed you so much.

Oh, me too, I am

so glad you're home.

Oh, dad went out for a run.

Okay, I'll see you when he

get here, what's going on?

Let me tell you.


Oh, I've missed you.

[door whirring]

It's just so complicated,

and the thing is,

to me, it's really frustrating

because emotionally

I'm ready, you know?

I'm 100% ready to go public

with our relationship,

but we can't.

Because you're

the competition.


Okay, what does this

have to do with me?

Well, I was thinking that

you could distract Parker

or possibly date.

[person laughing]

Date Parker?

You literally just

went on a rant

about that he's such a jerk,

and now you want me to date him.

Yes, I did, I did do that,

but I'm telling you, Tony and I,

we cannot officially

be seen together.

Otherwise, he will lose

his shares in the company,

and that man has

worked so hard, Sam.


And, okay, if you do this,

Parker will be distracted,

number one, and he will also

be dating the competition,

number two, so if both of

them are dating competition,

then it really makes the whole

thing null and void, right?

I mean, it's kind of perfect.

And what makes you think

he's even gonna like me?

Is that a serious question?

Sam, everybody loves you.

I have all the faith in

the world in my sister.

[people laughing]


Oh my god.

Sorry, I didn't

mean to scare you.

Sam, this is my

boyfriend, Tony.


Boyfriend, yeah, just

heard so much about you.

Does Dad know?

No, but I'm, I'm sure

it'll be just fine.

And he definitely

won't fire you.

So Tony, your

stepbrother really needs

to sign off on your dating life?

Yeah, I mean, basically

we have this agreement

that we drew up when we

first went into business.

It lists reasons

for termination,

forfeiting of shares

in the winery.

One of them is putting

the company in jeopardy,

and Parker thinks I'm

doing that by dating Emily.


You don't have to

do anything crazy.

We just need you to, you

know, run interference.

Take him on a date or two.

Yeah, I mean, he's

got a one-track mind,

so we think that a

little bit of romance

will make him less.


petulant, perturbed.

I don't know.

He's actually, he's

pretty much just awful.

Yeah, he's awful, sorry.

Okay, and this is the best

idea you two came up with?

It's great.

So you can't date Emily

until I date Parker.


I wanted to deal

with difficult people,

I would just stick to

my day job, you know?

No, I mean, he's

a good person.

He's just shrewd when

it comes to the winery.

Look, Sam, Tony and I

are, we are so in love.

I mean, really, like, I'm

crazy about this guy, okay?

But the truth is

is that we can't be together

unless Parker changes,

so I am really

needing my big sister.


[Emily whimpering]

No, no, no, that's cheating,

don't make that face.

Do not make that, she

does this all the time.

Okay, okay, fine,

fine, I will try.


Under one condition.

If you do have kids, you have

to name one of them after me.



Deal, you heard that?

Well played.

All right, where do

I find this Parker guy?

[gentle music]

[door banging]

[person typing]

[gentle music]

Excuse me, I was hoping

to speak to the winemaker.

Yes, that's me, but if

you'd like to do a tasting,

you can speak with that

woman by the counter.

I wanna speak with you.


I was wondering

what inspired you

to make your Norton

Chambourcin blend,

the one with and without oak.

I was surprised

at how much I like

the non-oak version better.

You like the Archer's

Red more than the Crossbow?

I thought I would like

the oak version better,

but this one has the

plum and cherry notes,

and then it's also super

sweet with that spicy finish.

I loved it.

Most palates

aren't sharp enough

to discern the difference.

Are you a sommelier?

No, I love wine,

but I'm not an expert.

Well, you're probably

better than most of my staff.

Years of practice.

Really, what's that mean?

I'm Samantha.


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

[wine splashing]

No, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, hey, hey, hey.

You're doing it

wrong, excuse me.

Well, we just

finished the tasting

and they just wanted.

That white won't

be appreciated

for its subtle notes

after tasting the reds.

Guys, we're gonna get you

some water and crackers.

On it.

So that you could really

appreciate our latest vino.

It'll help you

cleanse your palate.

Is this a full-bodied rose?


You don't see a lot

of these in the States.

So Parker, it's Parker, right?


What about that private

tour you promised me?

I don't do tours.

Come on, it says right here

you have a proprietary

cold press process.

I don't even know what that is,

but I'm sure you could

explain it to me.

Yeah, it's simple.

We cool down our harvested

grapes prior to fermentation.

Can you show me?

Okay, follow me.

Oh, you're welcome.

[Parker] So are

you from around here?

[Sam] From everywhere,

flight attendant.

[Parker] Eh, must

be nice to travel.

[Sam] Tasted wines

from all over the world.

Well, the wine here in

Missouri's a little different

from what you'd find in

other places like California.


Our grapes have to be heartier

to deal with the wide

ranges of temperature,

humidity, frost and floods.

Is that why the Norton

wine is here in Missouri?


The Norton grape is less finicky

and produces a nice

full-bodied dry red wine.

We also have a Chardonel,

which is a blend of the

Chardonnay grape with a Seyval.

Is it buttery like Chardonnay?

Fruit forward, but dry.

Some people like it better

than the Chardonnay.

It's got a superior

wine quality to it,

while also having high

productivity and cold-hardiness.

I take it most people don't

see this part of the tour?

I've been wanting

to add it to the tour,

but as you can see,

the climate has to stay

within a certain

temperature for the wine.

[Sam] You got it.

So those over there will

be bottled later this week,

and these over

here will be aging

in stainless on oak

for the next few years.

You said you just

bottled some whites.

Can you show me how

you bottle them?

Aren't you nosy?


Sure you're not a spy?

No, I'm just really interested

in all this stuff, so.

It is pretty interesting, huh?

I love what I do, but

to answer your question,

we use a mobile bottler.

Helps cut overhead costs,

and I don't have to

deal with the equipment.

Smart, we should

be using that.

What's that?

Oh, nothing, nothing.

[gentle music]

So do you want to

try an early tasting?

From the tanks?

That's right.


They haven't fully

matured yet, but

[wine splashing]

[gentle music]

I think it's coming along.

Let me know what you think.


It's good.

There's like pepper notes on

black cherry, no, plum, right?

[person laughing]

Are you sure you're

not a sommelier?

If I was, I'd be

able to tell you

the year of your grapes,

and sadly I can't.

We'll just have to

have you try some more.

[alarm buzzing]

Ah, excuse me.

I have a delivery,

I'll be right back.

[upbeat music]

George, how's it going?

[George] I got four pallets

out in the truck for you.

All right, let

me radio the team.

I'll notify them right away.

Pope is in the Vatican,

boys and girls.

It's gotta eat you

up a little to know

that I win more awards with

your grapes than you do.

Wine is wine, I'm just happy

we can all do what we love.

George, Hermannhof's

been the leader

in Herman for generations.

It's gotta be hard to see

some new kids winning

the C. McWilliams Award

and the Senator's Cup

these past few years.

We lost to this guy?

Well, Parker,

without challenges,

we can't better ourselves.

It's a good philosophy,

if you can apply it.

Hey, I hope you

bring your A game

to this year's

Christmas blender.

Though that may have been your

legacy, soon it'll be mine.

Whatever you say.

See you at the city

council meeting tomorrow.

[George] Yep.

[door whirring]

[Sam] What was that?

That was the legendary

wine maker at Hermannhof.

I used to look up to him.

What happened?

Couldn't keep

up with the times.

Tastes change, people change.

If I win this year's

local blender.


Oh, it's a red blend

holiday competition.

If I win, we will finally become

the most award-winning

winery in Hermann.

You love being

the best, don't you?

I accept nothing less.

Wow, well, would

you look at the time?

This has been educational.

Thank you so much, but

I'm gonna have to go.

Hey, look, I don't really

make new friends easily,

but I really enjoyed

spending time with you.

Would you wanna talk more

about wine at a later date?


How will I find you?

Don't worry, I'll find you.

[upbeat music]

He's pompous, he's conceited.

He just talks about himself,

you should have heard him.

He's on and on and

on, it was nauseating.

Tried to warn you.

I get it.

He's good looking, but

that's probably about it,

and what is this

about us selling our

grapes to Reserve Sellers?

Well, Reserve Sellers

does things differently

than a lot of other wineries.

They outsource parts

of their process

to keep their overhead

down, which is actually

a really great idea

when you think about it

because if you don't have to

focus on growing the grapes

and the bottling, you can

focus on the actual wine.

That's exactly

what Parker likes.

You see his genius.

He's still a jerk.

[Emily] Sometimes those

two things go hand in hand.

I don't know, I don't think

I can soften this guy up.

Well, if anyone can, you can.

Not this one.

He's worse than my

first class passengers.

That is bad.

It's terrible.

[Emily] Dad.

[Dad] Hey.

Hey, dad.


Wow, you're a.


Hi, honey.

Hi, Dad.

We missed you at Thanksgiving.

Yeah, I was stuck in New York.

Ah, yeah.

Well, your sister made

the cranberry sauce

and it was as good

as your mom's.

Can we talk?

Can it wait till tomorrow?

Honey, I've had a day

and then we've got another

one tomorrow with the.


Christmas Blender.


We can talk in the morning.


Welcome home.

[gentle music]

Okay, you girls don't

stay up too late.

Wow, new record,

made it a whole day.

What do you mean?

What do you mean?

Don't play dumb, you know.

It's the same fight

every time I come home.

Well, you could

come home more often.

We would just fight more.

Sam, you guys really

need to work it out.

We're family, we're

supposed to stick together.

You tell him that?

[person laughing]

Do you remember when

I made this for you?

I do, how old were you, five?

[Emily] Yes.

[Sam] It's pretty cute.

[Emily] It's the cutest.

Oh, hey.

Good morning, dad.

I wasn't sure you were

still an early riser.

I'm a flight attendant.

I have to be at the airport

at four in the

morning sometimes.

Is this for me?

Bless you.

Oh, not too shabby.

I missed your coffee.

I think I'm just a

little bit more patient

when it comes to

brewing it than you are.

Oh, is that what it is?

[person laughing]

Dad, why didn't you tell

me about reserve sellers?

What about them?

I don't know, that

they're kicking our butts.

Ah, honey, you can't

stay champs forever.

That boy genius makes good wine.

Besides, I was never

the wine maker.

Your mom was.

At least our Nortons

are still the best, huh?

We can take this guy.

[gentle music]

You gonna come home and help?


No, I didn't think so.

Would it really k*ll you

just to stay a little longer?

What about the

Christmas Blender dad?

I can make a blend that'll

get us back on top.

We have the talent,

we have the grapes.

We just have to think

outside the box.

I don't think so.

Why not?

The Christmas Blend

was your mom's specialty.

And even mom knew that

we had to change the blend

every year depending

on the harvest set.

I don't know how many times

I have to say this to you.

We don't change

the Christmas blend.


We do not change your

mother's Christmas blend.

You got it?


Now, if you really wanna help,

you can help me get these

boxes outta the truck.

Oh, hey Parker, there you are.

I just wanted to remind you

about the Chamber of

Commerce meeting tonight.

Oh, I know, are

you joining me?

Miss a chance to see

you yell at the chamber

for some obtuse reason,

I wouldn't miss it

with the world, bro.

You know our booth place

last year was bogus, right?

Could you care that?

No it wasn't.

Yeah, it was.

No it wasn't.

Yes it was.

No it wasn't.

Yes it was.

[Dad] Well, I see

you didn't forget

how we do things around here.

Dad, remember when Emily and I

used to play down here

when you mom used to work?

I remember, you

girls used to love

to play hide and

seek when your mom

would work on her blends.

Those were good times.


Okay, so this, this is my

batch for the Christmas Blender.

Should we give it a taste?

Ah, I've got that

Chamber of Commerce thing

I need to get to, but.

Yeah, no, no you go.

You wanna come?

Your sister's gonna be there.

No, it's not my

world anymore, dad.


Well, it was worth a shot.

I'll see you.

[gentle music]

[footsteps walking]

Wish you were still here mom.

Looks like you were the only one

that could get through to Dad.

Hey, Samantha, hey.

[Sam] What the heck

are you doing here?


More importantly,

how did you get in?

Oh, I have a key,

Emily gave me a key

so I can just have

it from the parking.

Okay, you have a key.

I just wanted

to give you this.

Before heading over

to the chamber meeting.

Chamber of Commerce

meeting, you too?

Must be the hot ticket in town.



This is everything you

need to know about Parker.

What is this?

This is a dossier.

This is like

borderline spy craft.


No, no, this is everything.

All the information I thought

you'd want on my stepbrother.

He likes, his dislikes.

Favorite movies,

music, TV shows.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

He doesn't like dogs.

Yeah, no.


All right, well, next time

maybe you can just email me.

I should have done that.

Hey, it's okay.

I got some reading to do.

Wait, and I gotta run.

Okay, don't get lost.

[Tony] Yes.

[upbeat music]

[people chattering]


Sorry I'm late.

It's okay, no worries.

Am I too casual?

Dad, you look great.

These things

make me so nervous.

Just fine.

[person running]

Where were you?

Oh, I had to swing

by the printers.

And how do they look?

No, I didn't get them.

I was hurrying to get here.

What you got?

We've been talking

about this for weeks.

How did you not get them?

Why did you get them?

Okay, welcome.

And thank you for

joining us, as you know,

this is the final

planning meeting

for the Kris Kringle market

and the Christmas Blender.

I just wanna go

through and wrap up

some last minute

details for both events.

Please go to your

itinerary and let's review.

Yes, Mr. Williams.

Are you gonna announce the

prize for the wine contest?

Yes, I can go

ahead and do that.

Yeah, let's go ahead.

I know a lot of you are

very anxious about it.

As you know, the winner

of the wine competition

obviously is gonna have

great bragging rights

and distributors be fighting

over representing your wine.

However, this year, the city

is going to be giving away

a very special prize to the

winner of the Christmas Blender.

One acre of Norton grapes,

including the planting of

the vines in the spring.


That's huge.

I know, I know, I know.

That is huge.


Of course, the red

blends will be judged

according to the Davis system.

[phone whirring]

[person sighing]

[gentle music]

That is one serious price.

[phones whirring]

Okay, Debbie Downer.


Oh, no, nothing.

But don't forget,

there's audience voting.

So I recommend you get out

there and spread Christmas cheer

and you promote your wines,

so let's get back to work.

Everybody look at number

one on the itinerary.

Okay, booth placement.

I know some of you were upset

about your placement last year.

[upbeat music]

Hey, great to see you too.

Take this.

And read the.

You weren't talking to that

Hermannhof girl, were you?

No, Parker.

Hey honey, you ready?

Let's go.


Because we have to

temperature check those reds.

At this time of the night?

Especially at this

time of the night.

What kind of question is that?

Do you see this note

Tony wrote me, so romantic.

Oh, while you're

on cloud nine,

I'm reading about the other guy.

All right, love to hear it.

What have we got?

He's just, he's

so oddly specific.

Okay, so he likes classical

music over jazz, of course.


He prefers to watch

the news over sitcoms.

It's a little weird.

And then the worst

thing that I found

is that he doesn't like dogs.


[Sam] Yeah.

That's an actual preference?

I know.

Wow, I'm sure

dogs can sense that.

It's crazy that someone

can be this good looking.

I mean, look at him,

and then be such a jerk.

So what are you

gonna do about it?

I am going to dazzle

him, my dear sister.

Of course you are.

Oh, and what about

Anita's wine blender?

I can only fix one

problem at a time.

Dad's not gonna listen to

me, so that's all I can do.

Whatever you say.

And where's this place?

[footsteps walking]

[bell ringing]

Hi, I'm here picking up

an order under Williams.

Sure, lemme check on

that, be right back.

Cool, sounds good.

Told you I'd find you.

Well, hello again.

Hi, nice surprise.

That it is.

What'd you order?

I got the blue

Hawaiian burger.

Makes me feel tropical

when it's cold.


The spinout.

Never had that before.

You should try it.

Even though I thought

winemakers only eat wine

for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Well, even when your

wine is as lovely as ours,

as you can only have

it in moderation.

Besides, sometimes I just

need a burger, you know?

Get it.

So what are you doing tonight?

What do you have in mind?

Dinner, 1837,

good food, good wine.

That's my favorite spot.

Is it?

What time should

I pick you up?

I'll meet you there, seven.

[gentle music]

It's a date.

It's a date.

Here you go sir,

have a good day.

Well, I.

Yeah, same.


[bell ringing]

[gentle music]

Hey Sam, I'm out to

up at 1837 with Tony.

I'll be back later tonight.

[gentle music]

That was phenomenal.

Did the wine pairing

meet with your approval?

I think you tied

it all together.

[person sighing]

Very happy you liked it.

So do you come here often?

You know, I used to, before

we started getting busy

in the early days of reserves,

my stepbrother Tony and I,

we would come here and we'd have

our business

brainstorm sessions.

What brought you to Herman?

California was,

is too expensive

and France was out

of the question.

The more research I did,

the more I realized

Hermann was the future.


Well, the future

for me at least.

That's a bold claim.

Look, wine

doesn't just happen.

It exists because we

choose to make it.

It's no accident that the

grapes here in Hermann

are less vulnerable

than other places.

They have to be.

They don't have a choice, to

survive they need to adapt.

And these people, this

place, these grapes,

they all adapt to these

ever-changing environments.

And in turn, they produce

something so beautiful.

Something so beautiful

everyone can enjoy of age.

But I think the

same applies to us.

We always have an opportunity

to overcome something

difficult in order to

create something beautiful.

Wow, that was amazing.

I can imagine being vulnerable

is difficult for you.

You know, you're starting

to sound like my stepbrother.

Are you guys close?

Very, we're practically

attached at the hip.

Look, I would never

say this to his face,

I couldn't live without him.

He's everything I'm not,

thoughtful, sensitive, friendly.

And for some reason

he puts up with me.

You're not that bad.

I have a sister too,

she's pretty amazing.


To our siblings.

To our siblings.

[glass clinking]

[footsteps walking]

[person coughing]

You all right?


Was there a cork in your wine?

No, no, no, please.

I'll go, I'll talk to them.

I'll talk to the,

you just sit there,

can I get you anything?

[Parker] Yeah.

That's my favorite part.

I just love the way

that they cook it.

What are you doing here?

I'm having dinner with Tony.

In a public place?

What's the problem?

[Sam] You didn't get my note.

What note?

The note that said I'm

taking Parker here tonight.

Parker's here?


Oh, no.

Oh yes.

I'll pull the fire alarm.

No, no, no, no.

Don't, don't pull

the fire alarm.

What's gonna happen

when he sees us,

you're gonna loose your shares.

Okay just relax, I

will run interference.

You guys go to the door,

but you have to be careful.

[gentle music]

Welcome back, what's this?

Just a free glass of sherry

for the cork we found

in the last one.

Nice work.

Thank you.

Love me a good dessert wine.

Ooh, sherry.

The lightest and

most dryable cherries

with nutty and tart flavors.

How do you like it?

I love this song.

Me too, me too.

Is that a jukebox?

You wanna dance with me?

What, no.

So stiff, so stiff.


Got him to dance,

that's not good.


[upbeat music]

First on my

Christmas list is you

I can't believe you

got me to do that.

You got some moves.

I didn't wanna go that

far, but it was fun,

I'll give you that.

I'm just glad nobody

recorded that.

Oh, you didn't

see me recording it?

Don't even.

[person laughing]


I guess my dreams of

running for public office

are out the window.


I had a really good time.

[gentle music]

Yeah, I did too.

But it's, it's getting late, so.


You wanna do this again?

How about this weekend?

This weekend.

I have to go to

this Christmas party

and I was wondering if

you'd be my plus one.

Plus one, huh?

You know what I mean.


Come on, it'll be fun.

Everyone will be there, please?

Okay, yeah.


Great, the Chamber of

Commerce director's having,

and so all the top

winemakers will be there.

The folks from Bancroft,

Ashbury, Cloud Wine.

I'm sure even

Hermannhof will pop in,

they are the legacy winery.


Yeah, you ever tried them?

The folks I get my grapes

from, but be quite honest,

I miss how much longer

they'll be around.

I didn't know it was that bad.

What's that?

That sounds bad.

Yeah, it is what it is.

Things change.

I wish them the best,

but that's you, right?

Yeah, that's me.

So I'll see you Saturday,

I'll pick you up 6:30.

I'll meet you there.

What, I'm still getting

to know you, so.


Good night, Samantha.

Good night, Parker.

[car beeping]

And how could you

be so careless?

I don't know, Parker doesn't

eat there very much anymore.

At his favorite spot.

To be fair, Tony says

he mostly just does

delivery these days.

It's really hard to yell

at you when you're eating

all of these Christmas cookies.

So good.

Guess I'll just have to

make more of them then.

You want me to help, right?

Did I ever do to deserve you?

I am not worthy.

Aside from your

dramatic love life,

I think we have some

bigger fish to fry.


Has dad told you how

the winery's doing?

[gentle music]

Good morning.

Good morning.

You're in an awfully

good mood today.

Am I?

Did you like the

labels from the printer?

The labels, yeah,

they were great.

You're happy with them?

No, I'm not.

Of course.

Well, lemme guess.

Did you dream up a

new blend last night?


You yelled at

the cable provider

and you got to keep

the introductory prize.

No, but good reminder.

Seems impossible,

but you met a girl.


I knew it.

For knowing it, you

got it wrong twice.

I won't forget about

that, tell me about her.

Who is she, what's her name?

I don't gossip.

Come on.


If you want come meet her

at the Christmas

party this weekend.


[gentle music]

Hey dad.

[Dad] Yeah.

We need to talk.

[objects clattering]

Let's go.

Well, I didn't wanna

have this conversation.

Clearly, I work here

and I didn't even know

what was going on.

How bad is it Dad?

The short version, our

overhead is too high.

The costs to plant, tend to

the vines process the grapes,

this bottling machine

keeps breaking down.

If there's stuff

weighing us down,

we should just get rid of it.

If we could just

win this contest.

The Christmas Blender.

Yeah, if we could win,

it would lower our growing

costs and increase our sales.

Why don't we just

solve part of the winery

and the equipment?

There's nothing wrong with

going to a third party

if our costs are too high.

No, I'm not gonna change

the way we do business.

Now we are a legacy

winery from seeds to Cork.


She might be onto something.

And and when did

you become an expert

at growingand selling wine?

Dad, stop.

I don't know, maybe

'cause I've been around it

my whole life.

I love you, dad.

But you are using Christmas

blends from mom from years ago.

And you're not innovating.

You're imitating, and

that's the problem.

And guess what?

None of it brings mom back

and you are running this

winery into the ground.

That's enough.

Okay, look, I love you both.

I'm not trying to

choose sides here,

but honestly I think

Sam's on to something.

Look, let me just help

with the Christmas Blender.

I think I have some

really good ideas.

I can surprise the judges.

No, and this

conversation is over.

Now if you two will, excuse me,

there's work to be

done around here.

It didn't go too well.

It never does.

Are you sure he

is gonna be there?

Yes, okay, Tony

already text me

and he said that him and

Parker are on their way.

So we gotta get a move on.

I felt bad pretending

to be festive

when dad's in the

cellar stewing.

He's not stewing.

He's just doing his

grumbling Dad thing.

Come on, let's go.

[upbeat music]

Welcome everyone to

the city of Hermann's

annual Christmas tree lighting.

[audience cheering]

[audience clapping]

Are you ready?

[Audience] Yes.

Let's start the countdown.

10, nine, eight, seven.

Tall enough to the tree, huh?

[Audience] Three, two, one.

[audience cheering]

It's a pleasure doing

business with you.

You too. Mr. Williams.



Looks like you're enjoying

our Hermann Christmas


You caught me.

Maybe you'll stay

a little longer.


I do love small towns,

especially during the holidays.

Well, in that case,

could I interest you

in some mulled wine?


[gentle music]

I think it's working.

It looks like it.

You wanna get outta here?

Let's go.

So I'd really love

to know more about you.

Right, well, you

know I love wine.

Yep, cheers to that.

You know I love small towns.


And I love Christmas.

What else else do

you wanna know?

Okay, well, will you

be spending Christmas

with your family?

Where are they, where

did you grow up?

I mean, I don't even

know your last name.

You need to know my last name.

You could spare no details.

I'm just on a little

break from work right now.

And as far as the holidays go,

my mom passed seven

years ago, so.


It's just never

the same without her.

What about you?

Well, growing up my dad was

in the military and widowed.

So Christmas was kind of rough.

But then he met my mom, stepmom,

Tony's mom and things

got much better.

She made sure Christmas was

always very special for us.

It must have been

hard without your mom.

Yeah, but Tony's

mom is my mom.

I love that.

Yeah, so.

I hate to drink and run.

Then don't.

I have to.

No, you don't, stay.

I can't.

Well, can I walk you

to your hotel or your car

or wherever you're going?

No, I'm good, I

appreciate it though.

Well, don't forget

about tomorrow.

What's tomorrow?

[person laughing]

I won't even joke

around like that, please?

I'm kidding, I'll

meet you there.


See you then.

[person sighing]

[upbeat music]

[upbeat music]

[people chattering]

Maybe I did.


Thank you, you look

pretty nice yourself there.

And that wouldn't be such

a bad thing wouldn't?

Hey Dad, you're looking nice.

In my day this was just a

sweater, not an ugly sweater.

My opinion, if there was

a contest, you would win.

There you are.

Oh my, I did not know

you wore nice clothes.

Didn't, I just bought this.

Oh, you just bought this.

Oh, tag is still on it.


So hoe do I look?

You look like you

could own a winery.

I'll take it, George.

How's it going?

Parker, Merry Christmas.

Tis' the season.

How's your Christmas

blend coming along?

Couldn't be better, yours?

It's my best to date.

The judges and crowd

should be pleased.

I'm very excited to try yours.

Wow, I'm very excited

about the grand prize.

Well, don't get too excited,

I'm pretty sure

we have this one.

Well, we'll see about that.

You plan on bringing

that same dull blend

you brought last year

George, you're in trouble.

Have a good evening, I

have to find my date.

Excuse me.

Who could possibly be on

a date with that narcissist?

He is.

Okay, Dad, look, you

promise not to get too mad.

[wine pouring]

See her?

No, not yet.

Hope she didn't forget.


No, I'm getting nervous.


[gentle music]

Hey, is that her?


I'll leave you two alone.

Wow, just wow.

Hi, you look stunning.


Thank you.

Do you wanna go try some wine?

Yes, yes.

You have to try

Alpine's newest red,

it's a blend of Missouri Nord

with California.

Hi, two general Fremont please.

[wine pouring]

Thank you.

To a very merry Christmas.

And a happy New Year.

[glasses clinking]

[gentle music]


Wow, that's good.


Dark berries.

Black plum.

Dark chocolate.

Black cherry.

And a touch of liquorish.

And wood showing

the long finish.

Wow, you really do have

an excellent palette.


You should come work for me.

I can't.

And plus all my passengers

need help with their carry-ons.

I'm serious.

Why don't you move here out?

I'll hire you and you can

help me make new wines.

It's really sweet,

but I really don't

even know what to say.

Say yes.

What do you have to lose?

You have the talent, you

just need an opportunity.

I need to go wash my hands.

I will be right back.

[person sighing]

[gentle music]

What is wrong with me?

You don't actually

like this guy.

He's a jerk.

He's a real, he's

an attractive jerk.

But, get it together Samantha.

Why are you acting like this?

He's not that cute.

Everything's good.

Hi, are you okay?

I think I might

actually like Parker.

What, are you kidding me?

That's awful and that's great.

That's awful and great

at the same time.

Is it?

Totally, okay, if Parker

finds out who you are

then there's no way he's

gonna have a problem

with Tony and I and

then we can all.

We can all live happily after.

You make it look so easy.

Trust me.

And I may have already told dad

about Parker and Tony anyways.

Wait what?

It's okay.

He wasn't angry per

se, just grumbly.


Look, Sam.

Everything is gonna be

just fine, look at me.

Go in there and get

yourself some true love.




[door banging]

Can I please see your

after dinner drink selection?

Thank you so much.

Miss me?

Caught me.

So what is next

on our taste menu?

Well, I was looking

at the dessert menu

and I thought that could be fun.

Someone likes to

skip dessert I see.

Sometimes I enjoy

things that are sweet.

You really should consider

staying in Hermann.

It seems like a

nice place to live.

Hermann's turning into

a huge wine destination.

And you would be great

in the wine business.

I'm not just saying that.

Look Parker,

there's something that I

need to tell you that I.

Your father has outdone

himself this year.

This Hermann Hoff Norton

is, oh, it's amazing.

Your father.

Hey Parker

Williams, you made it.


Be good to this one,

she's Hermannhof royalty.

I've noticed since

she was a baby.

Royalty, huh?

[Speaker 3] I remember

her and her sister Emily,

running around

those wine cellars,

like it was their own

personal playground.

You don't say.

Remember that?

Oh, and her mother made

the most wonderful blends.

You know, we're kind of sad

that you didn't get into wine.

Maybe someday.

Well, love the Norton.

I hope you guys

have a good holiday.

I'll see you around, bye.

Those cookies were to die for.

Look, Parker, I can't explain.

What's there to explain,

you're a Hermannhof?

I know, I tried to.

Should have seen this

coming, I'm such an idiot.

No wonder you knew

so much about wine.

No wonder you knew

so much about me.

I'm sorry.

Wait a minute.

Did Tony put you up to this?

I mean.

Yes, it was my idea.

Are you trying to

deliberately sink our winery?

No, I love Emily.

I just wanna be happy with her.

You've been dating

her behind my back.

You've been dating

the competition.

Yes Parker, I love her.

So you're giving

up your shares.

You can't do that.

Yes, I can.

We made an agreement,

remember that if either of

us jeopardized our winery,

the offending party

would forfeit his.

Yes, yes.

Why don't you just

let him be happy

and then maybe you be happy?

Hey, you can quit the act now.

You're real great, thank

you so much for your work.

But we're done here.

You know what, no hard feelings,

let's just see who the best

winemaker in town is, huh?

We are done.

I'm sorry.

[gentle music]

I don't know, can't get

her to come out of her room.

Well, I can't say I blame her.

Wait, are are you

saying this is my fault?

She called me to come here,

come home and help her.

But she was dating him

long before I got here.

And that's the problem.

That I don't come home.


Dad, I don't know

if you know this,

but I have a job so

I can't just take off

massive amounts of time work.

But you can make an effort.

You pop in here for a

day or two here and there

and then you leave.

Are you really that mad at me?



Because you're stubborn

and we're gonna lose

this whole thing if you

don't get with the times.

Are we really gonna

argue about that again?

Yeah, because you

don't trust me Dad.

I don't know how many times

I have to tell you this,

but I'm good at making wine.

I'm really good at it.

And I never said you weren't.

But what?

You just are never

willing to change.

Because I can't.

Because of mom.

I'm so sick of you

using mom as an excuse.

Because even mom knew that

we have to change our blends

every year, depending

on the harvest.

And she listened to the vines.

I am not gonna let

go of the last thing

I have of your mother.

Her formula Dad,

if you think that's the last

thing that represents mom,

you're even more

lost than I thought.

I don't know how

to be without her.

And you think I do.

What I do know is that

she wants us to move on

and she doesn't

want us fighting.

And you wonder why I

never come home Dad.

I'll be gone in the morning.

[gentle music]

[Parker] What

were you thinking?

= Oh, good morning to you too.

Why can't you let me be happy?

= You can be happy.

You just can't take

the competition.

You did.

Yeah, under false pretense.

So what, do you like her?

Do you like her?

Yes, I liked her, but

I was tricked into it.

So that is a false pretense.

Okay, listen Parker,

if you like Samantha,

why don't we just tear up

the contracts and be happy?

Because that's

not how this works.

We signed the contract because

love makes people like us

make bad choices.

But they're our

choices to make.

Sure, but if you wanna

work at this winery,

there are rules.

And dating the competition is

a flagrant violation of that.

Do you understand?

I'm sorry.

[door whirring]

[water splashing]

Dad, Sam's gone and she's

not answering her phone.

Yeah, I know.

What did you say to her?

It's not your

business little one.

Okay, Dad, whatever is going

on between the two of you,

you need to work it out.

She wants me to

change the blends.

I can't do that.


Because that was mom's job?

Dad, you still have

mom in Sam and I,

but I'm telling you,

you are gonna lose Sam

with your stubbornness.

Sam has been making

blends for a long time

and she's really,

really good at it.

In fact, she made a red blend

and I put it in oak barrels.

I haven't touched it because

I wanted to surprise.

Wait a minute, where?

Deep in the cellar, we had

our own little secret operation

and the first blends we made

have been there for seven years.

Seven years.

Show me.

You've gotta be kidding.

Why did she say anything?

She did, but you

weren't listening.

Look, dad, we will always

have our traditional wines

like the Norton, but

we've gotta get creative

with her blends, I

mean, that's why mom

was changing her red

blend every single year.

And Sam is brilliant

at making wine.

I think she got

the gift from mom.

Have you even

tried any of these?

No, but I have

just been saving them

for this very occasion.

Oh, go on.

[upbeat music]

Yeah, it's something right?

Look, dad, if we don't change,

we are not gonna be competitive

with any other winery

and we are going

to get left behind.

But you know what I

really, truly believe

is that the best

way to honor mom

is to simply strive to do our

best and to make the best.

I think that's what

she would really want.

You're right.

You're right.

Honey I am so sorry.

It's okay, just don't

tell me, tell Sam.

Just tell Sam before

it's too late.

I'll drive.

[plane whirring]

[footsteps walking]

[upbeat music]





Dad, Emily, what are

you guys doing here?

Sam, I'm sorry

about everything.

Emily told me about the.

Told you what?

I told him about the

blends you made and we tasted

the one you made

before you moved out.

Wait a minute, I thought

those were long gone guys.

I stored them in oak

barrels in the cellar.

Sam, your blend from seven

years ago, it's amazing.

It's the key to this contest.

It's gonna save Hermannhof.

I'm sorry that I've been

so focused in the past

and not seeing the future,

but you're the future,

Sam, both of you.

Dad, are you sure?

That red blend of

yours is spectacular.

You are our secret w*apon

to beating reserve sellers.

All right.

What do you say we

go bottle some wine?

Let's go bottle some wine.

Let's go bottle some wine.

[upbeat music]

[objects whirring]


[people chattering]

Time to celebrate

The moment we've

been waiting for


That's good, let me see.

Like that one too.

The party's about to start

Everyone put on

your ugly sweater

It's our favorite

time of the year, yeah

Singing out of tune

Looks so good, so good.

Underneath the mistletoe

and regret it tomorrow

It's perfect weather,

it's perfect weather

Everyone put on

your ugly sweater

It's our favorite time

Of the year, yeah


Sit by the fireplace

It's perfect weather,

it's perfect weather

Everyone put on

your ugly sweater

It's our favorite time

Of the year

It's really good.

That's fantastic.

[people chattering]

[upbeat music]


Can I have your intention,

we're gonna need to tally

up those votes really soon.

So if you haven't had a chance

to fill out your ballot,

I've asked that you

please go over there,

taste the wines and vote, okay.

As you know, the

grand prize this year

is going to be an acre

of planted Norton grapes.

Pretty exciting.

[audience clapping]

They seem to really love it.

You think?

Did you make enough?

I hope so Dad.

Have you tried the

Reserve Sellers in?

No, I'm nervous.

Go ahead.


Polaris, please.

Pretty good.

I thought you'd like it.



I'm surprised you came.

Just supporting my family.

Oh, the truth at last.

Everything I told you was

the truth except that I'm.

Hermannhof, yeah.

I hate to break it to you,

but a lie of omissions

still a lie, so.

Look, I get you

can be angry at me,

but what I don't get

is you continuously

not letting Tony and

Emily be together.

Well, Tony's a big boy

and he knows the rules.

We're dating the competition

or you're out the winery.

You're the only one competing.

And nobody wins 'cause Tony

and Emily can't be together.

And I would do anything

to make my sister happy.

Including pretending

to like me, right?

Do you wanna know the truth?

Go for it.

You seem like you

know everything.

You wanna know the real truth.

Sure, let's see.

I actually started

to really like you.

Under this abrasive personality

was someone that I

started to care about.

Loved that you loved to make

wine, but more importantly,

I loved how much you

loved your stepbrother.

What's your point?

My point is, I

saw the real you.

It's not that scary.

You made a good blend.

I know.


Hey, they're done

with the tally.

Work calls.

Fine, you try my blend?

It's only been sitting in

oak barrels for seven years.

Goes down smoother than yours.

How is that even possible?

[Speaker 4] What's

your favorite?

Excuse me, could I,

one Hermannhof please.

Okay, everyone gather around.

The votes have been counted

and the finalists this

year are Reserve Sellers.

[audience clapping]

And Hermannhof.

[people screaming]

Good job.

Now our two finalists

will have to go head

to head with the judges

who will make the

final decision.

Did you talk to Parker?

Outdid themselves.


Hope we crush him.

Winemakers, can I

have you to the stage?

All the red blends were

submitted this year

were so wonderful.

No, no, no, you.

Sam, this is

your wine, you go.

You're a better winemaker

than I could ever be.

Go get up there kid.

Sam, anything

you'd like to say?

Thank you everyone

for being here

and I hope you're

having a great time

at our Christmas Bender.

Parker, anything

you'd like to say?

Tip your waiters.

Really, tip your waiters.

Okay, it looks like Reserve

Sellers is gonna be first,


9.5, 9.4, and 9.5.

That is an incredible,

that's great.

On to the Hermannhof red blend.

I have a deal for you.


It's so nice having

her hop back on stage.

The judges seem to be discussing

the Hermannhof red blend.

That's kind of unusual, okay,

so judges a little more

time to deliberate.

Let Emily and

Tony be together,

I'll forfeit the competition.

You can't forfeit.

I don't care about winning.

I just want my

sister to be happy.

Judges, 9.8.


[audience clapping]

Another 9.8.


I'm gonna forfeit.

You deserve this, go.

Sam, can you say some words?

Come on over,

congratulations sweetie.

For as long as I can remember,

I have always wanted

to be a winemaker.

My mother, my father,

and my sister are all

reasons why I love wine.

[Mom] Girls.

Sam, Emily.

Mom, the lights went out.

I didn't know the two of

you were still in here.

Don't worry, Sam was

looking out for me.

That's what big

sisters are for.

I'll always look out for you.

That's right, you guys

will always have each other.

Okay, now listen.

Do you wanna see what

I've been working on?


Let's go.

I'll need you both

to take a deep breath

and then smell this, okay.

[person sniffing]

What do you smell?


Anything else Sam?


Plum, cinnamon.

Very good Sam, you're

gonna be a better winemaker

than me and your dad someday.

I'm a fifth

generation winemaker

and I couldn't be more proud

to stand up here today.

So I just wanna say

thank you everyone

and I hope you guys all

have a happy holiday.

Any comments?

Samantha's right,

Christmas is a time

for joy and love

and helping those

closest to us be happy.

Congratulations Hermannhof.

Wait Parker, wait, hold on.

[audience clapping]

Good job honey.

Thanks dad.

I want you to have this, here.

But why?

I don't need it anymore.

Go get him.

Go get him.

You hold this from your dad?

Your mom would

be so proud of you.

I love you dad.

I love you too.

[upbeat music]

I think there's someone

I need to go find.

Go get him, go.

Dad is there anything

you have to do as well?

[person cheering]

[person kissing]

This is amazing.

You looking for someone?


Sorry, it was

just a lot in there.

It was.


I tasted your wine.


And it was by far one of the

best things I've ever tasted.

It was so smooth and

bold and perfect.

Just like you.

Parker, I should have

told you so many things.

Hey, look, if Tony can

date the competition,

why can't I, right?

It's only fair.

It's only fair.

But I'm traveling and

I don't live here.

Let's face it, your

heart's in Hermann,

your family's here.

I'm here, stay.

Besides, I don't

think I could wait

another seven years to try a

surprise blend from you again.

So it's the only

reason why you want me

to stay because

of my winemaking.

Not just,

maybe I'll take you

up on your job offer.

Think I could pencil

you in for an interview.

Merry Christmas Sam.

Merry Christmas Parker.

[upbeat music]

Candy canes and

chocolate kisses

Yuletide cheer and

Christmas wishes

First thing on my

Christmas list is you

Joyful spirit burning bright

Together on this

silent night

First thing on my

Christmas List is you

First thing on my

Christmas List is you

First thing on my

Christmas List is you
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