Christmas Time Capsule (2023)

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Christmas Time Capsule (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »




Festive yet subtle with

hints of vanilla and pine.

The perfect gift for the

cognoscenti in every family.

[incoming call ring]

Hi Mom! Hi Dad!

Hey! You haven't sent us a copy

of your trip itinerary yet.

Have you checked the tire

pressure in the car?

[Elise] Your father is going

to send you a copy of all

the weather reports for each

of the states along the way.

[Frank] Oh and pack some flares,

and kitty litter for traction.

Don't worry.

I have been planning

this trip home for weeks.

I leave tomorrow morning

and I'll be hitting all

the festive stops along the

way to review for the magazine.

[Frank] That's my girl.

Writing off every

expense you can.

[Elise] We can't wait

to have you home.

Oh speaking of, is James home

for the holidays this year?

I can set up the guest room.

No, I don't think so.

His tour keeps getting extended.

I actually haven't

spoken to him in months.

Oh, that's too bad.

We always love having

him celebrate with us.

Me too.

[oven timer chimes]

Oh! That's my cookies.

Gotta go.

[Elise] All right.

We'll see you home soon.

And call us from the road!

But not while you're driving.

I am dying for your baking!

We'll see you Christmas Eve.


Seeing your family

for the holiday?

I'm going to ask my

girl to marry me.

Man, that's

incredible, congrats.

We're going to miss

you around here.

Thanks, brother.

Merry Christmas and be well.

Same to you.

[knocking at door]


Thanks again for looking

after the plants.

I'm so glad that we

won't be reliving

the cactus incident of 2012.

Hey Tiff.

What are you doing here?

I thought you weren't coming

home for the holidays.

Change of plans.

Well, come in.

You just caught me.

I won't hold you up.

I just needed to see you.

It's been what, like

eight months? I miss you.

The thing is, I've accomplished

a lot in the last ten years,

but it's time to start thinking

about the next chapter.

Moving on...

Settling down...

I'm not sure how to say this.

Don't be nervous.

It's me, your best friend.

Just say what you're

trying to say.

I'm ready for a real


a family...

That's so good to hear.

And I think I've found the

woman to spend my life with.


Her name is Ashley.

We met overseas.

Her father is one of my

commanding officers.

Tiff, you okay?


Okay... Um, great.

How long have you

guys known each other?

Six months.

That's why I needed to see you.

I'm planning to

propose at Christmas

and I need my

grandmother's ring.

You still have it, right?

Yes, of course.

But, don't you think it's

a little soon to propose?

I mean, I've had my house plants

for longer than six months

and let's be honest, I won't be

that upset if my neighbor

forgets to water them.

I know it's fast.


But her family has a history

of proposals during Christmas.

It's kind of tradition.

- Well, talk about pressure.

- [message notification]

Tiff, I hate to cut this short,

but I have to report

back to base and you

look ready to head out.

So, if I can just grab the

ring, I'll be right on my way.

It's not here.

It's back home.

I put it in a time capsule.

What? A time capsule? You what?

You buried my

grandmother's ring?

The family heirloom

ring I gave you

for safekeeping when I enlisted.

Of course not. It's on a

shelf in the basement.

Perfectly safe.



Well, okay...

Call your mom, ask her to

open the time capsule...

[Tiffany shouts]


That's not possible.

I'm the only one

who can open it.

Why? Does it have some sort of

biometrics technology

or something?


It's got some really

personal stuff in there.

Tiffany, this is important.

I'm sorry, but I'm not

asking my mom to open it.

I have been waiting ten

years for this, Jay-Jay.

I know you don't like

being called that anymore.

Not since I was like four.

It slipped out.

I assume you haven't gotten

over your fear of flying?

The last plane I was on had to

emergency land in San Diego.

Then I guess we're

going on a road trip.

[computer keys clacking]

[James' phone rings]

- Hey.

- Hey!

Where are you? We were

expecting you here hours ago.

Yeah, I uh...

Hit a bit of a snag.

What do you mean a snag?

I just have something

important I need to do first.

But I'll be there

as soon as I can.

What is it?

It's kind of a surprise.

Okay, I got to go, but

I will call you tonight.

Oh, okay. Umm...

Miss you.

Miss you, too.

Ready to go?

As soon as you put this on.

I'm not wearing that.

Oh come on, where's

your Christmas spirit?

Anxiously waiting for

me on a military base.


Smells like an elf died in here.

What is that?

It's ginger spice. I'm

reviewing it for the magazine.

Too much?


Just a little, yeah.

Well, maybe it's just

one of those scents

that needs to grow on you.

It's grown on me. Now I have

to have it surgically removed.


Too much ginger,

not enough spice.

[loud Christmas

music starts]

[music stops abruptly]

Hey! That's my holiday jam.

We need to plot the route.

Already ahead of you.

[map snaps open]


Four days? No!

We can make it in two if

we take turns driving.

I have been planning

this trip home for weeks.

Did you know that

the world's largest

Santa figurine

collection is in Utah...

I need to get the ring

and get back to base

as soon as possible.


Fine. Three days.

One roadside attraction.

- But...

- No buts.

I'm not the one who sealed

a cherished family heirloom

in a time capsule, remember?

[Tiffany's eclectic Christmas

playlist plays in the car]

The first Noel

The Angels did sing

Let's play a road trip game.

Christmas words

that start with 'S'.

I'll go first.




That was an easy one.


As in Santa's ride,

not a holiday m*ssacre.


You technically piggy-backed

off my word, but I'll allow it.



Your turn.

I think I should

focus on driving.

[Tiffany's eclectic

Christmas playlist plays]

Sorry, I'm just feeling guilty

for not being completely

honest with Ashley.

She's really

special to you, huh?

She's one of the most

compassionate people

I've ever met.

And she's the daughter of one

of your commanding officers?

Yeah... Sergeant Dave's

been my mentor for years.

They have a huge family

and everyone gets together

on the base for the holidays.

It's really nice.

It does sound nice.

What's her astrological sign?

I'm not sure.

When's her birthday?

March the 20th.


Or 22nd...

You're going to ask

her to marry you

and you don't know

when her birthday is?

I know it's in March.

Well, that means she could

be an Aries or a Pisces.

I don't put much

stock in all that.

Obviously. Because

you're a Capricorn.

Okay, well, is she a dog

person or a cat person?

Dog person.

[buzzer sound]


You googled her?

Luckily I did. You're

deathly allergic to cats.

I just saved your life.

You're welcome.


All I'm saying is that six

months is not a long time

to know someone before making

a commitment this big.

It's long enough.

Nobody wants to wait forever.

Okay, easy one.

What do you love about her?

That's an easy one?

Isn't it?

As I said, she's compassionate.

She's smart, caring and funny.

Yes, yes, I'm sure she's

delightful, but what is

uniquely her that makes you

believe that she's the one?

She just gets it. Gets me.

This military life.

That's important.

Okay, then.

[changes music to

something funky]

[James sings] We wish you

a merry road trip

We wish you

a merry road trip

We wish you

a merry road trip...

And we are going home!


What? I am not a Scrooge.

Another 'S' word.

Your turn.

[alien sounding beeps and music]

This is your one stop?

This shop was listed as

one of the top must-see

holiday attractions by

Sci-Fi Fanatics Magazine.

Well, if it's a must-see.

No! I am not on the clock.

If I only get one stop,

I'm going to enjoy it.

And so are you.

Did you just throw an object

at an officer in uniform?

[fun music starts]

Come here, Tiff!

Let's have a feast

Let's celebrate

This time of year

That special day

We got a tree

We feeling good

It's all lit up in

the neighborhood

We can barely sleep

Can't wait no more

Yeah that's how we feel

on the 24th

We are all together

That's the greatest gift

So let's celebrate

cause it's the 25th

Come together

Now and forever

It's Christmas

Santa's here with

holiday cheer

It's Christmas

Yeah it's

Christmas time again

[song ends]

I have to admit,

this is pretty cool.

Right? Non-traditional, but

definitely an experience.

Christmas on base isn't all

that traditional either,

but Ashley's family helps

to organize a few events

to make it feel a

bit more like home.

Guess she wouldn't consider

spending the holidays

in Chicago instead?

Nah, I don't think so.

Take your time.

I should look around

for the review.


Hi! What names would you

like written on this, dear?

James and Tiffany.

I mean, Ashley...

James and Ashley.

Well, if that's your final

answer, I'll get this going.

It sure is.

Five dollars, please.


Thank you.

Thank you!


What do you think?

It really suits you.

It brings out your...

[talks like an alien]

Inner alien.

[clears her throat]

Oh, no no no no no no...

I don't think they have

mistletoe on other planets.

Plus it's an archaic tradition

that fails to take into

consideration an important

thing called consent.

Yeah, and besides

we're just friends.

Best friends. So yuck.


I mean, right?

I don't know.

We've never done it before.

Well you know that mistletoe

isn't only for lovers, right.

I mean, why don't you just have

a friendly consensual kiss then.

Unless you want a year

of cosmic bad luck.

I don't want cosmic

bad luck, do you?

Not particularly.

[James' phone rings]

It's Ashley. I should...



Hey, I've been

trying to call you!

Yeah. The reception on the

roads has been pretty sketchy.

It doesn't sound like

you're on the road.

Yeah, I'm at this alien

Christmas bazaar thing.

Look, I'm sorry I didn't

mention this earlier, but

Tiffany was driving home to

her parents for Christmas

and well, I just didn't

want her driving home alone,

so I offered to tag along.

Christmas Alien Bazaar...

Okay. Well that's sweet of you.

But are you still coming?

Yeah, of course. Yeah.

As soon as she's home safe and

sound, I'll be right on my way.

Just hurry up and

get here already.

You're missing all

the holiday fun.


I have mistletoe.

Oh, well...

I'll be there soon.

Okay. See you soon.


I think that ornament

should be ready by now.

Yeah, we should

probably hit the road.

Happy Intergalactic Christmas!

Yeah, you too.

[James snores loudly]

[Christmas music

plays on radio]

[James snores loudly]



- Snoring.

- [James snores]


[James snoring]


Sleep while you can, James.

At Sunrise, you Steer, I Snooze.

[James snores]

[James] So...

what's the deal with this

time capsule, anyway?

Well, I got a beautiful

stainless steel case

and I put it together the

Christmas before you enlisted.

Which is why I put

the ring in there.

Other than my ring,

what else is in it?

I'm not telling you that.

It's private.

Oh come on.

Just stuff that was

important to me back then.

Hmm. Okay, why not just

store everything in a box?

A box! No!

This is way more special.

Time capsules are a historic

cache used as a method of

communicating with

future people.

In this case my future self.

You set a date for it to

be opened, this Christmas,

and it should mark an

important life event.

I guess that's kind of cool.

Yes it is.

I figured it would appeal

to your historian side.

I'll grab snacks.

Sounds good.

[ringing tone]


Happy Holiday Road Trip Day!

James is driving with me.

Oh, that's wonderful!

Why aren't you more excited?

He's not staying. He's

spending the holidays on base.

Oh, and he plans to propose to

a woman he met six months ago.

What? Huh?



He's only along for the ride

to get his grandmother's ring.

You know, the one I put

in the time capsule.

[Elise] Okay. Well, don't

panic just yet.

I mean, anything can happen

in the next few days

on the road, right?

Well, that's the other thing.

He needs the ring

as soon as possible

so we're cutting

the drive short.


Only one fun stop.

Okay darling. Love you.

[Elise] Try and talk some

sense into that boy.

I'll try.

Can I interest you in a

holiday scented air freshener?

It's ginger spice.

- Um... No thanks.

- Fair.

It actually smells

like an elf died.

Ready to go?

Do you think you

have enough sugar?

No such thing.

[upbeat Christmas music

plays in the car]

Maybe we should

stop for the night?

Oh yeah.

I am not spending another

night on the road.


Oh wow! Look at this place!

This hotel has some

Christmas spirit!


Yeah you can say that again.

The front desk said this

was the only room available.

This works.

As long as you're okay with it.

Yeah, of course.

Oh! Did you want this one?

No no no no no.

It's all yours.

Oh wow.

Yeah, I thought you

might like some privacy.

A little trick I learned from

co-ed platoon tents overseas.

Thank you.

Nice PJs!


Laugh all you want but these are

the softest PJs I've ever worn.

They are definitely

getting a five star review.

They're cute.

What is it? Puppies and

Christmas critters?

I was supposed to be alone

when I packed for this trip.

Why is that?

Why is what?

Why are you single?

I can't remember the last

time you dated someone.

I don't know. It just hasn't

really been a priority.

And dating in LA is a nightmare.

Hard to tell genuine interest

from someone who thinks

I can help advance

their career somehow

because I work for the press.

Yeah, but

you meet people at work and

networking events, right?

I like to keep my professional

and personal lives separate.

Roger that.

[bathroom door opens, closes]

You good?

Yep. You?


I, uh, saw your release papers.

I wasn't snooping or anything.

They were just kind

of out in the open.

I was going to tell you.

I've decided to apply

for a civilian position.

No more active duty.

That must have been

a big decision.

It was. But I've served ten

years, four tours overseas...

They take their toll.

Your grandfather

would be really proud.

You think so?



Yeah, following in his footsteps

was always important to me.

And the military gave

me a great education.

I've seen the world.

Are you having second thoughts?

Part of me feels like I'm

letting people down or...

Will be.

Like Ashley?

Her father mostly.

The family has been on

six different bases

on three different continents.

And her mom actually served too

before she had Ashley, so...

[Tiffany] Well, I'm sure

they'll support your decision.

Yeah. I hope so.

So, what's next?


Yeah, I'm not sure yet.

I want to do something with

my military history degree

and stay active

in the community.

I know whatever you decide

to do you'll be great.

And I will sleep better at night

knowing you're not overseas.

[snort laugh] You have never

had any trouble sleeping.

[Tiffany pretends

I'm sorry, did

you say something?

I fell asleep.


Night Tiff.

Night James.

[Tiffany] I'm really sorry

about the ring and this detour.

I know you're in a

rush to get to Ashley.

It's cool.

I'm actually happy we get to

spend time together before I...

Before your next chapter begins.

[James breathes heavily]


No no no no.


[James sobbing]


[James mumbles]

- James?

- Get away.





No! No!

Hey, James.

[James mumbles]

- James.

- [yells] No!

- James.

- No!

Hey, hey. Hey.


- You okay?

- Yeah.

It's just a nightmare.

Sorry to wake you.

It's okay.

Holiday pajamas, though

comfy, evoke night terrors.

I'll be sure to mention

it in my review.



Are you sure you don't

want to go back to sleep?

If I only get you for a few

days, I'd rather stay awake.

You good?

This ain't my first rodeo.


[they both laugh]

[majestic movie music plays]

[light snoring]

[Tiffany yawns loudly]


Good morning.

Oh! What time is it?

O seven hundred hours.

We're a bit behind schedule

so we should get going.

Yeah, of course.

So... Life in LA...

How's that going?

Good. It's different.

Kind of lonely, actually.

Lonely? In LA?

Yeah well having a

lot of people around

doesn't really mean anything.

Plus I work from home so that

can be kind of isolating.

I really miss my parents.

Then why not move back

home to be near them?


You can do your job

from anywhere, right?


Still want to work

for a big newspaper?

Wasn't that the dream?

Community college only

got me so far, I guess.

You could always

go back to school.

You were so great at asking

those deep, piercing questions.

[they both laugh]

Not always a positive trait.


Well, I actually have a big

question of my own to ask.

Oh yeah? That sounds ominous.

Will you be my best man?

I mean, best woman?


You okay?

Are you okay?

Great. Just great.

That came out of nowhere.

We were already behind schedule.

I'm sorry. This is my fault?

You were the one who

peeled off the road.

Okay, well, maybe don't drop

a b*mb like that on someone

when they're driving

on slippery roads.

A b*mb?

I asked you to stand

beside me at my wedding.

She hasn't even said yes yet.

Ah, Tiff!

James, I haven't spoken

to you in months.

You just show up out of the blue

and tell me that you're marrying

someone you barely know

and ruin my road trip.

And now I'm expected

to be, like what?

A third wheel in your life?

No. I expect you to

be my best friend.

An important part of my life.

Oh Tiff, what?

You don't think we can be

friends after I get married?

Oh come on!

Marriage changes things.

Well, it doesn't have to.

You can't have the best

of both worlds, James.


[James' phone rings]

It's Ash.


[Tiffany, softly]

That's why.

[James into phone]

Yeah, this is not good.

[upbeat Christmas

music playing in car]

We should be there

in a few hours.

Why don't you take a nap?

You'll feel better

when we get there.


[slow music starts]

Snow is falling down

the streetlights

Lights are up

replacing the leaves

I just wanna be outside

Cut a tree from our backyard

Snowball fights

till it gets dark

Warming up by the fire

It's Christmas Time

It's Christmas Time


We're here.

Let's get you that ring.

Right. Let's go.

It's Christmas Time

It's Christmas Time


Mom! Dad!

Hey hey!

Oh honey!

What's with the

matching outfits?

Oh, we're training for the

Christmas Eve, 5K Santa Scoot.

The one on

Christmas Eve morning?

- Yeah.

- That's ambitious.

Yeah, well, it's

mostly downhill.


[they all chuckle]

It's good to see you, son.

How was the drive?

A blur.


How fast were you driving?

My fault. I've got

to get back to base.

What? You're not

staying for Christmas?

I got out all your

favorite board games.

I told you guys.

James is seeing someone.

He's spending the holidays

with her family on base.

Well, you can't leave until you

try my new ginger spice cookies.

Okay. Maybe just one.

Get in there!


Come on. Try these.

I have been dreaming

about holiday cookies

for last twelve months.

Everything in LA is like

gluten free, and carb free...




Oh! It lingers!

I tried something different.

Um... Sugarless.


Your dad and I are

trying eat healthier.

So now we have to be punished?

Don't New Year's resolutions

start in January?

Well, we want to get a

head start on things.


Speaking of...

You know I'd love to stay,

but I really should be getting

on the next flight out.

You look so tired.

Maybe you should have a nap.

Or a good meal at least.

I'm really sorry,

but I can't stay.

Can we get that ring?

Yeah. Of course.

One family heirloom

ring coming right up.

Yeah, I'll just stay here

and I'll do some warm ups.


What happened to the basement?


It's our new wellness center.

I'm mean, it's still

under construction,

but fitness starts here.

It's looks great, mom.

Oh good!

So, where'd you

put all my stuff?

It's gone!

Well, I donated most

of it to charity.

It was a bunch of old clothes

that are out of style

and books that you're never

read going to read again.

Based on my recipe book sales,

nobody reads paperbacks anymore.

I'm actually thinking

of starting a blog

or maybe doing

that tik tak thing...


Yeah, uh huh?

Please tell me that you

kept my time capsule?

Oh! Yes darling.

Of course I kept that.

I just can't remember

where I put it.

But, don't worry,

I'll think of it.

We'll help you look.

Oh no no!

Actually, you and Tiffany are

going to have to search for it.

Frank and I are getting

ready to go for a run.

We need to train!

- Mom...

- I'm coming Frank!

I need to catch

up to your father.

He got a head start.

[yells] Don't slow

down on account of me!

I'm the one that's the

sprinter in the family.

Hey, if I was you, I'd start at

the back of the wellness center.

Good luck!


I'm coming Frank!


You've got to be kidding me.

I thought you said

you knew where it was.

I did know exactly where it was.

I had no idea that my mom

was going to declutter

and make a home gym.

What does it look like?

It's a metal tin like this big.

And it has an open by

date sticker on it,

which isn't until

Christmas Eve, by the way.

Well, thank you for breaking

the international time capsule

society rules for me.

Aww! Remember your

ninth birthday party?

[they both laugh]

Do you remember how

terrified you were

of the clowns that mom hired?

You wouldn't go near them.

No, I would not.

I'm so lucky your parents

even threw me a party.

I know grandma appreciated it.

Her hands were full

after mom left.

I know they loved doing it.

Ah huh!

Proof you didn't always

hate Christmas PJs.

I didn't say I hated

yours last night either.

Ah, look!

Our Christmas sweaters!


Keep these out for the big day.

You were accepted

to Nation York?


This came right

after grandma died.

You stayed behind for me?

Of course I did.

I wasn't going to leave you when

your grandmother just died.

And you were getting

ready to enlist.

Tiff, you should have told me.

I'd have told you to go.

Which is exactly why

I didn't tell you.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.

It's not here.

Yeah, it's getting late.

I doubt you'll be able to

get a flight out tonight.

Do you want me to set

up the guest room?

Nah. A guy I served

with lives in town.

I should stop in and see him.

All right.

I'll crash at his place tonight.

I'll keep looking.

I'll text you when I find it.

[Ashley on phone]




You on your way yet?

Unfortunately not yet. Soon.

Wait. I thought you arrived

back home this morning?

Well we did, but we got tied up

at Tiffany's parents' house.

They're like family to me,

so I didn't want to be rude.

Do you have a

flight out tonight?

I'm still working on that.

What is going on, James?

You were supposed

to be here days ago.

It's almost Christmas.

I know. I'm sorry.

Look, there's just

something I need to do

before I can get there.

How much longer is

it going to take?

Hopefully not long.

- [Man] Hurry up!

- Be right there!

Look, they're doing the

holiday turkey giveaway now,

so I have to go.

Just promise me you'll

be on your way soon.

[Ashley] This is our

first Christmas together.

I just want it to be special.

Yeah, me too.

Just trust me, okay?

I want to be there.

I will be there.


Talk soon.

Hey! Good to see you, buddy.

Thanks for letting me crash

at your place tonight.

Trouble in paradise.

I get it.

Technically I have two

women annoyed at me

for different reasons. So....

Two women, huh?

Double trouble.

Not like that. [chuckles]

I'm planning to propose to my

girlfriend this Christmas,

but my best friend has my

grandmother's engagement ring.

Long story. How are you?

Good. Real good.

At first it was tough not

being in active duty but

the past few months

have been better.

Yeah well, what

are you doing now?

I'm heading up the

Veteran transition program.

Helping others find

jobs and housing

and any other support

groups they may need.

That's why I work here.

Lots of Vets drop by to have

coffee with their buddies.

It's a good place to talk.

I'm transitioning into

civilian life in the new year.

So, I could definitely

use some advice.

Really. What kind of position

are you looking for?

Well, I have a degree

in military history so

I'd like to use it for something

other than good grammar.

Good. So you saw the opening for

a historian at our w*r museum.

You applied and you want me to

put in a good word for you.

I have no idea what

you're talking about.

Okay. So there's an opening

for a historian here

at the w*r museum.

I get the updated available

position list every day in case

I have someone looking for work

who fits the job description.

Go apply. I'll put in

a good word for you.

Thanks man, but I'll

need to think about it.

I'm not sure if Ashley

will want to move out here

to the Midwest.

Which one is Ashley again?

Is that the girlfriend

or the best friend?

The girlfriend.


Got it.

Well, have a look around,

at least.

We're proud of our displays.

My grandfather's medals.

Family history can help

with your application.

If I decide to apply.


I knew you weren't on board

with this health kick.

I thought you were your mother.

I'm going to need

something to stay quiet.


So why are you sneaking

around, hiding treats?

Listen, I know marriage is all

about supporting the passions

of your partner, but I

don't know how much more

of this natural

sugar I can take.

[message notification]

You know, sometimes the

search for lost items takes

just the right amount of time.

Hmm. Tell that to James.

Your mother and I,

we met years ago

when we used to live in the

same apartment building.

A few of us were decorating

the courtyard Christmas tree

and your mother appeared

with a box of garland.

She was wearing this

beautiful red scarf

and a matching hat and gloves.

I tried to talk to her

but she was so shy.

I still don't believe

that mom was ever shy.

Your mom wasn't

always so feisty.

But anyway, as soon as the

tree was lit up, she was gone.

But I found one of her

gloves in the snow.

So I went and I knocked on

every apartment in that building

until I found the owner.


So when I did find her,

she invited me in to

taste her holiday baking.

And ever since, I have been

her official taste-tester.

I love that story.

But what you didn't know is that

on our wedding day, she admitted

that she had left the glove

in the snow on purpose.

Because she felt our connection

and she knew that I

would come find her.

Now, that sounds like mom.

You see?

Lost glove. Lost ring.

Your mother left the glove

in the snow on purpose

because she knew

I'd come find her.

James left that ring with you

because he knew he'd have to

come back to you to get it

before he married anyone else.

Good night sweetheart.

Don't stay up too late.

Good night dad.

[crunching under his feet]



Hey Elise!

Oh! Hey! Got to go!

Strength training.

If I don't move it, I lose it!

With a bag of groceries?

[Elise hums a

Christmas carol]


Good Morning.

Merry Christmas Eve!

Happy Christmas Eve.

I think Christmas Eve should

have it's own greeting.

Like, hey, it's Christmas Eve!

Or whadda ya know!

It's Christmas Eve!

Please tell me these

have real sugar.

Sugar adjacent.

Getting better.

At least I can swallow it

and it doesn't have that

lingering aftertaste.

Is that your official review?

Yep. Swallow-ability

has improved.

I'll take it.

So, I looked in the new

storage area. It wasn't there.

It wasn't in my bedroom,

it wasn't in the shed.

Do you have any idea

where else it could be?

It could be in the spare

guest room closets

or maybe the desk

drawer in the den.

I can't believe I can't

find his grandmother's ring.

I'm sure it will turn up.

And what if it doesn't?

I wouldn't blame him if he

never speaks to me again.

Not that he's going to after

he gets married anyway.

Why haven't you told

him how you feel?

I have no idea what

you are talking about.

Oh honey.

I've seen the way you've

always looked at him.

And how you've made important

life decisions based on him.

And that goes deeper

than friendship.

I can't just tell my best

friend of twenty years

that I'm in love with him.

Why not?

For a woman as direct about

her feelings on just about

everything, you've always held

back when it comes to James.

Fear of losing him, I guess.

What if he doesn't

feel the same way?

Well, you'll never know

if you don't tell him.

Well, it's too late now.

I should keep looking.

You're on the right track.

Yeah, but what am I missing?

[door opens]



[door closes]

Why did you run away

from me this morning?

What? Oh!

Was that was you?

Oh, darling, I thought it was

one of those pesky kids wanting

to get me to donate recyclables

to their hockey team.

If it was a better team, maybe.

Is Tiff around?

Yeah, she's searching the

guest rooms and the den.

Oh wow! This is a great photo.

It was the last Christmas before

you went off for basic training.

Every summer we biked up there.

And every winter,

it was the best place in

the city to see the lights.

You kids used to call

it your secret spot.

You thought nobody else knew.

How's the baking coming along?

Oh gosh.

I can't seem to get them to

simultaneously taste good

without having that

texture of chalk.


Hey, your grandma

was a great baker.

It must have rubbed off on you.

Come on, give me a hand.

Ah, no, I...

I should probably be helping

Tiffany search some more.

Ah, Tiff can handle it.

Come on. Roll up your sleeves.

Okay, yeah.

Can I lick the spoon, at least?

Yes, I will let

you lick the spoon.

Whoa! Jay-Jay!

[they both laugh]

That was worth keeping just

to see the look on your face.

Come on. Let's go.


Okay, what should I do next?


The moment of truth.

I believe in you, Elise.

You've got this!

Oh! Perfect timing.

Uh hmm.

These are good.

Like, really good.



That's my official review.

You can publish it if you like.

Did you give up and

go back to real sugar?


I just had some unexpected help

and a holiday baking miracle.

Thank you!

So. Any luck?

I'm sorry James.

I looked everywhere.


Oh look you guys.

Come watch the race and as soon

as it's done, we'll come back to

the house and we'll tear it

apart looking for that ring.

I promise.

What do you think?


Okay, but I really need to

be on a plane by tonight.

It's now or never, sweetheart,

while the universe is handing

out holiday miracles.

James I have to

tell you something.

You know where the

time capsule is?


What is it, Tiff? Say it.

We've been friends a long time.


And sometimes, when two

friends are really close,

it's hard to distinguish

love from....


What I'm trying to say...

What I'm saying is...

- [loud horn sounds]

- [almost inaudible] I love you.


I didn't hear you.

Ah... Never mind.


Yes, I know! You have

to get back to Ashley.

No, Ashley. Over there.

[loudly, warning]


Ashley, are you okay?

What are you doing here?

I came to surprise you.

It doesn't matter where

we spend the holidays

as long as we're together.


I'm Ashley.

Right. Introductions.

Ashley, this is my...

Friend, Tiffany.


What are you doing here?

James said that you were

spending Christmas on base.

What a great surprise!

Welcome to our home town.

It's so lovely to meet you.

I've heard so much about you.


It's been like Ashley this

and Ashley that...

And I can't wait

to get to Ashley.

And Ashley, Ashley, Ashley!

[embarrassed laughter]

Oh, that's sweet.

I didn't realize how

cold it would be here.

I don't think I packed anything

suitable for this weather.

If you want to grab

some warmer clothes,

there are plenty of

shops along Main street.

Yeah. If we're going to be

stuck here for Christmas,

that's probably a good idea.

Will you come shopping with me?


I could use a female opinion.

This guy thinks camo is a color.

[laughs heartily]

Guilty there.

Pffff... What was that noise?

My laugh.

Since when?

I can tag along.

No. No way.

This will be my opportunity to

get all the insider info on you.

Okay, I thought you wanted to

spend Christmas Eve with me.

There will be plenty of

time for that tonight.

I checked into the B & B on Oak

Street and I'll call around

to see if we can get some last

minute dinner reservations.

All right.

You guys can't have Christmas

Eve dinner at a restaurant.

Oh Tiffany, that's

so sweet of you!

We would love to join you

and your family for dinner.

Yeah! Okay.

I'm seriously going to

turn into a snowman

if we don't get out

of here soon. So...

I'll see you later. Yeah?


Sounds good.

All right! Well, have fun.

And I guess I'll see

you both later then.

Oh boy!



You came to apply for the job!

Not yet.

I just needed somewhere

to go to decompress.

What's going on?

Still no luck finding the

ring and now Ashley's in town.

Ashley's the girlfriend?


Why is that a bad thing?

Because she's

shopping with Tiffany.

The best friend?


But you and Tiffany are

just friends, right?


But things have somehow

gotten complicated.

Complicated how?

I had feelings for Tiffany

for a very long time.


Over time, I learned

to push them down

because they were

never reciprocated.

But earlier today,

I don't know, there was a...

A thing, a spark or a

connection, or something.

Maybe. I think.

What about Ashley?

A life with Ashley makes sense.

She understands this life.

Just because Tiffany doesn't

have a military background

doesn't mean that she

can't empathize with.

Or what you're going through.

Or will go through.

You're not helping.

Listen, lots of service

members are afraid about

the transition

into civilian life.

Afraid of losing the

family and the camaraderie

that they've had

within the military.

The support system.

You think I want to marry Ashley

as some sort of safety net?

Only you can answer that.

All I can tell you is that

you won't be alone in this,

whatever you decide.

I have a lot to think about and

maybe I need to take

more time to do that.

You're making a lot of

life changes all at once.

Maybe take a breather.

You're right. We've only been

together for six months.

There's really no need

to rush to propose.

Thanks, man.

No problem.

[big sigh] Think I'll add

relationship counselor

to my job description.

Would you like anything?

No, thank you.

I should probably bring

something back for James.

I feel kind of bad

for abandoning him.

Hi! Can I get two...


Let me guess.

Two peppermint mochas?

Yes. That's perfect.

How did you know?

I'm really really

good at my job.

James hates peppermint.

And caffeine in the

afternoon makes him jittery.

Oh. I guess, in that case, just

one peppermint mocha and uh...

A decaf latte, extra

foam, extra hot, please.


One peppermint mocha

and one decaf latte.

Keep the change.

You know so much about him.

I've known him forever.

He's different around you.

Different how?

I don't know. He just has a

different energy around you.


familiarity that's all.

You two have been best friends

since elementary school, right?

Yeah, we met in

recess detention.


I was in trouble for

writing a critical review

of the English teacher's

expected choice of reading

instead of a review

of the actual book.

And James had gotten into

a fight with an older kid

for bullying a first grader.

That sounds like James.

He's always had a

protective streak.

I mean, that's why he insisted

on driving home with you.

He didn't like the idea of you

driving alone on the highway.

He's just so considerate.

That's James.

I bet you have a lot

of great stories

from when you two were kids.

If you need any funny

ones for the wedding,

I'm your girl.


Wait, is James going to propose?

Is that what all of

this has been about?

Oh, ah, I don't know...


Such a relief!

I feel really foolish right now

for being so jealous of you.

Jealous of me?

You were all James

talked about overseas.

For a long time, I thought

maybe he was in love with you.

And then this road trip

home during the holidays.

I just...


Don't worry.

I'll still act surprised

when he pops the question.

I have to get something

else, so I'll see you later.

Oh. Okay. Bye!

- Hey!

- Hey!

Decaf latte, extra

hot with extra foam.

Just give me a sec.


Tiff! Wait up!

Tiff, wait up!

I'm going to find the ring.

I won't stop searching

until I find it.

Actually, I was thinking...

I can wait on the proposal.

I just want you to enjoy this

time with your parents and

whenever you find

the ring, it's fine.

Thanks for the coffee.

Wait, what?

But you said her

family tradition

is to propose on Christmas.

This was a big deal.

I know, but you were right.

It's only been six months

and what Ashley really wants

is to spend the holidays

with her family, so...

Ah, that may not be

all she wants anymore.

What are you taking about?

I may have let slip that

you're going to propose.

You what?

I know! It was an accident.

I just said something about a

wedding and then she inferred.

Kind of like how she inferred

her invite to dinner tonight.

She does that a lot.

And I talk a lot.

I can't believe this.

You were going to propose

an hour ago. What changed?

Besides the fact that

I don't have a ring?

I said I'll find it, Jay-Jay.

Well, I guess you don't

have any other choice now.

Do we?

[both together]




I'm sorry about that.

That's okay.

Even in this warmer

coat, I am still freezing.

I have no idea how people

live in cold places.

I don't know. It doesn't

truly feel like Christmas

being surrounded by

sand and palm trees.

Oh, give me a fake pine

smell and that yule log

in the fireplace loop on

the TV and I'm all set.

Are you happy I came?

Yeah. Yes. Yeah.

I do feel bad you're missing

time with your family though.

Oh, it's okay.

They understand.

And I know I've been pressuring

you to tell me what all of this

is about, but I promise,

I won't bug you anymore.

Whenever you're ready to

tell me is totally fine.


Let me show you

around town first.


[Elise humming a

Christmas carol]

[door opens, closes]




Hey, where did you go?

I didn't see you

at the finish line.

The cat's out of the bag.

We need to find that ring.

What do you mean?

Ashley's here. In town.

And I accidentally let slip that

James is going to propose.

What? I thought you were going

to tell him how you felt.

Yes, I tried to.

And then Ashley showed up

and everything kind of

went in slow-motion.

And then the next thing I

know, I'm helping her shop

and inviting her to our

Christmas Eve dinner.

Actually, she kind

of invited herself.

I can't breathe.

Okay. Slow down.

- Take a breath.

- Okay.

[takes a deep breath]

James is going to m*rder me

if I don't find that ring.

And now Ashley is expecting

a Christmas proposal.

This is a nightmare.

Calm down.

Go over there. Go sit down.

Wait here.

I guess I'm going to

have to hand this over.

You knew where it

was this whole time?


Mom! James has been

going out of his mind.

Ashley flew all the way here.

I just thought that if I'd give

the two of you more time...

I feel bad.

Honestly I do, but I think

James is making a mistake.

And I've known that

boy a long time.

Well, if he is making a

mistake, that's his to make.

Yes, but I'm also

thinking about you.

And about your happiness.

Look, I know what it feels like

to feel like you may be losing

the love of your life.


Look at this kitchen.

All this holiday baking,

it's because of

your dad's health.


Is dad sick?


Why didn't you tell me?

We didn't want to worry you.

But last year he was really sick

and the bloodwork came back

with the results, so...

But the doctor says

he's doing great now

as long as he watches

his sugar intake.

Well, this is different.

James isn't sick, he's in love.

You risk losing him

and that pain is the same

no matter what the cause.

Look, I think James

is just blinded

by what he thinks he wants.

Raised by his grandparents,

he's always wanted a large

family and that supportive unit.

I wish he knew he

had that with us.

And he always will.



That is a beautiful ring.


Here we go!

Looks amazing.

[chatter and laughter]

James, you look so lovely.

I'm so glad you guys found

the old Christmas sweaters.


[Ashley] Thank you so much

for having us for dinner.


Oh well, of course.

James and any friend of

his is always welcome.


So, you two met overseas, right?

[Ashley and James]

Uh huh.

[James gets a

message notification]

My father is his

commanding officer.

I was volunteering with the

peace corps at the time.



Well, that's so interesting.


So noble.

It truly changed my life in more

ways that I could have imagined.

And then I met James.

And I feel like nothing's

been the same ever since.

Oh. Well, we love James...

I have a toast!

Huh? Okay.


To a very memorable Christmas.

[laughter, glasses clink]


Cheers. Merry Christmas.

[James quietly]



I'm sorry I took

so long to find it.

It was actually really nice

spending time here

with everyone.

It was good having you home.


What do you think of her?

Ashley? She's wonderful.

[James chuckles]

That's it?

Come on! From the woman who

can write a thousand words

on holiday scented cat litter?

I'm not product reviewing

your girlfriend.

How about an honest opinion

from my best friend?

She is refined but approachable,

she has an amazing

sense of style

and a genuine openness

that's hard to find.

And she loves you, which

is the most important part.

You think this is

the right decision?

You don't need my

approval, James.

Yeah, but I'd like your support.

You know you have it.


Before at the race you were

going to tell me something.

What was it?

You know, I don't even remember.

You should probably get

back inside with Ashley.

My parents are probably

going to make her play

Christmas charades.

[sad music begins]

Are you coming inside?

Yeah, in a sec.

Can you feel the magic?

A hint a spark electric


Pulling me into your eyes

Like snowflakes

floating from the sky

Drifting down a lullaby

I'm fa la la la

falling for you

Oh it's just a

dream come true

Like a gift out of the blue

I'm fa la la la

falling for you

[James V.O.]

Dear Tiff,

We've been best friends for

as long as I can remember.

You've never let me down and

the love that I have for you

goes deeper than friendship.

I haven't had the courage

to say this out loud, so

I'm doing it this way.

You see, there's a

difference between love

and love-love.

I feel the second one for you.

Now, this may be a lot

for you to take in.

And if you don't feel the same

way, you don't have to say

anything and I'll

respect your decision

and pretend this never happened.

I'll be your best friend forever

and move on with my life.

But if you do feel how I feel,

just let me know it, Tiff.

Write me back. Text me.

Call me.

It's always been you.

Love, James.

I'm fa la la la falling

Into a wonderland

full of bliss

A starlit mistletoe kiss

Never have I felt like this


It's like snowflakes

floating from the sky

Drifting down in a lullaby


You came back.

Uh, Ashley forgot her scarf.


Where were you rushing off to?

I think you're

fa la la la falling too

I was going to find you.

[music ends]

- You were?

- Yeah.


James, I'm in love with you.

I always have been.

I mean, eighth grade you

got a little annoying, but

ultimately for me,

it's always been you.

Why are you only

telling me this now?

Because our timing

has never been right.

And it is now? When I plan

to propose to someone else?

Okay, so maybe it's still

not the right time,

but it's either tell

you now or lose you.


James, you can't deny that

we're perfect for each other.

We've been best friends forever.

We share similar passions

and similar life goals.

I know you.

I know that you want

to settle down here.

And I know that you

want a big family

like the one you never had.

James, choose me.

Why didn't you say something?

Why didn't you

respond to my letter?


I put it in the time capsule.

You put it in the time capsule?

Well, you told me

to wait to read it

and not open it right away.

Yeah, I meant wait until

I left the room, Tiff.

Like wait ten minutes.

Not ten years!

You should have read it!

I know.

I read it now.

[sad music begins]

Do you still feel the same way?

December comes

before you know

The streetlights

from the stars

Plans for yet another year

Never went that far

I'm with Ashley now.

It's too late, Tiff.

The bells will ring

The sky may fill with snow

But all that I

have left to give

Only you will know

Dancing slow to

a Christmas song

Until the day is done

Hey, Ash, why do you love me?

What kind of question is that?

Because you're kind and caring

and brave and adorably handsome.

But why me?

Never mind.

I have something to tell you.

What's this?

You're leaving active duty?

I want to apply for

a civilian position.

When did you decide this?

On my last tour overseas.

Why didn't you say something?

I wanted to surprise you.

Surprise me?

Or afraid to tell me?

Well, maybe a bit of both.

I thought you were

happy serving?

I am. I was, but...

I want other things too, Ash.

I want a different

career, a family.

You can have a family.

I mean, daddy did.

You traveled around a lot.

I want to set down

roots in one place.

The military life

is all I've known.

I've been planning a life like

the one I've always had.

Traveling, seeing the world.

Being in a position of service.

I'm sorry, Ash, but

I don't think I can give

you the life you want.

Maybe we were rushing

things a little.

[sad music ends]


And also, you're

in love with Tiffany.

Anyone can see how perfect

you two are for each other.

You have a shared past.

You want the same

things for your future.

I can't compete with that.

She's been in my life for

as long as I can remember.

Then I don't want to

stand in the way of that.

Look, I know you're a good guy

and you want to do the right

thing, but maybe the right

thing is what makes you happy.

And if that's Tiffany and

life here in the Midwest...

Then that's what you should do.


What about you?

I'll be fine.

Maybe I'll enlist.

But right now, I am going

to head to the airport

and get out of this

freezing arctic of a city.

I'm sorry for dragging you away

from your family like this.

Oh. That was my

impulsive decision.

Now it's time for yours.


See ya.

[sad music begins]

See you dancing

Around the tree

I see you laughing

With family

Cause I've been away

for the whole year

And you have been praying

for some kind of miracle

To take me back home

On Christmas Eve

It's gonna be

a wonderful time of year

It's gonna be

a wonderful time of year

It's gonna be

a wonderful time of year

It's gonna be wonderful

It's gonna be

A wonderful time of year

It's gonna be

a wonderful time

A wonderful time of year

[song ends]

Decadent and delicious

without the guilt.

A perfect holiday

treat for any family.

Hey, you did the right

thing by telling him.

Yeah, a little too late.

I need some fresh air.

Think I'll head to the

lookout, check out the lights.

Okay. Love you, darling.

She's back.

You're still here!

I've decided to apply

for the position.

But tonight, I need your

help with something else.

Name it.

Do you have any

extra holiday lights?

Is this for the girlfriend?


The best friend.

Come on.

[music playing on radio]

Snow is falling

down the street

Lights are up

replacing the leaves

I just wanna be outside

Cut a tree from our backyard

Snowball fights

till it gets dark

Warming up by the fire

It's Christmas Time

It's Christmas Time

[James] Thought you

might come here.

What are you doing here?

It's the best place in the

city to see the lights.

Where's Ashley?

She went home.

It's over.

Really? Why?

Because of you.

You see me.

What do you mean?

You asked me how I knew

Ashley was the one

and I couldn't answer because

she wasn't the right one.

You are.

Every good memory I

have includes you.

And every bad one has

you standing by my side.

You've never let me down.

You've always been there for me.

But more importantly,


You see me like no one

has ever seen me before.

So, what do you say?

Can I kiss my best friend?


You kept this safe for a decade.

Can I keep you safe

for a lifetime?



I love-love you, Tiff.

I love-love you too, James.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

[James] I thought we could

take another road trip

after the holidays.

I think I owe you a redo.


I do have to head back to LA

so I can pack my things

so I can move back here.
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