18x39 - A Trip Down Memory Train!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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18x39 - A Trip Down Memory Train!

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Our heroes are on their way to Anistar City,

where Ash hopes to win his seventh Kalos Gym badge.

ASH: Is everybody all right?

SERENA: I'm okay!

CLEMONT: Yeah...

BONNIE: Hey! What is this?!

JESSIE: Prepare for trouble, that's what this is!

JAMES: And make it double, our team never misses!

JESSIE: To protect the world from devastation!

JAMES: To unite all people within our nation!

JESSIE: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

JAMES: Falling into a pit trap fits you like a glove!

JESSIE: Jessie!

JAMES: And James.

JESSIE: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

JAMES: Surrender now or prepare for a top-down fight!

MEOWTH: Meowth, that's right!

JAMES: Na na na boo boo, we're free but not you! Yay!

ASH: Team Rocket!

SERENA: Look! My hair's a mess!

JAMES: Who cares, Twerp?!

JESSIE: We're here for Pikachu!

MEOWTH: Give it up, if you know what's good for you!

ASH: Not a chance! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!

MEOWTH: Backatcha, dolt!

MEOWTH: This net will keep unwanted zaps from zapping!

CLEMONT: Bunnelby! Mud Shot, let's go!

ASH: 'Kay,ikachu, Thunderbolt now!


JESSIE: I want more screen time!

JESSIE: We're blasting off again!

BONNIE: And stay away!

ASH: I hit my head. Hey guys! We all here?


SERENA: Uh huh.

CLEMONT: All of us.

BONNIE: Big booms like that are a lot of fun.

ASH: What a fall!

SERENA: It's a long way down here.


CLEMONT: It looks like an abandoned mine.

ASH: What is it, Pikachu?

CLEMONT: Of course. Let's follow these tracks.

ASH: Then we can get out!

CLEMONT: That's right!

ASH: Okay! Let's get out of here!


BONNIE: Hey, Clemont? I think this happened to us once before.

CLEMONT: Yeah? Bonnie, you think so?

BONNIE: Of course! When we first met Bunnelby!

CLEMONT: OH, right.

ASH: Yeah? So what happened, you guys?

SERENA: Tell us about it!

CLEMONT: You sure you really want to know?

BONNIE: They asked you, so tell them!

CLEMONT: All right then, if you insist.

ASH: Awesome!

CLEMONT: Let's see& It was after Clembot threw me

out of the Lumiose Gym...

time trying to figure out how I

could get back inside.

CLEMONT: What am I going to do?!

CLEMONT: So hungry. I need food.

I can't even think straight.

BONNIE: Clemont? Sorry!

BONNIE: This is all I could find in the house...

CLEMONT: Wow! How nice of you!

BONNIE: Hey you! Stop!

CLEMONT: I want to eat that! Give it back!


ASH: Bunnelby really did that?

SERENA: I can't imagine Bunnelby doing that kind of thing now.

CLEMONT: Anyway& That's how Bunnelby and I first met.

CLEMONT: Where's that Bunnelby?

BONNIE: It's gone...

CLEMONT: Over there!

BONNIE: Stop! You won't get away!

CLEMONT: Bonnie& Are you okay?

BONNIE: I think so.

BONNIE: Clemont? What's this?

CLEMONT: It looks to me like a subway tunnel.

BONNIE: I'm scared! What if a train comes?!

CLEMONT: We'll be fine.

I'm pretty sure this subway line isn't even in use anymore.

BONNIE: That's good. Bunnelby! Where'd it go?!

CLEMONT: Who knows? Forget it.

CLEMONT: Let's just get out.

CLEMONT: Great! I knew I had a subway map in here...

from the point where we fell...

Let's head west! That'll get us out!

BONNIE: Big brother does it again!

BONNIE: Clemont! It's a station!

CLEto be demolished, but...led

The construction is remarkably well preserved.

BONNIE: Grab on. Up you go!

CLEMONT: All right. Now we just need to go through the exit.


CLEMONT: So that's why Bunnelby took it.

BONNIE: Bunnelby's so sweet.

Cthey're all helpingss

each other out. That's nice.

BONNIE: Why do you think they live down here?

out of the rain. And they canm

stay warm, no matter what it's like outside.

BONNIE: Uh huh.

CPokémon, finding a secure andg

cozy place to live is the most important thing.

BONNIE: So for Bunnelby and the rest of them,

this is like their home.

BONNIE: Hey, what's going on?!

Diggersby's trying to kick

everyone out and take the train for its own.

BONNIE: Hey, that's not nice. You've got to help them, please?

CLEMONT: But how?


CLEMONT: That Diggersby's too strong!



BONNIE: Please, Clemont! You've got to help!

CLEMONT: But how? My Pokémon are at the Gym...

BONNIE: Clemont!!

CLEMONT: Go Aipom Arm!

BONNIE: That's my big brother!

CLEMONT: You're all right now&



SERENA: Horrible...

ASH: So, what happened next?



BONNIE: Relax. Just tell them.


CLEMONT: After that, Bonnie said...

BONNIE: Hey Clemont? Bunnelby needs first aid.

CLEMONT: I know. But my area of expertise is Electric types.

BONNIE: You can do anything!

CLEMONT: I'll give it a try.




CLEMONT: Don't be afraid. I'm just gonna try to help Bunnelby.

BONNIE: See, we're friends with all of you. Really!







CLEMONT: There, I'm all done.


BONNIE: Not again&

CLEDiggersby's just't.

too strong for you to fight.


CLEMONT: However...that doesn't mean you can't win.


not--my brother is the

Lumiose City Gym Leader.


BONNIE: He knows all about Pokémon battles.

CLEMONT: Now listen to me...

CLsomeone big like Diggersby,st

strategic battling is better than brute force.

CDouble Team to dodge yourr

opponents. If possible, use your opponent's power!


BONNIE: Don't get it, huh? Okay! Then we'll just act it out!

CLEMONT: Act it out?

BONNIE: Now, I'll be Diggersby.

CLEMONT: And I'm Bunnelby.

BONNIE: First I'll use Hammer Arm!

CLEMONT: Then I'll dodge using Dig.

BONNIE: Bunnelby dodged it!

CLEMONT: Like that.

BONNIE: Now what if I do this? Super Fang!

CLEMONT: Use Double Team!

BONNIE: 'Kay! Il find the real Bunnelby with Double Kick!

CLEMONT: All right. You'll use your long ears to defend!


BONNIE: Yippee!

CLEMONT: Your ears should be a good defense against

lots of things.

CLEMONT: Right! If you use your ears, you'll win for sure!


ASH: "Who's that Pokémon?"

ASH: "It's Trubbish!"

SERENA: Okay, then what happened?


training with Bunnelby so they

could get their homes back&

BONNIE: And then we went to challenge Diggersby, right?


BONNIE: You can do it, Bunnelby!



CLEMONT: It's starting with Hammer Arm.

It's just like we trained for!


BONNIE: Way to go!


CLEMONT: That was a great combination!



CLEMONT: All of our special training is working!

BONNIE: Bunnelby's doing great!

CLEMONT: All right!

BONNIE: Yippee, yippee!

CLEMONT: Look at the way Bunnelby blocked&





CLEMONT: Bunnelby wants to make up.

CLEMONT: Hey, you did the best you could, Bunnelby.

You offered to make peace. You tried.


BONNIE: Make peace& You know what?

You and Bunnelby are a really good team!

BONNIE: What was that?!

CLEMONT: Oh no! They've started demolishing the station!

CLEMONT: We're in danger down here!

BONNIE: Everyone, run!


CLEMONT: Of course. None of you want to leave here, do you?

BONNIE: But why?

CLEMONT: Because... this is their home!


CLEMONT: I know! How about we move their train

to a safe place...

CLEMONT: There. I know the perfect location.

BONNIE: You do?!

CLEMONT: All right! Let's get this train moving and

find you a new home!

BONNIE: Think you can do that?

CLEMONT: The future is now, thanks to science!

CLEMONT: Clemontic Gear, on!

encounter a situation precisely

Running Generator! It generates

electricity as you run on top of the conveyor belt!

BONNIE: But how's that gonna help?!

CLEMONT: It lets us get the train moving! First off,

I connect the cord.

BONNIE: Look! In the middle of the track!

CLEMONT: Now what? Even with enough power,

we can't get past that rock.



CLEMONT: Diggersby!

BONNIE: That was so nice!



maybe Diggersby wants to come

along with everybody else?



CLEMONT: Wow, this time they really did make up!

BONNIE: Oh no! We've gotta hurry!

CLEMONT: Everyone! We're going to need your help!

I'll drive the train!



CLEMONT: Now. Let's get out of here!

BONNIE: All set!

CLEMONT: We're on!

CLEMONT: Full power. Now!

CLEMONT: It worked!

BONNIE: Way to go! We're moving!

CLEMONT: Let's see...

It looks like we need to bear right at the next junction.

CLEMONT: But where's the switch?!

CLEMONT: Oh no, it's pointed left!

BONNIE: What'll we do?!


CLEMONT: Bunnelby!


CLEMONT: Bunnelby, you switched the tracks! Thanks a lot!

CLEMONT: Just a little bit more! Keep going! Hey, look!

CLEMONT: I can see the exit!

CLEMONT: We made it!



CLEMONT: There are no plans to reopen this or

do any further construction...

Cyou love, and plenty to eatn

growing all around you, so you certainly won't go hungry!

BONNIE: It's really a great place!



BONNIE: Hey, maybe it's time to go back.

CLEMONT: You're right.

CLEMONT: Okay. We're going now.


BONNIE: Stay safe, everybody.

BONNIE: 'Kay, bybye!







BONNIE: They looked really happy, didn't they?


CLEMONT: It's Bunnelby!

BONNIE: What is it?


CLEMONT: Hey, what do you mean?

BONNIE: That's right! Bunnelby wants to come along

with you real badly!


CLEMONT: Wow, Bunnelby, will you really come back with me?


CLEMONT: There you have it.

That's how Bunnelby and I became the team we are now.


SERENA: What a great story!

Bunnelby's the first Pokémon

you've had who isn't an Electric type?

CLEMONT: It sure is. And thanks to Bunnelby's help,

I was able to take back my Gym from Clembot.

SERENA: Yeah, you sure did!

BONNIE: It's a dead end!

CLEMONT: All right. Bunnelby, use Dig!


ASH: We're finally out!

BONNIE: You didn't tell them the rest of the story, you know&

CLEMONT: I think they've heard enough!

SERENA: What, what?

ASH: Come on. Tell us!



BONNIE: Well, you see...

CLEMONT: Here goes!

CLEMONT: Come out, Bunnelby.


CLEMONT: After we parted ways,

I was so glad you came here. You've made me so happy.



BONNIE: That's the real ending.

truth! There wasn't any crying

at all! Bonnie's exaggerating!


ASH: Hey Clemon, nothing wrong with crying.


CLEMONT: That's right!

SERENA: Oh& So then you were crying!

CLEMONT: Bunnelby? You're simply the best!


NARRATOR: A heartwarming tale of times past led Clemont and

Buof friendship. Now, with allds

their friendships stronger than ever, our heroes' journey to

Anistar City continues!
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