Payment on Demand (1951)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Payment on Demand (1951)

Post by bunniefuu »

Good evening, Anna.
- Evening, Mr Boland.

I'm a bit early, I think.
- I'll tell Miss Diana you are here.

Don't bother. It's bad form for a girl
to be ready when her date shows up.

Dee, lay out your sister's things.

She is late as usual.

Anna, do you know where
Martha went this afternoon?

No, ma'am. Mr Borden is here.

Oh. Thank you.

Good evening, Jim.
Dee will be down in a minute.

Good evening, Mrs Ramsey.

The price of being prompt is
you have to wait for women.

That's not a bad way
to spend time, is it?

Jim, will you be a dear and
fix me a glass of sherry.


With the usual dash of bitters.

Bankers and bartenders have
memories like elephants.

How did the market close today?
- Off a little.

Swanson Steel Products
held steady though.

My husband can take a bow tonight.

- Thank you.

Other steels off?
- A shade. Heavy selling.

David can take two bows tonight.

Jim, I am not late.

You were early.
- Good evening.

Hello, mother.
- Hello, dear.

You know, she's not a bad looking girl.
- She'll do.

Do you like my new dress?

Makes her own clothes too.
- Got a spinning wheel in the attic.

I can't cook. I can't sew.
I hate housework.

And I love pretty things.

A man has to be a hero
to marry me, Mr Boland.

Maybe I had better take my ring back.

Just you try and get it.

Jim. Come here.

The Blackstone Company
uses your bank, doesn't it?

Oh yes. It is one of our big accounts.

I hear they are planning to build a
large store across the street from you.

Lots of people are wondering about that.

Is it true?

Well .. I can't say.

That's the kind of gossip father has
warned me about a thousand times.

Oh, I see. All very hush-hush.

A big store or office building on that
corner would raise values all around it.

People would move in and
grab all the choice spots.

Values go up if it's true
and down if it isn't true.

We just keep mum.

Even in the family?

Dad doesn't even tell mother
if there is a big deal on.

Any deal.

Of course I see it's something you don't
discuss at a tea party but I thought ..

Well, maybe a few
insiders could be told.

Not by our bank, Mrs Ramsey.

She doesn't really want to know, Jim.

She's testing you to see if you're
strong-minded enough to keep a secret.

Good evening, Mr Ramsey.
- Hello, darling.

Well, Dee.

You're all gussied up tonight.
- Hello, dad.

I see Swanson stock held
firm today Mr Ramsey.

It did?

That's just his way of being casual.

You know it did, David.

Come here and kiss me.

Better hurry and dress, darling.
We go to the Fosters tonight.

I don't feel like going
to a party, Joyce.

We are expected. You'll feel
better after you've had that drink.

I'd like to go to a party once
when I wasn't expected.

Dee, you and Jim run along.

Tell Mrs Foster we'll be along later.

I'll tell her.

Well, we'll see you later then.
- Yes, Jim.

Drink you drink, dear.

We can't be late at the Fosters.

I can.
- But you won't be.

The Magnussons are going to be there.
- I don't know the Magnussons.

You should. She is a horror.

He is very nice in a
homespun sort of way.

Owns about six railroads.

Don't you ever stop?

Looking after you?


What were you trying
to pump that boy about?

Just some gossip about the
Blackstone building plan.

I know.

Well if he could tell me, fine.

Or couldn't tell me, fine.
- You are hopeless.

You go on up. Martha just drove in.
I want to talk to her.

Don't pick on her, Joyce.

Let me handle our daughters, dear.
It is a mother's business.

Don't bother. Just leave the car there.


What is wrong with your hand?

I burned it. It's not bad.
I couldn't drive so Phil drove me.

But it's very red.

Mother it is nothing.
Don't make a fuss over it.

How did it happen?

A Bunsen burner flame.

They get pretty hot.


- Anna.

Cook has something she uses for burns.
Have her put it on Miss Martha's hand.

Oh, yes.

It will take the sting off right away.

I'll be right back, Phil.


So, you are Phil?


And you are the mother, eh?

How did Martha burn herself?

In the lab, at school.

In the lab?
- I clean up.

She was helping me.

Helping you?


Why do you have to clean up the lab?

It's better than waiting on table.

The pay is the same.

Are you a student or an employee?


I'm in a bind for money so I .. work.

Your name is Poloski?

No, Polanksi.


Czech names are hard to get.

I see. I am sorry.

What nationality are you?

I'm an American.

Everybody is that.

You've been seeing a good deal
of Martha lately, haven't you?

And vice-versa.

Marty is a nice kid.

A kid, as you say, is
exactly what she is.

She has sense. That helps.

If she uses it.

Don't worry about her. She uses it.

I am not worried about her.

Worried about me?

Should I be?

It depends on what kind of
worrying you like to do.

We are not going to run
off and get married.

I hope not.

Marty is too young.

Anyway, she is still trying to find out
what she wants to do with her life.

You are rather young yourself.

But I know what I want.

Do you?
- Yep.

Agricultural chemist.

Of course, you don't wind
up with a layout like this.

But you don't need a layout like this.

Suppose Martha is used to ..

A layout like this?

Then she will have to get a new boy.

That stuff really is good.

It smells horrible but
the red has all gone.


It stinks like rotten eggs.

But if it works I guess I
can stand the smell.

Pick me up at 8:30, huh.
- You pick me up.

Take the car home. You're late.
- Okay.

It was nice meeting you, Mrs Ramsey.

Very unusual, your friend Phil.


Let's have a chat.

I like him, mother.

Well, that is rather obvious.

I want to hear more about him.

Well, he lives in the east end.

He is a senior at college. He has
four brothers and three sisters.

Not a planned family exactly.

It's a wonderful family.

His father is a starter.

A what?
- A starter.

For the Century Cab Company.

A taxi starter.

He's at the Union Terminal.

You have met his father then?

Of course. I've met his whole family.

And they like me even
though I'm not a Czech.

How very nice of them.

Martha, where are you
going this evening?

Just out.
- Out where?

I don't know, mother.
Maybe to just ride around.

Maybe go to a show.
Whatever Phil wants to do.

Darling. You really think you should
go with your hand like that?

It doesn't hurt, mother.

And I'll borrow some of your
perfume to cover up the smell.

I'm going out in the
kitchen to get a sandwich.


Martha, are you studying chemistry?


No, mother. I am majoring
in home economics.

Cooking. Stuff like that.

I'm certainly going to have to
tighten the reins on Martha.

She brought that boy to the house.

What boy?

The one she has been seeing.
He is impossible His name is ..

Is Polanski.

Martha is four times as much
trouble as Dee is. She always was.

Dee has an instinct for the right things
and right people in the first place.

She is your daughter too, David.

Oh, Dee will do alright.

I was talking about Martha.

I am sorry.

What's the matter with Martha?

Nothing. Nothing at all.



You are the one I'm
really worried about.

What's wrong?

Why go into that.
- I want to know.

It would take too long to tell you.

Is it your work?
- No.

It's not my work.

It is nothing to talk about.

At least, not tonight.

Don't you think I know when
something is troubling you?

You can't hide anything from me.

Who said I was trying to hide anything?

David, I think you need a vacation.

I think I should insist that you
go to New York for two weeks.

I will do nothing of the sort.

Darling, what I am suggesting is ..

Is for your own good.

But you don't have to snap
my head off you know.


I thought it would help.
You are getting stale.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe
everything else is getting stale?

You are in a bad way.

The kind of life I am living is stale.

Are drinks stale too?

Yes, the drink.

Parties every night.


The whole meaningless mess.

David, you had better see a doctor.

You've got a cure for everything that
is wrong with me haven't you.

What is wrong, David?
- The whole thing is wrong.

I told you that and all your platitudes
aren't going to make it right.


I'm sick and tired of it.
I want a divorce.

Are you serious?

Maybe this isn't a good way
or a good time to tell you.

Is there a good time to tell a
wife you are through with her?

When a marriage has lost
everything it is supposed to have?

When two people get as bored
with each other as you and I are.

I'm sorry.

I thought we had a good marriage.

We did.

What we had is gone.

Joyce, if I felt there was any hope for
us together I wouldn't suggest divorce.

That's the truth.

You haven't held me in your
arms lately, have you David.

You never will again.

Will you, David?

You think I am being
distasteful, don't you.

I look at you and I ..

I try to find the husband I
have spent my life with.

All I see is a man trying ..

Very hard to be polite.


We are both adults.

We can be reasonable about this I hope.

It is a little late for us to
be getting sentimental.

I won't go on living this way
and you can't change.

What is it you want, David?

What is it you want you haven't got?
- I don't know.

We have position, we have
a family, we have success.

Success is everything for you, isn't it.

Yes! Doing what you start out to do.
That's what we've done, David.

Joyce, I am leaving here tonight.

I am sorry but I think it is best.





David, I had better go up now.
- Joyce, why? Don't go.

Aunt Edna will be mad again.

What do you think she'd say
if you didn't come home at all?

Ever again.

If we went some place. Just ran away.
- Where would we go?

Some place east. Maybe New York.

How do we get there?
- Hitch-hike.

Two guys in the senior class did it and
they said they made it in eight days.

You think we could do it?
- Sure.

You could dress up as a boy.

I'd have to cut my hair off.

It will grow back in again.

I could get a job when we get there.
We could say we were brother and sister.

What kind of a job would you get?

In a store. In a garage.

Maybe on a newspaper writing sports.

Then we could see all the games.
- And passes.

That's what we ought to
do, Joyce. Just run away.

I wish we could.

We don't look like brother and sister.
People would know.

Alright. We get married.

We would?
- Of course.

David, I would love it.

Joyce Jackson, what are you
doing lollygagging down there?

You come out here this minute.

And I mean right now.

Who is that you are with?

Nobody, aunt Edna.

Just David Ramsey.

Well, tell him to go home.

"He's gone home."

My wish. Health.



I've done my best to raise her well.

I hope they make a go of it.

I'd like to see Mr Townsend the lawyer.

My name is Swanson.

Mr Swanson, Mr Townsend
isn't in just now.

Oh. Well, I'll wait.

If it is important I could get him.

He is over at the courthouse.

I used up my lunch hour to come here
to see him. So it's important to me.

Will you tell me what it is about?
- Sure.

I want him to be my lawyer
and form a corporation for me.

Hmm. He can do that.

I want him to get me some patents too.

I'm going to make this
Townsend a lot of money.

Patents you said?
- Uhuh.

On a new process for making fine steel.

It is your own process?
- Yes, ma'am.

See, I'm a metal worker.

I discovered this brand
new method myself.

Someday I am going to make
the best steel in the world.

I bet you will.

I've been experimenting
on it for ten years.

I've put every penny
into it that I've earned.

Now it is up to Townsend to do the rest.

Do you know Mr Townsend personally?

Oh no.

No. But a fellow over at the plant was
telling me that he was smart and young.


The kind of a man I want. Going
to let him in on the ground floor.

Patents are more in
Mr David Ramsey's line.

He specialises in matters like this.

He knows as much about
corporation and patent laws ..

As you do about steel.

He is an expert.


If he is an expert maybe he would
be the best man for me on this deal.

I got just twenty dollars in cash.

I'm going to have to owe him
the rest or give him stock.

Mr Ramsey wouldn't mind that.

As I said he is over
the courthouse but ..

If you have given up your
lunch hour it must be important.

I will go right over.
It is just around the corner.

I will only be a minute.

David, David.

David, there's a client waiting in
your office for you. - A client?


Did you hear that? A client.
- Well drop that shovel and get going.

I'll square you with the boss.
- Thanks, Bobby.

What kind of a client is he,
honey? What does he want?

He wants you to form a corporation.
- A corporation?

You'll need a neck-tie.
- I don't have one with me.

You got a neck-tie, Bob?
- Yeah.


What's his name, Joyce?

Swanson. You need a hat.

Give me your hat.

Bob, give me that coat there, will you.

A real client?
- Yeah.

Carry this.
- How do I look?

Like the president
of the bar association.

Thanks, Bob.

Thank you, Mr Swanson.

My first fee.

Our first fee.

I know I'm so happy I don't know whether
to kiss this $20 bill or to kiss you.

Well don't give it a second thought.

Did he say how he came
to pick me for his lawyer?

Because you know about patents.

Who told him that?
- I don't know.

But you can study up on them. There is a
dozen books on patents in the library.

That's funny. Patents.
What else did he say?

He said he'd heard that you were
honest and brilliant and hard working.

You see, people are beginning to talk.
I am now the legal representative of ..

"The Swanson Steel Products Company."
That's what we'll call the corporation.

I'm a corporation lawyer.

I have cash in my hand and stock
coming for the rest of my fee.

We are going to own stock, honey.

I've never kissed a
corporation lawyer before.

Help yourself.

Swanson Steel Products Company Inc.
You like that name?

And David Ramsey junior.

Do you like that name?
- Why, junior?

Because in September that is what
our son is going to be called.

Our son?

I hope it is a son.

Joyce, are you serious?
- Uhuh.

Dr Nelson told me this morning.

But we can't. Not the way things are.
- But things are wonderful.

Your first client, our first child.
Both in the same day.

Joyce, no. We cannot afford a family.

I have to work with a pick and shovel
just to pretend I am practising law.

But you are not pretending anymore.

No, no.

This is a swell time to start a family.

It's a wonderful time.

You're going to make money. Lots of it.

David, don't sing the blues today.

This is the biggest day of our lives.

Joyce, there is nobody
like you. Nobody at all.

Here I am, scared to death and
you're as happy as a jaybird.

Now here is a decision we could
use as a precedent, Bob.

Very interesting.
The State versus Tamper.

The appeal was made
out of a felony conviction.

The charge was changed to a
misdemeanour on a plea of no intent.

And a new trial was ordered.

Bank lady, here is my room rent.

Do you want one back?
- Yes. I could use one.

Banker, could I float a loan too?

I'll put the rest in the rent envelope.
Where is the evening paper?

In my room.

Here is another case we
could use as a precedent.

What's the use, Dave?

We've been all through this in school.

We prepared cases that we
never tried, just for practice.

But you keep at it. You've got
a client who keeps you busy.

You are a lawyer.
- And what are you?

A pick and shovel man.
- Wait for it, Bob. You'll get a break.

I'm not going to wait for a break. I'm
going to get a job and leave the office.

I'm going to get a job in the
legal department of a bank.

Work at the kind of law I hate, but
at least I won't be kidding myself.

I'll make a living.

Look, I can tell you the
Swanson account is good.

I don't want you to carry me. I will not
hang on to the shirt-tails of anybody.

I'll quit practice and get a job.

Well, don't make up your mind tonight.
- I made it up a month ago.

I'm giving you my law books.
- Bob, don't talk like that.

Anybody home?

Hello, Mr Swanson. How are you tonight?

Look here, Dave. One in Michigan.

One in Pennsylvania using my process.

Two mills back east using
my process to make steel.

You got to stop them right away.

Send them a telegram to
desist or you'll take action.

I'll take action right now
and no telegrams.

Dave. You go to Michigan tomorrow.

Tell them we'll sue them
right down to their pants ..

If they use my process to make
one more pound of steel.

That's better than a telegram.
Isn't it, Joyce?

Hello, Diana.

You know, we're a small
company right now.

But we'll fight like a giant if
anybody tries to rob us of our rights.

It costs money, Mr Swanson.

Right. We'll spend money. Here.

Let me know if you have to have anymore.

Now you get packed and leave tonight.

When you get there, tell them
if they fool with our patents ..

We'll sue them and take away
everything they've got.

I'll tell them just that.
- Yeah.

That's the kind of a lawyer I want.

No telegrams, no letters.
Just go and fight.

You got the right man, Mr Swanson.

You bet your life I got the right man.

Here is the one that got him for me.
She didn't say he was her husband.

She just said he was an expert
on corporations and patents.

So I said: he's the one I want.

Played a hunch.

I said alright, I'm sold.

Never mind Townsend, get me Ramsey.


You phone me long distance when you get
back there and talk to those bandits ..

And let me know what happens.

Then maybe you can get over to
Pittsburgh and see the others.

Now don't you miss that train.

Lots of good luck.

Goodnight, Joyce. Goodnight, Diana.



Can you explain what Swanson just said?

What is there to explain?

He asked for Bob to
take him into the office.

Yes, he did. But as neither of you knew
about patents I came over and got you.

Stop looking at me as
if I were a thief, David.

It was the day I found out I was
going to have a baby. Remember?

Never mind. Forget it.

Robert, I just couldn't tell David ..

We would be having a baby the way things
were. I had to say something hopeful.

I wanted him to want a baby.

Bob. Bob, we can work this out.

We'll split Swanson's work between us.
We can manage. We'll straighten it out.

If I practice law
again I'll do it alone.

Now you are not making sense.

If you don't come in on this I must
tell Swanson to get another lawyer.

Say what you like.

Robert, I didn't do it to hurt you.
- I don't want to talk about it anymore.

I'll stop by later to pick up my things.


Joyce, how could you do
a thing like that to Bob?

I'm not taking the job.

I'll call Swanson and tell him to get
another lawyer. Tell him to get Bob.

But he wouldn't take him. You know that.
- Then he can hire somebody else.

David, I meant no harm to Robert.

But giving up this job
won't do him any good.

It won't do you any good.

It won't help anybody.

How do you think I
can justify taking it?

Because you need it.

Because you get along
with Swanson. Robert doesn't.

You can make it up to Robert some way.

Joyce you don't do things
like this to your friends.


If you think Swanson will take Robert.

You give up the job.

But if you don't, please take it.

Take it so we can have
hope for our future.

I never complained much about washing
and ironing for you and Robert.

Trying to manage.

Keeping the baby looking nice.

One day is like the next to me.

I'd like to look forward to
something better for us.

Maybe what I did was wrong but I ..

I didn't mean it to be.


I know things haven't always
been as we'd like them.

I just can't stand you thinking ..

Sorry, Joyce, I am sorry I got sore.

Everything you say makes sense.
Swanson and I do click but ..

Don't worry, baby.

I'll square it with Bob
when we get back.


We missed you at the party.

What happened to you?

Something came up at
the last minute, Diana.

Did you have a good time?

It was a lovely party.

I was very nice to Mrs Magnusson.

That's a good girl.

Would you undo my dress, darling?

Anything wrong, mother?

No, no. I just have a slight headache.

Everybody asked for you tonight, mother.

Dr Appleton and his wife.
And the Wilsons.

Pete Daley was very disappointed
because father wasn't there.

He wanted to talk to him.

I'd call Mrs Foster in the
morning if I were you.

I will, dear.

She may be a little offended
because you didn't show.

Well, that would be very foolish of her.

You know how mad she
is about you and father.

I'm not in the mood to worry
about Jane Foster tonight.

Let me get you something. An aspirin?

No. You go to bed, dear.

Goodnight, mother.
- Goodnight, love.

Martha in yet?
- Yes. Her car is in the garage.

Now go to bed, mother.

I will.

Good morning, Mrs Ramsey.

Good morning, Anna.

Ramsey residence.

- Morning.

Morning, mother.
- Morning, dear.

Anna said dad isn't here.

No. He's called out of town, Martha.

It is Mr Drake at The Journal office.

Did you say I was in, Anna?
- Yes, ma'am.

Shall I put on your eggs?

No, no. I think this coffee will
be quite enough thank you.

Yes, Mr Drake?

Good morning, Mrs Ramsey.

I hear Mr Ramsey has moved to the
Athletic Club as a permanent guest.

I just thought I'd ask.



No. That is a very personal
matter and I will not discuss it.

It is news too, Mrs Ramsey.

Are you contemplating a
divorce or is this just separation?

I see.

Who is the other woman?

Don't you think that is a rather
impertinent suggestion, Mr Drake?

I'd be careful of rumors if I were you.

I have nothing to say.

What was that all about?

I wasn't going to tell you yet.

As long as it will probably be
in the newspapers today, I ..

I might just as well.

Your father wasn't called out of town.

He wants me to divorce him.

Oh no, mother.

Why, mother?

I don't know why.

What are you going to do?


Don't you have to do something? See him?

No. I am not going to see
him until he has had ..

Time to come to his senses.

This sudden impulse of your father's
is not going to disturb our lives here.

We'll get over it unless we ..

We talk about it .. or think about it.

The better it will be.

People will ask questions.
Jim will want to know.

Tell Jim or anybody else
there is nothing to it.

I won't be aback for lunch.

Why would father want a divorce?

Mother has been a perfect wife.
Everybody knows that.

She's never even thought
of anyone but him.

I wonder what brought it on.

I just can't believe it.

Not Dad and mother.

Funny things happen to
married people sometimes.

They get to hate each other.

Mother won't divorce him.

I know she won't.

Hello, Mrs Ramsey.
- Hello, Alfred.

I am joining Mrs Gates.
- This way please.

- Hello.

- How are you?

- I ordered your Martini.

I need one.
- We gathered that.

After reading this
piece in Greg's column.

What does it say?

He indicated that you and
David had broken up.

Welcome to the sisterhood, Joyce.

I hope you get a good lawyer.

We are not at that stage yet.

I will recommend a very able man.

Ted Prescott. I take from him.

He'll see that David pays.

And David should pay.

You shouldn't get a divorce.
Get a separation.

That's a much better arrangement.

He pays your expenses and
you're still Mrs David Ramsey.

And that holds for life.

Isn't it better to get it over with?

Well, I always thought so.

It's a man's world.
They get everything out of it.

I've told Fred hundreds of times I'd
never divorce him no matter what he did.

He couldn't make me divorce him.

I am his wife until death do us part.

And I'm very healthy.

Oh, David is just in one of his moods.

He is becoming frightfully antisocial.

Antisocial with you and your
respectable friends maybe.

But very amiable outside
your own circle.

Now don't go looking for scandal, Edna.
There is no other woman involved.

Why would he want
to leave you if there isn't?

Oh, he thinks he's bored.

Bored by everything.

"Happy birthday to you."

"Happy birthday to you."

"Happy birthday dear Brenda."

"Happy birthday to you."

Who are his new friends, Joyce?

I didn't say he had any.

Don't be blind. Of course he has.

He's been seen with one of them.


By whom?

Pat for one. Elsie Gilles for another.

Joyce, I don't know if it
was anything serious.

I just happened to mention it to Edna.

I wish I hadn't.

Why? We are all Joyce's
friends, aren't we?

Most all men do things like this, Joyce.

It was while you were away last summer.

Then you all know about it?

What kind of a looking woman was she?

I didn't get a good look at her, Joyce.
I didn't pay any attention to it.

And besides, George told me
it was none of my business.

See how they stick together, these men?
David isn't any better than the others.

Didn't he go to New York recently?

Are you sure he was alone?

Oh, David couldn't be seriously
interested in another woman.

Why did he move into the Athletic Club?
To build up his muscles?

Don't be a fool, dear.

What does she look like?

Oh, I don't know. Quite nice.

I wouldn't say beautiful.

She wasn't very young.

I'm sorry. I have many
things to do. I really must go.

See Ted about this, Joyce.
Tell him I sent you.

I'll come with you if you want company.
- No thank you, Edna.

I just want to find out if there
is a woman and who she is.

"Yes, Mr Prescott?"
- Is Mr Pinkins in the office?

"He is waiting to see you, sir."

Good. Send him right in.

Mr Pinkins has an intelligence service.

Very reliable.

And very discreet.

Come in.

This is Mrs Ramsey, Mr Pinkins.

How do you do.
- Hello.

She has reason to believe it is wise
to check the activities of her husband.

I just want to find out
if there is any truth in ..

What's his first name?

David Anderson Ramsey.

The Anderson is the family name.
- His business?

He is Vice President of the
Swanson Steel Products Company.

His club?

Devonshire Athletic Club.

Is he out of town much on business?
Makes trips for any lengths of time?

Well, he did take a trip a few
weeks ago, for a few days.

Then he goes to New York.
- We'll check on it, Mrs Ramsey.

What kind of coverage do you want?


I am sure Mrs Ramsey wants
to be as thorough as possible.

Yes. I doubt there is anything to it.
- Yes, Mrs Ramsey.

The bill for services will be sent to
Mr Prescott. Is that satisfactory?

Yes. Whatever is the usual procedure.
I haven't had any experience ..

Good day. We'll send
our reports here too.

Thank you, Pinkins.

He is really very capable.

Now, Mrs Ramsey.

It is my job to protect my clients.

And that's what I am
going to do for you.

I believe in patching up differences.

Reconciliation is far more
satisfactory than divorce.

Not if there is someone else.

We don't know how
serious this gossip is.

Last evening, my husband said
he wanted to end our marriage.

Husbands and wives frequently change
their minds about these things.

That is a better solution in many cases.

Mr Prescott, I don't want to be married
to a man who doesn't want me.

I want to warn you.

If you should talk to your
husband or see him ..

Or even if you talk to
any of his friends.

Or to any member of your family.

Don't let them know that you
suspect that there might be ..

No, no. I couldn't possibly do that.

Of course I still don't believe it.

Don't talk about it then.

Oh, Mrs Ramsey.
- Hello, Anna.

Are the children in yet?
- Yes, ma'am. They're getting dressed.

Will I tell them you are here?
- No, that's quite alright.

Such a nice fire.

May I get you something, ma'am?
A glass of sherry or a cup of tea?.

Yes, I think a cup of tea
would be lovely, Anna.

Why are you going, mummy?

I don't know why.

Thank you.
- I don't know what ..

Here you are, Miss Mischief.

You know, I just turn my
back and she is gone.

Diana, you be a good girl and do what
Mrs Dodds says while mummy is away.

Mr Ramsey has the car out.

I'll carry these.
- Here, dear.

Stand at the window and
wave goodbye to mummy.


Where are you going, mummy?

Why are you going?

It's cold.
- Yes.

I'll take care of everything here.
Don't you worry a minute.

I won't Mrs Dodds.

Good luck and I hope
you have an easy time.

Boy or a girl?


Want to bet?

Feel alright?

Much better.

The stars are beautiful.

I just saw her again.
She is a real beauty.

Let's call her Martha.
- Martha.

Martha Ramsey.

It's old-fashioned but it
has a smart sound to it.

Alright, darling. Martha.

Thank you for being Martha's mother.

If our next one is a
boy we'll call him Adam.

First man in the family.

You have a full-sized job right
now supporting three women.

I like kids.

And you are so wonderful with them.

We'd better start making plans
right now for the two we have.

Oh honey, I have plans. Big plans.


Swanson Steel Products Company close
the deal for the new plant at Holmdale.

Why didn't you tell me?

You've been kinda busy the
past couple of days, remember.

Second. Our home offices
will be in San Francisco.

Then we'll be moving there?
- That's third and most important ..

Between Holmdale and San Francisco there
is some nice small farms 40 miles south.

I can drive to the office every day and
we Ramseys can live in the country.

David, that is an impractical idea.

Why? A lot of people
drive that far to work.

I don't like it.

I don't want to be suck in some
faraway patch in the woods.

Never seeing anybody,
never knowing anybody.

Joyce, I'm not talking about pioneering.

We can get a nice little place.
Maybe rebuild a little.

It will be good for the kids, honey.
- What's good about it?

Who will their friends be?

Farmhands' children?
Cross old storekeeper's daughters?

Where would they go to school? Friends
they make in childhood are important.

They get better ideas
of the value of life.

Better values? Our children are going
to have all the good things in life.

All the things you and I didn't have.

We had enough. We turned out alright.
- Oh, David.

We have a chance to leave
this place we live in now ..

And move to a big city and
you don't see that it's important.

The farm was just an idea.
- It's a stupid idea. An imbecilic idea.

No need to be abusive about it, Joyce.

I'm sorry.

I'm nervous I guess.

I guess we are both a little edgy.

I've worried about you a lot.

Just as much as when Diana was born.

I flew off the handle because ..

Well, I know what a big
man you are going to be.

I know you will have much more
chance to be brilliant if you are ..

Living among people who are
doing big things themselves.

I'm just a hick at heart.

And the idea of a little place in
the country seemed good to me.

Later on, we'll have a
house in the country.

But we are too young
to bury ourselves now.

We have a lot of living to do.

Your tea, Mrs Ramsey.

Thank you, Anna.

Well, Mrs Ramsey.
- Mrs Hedges.

This is my husband.
- How do you do.

So nice of you both to come.
- Thank you.

From what your wife tells me, you are a
catalog of every virtue a man possesses.

Want me to tell you about her?
- That won't be necessary, Mr Ramsey.

I know all about her.

Darling, these are the Ramseys.

They have been kind enough to
fill in for Augustus and Marjorie.

- Hello.

Filling in at what?

- You do play I hope.

It's an old rule.
Never play cards with strangers.

Come and have a drink.
We'll get to be friends.

Your home is lovely, Mrs Hedges.

Are you satisfied now?

Satisfied? I don't understand.

Oh yes you do, my dear.
You understand perfectly.

You have been angling for
months to be invited here.

And do you think I didn't know?
- Well, I am sorry.

You have done all the proper things.

Let me beat you at bridge.
Flattered me about my clothes.

Laughed at my jokes.

You are smarter than I thought you were
or I'm less subtle than I thought I was.

Your clothes are good.

But you are a dull bridge player.

I did want to come here. I wanted
my husband to meet your husband.

Well, they have done that. What is next?

David may need financing.
He may need business advice.

If your husband likes him ..

He'll help him.

You are a ruthless climber, aren't you.

You won't be a nobody.

You'll connive, manage, manoeuvre.
Do whatever is necessary.

Naturally. I am interested
in my husband's career.

Step over anyone to help it, won't you?

Would you like us to leave, Mrs Hedges?

You know, Joyce.

I can't help thinking how you
remind me of myself at your age.

No wonder you recognised my technique.

Recognise it?

My dear, I invented it.

"Oh no, dear. That would spoil the
whole thing. Wouldn't it, Joyce."

I don't like it.

Buttering up a dame like that.

At the end of the evening she
was playing up to us. - So?

Her dear friends, the Ramseys.

I don't like snooty people.

Emily is alright.

So, it's "Emily" now, huh?

I saw the way she acted.

Oh, you are a simple soul.

What difference does that make?

The important thing is
that they liked us.

And when the Hedges like
you that means something.

It doesn't mean anything to me.

It will.

Hello, Joyce.

Hello, Robert.

I am sorry to interrupt you.

But is there any place I can find David?

David isn't in just now and I ..

I don't know where I can reach him.
Is there anything wrong?

It's a business matter.
- Oh. Can't it wait?

I have to do something before
the banks open Monday.


I know I haven't seen you
or David in almost 20 years.

Now I come barging in like
this and I'm all in a rush.

It must seem sort-of
unreasonable to you.

Oh no, Robert. Not at all.

Won't you come in and sit down?

I've been foolish.

About David, I mean.

He's tried to throw legal work my
way and .. I've turned him down.


I don't know.

Yes, he told me.

I've been silly.

What kind of trouble are you in, Robert?

Money trouble.

I started a building
and loan association.

A lot of people put money into it.

I made some bonds that ..

Well they haven't panned out too well.
- I see.

The examiner is coming Monday and I ..

I am short.

About fifteen thousand.

That much?

That much would tide me over.

Robert, I don't really know what to tell
you. David is out of town as I said.

He left at noon today and ..

I don't really know where he is and he
won't be back for 10 days or maybe more.

That's my last hope.

Sorry I troubled you, Joyce.

I am afraid there isn't
anything I can do about it.

I guess there isn't
anything anyone can do.

Is there any way I can get
in touch with David?

I guess it is no use.

Say I said hello when he gets back.
- I will.

Hello, mother.
- Hello, darling.

Run up and change your clothes.
- Is daddy here?

He's away on a trip. Run along, dear.

She looks like David, doesn't she.
- Yes she does.

I am awfully sorry I can't
be of any help, Robert.

That's alright, Joyce, Goodbye.

Don't be silly, darling.

I'm not, mother. I heard you distinctly.

You said Daddy was away on a trip.

I didn't mean a long trip. I just
meant a trip to the country club.

What is all this?

It's nothing. I was just surprised
to see you. That's all.

He said I looked like you.

Who insulted you in
that caddish fashion?

It was no insult. It was nice.

I hope I do look like you.

And I am glad you're not away.

So am I, good-looking.

Who is it she's rattling on about?

Robert Townsend came to see you today.


Why didn't you tell me, Joyce?

I didn't want him to annoy you. Darling,
please take your feet off that chair.

What did he say?

Oh, some tale of woe. By that I
mean he is still fumbling around.

Joyce, what did he say?

He wanted you to lend him some money.
- Is Bob broke?

Broke. And some deal
or something he has ..

He's mismanaged. I don't know, David.
He wants to borrow a lot of money.

He wants to have it by Monday.
- He must be in a bad jam.

He might be in less of a jam if ..

If he hadn't turned down every chance
you offered him over the past 20 years.

Joyce, Bob must be in bad
trouble if he came to see me.

I think I'll drive up to Santa Rosa
tonight and see him.

David, have you lost your mind?

No. Nor my memory.

You can't go up there tonight.
We're going to the Clydes.

You go to the Clydes.
- David!


David, you might have had the decency
to phone and say you'd be out all night.

I didn't know if your car had gone off
the road or what had happened to you.

What did happen?
- Nothing.

I suppose you saw Robert.

Yes. I gave him the money he needed.
Promised him more if necessary.

I knew of course you'd do that.

I didn't think it would take all night
for you to make up your mind.

Or did it take Robert all night
to decide to accept it?

I'd like to get some sleep. I'm tired.

You will hear what I have
to say first, David Ramsey.

You are a fool.

You deliberately went
against my wishes in this.

I told you it was a stupid thing to do.
That didn't stop you, did it.

No. I don't care what you think.

Your responsibility is
not to Mr Townsend.

But to me and to your family.

Our marriage is a partnership.

It was a partnership when
we cheated Bob too.

Now we pay him back.
- Oh.

So it was conscience money you gave him?
- Call it what you like.

I'd rather call it what
it is: exhibitionism.

Being a big saviour of mankind.

No sense in trying to save a man
like that. There is nothing to him.

There never was anything to him.

You hate people who aren't
strong and successful, don't you.

I hate seeing you make
an idiot of yourself with ..

With what I helped you get. And I have
helped you every step of the way.

Without me, you'd be nothing.
Less than nothing.

And then you wouldn't be
able to afford a conscience ..

Or to help your indigent, snivelling
whining friends, so called.

When are you going to
come to your senses?

When will you find out there's something
to life besides getting things?

David, I've not done a thing in my life
that wasn't for you and your daughters.

Get away from me before I tell
you the truth about yourself.

Maybe you should tell me, David.

Never mind.

No use talking about it now.

Mother, darling.

What are you doing,
sitting here all alone?

Just thinking.

Dee and I thought we might
all go out to dinner tonight.

No, I am too tired for that.

Because I can't bear the
thought of facing people.

No-one pays any attention to
a paragraph in Drake's column.

Your father thinks I'm a fool.
- You mustn't say that, mother.

I wouldn't say it unless I knew
what I was talking about.

Mother, don't upset yourself like this.

You've had quarrels before.

It is not a mere quarrel, Dee.

Perhaps it is, mother.

What do you mean by that remark?

I think people who love each
other understand each other.

I understand your father.
- Mother, don't get worked up like this.


No. I will just sit and sigh.
And it was beautiful while it lasted.

Am I supposed to be one
of those people who say:

"Of course we're divorced but
we're still very good friends"?

I won't do that.

I won't be a hypocrite
as well as a fool.




How are you, baby?
- I just wanted to see you.

How are you?
- Fine, fine.

Dee is alright too.

I'll be a second.

You ..

Need any money or anything?

No thanks, no.

I am ..

I wanted to talk to you about mother.

About mother?

Yes, dad.

I don't want you to
think I'm interfering.

No, no. I know.
- Taking sides or anything.

Mother is in a bad way, dad.

She .. she has worked
herself into a nervous state.

Does she know you are
over here seeing me?

No, and I don't want her to.

She is ..

She is too bitter to realize now.

I belong to you too.

Yes. I am a little bitter myself.

But I don't think going into it with
you would be helpful or proper.

I don't want you to, dad.

All I want is for you to try ..

If you should hear from her.

Or if she phones you or writes
you a letter or something.

Don't be too critical of what she says.

Don't get to hate each other.

No. We won't hate each other.

Baby, this is ..

Just a solution to a problem.

It's the only solution.

Mother doesn't realise that.

It's as if the floor has fallen
out from under her.

She's all mixed up.

She thinks this is something
that happened all of a sudden.

Just don't get so sore
at each other that ..

I can't see you both whenever I want to.

Thanks for coming tonight, Martha.

And it won't be that
way if I can help it.

Goodnight, dad.
- Night, baby.

It's nice, isn't it.

Very nice.


Let me ask you something.

Does music like that make
you feel lonely sometimes?

When it's over it does.

You know what you are lonely for?

I mean, does it make you think of a ..

A particular place or
a particular person?

A certain time in your life.

No, I don't think so.

Of course, some music is associated
with some things in your life.

That isn't what you mean, is it?

It's hard to say what I mean.

The loneliness I'm talking about is a ..

General feeling of ..

Not being part of
everything that exists.

Your talk is a little highbrow for me.

Let me try it again.


People are part of everything.

Not just a single place.

And music like that make you know it.

No-one explains what music
does to them, David.

And no-one should try,
It is too individual.

There are as many different explanations
as there are people listening to it.

If you like it, leave it alone.
Don't try to find out why.

That's my way.

Maybe I'm just too lazy
to worry about it.

You know something?

You are very good for me.

I like having you here too.

I like the place.

I like you too.

Your pictures, your books,
the atmosphere.

The things you are interested in.

When we talk about things.
I don't know, I just like it.

Would you like another drink?

I'm going after that camera.

You will never catch him.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here.

We both know that.

He's probably got a microphone hidden
someplace recording everything we said.

Don't worry.

I've got to worry.
I got you into this mess.

I am well over 21.

I am sorry it happened, but ..

What can we do?

If this gets out, it will cost you
your job at the university.

It will cost you more than
that with your friends.

I can't let that happen to you.
We'll get married.

Would you have asked me
that earlier this evening?

I am asking you now.

That is sweet and
thoughtful and like you.

I don't think I'd want you to
marry me for a reason like this.

But you will have to stand this
lone and they will crucify you.

No they won't.
They may try but they won't.

You don't really want to
marry me. I know that.

And will I?


I am sorry it's ended, David.

But it is.

Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon, Mrs Ramsey.

Mrs Ramsey is here.
- "I'll be right out."

He'll be right out.
- Thank you.

I wonder if father is here yet.

Mrs Ramsey.

Mr Prescott - my daughter Diana,
my daughter Martha.

How do you do.
- Won't you come in, all of you.

Mr Ramsey is here with his attorney.

Now, if you young ladies will sit
down and wait until we call for you.

Your mother and I will go
into the conference room.

Here are some magazines you can look at.

My secretary will get
you anything you need.

Now, Mrs Ramsey.

We'll go in.

Hello, Mrs Ramsey.

Hello, Mr Barton.

This is Miss Mathews.

She'll make notes of our discussion.

How do you do, Miss.
- How do you do.

The notes will not
be official of course.

They will only be for reference.

Thank you.

Now, this meeting between
both parties and counsel.

Is for the purpose of discussing
property settlement.

And other details of
the suit in progress.

My client would like a definite
proposal on property settlement first.

This is the list of all things of value.

Owned by the contestants.

We will accept his an
an accurate estimate.

Mrs Ramsey?

Thank you.

Now we propose.

That out of the cash assets a trust fund
be set up for the minor child, Martha.

Martha alone?

The older girl I understand
is about to be married ..

And that would seem to
ensure security for her.

Obviously, marriage does not provide
a*t*matic security for anybody.

The trust fund will have to be large
enough to cover both children.

Do you agree?

Dee will get an allowance to support her
and an interest in her mother's estate.

I see no need for a joint trust.

I insist on it.

I think Mrs Ramsey's point
is well taken, gentlemen.

Whether the trust is a joint or
there are two separate ones ..

Both children should be secure.

I will agree to that.

Now, the amount of money needed for the
support and maintenance of the children?

I would like that included in the trust.

I will guarantee the payments to Martha.

I will not accept a
guarantee from your client.

It would be a bonded
guarantee, Mrs Ramsey.

Bonded or not, I will not accept
a guarantee from your client.

It could be made part
of the trust, Mr Barton.

As long as Mrs Ramsey feels
that would be more secure.

So be it then. Now for the next step.

My client feels that he wants of his own
free will and without court order ..

To give Mrs Ramsey one
half of all his possessions.

A very generous offer.

I reject that offer.

But Mrs Ramsey, why?

It is not enough.

Well, you keep under this offer ..

Your jewelry, your home,
your personal possessions.

Which are not in this list.

And then the securities and cash
and properties are divided.

I understand that.

I think Mr Prescott will tell you ..

That no court will possibly award
you this generous a settlement.

It is customary, Mrs Ramsey.

I am not interested in what is customary
or what other courts will award me. I ..

I am only interested in
myself and my children.

Will you make a counter-proposal?


If you will leave me
alone with Mr Ramsey.

I will.

I am prepared to file suit
and charge infidelity.

I have all the evidence I need.

I am prepared to name Eileen
Benson as correspondent.

I thought I knew you
but I guess I didn't.

You know me now.

I didn't expect you to blackmail me.

I didn't expect to have to, David.

I just can't believe this is you .

You are a civilised, decent ..


I am being as primitive
as you have been.

Do you want everything?

You set the price ..

For not having your new love dragged
through the muck of a trashy divorce.

You set the price for not having her
family, her friends know what she is.

You tell me what it's worth
to me to be civilised.

Or I will show you how
uncivilised I can be.

With her.

Come in, gentlemen.

Give her anything she wants.

All of it or any part of it.

But Mr Ramsey ..
- It's worth it.

Is there anything more,
or can I get out of here now?

The custody of Martha.

I'll get her.

Martha, will you come in here please?

Martha. A young lady of
your age in a case like this.

Is entitled to select the parent
with whom she wishes to live.

You must know that you
are wanted by both.

And the decision is up to you.

I ..

I want to live with the one
I think will need me most.

I've thought a lot about this.

I will live with my mother.

That's alright, baby.

Father left. Does that
mean it is all over?

Yes, Diana. It's all over.

Still enjoying the cruise, Mrs Ramsey?

Very much. Thank you.

Care to cut in, Mrs Ramsey?
- No thank you.

I have played enough bridge on this
cruise to last until the end of my life.

I'll just skip it.

We've had some pretty hot hands.

No hot partners?
- No.

You've had some pretty
bad cards, haven't you.

I must be sitting in an
unlucky seat tonight.

Double finesse.

That about does it.

I have no arguments.

You played that well, partner.
- Well, thank you.

I didn't think he could do it.

I didn't either.

After I had the clubs set
up it was rather simple.

Oh Mrs Ramsey, this is Anthony Tunliffe.

He came aboard last night at La Guaira.
- How do you do.

Would you care for a cigarette?

No thank you. It's too hot to smoke.

I think you are right.

We are changing our course, it seems.

Really? It looks the same on the chart.

No. We are going more towards the east.

How can you tell?

By the soles of my feet.
You see, I come from Falmouth.

The only thing people in Falmouth
know about are ships and sailing them.

Would you like to have a drink?

Something with ice in it?

That might be nice.

- Yes, sir?

Please bring us a white cr?me-de-menthe
frapp?, and a scotch and soda.

Yes, sir.
- And ..

Would you take them out on deck.
- Yes, sir.

Yes, it is almost due east now.

Due east?

You see the North Star
over there to our left.

Our normal course would be headed
just off that about 10 degrees.

Right now, we are at
least 90 degrees off it.

I see what you mean.

That celestial navigation. Isn't it
telling directions by the stars?

That's the old method. Men sailed that
way long before a compass was invented.

How did they manage in a fog
when they couldn't see the stars?

They sailed by instinct or just drifted
along until the weather cleared.

Here are our drinks.

Thank you.

Thank you, Steward.
- Thank you.

Shall we move over there?

I'll take that.
- Thank you.

You have had a pleasant cruise so far?

Pleasant enough.

Tell me, are you travelling alone?


I hoped you were.

So am I.

After we dock in New York.

Then what happens, Joyce?

I don't know. I may
stay there for a while.

That sounds promising.
I shall be there for at least a month.

But you would be too involved
with business and friends?

Not too involved.

There it is.

I hope you don't mind
calling on Mrs Hedges.

Not at all.

She sounded so eager when I phoned her.
I just couldn't get out of it.

Is she an old friend of yours?

A gay kind of old lady I knew years ago.

She came on a trip and decided to stay.

I've often wondered why.

So there's a little curiosity
mixed with your kindness then?

I am afraid there is.

Entr?, entr?.

Madame Ramsey.

Joyce Ramsey.
- Emily.

Good to see you.
- And to see you, Joyce.

You are looking very, very well.

Your divorce agrees with you.

This is Arthur.
- How do you do.

Mr Tunliffe.
- Mrs Hedges.

Mr Tunliffe, this is Arthur.
- Arthur.

Arthur, be a darling and ask them
to give us something to drink.

Rum, dear?

Scotch for Mr Tunliffe I think
and rum for the rest of us.

Do sit down.
- Thank you.

Arthur is a poet. Cigarette, Joyce?
- No thank you.

He is writing a history of
the island in iambic verses.

Thank you.

But don't worry. I won't let
him read any of it to you.

How was the cruise?
- Very restful.

Oh, what a pity.

Rest is a surrender to boredom, I think.

A shameful surrender.

A charming place, Emily.

It's wonderful if you don't
have to go outdoors.

You know the port, Mr Tunliffe?
- I came here a few times on business.

Mr Tunliffe is in the airplane
business in England.

You don't say.
I've never been up in one.

Arthur. Mr Tunliffe is in
the airplane business.


Planes are beautiful things.
- Show him your mural.

Arthur is doing a mural in his room with
photographs. He is really very clever.

There are some airplanes
in it, aren't there Arthur.

Yes, darling. In the ceiling part.

Would you like to see it?

Yes, I would. Thank you.

Perhaps you would give
Arthur some suggestions?

Will you excuse me, Joyce?
- Yes.

Now we can chat.

I don't want to hear a thing
about home. Not one word.

But I did want to see you.

When does your divorce become final?

The 12th of this month.

That soon?

Have I changed much?

Not at all, Emily.

Thank you. I know I have.

What do you think of Arthur?
- I think he is very nice.

Disgusting, isn't it.

Is that what you want me to say?

What does it matter
what you say, my dear?

Facts are facts and words
can't change them.

Arthur is my prot?g?.

Without me.

He would have to starve or go to work.

And he is very grateful to me.

Most of the time.

And that is all I want out of it.

Someone around to be .. grateful to me.

To help me out of a chair.

And up the stairs when I drink too much.

Emily, don't talk like that.

I am frightened, Joyce.

It is a bad thing to be lonely.

Until you do something about it.

At first I had a dog.

Then an old widower.

Then a lady companion.

Now I have Arthur.

I don't know what I'll have next.

Emily, why didn't you marry again?

Well, twelve years
ago I thought I might.

But nobody asked me.

And the ones I asked ..

Oh yes, I did that too.

They never came back.

Be careful, Joyce.

When a woman starts getting old.

Time alone can be a warning.

And loneliness a disaster.

Oh .. I don't think that
will happen to me.

That one?


He is very nice.

Very nice? He is right on the
top of the Christmas tree.

That mural is a very interesting
piece of work, Mrs Hedges.

Yes, do sit down. I only sent you
off so that Joyce and I could chat.

Emily, we really have to go along.

I have some shopping to do and
Mr Tunliffe has some people to see.

Oh, must you go?
- I am afraid so.

Well then, Mr Tunliffe, do come
again whenever you are near here.

Thank you. I'd like to.
- I could drive them into town.

They want to walk and
see the sights dear boy.

You can fetch me a fresh drink and ..

Sit here and read your poetry to me.

Goodbye, Joyce.

A pleasant journey to you.

Thank you, Tony. A delightful afternoon.

It has been fun.

Oh, Joyce.

How about some tea?

I'd love it.

I'll make it myself.
I have a special brand.

Shall we have it in my cabin?

Fine. I will just drop these things off.

Mrs Ramsey.

I have a radiogram for you.

I love watching you make tea.

I like to make it.

My one domestic trait.

Coffee is my speciality.

There is a trick to that too, you know.

There is a trick to everything
that one does well.

What a lovely model. One of you planes?

No, that is my son's. He flies one
like that practically every day.

Your son? Is he in London?

When he can't avoid it.
He likes Falmouth.

So does Kit. She is my daughter.

I'm afraid we are just country folk.

Your daughter flies too?

No she doesn't.
Her mother won't let her.


Thank you.

Falmouth is foggy a lot of the time and
her mother doesn't like her to go up.

Unless the sky is clear.
Do you take sugar?

One, thank you.

Both children then
live with their mother?

They do when I am away but ..

When I get home they usually clear out.

And leave the place to
my wife and myself.

That way it gives us a chance to ..

Become acquainted again.

Thank you.

I had no idea you were
such a family man.

I am in my way but I don't talk about
them much when I am travelling.

It makes you rather lonely when you
think of home and you are not there.

Yes, it does.

So you think of other things and ..

Do other things to
keep from being lonely.

You lead two lives.

One at home.

One away from home.

Hard to do, isn't it?

Not terribly hard.

As a matter of fact it
becomes rather pleasant.

If you have to live that way.

A change of plans?

Yes. I have to pack. I am
leaving the ship before it sails.

I had a radiogram from
one of my daughters.

I shall fly to Florida tonight
and then on home.

Nothing too serious, I hope?

Serious enough to make
me have to leave at once.

Then you won't be in
New York when I'm there?

Afraid not.

That's rotten luck. I'm sorry.
- Goodbye.

[ Martha singing ]


Why, you are the last person in
the world I expected to see.

You didn't answer my radiogram.

Didn't I, dear? I'm sorry.


I hope you don't mind
my using your room.

I sent my own bed and
things by express last week.

But you can have it back tonight.
We are taking the plane this evening.

Where are you going on your honeymoon?
- Nebraska.

Phil has a job there.
The department of agriculture.

We'll live in Omaha.
Of course I don't know where yet.

He just got the appointment last week.

Is it to be a home wedding?
- No. City Hall.

The wedding party will be here.
Did you see the decorations?

Yes. I didn't know if I was
in the right house or not.

Aren't they gaudy? Dee nearly died.

They were having so much fun.
Phil's mother and his family.

We all got in the spirit of it
and started topping each other.

You are happy, aren't you dear.

You must guard that happiness.
Keep it safe.

Make sure that it is
for ever, this marriage.

Mother, I want you
to be happy today too.

I am.

You are not much like me,
Martha. You never were.

That is one thing in your favor.

Do you adore Phil as he is?

Yes, I do.

Don't try too hard to make
him something else.

If you love a man and
you lose him you ..

You might think it would make
you and individual again.

You might think that being
alone would make you a person.

It doesn't.

It makes you a nobody.

Now don't gloom up, dear.

A mother just has to tell her daughter
something on her wedding day.

I'm going to take a shower.


Dad is coming today.

Will that make it awkward?

I didn't expect you, you know.

No Martha. I think perhaps you should
phone him and tell him I'm here.

Alright, I'll call him.
He's living in Santa Rosa now.

Living there?

For months. He is back in his
old law office with Mr Townsend.

Didn't you know?
- No, I didn't.

Have you seen him?
- 0h yes, and he is fine.

Long distance please.

Phil and I went up to see him last week
and he took us on a tour of the town.

A sightseeing trip.

There wasn't very much
to see, if I remember.

What there is, we saw.

Santa Rosa 6-2-4-0 please.

This is such a wonderful place.

I like a wedding in a church.

With music .. but, Phil.

He likes music. He goes to church.

But he don't like big weddings.

The younger generation Mrs Polanski,
thinks we are very sentimental.

If we weren't sentimental
they wouldn't be here.

I think they are sentimental
like you say too.

My boy I hope, will be a good husband.

And your girl .. I love.

I hope they will be very happy.

Nothing is all happy.

Maybe ice-cream is
or music on the radio.

But life is stones. As well as flowers.

Very true.

I was brought up by an aunt.

She was a dressmaker in a small town.
She worked very hard.

She said ..

Life was what you made it.



Your husband's card.

Where shall I put it?
- At the head.

And yours?
- At the foot.

Mother, Jim and I want
to be married right away.

Look at Martha. She's radiant.

I think we had better all go
and have something to eat.

A good idea.

The father of the groom
would like to make a speech.

Later on you can make a speech. Right
now we must eat and get to the airport.

Always got to eat, got to go.

Alright. So we eat.

Can we have here just one drink?

And a few words.

Just a few.

Just to mention that we are glad
that our two great families are united.

We wish luck and happiness ..

To Phil and his wife.

That is natural.
We want them to be happy.

They both come from fine people.

Good people.

They will have fine children.

And I bet you, lots of them.

Here is to Phil and Martha.

Phil and Martha.
- All the happiness, dears.

Can I help?

I'll put you in a cab.

Do you want me to ride with you?

14 North Blake.

No need to cry over Martha's life.

Phil is a real fine boy.

I am not crying over Martha's life.

I am crying because ..

It has been so miserable
since the last time I saw you.

I've found out what it
means to be alone.

I didn't know ..

How much a part of you I was.

Wait, driver. Please.

Joyce, do you think if we tried again we
could find what we had in the beginning?

I never thought you would want to try.

I want you back, Joyce.

David, I want you to be with me tonight.

I've never wanted anything so much.

But I owe you something, David.

Are you sure you're not saying
this because you pity me?

Don't decide tonight.

But if you still feel the
same way tomorrow ..

Or the day after or ..

Or any time.

I'll be waiting.
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