01x17 - The Tale of the Mother's Day Pie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x17 - The Tale of the Mother's Day Pie

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the wind's
Begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on ♪

♪ Come on let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The tale of The Mother's Day Pie.

[fast paced music playing]


[both pant]

Ooh, he's gonna make it.
He's gonna make it!

I don't know, it's gonna be close!


He didn't make it, they're closed.


[sighs] This is what happens when
you forget that it's Mothers' Day,

and leave your shopping
till the last minute.

Oh... [sighs]

For the record, I definitely did not
forget that today is Mothers' Day.

-I just remembered too late!
-[Lily laughs]

That's all.

-[girls] Happy Mothers' Day!

-[girls giggle]
-[Peter] Oh, no!

A brand-new apron!

I picked it out myself.

Yes, but I chose the colour.

And look, a homemade quilt! Oh...

And... [sniffs]

turnip-scented candles.

The candles were my idea, Mum.

Yes, but I picked turnip.

-Oh, girls. You shouldn't have.
-[all giggle]

And look, even little Cotton-tail
made you a present.

Oh! [chuckles]

The only present any mother
needs on Mothers' Day,

is a hug from her children.

But thank you. Thank you, everyone.

Looks like someone forgot.

Who, me?

I didn't forget! Did I, Benjamin?
[chuckles nervously]

No, um,
he just sort of remembered too late.

He remembered...

that it would be better to give you
your Mothers' Day present later!

-Right, Peter?
-Uh-huh! Later!

I just... I need to put the finishing
touches on it, that's all.

-Finishing touches?
-On what exactly?

Only on the best
Mothers' Day present ever!

And so I guess I better go
do that right now. Bye!

[Benjamin] What? Whoa!



What are you doing?

Looking for...

my dad's journal!

I saw something once.

Erm, a-ha! Found it!

Good old Dad, he put all his
best ideas in here.


Instructions on how to make Mum's
favourite treat in the whole world!

Wild strawberry pie!


-[Peter] Come on!
-[all laugh]

I have a great idea!

Why don't the three of you go out

for a nice Mothers' Day walk
through the countryside.

Well, I suppose that
does sound rather nice.

Where should we go?

Anywhere. Go and enjoy yourself.

In fact, why don't you take
the whole day?

Peter, you wouldn't by any chance be
trying to get rid of us, would you?

Get rid of you? [laughs]
Get rid of you, me?

-Pah! Me. [laughs]


You too Cotton-tail.
You'd love a walk, wouldn't you?

[cottontail] Oh, yay!


Yes, Cotton-tail, a nice walk, yay!

Let's hop to it!

We've got to make that pie
before Mum gets back!


We just need to gather all the ingredients
your dad wrote down in the journal.

[Lily] One cup of sugar,
two cups of cream, one stick of butter...

Benjamin, we need a mixing bowl!


[Peter] And a large spoon.

[Peter] And a rolling pin,
and measuring cups and a pie tin and--

Wait, wait, wait. Slow down,
my brain's too full. [sighs]

We'll be right back. We're going to
get the rest of the ingredients.

[fast paced music playing]

[both] Yaaay! Whoo-Woo-hoohoo!

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ No time to lose
You best be on your way! ♪

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't afford to fail today ♪

♪ Proceed with care
Think fast and stay aware ♪

♪ And you'll succeed
At what you're trying to do ♪

♪ So off you go ♪

♪ And you should know ♪

♪ That goal to reach
It's waiting there for you ♪


He-he-he. Bye!

And last, but not least...
four cups of berries!

-[gasps] Oh, no!
-The berries!

They're all gone!


[Lily] What are we going to do, Peter?

No berry pie means
no present for Mum!

[gasps] Whoa!
What happened in here?

Phew. This spoon just did
not want to be found.

Erm, thanks, Benjamin.
But without berries...

We can't make a pie.

-Oh, it looks so yummy too!

[gasps] What's that?

Whoa! It's magic!

No, it's some kind of invisible ink.

It's the lemon juice!
It's making the words appear!

It's not just words, it looks like
Dad's drawn a secret map!

-A map?

And it leads to a wild strawberry bush!

One with the biggest
and juiciest berries ever!


[all laugh] Whoo-hoo!


And there it is.

Just like the picture!

[sighs] Thanks, Dad.

Erm, Peter...

there's just one thing the map
didn't tell us. [whimpers]

The bush with the biggest
and juiciest berries ever is in

Mr Todd's private garden!

We have to get out of here!

No, wait! Without the berries...

[both] There's no wild strawberry pie!

And I am not going back without
a gift for Mothers' Day!

It's awfully dangerous, Peter.

Mr Todd might catch us!

Ah! But he won't!

He'd never expect that the three
of us would ever be this--



I was going to say
this close to his berry bush.

Now, we're going to need something
to carry all of these.

Keep picking, and stay out of sight.
I'll be right back.

[adventurous music playing]

We really should be leaving right now.

-[Mr Tod] Leaving so soon?
-[both gasp]

Oh, no, no, no!

I really must insist you
both stay for dinner!

-[both whimper]

Psst! I got his baskets,
and there's no sign of Mr Todd.

Lily? Benjamin?


-[Lily] Let us go!
-Oh, no!


Wild strawberry pie, you say?

Um... that's right,
in fact if you let us go,

we'd be happy to make one for you,
wouldn't we, Benjamin?

Yes! You'll probably be so full

that you wouldn't even have
room to eat your... your...

My rabbit dinner?

Nice try.

But I can always find room for rabbit.

Now, I just need to check
the seasoning. Um...

Rosemary... Thyme...

Hey! Try a little pepper! Heh.

Peter Rabbit!


-[Mr Tod continues sneezing]
-Come on, let's hop to it!

-[Mr Tod] Grrr!
-[gasps] Run!

[dramatic music playing]

-[all] Oh, no!
-Not so fast! [splutters]

Rabbit's not off the menu yet!

Well, try adding berries to the menu!

- W-w-whoa!

[Benjamin] The door's blocked!

-[Peter] Come on, this way!
-[Lily] Whoa!

[panting, grunting]

How do we get down?

Try the steps?


Very clever, Peter.

Grrr! A-a-a-achoo!

I'm sorry, Peter!

The berries were all
I had to trip him with!

[sighs] I guess that means no pie
for your mum, Peter. Sorry.

It's my fault, not yours. I'm the one
who forgot it was Mothers' Day.

[Door opens, closes]

Peter! Where have you been?

And who left the kitchen
in such a dreadful mess?

Peter, are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I thought I could make you a wild
strawberry pie for Mothers' Day.

I tried but, well,
we couldn't get the berries.

I'm really, really sorry, Mum.

Oh, Peter.

I told you, the only present
any mother needs on Mothers' Day,

is a hug from her children.

And it looks like the only thing
that your pie here needs...

are the berries!

[Peter gasps]

Wild strawberry jam?

What can I say?

It's my favourite!

[laughs] Happy Mothers' Day!

Now, let's make that pie!

[all laugh]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit,
Peter Rabbit ♪
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