14x04 - Owen

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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14x04 - Owen

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

[Telephone rings]


Hello. Hi, cecily.

I'm on my way
to our meeting now.

I moved my :
to :

In case my :
ran long.

No, I'm not
in the car today.

It's so gorgeous out
I decided to walk.

You're postponing our meeting
by half an hour?

No, it won't be
a problem.

See, it just changes
my schedule a little.


♪ pocket full of...


♪ Ashes, ashes,
we all fall down ♪


No, cecily,
half an hour is fine.

I'll see you there.

No. I can take care
of some business.

Ha ha ha!

Woo! Ha ha ha!

That's just
what I needed.

If there's anything
I know how to do,

It's have fun.

Some people
might tell me,

"Quit acting
like a kid."

No way.

Even though
I'm grown-up,

I still love the feeling
of being a kid.

A playground
takes me right back.

I bet there's something
in your life

That takes you back.

When I was younger,

Roscoe made me feel happy
by looking funny.

He made me laugh.

I don't remember
getting him,

But I'll always keep him.

I got alfred j. Quack
from my grandparents.

He's always
been there for me.

He's cuddly.
I sleep with him sometimes.

This is my blankie.

I always take it with me
when I travel.

I love it a lot.

At some point,

Almost every kid
has something soft to hold

For company
and comfort.

A friend of mine was attached
to his blanket.

People thought
he should grow out of it.

He had different ideas.

His name is owen.

Owen had
a fuzzy, yellow blanket.

He'd had it
since he was a baby.

He loved it
with all his heart.

"Fuzzy goes where I go,"
said owen,

And fuzzy did--


In between...

Inside, outside,

Upside down.

"Fuzzy likes what I like,"
said owen,

And fuzzy did--

Orange juice,
grape juice,

Chocolate milk,
ice cream, peanut butter,

and cake.

"Isn't he
a little old

To be car"ying
that thing around?"

Asked their neighbor
mrs. Tweezers.

"Haven't you heard
of the blanket fairy?"

Owen's parents hadn't.
Mrs. Tweezers filled them in.

[Mrs. Tweezers]

That night,
owen's parents told owen

To put fuzzy
under his pillow.

In the morning,
fuzzy would be gone,

But the blanket fairy
would leave

An absolutely wonderful,
positively perfect,

Especially terrific
big-boy gift in its place.

Owen stuffed fuzzy
inside his pajama pants

And went to sleep.

"No blanket fairy,"
said owen in the morning.

"No kidding,"
said owen's father.

"Fuzzy's dirty,"
said owen's mother.

"Fuzzy's torn and ratty,"
said owen's father.

"No," said owen.
"Fuzzy's perfect."

And fuzzy was.

"What will we do?"
Asked owen's mother.

"School is starting soon,"
said owen's father.

"Can't bring a blanket
to school,"

Said mrs. Tweezers.

"Haven't you heard
of saying no?"

Owen's parents hadn't.

Mrs. Tweezers
filled them in.

[Mrs. Tweezers]
gain the boy's respect...

"I have to bring fuzzy
to school," said owen.

said owen's mother.

"No," said owen's father.

Owen buried his face
in fuzzy.

He started to cry
and would not stop.

"Don't worry,"
said owen's mother.

"It will be
all right,"

Said owen's father...

And then suddenly,
owen's mother said,

"I have an idea."

It was
an absolutely wonderful,

Positively perfect,
especially terrific idea.

First she snipped.

Then she sewed.

Then she snipped again
and sewed some more.

"Dry your eyes.
Wipe your nose.

Hooray, hooray, hooray!"

Now owen carries

One of his
not-so-fuzzy handkerchiefs

With him
wherever he goes...

And mrs. Tweezers
doesn't say a thing.

That was
a tough situation,

But owen's mom found
a way to deal with it.

I never had
that problem.

I was
an unusually rational child,

Too smart
to become attached

To something
like a blanket.

I had a blanket
I liked.

It was no big deal.

I never made
a fuss over it.

[Music playing]

[Making flying noises]

This is my super-duper
x-ray shield.

No space rocket
can ever break through.


Levar, it's time.

[Turns off radio]

Levar, it's time
to wash your blanket.

But I need it.

Don't you want it

It smells good
when it's dirty.

Well, it smells nicer
when it's clean.

I need it.
It keeps me warm.

Levar, it's summer.

It will only take
a little while.

I need it

Are you tired?

No, but I will be

I'll pop it in now.

It will be ready
for your nap.




Thank you, levar.


Ha ha ha!



Looking back on it,

I guess that was
a tough moment for me.

Maybe I had
a blanket-separation problem,

But sometimes big changes
are tough for a kid.

I was still
a well-adjusted child.

I could handle things
like change...

At least,
I think I could.


Goo goo goo.

she's so cute!

mama's baby!


[All talking
in baby talk]

She is beautiful.

Oh, thank you.

You've been
such a good
baby, sweetie.

I can't
get over that.

Now you have
this sweet little girl!

Great. A little sister.
Just what I needed.


She smiled.


Oh, big deal.
She smiled.

I can smile better
than she can.

She doesn't even have
any teeth,

And I do.

You know
what she did today?

She is so smart.

She pointed
to her teddy bear.

Yes, she did.

What about me?
I'm smart.

I can tie
my shoes

And read.

I can even count to !

I'd like to see her
do that.

Excuse me,

Levar is
going to help me
feed valencia.



Oh! Ha ha!

Mom, I'm not...

I'm a little...

Oh, it's o.k., Levar.

You'll be the best
big brother in the world.


You're little,

But you can sure
drink a lot.

If you keep this up,

You can play
on my street hockey team.

Maybe this won't be
so bad...

After all.


Maybe I did have
a bit of trouble adjusting.

I mean,
doesn't everybody?

When it came
to the important stuff,

I came through.

I was tough and ready.

I was on top
of the situation.

Like the first day of school,
for example--

I remember that
like it was yesterday.

Mom, how much

Are we
almost there?

Let me figure out
where your classroom is.

Come on!
This is my first
day of school.

I don't want
to be late.

Should I
hold your hand?

I'm in kindergarten

All right, levar.

I'll pick you up
at :

In front of the school.

your lunchbox?

Here it is.

Faster than
a speeding b*llet,

More powerful
than a locomotive,

Able to leap
tall buildings,



maybe I was a little scared.

[Bell rings]

[Children talking]

But who wouldn't be?

My new school
was very big.

It made me feel--
well, kind of small.

Here we are--
room .

This is your classroom.

Go on in, levar.

O.k., Mom.

Hi. Welcome
to kindergarten.

You must be levar.


I'm your teacher
mr. Rievers.

Guess what.


There's a chair
with your name on it.

Want to try it?


Come on.

You know what,


I'm glad
you're here.

Me, too.

Hey, levar,
cool lunchbox.

Want to see?
It's superman.

Faster than
a speeding b*llet...

school became one of
my favorite places.

And mom?

Well, she got
used to it, too.

You know,
big changes can be tough.

When you make it through
something new,

You're growing and changing.

Oh! Come on,
you guys.

Let me down!

[Telephone ringing]


I'm a little
hung up right now.

I'll call back.

That's the trouble
with being an adult.

life can be busy
and demanding,

But it's still fun.

Lots of adults
go to jobs
that are fun.

I mean, really fun.
Outrageously fun.

Even stupendous--

ahem. Like making comic books,
for example.

Valiant comics.

One moment, please.

Imagine having the job
of bringing superheroes

From fantastic
imaginary worlds to life.

A comic book starts
with a good story.

let's bring turok
to the land...

my writers develop ideas.

I say, "I like this.
I don't like that."

There's a lot we could do
with the lost land.

everybody has ideas.

We take one
and build on that.

In the first issue,
I want them to meet.

He should be running away
from a dinosaur.

There's a dinosaur
going "roar" at you.

It'll be cool.

the finished story

Is typed into the computer.

Each page
goes to the penciler,

The artist who designs
the characters and worlds.

I'm the penciler.

I turn words into a story
with pictures.

the writers give us

A rough
story description.

The penciler breathes life
into these characters.

This page has
a dinosaur in it.

Dinosaurs are fun to draw.

I used to draw for fun.

Now I'm paid for it.

The dinosaur's chasing a man.

We don't know who he is.

When they tell me
who he is,

I'll finish off
his features.

Tom the inker is working on
a page I did yesterday.

the inker goes over

The pencil lines
that I drew

To make them darker
to photograph well

And to add
his artistic ability.

It's the best work
of two people.

the story comes to life
with color.

I'm a colorist.

I color the pages.

The paints we use
are watercolor.

We get them from the bottle

And apply them
onto the paper.

The brush feels
very soft imy hand.

It's almost like
riding down a water slide.

You're in control, sort of.

Sometimes you get
happy accidents.

Sometimes you can't control it.

When someone reads a comic book
I've worked on,

I'm proud of it.

Sometimes I even show my mom.

the pictures tell
part of the story.

Words are added
by the letterer.

I'm the letterer.

I write letters
into balloons.

We paste the balloons
on the comic.

You can use computers,

But more personality
shows through by hand.

when words and pictures
are perfect,

The comic book is printed

And delivered
to comic book stores all over.

the good thing about comics

Is the possibilities
are limitless.

You can go to different
worlds, times,

To all sorts of places.

It's magic.

this is a fantastic job.

I'm living my childhood dream.

What more could you ask?

everyone had fun,

And the result
is fun for you...

And me.

levar burton!



Let's check out
the story.


A playground isn't
the only place to have fun.

You can also take a ride
into a good book.

If you liked owen,

These three books will
swing you into a good time.

But don't take
my word for it.

I'm chris. I read a book
I really liked.

It's called ira sleeps over,

And boy, does ira
have a problem.

Ira was invited
to reggie's house

For a sleep over.

He was so excited,

But his older sister
reminds him,

"You sleep
with a teddy bear.

"Reggie will make fun of you
if you bring that bear.

He'll think you're a baby."

That afternoon,
reggie and ira played together.

Reggie says, "we're going to
have lots of fun tonight.

We can tell scary
ghost stories."


How can ira
listen to ghost stories

Without his
teddy bear?

So, does ira
bring his teddy bear

To reggie's house?

If so, does reggie laugh?

Read this book to find out.

They stink, they're annoying,
and they mess with your stuff.

I don't like babies.

I'm like the girl in darcy
and gran don't like babies.

Darcy doesn't like
her little brother.

She doesn't like his smell.

It annoys darcy that her brother
gets all the attention.

"I don't like him!"

No one understands
except for gran.

Gran doesn't much
like babies, either.

Darcy and gran
talk about the baby.

They decide that deep down,
they really do like the baby.

I'm anna martiny.

I've got an annoying
little brother,

But sometimes, he's o.k.

This book
is way better than o.k.

Remember it.

Darcy and gran
don't like babies.

Today is margarita's
first day in kindergarten.

She has a lot to tell you.

Her story's called
born in the gravy.

Margarita tells her papa
that kindergarten is hard work.

She painted a picture,
heard a stor

And was a class monitor.

Margarita talks about
her classmates, too.

Juan alberto was allergic
to the beans he ate.

Max said the pledge wrong.

"Mucho trabajo," says papa.

"A lot of work."

My name is naima coster.

If you remember

You'll love
this hilarious book.



Over here!


I'll get it.

Here we go.

Over here.

I didn't get it.


[Telephone ringing]

Hello? Oh, hi, cecily.

Oh, cecily!
I'll be there in five minutes.

I have to finish
some business.

What? That noise?

That's...my business associates.

Yeah. I'll explain it
to you later.

O.k. Bye.

Here. I got to go! Bye!


Whether you're a kid
or a grownup

Or a grown-up kid,
you've got to have fun.

When you take time for fun,

You'll be ready for
all the other business you have.

My advice--
go out and play,

No matter how
you do it.

See you.
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