18x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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18x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you, please?

Won't you, please?

Please, won't you
be my neighbor?

-Hi neighbor.

Glad we're together again.

This is going to be
a busy day for us.

Have you ever been to a circus?

Well, in a little
while, we're going

to go to one so I
can show you some

of the things that are there.

JEFF: Fred?

-Let's see who that is.

Oh, it's Jeff Gable.

Jeff, what do you have here?

-Hi Fred.

I'm on my way to the
farm, and I thought

you might enjoy seeing
these baby checks.

-Oh, they're beauties.

-You know, they call them peeps.


JEFF: Pees.


JEFF: Because they go--


they peep like that.

Is it all right to touch them?

-If you're careful.

they beautiful?

What a nice peep you are.


They're different, aren't they?


Each one is different
than the other.


they're all peeps.


I wonder what they eat.

-I think they just
eat ground up corn.

-You know why I was
thinking of that.

Because those
strudels were so good

that you sent over yesterday.

Thank you very much.

-I'm glad you enjoyed them.

Will you be ready to come to the
big tent in about 10 minutes?

-Certainly will.

-Well, I'm going to get
into my Chuckles costume,

and I'll see you at the circus.

-All right.

We'll be there.

-Oh, and Betty Aberlin
is going to join us.

And she said when you
come to the circus,

go right to the elephants.

-All right.

We will.

Thank you, Jeff.

Bye bye peeps.

We have just enough time
for some make-believe

before we go to the circus.





Let's make-believe
something about

Chuckles the Clown and Lady
Aberlin as a circus person.

Maybe thinking about some peeps.

And they could be helping
some of their neighbors

with their feelings.

All right?

Neighborhood of Make-Believe.






I'm going to help
with the circus today,

and I'm just practicing.


Chuckles the Clown asked me.

I'd really like to
ride an elephant.



That's for sure.



You startled me.

Excuse me.

-That's what clowns are for.

-Oh, I just didn't
see you back there.

-Well, here I am.

-And here I am ready
for the circus.

-That's what you think.

-What do you mean?

-You don't have your costume.

-Well, where is it?

-Right here.

-It isn't exactly
what I had envisioned.

-Give it a try.



You do it beautifully!

-I'd like to show
this to Daniel.

-Why not?


-Oh, no, the biggest
chicken in the world.

-Oh, Daniel, it's your
friend, Lady Aberlin.

-Where are you?

-Inside this costume.


Why do I always get
so scared of costumes?

-Well, it is a
pretty big chicken.


-Oh no.

Now what?

-Oh, it's just
Chuckles the Clown.

-Hi Daniel Tiger.

I'm the funny clown.

-Well, sometimes I don't think
that clowns are so funny.

-Why not?

-It's when they
surprise me, and I

don't know what's
going to happen.

-But clowns never
want to hurt anybody.

-They don't?


-Well, that's good to know.

I'll try to remember that.

I guess I'm just not very brave.

-You're just fine, Daniel.

Just fine exactly
the way you are.

And as long as you can tell
people how you're feeling,

you'll get along all right.

-Could you tell that
to Nancy Caterpillar?



-Because she hasn't
become a butterfly yet,

and she's just about given up.

-Where's this sorry caterpillar?

-She's over that way.

-Come on, Lady A,
let's cheer her up!

-But don't scare her up, OK?

-Oh, my, promises, promises.


-Hope you two have
a good circus day.

-Thanks, Daniel.

And thanks for being yourself.

-That's all I know how to be.

-And you do it so well.

Ugga mugga.

-Ugga mugga to you.


-Nancy Caterpillar, I'd like
you to meet Chuckles the Clown.


-Could you do that for me?

-You want to turn into a flower?


I want to turn into a butterfly.

-But that's something you
just grow into, Nancy.

-I know.

I know.

But I want to do it now.

DARRELLE: Hello there.

-Oh, hi, Darrelle.

Darrelle Butterfly, I'd like
you to meet Chuckles the Clown.

-Oh, pleased to meet you.

-Nancy really wants to be a
butterfly like you, Darrelle.

-Oh, so what else
happens to be new?

-It's just so hard to wait.

-Why wait?

-What do you mean?

-Well, Nancy, did
anybody ever tell you

how nice you are
just the way you are?

-I don't remember.

-Did anybody ever show you
how good you look right now?

-I don't think so.

-Take a look.


-See your beautiful hair?

your dear little face?

DARRELLE: And that
cute button nose?

LADY ABERLIN: And your kindness.

-Well, I never thought
of it that way.

I always just kept thinking
how different I want to be.

-Well, Nancy, I for one think
you are perfectly, absolutely,

positively fine just
the way you are.

-Just the way I am?

-Just exactly.

-I do, too, Nancy.

-Just exactly?

-Just exactly.

-I must admit that
I do, too, Nancy.

You're a real pal.

-Just the way I am?

-Just the way you are.


NANCY: Oh, thank you
all for helping me!

-You did it, Nancy!

-But you all loved me
just the way I was.

-And we love you just
the way you are now, too.


And I'm still Nancy.

-Come now, Nancy.

We've got flying to do!

-Good bye!

See you down the
road and up the sky!

-Come on!

We've got circuses to play!





She did it all herself, Trolley.


-That is the best
kind, isn't it?




-So Nancy Caterpillar
changed into a butterfly

right there with her friends
who love her just the way

she was and is.

And she and Darrelle
flew off together.

Do you ever wish that you
could fly up in the air?

There have been times
I wished I could.

But that's not what human
beings grow up to do,

except in airplanes.

We grow up to stand and
walk on our own feet

and learn to be able
to love other people.

And that's much better
than flying any day.

Well, it's time to
go to the circus.

Daniel was afraid of the big
chicken costume and the clown.

Let's see how we feel when
we meet the different people

and animals at the real circus.

Come along.



Well, this is the circus.

And Betty told us to meet
her over by the elephants.

I think that's right over there.

So let's just go see her now.

Come on.

Hey Betty!

-Hi Fred!

-I didn't expect to
see you up there!

-I didn't expect to
be up here today.

Fred Rogers, I'd like
you to meet Fred Logan.

Fred and Fred.

-Glad to meet you, Fred.

-And this is Pee-Wee.

-Hello Pee-Wee.

Is it all right if I touch her?


-Oh, she feels like--

-Like sand paper.


I expected it to be smooth.

He's got those bristles.


-You take care of
Pee-Wee, do you?


-And all the elephants, Fred.

Fred and his family take
care of the elephants,

and the elephants help
take care of the circus.

-How do they do that?

-They pull the tent up.

They pull the stakes.

And also they perform
in the big show.

-Well, I guess maybe we'll be
seeing more of the elephants,

won't we?

-How did you get up there?

-I'll show you.

-Fred helped me.

And now, are you going
to help me get down now?


All right, down.

Down, Pee-Wee.

-Hi Pee-Wee.

Well, thank you, Pee-Wee.

-This way, and then I just
step down like a step.

-Now that didn't-- that
didn't hurt her, did it?

For you to be up there?

-No, no.

-Do you have anything
I could feed her?

-An Apple.

Thank you, Pee-Wee.

I'll put it right in her trunk.

-Oh, thank you.

-And she puts it in her mouth.
-You eat the whole thing, right?

Like that.

-Elephants are vegetarians.

-There you are.

-Thank you, Pee-Wee.

We're going to see you
later, right, Fred?

-You'll see me in the big show.

You'll be able to recognize me.

I'll have a bright blue coat on.

-Bright blue coat.

We'll look for you, Fred.

-I want to show you something
else before the circus begins.

-Glad to meet you.



And this is Suzy.

Suzy, Mister Rogers.

And Helen.

Helen, this is Fred Rogers.

-How do you do, Helen?

Fine creature, you are.

Where we going?

BETTY: This way.

Here's what I wanted
you to see, Fred.

-The tigers.

-The tigers.

-Oh, how beautiful they are.

So different from the elephants.

BETTY: They are.

We can't go any closer, though,
because the man who takes care

of them put this up
and told me that this

is as close as we can get.


They must not be
tame tigers, huh?

BETTY: No, they're not tame.

they won't have

to stay in there all
the time, will they?


They'll be part
of the show soon.

-Oh, good.

-There's something else
I wanted to show you.

-What is it?

-Come to the back yard.

-The back yard?

BETTY: Fred, this
is the back yard.

don't understand.

BETTY: Well, the families and
people who work at the circus

need a place to live, and
this is where they live.

In these trailers and trucks.

-So these are all
homes for families.

-They are.

And then they move
along to another town

and set up their
little village there.

-So they have
their own backyard.

-That's the backyard.



They work here.

-Oh, they do?

-They're part of the family.

Oh, hi Jimmy!

-Well, hello Betty.

Good to see you again.

-I'd like you to
meet Mister Rogers.

Fred Rogers, Jimmy James.

-How do you do, Fred?

Welcome to the circus!

-Glad to meet you, Jimmy.

You certainly are
in a fancy costume.

-Fred, I'm the announcer, and
I tell all the boys and girls

exactly what is happening
in all three rings.

-So we'll get to see
you when we come inside.

-I'm on the way to
today's performance,

and I'll see you inside.



We'll listen for you.

Fred, let's go to Clown Alley.

Chuckles is waiting
for us there.

-Oh, good.

All right.

-This way.

Hey Mike.


How are you?

BETTY: Hey Jeff.

Dave, hi.




-Welcome to Clown Alley.

So good to have you here.

Sit down.

I'm just getting
into my costume.

I have to put my big tie on.

-It is a big tie.

It's even bigger than
it was in the picture.

-And here's my hair.

I'm going to put that on.

And here are my white
gloves, you see.

But first, Fred, I have
to put on my makeup.

Because I'm going to look very
different as Chuckles than I

do as Jeff.

So here's my makeup.

-Clown white, it's called.

-Clown white.

Oh, it's the stickiest stuff.

You have to smear that all
over your face like this.

MISTER ROGERS: Does it smell?

-It has a bit of a smell.

So I'm putting it
all over my face.

Now, I'm a white-faced
clown, Fred,

but there are other kinds of
clowns that have red faces

and some of them have
blue on their face--

all different colors
on their faces.

-Now, what about
this color hair?


Isn't that a festive pink?

That's what I love
about being a clown.

You can just wear all
kinds of wonderful colors!

And get paid for it, too.

Isn't that wonderful?

-Mind if I try?

-Try it on, Fred.


And with my nose.


Now I have to powder
my makeup like this

so that it's not
sticky any longer.

All right.

The show is almost
ready to begin.

You think you should
get to your seats?

-Oh, maybe so.

But I sure would like to see
some of the other clowns.

-Would you?

Well, let me meet them, and let
me-- let me take a photo of you

all together.

How about that?
-All right.

-Let's get a photo.

Come on, guys.

Jay, Mike, Dave.

Come on.

Let's get a photo
with Mister Rogers.

BETTY: Oh, thanks, Jay.

This is beautiful.
-And you call this Clown Alley?

-This is Clown Alley.

All the funsters are right here.

Now, everyone get lined up.

Come on.

-Thank you very much.

-Oh, Fred, that looks-- ready?

One, two, smile!



that turns out well.

-It should.

you under the big top.

-Under the big top.

BETTY: Under the big top.

-Take care.

-Thank you.

-See you at the circus, Fred.

-Which way do we go?

Oh, that way.

All right.

Come along.

CLOWN: See you shortly.

-Well, what about the ticket?

-Oh, here it is.

-Oh, thank you.


-Can you see all right?

-Oh, yes.

There's so much to look at.

-I know.


ANNOUNCER: Direct your
attention high above Ring Three.

Introducing the First
Family of the Air.

From Mexico, the celebrated
Flying [INAUDIBLE] Family.


Watch now as Julio
[INAUDIBLE] executes

the legendary triple somersault.

The Flying [INAUDIBLE] Family!

-Aren't they wonderful?

Imagine how much they'd have to
practice to be able to do that.

-I'll bet they
practice every day.

-And the band!

That band plays so well!

-Music is so important
to the circus.


And all of them play
different instruments,

and yet they're all playing
together to make one song.


CHUCKLES: Yoo-hoo!


Hello there!

Hello there!

Hello there!


Hello Fred!

How are you?

Look at you!

Hello there!

How are you?
Good to see you!

And Betty!

How are you?



Oh, I love it!

Thank you!

-Oh, the elephant act is next.

-Oh, well, isn't that
the one with Fred Logan?

Mr. Logan said that he'd be
wearing a bright blue jacket.

Oh, there he is!




-Oh, those elephants are great

-Aren't they?


Well, I think I've had enough.

I don't think you have
to see the whole circus

every time you come.


Sometimes just a little bit
of the circus is just right.

-Well, this was
just right for me.

I'll get back to my place.

Thank you, Betty.

-You're welcome, Fred.

I'm glad you could come.

-Started out with the elephants
with you on the elephant,

and then we get
to see them here.

-I know!

What a day!

-It has been.

See you later.






Oh, a lot of very
enthusiastic people

making a circus for all of us.

Let's go back to my place.



I like to show you
things like that.

If you ever go to a circus
with your family and friends,

maybe you'll think
of some of the things

we saw and heard today.

Of course, circuses
are different

in different neighborhoods.

But they all have
adults who want

to entertain children
and their families.

If the circus seems
too long for you,

or if there's something
you don't like in it,

you can ask your parents
to take you out for awhile

and maybe come back
if you want later.

You see, people
in the circus want

people to have a good time.

I'd just like you to see
the keys on the piano here.

Each key plays a different tone.

Each white key plays
a different tone.

Each black key plays
a different tone.

Every one of them
is a different tone.

If all the keys and all
the notes were the same,

this is how the good
feeling song would sound.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling--

-And that wouldn't be such
a good feeling, would it?

It's great that there
are all different notes

and different animals and
different people in the world.

But what's even
greater is that we all

can learn to play together
and care for each other.

All we have to do is want to.

And wanting to is a
really good feeling.


[PLAYING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling.

The feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new,

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will, too.

-You always make each day
and each week a special one.

You know how.

By just your being yourself.

There's only one person in
this world exactly like you.

And that's you yourself.

I say that often
to you because it's

very, very important
that you know it.

You are very special.

And I'm very glad to be
your television neighbor.

I'll be back next time.


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