02x14 - Blood In, Blood Out

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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02x14 - Blood In, Blood Out

Post by bunniefuu »


Jane makes a magic trick.

Jane: Heads again. That's 18. Heads again. 19. And... Voila I believe that's the wager.

Lisbon: Pay up.

Rigsby: Okay. So what's the trick?

Jane: Trick?

Rigsby: Tell me what the trick is, and I will give you the money.

Jane: The trick is... I have supernatural powers.

Rigsby: It's a 2-headed coin right?

Lisbon: Looks normal to me.

Rigsby: You did something to the coin, right? Come on, man. I gave you 20 bucks.

In the main room, a beautiful woman is waiting.

Lisbon: Uh, can I help you?

Elise: Am I in the way? Kimball said I could sit here.

Lisbon: Kimball?

Elise: I'm a friend of his Elise Chay.

Lisbon: Elise, yes. Yeah, I'm Theresa Lisbon. Cho's talked about you.

Elise: It's nice to meet you. You must be Rigsby.

Rigsby: Oh, hey. Wayne. It's a pleasure.

Elise: It is. I like putting faces to names. Um, I have to ask you— Patrick Jane—is— over here. Oh. Hi.

Jane: Hi.

Elise: I thought he'd look scarier.

Lisbon: He's resting.

Cho arrives.

Cho: Hey.

Elise: Hey. I was just meeting everybody.

Rigsby: Yeah, we were just getting to the embarrassing questions.

Cho: And that's why we're leaving. Our reservation's at 8:00.

Elise: Well, it was nice meeting you all.

Lisbon: Have a good night.

Phone rings

Cho: Let me just get this.

Elise: Okay, I'll be by the elevator.

Cho: All right. (phone) Cho.

Detective: (phone) Uh, agent Kimball Cho?

Cho: (phone) That's right.

Detective: (phone) It's Detective Sharon Florey, Oakland homicide. I just caught a sh**ting on the east side. I'm hoping you can help me out with it.

Cho: (phone) Uh, if you want CBI's assistance, Detective, you'll have to run it by the special agent in charge.

Detective: (phone) No, I'm—I'm not asking for CBI, agent, just you.

Cho: (phone) Me? Why?

Detective: (phone) Well, we haven't I. D.'d the victim yet, but we got his phone. There were three calls to your number in the past few days. That bring a name to mind?

Cho: (phone) What's the victim look like?

Detective: (phone) Asian male, early 30s, prison tats. Uh, gangbanger, probably.

Cho: (phone) What's the address?

Detective: (phone) 1300 Summit Street, Oakland.

Cho: (phone) All right. I'm on my way. Thanks.

Jane: Duty calls?

Cho: It's a homicide in Oakland. They want help with the I. D.

Jane: You're gonna disappoint that lovely young lady waiting out by the elevator for a corpse? In Oakland?

Cho: A job's a job.

Jane: I'll come with you.

Cho: No. I'll do this alone.

The crime scene in a dark alley.

Detective: Agent Cho. Detective Florey. Victim took three b*ll*ts in the back Wallet's missing, but I don't think it was a robbery. He still had his phone on him and some cash in his back pocket, also this- (a piece of paper with lots of numbers on it) mean anything to you?

Cho: No. (He looks at the victim.) His name's David Seung, Got out six months ago after doing time at Folsom. He's a banger, member of the Avon Park Playboys.

Jane: Avon Park Playboys?

Cho: My old g*ng.

Detective: You ran with the Playboys?

Cho: Seung's only family is his grandmother, same last name. She lives on Telegraph Avenue.

Detective: Know what he'd been up to since getting out?

Cho: No idea. Haven't talked to him in 13 years.

Detective: What about those calls?

Cho: He left a couple messages, said he needed help.

Jane: You didn't call him back and find out why?

Cho: No. Anything else, Detective?

Detective: We're good. Thanks for your help.

Jane: Thank you. All right. What's the story?

Cho: You heard the story.

Jane: Why did he call you for help? Are you friends?

Cho: We used to be best friends. He was like my brother.

The Mentalist 2x14
Blood in, Blood Out

The next day at CBI HQ, Rigsby is still puzzled by the coin flip trick.

Cho: Morning.

Rigsby: Does that look funny to you? Like, thicker?

Cho: Why?

Rigsby: I'm thinking Jane weighted it on one side so that it always lands heads. Except when I flip it, It doesn't always land heads. It comes up tails half the time. Maybe there's a technique of tossing it.

Cho: You're not getting enough sex from Van Pelt.

Rigsby: Hey. Shh. We don't talk about that.

David's grandmother comes to see Cho.

Mrs. Seung: Kimball.

Cho: Mrs. Seung.

Mrs. Seung: It's so good to see you after all these years.

Cho: What can I do for you?

Mrs. Seung: You never visited him in prison, did you?

Cho: No.

Mrs. Seung: 12 years is a long time. I told David about you, when you joined the army, when you became a police officer. He always looked up to you. You'll be working to find who k*lled him, won't you?

Cho: No, ma'am. The case belongs to the Oakland police. They'll find whoever did this.

Mrs. Seung: That Detective woman— She thinks David got k*lled because he was in the g*ng. That's not true.

Cho: It does look like that's what happened.

Mrs. Seung: No. He left the g*ng. He had a job.

Cho: Just because he told you he left the g*ng doesn't mean he did.

Mrs. Seung: He wouldn't lie to me.

Cho: Mrs. Seung, when I knew David, I heard him lie to you many times, about what he was doing, who he was with. The Oakland police will handle it, okay?

Mrs. Seung: Please, Kimball. Won't you help?

Cho: I'm sorry, Mrs. Seung. There's nothing I can do.

Rigsby: So he was a friend of yours?

Cho: It was a guy I used to know.

Rigsby: Look, we'll cover for you if you want to take comp time to look into it.

Van Pelt: Absolutely. Boss won't mind.

Cho: I'm not getting involved.

Van Pelt: But he was your friend.

Cho: He was a gangbanger, Van Pelt. Bangers get sh*t. All right, he's not the first guy I used to know to get sh*t. He won't be the last.

Jane: That's funny. Grandma out there seemed pretty certain he was no longer a g*ng member.

Cho: She's wrong.

Jane: She seemed pretty sharp. Maybe he got sh*t 'cause he was trying to leave the g*ng. That happens, doesn't it?

Cho: Whatever. Oakland's got it.

Jane: How much time is Oakland P. D. Gonna spend on a gangbanger?

Cho: Not much. What's your point?

Jane: Well, there must be someone that can tell us that he was or wasn't a member of the g*ng. I mean, just for kicks.

Cho: No.

Jane: Okay, then, uh, Just to... Soothe your troubled conscience.

Jane and Cho head to his old neighborhood.

Jane: So the mean streets, huh?

Cho: Yep.

Jane: Your old stomping ground.

Cho: You could say that. Stole a car over there when I was 14.

Jane: Yeah?

Cho: Crashed it over there.

Jane: Mm.

Cho: Don't wander.

Jane: No worries.

They go into a pawn shop.

Dawg: we're closed.

Cho: Jon Jon.

Jon Jon: Cho. Is that you for real?

Cho: Yeah.

Jon Jon: Man, I heard you was a cop. I said, no way. Dawg, this is Kimball Cho.

Dawg: Yeah, I see him.

Jon Jon: He's a Playboy from way back. Called him the "ice man."

Jane: No.

Jon Jon: Yeah, you wanted something done cold, you got Cho.

Jane: Well, it's still the same.

Jon Jon: Who are you?

Jane: Uh. Patrick Jane. Nice to meet you. Great store. Uh, some kind of drug dealership is it, yeah?

Dawg: Nah.

Jane: You know, I read somewhere that— And this is very interesting— the average drug dealer would make a better wage serving burgers. Is that accurate, do you think?

Jon Jon: There's chumps and there's players in any game, bro.

Jane: I guess.

Cho: Hey. You hear about David Seung?

Jon Jon: Oh. Yeah.

Cho: Any idea who k*lled him?

Jon Jon: No.

Cho: Was he rolling with you guys again? Is that what got him in trouble?

Jon Jon: Why would I tell you anything?

Cho: I just want to confirm it's a g*ng beef, and I'll leave it alone.

Jon Jon: When David got out of prison, we asked him to put in some work, get him back in the groove, you know? He said no. He was quitting. He quit. Then about a month ago, he calls and he's all, "I need to talk to K. S. Direct, " like he had some kind of deal. So he's working with K. S. and not the g*ng? That's wrong. That's disrespect. You're in or you're out. Ain't no halfway. Right, ice man?

Cho: What kind of deal?

Jon Jon: Don't know. I do know K. S. Is seriously mad at you for what you did.

Cho: Well, he should learn to let go. Thanks for your help.

Jane: Oh, Jon Jon, um, these numbers mean anything to you?

Jon Jon: no.

Jane: You certain?

Jon Jon: Yeah.

Jane: You're absolutely certain?

Jon Jon: What's with this guy?

Jane: All right, we're going. You know, your obsession with eating is an infantile attempt of coping with the persistent anxiety you feel. Now if I may recommend something? A career change. It'll be very good for you.

In the street

Jane: Don't take this the wrong way, but, uh, who came up with "Avon Park Playboys"? I mean, it's not very tough.

Cho: Yeah, that's funny. Let's go back to Sacramento.

Jane: Ice man—um, I know where it comes from, but I just... just tell me you didn't come up with that, 'cause it's, uh, you can do better than the "ice man." (phone) Rigsby, what you got?

Rigsby (phone): When David Seung got out of prison, he went to work for a janitorial services company based in Oakland.

Jane: Rigsby found where David worked.

Cho: Lisbon know he did that?

Jane (phone): Got an address?

Rigsby (phone): I'm working on it. It's just...

Jane (phone): What about Seung's girlfriend?

Rigsby (phone): Gimme a hint on the coin trick.

Jane (phone): Occam's razor.

Rigsby (phone): What razor?

Jane: (phone) Bye.

Let's go pay a visit to David's old boss.

Cho: What's the point? He was a banger.

Jane: So he had it coming?

Cho: Yes.

Jane: Let's go and see his boss, get a second opinion. And who's this "K. S., " by the way?

Cho: He's a g*ng leader, bad guy.

Jane: What'd you do to make him mad?

Cho: I sh*t him.

Jane: That'll do it.

Jane and Cho talk to the janitorial boss.

Boss: Yeah, I saw David last night. I was dropping off payroll when he was starting his shift.

Cho: Did David ever mention anything about the Avon Park Playboys?

Boss: His P. O. got him the interview. I knew about his past.

Jane: Why'd you hire him?

Boss: I don't mind hiring ex-cons. They just need a second chance. When they get one, they appreciate it. They're loyal. It keeps turnover down.

Reed: Hey, you.

Boss: Frank. Can I help you with something, Mr. Reed?

Reed: Yeah, do your job. The third floor men's room's a disaster. Whole floor's starting to stink.

Jane: Middle management.

Reed: Excuse me?

Jane: You catch more flies with honey— It's a sound business principle, obviously, one you never learned. Hence, uh, middle management. Have a nice day. He's gone.

Boss: I started this business thinking it'd be nice not to have a boss. Truth is, I have dozens.

Jane: Do you know what these mean?

Boss: I have no idea.

Jane: No idea at all?

Boss: Uh... No. I-I don't know what else to tell you guys.

Jane: No need.

Cho: Thanks for your time.

Boss: No problem. Good luck.


Lisbon: Hey, guys. I got a call from Detective Florey with Oakland homicide. Did we decide to take over the David Seung case and nobody bothered to tell me? Because she's hearing from witnesses that you've talked to.

Jane: Oh, uh, we're just, uh. Pursuing a little independent investigation.

Lisbon: We don't do those.

Cho: That's my bad. I was checking to see if David was still with the Playboys.

Lisbon: Ballistics connected the g*n used to k*ll him with another g*ng sh**ting a year ago It was the .

Jane: Great. Maybe we should go see this K. S. Character, huh? Or not.

Elise's apartment

Elise: So I told the professor that the evidentiary issues were secondary to the procedural question, and she looked at me and said, "hey, your hair's on fire." Hello?

Cho: Sorry. I heard that.

Elise: Hearing isn't the same as listening. Are you okay?

Cho: Yeah. I'm fine.

Elise: Kimball, you're talking even less than you normally do. What's on your mind?

Cho: Nothing.

Elise: Which means something, but you just don't want to talk about it, right?

Cho: Right.

Elise: Well... We don't have to talk.

Cho: Thanks.

They're starting to kiss on the couch when two masked men bust down the door.

Man: On the floor!

Man: On the floor!

Cho: Hey, hey, hey! Take it easy!

Man: Shut it!

Man: Hey! Get down! Face down!

Cho: Hey, you stay away from her!

Man: Stay out of Playboy business!

Help has arrived.

Doctor: She's got some pretty bad bruising and lacerations, but she'll be okay.

Cho: You'll be fine. Just hang in there.

Elise: It hurts to talk. Are you okay?

Cho: Yeah.

Elise: Are you coming with me?

Cho: I have some things to take care of first, okay? And then I'll come see you.

Lisbon: We're taking over this case. We'll liaise with the Oakland P. D., but we're in charge. I'll look into suspects with the Playboys. Rigsby and Van Pelt will go and talk to the people at Seung's work. He was sh*t two blocks away from work. Maybe somebody saw something. Cho? Cho?

Cho gets in his car and finds Jane in the passenger seat.

Jane: Where we going?

Cho's car

Jane: Why did you sh**t K. S.? I mean, it's a g*ng. There's gotta be some kind of rules against that sort of thing.

Cho: K. S. Wanted to do a home invasion. You go in, hold the family hostage and take all their cash. I wouldn't do it. K. S. wanted me on the job. We argued. He pulled his g*n. I pulled mine faster, tagged him in the shoulder.

Jane: Ouch.

Cho: That's when I left the g*ng. Gave my g*n to David. A couple of days later he boosted a car. They pulled him over, found the g*n on him. With the possession charge, he got 15 years.

Jane: And you felt responsible because it was your g*n.

Cho: No, I thought he was stupid to have it on him. Never should have done that.

Jane: And then you joined the army?

Cho: Enlisted two weeks later. I wanted to get as far away as I could. Told myself I'd never go back.

Jane: Okay.

Pawn shop

Jane: Hey. How's business?

Dawg: Jon Jon's gone. You want to talk, you go find him.

Cho: Not looking for Jon Jon. Where's K. S.?

Dawg: Where's K. S.?

Jane: Uh, yeah, simple enough question, I thought.

Dawg: Wh—were you serious?

Cho: I need to talk to him. Where can I find him?

Dawg: I don't talk to cops.

Cho: I'm not a cop tonight. No badge. Now where is he? I'm not leaving until I get an answer from you. now I'm gonna ask you one more time where K. S. Is. You don't tell me, I'm gonna break your arm. You understand me?

Dawg: Screw you, man.

Jane: Let's just reconsider—

Cho: shut up! Where's K. S.? I can do this all day. Where's K. S.?!

Dawg: Aah! Okay. Okay, man. You're gonna break my arm. All right.


Lisbon: Have either of you heard from Jane or Cho? I can't get them on the phone, and they won't return my messages.

Rigsby: I don't know. Cho hasn't been to the hospital. I checked.

Lisbon: Damn.

Van Pelt: Boss, I went over the list of people working with David Seung the night he was k*lled. Four of them are working at the same job site today— a financial firm called Cedar Creek Equities.

Lisbon: That's the place where Jane and Cho went to, right?

Rigsby: Yeah.

Lisbon: Go and talk to whoever's in charge. Set up interviews with anyone who worked with David Seung. And if you hear from either of them, call me.
Cedar Creek Equities

Van Pelt: What did he call it?

Rigsby: Occam's razor.

Van Pelt: What is it?

Rigsby: I have to look it up. It's some logic thing. Basically it says you should avoid complexity when solving problems.

Van Pelt: What does that have to do with flipping heads 20 times?

Rigsby: I have no idea.

Van Pelt: Hi. I'm agent Van Pelt. This is agent Rigsby. We're from CBI.

Secretary: What, did something happen?

Van Pelt: No. But we need to speak with the director of operations, Adam Reed. Is he in?

Secretary: Not right now. Um, would you like to leave a message?

Rigsby: We need to talk to him as soon as possible. Is he in the building?

Secretary: Sure. Um, but he could be anywhere, and I don't know when he'll be back.

Rigsby: Then maybe you could call him and ask him to come back?

Secretary: Right. I guess I could do that.

Van Pelt: Bad cold?

Secretary: Hmm? oh, it's allergies. I, you know, they drive me crazy.

K. S.'s house

Jane: That's K. S.'s house?

Cho: I'm going in. You stay here. Don't move.

Jane: I'm not going anywhere.

Cedar Creek Equities

Rigsby: We're looking into the m*rder of one of your employees, David Seung.

Reed: Yeah. That was shocking. I saw him around the office occasionally, and we didn't have any real interaction. I don't, uh, hang out in the men's room checking out the paper products, so...

Van Pelt: You ever see any arguments between Seung and coworkers?

Reed: Not with staff. Cleaning crew? I don't know. You'd have to ask them.

Rigsby: And where could we find them?

Reed: Downstairs. But, uh, my girl Crystal can help you out with that one. Crystal!

Crystal: Yes, Mr. Reed?

Reed: Yeah, could you please take these agents downstairs and let 'em talk to all the janitors?

Crystal: sure.

Reed: And on your way back up, could you please get me a decent cup of coffee?

Crystal: Yes, sir.

Reed: Thank you.

Rigsby: Thanks for your time.

Reed: You bet.

Van Pelt: Thanks.

K. S.'s house

Man: What are you doing? hey, you gonna sh**t that?

Cho: Nobody move. Hands where I can see them.

K. S.: Cho.

Cho: K. S. It's been a while.

K. S.: What are you doing here, man?

Cho: We need to talk.

K. S.: Got nothing to say to you.

Cho: I'm not asking you. In there. Move. Move. Go on. Go on. (Cho pulls K. S. into the kitchen)I'll sh**t anyone who comes through that door.

K. S.: What is this?

Cho: Did you k*ll David Seung?

K. S.: Who? aah! Good to see you, too, bro. Haven't changed much.

Cho: Someone came to my house, hurt my girlfriend, told me to stay out of Playboy business.

K. S.: That's good advice.

Cho: You still mad I sh*t you, huh?

K. S.: Not mad. Determined.

Cho: I'll sh**t you again if you want. Just keep talking without telling me what I want to know.

K. S.: You're not going to sh**t me.

Cho: Try me.

K. S.: You're a cop. You'll do what the man says.

Cho: I'll do what needs to be done. You know that.

K. S.: I didn't put the b*at down on your girlfriend. I didn't k*ll David. Okay? David came to me a month ago, wanted to buy some coke, 5 large. I hooked him up. That's all I did with him.

Cho: What were you arguing about?

K. S.: That much weight wasn't just for him. I figured he was selling.

Cho: You told him to cut you in.

K. S.: Yeah. But he wasn't down for that, said it was a onetime thing and no more.

Cho: You're lying. I'm taking you in. Get up.

K. S.: Not going to a good place, Cho.

Cho: Shut up. Get the door. Move.

The living room, K. S.'s guys have Jane at gunpoint.

Jane: Hi. You must be K. S. Very nice to meet you.

Man: Let him go.

Cho: Put your g*n down, and I'll let him go.

Man: No way. You.

K. S.: What's it gonna be, Cho? It's on you.

Jane: Well, let's just take a breath, think about what we want. You don't really want to sh**t me.

Man: No?

Jane: No My friend and I are cops. No matter how crazy and tough you are, everyone knows what happens when you k*ll a cop. If you're lucky, you spend the rest of your life in prison. If you're lucky. Cho. You don't want to sh**t K. S. You do, you'll never find out if he k*lled David. You'll destroy your career so let's just embrace this moment and think... About what we want... And just relax. Just... Loosen up and relax. Oh, yeah. That feels so much better.

K. S.: Get out. Now.

Jane: Thank you Uh, actually, I— whoa. Whoa. It's okay. Just... Don't sh**t. Just a plastic bag. Nothing to it. These numbers— they mean anything to you?

K. S.: You are one strange freak, man.

Jane: Okay. Well, I'll take that as a no.


Cho: We should arrest K. S. And bring him in. There's plenty to hold him on.

Jane: Ah, he'd come in surrounded by lawyers. It's not his first time in an interrogation room. Besides, I think he's clean for this.

Cho: Clean? How?

Jane: Well, he told you that he sold the dr*gs to David. Wh-why would he do that? Why would he k*ll him? What's the motive?

They are joined by Rigsby.

Rigsby: Hey. Wow, that looks good.

Jane: Lighter than air. Mmm.

Cho: Why'd you call him?

Jane: Oh, um, you're an unreliable partner. I nearly got sh*t.

Cho: Look, if David was selling, he was using. If he was using, he could have screwed up with K. S. A thousand ways.

Rigsby: Seung wasn't using. His tox screen came back clean. Just got the report. No dr*gs.

Jane: See?

Cho: Well, then K. S. k*lled him for another reason.

Jane: Too complicated. Occam's razor says the simplest solution to a problem is usually the correct one. Right?

Rigsby: Right.

Jane: Right. So if I flip a coin, and I get heads 20 times in a row, yes, I could have rigged the coin. But if the simple answer is the right one... Two coins. A 2-headed version to flip... And a real coin to show you, my friend.

Rigsby: I knew it.

Cho: What's that got to do with David?

Jane: David bought $5,000 worth of cocaine. He didn't sell and he wasn't using. Think simple. Who got the dr*gs?

Cedar Creek Equities

The secretary stepping into the ladies room for a midday snort.

Van Pelt: Hi, Crystal. What you got there?


Lisbon: Where did you get the dr*gs. Crystal, this is a homicide investigation. Give us a name. Was it David Seung?

Crystal: Yes. Yes, it was David Seung. He gave me the dr*gs.

Lisbon: No. No, you jumped at that a little too eagerly. It's not a good idea to lie to us, Crystal.

Crystal: I can't tell. He'll hurt me.

Van Pelt: Okay. Has he hurt you before now?

Lisbon: How?

Crystal: Um... He likes to get high and b*at me and then have sex.

Van Pelt: Crystal, that's sexual as*ault.

Lisbon: He somebody you work with?

Van Pelt: Crystal, if you tell us his name, he won't hurt you again.

Crystal: Adam Reed.

Van Pelt: Okay. And did Adam get the dr*gs from David Seung?

Crystal: Yeah. Yes.

Lisbon: How?

Crystal: Adam caught David stealing a laptop, and he knew that David had g*ng connections, so he figured he would know people who had access to good coke. Adam told David he would turn him in unless he got us the dr*gs.

Lisbon: Adam Reed blackmailed David into giving him the dr*gs?

Crystal: Yes.

Van Pelt: Thank you, Crystal.

Jane arrives.

Jane: That was lovely. Thank you, Crystal. Do you know what these mean?

Crystal: Uh... I—where did— how'd you get those?

Cedar Creek Equities

Reed is doing lines with a woman in a conference room one for me.

Reed: One for you. Two for me...

Cho: Oh. lady, if you don't want to go to jail, leave now.

Reed: What's going on, fellas? What the hell is this? 'cause first of all, that's not mine. She brought that in here. It has nothing to do with me.

Rigsby: Let me see your hands. Come on. Let's go. I don't care about that. Sit down.

Jane: Oh, you're a true renaissance man, aren't you? Businessman, drug dealer, blackmailer, sex abuser.

Reed: You talkin' to Crystal?

Jane: Huh?

Reed: The crazy cokehead?You can't believe a word she says.

Cho: Ow! Don't mess with us.

Reed: Okay.

Jane: Then there's the sh**ting of David Seung.

Reed: I had nothing to do with that.

Jane: We think you did. You know what these are? 'cause I do. These are passwords to financial accounts of some of the firm's wealthiest clients. David Seung was stealing these when he was k*lled. The drug buy— that was just a warm-up. This is what you really wanted him to do, wasn't it? You wanted him to steal these account numbers so that you could sell them. But something went wrong, and you sh*t him, didn't you?

Reed: You people are insane. I had nothing to do with that!

Cho: You did. Then you broke into my house and you b*at on my girlfriend and threw the blame on K. S. and the Playboys, right?

Reed: No. I didn't—ow!

Cho: where's the g*n, Adam?

Reed: what g*n? I don't— Man, I want my lawyer right now!

Rigsby: hey, Cho!

Cho: Where's the g*n, Adam?

Reed: What g*n? Aah!

Cho: The g*n you used to k*ll David.

Reed: That's crazy. Man, I want my lawyer right now.

Rigsby: Hey, Cho, you gotta take it down a notch. We can take him back to the office, okay?

Cho: We need him to confess. He has to tell us where the g*n is. If we don't have the g*n, he's gonna walk.

Jane: We'll get there.

Rigsby: Cho, it'll be fine.

Cho: Now you got cuts and bruises on your knuckles. You get those when you hit somebody. You went to my girlfriend's apartment. You punched her in the face until she bled. And you k*lled my friend David. Admit it.

Reed: That's from something else.

Cho: Admit it!

Reed: I did! I-I bought dr*gs from David Seung. I-I admit that. So? The rest of this—I don't know what you're talking about.

Cho: Last chance. You k*lled David and you hid the g*n. Where?

Reed: I don't know.

Cho: Too bad.

Cho marches him out of the conference room, blocking Jane and Rigsby inside.

Reed: aah! where are we going? Where are we gonna go?

Cho: Shut up.

Reed: hey! Hey! Where are you taking me?

Rigsby: Cho! Open up!

Jane: Cho! Open up! Cho!

Rigsby: Cho, come on! Cho Come on, man. Open the door!

Jane: Hello?! hello?! Hey! Open the door! Cho!

David's janitor boss Frank arrives.

Jane: Hey! Hey! Somebody! Hey! Hey! Open up. Come on. Open it up!

Out in the hallway Frank hears them.

Rigsby: Hi.

Jane: Thank you. Thank you. Do you know which way they went?

Boss: They went that way.

Jane: Left or right?

Boss: Left. Yeah, that way.

Jane: Thank you!

Outside in the parking lot

Cho: You should use this as a learning experience.

Reed: what? No. Please don't. Please!

Cho knocks Reed to the ground and pulls out a g*n. He looks around and from inside we hear g*n sh*ts. Cho!

Jane: Ohh.

Rigsby: Hey! Come on!

Jane: Quick! Key! You got a key? Quick. Go.

Frank follows Jane and Rigsby, unlocking doors for them.

Rigsby: Oh, crap!

Outside they find Cho standing over Reed, who has blood all over his shirt.

Rigsby: Oh, hell. Cho!

Jane: Is he dead?

Cho: Yes. He wouldn't talk.

Jane: Oh, no. This is not good, Cho. You're out of control.

Cho: He made me mad. And you—you stay right where you are. Rigsby, put the body in the car. Oh. Rigsby, put the body in the car!

Rigsby: Right. Yeah. F-fine.

Frank: I—listen. I won't tell anybody about this.

Cho: Be quiet! I'm thinking!

Jane: Oh, what's to think about? He didn't confess. If he was guilty, he would have talked.

Cho: I guess.

Jane: What do you think, Frank?

Frank: I don't—I don't know anything about it.

Jane: Really? Well, that's odd, 'cause... I think you lied about knowing these numbers.

Frank: No, you're—you're wrong.

Jane: All those days cleaning the bathroom, picking up the trash... It must feel pretty good getting rich off their accounts.

Frank: I didn't do that.

Cho: What's with the gloves, Frank?

Frank: They're work gloves.

Cho: You're not working now. Take them off. Go on. Is there some reason you won't take them off?

Frank: No.

Cho: Maybe you got some cuts and bruises on them.

Jane: S-slow down. This doesn't have to end the same way. Frank, just tell us. Tell us the truth.

Frank: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jane: You sh*t David Seung.

Frank: No, I didn't!

Jane: You said you were dropping off the payroll the night that he was k*lled. You lied to us. You saw what happened to him. I am trying to help you here.

Cho: Show me your hands.

Frank: No.

Cho: So Jane's right. It was you.

Frank: No!

Cho: Oh, Frank. Frank, don't make me k*ll you, too. Now you tell me the truth. You tell me the truth, and I won't hurt you. (Cho points the g*n at him.)

Frank: I-I-I-I'm not... Stop! Aah! Stop! I confess! I k*lled David! Don't let him sh**t me! Please. Please.

Jane: Tell the truth.

Cho: He'll deny it later.

Frank: No! No! I-I-I-I broke into your girlfriend's apartment! I cuffed you! I made you watch! Look. See? See my hands?

Cho: Where's the g*n?

Frank: In the storm drain out front.

Jane: It's okay. I believe him. I believe him. Rigsby.

Rigsby: Wait.

Rigsby brings a very much alive Adam Reed from the truck.

Frank: You—you k*lled him.

Jane: ah, nope. Cho, he's confessed. You won. You won. You don't have to hurt him You don't have to hurt him.

Cho: You're right.

Jane: It's okay.


Lisbon: We found the g*n. Ballistics are a match.

Jane: You didn't hire David to give him a second chance. You hired him to steal for you. He was lifting laptops and data. All you had to do was thr*aten to violate his parole.

Lisbon: Why k*ll him? He was stealing for you.

Frank: He said he was gonna quit. He didn't want any of it. Said he just wanted to live his life. I thought he was gonna tell the cops.

Cho: The other gunman that was with you when you broke in on me— Who is he?

Frank: Tony Wade. He works for me.

Lisbon: We're done here.

Jane: Okay.

Lisbon: Come on.

Cho: Mr. Reed, I apologize for accusing you of several crimes I knew you had not committed and for assaulting you repeatedly.

Reed: That's it?

Jane: Yes, that's it. I thought that was very good.

Lawyer: It's incredible. Absolutely incredible. This case won't last 30 seconds in a court. The lawsuits, however, will last for a very long time. Come on, Adam. Let's get out of here. Agent Cho, you've made my client a rich man.

Lisbon: One more thing.

Lawyer: What's that?

Lisbon: We have testimony from Crystal Hargrave that will lead to Mr. Reed being charged with several felonies. They include narcotics trafficking, extortion, sexual harassment—

Lawyer: Never be admitted. Fruit of the poisonous tree.

Lisbon: Not even from the same forest. Our d. A. is willing to talk a deal with Mr. Reed in the interest of mending fences, if he's interested in mending fences with us.

Lawyer: We'll speak to the d. A.

Lisbon: Good.

Back home, Cho checks on his girlfriend.

Then he goes to see David Seung's grandmother.

Cho: Mrs. Seung. May I come in? Thank you. When I heard David had been k*lled, I assumed it was because of the mistakes he made, because he hadn't changed his ways.

Mrs. Seung: Yes?

Cho: I was wrong. You were right. David had changed. David called me... To ask for my help. But I never called him back. When I learned he'd been k*lled, I didn't want to admit that maybe he'd turned his life around, because that would mean admitting that I let him down.
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