03x05 - The Red Ponies

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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03x05 - The Red Ponies

Post by bunniefuu »





At the buzzer, Wayne "Captain Clutch" Rigsby nails the 3.

And the crowd goes insane. [Imitates crowd cheering]

I hate the night shift.

Hey, Jane. Teach me a card trick, will ya?

[Sets down cup]

Card trick?

[Sets down plate]

[Clears throat]

[Swallows] Say, "Pick a card."


Pick a card.

Okay. Put it back in the deck.

Place the deck very gently on your forehead.

Now try to visualize the card that I picked, hmm?

Just focus and see it.

What springs to mind?

Um, the, uh...

What card do you see?

9 of hearts.

9 of hearts.


That it?

Huh. How'd I do that?

Very good.

Very, very good.

Let me try.

All right.

Pick a card.


Memorize it.

Jack of diamonds.



[Grunts] Are you sure?


Well, uh, Cho, could you, uh...

[telephone rings] It's a card trick. Not interested.

Well, I guess card tricks are lame.

Yep, when they don't work.

We're up.

[Police radio chatter]

[Cho] What do you think, doc?

Your basic blunt force trauma. Baseball bat type of deal.

Mugging gone wrong, maybe?

Don't think so.

His wallet's gone, but he did have this on him.

It was wrapped in an napkin with a note written on it.

Eh, the mysterious case of the jilted jockey.

Don't be flippant.

You think he's a jockey?

Oh, I know he is.

Why, because he's small?

Small, bowlegged... [Camera shutter clicks]

Hungry-thin in a thousand dollar Jacket, deep tan from working outdoors, raccoon eyes from wearing goggles.

And that is a horseshoe on that napkin, probably from a-a bar in town that has "horseshoe" in the name.

Well, he could be a racecar driver.

Racecar drivers have soft hands.

Why a jilted jockey?

Because it alliterates it, and that is always a little fun.

And who else but a forsaken lover would ask for forgiveness on a cocktail napkin?

With a ring, no less.

Golden Horseshoe Restaurant about a mile away.

Et voilà.

Sorry, agents, wait.

I just found this in John Doe's Jacket pockets.

Uh, I... I don't know why I didn't notice it before.

[Lisbon] Thanks.

I figure it's some kind of message maybe from the k*ller.

That's my card. How did you do that?

[Mouth full] Huh? What?

Card tricks?

A man has lost his life.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

[Mumbles] Oh. Uh...


Never mind.

Shame. Shame.

So shameful. Terrible.

♪ The Mentalist 3x05 ♪
The Red Ponies
Original Air Date on October 21, 2010

Flashy clothes, about 5'5", skinny...

Like maybe he could be a jockey.

Sounds like Bill Button. No, it's... Sutton.

That's the name.

He used to date Delinda...

Girl who works here as a hostess.

He came in last night looking for her, had a couple of drinks.

Tried to leave something for her, but I told him I couldn't accept it. Policy.

Did you see what it was?

Yeah. It was a ring with a note on a napkin.

"Forgive me."

Forgive him for what?

Do you know?

Men. It was always something.

So what's happened to him?

Well, he's dead.

The girlfriend... Delinda. What's her full name?


It's... Lecure.

Delinda Lecure.

She wasn't working last night?

No. He...he kept... coming in, hassling her to get back together with him.

So she started switching shifts to avoid him.

He get heavy with her?


No. No, no. He was always a gentleman... what I saw.

But I... I stay out of that stuff. You know... TMI.

She have any other boyfriends?

Anyone else interested?

Not that I know of.

You have an address for Delinda?

Yeah, I... I got it here somewhere.

[Telephone ringing, indistinct conversations]

Cho and Rigsby are talking to the ex-girlfriend, Delinda, now.

Anything else on the victim?

A William Q. Sutton is scheduled to ride a horse in for fifth race at Redwood Downs today.

So he is a jockey.

Yep. Riding for a man named Cobb Holwell. [Beeps]

Jane, we're going to Redwood Downs.

Yeah, yeah, you were right. He's a jockey.

You coming or not?

I grew up around horses.

Fine. You can drive. I'll meet you out there.

I could come with.

See what you can find out about this Cobb Holwell, okay?


Why does horse manure smell so good? [Sniffs]

It doesn't.

Excuse me.


You seen Cobb Holwell around here?

You're here about Bill, huh?

Yeah. We're with the CBI. We just have a couple questions.

And you are...

Sam Starks. I'm an apprentice for Mr. Holwell.

Nice animal.

What's his name?

Castor's Folly.

Ah, yes. Castor's Folly.

Sutton was gonna ride him in the fifth race.

Bill was so good with Cass.

They had a deep bond.

[Blusters] Oh.

Poor soul.

[Voice breaks] - He's grieving deeply.


How do you know that?

He knew something was wrong, so I told him.


What happened to Bill?

No idea yet. What's your guess?

I don't know.

You think Cass might have some kind of idea?

Because we're pretty sure Mr. Sutton's death had something to do with horses.

Excuse me. Cass has to finish his ride.

You can find Mr. Holwell's stables over there to the left.

Nice. Teasing a grieving girl.

Prodding, not teasing. She could be the culprit...

Fiendish k*ller, for all we know.

[Man] Hell of a thing.

Bill was a good man. A good jock.

Mr. Holwell, uh, did Sutton have any problems with anyone here?

No. Well liked.

How about women?

Nothing I heard about.

Well, how long did he...

Could he have won?

Castor's Folly in the fifth race...

Did he have any chance of winning?

Always. There's always a chance.

Cass broke his maiden by three lengths.


Some problems since, but he's finding his form.

He could have won.

Damn it. He would have won.

Uh, never mind.

There'll be another race. We'll find another jock.

How long did he work for you?

About three weeks.

That's all?

Oh, I'd known Bill for years.

He'd been out of the game for a while.

When he came back, I hired him but quick.

Gave him 20 grand to ride for me exclusive.

One final question... Where were you last night?

Here at the stable.

All night?

Ma'am, I am the last independent stable in this part of the state.

I got one decent horse and a hundred creditors.

I don't sleep much.

Jane, do you have any... questions.

Thanks for your time.

[Horse nickers]

[Indistinct conversations]

Black blizzard in the sixth. It's a lock, trust me.

And where's that tip from?

Somebody who knows. What are you, a race track cop?

[Chuckles] Does it seem legit?

He's a groom at the track stable. Sounds pretty good.

Well, he works around horses. I guess he might know something.

You betcha. I got all the inside poop.

20 bucks buys you a lock in the 6th. A lock.

Huh. How much you betting?

Well, you said it's a lock. How much are you betting? Oh.

All that poop inside, and you're outside hustling for lunch money, huh?

I'm trying to make a living here, guy.

Move right along, why don't ya?

You used to ride, didn't ya?

Did you... did you know Bill Sutton?

So you are a cop.

You don't look like one.

Yeah, I knew Sutton, and I'll say it even though he's dead.

He was a lowdown cheat.

Now walk away, pal. I'm trying to work with my friend here.

Save your money.

I'm a better judge of horses than Mister, uh..

Ellis Barnes. Screw you.

Patrick Jane. Nice to meet you, too.

I will bet you that I can pick first, second, and third horse any race you choose, Mr. Barnes, and you're my witness.

Next race. 500 bucks says you can't.

Ooh. [Chuckles]


See you at the pay-out window after the race.

Delinda Lecure, apartment 28.

Why would anyone date a jockey?

Hungry little guy, smells like horses.

Don't like horses?

They're like dogs, but bigger.

You don't like dogs?

It's all an act with dogs.

They do it for the food.

Ah. Everybody does.

That's deep.


We're from the California Bureau of Investigation, and we'd like to...

Excuse me, ma'am. Do you live here?

Oh, no, not today!



[Bell rings]

[Man calling race indistinctly]

[Indistinct conversations]

This is so ridiculous. I don't understand.

Take it easy.

Hey, just get off me! Okay?

I have my rights.

Hey, this is police brutality!


[Woman] What are you gonna do? Hey!

Oh. Hey, what's going on?

Hey, uh... Can you get me a lawyer?

I kinda got this bench warrant thing out on me.

What bench warrant?

We wanna talk to you about your boyfriend.

What boyfriend?

What bench warrant?

Wait, are you talking about Brandon?

'Cause he is not my boyfriend.

Are you Delinda Lecure?

Nuh-unh. She is.

Okay, who are you people?

[Crowd cheering in distance]

Where have you been?

Here, there. Making new friends.

I'll bet. Come on. Let's go.

One brief moment. In 25 seconds, come over and insist I must leave immediately.

What? Jane...

One, two, three.

One, two, three. He did it.

Do it again.

Some other time.

How much did you bet?


50 large?

No. 50 cents.

Jane, let's go. Now.

I won the trifecta I got a little cash to collect.

Cool. Go ahead then. We have plenty of time.


I'm kidding. Come on. Let's go.

Cough up.

Thank you.

[Kisses] Bye.

Do I wanna know what that was about?

Uh, no.

Since when do you know about horses I'm not one to brag.

How'd you do it?

Analyze the form?

Ah, I just picked the coolest names.

Come on. Tell me how you won.

Think about it.

I hate it when you say that.

How'd they do it?

k*ll him?

Baseball bat to the head, most likely.

Oh, God.

Any names spring to mind?

Enemies he may have had?

We're trying to look into Bill's finances, but we can't find any credit cards, not even a bank account.

No, Bill was funny that way. He just... didn't trust banks.

Cash only. Had a safe in his closet.

How long had you known him?

November 6th would have been 4 years.

Was that before or after he had left horse racing?

Bill didn't leave horse racing.

They suspended him two years ago.

There was a-a pile-up going into a turn.

They said it was Bill's fault, which it wasn't.

They banned him for a year.

That must have been hard on him.

It was a real dark time.

You know, all Bill ever wanted to do was ride.

He struggled with his temper. That's a fact.

Is that why you broke up with him?

The, uh...

The day he got that job with Holwell?

We thought we should go out and celebrate, you know? Sushi.

Except we got in a fender bender on the way, and, uh, the other driver... He's getting all macho and trying to intimidate Bill.

And Bill just went at him like a crazy person.

You know, he really hurt the guy.

Broke bones.

And when I tried to stop him, he got mad at me.

And we went home, fought half the night, and I left the next day.

I'm from an abusive family, so, uh...

[Crying] I see that coming, and I'm out the door.

You catch the guy's name... The guy he b*at up?


Did you see what kind of car he was driving?

I don't know. Uh... Some kind of gold muscle car.

Black stripes, maybe.

When was the last time you saw Bill?

I never really saw him again after I left.

He tried to talk to me, but I didn't want to.

When he d*ed, he had a note for you in his pocket.

A note?

[Whispers] "Forgive me."

And this...



I should have stayed.

I should have tried to h... help him.

You do what's right for you, okay?


Guy gets beaten up that bad, maybe he holds a grudge, decides to go back for round two.

Guy gets beaten that badly, he goes to the ER.

Check admissions from that night.

Also cross-check DMV records for gold muscle cars.

Yeah, you got it.

I checked Sutton's apartment. That safe in the closet's empty.

No money anywhere.

Almost 20 grand missing.


20 grand is motive.

Holwell's running Castor's Folly at the Montague Pineapple Juice Stakes this Sunday.

What does that have to do with anything?

Well, it's a big race. Big step up for horse and rider, rider being Sam Starks.

The apprentice. You think getting to ride could be motive?

Let's ask her.

Are you sure you just don't wanna go to play the ponies?

No playing. Strictly business.


I grew up around horses. I could come with if you...

Grace, could you check into that incident where Sutton got suspended two years ago? Thank you.

[Telephone ringing in distance]

Get the hell off my property.

Whoa, whoa!

What are you doing here anyway?

Easy, Cobb, old buddy.

Is there a problem here?

Yeah, I caught Lockhardt here sneaking around my stable spying.

Spying? On your horses?

Like I'd learn something. I was just being neighborly.

Frank Lockhardt, owner of Ad Astra Stables.

Say, aren't you that cop that knows about horses?



Yeah, I've been hearing about that trick all day. Very impressive.

Trick? It's no trick.

I actually listen to the animals.

They're very expressive beasts.

Did you hear that?

Doesn't like your suit.

Well, however you did it, congratulations on your choices.

Two of them were my horses.

It only takes one horse, Lockhardt.

You'll see that on Sunday.

Really? That donkey?

With a little girl in the saddle?

[Chuckles] You sure know how to pick 'em, Cobb.

Sutton wasn't any good either. The only person who'd hire him was Holwell here.

Take a hike, Frank.

No disrespect, Cobb.

We need people like you in the horse business.

I mean, without fools and dreamers, where would we be?

Can't have winners without losers, right?

Castor's Folly is gonna win on Sunday. You'll see.

Pride and love of these animals beats your money and corporate charts any day of the week.

Come on.

That's enough, gentlemen.

We need to speak with Sam Starks.

Do you know where she is?

We need to speak with him.

[Horses whinnies, banging]

[Whinnying loudly]

Watch it! He'll kick.

[Whinnying, nickering, and blustering]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Sorry, Mr. Holwell. I don't know what happens.

It's not your fault. He's just not ready.


Is that Castor's Folly?

No, it's Pollock's Dream.

It's his twin.

His evil twin.

But we'll fix him, eventually. Right, Sam?

Yes, Mr. Holwell.

Ms. Starks, I'd like to ask you some more questions.

Um, I don't know if...

No, go ahead, Sam. Talk to the lady. I got this.


That's rare, huh?

Yep. Temperaments are completely different, but each like their dam in their own way.

[Whinnies] Hmm.

Someday they'll both be winners like she was.

If this bastard will ever let a rider on him, that is.

So Frank Lockhardt's wrong about your horses.

Well, the great thing about racing is, uh, the more they underestimate you, the better the odds are when you win.

The more money you make.

And win we will.

Mark my words.

It's gotta be expensive, though...

The upkeep on a horse that won't let himself be ridden.

Well, people say I'm an old fool for keeping Poll around, but screw 'em.

The boys are like mirror images of each other.

The flaws of one are the strengths of the other.

Keep 'em together, and they'll rub off on each other. I've seen it happen.

So this one...


Keeps this one from going crazy. [Nickers]

And what does this one bring to the mix?

Oh, he runs like the north wind.

Hello there.

[Whispering indistinctly]


Mr. Jane?





[Cell phone rings] Oh. Oh. Excuse me.

[Ring] We'll talk again soon.

Okay. Grace. What's up?

I got the scoop on that pile-up Sutton caused.

Three jockeys were injured... One of them pretty badly.

Ah, that'd be Barnes.

Yeah. He had multiple broken bones and spent almost a month in the hospital.


[Indistinct conversations]

With Sutton dead, you're getting a big break as a jockey.

Must be pretty exciting, huh?

I guess. Sure.

Come on. You had to have known with Sutton gone, that Holwell would probably go to you.

You don't understand.

Bill was the closest thing to a family I've ever had.

I'd give anything to get him back.

But I can't. Riding's all I have.

It's all I know.

Must be a lot of pressure on you I can handle it.

Then what are you so afraid of?

I'm not afraid.

Mm... Are too.

Is somebody threatening you?

We can help.

I'm fine. I don't need help.

Are we done?

Can I go?


Tough girl. Scared, though.

Terrified, even.

Of what?

Ah, there's the rub. Of what is she so scared?

And the answer is...

Well, it's a rhetorical question. I have no idea.

Well, I do have an idea, but I'm not gonna tell you, because that would be premature.

And I am not going to amuse you by demanding to know, so there.

So we're both happy then.

So this could be the guy that Sutton b*at up.

Philip Debolt came through ER with a broken jaw and contusions, wouldn't say what happened.

He's got a couple of disorderly conducts.

Gold muscle car with black stripes.

Symbol of bullying jerks the world over.

Nice new rims.

Mechanic's gone for the day. Open tomorrow at 8:00.

Nice chrome rims on that Mustang out there.

You're, uh, Phil, I'm guessing.


Expensive, those rims.

And that bling you got there must have set you back.

[Tool clatters]

There a problem?

Yeah. Here's the problem.

Man's dead, and 20 grand is missing.

Looks like you and your car are wearing it.

Who's dead?

Well, take a wild guess.

Wait, not... not Bill Sutton.

He's dead?

Yeah. That's what happens when you hit someone that hard, Phil.

Look, I didn't hit him. He hit me.

And he broke your jaw, humiliated you, so you went after him, got your revenge.

No, it wasn't like that. I mean, yeah, when I saw the guy, I wanted to b*at the hell out of him, sure.

You talked to him. When?

He came to the hospital. His girlfriend had left him.

Wait. He visited you at the hospital?

To get things right with me.

To make amends.

I mean, everything in his life was screwed up, but he wanted to fix it.

Gave me $18, 000.

Said he was gonna live his life straight from then on.

Hey, look, guys, uh, don't tell the guys I got b*at up.

Kinda said it was a car accident.

Thanks for your time.

[Tool clatters]



Working late?

Um, just finishing up.

Stay a while. Chat.

Let go of me.

Nobody rides for Holwell, see?

You ride for him, you don't ride again.

Let go.

Most riders are smart enough to listen.

Don't be one of the stupid ones.

You don't understand. I don't have a choice...

Look what happened to Sutton. You want that to happen to you?

Let her be, Barnes.

Oh, you're a nasty piece of work, aren't you?

Ah? I knew that from the moment I saw you, but I didn't think you'd stoop so low to thr*aten young girls.

Okay, I've had enough of you.

Hang on. No, no. Whoa, whoa, that's not fair.

Stop! Drop the w*apon. Put your hands in the air where I can see 'em! [Thud]

[Exhales deeply] Huh?


And good thing for you you're a terrible liar.

It's all about the eye contact.

[Exhales deeply]

That close. Huh?


Stop it.

Really? Put it down.


Ellis Barnes has a temper.

Popped twice for as*ault, got probation. Tough guy.

Hold up. I've got an idea.

You don't understand. I don't have a choice...

Look what happened to Sutton.

You want that to happen to you?


Bill Sutton had his head bashed in.

Did you have something to do with that This is all a misunderstanding.

I was just saying Starks should be careful.

Friendly advice.

Friendly advice not to ride for Cobb Holwell.

Why would you care about that?

I have many interests... Some large, some small.

One of which is hating Bill Sutton.

We know he put you under at that race, Mr. Barnes.

Ended your career.

He did it on purpose. I know he did.

Somebody did that to me, you know what I'd do?

I'd k*ll him.

Well, that's you.

So is there anything else, or are we done here?

Just one more thing.

[Blinds rattle]

Mr. Barnes...

I'm from the California racing board.

We contacted the CRB when we brought you in.

It's routine.

I don't understand.

You've been selling inside information to bettors, Mr. Barnes. Either that information is genuine, which is a heinous breach of your contract, or it is false, and you are simply defrauding people.

Either way, pending a full investigation, I am obliged to ban you from all state tracks...

No, no, I'm a groom.

How am I supposed to earn?


Agent Lisbon has asked me to exercise some discretion here, based on your willingness to assist her in this... m*rder investigation.

All righty then.



I didn't k*ll Sutton.

All I did is thr*aten him and thr*aten Starks.

Who asked you to do that, Mr. Barnes?

Talking to people is no crime Who?

Frank Lockhardt, owner of the Ad Astra Stable.

[Indistinct conversations, telephone ringing in distance]



Where is everybody?

Oh. Somewhere else doing interesting things Okay. Come on. Let's go.

Go where?

Come on.

Wait. Did you okay this with Lisbon?

I certainly did. What kind of question is that, anyway?

It's almost like you don't trust me.

We have to stop by your place on the way, get a different outfit.

An outfit for what?


Sam Starks, Grace Van Pelt.

Grace, this is Sam Starks.



Grace used to ride. She grew up around horses.

Dressage, mostly. A little jumping.

So let's get her a ride, huh?

Um... a ride?


Um... I don't know.

Sam... We're cops.

We're police officers.


There we go. Thank you.

I guess.

Now we're talking. Have fun.

This is Castor's Folly.

Be safe.

Look, I'm a businessman.

Horses are nothing but a hobby for me.

Right. You're a developer.

Commercial, mostly.

You wanna get your hands on Cobb Holwell's stable.

I wanna b*at him, sure. [Chuckles]

I like winning races as much as the next man.

Not your hobby. Your business.

You wanna develop the Redwood Downs complex.

Holwell has his own stable there and he won't sell to you.

Well, there was some discussion about developing Redwood Downs, but nothing concrete. It's just talk.

Talk that could lead to millions in revenues.

But first you'd need Holwell's stable.


So you'd like seeing Holwell out of business.

That's why you paid Ellis Barnes to stop jockeys riding for him.

Let's say Barnes told jockeys that if they ride for Holwell, that means they won't ride for me.

So what? It's the truth.

No law's been broken.

Bill Sutton was responsible for the accident that crippled Barnes.

Did you know that?

Barnes was angry about it.

Very angry. Now you sent a very angry man to thr*aten the person he was angry with.

How'd you think that would turn out?

I think I want my attorney.


That was fun.

What horse is that?

Well, too bad you're so tall, 'cause Holwell could use a second jockey for Pollock's Dream here. He's ready to be ridden.

I thought he was the crazy one.

Oh, no, no, he's just... [Kisses]

he's just a little misunderstood.

He seems like a sweetie.

Isn't he? Why don't you hop on?

Oh, I don't know.

Oh, I know horses, and he is 100% safe.

Look at that. See?


He's nodding. Jump on.

[Whinnies loudly]

Oh, I don't know. [Laughs]

Come on.


Ready... and lift.




Huh? See? Look at that.

What did I say?

Hey! Get off that horse!

Are you trying to get yourself k*lled?

I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't know.

Relax, Sam. Poll was telling me he was ready. I was just proving that Holwell was right to believe in his horse.

There's no need to thank me.

Thank you?

You trying to get me fired the day before my big race?

Yeah. Thanks.

Sam, I'm sorry...

Mr. Holwell is gonna be so mad when he hears.

Please... You have to leave now.

Okay. See you, pal.

See you, Pollock's Dream.

What was that all about?

Clarity, Grace. Clarity. [Cell phone rings]


Hello, Lisbon.

Where have you been?

Oh, horseback riding with Grace.

Oh, that's nice. We've been trying to get confessions out of Lockhardt and Barnes.

And how's that going for you?

It's not.

Oh, well, surprise. You can set 'em free.


Because I come bearing a practical and speedy solution for all your crime detection problems.


Really and truly. We are off to the races.

[Shuts cell phone]

[Knock] Hey!

[Indistinct conversations]

[Speaking indistinctly]

Everybody in position?

I'm here.

[Continues speaking indistinctly]

[Lisbon] - Van Pelt?




Anybody got eyes on Jane?

Come on, people.

[Man] Your attentions, please, the horses are now on their way to the track for the race of the day...

The $200, 000 Montague Pineapple Juice Stakes.

Wait a minute. I got him.

Oh, hey.


[Lowered voice] This is the guy. One, two, three.

This guy knows his horses. [Man] - Next.


Hmm. After you.

Oh, okay.

10 large on Castor's Folly to win.

Castor's Folly, $10, 000.

Castor's Folly. 100 to 1.


Castor's Folly.

[Playing "Call to the Post"]

[Crowd murmuring]


Now don't let him have his head in the early turns.

He'll wanna get out fast, but don't let him. [Blusters]

I know you're behind that police harassment, Holwell.

You might've had your fun yesterday, but I'm gonna own your stable tomorrow.

Well, that's unless he wins today.


Well, if he wins today, then, uh, he makes enough money to pay off all his debts.

He's got exactly zero chance of winning.

It's 100 to 1.

I know, great odds, isn't it?

I got $10, 000 on him to win.


You're a fool. But hey...

Good luck.

Thank you.

Did you really bet on Castor's Folly Of course I did.

I mean, he's gonna win, isn't he? What's wrong?

A bet that big will shorten the odds.

I'll win less money.

What did you bet?

Every Penny I have.

Well, that's confident.

[Scoffs] Desperate.

Well... Not to worry.

He's a cinch.

I can guarantee it.

Is that right?


How's that?

A little switcheroo of the horsies.

What do you mean?

Castor's Folly and Pollock's Dream...

I switched them in their stalls.

Don't joke. It's not funny.

I know you don't think Polly's ready, but I'm telling you, he is, and I know horses.

You said yourself Pollock's Dream is the faster horse.

Tell me you're not serious.

They look exactly alike. Even if the steward suspected anything, you would've been so surprised, they would have thought it was an honest mistake. But they didn't.

So my plan has worked perfectly. [Bell rings]

And they're off. It's Musketeer's Cat in the lead, Calm Thunder in second, Temper's Twilight in third, Papa Gene in fourth. Sheba's Ghost...

You meddling ass!

I already switched the horses. You switched them back!

That's how Sutton ended up dead, isn't it?

He refused to go along with your plan.

So you k*lled him, and you coerced that poor girl into taking his place.

You son of a bitch.

That works as a confession, doesn't it?

...Castor's Folly. Now it's Musketeer's Cat in first.

Calm Thunder and Temper's Twilight in third by the rail. Sheba's Ghost going up fourth.

Neck and neck with Papa Gene on the outside alongside Castor's Folly. Coming into the turn, it's Calm Thunder. Musketeer's Cat in the lead.

Then Temper's Twilight is falling back in fifth.

Castor's Folly's on the outside surging ahead.

Then Ocean Strider pulling up to seventh. Lucky Boy trailing.

Rounding turn number two, it's Musketeer's Cat in the lead and Calm Thunder in second. Castor's Folly's coming in fast on the outside running upon Temper's Twilight.

Out of my way! Aah!

Castor's Folly passes Calm Thunder in second place.

Papa Gene is trying to stay in it.

Sheba's Ghost is holding in fifth.

Four lengths back, it's Ocean Strider and Lucky Boy.

Coming into turn three, it's Musketeer's Cat by a length and a half. Castor's Folly down the center chasing in second. Calm Thunder is holding off Papa Gene at the rail. Sheba's Ghost is still running in fifth.

Lucky Boy's making a run at Ocean Strider.

In first, Musketeer's Cat's in trouble as Castor's Folly picks up speed. Calm Thunder's trying to stay in it. Papa Gene's falling back.

Out of turn four, it's Musketeer's Cat by a length.

Castor's Folly, second... Calm Thunder. Castor's Folly closing in fast on Musketeer's Cat as they head down to the wire. Musketeer's Cat by half a length. Castor's Folly and Calm Thunder.

Musketeer's Cat, then Castor's Folly.

It's neck and neck. Musketeer's Cat Springs for the finish. Castor's Folly trying to take the lead.

Musketeer's Cat switching hard. Castor's Folly's right there.

Pushing ahead is Castor's Folly.

Castor's Folly takes the lead. Castor's Folly wins by a nose.

Castor's Folly takes first place.

Musketeer's Cat in second, Calm Thunder in third, and Papa Gene, Sheba's Ghost, Temper's Twilight, Ocean Strider, and Lucky Boy.

Mr. Holwell, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Bill Sutton.

But you switched the horses.

Uh, I just said that. [Laughs] I didn't really.

Congratulations. Your ringer won.

[Cheers, applause, and whistles]

[Telephone ringing, indistinct conversations]

m*rder w*apon?

Yeah. Lug wrench from Holwell's truck...

Sutton's DNA is all over it.

That and Sam Stark's testimony will put Holwell away for good.

He told her straight out that he k*lled Sutton to get her to cooperate with his scheme.

Said that she'd never ride again or end up dead if she talked.

She was young and naive enough to believe it.

I still don't get the scheme.

Why didn't Holwell just run the fast horse?

Well, the odds are no good on a fast horse.

Everybody bets on him. It's pennies on the dollar.

Yeah, you run the slow horse to get the long odds, and then you run the fast horse to win the money.

But how did he switch the horses?

Don't they check for that?

Well, Holwell gave the fast one on a lip tattoo to match the slow one, so the stewards couldn't tell them apart.

Ms. Lecure.

I asked evidence to release this.

Mr. Sutton wanted you to have it, and I think you should.

You know, I think we would have been okay.

I mean, if we had... time.

I think we would have. [Elevator bell dings]

Good luck.

[Whispers] Thanks.

Fool to herself, that girl. It was never gonna work.

Don't be so cynical.

Oh, you did let Sam Starks go, didn't you?

She was a mere tool, an innocent pawn.

Semi-innocent, but, yeah, she's free and clear.

She'll be riding at Santa Anita next week.

Excellent, and Holwell will soon be riding a bunk in San Quentin.

Well, I vote whoever won at the track pays for pizza.

The results were thrown out. Jane didn't win anything.

Nah, he's still got the money from the trifecta...

The one, two, three.

Well, uh, not so much.

It cost to, uh, win that.

I had to cover every 3-way combination of every horse in the race. Cost me $5, 000, and I only won $486.

Wait a minute.

So... you can't read horses?

Of course not. But it's always a good idea to seem like you know what you're talking about. Fosters trust.

Does that mean you put Grace on a potentially wild horse with no idea of what could happen?

Well, I had an idea that Holwell was putting a burr under the saddle.

Very old school trick.

Very old school. That's why I had Grace ride bareback...

To see if I was right, and I was.

You took a terrible chance.

Well, I figured the odds were 70-30.

I was right. I wouldn't call that terrible.

A betting man would call that risky, but certainly not terrible. Well...

So... Pizza.


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