01x13 - Bunk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x13 - Bunk

Post by bunniefuu »

Here, Max!
Come here, Max.

Where are you, man?

Maxie! Max.




Hey, Max ...


Are you okay?

Smell ammonia.

Yep, and that's
the least of our problems.

Anybody inside
died instantly.

You were first on scene?

Yes, sir.

Wife passed out on the porch
trying to get to her husband.

A neighbor saw her and called it in.
Paramedics have her now.

So, he's still in there?

I attempted entry ...

... but you were
driven back by the fumes,

because this is
a clan lab house.

All those chemicals they
use in clandestine drug labs...

there's no telling
what's all in there.

Well, we'd better figure it out,

and we'd better get it contained
before more people die.

If we find the body ...

we find the source.
Let's go this way.

No pulse.

We got foam around
the mouth, lack of pallor.

Broken glass
adjacent to the body,

obvious chemical residue ...

I'll get a Drager.


Nitric acid,


I know.

Chemical residue,

plus sunlight created fumes
in a closed environment...

...slowly accumulating
deadly gas.

Adell, can you hear me?

Copy that, H.

Okay, listen to me.

We're going to evacuate
to a one block radius.

This place can blow.

I'm all over it.

I've got to aerate this room,

but it looks like there's
steel casing behind there.

Be careful.

One spark and we can go.

All right, I'll get the
pilot light on the oven.

The gas has been
shut off at the curb.

Okay. K-packs.

Until we separate out this
glass, Speed, nothing's safe.


Take it easy.

Speed ... easy.


So this is Breckenhurst
Retirement Community.

I'd never put my grandmother
in a place like this.

When she dies, she's
going to be in my house,

with our priest,
surrounded by family.

Oh, not my grandma.

I want every day for her
to be new year's eve --

drinking mimosas,
giving old men a hard time.

Yeah. Southern.



When I die,
I want to go in my sleep.

Betty Rosen, 81.
Lived with her sister, Pearl.

She's the one that found her.

How bad is it?


Shall we?

I'll take the one-to-ones.

She really took a beating.

Home invasion ...
sexual predator ...

Maybe we've got a serial.


One cold-hearted bastard
to prey on the elderly.

Oh! Don't give me that look,

'cause it's written all
over your faces, too.

All right ...

all right.

Skull is fractured.

Probably blunt force trauma.

I'll need to clean
her up to see more.

Not how you planned to end your
golden years, is it, Betty?

Puts her time
of death at about...

Blood pools indicate time
of attack was earlier.

Your job, honey.
Mine begins with death.

Isolated paper
in a pool of blood?

It must be important to somebody.

Three parts per million.

We're clear-- okay, so,
we're on a code four.

Let's send the M.E.'S
people in, all right?

You got it.

Crisis averted.

Tell that to his widow.

Okay, so we got to find something
that leads us to this cook, right?

Yes, we do.
So, if I'm the cook,

what do I need
to do to do my job?

You need goggles,

a mask ...

... And latex gloves.

Let's have a look at that.

Bag it, tag it, and let's
see what else is here.

I found the landlord,
a James Welmont.

He said he'll
meet us at CSI.

Okay, keep me posted.

All right, we'll talk later.

I'll see you back there.

I don't own
the house by myself.

I invest in property
with a group of doctors.

"Diamond sun properties."

When you say doctors,
do you mean surgeons?

Well, we're dermatologists.
There are three of us.

My partner just removed a carcinoma
from my back, as a matter of fact.

As a dermatologist,
do you use latex gloves?

Yeah, all the time.

Mind if I take a look
around your practice?

You be my guest.

When was the last time the
house on mangrove was rented?

I believe that house has
been vacant for six months.

Renters skipped out on us.

It's right there in
the records I brought for you.

Yes, I've been
taking a look at these,

and the rent seemed
very cheap for this part of town.

Well, I don't make money
if the houses are unoccupied.

This one was occupied, though,
wasn't it? A man died in it.

Well, I can't help what
tenants do in my houses,

just like I can't help what happens
in my houses when tenants leave.

I mean, it's an investment.


Usually with an investment
of this size, though,

people take care
of them, don't they?

All right.
You got me.

I am guilty of not taking
care of my investment.

And possibly,
negligent homicide.

You arresting me?

Not yet.

Okay. Next time,
I bring my lawyer.

Next time ...

you may need one.

Extent of the ecchymosis suggests...

she lived several hours after
she sustained her injuries.

Confirmed blunt force trauma,

skull fracture,
subdural hematoma.

No clear w*apon;
could have been anything.

Tox report indicates
therapeutic level of coumadin.


Blood thinner.

That could explain
the excessive blood loss.

Was she on
any other medication?


Right arm and
both hands are broken.

Poor thing,
she tried to fight him off.

doesn't take much
to break her bones.

Tissue sections confirmed
neurofibrillary tangles.

She had Alzheimer's.

Late stages.

Any physical findings?

Diagnosing r*pe in
older females is tricky.

Muscles have atrophied,
skin is less elastic.

I'll collect a sexual as*ault kit.


Hey. How'd the post
go on Mr. Caldwell?

Death by asphyxiation
due to nitric acid fumes.

The question becomes:
What was the nitric acid used for?

I got to tell you, I'm having
a lot of trouble with this.

Well, hang in there.

Sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid.

We've got H-2-S-O-4, right?

I got something in the
amphetamine family here.

I don't know, uh,
MDA, maybe meth.

But this doesn't compute, does it?

Now you know
what I've been doing.

These aren't components
of any drug I know.

But they should give us
the final product. "M-d-p-2-P."


It's not really a recreational
drug. It's not really anything.

Maybe that means
he didn't mean to make it.

Go with me here
for a second, Speed.

Now, if you sub in
formic acid for nitric acid ...

you get ecstasy, don't you?

The cook screwed up.

But because the
pills were white,

he figured he could still
sell them as X.

So he replaces one ingredient...

along the chemical pathway
to try to make something legal.

Yes, he did, and ended up
making a chemical...

so powerful that its fumes
could k*ll human beings.

So what are we chasing,
the fumes or the pills?

We're chasing the cook.

I'm so sorry about your
sister, Mrs. Abrams.

Uh, you and Betty
lived together?

Yes. We take
care of each other.

But the night she died ...

I was in Coral Gables
with friends.

It got late.
I can't drive at night.

I told her I didn't want to go.
She said:

"go out, have some fun."

Can you think of anyone who
would want to hurt Betty?

Oh, no.

She was voted the most popular.

Everyone loves her,
especially the men.

You look a lot like her.

She loved to wear her
hair long down her back.

Just like you.

Did anybody know she
was alone that night?

Everybody. Betty never
could keep a secret.

Sorry I'm late. I got
jammed up on the causeway.

No worries.
Pam again?

Yeah, how'd you know?

You got the same clothes
on you had yesterday.

Uh, so is that glass
from the clan house?

Any hits?

No hits,

but I'm about to superglue...

the discarded glove
unless you want to do it.

Yeah, I'll do it.

Go ahead.

Powdered latex.

The easy slide on and off.

So they have, uh, powdered gloves
when you were coming up?

No powdered gloves,
no cell phones, no DNA.

No cell phones?

No cell phones.

We have a winner.


I can tell you who it won't be.

Go ahead.

Dermo doctor uses
powder-free gloves.

It's a different company
than our discard...

and they buy by the case.

Then why do I like
this guy so much?

AFIS seems to like
someone else.

"Gregory Kimble."
Now who is this?

Let's go find out.

Mr. Kimble, let's talk about the
trash dr*gs you've been cooking.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

No? Little house over on
Mangrove doesn't ring a bell?



Well, the problem is, is we recovered
your fingerprint over there.

I party a lot. I might've
ended up there one night.

Okay, fair enough.
You wear sunscreen?

Everyone in Miami does.

Well, you have some very interesting
burn damage around your mouth...

and under your nose.

Sometimes that can be
from a chemical burn, right?

You bet.

You're my cook, aren't you?


What are you talking about?
I'm a part-time student.

You got a job?

Not right now.

Well, DMV records show...

that you drive around in a
brand-new convertible Lex.

Why don't you do
yourself a favor...

and tell us who's selling this
stuff once you put it into pill form?

I think I want my attorney.

After we process you.

I'm going to need
your clothes, too.

What am I going to wear?


It's been a while.
Welcome back.

Well, a year at Quantico is enough.
Can't take that weather.

Hmm, how was the nightlife?

Government compound,

I'll bet it did.
Anything on my victim?

Well, the sexual
as*ault kit was positive.

Semen was aspermic.

So, no little soldiers?

No, the guy probably
had a vasectomy.

P30 indicates
recent intercourse.

How recent?

Eight to twelve hours.

That's consistent
with time of death.

Well, I'll run the
DNA through CODIS.

Thank you.

Hey, Calleigh.

Crime at the condo
is virtually nonexistent.

They've had two burglaries
in the past five years.

The place prides itself on safety.

Well, that eliminates the amateurs.

That's right. So...

I ran the names of
registered sex offenders...

within a three-mile
radius of the complex.

Name popped up.

"Keith Sewell.
On parole for r*pe."

Guess where he works?


You haul me in 'cause
my prints were on the window?

Talk to the manager.

She has me change that
glass couple times a month.

And she has
you do that, why?

Mrs. Rosen liked to break it.

Of course she was a little ...

light in the head,
if you know what I mean.

She suffered from Alzheimer's.

Yeah, she told me, uh,
her parents wouldn't let her date.

So she had to sneak out
to meet her boyfriend.

And for the record ...

I don't do old women.

Nothing over 25.

A convicted r*pist with standards.

Mr. Sewell, have you ever
had a vasectomy?

No one's snipping on me.

We can get a court
order to verify.

I'll verify right now.

Hey! Sit down!

A mouth swab will suffice ...

for now.


This thing's got to be 250 grand.
When did we get this?

We got it this morning.
Courtesy of the A*F.


So, the X-Ray allows us to examine
Greg Kimble's shirt for chemicals.

Exactly right.

And zero in on areas that
we can then extract from.

Now, Mr. Kimble
claims he has no job

and no legitimate access
to chemicals, right?

So if we find chemicals
on his clothing,

we can link him
to the drug lab.

But didn't we already do that
with the print in the glove?

Yes, we did.
But like my old man says:

"you don't have a backup,
you don't have a plan."

Smart guy.

Here you go.

Look at this.

High amounts of carbon,
nitrogen and phosphorus.

Components found in our
chemical residue at the clan house.

That's right. And it makes
Mr. Kimble a what?

A liar.

A liar.

When mass spec confirms this,
let me know, will you?

Will do. I'll call you
on your "cell phone".

Adell, w-wait a second.
Wait a second.

What is going on here?

States Attorney cut him loose.

Did he say why?

Absolutely not.

Okay. Where is the States
Attorney right now?

He's up in your office.

In my office.
He stays put until I say so.

Dante, I've got this guy
dead to his rights.

He's my cook.

Where? You can't place him
at the lab at the Mangrove house.

Of course I can. I recovered his
fingerprint there in a latex glove.

At a party house.

That only proves
he was there.

Wearing latex gloves.

The fumes from this man's
trash already k*lled somebody.

He may be selling lethal pills.

You know that Florida
statute 893.03...

has a specific list of
controlled substances.

Even if we could put him there,
he wasn't making anything illegal.

Okay, so, you get
to turn him loose...

and I get to send the victim's
wife a sympathy card.

Talk about your déja vu.

Your brother was a good cop.

This has nothing to do with him.

Interesting that you
bring him up.

You need to let
this go, Horatio.

Why? Why do I
need to let this go?

It's in the best interest
of this case.

And in my
best interest, too?

Is that what you're saying?

Those are your words ...

not mine.

Let it go.


Hey, what's up?
You wanted to see me?

Yeah, I do. I want to take a
look at this doctor again, okay?

Yeah, you know what?
I got in early this morning, and, uh

... check out his
real estate holdings.

Welmont and his partner own a
dozen homes in those neighborhoods.

Dangerous neighborhoods,
landlocked, near freeways...

under the radar.

Yup. And I talked
to a guy from DEA.

Says a clan lab can make,
like, 500 grand cash.

And you can
times that by twelve.

I doubt he's even seeing
patients anymore. Nice going.



Adell, Horatio.
Road trip.

Setting up shop again, Greg?

Check the van, Speed.

So, we've got
a new location.

We got some lye,
ammonia, some methanol.

And ...
a new formula, huh?

I guess one death in the
neighborhood is enough.

If you hang tight, I'll get
you a warrant for that stuff.

Uh, it's not against the law
to have those chemicals.

No, it's not.

Really brilliant operation
Dr. Welmont has going on here.

He provides the house,
the chemicals and the recipe.

He pays off a couple of
cooks like you with lux cars.

That's peanuts to the
guys who sling the pills.

Pills so unusual there's not a law
against it, but at the end of the day,

he and his partners
split about six million bucks.

It's not six million.

This is where you say,
"I don't know any Dr. Welmont."



What do you got?

That was the Medical Examiner.

Just picked up a 19-year-old kid.
Overdosed on "E."

Nineteen years old.

Nice going.

That's right, you guys,
feel the music.

We're all Britney Spears at
heart. Feel the music.

Sewell lied on his application,

but he didn't lie
about the window.

Now, Betty had some good days,
and she had some bad days.

Her memory, you know.

Yeah, we heard that she
thought she had a boyfriend.

Try boyfriends.

This place is high school with
arthritis. And Betty was hot stuff.

So, can you point out
these boyfriends?

Betty was a very private person.

It's okay, I think we'll, uh,
we'll round them all up.

Betty was a lot of fun.

She and I had a very
healthy sexual relationship.

She was not afraid
to try new things.

Back to the question, Mr. Rines.

Yeah, no, um,
I saw her last night.

Uh, left her place about 9:00.

Can anyone verify that?

Yes, Mrs. Meyers
was walking her dog.

Don't tell anyone I told you,
but I hear Betty was loaded.

She married one of those
Wall Street types ...

back when the market
meant something.

We're all in the toilet.

Anyway, I think Pearl was
counting on Betty's dough.

Rumor has it,
she left it all to one guy.


I don't know.

We're almost finished,
Mr. Gaines.

Did you see Betty Rosen
the night she died?

Oh, no. She dumped me
three weeks ago.

Said she needed somebody
more adventurous, you know?

At first I thought she got me
confused with Herb Rines.

Me -- I like to go for coffee,
talk, you know?

She wasn't going for it.

Mr. Gaines, do you have any
ice plant outside your home?

No. I'm not one
for succulents.

Well ...

if that's the case ...

... This may be a problem.

I'm going to need a DNA sample.

Better circumstances, Alexx?

You got that right, Horatio.
Nineteen years young.

Detective said he just got accepted
into Vanderbilt busy school ...

working toward
a pilot license.

Flew solo for the
first time yesterday.

Went out to celebrate
with friends.

They say he
took one tab of "E."

When he didn't get high,
took a handful.

Collapsed at a club called Fate.

... and the devil laughed.

So, stomach contents.
Figured you'd want to be here.

Analysis will determine
if it's mdp2p.

I guess I'm hoping that one or
two of the pills didn't dissolve ...

before he expired.

You're hoping for a stamp?

Call me crazy.

All right.

Stamp familiar?

"Please allow me to introduce myself."
Nice going.

If we found a pill with Welmont's
company stamp on it,

why are we going
to see the cook again?

Because he's weak.
Welmont is the target,

but Kimble is our

So much gossip
coming out of that complex,

I don't know
what the truth is.

Well, Carrillo confirmed Sewell's alibi,
so our sex offender's out as a suspect.

And these guys gave up
their clothes way too easily.

Yeah, that's never good.

I don't know, I mean, you saw
the blood in the condo.

There is no way a k*ller got out
of there without getting bloody.

And Carrillo confirmed
with Mrs. Meyers...

that Herb Rines left Betty's
place at around nine.

She didn't see a
drop of blood on him.

And the DNA on the
semen matches Herb.

Which confirms his story.

I don't know. Maybe someone
saw Betty after Herb left.

I don't know.

But then Marty has ice plant
wedged in the sole of his shoe,

so he doesn't have time
to clean it, yet it's km negative.

I can't believe this.

It's a dead end.

Not quite.

"This is to inform you the codicil to your
will has been completed and signed

and is effective as
of November 4, 2002."

Leo Kling was right.
Betty changed her will.

But Pearl Abrams
did not k*ll her sister.

Yeah, well, somebody did.

Kimble, Miami-Dade.
Come on out.

It's locked.

Wait a minute.

This is fresh.

Paging Dr. Welmont.

Cluster wounds.
Right on the money.

He didn't even have
time to fight back.

That's right, because he was sitting
with somebody he trusted, wasn't he?

You know what,
get the Bullard.

Body heat.
Passenger side.

It's fading, but it's still evident.

m*rder was just here.

Now show me the legs.

Braced himself for the stabbing.

Got the outline of a back.

Probably used it for leverage.

Wait a minute.

I got a disruption.

What the hell is that?

You know what?

I'm going to get this back to the
AV Lab and try to enhance it.

Do that.

When you've eliminated
all the suspects...

and the evidence
doesn't make sense,

it's just nice
to put it in context.

We know all of this
blood is Betty Rosen's.

So we reevaluate the "how"
to get us to the "who."

It's a lot of spatter.

We don't have
to string every drop.

I know, just enough to
determine the point of origin.

Let's walk it.


Well, spatter starts high.

Consistent with the
beginning of the attack...

blunt force object,
the countertop.

Right, now,
if she turned and fell...

laying here for a while where
she created this blood pool.

At some point she got up,
moved down the hallway ...

... to here.

Another blow area.
Blood smears here.

There's another spatter
pattern here on the table ...

where, again
she fell to the ground.

Making another pool of blood.

The spatter in this room
radiates in a complete circle.

Leaving no space for anyone
else to be in the room.

All this blood,
unable to move, I guess.

She laid there until she died.

Well, the stabber was definitely
in the seat next to Greg Kimble.

It's only a three degree difference
in temperature between the two.

My only problem is that disruption.
I don't know why it's there.

Something seems to be
impeding the heat absorption.

Zoom in on it again.

Is that a ...

That's a carcinoma.

And we've got a match.

Catching your cancer,
Dr. Welmont,

has become your undoing.

What is this?

This is a thermal image that places
your client in the m*rder vehicle.

High tech.

He saw an injured man
at one of his properties,

tried to revive him.

That's cute,
that's one for my book.

Mm-hmm, me, too.

And the pill that k*lled a 19-year-old
boy has his company logo on it.

Diamond sun symbol's as
prevalent as "hang ten" in Miami.

Besides, none of this ties
Dr. Welmont to this homicide.

How about his knife?

We know he carries
one for protection.

He travels into some fairly
dangerous neighborhoods...

to visit his properties.

Did you bring your knife
or did you lose it?

Dr. Welmont is doing everything
he can to cooperate in this matter.

How commendable.

I don't believe this
smooth operator...

would hand over a knife
with traces of blood on it.

I'm not interested in the blood.

Digital pictures, every angle,
and get them to me.

You got it.

An accident?
How can that be?

We're so sorry, Pearl.

Pearl, um, may we ask
you about Betty's will?

What will?

Betty changed her will...

and set up a trust commencing
at the time of her death.

For whom?

For you.

Well, you'll be well
cared for now.

She always did take care of me.
I'm the youngest.

You look a lot like her.

She loved wearing her
hair down her back,

just like you.

Okay, now, here we go.
Let's highlight the hilt.

Good. Now highlight the bruises
on each side of the wound.

Excellent. Now, drag the
hilt over to the wound.

Nice work.

Okay, what am I looking at?

This is the hilt from your knife.

It marked every wound.

Cluster stabs up close,
fast and furious.

You're not shy, are you?

I swear I'm never going
to tell these guys a thing.

I know.

Here's the irony.

Had you not been kind enough to
provide me with the m*rder w*apon...

I would have been stuck with
negligent homicide for the neighbor.

But as it stands now,

I can charge you with m*rder.

And I haven't even gotten
to the 19 year old who OD'd.

So what are you saying?

I'm just saying, thanks.


Forgot to get your signature
on the evidence release card.

For the X pill in our
nineteen year old.

You got me.

Heard you nailed the bad guy.

That we did.

I guess timing is everything.

All right, wait a minute.

You're still unsettled.

This isn't about our victim, is it?

You know, Alexx,

for me it is about the victims.

Especially the ones who die
too young, too soon. You know?

But as always,
good work.
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