883 - November 12, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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883 - November 12, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:As a storm rages

over the Great House of Collinwood,

a desperate trio fights to save the life

of an exhausted Quentin Collins.

For Angelique, Barnabas, and Charity know

that the moment Quentin falls asleep,

Count Petofi in a trance at Charles Tate's studio

will recapture Quentin's body.

But nothing has been able to break the trance,

and each minute, Quentin's danger increases.

Now it is so grave

that Charity, learning that a possession of Petofi's

could give Angelique more power over him,

has secretly run off to the studio

to steal something,

knowing that in doing so,

she is facing the greatest peril of her life.

CHARITY:He'll k*ll me if he comes to.

Go on in, you dummy,

Quentin ain't got all the time in the world.

[ thunder rumbles ]

His tie should do it.

If I can just undo his tie.

[ Charity gasps ]

Why did you come here?

You let go of me!

No, I won't let you go, my dear.

You've interfered with my plans once too often, Miss Trask.

This time, you will be sorry for it!

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

[ Charity yelps ]

You will regret coming here, Miss Trask!

Because you're going to k*ll me?

Well, I ain't a bit sorry.

I woke you out of your trance,

and now Quentin will be able to get away from you.

Quentin will be able to get away?

What do you know about this?

Mine to know and yours to find out.

And I can find out, my dear, can't I?

Everything I want to know.

I seen you in Quentin's body, I seen it in a vision.

I figured out the dreadful thing you was going to do to him,

and I warned him he dare not sleep.

What else did you do, Miss Trask?

I worked like a trooper to keep him awake.

Not just me, Barnabas and Angelique too.

No wonder it was such a long and weary vigil for me.

But we beat you, all of us.

And now Quentin is safely out of your grasp

forever and ever.

No, my dear, he only eluded me momentarily.

It was a delay, not a defeat.

I assure you I can make Quentin walk into my trap

any time I want him to, now that I have you as bait.

He don't even know I'm here.

None of 'em do, for that matter.

Then we must tell them, mustn't we?

CHARITY: Oh, you ain't gonna use me as a trap for Quentin.

Oh, no you ain't!

Yes, let me think how I can do just that with you.

Give me my glasses, Charity!

You just try and make me, gov.

Give me those glasses!

[ grunts ]


You let go of me!

What's going on in here?

My glasses, Charles,

- My glasses! - CHARITY: No!

CHARLES: Here, now, what's happened to your plan?

My trance was interrupted.

There's no need to be mysterious.

This impetuous young lady knows

exactly what I was planning to do,

and precisely who my victim was to be.

Then Quentin Collins is still himself?

Obviously, but not for much longer.

In fact, I should say he has

about one hour more to enjoy his youth and strength.

Now, Charles, take Miss Trask and tie her up.

You oughtn't to listen to him!

You oughtn't!

Now, dear boy, I want you to go to Collinwood.

Take a message from me to Quentin Collins.

Tell him that if he doesn't arrive here in half an hour,

this lovely young lady will die.

Please don't go, please don't!

Don't worry.

[ door shuts ]

[ thunder rumbling ]

And you are lovely, my dear.

Perhaps Charles will paint you one day.

[ chains jingling ]

CHARLES:What's that?

Garth Blackwood.

Petofi said he couldn't survive.

I know he's out there somewhere,

tracking somebody,

perhaps me.

[ knocking on door ]

BARNABAS: Hello, Mr. Tate, I'm glad to see you.

You and I have something to talk about.

Not now.

Surely you can give me a moment.

Despite your assurance that you know nothing about it,

I'm still convinced

that the portrait of Quentin Collins

is in your possession.

How many times do I have to tell you

I don't have that portrait?

And I don't believe you.

Mr. Tate, whatever your reason is for keeping it,

it cannot be strong enough to--

It was you who asked if I had a moment to spare.

Well, in truth I have,

but your friend Charity Trask hasn't.

Charity Trask, what are you talking about?

Right now she's at my studio

being held hostage by Count Petofi.

I must go to her at once.

No, not you. Quentin.

I have a message to take to Quentin,

and I must get it to him.

You see,

if Quentin is not there within the hour,

Charity Trask will die.

[ dramatic music ]

Now listen to me, once and for all.

Unless I get a message through to Quentin right now,

Charity Trask is going to die!

Well, Quentin isn't available now.

Quentin isn't available now?

Listen, he better make himself available,

or the blood of Charity Trask is gonna be on his shoulders!

Don't you understand? He's not here now!

Not here? Go get him back!

I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I couldn't get in touch with him at this short notice.

Where is he?

He has left Collinsport.

Well, then,

then he did get away from Petofi.


Where are you going?

To see Petofi.

Petofi wants to see Quentin, don't you understand?

Well, he's going to see me.

Not much time left, is there?

And Quentin ain't here.

He's outsmarted you.

Has he?

Or is it you he's outsmarted?

What do you mean?

He doesn't even care enough for you

to risk his safety. [ chuckles ]

That's a pleasant thought to take to your grave,

isn't it, Miss Trask?

And I assure you, you are going to your grave

if Quentin Collins doesn't arrive here.

I don't care, as long as he gets away from you!

I told you I had a hundred ways to trap him.

You were the bait for only one.

So you see, your sacrifice was meaningless.

[ knock on door ]

[ Charity yelps ]

Who's there?

BARNABAS: Barnabas Collins, let us in!

PETOFI: Why did you bring him here?

Look, I really didn't have any choice!

I am here with Quentin's regrets.

What do you mean?

He has left Collinsport.

He got away? He did?

oh, I'm so glad for him!

Left Collinsport?

Yes, he's finally escaped you, Petofi.

No matter how enraged you are with him or with me

you cannot make this girl pay for it.

Let her go, and deal with me.

Deal with you?

Nothing will be accomplished now by k*lling her.

[ laughs ] You're right, you're absolutely right!

It is you I must deal with.

Then you'll let her go?

I should say she has an excellent chance

of surviving the present situation

if things go as I expect them to.

Untie her hands, Charles.

I don't understand you.

Well, I must explain, mustn't I?

You see, Mr. Collins,

I've been concentrating on regaining Quentin's body

because I know he exists in the future.

But now, Quentin is gone.

I must resign myself to the fact

that I won't see him again until I get to .

BARNABAS: But you won't exist in .

Oh, yes I will, Mr. Collins, in your body.


Solution's been under my nose all the time,

and I haven't seen it till now.

But then, you know,

my eyesight's not the best, Mr. Collins.

I fear you'll find it tiresome at first,

but I expect you'll get used to it.

[ chuckles ] You'll have to.

[ thunder rumbles ]

Petofi, you can't do this!

Oh, there's another advantage in going to the future

in your body, Mr. Collins.

You are here.

This time I don't have to wait for you to fall asleep

or to lose consciousness.

This time I don't take the chance of failing.

What are you going to do?

First, I shall put you to sleep.

No, no!

Hold her, Charles, I want no delay or interference.

You know, I rather look forward to

going to the future as Barnabas Collins.

He has so many friends there,

Julia Hoffman, the boy David, Elizabeth, Roger,

all waiting to welcome me with open arms.

Petofi, you can't do this!

Don't try to resist me. There's no hope left,

no hope at all.

[ dramatic music ]

With his body in its present condition,

I should be able to make the transference of minds

in a very short time.

Oh, you wicked man, you'll pay for this,

I swear you will.

I know you won't get away with it!

Barnabas Collins' body is mine now, completely mine.

All I need do is claim it.

Please do something,

you can't let him get away with this!

[ chains thud ]

Two prisoners in this cell block,

both of them awaiting justice.

I am here to bring it to them.

Stop in the name of the law, come back!

Are you some kind of a policeman?

I am Garth Blackwood, master of Dartmoor.

Master of Dartmoor?

Then you've got to do something about him,

about that one,

you've got to stop him from what he's doing,

and you've got to hurry!

The stone of justice

grinds slowly, but steadily,

and crushes all its enemies beneath it.

Petofi, I arrest you for all your crimes,

past and present!

[ slapping ]

Wake up! Wake up!


Yes, I waited for the proper moment

to seize you!

That moment has come!

What's happened?

The trial of Andreas Petrofi.

How do you testify, for, or against?

Who are you?

GARTH: Answer the question!

He's the master of Dartmoor.

Answer the question, how do you testify?



Aiding and abetting a prisoner is punishable by death.

You aided the prisoner years ago,

you aided my m*rder*r.

Now you must die.

But I gave you the opportunity to bring Aristede to justice.

You can't forget that, Blackwood.

I made it possible for you to execute your m*rder*r.

GARTH: So you did.

Then if you care for justice at all,

you should drop all charges against me.

Set me free!

No, you mustn't!

Does the witness have anything to say?

I've got plenty to say!

That man is a fiend!

You have a chance to k*ll him, you must do it now.

GARTH: Opinions are not allowable, only facts.

In the matter of Aristede,

what does he have to do with the prisoner?

BARNABAS: They have traveled the world together.

They have plotted, they've stole,

they have m*rder*d,

they've done every conceivable crime together.


Enough for me to carry out the sentence.

Go away, go far from here!

What happens now is between me and the prisoner.

[ lock clicks ]

PETOFI: What are you doing?

I am carrying out your sentence.

But I haven't been sentenced yet!

Ah, but you have!

And this room will be

your execution chamber.

What are you going to do to me?

Listen to me, listen!

No, there is nothing for you to say!

You are going to die!

And this room will be

your funeral pyre.

PETOFI: No, no!

[ dramatic music ]

[ flames crackling ]

I just can't believe it.

Quentin's away, and you and me are here safe.

Back safe.

And this Petofi was locked in that room

with that strange creature.

Oh, he did give me the creeps!

He's a fiend straight out of hell, ain't he?

Yes, and he is something evil and ugly,

and I'm afraid that after he's dealt with Petofi,

we shall have to deal with him.

Do you really think he'll finish off Petofi?

Yes, I do.

A more appropriate executioner would be hard to find.

What's that?


Something's burning.

Something's burning somewhere.

Yes, something's on fire.

BARNABAS:Charity, where?

Where do you see it?

CHARITY:It's the studio, what's burning,

and Garth and Petofi are fightin'.

And everything's burning!

Everything's burning!

[ screams ]

Charity, what's happened?

Quentin's in there!

Quentin? He can't be!

The portrait of Quentin! It's in there!

CHARITY:Quentin! Quentin!

Burning! Burning! Burning!

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]
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