1091 - August 30, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1091 - August 30, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in ,

where the surrounding calm masks impending doom.

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

know that a disaster is destined for this year,

but their efforts to thwart it have so far proved useless.

On this night, a new element of terror

has visited upon the great estate,

a terror that could bring destruction to Maggie Evans,

and end for all time the hope

that Collinwood can still be saved.

[clock bell ringing]

[door opening and closing]

Maggie, I just realized that you've been

gone almost an hour.

Maggie, are you all right?

Maggie, what is it, Maggie?


[bell ringing] [daunting music]

[dramatic orchestral burst]

[waves splashing] [eerie orchestral music]

[suspenseful orchestral music]


Maggie, can you hear me?

Maggie, let me help you.

[deep breathing]

Maggie, now don't be afraid.

Now, I can help you.

In, the woo--

No, no, no, no, no, don't try to talk.

Don't try to talk.

I'll take you upstairs to your room.

Just to see you like this.

I should've known it would happen.

[suspenseful music]

HALLIE: Dr. Hoffman, I couldn't sleep--

Hallie, don't come in.

HALLIE: What's happened to Maggie?

- What's wrong-- - Hallie, go up to your room.

HALLIE: But something's happened to her.

She's perfectly all right,

she's just feeling a little weak, that is all.

Now please go to your room, Hallie.

HALLIE: You've got to tell me what happened.

Hallie, I said go to your room right now!

[daunting, suspenseful orchestral music]

I'm sorry Hallie, but I can hardly take care of her

if I have to stand here answering questions with you.

Now please, please go.

Why did this have to happen to her?

She hasn't done anything wrong.

[daunting bass piano]

Maggie, Maggie try to lean, put your arm over my shoulder,

and I'll take you upstairs.

The woods.

I was walking in the woods--

Now, now, now don't try to talk Maggie.


[eerie music]

[wind blowing] [daunting orchestral music]

[daunting, dramatic orchestral music]

What is it, Julia?

You know very well what it is.

What's happened?

Something to the children?

Oh Barnabas, why did you do it?

We have been trying so desperately to save Hallie

and David from Gerard, and now to do this to Maggie.

To Maggie?

Julia, what are you saying?

JULIA: Barnabas, you cannot get away with it.

You cannot possibly.

Can't get away with what?

Julia, tell me.

What's happened to Maggie?

You know as well as I do, Barnabas.

You cannot possibly get away

with your attack on her tonight.

[dramatic, drumming orchestral music]

[daunting music]

Julia, are you sure?

Absolutely sure that Maggie was att*cked by a vampire?

Oh Barnabas, I saw the marks on the neck myself,

marks that only you could've made.

Julia, I swear that I didn't do--

Barnabas, stop it.

You att*cked Maggie when she was walking through the woods.

How can you deny it?

I can deny it, Julia, because I didn't do it.

What you've done is terrible enough, Barnabas,

but to lie to me, the one person you can trust.

Julia, the sun will be up soon.

I must convince you.

I tell you that I never lie to you.

I want to believe that Barnabas, but it's so incredible.

I know that, Julia.

There must be someone else who has the same curse

as I do, someone nearby.

But who could it possibly be?

In all these years, we would've heard.

[dramatic drumming]

Maggie was with Sebastian tonight.

He hasn't been here long.

I have seen Sebastian during the day, Barnabas.

Oh Barnabas, I want so much to believe you.

[rooster crowing]

I must go now.

Julia, I beg of you to believe me.

Now go to Maggie and stay with her.

There's no point in questioning her

as long as she's under the spell of another.

But she may let something slip and give us some clue.


Now go to Maggie, she needs you.

I will see you tonight,

and I will find out whoever has done this.

[daunting orchestral bass music]

[wind blowing] [eerie music]

And she couldn't speak or walk, or anything, it was awful.

And Dr. Hoffman wouldn't tell you what happened to her?

I heard her say this morning to Mrs. Stoddard

that she was att*cked in the woods by a wild animal, but--

But what?

I wonder if she knows something about us.

About the playroom and Daphne.

Shh, not so loud.

And Gerard did this to her to punish her.

Oh I wish we knew if it was Gerard.

[eerie orchestral music]

Hey, why don't you go to Maggie

and try and find out whatever you can

without giving too much away?

And what are you going to do?

I'll tell you later.

All right, but you've got to promise me one thing.

DAVID: What?

You won't try to contact Gerard.

Now why would I do a thing like that?

David, please.

To question him directly, and you mustn't.

We've got to stay far away from him.

Are you gonna see Maggie?

HALLIE: David, please just promise me that.

Either you go or I'll have to, now you going?

I'll go.

[eerie orchestral music]

[David Thoughts]I know it's dangerous.

I know we should stay away from him,

but if it will help Maggie I've got to do it.

No matter how scared I am, I've got to try

to make contact with Gerard.

[daunting, dramatic orchestral music]

[daunting orchestral music]

HALLIE: Dr. Hoffman said I could only stay a few minutes,

but I wanted to know how you were feeling.

I'm going to be all right, Hallie.

Is there anything you'd like me to do?

Yes, you and David keep up your lessons.

No, we will, I promise.

You're a wonderful girl, Hallie, did you know that?

Am I?

MAGGIE: Yes, of course you are.

But sometimes I do things I shouldn't.

I wouldn't like it if you were perfect.

But what if I did something wrong?

And someone was hurt by it?

MAGGIE: I don't know what you're talking about.

You don't?

You're not making any sense, Hallie.

You mean you're not sick

because of something I might've done?

Hallie, whatever happened to me

has nothing to do with you.

Are you sure?

Hallie, I was att*cked in the woods by something,

and I'm going to be all right.

What happened to me has nothing whatsoever to do

with anyone else, only me.

Hallie, I think you've been here long enough.

Maggie needs her rest.

All right.

Now you try and get better real soon.

I'm going to be all right, Hallie.

Very soon.

[dramatic, eerie orchestral music]

It's a good sign that you're feeling

that you're gonna make a quick recovery.

I'm really not as sick as everyone seems to think.

But still, you should rest.

I'll just sit down and read for awhile.

Julia, there's no need

for you to stay with me all the time.

I have nothing else to do.

Really, I thought you and Barnabas were so terribly busy

searching for clues to the coming catastrophe.

I thought you thought that our search

was more important than that.

Things that seemed so important once,

don't seem as important now.

Surely you don't think the safety of the children

is ever unimportant?

Of course not.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.

Perhaps it's just my illness.

I'm sure it is.

[eerie chiming carousel music]

I know I shouldn't summon you,

but won't you appear to me?


I have a question to ask you.

I've always done what you wanted me to,

and I probably always will.

So won't you please appear to me?

Someone's here.

I can feel it.


Is that you?


[eerie music]

[eerie music]

Carrie, then it's you.

Speak to me, please.

Please speak to me if you can.

I have a question to ask Gerard,

but maybe you know the answer.

Hallie and I were afraid that Maggie Evans

found out about what's happening to us,

and that Gerard's punishing her.

Yesterday she was att*cked in the woods.

We wouldn't want anything to happen to Ms. Evans.

Did Gerard do this to her?

You don't have to speak to me, just nod yes or no.

Did Gerard do this to her?

And she doesn't know anything about what's happening to us?

Oh, that's what I was hoping you would say.

And Dr. Hoffman must've been right.

It must've been an animal.

I have another question to ask you.

I know I shouldn't, but I have to.

What's gonna happen to us?

I mean Hallie and me.

Can't you tell us?

Now that we know we can't do anything about it.

Won't you tell us, please?

Yes, you will tell us.

Well let me go find Hallie.

You wait here.

You will wait, won't you?

[slow orchestral music]

[eerie chiming carousel music]

[clock bell ringing]

All the symptoms were there, Barnabas.

The disinterest in other things,

the weakness, the hostility--

Julia, did you at any time imply to her

that I might have done it?

I almost did when it first happened.

But then I realized that I couldn't say anything

that would implicate you.

Isn't it possible that deep, deep down

you knew that I didn't do it?

No Barnabas, I was certain that you had done it.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to lie.

BARNABAS: You still have doubts, don't you?

I don't know.

Julia, take me to her.

You'll see by her actions that I didn't do it.

If you insist.

In a way I almost wish that I had done it.

Well that shouldn't be too difficult to believe.

If I had done it, at least we would know what to do,

but as it is, she's in constant danger

from an unknown source.

A source that we must find before any further harm is done.

[daunting bass orchestral music]

[eerie orchestral music]

Are you sure she didn't tell you where she was going?

I don't remember.

Well if you do speak to her,

tell her I have to see her, it's important.

Yes David, I'll tell her.

David, what are you doing here?

I came to see if Maggie was all right.

Have you seen Hallie?


Well if you do see her, please tell her

I have to speak to her, it's important.

[eerie music]


What is it, Barnabas?

I wanted to find out how you feel.

I'd be a whole lot better if people would leave me alone.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Yes, you can tell Julia to stop hovering around me.

I'm really quite well.

Maggie, Julia knows what she's doing.

Does she?

I doubt that.

This particular case, I doubt that very much.


Excuse me, Maggie.

[eerie music]

Barnabas, it's better to leave her alone.

She's not responsible for any of the things

she's saying now.

I know now that you didn't have anything to do with it.

She wouldn't be that cold to you

if you had been the one who att*cked her.

So this is what it's like?

The agony I've inflicted on so many.

Did you see how hopeless she is?

How lost to herself and to others.

- Julia. - Oh Barnabas, don't please.

[barking and howling]

Listen, he's out there somewhere.

We've got to guard her.

Stay with her.

Don't leave her side.

I'll search the grounds.

If he comes in, you know what to do.

I have a cross.

Listen to them.

How well I know that sound.

The summons to Maggie is now the summons from someone else.

I hereby swear with all solemnity,

on the graves of all my ancestors,

that when I've found who has done this to her,

I will drive the stake myself.

[eerie music]

Maggie, Maggie you've got to lie quietly.

You're weak, you've got to rest.

No, I'm not weak at all.

I know you've tried to stop me.

I'm not sick, I'm not a child, I can do whatever I wish.

Really, I have no obligation to you.

I'm well now, Dr., I won't need your help any longer.

[howling barks]

[Julia Thoughts] She's being summoned.

She'll go to him, to whoever it is.

If I follow, I'll know.

Yes Maggie, lead me to who it is.

Lead me.

[daunting orchestral music]

[eerie music]
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