1129 - October 21, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1129 - October 21, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie theme music]

Narrator:Collinwood in the year .

On this night, Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

will make their first attempt to change history,

and thereby avert the tragedy that will occur in .

But they will discover something

they never learned in their own time,

that an evil, more horrifying than

any they had ever known exists here

and will be responsible for the tragedy that is imminent.

[dramatic music]

[leaves rustling]

What is it?

Something heavy moving about.

Let's find out.

[suspenseful music]

It's going away.

Must be only an animal.

[suspenseful music]


[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]

[suspenseful music]

Oh, no!

What's happened to her?

It looks as if someone tried to tear her head off.

It's Hortense, the governess of Collinwood.

The governess.

JULIA: She's still alive.

I don't see how that's possible.

JULIA: I know, but there is a faint pulse beat.

Barnabas, go to my rooms at Collinwood

and get my medical bag.

I'll stay here and see what I can do for her.


[suspenseful music]

QUENTIN: Barnabas.

Hey, what's wrong?

Something terrible has happened.

Your governess has been att*cked in the woods.

att*cked, how?

BARNABAS: It's hard to say.

Now, wait a minute.

Tell me what you know.

The girl's almost dead.

Now, Julia's out there with her,

and she's asked me to get her medical bag.

[suspenseful music]


Barnabas, come back.

There's no point in doing anything.

She just died.

QUENTIN: Well, do you have any idea how it happened?

Yes, but I don't know whether to believe it or not.

What do you mean?

She became conscious for a few seconds,

just before she died.

She spoke to me.

What'd she say?

JULIA: Something about a headless man.


Quentin, I'll help you bring her back.

QUENTIN: I'm not going to see her.

BARNABAS: Quentin, wait!

[suspenseful music]

Where could he be going?

He's not concerned about the girl at all.

The thing that att*cked her.

Headless man.

How can there be such a thing?

Barnabas, she must have just been hysterical.

I'm not so sure.

Quentin seemed to know everything and understand it.

He seemed to know something.

Whatever it was, it frightened him.

Barnabas, what's out there?

Whatever it is, I'm going to go to the police

and notify them immediately.

I'll go and see Samantha.

I haven't see her this evening.

I don't know where she is.

[clock chiming]

Poor Hortense.

What a horrible way to die.

I knew something was wrong

when she didn't meet me at Rose Cottage.

That's why I came here.

I don't know what I'll do without her.

She was devoted to me.

If only she hadn't gone into the woods,

she might still be alive.

She must have been on her way to see me,

to tell me that...

JULIA: Tell you what?

Julia, Quentin and I have decided to have a divorce.

And you're going to marry Gerard?

SAMANTHA: Why does that surprise you?

Well, I thought because of Tad

you would stay with Quentin.

Tad is coming with me, of course,

and I had told Hortense

to meet me at Rose Cottage to tell me when he was ready.


You said that Quentin left the house when he heard the news?


Where did he go?

JULIA: Well, he refused to tell us.

[suspenseful music]

JULIA: What are you doing?

I'm going to take Tad to Rose Cottage.

Gerard is waiting for us.

Well, you're not going to take him there

with whatever it is loose in the woods--

I just came from Rose Cottage without any harm.

Well, you were fortunate.

You could have been k*lled.

Tad and I will be all right.

I've got this,

and I can get one of the servants

to drive us in the carriage.

Julia, would you speak to the housekeeper

and ask her to arrange that for me, please?

Are you sure you don't want to wait until daylight?

I've known nothing but tragedy in this house.

I want to leave it as soon as possible.

Tad and I will be all right in the carriage.

If you don't want to do it, I'll take care of it myself.

No, no I'll do it because I can't stop you anyway.

Thank you.

[suspenseful music]


So, you decided to take Tad yourself.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Come down here.

Come down here before I come up there and drag you down.

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

And this g*n wouldn't have done you any good.

And there's no use denying it.

I found out what you were up to this afternoon.

I think it's the lowest thing you've ever done.

I can do without your sermons.

If you had been successful

in getting Tad out of this house,

I'd had police in every state looking after you,

and just how did you think you'd get away with it?

You haven't stopped me yet, you know.

I have two servants guarding his room.

Unlike Hortense, they are loyal to me.

Don't you dare mention her name.

You're responsible for her death.

And if she had been successful

in getting Tad out of this house,

he'd be dead now, and you'd be responsible for that.

That's absurd.

She would never let anything happen to him.

There's a maniac lose in those woods,

and I don't think she could have done

anything to prevent it.

If you don't have sense enough

to look after your own son's safety,

at least I do.

Thank you for at least referring to him as my son.

Now you listen to me,

I don't want to hear anymore about that.

SAMANTHA: You're going to have to face it

sooner or later, Quentin.

I said that's enough!

He's not your son!


[dramatic music]

[g*n clatters]

You can do what you wish to me,

but you can't change the truth.

At the moment, I don't care

whether it's the truth or not,

and don't you taunt me with it.

If I am forced to stay in this house,

I will say what I please.

No one's forcing you to stay in this house!

As far as I'm concerned,

you can get out and stay out!

Not without Tad.

For the last time, Tad is staying here!

You have no legal or moral right to that boy.

Since when are you the authority on morals?

You with your clandestine affairs.

There was only one other woman,

just one, and you know it.

You mean one that I found out about.

You didn't find out about her,

I told you about her.

Oh, yes, honest Quentin.

Always doing the proper thing,

always a perfect gentleman.

I hate you!

I think you'd better get upstairs.

You're gonna be sorry for this night, Quentin.

I'm going to stay in this house

and do everything I can to make your life in it

a living hell.

[suspenseful music]

[door closes]

Quentin, I want to talk to you.

Not now.

I'm afraid it must be now.

The m*rder of that girl in the woods must be dealt with.

Let the police deal with it.

What did she mean by headless creature?

And just what makes you think

that I know anything?

Because Julia and I both saw it in your face

when she told you about the girl's dying words.

You were both imagining it, Barnabas.

Why did you leave the house so quickly?

Where did you go?

Why didn't you go to the police?

Is there a headless creature?

Is there?

I don't know.

What do you know?


Now, Quentin, listen to me.

This incident may lead to a whole series

of disasters at Collinwood.

If what that girl said in her dying moments is true,

then we are dealing with something supernatural.

Now, if you're holding something from us that we must know,

you'll be jeopardizing the lives of everyone at Collinwood.

[suspenseful music]

Judah Zachary


His body is out there tonight.

What about the disembodied head?

QUENTIN: Somewhere near it.

When Desmond found out

that the head was missing,

we both assumed that the head and the body

had somehow been joined together again.

And now we know that isn't true.

When did Judah Zachary live?


He was condemned to death as a warlock

in a village in Bedford.

Why was he beheaded?

The villagers...

Thought that his evil was so great...

That he couldn't die like an ordinary man.

So, they separated the head from the body.

No one knows where the body is buried.

It's a well kept secret.

But the head was put on public display

as a warning to all of his followers.

Since ...

The head has reappeared several times.

Each time it reappears,

murders follow in its wake.

What are we going to do, Barnabas?

Prevent the return of Judah Zachary.

Find the body and the head and destroy them both.

Attempts have been made to destroy the head.

No one has ever succeeded.

Has anyone ever tried to destroy the...

Destroy the body?

That is what we must try to do,

in whatever way we can.

We can begin by getting weapons

and starting a search immediately.

No, no, no, no Desmond and I have already searched,

and we didn't find anything.

Then we must try again.

All right.

There are g*ns in my study.

[suspenseful music]

[clock chiming]

BARNABAS: We combed the entire woods and found nothing.

JULIA: You really do believe that

this headless creature exists?

Yes, but I don't know where.

We'll have to begin searching again tomorrow.

It will get anyone who's in its way.

I'm convinced that the girl just happened

to stumble on this creature in the woods.


Barnabas, you know what Hortense's death means,

don't you?


It means the position of the governess,

is this house, is now open.

Yes, and based on what we know from ,

this must be the time when Daphne

will make her appearance in this house.

If we can keep Daphne away from being governess here,

events will take a different course,

that way we may be able to prevent

the destruction of Collinwood in .

Yes, that's true.

But, how can you stop her?

I don't think I can.

But you might be able to.

[suspenseful music]



Your name is Daphne Harridge?

DAPHNE: Well, yes, it is.

It's very urgent that I speak to you.

May I come in?

DAPHNE: Oh, of course.

Thank you.

How can I help you?

You can't help me,

but I hope I can help you.

You must leave Collinsport immediately.


Because if you don't,

you will probably die.

[dramatic music]

Believe me, I am not exaggerating.

It is a matter of life and death.

Who are you?

Why are you threatening me?

I'm not threatening you.

I'm trying to warn you.

I know it's very difficult for you to accept

what I'm going to tell you,

but you must.

You must leave Collinsport,

or it will be a matter of serious danger to your life.

What are you talking about?

What do you mean?

JULIA: Sometime soon,

you'll be offered a position

as governess in Collinwood.

Now, why would anyone do that?

I promise you it will happen.

If you accept that position,

it will lead to your death.

Who are you?

Why are you trying to frighten me?

I'm not trying to frighten you.

I'm just trying to save your life.

How can you know what's going to happen to me?

You've never seen me before.

You don't know me.

Or have you seen me before?

No, no, of course not.

DAPHNE: I don't believe you.

You knew my name, and you knew what I looked like.

Now, how is that possible if you've never seen me before?

Ms. Harridge, the position of governess

will be offered to you.

Do not accept it.

I think it highly unlikely

that anyone will ever offer me a job at Collinwood,

and I have no intention of asking for one.

For your own sake, please listen--


I am not leaving.

All right.

I've done all I can.

Please don't tell anyone

anything that we've said.

If you do, I will say that we've never spoken to each other.

We will be seeing each other again.

And we will be meeting very soon.

[suspenseful music]


Barnabas, I failed.

I tried to convince her, but I couldn't.

What will we do now?

Wait for the next step

and try to prevent that.

Why should Quentin offer her the job as governess?

She has no training for it.

I don't know.

All I know is that he will try to do it,

and he will have a reason.

When do you think it will happen?

[suspenseful music]


[suspenseful music]

DAPHNE: Mr. Collins?

Hello, Ms. Harridge,

may I come in?

DAPHNE: Oh, well, yes, of course.

Thank you.

Since I'm in a hurry,

I'll get to the point very quickly,

concerning my visit.

My cousin, Desmond, recommended you to me.

I'd like to offer you the position

as my son's governess.

[dramatic music]

I know this has come all of a sudden-like,

but I never expected such a shock.

Well, forgive me, Mr. Collins.

It's just that I don't know what to say.

Is there any reason you can't say yes?

Well, I'm so overwhelmed, I can't say anything just yet.

But does the position interest you?

Well, yes,

indeed it does.

Well then,

if you don't mind, I'd like to have your answer because,

well, I am in a hurry.

DAPHNE: Well, I'm very grateful for your offer,

Mr. Collins, thank you.

And I'm pleased to accept it.

Ms. Harridge...

Do you have any reservations about

working at Collinwood?

Oh, no.

No, believe me, it's just what I wanted.

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

He's gone.

I wouldn't have thought it possible.

But I will find him.

He will never get away from me.

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]
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