02x01 - Hair Today

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x01 - Hair Today

Post by bunniefuu »

- It seems like everyone
- in high school

- Is totally obsessed
- with how they look.

Yeah, people are

so shallow.

Mascara, I need

more mascara.

I rest my case.

Ew, I hate my cheeks, my

eyelids, my nose, my chin.

Tamera, you look fine.

You look...

You look like me.

I was hoping for more.

Okay, maybe tamera's acting

like a self-centered dope,

but it's not her fault.

I blame society.

You see, in high school,

as sad as it seems...

Looks determine

your total existence.

Yeah, you can be in

with the in-group...

Or out

with the out-group.

Or just out alone.

- Fortunately,
- we had our own group.

And we were fine

where we were.

Well, at least

one of us was.

Look at those girls.

They're so stuck-up.

Yeah, they're so

full of themselves.

Let's go talk to them.

- Why? I mean, they don't
- want anything to do with us.

That's because they think

we don't like them.

We don't.

- We don't like them because
- we think they don't like us.

They don't.

- That's because
- they don't know us.

- But they would definitely
- want to hang out with us

- If they knew the real
- Tia and tamera.


Now just don't act

like your goofy self.


I'm tamera

and this is my sister Tia.



- I know we really
- haven't talked,

But we're in a couple

classes together.

- And this is kind
- of embarrassing,

- But remember
- in biology class

- When we were looking at that
- film about the baby seals?

Well, that was me in

back of the class

making those funny noises.

And I'm the goofy one?

And I got detention

for it, too.

Anyway, I just wanted

you guys to know that...

We're here.


♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

- ♪ never knew
- how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Hey, what are you doing?

Trying to make

the perfect cappuccino.

Aw... great.

Why did you buy that thing?

- Well, I'm tired of
- shelling out four dollars

- For a tiny little cup
- of cappuccino.

But now I can drink

as much as I like.

Or as little.

What do you think

about this look?

Um, her hair's too short.

- Well, what about
- this one?

She looks like a guy.

This one?

That is a guy.

It is?

Yeah, but I'd still

k*ll for his eyebrows.

- Tamera, why do you keep trippin'
- about getting a new look?

I'm not trippin'.

I'm stylin'.

Girls, girls, what's all

this talk about looks?

Dad, you're not gonna give us

the inner beauty speech again?

- It's the inner beauty
- that counts.

Dad, the only people who

care about inner beauty

are the outer uglies.


It's no use.

- She only cares what those
- fashion freaks at school think.

- I don't care what
- they think.

- Did they say
- something about me?

You know, you look terrific

just the way you are.

- You show me someone
- who's consumed with her looks,

- And I'll show you
- a deeply disturbed person.

Oh, girls!

I've got three gift certificates

for beauty makeovers!

You need three, huh?

Lisa, this is so cool.

- You know, I was just
- telling the girls

- That looks aren't
- everything.

That's cute, ray.

- Oh, Tia, come on, honey,
- you're gonna love it.

- Well, how did
- you get them?

- Well, I designed some smocks
- for henrique's salon de beaute

- And, instead of money,
- he gave me certificates.

- Well, why didn't
- he pay you?

Henrique is cheap.

- I can't wait.
- Me, either.

I got a date Friday,

- and I want to look just
- like that skinny white lady.

Except black

and beautiful.

Will somebody

please listen to me?


- 'Cause the girls are too young
- to get caught up in that scam

- That says if you're beautiful,
- life is beautiful.

- We're all born
- with certain looks,

And we should be proud

of what we have.

Ray, we were also born naked,

- but I don't want to see you
- flapping around here like that.

- Would you at least give me
- the courtesy

Of considering what I'm saying?

Ray was right.

This really isn't good.

We're too young

to be caught up in this scam.

It's morally corrupt.

Someone rescue me.

Could you scratch my nose?

A little bit more to the left.

Yeah, yep, there. Yeah.

Right there.

Oh, thank you.

Now could you peel me a grape?

I like my nails short.

And, for the color,

I'll choose...


- What the heck,
- let's go all out.

Crystal clear.

Let's use all the colors.

- And I want my name
- painted on, too.


T-a-m-e-r-a... a-a-a

and exclamation point.

That works.

Oh, that tickles.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

No, go, go, go on.


I fell my legs

just tingling.

Ooh-hoo, what you do,

what you do, what you do...

Ooh, I like your feet.

Thank you.

How long have you worked here?

I don't.

I just fill the soda machine.


Are you crazy?

Have you been talking

to my doctor?

Hey, kinkyman, get back here.

It was just getting good.

I have to potty.



- Your cheeks are
- outstanding.

You should see me

in my black jeans.

But, darling, your pores...

Your poor, poor pores.

What's the matter?

- They're so deep, you could
- have a clambake in them.

Oh, help me, henrique.

I don't want to be a freak.

Do not worry.

I can formulate a very

special cream just for you.

My own special cream.

You'll look so young, so

vibrant, so sensuous...

Ooh, so shut up and cream me.

- And now it's time
- to turn back the clock.

Ticktock away, baby.

I want something...

totally different.

Wildly wicked.

Mousse me.

Tease me.

Don't touch me.

I love it.

I love it.

I love it.

Ooh, hey, we could be

the new en vogue.

- ♪ Never gonna get it, never
- gonna get it ♪

- ♪ never gonna get it, never
- gonna get it ♪

Somebody is going to

get this.

Oh, my goodness.

Isn't it great?

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my goodness.

Down, Roger.

- I don't know what
- you did to yourself,

But compliments to the chef,

'cause you look scrumptious.


Hi, Roger.

Oh, hi, Tia.

- How come you didn't go
- to the beauty parlor?

I did go, and I think

I look just fine.


Oh, there's those girls.

- Bet you want to go over
- there and talk to them.

Are you kidding?

I don't need them.

- I look so good,
- I could start my own group.



You're tamera, right?


I love your hair.

It's so on the verge.


- Aren't we in
- biology together?

Oh, yeah.

She's the one that went...

I remember.

That was so cool.

- You got detention,
- didn't you?

Yeah, I did time.

Our biology teacher

is such a dork.

Yeah, they ought to

put him in a jar.

Where do they dig

these teachers up?

- Well, you know
- what they say,

"those who can, do

- and those who can't,
- teach."

- So, tamera, do you want
- to eat lunch with us?


- Tia, you want to
- come with us?

Yeah, sure.

I guess we could

squeeze in one more.

Oh, uh, that's okay.

I already have plans.

Okay. Bye.

- Uh, anybody want a cappuccino?
- They're good, good, good.

No, thanks.

- How about you, Lisa?
- Why don't you have one?

- Only take a minute, 60 seconds,
- one-sixtieth of an hour.

Huh? Hoo-hoo.

Excuse me, excuse me, uh,

hills brother,

how many of those have you had?

Oh, I don't know.

Lost count. 14, 16, 42.

Blast off.

- Yeah, I-I-I know
- I'm a little hyper here,

- But I got everything
- under control.

- Uh, ray, ray, why
- don't you just relax?

- Make yourself
- something to eat.

- Uh...
- Did it.

Done it.

- Hey, look at that tree...
- I think it needs trimming.

I'll be right back.

Just stay away

from that chain saw.

- Mom, is that
- cream working?

Oh, yeah.

I can just feel my pores

shrinking and shrinking.

Now, if I could just fit my butt

in this little itty-bitty jar...

Mom, you're going to look great.

- When Eric sees me tonight, he
- is not going to know what to do,

- But that's okay 'cause I do come
- with instructions.


- Oh, honey,
- I'm just talking.

- And tonight
- I hope he's listening.

Oops, I did it again.

- Send me to my room
- and send a man with me.

I can't stop.

- Mom...
- Ooh!

Okay, okay, okay.

- I'm in control,
- I'm in control.

Where's tamera?

Tamera who?

Ooh, trouble

in twindom?

She's hanging out with

her new friends again.

- She's probably getting
- her boobs done.

Somebody say


Ray, do you mind?

This is a private conversation.

No problem.

- Hi.
- Hi.

We had the best time.


- I thought we were going
- to the mall together.

Oh, I forgot.

I'm sorry.

- Anyway, we went
- to the mall

- And all these guys
- were following us,

- Talking about all
- this craziness,

- But, you know,
- we played it real chill

And it was so on the verge!

Well, I'm so glad!

So afterwards

we went to go get ice cream,

- and you'll never guess
- what Carrie and Michelle said.

Let me guess.

Was it "on the verge,

on the verge, on the verge"?

What's your problem?

You're acting exactly

like those jerks.

- All they do is
- make fun of people.

They're so stuck-up.

- -You're the one who's stuck-up.
- -I am not.

- Only a stuck-up person
- would look down on someone

And say they're stuck-up

- when they're really
- the one who's stuck-up.

You know, even if that made

sense, it would be stupid.

You're so obnoxious.


Well, you make me want to hurl.

You okay, honey?

- It's like she
- completely dumped me.

- It's like she's not
- even my sister anymore.

- Oh, tamera's just going
- through a phase.

- Next week or next month,
- you'll be going through one

And she'll want

to hurl on you.

I don't know why she'd rather

hang out with them than...

It doesn't matter.

- Oh, she'll come around,
- honey.

- Who wants to be with a bunch
- of empty-headed girls

Talking about clothes

and hair all day?

- But you said
- that looks are important.

Did you get that on tape?


Tia, I was wrong.

The point is

beauty is only skin deep.

You're breaking out.

On my face?

I'm going to k*ll

that henrique.

But it... it doesn't matter

because looks...

Are not important.


They really aren't.

- The important thing is
- how you feel about yourself,

- And that has
- nothing to do with looks.

You understand, Tia?

- -Mom, go take care of your face.
- -Thank you, baby.

Julie doran should wear bangs

over that big old forehead.

No kidding, it's so big

you could show a movie on it.

What's the matter,


- I just don't think that
- we should judge someone

Just by their hair.


Did you see her shoes?

Oh, Tia, I didn't know

you were going to be here.

I didn't know

you were going to be here.

You can eat with

us if you want.

Oh, no, thanks.

I'm meeting a friend here.

There she is.

See ya.

Sorry I'm late.

- Please pretend
- you're my friend.

That is so funny.

- Hola.
- Hola.

Oh, stop, stop.

- You're going
- to make me choke on my food.

- Let's go to the
- movies tonight.

That sounds like fun.


Oh, can I borrow

your lipstick?

["Beauty's only skin deep"


♪ Beauty's only skin deep,

oh yeah ♪

♪ my friends ask what

do I see in you ♪

♪ but it goes deeper

than the eye can view ♪

♪ you have a pleasin'

personality ♪

♪ and that's an ever lovin'

rare quality ♪

♪ beauty's only skin deep,

yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ beauty's only skin deep,

oh yeah ♪

♪ beauty's only skin deep,

yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- I like what you've done
- with the cappuccino machine.

- Yeah, in the middle
- of digging the pool,

I realized it was

either it or me.

Uh, ray, uh, so, uh, you

know, what you think?

It's... it's much

better, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Define "better."

Caffeine made

you mean, ray.

- I'm sorry, but how many times
- do I have to tell you?

- Looks aren't
- that important.

I picked a bad day

to give up coffee.


- What happened
- to me?

I w... I was just gonna,

you know, ask you...

- uh,
- the same thing.

- Mom, what am
- I going to do?

It's terrible.

No, no, it looks real... hot.

- I'm going to my room forever.
- No, n-no, honey,

- Now, honey, now l...
- No, it-it looks fine.

Now, let me help you

fix it up a little bit.

What is that smell?

- Tamera, have you seen
- your sister's new hairstyle?

It's really nice.

Yeah... wow.

- Come over here,
- baby.

I think it's time

for your "inner beauty" speech.

That ship has sailed.

I got to get out of here.

- No, no, honey, come on,
- come on, n-no, honey.

Now, let's eat.

Now, sit down there.

You know...

I'm starting to like it.

I bet you'll start

a new trend.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, whoo-hoo!

- Well, it was
- a very nice day today.


- Lisa, would you pass
- the mashed potatoes?


it was... really... sunny.

String beans?

It was also cool.

Cool and sunny.

And also brisk.

Yes, it was real brisk.

- Tia, would you pass
- the hair chops?

Uh, pork chops.

- I'm going to go try and help
- her fix up her hair a little.


where did you put

that chain saw?

Why did Tia do that

to her hair?

Why do you

think, tamera?

I was such a jerk.

- Well, honey, I just
- think we both got

A little caught up

with our looks.

It's just that I,

you know...

- You missed
- your sister.

Yeah, and, uh...

I wanted to be part

of that group.


What an idiot.

No, baby, that

happens to everybody.

When I was growing up,

- there was this cool group
- with high cheekbones,

So I used to walk around

like this in school.

- -Did you get in?
- -Uh-uh,

- But I learned a
- new way to kiss.

- Whoo, Tia, you did
- a job on yourself.

- Now, I'm gonna do
- the best I can,

- But I'm gonna get you
- to the hairdresser.

- I'm not going
- to school tomorrow.

Oh, baby, all you got

to do is wear a hat.

A very large hat.

- Oh, hi, Tia.
- How's it going?

Oh, uh, okay.

- Cool hat, but you got to
- wear it the other way.


Dang, woman, you're tore up.

I got to go.

Tia, I love it.

It's the b*mb.

It looks like the b*mb went off.

I got to get to class.


You guys, look.

Maybe her hair isn't

on the verge, but it's...

Who cares about hair anyway?

It's only dead skin.

Or maybe it's protein.

- I wasn't paying attention
- in class today.

It's protein!

- The point is,
- is that inner beauty is

A lot more important

than outer beauty.


you guys understand

what I'm saying, don't you?

Yeah, her head looks

like a fungus.

- I guess what I'm really trying
- to say is,

- Is why don't you get
- your overly made-up,

Price is right model reject,

Beverly Hills 90210 wannabe,

sorry butts on the verge of

nowhere selves out of here?


We're late for lunch.

You really told

those heifers off.

Girls, is there

room for one more?

- Carrie & Michelle:
- No.

I'll take that

as a yes.


No problem.

I'd rather hang out

with you any day.

Me, too.

- I can't believe how shallow
- those girls are.


- -Tia?
- -Yeah?

- Put your hat on;
- you're embarrassing me.

Henrique! Henrique!

Come here, henrique.


where are you?

I'm not finished

with you yet.

You can hop,

but you can't hide.

It's time for your bikini wax.

Henrique! Henrique!

Get back here,

you little beanpole.
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