01x01 - 01x05 - House of Secrets/Attitude/BlackBird/Dares/Lies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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01x01 - 01x05 - House of Secrets/Attitude/BlackBird/Dares/Lies

Post by bunniefuu »

Nina Martin?
Yes! That's me! Ah, you're American then?
Yeah how'd you know?
Was it the accent?

It was the big American flag on your suitcase.

Oh, right, well.

I guess that's a little obvious Not the best way to blend in There you go.

Jump in love.

I can't believe I'm actually going to boarding school.

I'm so excited! I feel like Harry Potter.

Is that your parents checking up on you?
It's my gran.

I think she misses me already.

My gran brought me up.


I've never been away from home before.

You getting cold feet?
Want me to turn this cab around?
No way! I'm finally here.

I'm off to my new school.

I'm psyched.



And I guess I am a little scared.

The last time I felt like this, I threw up on my kindergarten teacher.

Nah, that'll just be my driving.

Ok Nina.

We're here.

Oh wow It's a big place.

Where do you need to be?
Um, it says here I'm in the "house of anubis"..

Move back a bit more.

Hurry up.

Oh come on.

All right.

That's it Aagh! Oh hey, careful! That's my new profile photo.

The theory of computational intelligence?
A bit of light reading?
Joy, just because it doesn't have Robert pattinson on the cover, Doesn't mean it's not worth reading.

I'll take your case round.

Wow welcome to Hogwarts.

Hey, wait up! Oh! I'm so sorry! Who's the American?
Thank you.


Hey joy, look what came this morning Yes!! Bff box
-set marathon tonight?
Yeah, you're on.

So, I've got the perfect plan for making Amber notice me yeah?
Hang on Alfie.

I told you this would cost you a tenner, Now do you want this homework or not?
Thank you.


Shake hands.

Ha ha ha subtle.

Why would anyone want to be subtle?
Isn't the bell working?

I mean, um, I don't know.

I mean the door was open so I just So you thought you'd just walk straight in?
That's kind of how we deal with doors in America.

Um, hi.

I'm Nina Martin You're late.

Two weeks late.

I know, I'm sorry.

But we didn't find out about the scholarship until.

I'm not interested in the reason why you're late.

Victor rodenmaar, I hope you're giving our new girl your warmest of welcomes.

Well as warm as he gets, anyway.

Hello sweetie, I'm Trudy rehman.

- Your house

Welcome to anubis house.

It's only slightly spookier than the brochure So, this afternoon, We're going to have, as promised, A practice exam.

But daddy, you have to extend my credit limit.

Phone off Amber.

But I've seen a pair of really important shoes.

Dad, I have to go, I'm in school! Mick, you're back!!! Sorry I'm late.

You might have changed first.

Just try not to perspire all over the paper.

Could he be any hotter.


The anubis estate was originally built in 1890.

Although it wasn't actually named anubis until 1922.

Ohhh! Oh, she doesn't care about all that boringness, Victor.

She's a teenager, It's all about hormones and vampires.

Now, this is the living room through here sweetie.

Everything's so old and beautiful.

This house must have a ton of stories.

Now, this is where I serve breakfast and evening meals.


spooky music?
Mr and mrs frobisher smythe, the original inhabitants.

They d*ed in a very tragic accident.

Ha ha ha.

Always upbeat! Right, shall I show you where you're sleeping?
Is it ready?
Oh yes.

They've cleared it.

Very well, follow me please miss Martin.

Oh and who are these?
Oh, well this one on the far left When you are quite ready You are lucky to be in this house you know.

It's the nicest one
- despite Mr.


Boys' rooms downstairs.

We don't want anyone wandering around after 9 o'clock.

And all lights must be out by 10.

This is my room, Which, needless to say is strictly out of bounds.

What's up there?
That's the attic.

Going up into the attic.

Or down into the cellar is strictly forbidden.

Is that understood?
Crystal clear.

This is your room in here.

Right, you have exactly one hour to complete the paper.

The time is six minutes past two.


Yes Alfie?

It's a gusher.

Infirmary quickly.

Come on.

Festine lente boy.

More haste less speed.

Sorry to interrupt mrs Andrews.

Joy, there's someone to see you in my office.

Who's that?
Oh that's joy.

Joy has left.

Rather suddenly and unexpectedly if I may say so.

You may not.

Your trunks have arrived.

I shall leave you to unpack.

Is it done?

Her friends won't be a problem.

We shall make sure of that, shan't we corbiere?
Get off! Alfie! Have you guys seen joy?
Rararara Rarara.

Yeah, she's about this tall, dark hair.

Ha, ha.

No, I've just been to sweetie's office and she's not there.

Maybe she's gone back to the house?


Stop it.

I've been Who are you?
I'm Nina.

Good to meet you.

I'm new.

American, obviously.

Who cares?
Where are joy's things?
What's going on?
Did you do this?

I just got here.


I just got here.

You little Please stop! Victor told me that joy had left! Without this?
This is her phone.

Did you steal it?
Not a great strategy for making friends.

Show up and steal stuff?
And this is joy's as well! Hey! Put that down.

I mean it, you can't take that.

I don't know who you are or where you've come from, But you are not my roommate! Joy is.

Now where is she?
Did you hear what I said?
Where's joy?
Ok, can we start over?
I'm Nina, from America.

And unless joy's hiding under the bed, I don't know where she is.

The room was empty when I got here.

I don't believe you.

Ok I'm sure we can discuss this in a much Patricia Williamson, what is going on?
That's what I'd like to know.

Where's joy?
Joy has left.

What do you mean, she's left?
Her parents came to school this afternoon and removed her.

ButThat's impossible.

Why would they do that?
I have absolutely no idea.

Joy would never leave without saying goodbye.

Or without her phone or "bunzy bun.

" Give them to me.

I'll forward them on to her Give.

Now clear this stuff back into the room.

No way.

I'm going to phone joy and find out what's going on.


Come back here.

Supper will be ready in ten minutes.

I can't believe no
-one's got joy's home number.

That's because this is her home.

Just call her phone.

Amber, keep up.

I told you.

She left her phone behind.

So, text her?
Stupidity leak! So they've already got someone else in her bed?

It's that girl we saw in the taxi.

She's American and she's like totally obsessed with it.

She's said it like a hundred times.

And joy's just gone?
That really is weird.

Maybe joy's been abducted by aliens and this new girl's one of them.

Yeah! Maybe the new girl is an alien in a flesh suit.

We were planning a box set marathon tonight.

You know joy's rom
-com obsession.

How can she have gone just like that?
Patricia you've disappeared more than enough times.

She would've called me though.

Hi, I'm Nina.

I'm from America.


Welcome space girl.

Or blurp bleep blop as they say in your language.

Supper's ready.

Oh Amber.

That's my seat.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Do you want to?
Where's Mick?
Um, I don't even know who you are so You heard what Amber said, That's her seat.

Yeah, but she's not here right now.

That's your way isn't it?
Someone's gone for five seconds and you've already moved in.

Patricia is head of the welcoming committee.

Take no notice, just sit where ever you like.

Mick! Yeah?
Seriously, don't do that I almost had a heart att*ck.

Sorry babes.

I went into supper but I was lonely without you.

I just went out for a run.

I gathered.

Why didn't you knock on my door, I would have come with you?
Ha ha ha.

Because of last time?
That's because you didn't warn me about the sweating.

This time I'll know.

Sorry babes, I have to shower.

I'll catch you later okay.

Stop it Alfie, that's disgusting, And you're probably going to choke on it.

But it's delicious this way.

Alfie, don't play with your food.

Ha ha ha ha.

Alfie! Ah!! Really guys?
Every meal?
Oops, sorry! Ahhh! Classy Patricia.

It was an accident.

Are you okay?

Except I think my sweater is shrinking to my body as we speak.

So Nina.

When are you going to tell us what you know about joy's disappearance?
I guess when I actually know something.

Oh come on.

One minute I'm sitting next to joy in class.

And the next she's disappeared.

And you've taken her place.

Bit of a coincidence don't you think?
I guess it is.

Maybe she's snatched her and locked her in the cellar.

Whoooooh! Shut up Alfie! Well?
I don't know anything about joy or her disappearance.

I'll get it out of youEventually.

Nina, phone
-call for you.

What's going on?

Just Nina spilled water everywhere.

How's Harry Potter land?

So go on.

Tell me all.

What's it like?
It's It's great.

It's just how I thought it would be.

Made some new friends yet?
Yeah, so many.

Like, so many.

I knew you would.

Are you ok?
You know, gran We're in the middle of supper, which means dinner so um Yes, yes.

You go.

Don't let me stop you.

I'll call you soon, ok?
Only if you've got time.

Get some sleep honey! Bye.

Is everything ok?
Oh yeah, yeah, it's just allergies.

You guys have cats right?

Um, must just be this soggy sweater then.

Mara, do you think Mick is over me?

I'm sure he's not.

It's probably just your biological impulse triggering your insecurity.

Okay, whatever that means.

So what do you think of the new chick then?
I think the new girl looks nice.

Oh really?
No I meant she seems nice.

Course you did.

Can I have joy's home telephone number?

Okay, I'm sorry.

Can I "please" have her number?

It is against school rules to disclose personal details.

But I really want No! But I just want to call her.


Now go away.

You will send those back to her tomorrow though won't you?

First class?
I have told you.

Yes! Now for heaven's sake please leave me in peace.

Mostly a's
- you're the shy, retiring type.

That's hilarious, just so wrong! I can't believe that creep won't give me joy's home number.

At least she should get her stuff back the day after tomorrow.

That's good.

You'll be able to ring her then.

I know you've got something to do with this newbie.

And I'm gonna find out what it is! So you've mentioned.

Ten times What did you say?

Hi guys Mick, I've only got one eye on! I like the panda look.

Aww! Thanks bubs.

And it's sweet of you to come and see me.

Actually it's Mara I've come to see.

Me, mara?
Yeah, I was kind ofStruggling on that biology assignment.

And I wondered, since, you're the biology babe, Whether you could Help me out?
Erm Yeah.


Why not?
A friend in need Tomorrow evening?
It's a date.

In a manner of speaking.


Catch you later babe.

You want him to fail biology?
Probably not.

But why doesn't he ask me to help him with his homework?
Ok, but I don't like him asking another girl.

Even when it's you.

Amber, relax, he only wants me for my brains.

And you
- you're textbook gorgeous.

He's crazy about you.

Yeah you're right.

As usual.

After all, what's not to like.


It's ten o'clock You should be downstairs by now.



You have five minutes precisely.

And then I want to hear a pin drop.

I can still hear something! What?
We've still got four minutes! Three minutes.

Ok Captain curfew, I'm going as fast as I ca.

Mara, come quick.

What is it?

What are you doing?
Cleaning the mirror?
Didn't you see what was on it?

She's wiped it off.

What did it say?
'help me! Joy.


And she's wiped it off so now it looks like I'm going crazy! Take it easy Patricia.

This is what she wanted.

She's involved, I'm telling you.

I didn't see anything when I ped the steam off the mirror.

Except for myself.

I swear.

Why are you girls not in your rooms?
You know the rules.

I don't want to share with her.

You know what?
I'll move! Half my stuff is in a pile on the floor anyway.

Or I can just sleep on the couch.


Nobody is moving anywhere! Get to your rooms immediately.

Joy definitely would have called me by now! I'm telling you, something has happened to her.

Patricia give it a break, you're driving me crazy.


Some of us are worried about joy even if you're not.

Did you get any response to that email you sent her last night?

It's difficult to know what else we can do.

Question the newbie, that's what.

She has nothing to do with this Patricia.

She just has really bad timing.

What about last night?
That business with the mirror?
You don't believe I saw anything do you?
Yes we do! It's just Mick saw Alfie hanging out on our corridor last night.

Not even Alfie would have the nerve to sneak into the bathroom, And do something like that! Are we talking about the same Alfie?
So who do you think did write it then Joy?
I don't know.

MaybeMaybe Nina wrote it to drive me crazy.

Where is she anyway?
Gone into school early I think.

Oh, so she's a geek as well as everything else is she?
I think it's probably more about getting away from us.

I mean, we've hardly been very welcoming.

I know.

I was thinking that too.

I feel a bit mean.

Ohh! SorryAre you ok?
That's my house.

Err I don't think so.

It's a school.

That's my house.

Ok, it's your house.

It kind of suits you.

Maybe you can tell me where you really live and I could take you back.

Oh, here.

You'll get cold It's you isn't it?
I knew you'd come.

I'm sorry, I don't know.

Sarah, Sarah.

My name is Sarah.

Okay Sarah Why don't you come inside for a cup of coffee?
I can't go in there.

He's waiting.

He's always waiting.

All right then, um, why don't you just wait here, And I'll go and bring someone back.

Are you coming back?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

JustDon't move.

Stop it.

It's hurt.

I need the truth.

Did you or did you not sneak into the bathroom last night.

While I was showering and write on the mirror?
Ow! No! You swear?
Ow! Yes.

I swear.

On sprocket's life.


My dog.

I swear on his life I didn't do it.

Maybe you just need to accept the inevitable.

What's that?
Something sinister's happened to joy and she's trying to contact you.

Ha ha ha.

Whoooooooh! I did not know you had a dog.



It's not like you to go wandering Emily.

She's rather confused, as you've probably realised.

But she's not normally a sprinter.

That's anubis house.

She said she used to live there.

I don't think so, Although with some of these old dears, you never know.

Truth is, we know very little about Emily's background.

Isn't that right Emily?
There's no need to shout.

I'm not deaf you know.

Hey! Want to walk over to class together?

Oh, by the way, I forgot to give you this yesterday.

A half chewed banana?


Oh Mick.

I love it! What is it?
Open it and see.

I bought it while I was away.

It's not much.

Oh Mick.

It's so me! You know how I love things on my wrists.

Hi Mick I was Sorry, am I disturbing something?


Ok! I was just Wondering what time you wanted to work on that biology assignment?
I can help you with that if you like Mick?
Ha ha ha ha.

It's not that funny.

Aw you knock me out babe.

Six o'clock?
Fine with me.

We were just heading over to class.

Do you want to come with us mara

Yes Patricia?
I need to know what's happened to joy.

Nothing has happened to joy.

Her parents decided to remove her from the school.

That's all.

When you came into our class yesterday.

You said "someone is here to see you".

Yes, that's right.

Why didn't you say "your parents are here to see you"?
Unless it wasn't her parents.

Now you're just being silly.

And why did she leave her phone behind?
And why hasn't she called me?
And why wouldn't her parents tell joy they?
Patricia, calm down.

I'm sure joy will get in touch in her own time.

And if she doesn't, perhaps it means, she doesn't want to.

That's not possible.

Tempus fugit Patricia.

Time marches on and I have a staff meeting to prepare for.

Excuse me.

Thank you Patricia.

But Thank you.

And goodbye.

Bye Patricia.


Ground rules.

You help Mick with one biology assignment and then that's it.


It's not like I begged to tutor him.





Look at this.

I know, don't rub it in.

Bad hair day.

Forget your hair Amber.

Where's joy?
Didn't she go home with her parents yesterday?
Here! On this photo.


She's not there.


Wasn't she away that day?
With tonsillitis or something?

She was standing right here next to me when that was taken.

How can you be so sure?
It was nearly 18 months ago Patricia.

She was there that day.

I know she was.

There that's better isn't it Emily?

Now, you got time for a cup of tea or something before you get back?
I doubt anyone's missing me.


That would be nice.

I've been waiting so long.

Keeping the secret.

Now it's your turn.


Take this.

But keep it well hidden, Or they'll take it away from you.

They take everything away from you in the end.


I couldn't possibly take But you must.

It will keep you safe.

There's treasure hidden in that house.

And only you have the power to find and protect it.

But you must be careful.

There's danger in that house.


It's a bad house.

A dark house.

Spooky, yes, But I don't know about evil.

Emily, I don't think.



My name is Sarah.

And I know you.

I'm sorry.

I know what it's like to miss the place you come from.

And you know me Nina.

How do you know my name.

But you must beware the black bird.

Do you hear me?
Beware the black bird!! It's evil.


Watch out for the bird though.

Watch out for the black bird.

But you have the power.

Watch out for the bird.

Watch out for the bird.

Stop it! Stop it! Caw, caw, caw! Beware the black birds.

Beware the black birds.

What are you doing?

You woke me up.

"beware the black bird!" ha ha ha.

Aw are you scared?
Are you going to sleep with the light on newbie?
I wish I could have seen her face when she woke up just covered in feathers.

Was it like this?
Ha ha ha ha.

Hey guys, I've got an idea that really will give her nightmares.

Oh yeah.

What's that?
Sssh! Sleep well Nina?
Caw! Caw! Ignore them.

I am.

So what was this dream anyway?
It was awful.

I know they're making jokes, but it felt so real.

It felt Evil.

Anyone seen mara?
She's got my hair straighteners.

Yeah, she's with Mick in our room.

! Oh

-eyed monster alert.

I'm not jealous.

Why would I be jealous?
What's there to be jealous of?
She'sHelping him with homework that's all.


I know all about that.

And it's cool.

I would help him, but I'm just so busy.

I see you haven't sneaked out at the cr*ck of dawn today?
Wow, everyone really does keep tabs on everyone else around here don't they?
Fabian said you'd gone into school early.

But then you didn't turn up at first class?
Nina was helping an old lady accross the road.


We had a surprise visitor from the old people's home.

I'm not very good with old people.

They're all so Old aren't they?
Still, you must be used to it.

Trudy said your gran brought you up.

She did, yeah.

What happened to your mum and dad?
Oh, Amber, queen of tact.

They d*ed in a car accident.

Oh that's awful.

It was a long time ago.

My gran and I are really close.

So how come she's packed you off to a big bad boarding school.

Miles away from home then?
Sounds to me like she wanted to get rid Patricia, don't be such a witch.

I know you're upset about joy.

But there's no need to be taking all of this out on Nina.

Yeah, well, everyone seems to have forgotten all about joy, Except me! Hi! What's wrong?
I'm fed up of you hanging out with Mick, That's what's wrong! Then talk to him about it.

He's the one who keeps asking for help.

"with his homework" yeah, I know.

But you were helping him all last night, And now I find out you've been buddy
-studying with him again this morning.

I know you fancy him mara.

I do not! Why?
What's wrong with him?
Nothing's wrong with him.

I just Everyone fancies Mick.

What makes you so different?
He's going out with you So I'm not interested.

But you might be if we weren't going out?
That's not what I said.

You have no idea how difficult it is.

Being one half of an Alpha couple mara.

You're right, I don't.

I have a lot of sympathy for Victoria Beckham.

Your biology assignments please.

And no excuses this time.

Nice one.

You're so much craftier than I thought.

And I already knew you were a scheming goth


Hey Nina! I just wanted to sayYou know Sorry about breakfast.

That's fine.

A little teasing helps the tea and toast go down.

Oh and that I think it's about time we welcomed you into school properly.


The traditional way.

What are you going on about?
Alfie, why don't you tell Nina about the initiation ceremony.

The what?
Yeah, every new person who comes to this school.

Has to undergo likeAn initiation ceremony.

Since when?
Since forever fabian! What are you?
It's ok.

Sounds like fun.

What do I have to do?
I brought you those physics notes I promised.

Aw thanks mar, you're a star.

Listen, if I work on my assignment tonight, Will you go over it with me tomorrow like you did with biology?
I don't know if that's a good idea.


Am I asking for too much?
No, no.

It's not that.

I like helping you.

It's justI think Amber's getting a bit jealous.

Of you and me Ha ha ha.

That's hysterical.

I know.

That would be totally improbable.

But you know what she's like and I don't want to cause any trouble.

I'll talk to her.

Oh no, please don't, you'll just make it worse.

But you have to keep helping me mara.


I need you.

Pleeeeaaaassse! Ok.

Just please stop doing that.


Hey mara! I really appreciate this you know.

I know.

Just to prove I'm not all take, take, take.

Here have this as a little thank
-you present?
Oh that's lovely.

It's a friendship bracelet isn't it?
Is it?
Well, ok, sure, because We are friends.

So Nina's initiation takes place tomorrow night okay.

At midnight.

The witching hour.



Cut it out.

Tell me, fabian.

Does it get boring always, always being the one who's like "cut it out" or "that's not right" or "fun is bad.


You must be mad.

What does she have to do?
Go up to the spooky attic and bring something back to prove she's been.

You're going up into the attic?

Why not?
I mean, it's not like it's Totally haunted.

Yeah, she's right.

By the ghosts of former students who went up there, Never to return.

Ha ha ha.

Getting cold feet?
Not at all.

Let's start tonight.

Can't wait.

Oh we've got something else planned for you tonight.

I can't wait to hear this.

The key.

She can't go up into the attic without the key.

She has to steal it from Victor.

See the bunch of keys on the desk next to Victor.


Those are the master keys.

He carries them with him everywhere he goes.

So you'll never get them.

But there is a key box on the wall just beside him.


He keeps a spare set of every single key in there.

What are you lot looking at?
Sir, we were just trying Admiring your coat.

Is it vintage?
Yes, just as I thought.

This floorIt could Use a polish.



In that case, Please feel free to polish it Alfie.

No Er.

Come with me.

I didn't mean I don't even know where the Amber, I realise you're incredibly busy, But we're both on chores not just me.

I hate chores.

The washing up makes my fingertips go all wrinkly.

I know.

If only there were some sort of glove.

Made of rubber?
That could protect your hands from water?
Where did you get that?
Because my boyfriend gave me the exact same one that's why! Owww!!! Alfie! Youe such a pain.

Nina Martin, What are you doing?
This had better be good.

What were you doing in here?
Um, I wasGetting Getting a closer look at corbiere.

I'm sort of an amateur taxidermist Get out! And don't let me catch you in my office ever again.


Very lucky.

Well, we'll see how lucky she is tomorrow night.

When she goes up into that attic.

I thought you gave me this as a token of our love.

I did babes, yeah.

So what's mara's bracelet a token of.



ThatThat was just a little thank
-you present Here.

You can have this one back.

It's not the best of moves is it?
Giving another girl the same present as your girlfriend.

The calls were going through to joy's voicemail.

But now I'm just getting an unobtainable signal.

What does that mean?
It just means Patricia, That she's got fed up of you bombarding her with messages and texts.

And she's changed her phone contract.

Not funny Jerome! All the world's a stage, And the men and women merely players.


My name is Jason winkler.

And I'm your new history teacher.

I'll also be teaching drama.

You're mr fleming's replacement?

That's right.


I am so pleased he had a heart att*ck.


That didn't come out right.

Pressure is exerted on part of a confined fluid, That pressure will be transmitted undiminished and equally in all directions.

Now this is the result if you apply Pascal's law That's nice.

Does it have a photo inside?
No! I'm sorry.

I was only making conversation.

Mr rutter, Fari argentums aurum tacere.

Silence is golden.


Yes Patricia?
I've been meaning to ask you about the school photo.

I fail to see how that applies to Pascal's law.

Why has joy been erased from the photo?
-ohCrazy conspiracy alert.

That is a ridiculous notion Patricia.

Just one moment please.

I have your last assignments here.

Saved by the bell as they say.

Mick, Mick, I'm not quite sure what to say aboutThis.

Yes! An a.

A big, fat a.

I've never even seen one in person.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's only an a
-minus, Mick.

Get a grip.

But Fabian, wait.

I'm sorry if I acted weird before.

You've been so nice to me and it was kind of Rude?
Well, I was going to say snippy, but yeah, ok, rude works too.

It's ok.

Look, you.

Re not seriously going to go through with this.

Initiation nonsense are you?
You don't have to, you know.

Yeah I do.

I'll never live it down if they think I'm scared.

You are tougher than you look.

Only if you mean willing to do absolutely anything to survive.

In the dangerous world of English boarding schools.


Thanks Alfie! Some of us are here to learn Eeeeeeeeeeee.

And what exactly are you supposed to be Alfie?
A mosquito in a spin dryer.

Isn't it obvious?
Now something a little more serious Shakespeare's "romeo and Juliet.

" Timeless.




I knew I was right.

There's an article in here that says.

If your boyfriend isn't paying you enough attention.

You have to flirt with someone else to make him jealous.

Swap please Amber.

Do I have toSir?
I don't think it was very well handled, That's all I'm saying.

Oh nonsense.

The kids have forgotten her already.

You know what they're like.

I hope you're right, Daphne.

You usually are, of course I don't know about that Eric.

It's just Joy was such a popular girl.

And she and Patricia were thick as thieves.

And she's noticed the photograph.


"o Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
" Deny thy father and refuse thy name.

If thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, "And I'll no longer be a capulet.

" "shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?
" "tis but thy name that is my enemy;" Thou art Thou artTruly the yummiest boy I've ever seen Romeo.

That's not in the script, amber! Ha ha ha.


Are you Nina Martin?

Is there anyone here who can confirm this?
Are you for real?

Nina Martin.

You are here to prove you are brave enough to live at anubis house.

Swear on the graves of all your ancestors.

That you will never ever tell a living soul about tonight.

I swear.

Where's Mick?
He didn't want to come.

Tired or something.

Ssssh! Oh spirits of anubis house, Guide the new girl on her initiation quest.

And keep her from harm in the haunted attic.

Come on, this is ridiculous.

Ssh! Unlock the door.

I just have to go up there and bring something back?
And then I'm done?
I mean you guys didn't booby trap the place or anything, did you?
Course not.


What are you doing?
What does it look like?
Hey! What's going on?
Let me out.

You heard her.

Let her out! Not until you tell us what you know about joy's disappearance.

I don't know anything.

Then, you'll have to stay in there till morning.

All right Patricia, you've had your fun now please just unlock the door.

Yeah Patricia, this is getting silly.

Whose side are you on?
Last chance newbie.

What can you tell me about joy.


I know nothing! You're not really going to leave her in there all night are you?
Let me out!! Stop banging.

Hey let me out! There's something up there.

Open the door! The zombies are coming! Hurry.

Patricia hurry up! What's all this noise?
What's going on?
Why are you all out of bed?
Were you trying to break this door down?
No, weThought we heard mice that's all.

Get to bed now.

Before I put you all on detention.
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