02x17 - House of Chance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "House of Anubis". Aired: 1 January 2011 – 17 June 2013.*
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Follows a group of English boarding school students try to solve a mystery involving their dormitory named after the Egyptian god of death, Anubis.
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02x17 - House of Chance

Post by bunniefuu »

Take my hand.

What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Are you okay?
I saw the spirit lady.

She came after me.

She offered me her hand.

You didn't take it, did you?
No, no.

Tell me it was just a dream.

It was just a dream.

I'm so sorry for dragging you into all this, Amber.

Hey, you didn't drag.

I pushed.

And I'm glad.

A crazy spirit has targeted Fabian and me, And now she's after you?
And you're glad?
Well, glad might be stretching it, But with you, here life's never dull.

Unlike your hair.

You really have to do something about these split ends.

This is going to be one very long day.

If you don't speak, it'll go a lot faster.

Oh! Amber! Sorry.

I know, I've just thought.

What's going to happen when I need to go to the So by the end of today, You should have approximately And what are you expecting from games and stuff?
I don't know, Mara, Because this is not a math

The donkeys will get all, okay?
Make sure they do.

Dude smells like a lady this morning.

Jerome, Alfie is not coming into the bathroom with me.

I'm going to be untying this knot when I need to go.

Fine, but you will be out of the game.

Legs have to stay tied at all times.

I drink a liter of water every morning.

For hydration purposes.



Last thing this afternoon, When we have sauced every bit of carrot in the neighborhood.

Amber, have you got those extra gifts for the lucky dip?
Oh, I left them on my bed.

I'll go and get them.

Come on.

Ah! Sorry.


Ugh! Alfie, what's wrong with you?




Wrong! I don't know why you're so amused.

We haven't even tried walking yet.


Lady don't lie.

Shall we?
Hey! Cut it out.

Okay, okay.


Inside Wrong! Alfie, don't be such a drag.

You're making me walk on a tilt.


What are you two doing back at this time of day?
We came to get the lucky dip prizes.

Don't just stand there like a donkey.

Help me.

I'll just give this one a little polish.



It looks amazing.

I came by to see if either of you wanted to donate.

To donkey days.

Of course we would.

Come on, Jasper.

Make a donkey happy.

Is this it?
The replica of the mask of anubis?

- Yes.

- It's beautiful.

Imagine what the original must look like.

Except the original doesn't even exist, according to you.

Yes, well, we shall probably never know.

Did you ever get in touch with that Internet colleague.

You told Fabian about?
The collector?

Uh Sorry.

Dead end.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Oh! Careful.

Why is he in such a hurry?
I think I need to go change.

Step right up.

Step right up.

Pay your money and take a cr*ck at the Jack Oh, gonna have a go, Mr.

Oh, no, no, no.

No, um Ooh.

Now, I wanted to speak to you.

About the opening of the exhibition.

Gustav ziestack would like to turn it into a bit of an event.

He suggested a masked ball.


A masked ball?
Count me in.

A whole night I don't have to look at your face.

Yes, well, it is short notice, But you did such a wonderful job of organizing the bid, Joy, I wondered if you'd like to take this on as well.

- I'd love to.

- Oh, splendid, splendid.

Ooh! Oh, okay Whoo! And I know just the person to help me.


About time.

You try walking with an Alfie strapped to your leg.

No, thanks.

Why are you dancing?
I'm not dancing.

She needs to go to the I'm trying not to think about it, Alfie.

Thank you.

That's that's it.

I've had enough.

Just untie it.



Quick! Hurry, Alfie.

Get out of the way! Move! I'm going to burst! Not bad.

Three hours in total, more or less.

Felt like a lifetime.

Don't think you've beaten Eddie and Patricia, though.

Whoo! Yeah.

Feel the g*ns.


How many goes, Mr.

Ten, please.

I'm a sucker for lucky dips.

- What number you got?

- 9.

What's that?
Yes, come on, Alfie.

She doesn't want some dusty old paperweight.

Are you kidding?
I love it.

And the winners of wonky donkey are Eddie and Patricia, with six hours and 30 minutes.

Thank you, Jerry.

I'd also like to thank the academy.

Uh, excuse me.

That's one award we can share.

Yeah, but I pulled most of the weight, Especially yours.

Well, you need to think about using a stronger deodorant, 'cause there's no easy way to say this You stink.

Yeah, well, you get up in my face again, At least take a mint.

Cube's gone.

What do you mean it's gone?
As in it was under my bed, and now it's not there anymore.

If you hadn't taken the cube off Fabian.


Fabian, a word.


Sweet has asked you and I.

To arrange the grand opening ball.


That's great.

Tell you what, why don't you two go discuss.

Whatever it is you need to discuss, While I go find my lost purse.

Nina! You're so not over her, are you?
But yet you wrote me a poem.

Talk about mixed signals, Fabian.

- What poem?

- The poem.

The poem on my clipboard.

No, this wasn't for you.

But it was on my clipboard.

And, look, your name's at the bottom.

Who else has read this?
Oh, just me.

And Mara and Patricia.

Oh, and Trudy.

And Oh, so pretty much everyone except Victor and Mick, then.

Oh, no, Mick's read it, too.

But if it wasn't for me, then it must have been for Miss Andrews.




You must have missed that lesson.

- Oh, yeah.




Look what I found in one of the bedrooms.

I think those children are searching for something, Victor.

Well, searching for what?
I don't know.


Um, please.

I too am searching for something, vera.

I think we're all searching for that, aren't we, Victor?
You mean the book of !sis?
Uh Do I?
And what is this book of !sis?
Something that will link us to A magnificent prize, vera.

Tears of gold.

Tell me more.

Buzz! Fabian.




Jasper Where did you get that?
Oh, this?
I, uh I found it.

Because I, uh, I lost it.

You did?
Well, this looks valuable.

Perhaps I should hold onto it for safekeeping?
Uh that's okay.

Thank you, Jasper.

So anyway, Mr.

Sweet has put us in charge.

Of arranging the ball for the opening gala.

I was thinking themed, okay?
Classy venetian, or famous dead people?
Um See, I like the first one, Because then everyone will wear the mask.

You did check whether eating all of this creamed carrot.

Could k*ll me, right?

It can't k*ll you.

Could poison you, though.

I'm sorry.

It's called carotenosis.

You don't die; You just turn orange.

That's good, right?
How is that in any way good, Alfie?
Well, if scientists have bothered.

To give it a proper medical name, They probably developed a cure, too.


Do it for those poor little donkeys.

What about poor little me?
Just Imagine it's milk shake.

-flavored milk shake.

It's not helping, Alfie.

Ding! Come on.


Yes! Ding! He did.

Yes, he did.

Come on.

Down it! Down it! Come on! Jerome, you have my permission to give up.

Let me throw in the towel and end this now.


No! Don't Ain't no gong.

Till it's all gone.

Come on.

Uh Well, that was Really dumb.

But you did it.

Good job, carrot boy.

This is for you.

Ah! Double or nothing?
And where was it?
Jasper said he found it in the school.

It's a good job as well, Otherwise we might have lost it for good.

But how did it get from here to there?
UhI don't know.

Well, maybe you should ask the cube.

Maybe it speaks and answers questions, Since you have so many.

Um I'm sorry.

It's back now.

That's the main thing.

You could have said "thank you" at least.

Whoosh! A cr*ck in the wall.


Could you be any more vague?
Oh! I hope the sight of us working hard.

Isn't disturbing your little rest.

- You're a couple of strong Why do you need my help?
I've broken a nail.

Go sisterhood.

Fine, fine.


Nice move, doofus.

Mine was an accident.

So was that.

Wait! Wait.



I'm clear! Oh! Ow! It just cracked for no reason.

That's off
-chart crazy.

Well, it must be a clue.

Maybe hinting at something we have to do or I don't know.

You're not listening, Fabian.

- No I
-I am.

If I just go like this and Okay, it cracked.

The Dollhouse cracked, And then it made a triangle.

So What if Here, give it to me.

- No, no, no.

- Fabian, give it to me.

Fabian! Nina! What is going on in there?
Home for five minutes.

And already an almighty commotion! Well?
Uh, we, um A lover's trifecta.

Nina and Fabian are going out.



Well, if you must Tiff, Kindly do it quietly.

The rattling must be a key.

Or not.

I hope you have a good explanation for this.

The results kind of speak for themselves, don't they?
Are you trying to be clever?
Would it upset you too much if I said yes?

You will both help Joy and Fabian organize the ball.

That's so unf Actually, yeah, that's pretty fair.

Now go and clean yourselves up, And try not to drip too much on the way out.

I can't believe we got away with that.

It's like old sweetie has no spine at all.


Hey, champ.

Is that all of it?
I'll make sure the donkey sanctuary gets it.

I hope you've learned your lesson.


Charity hurts.

Jerome, what you've done is a good thing.

What can I say?
I feel all warm and gooey inside.


Mara, could you vera to bring me a Bucket, please?
What's she doing?
The Dollhouse cracked and made a triangle, So I cracked the cube and That's not all that's cracked.

So the Dollhouse cr*ck was a clue after all.

We should go check out the tunnels tonight.


Do I have time to change outfits?
Shall we see what's inside tunnel number two?
Sarah's not sure how to think of catacombs.

Yeah, but no eye for decor.

What's that sound?
Which one?
Creaky beams?
The windy tunnel?
Or my heart b*ating out of my chest?
Thud! Well, color me very slightly disappointed.

Ah! Spoke too soon.

That's a long way down.


I definitely hear something back there.

Me too.

We're going to be trapped!
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