03x18 - Log 36: Man Between

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x18 - Log 36: Man Between

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.





Oh! One hundred.

Any takers?

- How about you, Malloy?
- I'll pass.

Oh, come on now. What do you
got to lose except a little pride?

I don't know, Pete, boy. You
could take some shaping up.

That 459 would've got
away from us the other night

if it hadn't been for me
outrunning him, and you.

We got eight
minutes till roll call.

Why don't you see if you
can beat the sergeant?

That might mean more to
you than catching that burglar.

Why didn't you say
something a little sooner?

And spoil the show?
I wouldn't think of it.

That's what I like about
you, Malloy... so thoughtful.

- Speaking of roll call,
where's your partner?
- I don't know.

I just passed him on the
way in at the report counter.

What's he doing there?

What else would he be doing at
the report counter? Writing a report.

"Writing a report.
Writing a report."

Why would he be writing a
report before he goes to work?

Now, how should I know?
I just walked past the guy.

I didn't think to
ask his life history.

Green, how'd I ever
get you as a partner?

I was just looking for you.

- What have you been up to?
- Filling out a report.

Oh. I thought we turned
everything in yesterday.

Yeah, well, uh,
this is a new one.

I'm the victim.

The salesman
seemed like a nice guy,

and Jean and I decided a long
time ago to buy some steak knives.

So when he knocked on
the door, I bought a set.

Cost me 30 bucks. I
wrote the guy a check.

That's where I
made my big mistake.

He, uh, asked me to
make out the check to him

instead of the
company, so I did.

When did you find out?

Last night, when I got home
and checked my bank statement.


Just by adding a zero to a $30
check, the guy wiped me out.

- You have any idea
how to locate him?
- None.

All I've got is a receipt, and it's
out of one of those dime-store books.

The detectives may find him,

but you'll never
get a red cent back.

Aren't you, uh...

Aren't you kind of
surprised at you, Reed?

What do you mean, surprised?

You know, falling for one
of the oldest cons in town.

We're not supposed to be
gullible in our line of work, are we?

I trusted the guy.

Mm-hmm. Trust.

That's the point,
my fine young officer.

You see, one of the first
things a policeman learns

is that everything is
not always as it appears.

You, uh... You did learn that
up at the academy, didn't you?

I only had one problem, Ed.

- How's that?
- You weren't my teacher.

Well, you can say that again.

You're the one
that's out the 300.

One-Adam-12 clear.

Wells really bugs me.

Don't let it get to you.
He's just ribbing you a little.

There's more to it than
that. It's what he thinks.

- How's that?
- I don't know.

I just don't think like him.

- You give it back to me!
- I'm the one that put...

That's entirely
irrelevant! That plant...

Give me that plant back!

- Give me that plant back!
- I got something coming to me!

Let loose! Let loose, or I'll
pop you right in the mouth!

All right. Let's
go. Break it up.

All right. What's going on here?

It's just a private
argument, Officer.

We're just having a
parting of the ways.

And arguing about the disposition of
our community property. Right, buddy?

- Sure thing, old buddy.
- Well, would you buddies mind

letting us see what
the argument's over?

All right. Let's have a look at
what you two are fighting over.

Looks like we got a little
marijuana plant growing there.

Looks like this
argument's been solved.

The arrest reports... one potted
plant on the way to the crime lab.

Those two sure didn't
look like potheads.

That just proves hippies don't have
a corner on the marijuana market.

Hey, maybe that's
why they call it weed.

What do you mean?

Seems to grow anywhere.

Take a look at that.

Hold it, ma'am. I'd like
to talk to you for a minute.

Oh, please. I haven't done
anything wrong. Let me go, please!

Well, it's not all that serious, but
you did commit a traffic violation.

You were almost hit.

Please, I'm in an awful
hurry! Please let me go!

Are you in trouble? Is there
something we can do to help?

No. No, please.

I'm all right.

It's very important.

Couldn't I come down
to the police station later?

You can give me a
ticket then. Please!

I'm afraid we can't
do that, ma'am.

Are you sure we
can't help somehow?

No. The only way you
can help is by letting me go!

Oh, please, I'm desperate!

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Johnny! Oh, Johnny!

Help me. Oh!

Okay now. Take it easy.

Settle down. What
can we do to help you?

If I don't have $1,000

in an hour,

he's... he's...

Get hold of yourself. Calm down
and tell us what the trouble is.

He's going to k*ll my baby.


He's an escaped mental patient.
Went over the wall two weeks ago.

His name's Ronald Saffert. She gave
me a rundown on him on the way over here.

It all checked
out with our NI-1s.

What's his history?

All crimes of v*olence.
as*ault, A.D.W.

and one robbery conviction.

They've got him labeled
as extremely dangerous.

Mary Grant... that's the
mother... Says he's her brother.

He wants the $1,000 so he can
buy his way out of the country.

She have any idea where
they are in the house?

No. While we were waiting, I
had her draw up this floor plan.

When she left, they were
both there in the living room.

The child in the playpen, and she thinks
Saffert will be on this couch over here.

There are two ways in... the
back door through the kitchen

and the front door
right into the living room.

Heavy drapes on the
windows all the way around.

Open or closed?

I don't know. Reed's
checking the house now.

Is he armed?

If the woman's right,
he's heel to the teeth.

and four boxes of shells.

The layout's not too bad. We can get
to the back door without being seen.

The front's out. We'd have
to cross about 30 feet of lawn.

Don't jump the g*n.

The decision hasn't been made
on how we're going to take him yet.

What do those windows look like?

Well, the drapes are closed. There's
no chance of seeing in for a shot.

Yeah, that figures. The
safest way is never there.

Okay, the way I see
it, we got three plans:

One, we let her take in the 1,000
cash we got coming from downtown,

wait for him to come out.

Of course, there's no
guarantee he will come out.

Two, we try to talk
him out on a bullhorn.

Three, we creep up, try
to take him by surprise.

Tear gas is out because
the child's in there.

I've got a key to the back
door. The first two plans,

we have to stand around out here
and guess what's going to happen.

At least if we go in and
try and take him by surprise,

we've got a chance of
controlling the situation.

I vote for number three.

Okay. Three it is.

Wait here.

Don't try it, Saffert!

You're as good
as dead. I mean it.

On your feet. Hands
against the wall.

- You okay, partner?
- Yeah.

How's the baby?

Never made a peep.



Are you all right?

When I got home last night, I
couldn't get Wells out of my mind.

- What?
- Ed Wells.

One of these days,
you're going to get

burned just like I did
with that check kiter.

It can happen to
anybody, you know?

Trust me, somebody
is making a mistake.

- You know something, Reed?
- What?

You and Wells... You
two are star-crossed.

It's 10 after 7:00.

What do you say
we eat at the station?

That sounds good.

Pull over, Pete. I want to get a
paper to read while we're eating.

Here you go, son.

That's okay.

You work too hard for your
money. Keep the change.

Gee, thanks, Officer.

What's today?

Tuesday, the 10th.

Monday, the 9th.
It's yesterday's paper.

Now we've got a crime
wave to end all crime waves.

There's this kid on the
hustle in the division.

Only this is no ordinary kid.

Oh, no. This one is going to
be an A-number-1 conman.

See, now, his thing is he
gets day-old newspapers,

and then he sells them to every
sucker he can find, you know?

What, uh...

What might we have here?

Can I see that? Thank you.

Well, my, my, my.

You're going to be all right, Diogenes,
just as soon as we get you another lamp.

Don't tell me, Officer
Reed. You trusted him.

Take it easy, Wells.

You better get
on the ball, Malloy,

before Reed here winds
up in the poorhouse.

One-Adam-12 clear.

One-Adam-12 clear and a call.

Any unit in the vicinity in
One-Adam-12. See the woman.

Unknown trouble.
Possible sh*ts fired.

107 North Gate.

One-Adam-12, handle code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Are... Are you the man?

Por favor. Are you the man?

Could you tell what he
had on, Mrs. Martinez?

What he was wearing?


- Was it a dark shirt?
- No. No.

- A light-colored shirt?
- Yes.

- Pete.
- Ohh!

Excuse me.

The place is clean. Could
you get anything out of her?

She's still pretty upset.
The most she'd tell me

was that some guy took
three sh*ts at her from outside.

She's starting to use a
little more English now.

Good evening, Honest John.
What have we got going here?

- Did you get a description?
- Not much.

Male, possibly Latin descent,
wearing a light-colored shirt.

I'm going to try to settle her down, see
if she'll give us a little more to go on.

You two take a look around
outside and put out a broadcast.


Are you feeling any
better now, Mrs. Martinez?

Yes, I'm feeling much
better now. Gracias.

Got a possible male,
Latin, and light-colored shirt.

- What do we want him for?
- sn*per.

He took three sh*ts at the woman
in there about ten minutes ago.

You want to get that on
the air? We'll check the rear.


One-Adam-43 reports a code

and requesting third frequency
for description of sn*per suspect.

All units on
frequency 1, stand by.

One-Adam-43, go ahead.

One-Adam-43, sn*per
suspect is described

as possible male,
Latin, light-colored shirt.

No further description.

Hold it! Reed!

All right, friend. Now the party's
over. Now spread them out.

Okay, now, what'd
you do with the g*n?

I have no g*n, señor. No g*n.

Come on. Don't give me that.
Now, where'd you dump it?

You're under arrest. "You
have the right to remain silent.

"If you give up the
right to remain silent,

"anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

"You have the right to
speak with an attorney

"and to have the attorney
present during questioning.

"If you so desire and
cannot afford one,

an attorney will be appointed for you,
without charge, before questioning."

Do you understand each of these
rights I have explained to you?

Yes, I understand.

But I have nothing to hide.

I was just taking a
shortcut through here.

I always do.

I have no g*n, señor.
You must believe me.

- What's your name?
- Raul Gonzales.

Well, if you didn't do anything,
Mr. Gonzales, why did you hide?

Yeah. Why'd you run?

I got scared when
I saw the police.

Yeah, well, you
must've had a reason.

Why were you afraid
of us, Mr. Gonzales?

I have just taken
out my first papers

to become a citizen
of the United States.

I like it here, señor.

I thought you might think I
was a crook, and be arrested,

and lose my chance
to stay in this country.

It was bad for me
to hide and to run.

Yes, sir. That's right.
If you're innocent.


Let me ask you something, Reed.

How long do you stay awake on
Halloween, waiting for the Great Pumpkin?

Listen, I just don't
think he's our guy yet.

Oh, no, Reed.

Tell me you're putting me on. You
don't believe that story he handed us?

Well, if you can't buy his story,
we can settle this easily enough.

We can take him inside the house
and let the woman eliminate him.

Now, we can do that, can't we?

Oh, yeah, we can do that... waste
some more of the taxpayers' money.

Okay, you haul him
down to the station,

you're liable to find out that he
was right and you were wrong.

You know something, pal?

You're a lost cause.

Come on. Let's go.

Now, you lock this door
and keep your shades down.

I'll put out a broadcast
for your husband,

and we'll keep
searching the area.

Okay. Yes, sir. I'm, uh...

I'm sorry I did not tell you at
once it was my husband, Carlos.

He didn't mean to
do it. He was drunk.

But I'm afraid when he is drunk.

He would never sh**t
like that if he was not drunk.

Yes, ma'am. I understand.

But if Carlos is still
on the rampage,

we just want to make sure
he doesn't harm anyone.

So you keep this
door locked. Okay?

- Malloy? Open up.
- It's me.

Who... Who is it?

It's Officer Reed, ma'am.

You're friend told me to
keep the house locked.

- Where is he?
- He's out looking for my
husband for doing the sh**ting.

Your husband? Are you sure it
was him and not a man named Raul?

Yes, it was my husband
Carlos. I saw him.

Don't move,

Mr. Policeman,
or I will k*ll you.


Now, take it easy, mister.

I'll take it easy, all right,

as soon as I k*ll that woman.

- Maybe I sh**t you, too, huh?
- Now, look, you've had

a little too much to drink, so
why don't you put the g*n down?

- We'll talk about it.
- Talk.

I don't want to talk.

I am going to sh**t that woman.

Now open the door.

If you don't open the door,

I guess I'm going to have
to sh**t you, too, huh?

Now, why do you
want to hurt your wife?

That's for me to
know, Mr. Policeman.

Now open the door!

Don't hurt me!

That was a little bit too close.

I just came by
MacDonald's office.

He's got Wells in there, on the
carpet, really chewing on him.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- When did Wells get on
your hit parade?

- Well, he was never
really off it.
- Do tell.

I've got an idea maybe why
MacDonald's leaning on him.

- You do?
- The Martinez call.

He took the arrestee in. I
wanted to play it a little different.

Okay, say it.

- Say it.
- Say what?

That I was wrong
and that you were right,

and we should've taken the man
back in and let the lady eliminate him.

No harm done.

Yeah. After I spent
the last half hour

explaining to the
man why it was wrong.

Well, to show you my
heart's in the right place,

I'll buy you a cup
of coffee, Reed.

- You got change for a quarter?
- Yeah, I think so.

You know, Ed, I've
got to start learning

I just can't trust everybody.


- This quarter of yours.
- What about it?

It's an English shilling
worth about 12 cents here.

I didn't mean to give you
that. It's a lucky piece. Here...

How do I know that?

What do you mean, how do you
know that? You trust me, don't...

Hey, Ed, let me buy you
a cup of coffee, okay?
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