06x03 - The Anunnaki Connection

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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06x03 - The Anunnaki Connection

Post by bunniefuu »

Ancient tales of strange
otherworldly creatures.

There was a time when
giants were upon the Earth

Sumerians were living with
their gods, the Anunnaki.

Legends of gods who
came from the heavens

to create mankind.

They were in a sense

They walked the earth.
They ruled people.

And clay tablets revealing
an extraterrestrial agenda.

Potencially, they kind of
upgraded the human race.

And used them as sort
of a sl*ve species.

Did alien visitors really
changed the course of humanity

in the distant past?

Our ancestors received help.

And that help came
from nowhere else,

but up there.

Milions of people
around the world

believe we have been
visited in the past

by extraterrestrial beings.
What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, might the proof
be found when we examine the

Anunnaki connection?


April 10, 2003.

United States forces make their
way to the capital city of

Baghdad, just three weeks after the
launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

American troops attempt to
create and maintain order,

but looters fill the streets,
ransacking museums and

destroying thousands
of ancient artifacts.

Looters forced their
way into the National

Museum and stole all kinds of
artifacts, including musical

instruments and cuneiform tablets
that told the history of

ancient Sumeria going
back 6,000 years or more.

The genealogies and histories of
the gods were there and stories

of the flood, but now many of
these texts are missing from us.

Now, it wasn't just
people off the streets smashing

a window and taking an artifact.

There were people wearing
earpieces, a very coordinated

event... penetrating
double-locked doors and stealing

instruments and jewelry and all
kinds of artifacts that date

back thousands of years, all the way
back to the cradle of our civilization.

But why would
militants destroy such precious

objects of the ancient world?

Was it really just
a consequence of w*r?

Or a deliberate attempt to obliterate
forbidden knowledge of the past?

Perhaps answers can be found
by taking a closer look at the

origins of these priceless
lost treasures.

According to archaeologists,
many of the lost Iraqi artifacts

dated back to the time of
the Sumerians, an ancient

civilization that most
researchers believe is the

oldest in all of Mesopotamia.

Mesopotamia means
"between rivers" in Greek,

referring to the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers in what is

today known as Iraq.

There were four main
kingdoms in Mesopotamia.

Sumer was the oldest one,
followed by the Kingdom of Akkad

begun by Sargon I.

Um, after that, you have
Babylonia and Assyria.

And even though languages
changed and people changed to

some degree, the culture that was
established by the Sumerians

really continued throughout
the lifetime of Mesopotamia.

Ancient Sumeria
in Southern Mesopotamia

is often cited as the most
ancient civilization, even the

first civilization.

It goes back to approximately
3000 to 4000 B.C.

And here we see writing in the
form of cuneiform tablets on

clay and on stone.

The Sumerians were
the ones who invented the

cuneiform writing system.

The word cuneiform
means "wedge-shaped."

It refers to a system of writing
whereby scribes would take a

wedge-shaped stylus and impress
signs on wet clay tablets.

Those tablets could later be
fired and harden and preserve

what was ever written on them.

Deciphering these cuneiform
tablets was next to

impossible until a key discovery
of thousands of tablets at an

Assyrian palace in March of 1843.

This new abundance of cuneiform
inscriptions provided some of

the first tangible evidence of
an ancient kingdom that had been

believed to exist
thousands of years ago.

A French scientist
named Paul-Emile Botta

found this gigantic underground
area in Northern Iraq,

in Khorsabad, opened up
this incredible room filled with

statues of gods and kings, all
kinds of wonderful treasures,

and many written inscriptions
all over the walls in the

ancient Sumerian cuneiform.

Within ten years,
archaeologists had also

discovered the ruins of the
legendary Sumerian capital city

of Ur, home of the
biblical figure Abraham.

At the site, scientists
unearthed the great Ziggurat of

Ur, a step pyramid-shaped
structure that was the

administrative center of the
city, as well as cuneiform

tablets and tombs adorned in gold.

So, here they had found
this legendary capital of

the Sumerians with its gold-clad
tombs and cuneiform tablets,

something that they
thought was simply a myth

until the actual
discovery of it,

proving that it was
indeed historical fact.

When we look at the
ancient Sumerian civilization,

we attribute them with over 100 of
the firsts for a modern society.

Things like agriculture, science,
medicine, mathematics,

kingship, laws, courts, judges,
schools, literally all of this

shows up in Sumerian times 6,000 years
ago, right out of the Stone Age.

According to
mainstream researchers,

Ur was sacked by their warring
neighbors, the Elamites, nearly

2000 years B.C.

But some researchers believe the
cuneiform texts reveal something

much more than evidence
of an ancient race.

They point to descriptions of a
group of divine beings called

the Anunnaki, the so-called
"princely offspring of God,"

who, according to the Sumerians,
descended from the sky.

The religious system
of Mesopotamia was

polytheism, which means that
they worshipped hundreds of

different gods, both male and female,
often depicted in human form,

having personalities very
much like people do.

And, um, these gods were
arranged in a kind of political

hierarchy that in many ways
mimic the political systems of

Mesopotamia itself.

And what this means is that you
had the high gods, uh, the

heavenly gods.

And you also had lesser gods who
inhabited Earth and the underworld.

Now, according to the Sumerian
text, the heavenly gods, the

Anunnaki, were the supreme
deities, the higher deities.

The Anunnaki are among
the most mysterious

and powerful beings of
myth and sacred tradition.

The Sumerians described them as
humanoid but nonphysical spirit

beings who had the capability of
morphing or phasing into human form.

They came to Earth on a special
mission to bring wisdom and also

to mine certain materials
from the Earth plane itself.

In cuneiform texts,
the Anunnaki are

described in great detail,
including how they lived for

hundreds of years.

They had tremendous knowledge and
power, uh, over the entire world.

They knew everything.

They had knowledge of all
of the sciences and arts.

Where they got this knowledge
and where they came from is a

complete mystery to archaeologists.

And you have to ask yourself, were
they, in fact, extraterrestrials?

Might the strange gods
described in the cuneiform

texts really have existed?

And if so, might they have
been extraterrestrial beings?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer is a profound

yes, and for proof they point
to an ancient legend also found

written on clay tablets, a
legend that tells of the

creation of man by ancient
creatures who came from the sky.

Nineveh, Iraq.


A treasure trove of ancient
cuneiform texts is uncovered,

detailing accounts of the
creation of Earth, man and the

lives of the gods.

In 1849, Austen
Henry Layard made an

archaeological expedition to the
city of Nineveh, a city that's

mentioned in the Bible.

And in his excavations, he
discovered the palace of

Sennacherib, who is
well-known from the Bible.

This really galvanized
interest of the world.

Well, three years after this,
his assistant found the palace

of his grandson Ashurbanipal on
the opposite side of the mount.

Now, in both cases,
they found archives.

And together the archives form
about 20,000 to 30,000 tablets.

Recorded on seven of
the tablets is the Babylonian

creation myth
called the Enuma Elish.

Enuma Elish was probably
composed in the 11th century B.C.

But almost certainly the story
goes back to much earlier periods.

The tablets tell of a god
named Marduk, who took

blood from the god Kingu and
mixed it with clay in order

to create the earth's first humans.

When the Anunnaki
create the model man,

that person gets picked up as
a story in the Bible and he's

called Adam.

What I find interesting is that
the Bible left out some of the

most important details
and cut the story short.

So the Sumerian tablets, the
Mesopotamian tablets, have the

more detailed versions.

According to mainstream
scholars, the Enuma

Elish is simply an example
of an ancient creation myth.

But ancient astronaut theorists
believe that the epic story is

not fiction but based on fact.

Anunnaki is a term

that means "from Heaven
to Earth they came."

So the knowledge that came out
from Nineveh is a complete look

of a civilization that
sprung up out of nowhere.

Many of the tablets that
were unearthed in Nineveh

describe nuances into the actual
mindset of the gods, these

Anunnaki, and they describe being
flesh-and-blood beings just like us.

The Anunnaki themselves
were physical beings

that came here in giant
spaceships that our ancestors

thought were some type
of divine apparitions.

Our ancestors, especially the
Sumerians, received help and

that help came from nowhere
else but up there.

According to ancient
astronaut theorists,

the Enuma Elish vividly
describes not mythic gods but

otherworldly beings, alien
visitors who possessed a highly

advanced knowledge of genetics.

The Anunnaki began to
figure out how they

could create the docile worker.

So they took genes from a
female hominid and after many,

many trials, they figured out
that they could blend genes

together and create
the perfect being.

In a sense, what these
tablets are really talking

about is a genetic engineering
and the changing of the DNA

within human beings.

Clearly something happened
where we went from

nothing to all of a sudden
coming up with the most

incredible of thought models.

how was it done?

And according to the ancient
alien theory, our ancestors were

given intelligence by a
deliberate change of our DNA by

space travelers who came
here thousands of years ago.

Is it possible that the
Anunnaki created the human

race using their own DNA?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, startling evidence

can be found in the numerous
similarities between the

Babylonian myths and the
Judeo-Christian Bible and most

notably in writings from another
ancient cuneiform tablet known

as the Sumerian King List.

The Sumerian King List
was found on a tablet in

ancient Mesopotamia and dates
to somewhere around 2100 B.C.

The list contains
names of 140 kings.

What's most interesting about
this list is that the deities

have enormously long lives.

One king, for example,
ruled for 36,000 years.

And you have to wonder,
how could people have

lived that long?

But yet we have the same
thing in the Bible.

Methuselah and Noah lived to
be 800 or 900 years old, which

seems so fantastic to us.

One explanation for why
Noah and Methuselah could

live so long is that it's
possible that they themselves

were star seeds or seeded by, perhaps,
the Anunnaki and contained their

extraterrestrial genes that
prolonged their lives.

And so clearly,
we can do one of two

pretend that this is
all myth, that this doesn't

exist, or take what our ancestors
gave us at face value.

And then we're confronted with
the possibility that we are

indeed talking about incredible
extraterrestrial beings whose

lifespan might have been normal
for their whereabouts but

definitely were extraordinary
for Planet Earth.

Is it possible that the
Sumerian kings lived and

ruled for hundreds, even
thousands of years?

And if so, could these
so-called ancient kings have

been our extraterrestrial
ancestors, alien beings who

created man using their own DNA?

There are those who believe that
question was already answered

more than 35 years ago.

New York City, 1976.

Author and researcher Zecharia
Sitchin publishes his book The

12th Planet, introducing his
revolutionary interpretation of

the Anunnaki deities.

After studying Sumerian
cuneiform tablets for 30 years,

he asserts that these so-called
Sumerian gods were in fact

extraterrestrials that landed
on Earth in Mesopotamia more

than 450,000 years ago.

According to Sitchin's
translations, the Anunnaki both

created human beings and also had
a part in mankind's downfall

when a great flood nearly
destroyed all life on Earth.

But why?

What was the purpose of the
Anunnaki's earthly visitations?

And why did they create the
creature known as man?

Zecharia Sitchin wrote
a number of well-received

books on the Anunnaki, which
he believed were basically

extraterrestrial entities from a
planet called Nibiru, which he

quite controversially believed
actually exists in our solar system.

they upgraded the human
race and used them as

sort of a sl*ve species.

Sitchin understood,
based on his interpretation of

the tablets, that the mission
had to do with the failing

atmosphere around
the planet Nibiru.

And that when they came,
they came to mine gold.

The Anunnaki had damaged
their atmosphere.

And by using gold, they found
that they could patch these

atmospheric holes.

Becomes the story of our humanity.

The Anunnaki literally came
to Earth to mine the gold.

And when realizing it was such a
toil to do so, created us as a

worker race to do that for them.

Zecharia Sitchin's hypothesis,
that the Anunnaki

came to Earth to mine gold and
then created humans to perform

the task was both bold
and controversial.

Needless to say, it was not
embraced by mainstream scholars.

But many ancient astronaut
theorists believe that Sitchin's

interpretation of the tablets
is not only correct, but also

provides compelling evidence that
the Anunnaki created mankind.

What if the whole
Anunnaki story is

a global story of a nonhuman
intelligence that was

manipulating genes
all over the planet?

That it wasn't just gold.

It was a planetary base.

The Anunnaki said that they
came from the Nibiru, and

they believe that Nibiru is a
star, a gate, and a crossing

place, opening up the
possibility that the Anunnaki

are actually traveling the stars
through star gates and wormholes.

Do the descriptions of
Nibiru actually offer proof

of the Anunnaki's
extraterrestrial origins?

And if so, might similar
tales of otherworldly beings

descending from the sky, not
only in Mesopotamia but

throughout the world, provide
further evidence that an

advanced celestial race came
to Earth in the distant past?

Perhaps the answers can be found
in the mysterious remains of an

ancient Sumerian queen.


Southeast Iraq.

During advanced excavations at the
ancient Mesopotamian city of Ur,

British archaeologist Leonard
Woolley discovers the

remains of Queen Puabi.

According to reports, the queen
is found with an unusually

large skull... similar to that
possessed by some Egyptian

pharaohs and mummies in Peru.

For many ancient astronaut
theorists, the queen's skull

provides further evidence of
mankind's extraterrestrial origins.

The description of the
queen was highly unusual.

A head that was huge.

She was not a normal human.

She may not have been full Anunnaki.

She could have been a hybrid.

There is an effort underway
to try to get genetic

analysis of the bones.

There are characteristics that
allude to Anunnaki genes.

This is what the Anunnaki
supposedly looked like,

with these cone-head type skulls.

So we would naturally think
that she is one of the original

Anunnaki or certainly an
extraterrestrial-human hybrid.

What's of interest of Queen
Puabi is that she's a

first dynasty queen
and/or priestess.

So the fact that she's first
dynasty means that she's very

close to the reign of the Anunnaki.

This puts her in a very unique
position, because she really

holds the key.

She might be the evidence to
suggest whether or not the

ancient Anunnaki were physically
real and that, specifically, the

Anunnaki interbred.

But if the unusual skulls
found in Mesopotamia and

elsewhere are really evidence of
the Anunnaki's reign on Earth,

might the legends about them
descending from the sky also be true?

And if so, might the same be
said for other legends that

describe similar beings, found in
ancient texts all over the world?

Angels... The flying serpents
of Central America...

The Star People of the Anasazi...

The notion that otherworldly
beings came to Earth from the

heavens is one of the most
common themes in ancient

mythology and religion.

Could the stories really
have a basis in truth?

If we go back and look
into ancient history,

we find stories that sound
very, very similar.

They're sort of all-powerful,
magical, superior entities, and

they come from above.

When you go into mythology,
when you go into the

Star People tales, when you go
into the Anunnaki, it is the

sameness, the similarity around
the planet, that makes you say

something has to be responsible for
the same dreams, the same mythology.

The same idea that life
came from the stars.

All across the world, we
find stories of otherworldly

or extraterrestrial beings coming
to Earth and influencing humanity.

This raises a question.

Are there different races of
beings coming from the stars and

influencing all these cultures?

Or is it possible that, in fact,
it's one race of beings, the

Anunnaki, who influenced all of
these cultures and they told the

story of the same beings?

Do worldwide legends
of so-called gods really

help to prove that ancient man
was actually in contact with

extraterrestrial beings?

And if so, is it possible that
religious tales of otherworldly

beings interbreeding with humans
support the notion that the

stories of the Anunnaki are
based on historical fact?

According to some researchers,
the answers may lie in the

Hebrew Bible's
story of the Nephilim.

The Nephilim
are mentioned in the

sixth chapter of Genesis, where
we have the, the sons of the

gods mating with the-the
daughters of men.

And producing, therefore,
superhuman folk.

The Nephilim
are described in some

translations as being giants.

The relationship between the
Anunnaki and the Nephilim is

really a story of two cultures.

But are related.

The Anunnaki was the god caste
who created primordial man to

enslave them, while the Nephilim
were the offspring of those who

came down and
intermingled with humans.

Now, these beings could
be giant in stature, but

we're also told that the
Nephilim possessed extraordinary

supernatural knowledge that they

shared with certain
portions of humanity.

In Greek mythology, Zeus,
the ruler of the gods, is

said to have fathered two hybrid
sons, Hercules and Perseus...

both with earthly women.

And the apocryphal Book of Enoch
describes beings known as the

Watchers, angels who fell from
heaven and procreated with humans.

Could these tales actually have
their origins in the ancient

stories of the Anunnaki?

The story of the
Anunnaki might seem like

something right out of sci-fi.

But when we compare the fact
that every culture around the

world from the Hindus to the
Greeks, the Romans, Egyptians,

Mayans, all around the world...
we have a similar description of

these beings coming to Earth
from the heavens having

offspring that were then
one-half divine, one-half human.

But if legends of gods,
angels, and giants coming

to Earth and breeding with human
females are to be believed,

might there need to
be some evidence?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
the answer is yes and believe

that evidence exists in the
countless depictions of the

Anunnaki as winged,
giant creatures.

Evidence found all throughout the
region formerly known as Mesopotamia.

The Anunnaki, we can
also see them on different

carvings or on cylinder seals
where they are depicted as

having wings, sometimes they
have faces like birds with

beaks, but they're
also very humanlike.

Giant beings with muscular
bodies wearing things that look

like wristwatches.

Now, is this an exact
replica of what people saw?

Clearly, the evidence
that we have here in

the Sumerian culture of wall
descriptions, the artwork,

the esoteric cuneiform script.

They went to great lengths to record
this very momentous information.

We have to start to look at this
in a fresh new light and stop

thinking of it as just mythology.

Looking into the Sumerian
accounts, what we're

finding is that the Anunnaki
are described as special.

Their age spans are far longer than
anything a human being can have.

And afterwards, whether they
disappeared into complete

oblivion or whether they somehow
remained here on Planet Earth

remains a question mark.

Might the similar images
and descriptions of gods

who descended from the heavens
to rule on Earth be something

of a smoking g*n?

Proof that the Anunnaki were
actual beings who came to Earth

from another world?

But if so, why has very little evidence
of their time on Earth survived?

Why are they virtually forgotten?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe that the answers can be

found in the ancient
stories of a great flood.

South Central Iraq, 1931.

While digging at this ancient
Sumerian city, archaeologists

find what they believe to be
sedimentary evidence of flooding

from approximately 2900 B.C.

According to accounts in the
Sumerian King List, King

Ziusudra was the last Sumerian ruler
before a great flood on Earth.

Excavations of the great
city of Shuruppak began in 1931.

And it was from these
excavations that they began

putting together the
story of King Ziusudra.

At the city of Shuruppak we find
sediment deposits that appear to

show a flood that occurred
in around 2900 B.C.

This is one link that shows that
the biblical flood may in fact

be genuine and a way in which we can
ultimately prove that to be true.

Many ancient cultures
have a story of a flood,

which is intriguing.

The fact that the Mesopotamians
had a story of a flood is not

surprising because Mesopotamian
history is fraught with stories

of trying to contain the Tigris
and Euphrates and make them

usable for agriculture.

Until they built the canal
system there were regular floods

that wiped out cities.

It appears that the story
of Noah's Ark may not be

an original Hebrew story.

In the Sumerian texts we find a
much older story of Ziusudra who

also survived the flood, who
constructed an ark and was able

to save part of his family as well.

Is this merely coincidence or
does it suggest that, in fact,

the biblical tale is based
upon the Sumerian original?

The similarities have
caused many to suggest that

perhaps the biblical account
is drawn in some sense from a

Mesopotamian account.

My feeling is that most
certainly the biblical writers

adapted it for their own
theological reasons.

In the biblical account, the
rationale for the flood is

human sinfulness.

And so what the biblical writer
has done is used the flood

account in order to provide a
theological rationale for why

the flood took place.

According to ancient
Sumerian legend, the

great flood was not a natural
event, but was directed by the

god Enlil who had grown tired
of the noise of humans.

The Anunnaki who came to

Enlil, who was the legal,
legitimate son of Anu, the king

on the planet Nibiru, and his
half-brother Enki, who was

actually the firstborn.

They were in charge of
the Earth contingent.

Procreation was out of control,
and Enlil gets enraged.

He decides he's going to
eliminate all the humans,

and created what we
know as Noah's flood.

Enlil thought that
humans should be erased.

They were too troublesome.

And Enki, like Prometheus in
the Greeks, took the side of

the humans and said, no,
they should be preserved.

According to legend,
Enki warned King

Ziusudra to build a boat so that
he might be saved from the great

flood, just as Noah was directed
to build an ark in the stories

of the Hebrew Bible.

Could both stories have their
origins in historical fact?

At Ur and other
cities we have evidence of

floods, major floods.

People have associated this with
the story of Noah's flood, and

there are flood stories
in other cultures.

So I think we have a trend here,
where over and over, people have

doubted the myths, have doubted
the legends, but, in fact, with

more research, we find that
they have a genuine basis.

Could the similarities
of these two tales

be attributed to mere coincidence?

Or might the story of Noah be
directly based on the story

of a displeased Anunnaki god?

A god who was bent on destroying
the hybrid creatures that

inhabited the earth?

Enki, the Anunnaki god,
told the Sumerian King

Ziusudra that there was going to
be this flood, the same flood of

the Bible, and that he needed to
build a craft... we would say

today a boat... to escape it.

However, it's quite possible
that the craft that he made to

escape this flood was actually a
spaceship, and that he went into

space in order to escape the flood
and into orbit around our planet.

If there's one thing that
unites ancient cultures all

across the world, is that pretty
much each and every one of them

have flood mythologies
attached to them.

Deluges, great floods, you know,
just swamping and covering the

entire planet, wiping out
whole races of people.

In most cultures, this is put
down to the work of the gods or

a god displeased
with the human race.

Now, of course today, you know,
many people place that in

a UFO context.

Other people place it
in a religious context.

But many researchers sort of
view biblical accounts and

stories as having a basis in fact
but of extraterrestrial origins.

Both the Bible and,
specifically, the ancient

Sumerian accounts make it clear
that the flood was something

which the gods created.

The gods made this flood happen.

And so what we're seeing in the
ancient accounts is basically an

interaction between the Anunnaki
on the one hand and our

ancestors on the other hand.

The Anunnaki basically
make sure that we, as a

species, will survive, because
sections of the Anunnaki were

intent on destroying
everything on this planet.

Is it possible that the
Anunnaki were responsible

for causing what has been
called "the great flood"?

And did the flood destroy
virtually all evidence of the

Anunnaki's time on Earth?

Perhaps the answer can be found not
here on Earth but on another planet

more than 34 million miles away.

Gale Crater, Mars.

August 6, 2012.

The Curiosity lands on
the Martian surface

to evaluate the suitability of
the planet for human exploration.

The one-ton rover will find
signs of surface water,

a key element for sustaining life.

I think one of the very
fascinating things

from a biology point of view is,
let's say Mars for a period in

its history was similar enough
to Earth that life could start

to evolve.

You could ask the question
"how far did it make it?"

What happened historically on Mars?

When did it start to, say,
lose an atmosphere?

When was it not able
to sustain it anymore?

And we could learn a lot about
the processes on Earth that were

successful by, I think,
comparing it to how far if at

all did life get on Mars,
and where did it fail?

But is it possible,
as some ancient astronaut

theorists believe, that
Curiosity's mission may also

reveal evidence that the
mysterious beings known as the

Anunnaki also once inhabited Mars?

Zecharia Sitchin
theorized that the Anunnaki

were coming from this planet,
Nibiru, and that Mars was like

a way station for them to come from
Nibiru to Mars and then to Earth.

So you would think that if this
is the case, that on Mars, we

would find some kind of traces of
this Anunnaki civilization there.

Are we gonna find pyramids, giant
dolmens, huge constructions on Mars,

just like we have here on Earth?

I suspect we will.

If an extraterrestrial presence
on Mars can be found, might

a global awareness of our own
Anunnaki ancestry also be possible?

According to author and
Sumerian researcher, Zecharia

Sitchin, Nibiru...
the home of the Anunnaki...

is on an elliptical path that
brings the planet into our

orbit every 3,450 years, and the
next visit is projected to be

in the year 2900.

Zecharia wrote in the
book of The End of Days

about some of the
prophecy of the return.

Next time Nibiru comes around,
there should be another

appearance of Anunnaki.

Some of the Anunnaki may be
really excited and happy to see

what developed and
what we have become.

Some may be upset that
we've gone too far.

Maybe we've
overstepped our bounds.

They may pass judgment on us, and it
could be good or it could be bad.

The ancient Egyptians
spoke of the duat,

which was basically the crossing
between this and another world,

and Nibiru was the Sumerian
equivalent of that.

And it is a realm which exists
both in this space but also

somewhere else.

It is basically a bridge, a
territory, whereby human beings

can go from here in life on
Earth to realm of the gods.

According to Sitchin's
interpretation of the

Sumerian texts, Nibiru also
played a major role in the

cataclysmic creation of
Earth and the asteroid belt

between Mars and Jupiter.

If true, might a similar change
be in store the next time we

come in contact with the Anunnaki?

Human reunions with the
Anunnaki, whenever they

take place, almost always
result in the same thing, the

stimulation of human evolution.

The Anunnaki enter into human
culture and consciousness,

bringing wisdom, knowledge
and often technology.

So when we see a mass return of
the Anunnaki, based upon the

past, we can expect that we will
once again see new technology,

new wisdom and new ideas being
seeded into human consciousness.

When we look at the story
of the Anunnaki and their

involvement in the Sumerian
culture, we have to understand

that this is potentially a
legacy of information, in

looking at humanity's record to
interpret where we really do come from.

There is one common denominator
in all of these stories of

extraterrestrials visiting us
in the remote past, and that is

their promise of a return.

How can we prepare for
this return of those

extraterrestrials in the future?

accept the idea that
we are not alone in

the universe, number one.

And number two, that they were
here in the past, they will

return in the future, and
that, hey, it's okay.

Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists

argue, that the human
race was jump-started

or perhaps even genetically created
by extraterrestrial beings in the

remote past?

Might this really be the missing
piece in Darwin's theory of

human evolution?

And does the notion of an
extraterrestrial presence on

Earth also help to reconcile
the supposed conflict between

science and religion?

Perhaps such a profound notion
is why the museums in Iraq were

looted and ransacked:

because the truth may be too
disturbing to contemplate.
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