07x03 - Answering Fire 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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07x03 - Answering Fire 1

Post by bunniefuu »

You're both in very early.

Know anybody at Hounslow General? Is this the Juttla trial? There's very little medical history on either of them.

I've said I'm not getting involved.

The brothers hadn't registered with a GP.

Must have gone SOMEWHERE! What about hospital records? They wouldn't use their real names.

And you want me to do WHAT, exactly? Snoop around for secret files? A man with your connections, Harry, might know someone Hi...

The Juttla brothers
- I was just saying I thought you weren't getting involved, Harry.

I'm not.

Can I borrow your report? Haven't you got a copy? Yes, but my notes are on my computer and, for some reason, it's crashed.

Has it? Yes.

Is that a problem? No.

Why should it be a problem? Why don't I photocopy it for you? .


Security! KNOCK AT DOOR Photocopies.

Uh, I think that might have been my fault.

I got an e
-mail warning of a virus.

I found these files which I deleted.

Then I got an e
-mail saying it had been a hoax.

What did you delete? Not sure.

I e
-mailed everyone.

I don't care
- I can't get into my computer! Don't worry, Sam.

I will get it fixed.

The department is in safe hands.

Great(!) I really wish you hadn't taken this one, Leo.

Why? I think they've done it on purpose.

What?! Who? Two colleagues working on the same case Why is that such a bad thing? I'm not saying it's a bad thing but, in this case, it could be divisive.

I don't see how.

My autopsy didn't provide the easy answers they were expecting, so And mine did?! I'm just You just don't like having your opinion challenged! This is exactly what I mean
- two colleagues pitted against each other, undermining each other.

You say su1c1de, I say m*rder.

Simple as that.

Why are you getting all? I'm not getting anything.

Dr Dalton? Yes, guvnor.

Professor Ryan? Aren't we going in together? Apparently not.



Oh! Oh! What you looking for? A car park off Windmill Lane.

Turn left out of here, two, three sets of lights, right down Parkside Road and Windmill Lane is on your left.

It must be fascinating, your work.


It can be.

I've never seen a dead body
- not in real life.

Thank you.

Did you see that exhibition? All those bodies cut up? Really interesting.

Thank you! Sorry.

PROTESTERS CHANT: Fascists, fascists! Good morning, Professor.

Mr Whitaker.

Hope you're prepared for all this.

Professor Ryan? Let's hope you get it right this time! Can you hear me now? .


It's the computer in Professor Ryan's office.

I was wondering if you could Hello? So, whose side are you on? The Juttla case
- Sam or Leo? Two conflicting opinions are enough without me getting involved! I can't believe Leo! Eight officers suspended cos of his accusations! Sam's autopsy found one thing, Leo's found something different.

Just "doing his job"(!) Those men are innocent.

Political scapegoats.

We're in for some fun and games, Professor.

This only got to trial because of the huge media campaign whipped up by the prosecution.

What sort of fun and games? Good morning! Professor Ryan, I've heard a lot about you.

Likewise, Miss Taylor.

Let's hope it's not all true! A Mr Miller.

Runs a driving school in Cambridge.

Long way from home.

Booked for a lesson last night.

In Cambridge? Yeah.

And driven in here at 7am.

Looks like he's been dead quite a while.

He was meant to be teaching a MrRay Mans.

His driving
-licence details.

He's just left them there? Mmm.

And then driven out here this morning
- for some reason.

So, they were sat together.

Knife would have come in like that.

No sign of a struggle.

Certainly takes road rage to a different level! If you got that angry, you'd s*ab him and leave him
- not drive round all night with a body in your car.

Seat had been lowered.

To keep him out of sight.

Why drive to a car park with CCTV and leave the hazard lights on? Whoever did this wanted it to be found.

May I join you, Professor Ryan? I'm sure we can be trusted not to discuss the case.

Miss Taylor seems to think the judge will order us to sort out our differences.

Sounds like a divorce proceeding! That's what it's felt like! "Utter nonsense.

" It's a note you've made in the margin of my report.

It IS utter nonsense.

How you've made this into a su1c1de, I! It WAS a su1c1de
- I didn't "make it"! Those boys were the victims of a serious as*ault.



I'm so glad we're not discussing this.

The older brother, Manjit, had a broken rib.

And Davinder's jaw
- like someone tried to rip it off! But there's no evidence to suggest that those police officers They were in a police cell! Who else could have done it? I think you've been too heavily influenced by Ms Taylor.

Oh! I resent that.

Have bandwagon, will join.

Those boys were m*rder*d.

Why you can't see that, I don't know.

Dr Dalton? Yeah.



Right, got that.

Should be about 20 minutes, God willing.

How many murders do you get through a week? Thankfully, not that many.

Is that for Professor Ryan? I have to give it to her personally.

She's not here.

Where is she? I can wait.

I'll sign for it.

It's urgent.

I can see that.

Don't you get freaked out? All those bodies? It can be distressing at times.

What if it's someone you know? Homicidal hangings are relatively difficult to carry out.

In my opinion, Manjit Juttla put up a fight to prevent his death.

So how might it have been achieved, Dr Dalton? Were they in good health? Both were physically fit, yes.

Is it your opinion, then, that it would take many officers to restrain the boys and commit these murders? Yes.

In my opinion, both fought desperately to save their lives.

They're murderers! JUDGE: Quiet, please! Afternoon.

Afternoon, sir.

I've nearly done that many times
- fallen asleep in the bath.

Unusual to fall asleep in the bath first thing in the morning.

It usually occurs because the victim falls asleep through alcohol or drug abuse.

Was she on medication? I'm waiting to find that one out.

Water temperature indicates she's not been dead long.

A few hours.

The man upstairs thinks it was probably someone she brought home.

- She had the odd one
-night stand.

- Last night? Maybe she brought someone home, woke up with him and thought, "Bloody hell, what have I done?" Inspector, if you were lying naked in a bath and I tried to drown you, you'd put up a struggle.

Too bloody right, I would! From what I can see, there's not a mark on her.

No scratches.

No evidence of a struggle, no water on the floor.

If she didn't fall asleep or have a row with some guy she'd picked up, how did she end up like that? MUSIC PLAYS You're familiar with Prof Ryan's autopsy report? Yes, I am.

She quite categorically states that the older brother, Manjit Juttla, committed su1c1de.

Given the circumstances, I consider it highly unlikely.

Are you telling the court, Dr Dalton, you believe the senior pathologist in your department has made a mistake? I believe that Professor Ryan, in this case, has drawn the wrong conclusion.

No evidence of alcohol or dr*gs Toxicology results may tell us more.

I've checked
- she wasn't on any medication, no history of epilepsy.

Right, and there's no ballooning of the lungs and therefore no water.

But she was IN the bath.

If you were drowning, you'd gulp for air, which is natural, but it just speeds up the process.

But the lungs are empty.

There's not even any water in the airways.

Well, maybe she was k*lled and then put in the bath.

PHONE RINGS Not another one, please! Careful! Sorry.

I don't think much of your defence barrister.

Have you been in here? No.


You're getting paranoid.

I was expecting a grilling over the cause of death but he's already waving the white flag.

And we're still not having this conversation.


It would be totally unprofessional! How did it go? It didn't.

You weren't called? No.

After you gave them the benefit of your findings, Leo, they got bogged down in legal arguments.

These arrived for you.



Oh, and a reporter rang, asking for you.

About the Juttla brothers? No, some case 13 years ago.

You were the expert witness when an innocent man got wrongly imprisoned? What?! That's not true.

Skeletons in the cupboard, Sam! When you were a junior at Cambridge? He was released a year ago.

His conviction was found to be unsafe.

But nothing to do with my evidence.

What did the reporter want? There's a story coming out tomorrow and he wanted to know if you'd any comment.

I bet that's been cooked up by Nina Taylor QC.

Why should she do that? The prosecution's "fun and games".

What do you want? SHOT IS MUFFLED BY sil*ncer HE GASPS IN PAIN Who moved him? His wife found him like that.

He's been moved.

He's about 17st, at least! One of your officers must One of my officers WHAT? How do YOU account for these two blood stains? This man has been shifted onto his back, then rolled over again.

Maybe whoever shot him, moved him.

Why would they do that, Inspector? To give him mouth
-mouth? And his shirt's been undone.

In my humble opinion, the first shot was fired from a distance.

Maybe he was emptying the bins.

I'd never have guessed! Do you WANT an initial assessment? We know he was shot
- twice.

And nobody heard a bloody thing.

How are you this morning, Mr Barlow? Did the doctor not come? No.

He said you've got to eat.

-N No.


Come on.

No! Just a spoon.

Just a spoon.

-B! Here comes the train! Oh! Into the tunnel! That's it, that's it! Good boy.

I didn't make a mistake.

Now or then? Both.

So why didMichael Patterson get off? All the evidence pointed to him having m*rder*d his wife.

He didn't do it.

18 months ago, the wife's ex
-boyfriend made a death
-bed confession.

Why blame you? If you can't blame the police, blame the pathologist.

They're saying you made a mistake.

Yes, and it comes out now, when Taylor's accusing me of doing the same thing.

You really ARE getting paranoid! That's tomorrow's chip paper.


Lauren Hathaway? If you'd like to just take a seat.

You didn't think it suspicious that they put the boys in the same cell? I was told the station was overcrowded that night.

Plus the fact that there were two cells out of commission due to a possible HIV contamination.



I was a little surprised by the fingernail evidence.

You saw Manjit's fingernails.

Long, distinctive.

They made a deep impression on Davinder's neck.

And couldn't possibly have been caused by one of the policemen(!) You can get quite emotive, Leo! One of their colleagues was beaten by Davinder and nearly lost an eye.

The neck injuries were caused by attempted strangulation.

At the station, by an officer holding him while the others beat the shit out of his older brother! We won't be needing you for the rest of the day, Dr Dalton.



Any idea when they might be getting to me? I don't expect it'll be too long, Professor Ryan.

RECORDED MESSAGE: Leave a number.

I'll call you back.

Hi, Ben
- it's me.

I think you'd better come home.

I've got some news.

Lauren, where are you? .


What did he say? You're pregnant! Eight weeks.

Ah! God! Oh! Oh! Oh, God, yeah! YES! Sorry to have kept you waiting, Professor.

I know how busy you expert witnesses are.

August the 18th, last year.

Hounslow police station.

You walked into police cell ten and saw what exactly? The two brothers on the floor.

The elder brother, Manjit, was at the rear of the cell.

The younger brother, Davinder, was in the middle.

What were your first impressions? I tend not to record first impressions.

Number 9 on the schedule, my lord
- photographs 12 through to 16.

I'm no expert but I'd say this looks like a very bloody m*rder scene.

That's why I tend not to rely on first impressions.

Oh, come, come, Professor! You walk into a scene like this and have no reaction whatsoever? I may have had an initial reaction.

You're honestly telling the court that you didn't think that this looked like a double m*rder? I thought it was a possibility.

So what changed your mind? My mind wasn't made up.

Really? When I examined the boys' injuries and examined the scene in detail, I came to a more informed opinion.

Informed by what, I wonder? And this, um, methodology of yours has been born out of mistakes you've made in the past? This methodology is born out of common sense.

Dr Dalton believes that your first impression was the correct one
- that it was indeed a double m*rder.

He is entitled to his opinion.

It must be awful if your "opinion" condemns an innocent man to prison.

That has never happened to me.

Oh! I was led to believe that a man was recently released from prison despite your evidence that he'd committed a m*rder.

As I have said, a more detailed examination of a case usually results in a more informed opinion.

Lauren? I've got something to tell you.

This is me
- 13 years ago.

It's your assertion, Professor Ryan, that Manjit Juttla m*rder*d his younger brother and then took his own life? That is correct.

MAN IN GALLERY: Liar! Quiet in the gallery! WOMAN IN GALLERY: You're wrong! I should have told you.

I know I should.

I didn't for lots of reasons.

Last week, a reporter contacted me to say they were doing this story.

I asked him not to I know.

The tattoo? When you said it was a birth mark on your neck, I knew you were lying.

You spent 13 years in prison and didn't think I'd be interested? I thought I could trust you! You can.

After all the shit! I thought I'd lose you.

I'm having your baby! OUR baby.

I don't know your real name! Two Sikh boys are questioned by police.

They get into a fight.

One of the officers is so severely beaten, he later loses an eye.

The other officer is heard to say that he'll come back and, I quote, "sort you bastards out".

with seven of his mates, in full riot gear, and, after a violent struggle, they arrest the two Juttla brothers and take them to the police station.

No medical help is forthcoming.

An hour later, after these eight officers have "sorted these bastards out" .


the two boys are lying dead in their cell.

Given the circumstances, Professor Ryan, is it possible you could be mistaken? No, I don't think so.

Liar! Police corruption! Quiet! I will not have this in my court! SHOUTING CONTINUES I have to go out.

I wanted to forget it all, you know? Put it all behind me.

I had an opportunity to start again
- with you.

Have a family.

I don't know what to believe any more.

I don't even know what you do.

I deliver things in the van.

You KNOW that.

I thought I knew YOU .


but I don't.

Do I call you Ben or Michael? What was she like? Your wife? Please, Lauren I knew I was innocent.

For 13 years, I'd something to fight for.

But when I got out, everything had changed
- my friends, my family I didn't know why I'd bothered trying to get out.

And then I met you And it all started to make sense.

I'll go
- if that's what you want.

I'm having your baby, for Christ's sake! OUR baby! As I said at the scene, the first shot was fired from some distance
- maybe three metres
- probably as he ran away.

Second shot, close range.

There is evidence of powder burns.

No questions, Superintendent? Not about him, no.

I don't see why you One of the accused is my kid brother.

He's not a r*cist m*rder*r.

What the hell do you think you're doing? Have you read all these? Will you answer my question? Are these from you? Yeah.

Who are you? Don't sh**t the messenger! Who's sending me these? '.


I'm sure she'll make a wonderful wife.

As most of you will know,' time
-keeping has never been Claire's thing.

So I was both surprised and happy that we got to the church on time.

When I saw Claire in her dress, I couldn't believe that this was the same girl who, when she was a teenager, used to paint her hair green and her nails black! And, now, here she is
- the most beautiful girl in the world.

There's a famous case
- "Brides in the Bath"? A man's wife died in the bath and he inherited all her money.

Her family got suspicious when it was revealed that his two previous wives also died in the bath.

The bodies were exhumed but nothing was ever found.

A bit like this.

But along came the great Sir Bernard Spilsbury who proved it was possible to m*rder someone in the bath with no sign of a struggle.

What did he do? A bath was brought into court, filled with water, and a policewoman in a bathing costume! You're kidding! Sir Bernard said, "If I'm to prove how this can be done, this young woman may very well lose her life.

" The judge insisted.

What happened? He put his hands under her ankles and simply lifted them into the air.

What? Well, like this The head went back, the water went up the bath, straight up her nose and caused an immediate cessation of her breathing.

Death from an immediate cardio
-respiratory arrest! Hence no water in the lungs.



What happened to the policewoman in the costume? Oh, she nearly died, apparently! Amazing! Did you send me those photos of her? No, I didn't send you any photos.



There's no Ray Mans on the DVLA database.

So the driving licence was a fake.

Why drive the body into London? The brilliant Dr Dalton thinks he might be linked to the Bearman sh**ting.

I bet if Sam Ryan said there was a connection, you'd listen.

But she doesn't make mistakes, unlike Dr Dalton.

Ray Mans! What about him? It's a fake ID.

Aye, but it's also an anagram of Sam Ryan.


It's Paul Bearman.

You KNEW him? Yes
- very well! I didn't know he was dead.

Last night, I think.

Leo did the autopsy.

Why have they sent ME the photos? Courier company say they come from a business address in Hyatt Street.

Hyatt Street? They apologised about the courier.

Just round the corner.

Is it? Why send a courier when you're so close? Hello? .


Hello? Please
- help me, somebody! Hel! You're not meant to be out of bed, are you? Ah! Agh! MOBILE RINGS D'you know how they might have got hold of your mobile number? There was someone in my office
- a courier.

There was a list of numbers on my desk he could have seen.

There was also someone in fixing my computer.

The photos they sent
- do they refer to any cases you've been working on? Yes.



I mean, not me personally, but cases that Leo and Harry are working on.

And they're copies from a book? Yes, a text book of forensic pathology.

Photographs of various examples of cases.

It may have come from a pathologist or a technician? Why text me, telling me where I can find a body? Well, we haven't found one as yet.

Do you think this is a hoax? No, I didn't mean that.

I just thought it might be someone who knows you.

More "fun and games"! This could be a waste of time.

I don't understand.

Some kind of joke.

Someone trying to get at me.

And who do you think would do that? DOG BARKS Over here, Sarge! Leave it alone, please.

Nothing should be disturbed.

I don't think they were They WERE! Give us a bit of space.

MOBILE RINGS Is that another text? You gonna read it? "Mrs Napier.

Dead three months.

" All right.

See what can be done on this.



That body was put here on purpose.

Someone must be here
- watching me.

-dah! Aw! It's not my birthday, is it? Hey, it doesn't have to be! Aw, thanks! Mmm! Can I ask you a question? Before you met me There was nothing.

Yes, there was.

You were married.

You had a wife.

That was m*rder*d.

What d'you want to know? I've never met any of your friends or family.

Are your parents really dead? They may as well be.

They soon gave up on me.

Everyone did.

Even your mum? Here comes the train! Mmm! Best he could do.

Great! Thanks.

Without knowing the names the brothers used, he's gone on the dates you gave and their ages.

I used to be paranoid
- now I KNOW they're after me! Speak to university security, make them aware of the situation and get someone posted here permanently.

Make people show their passes before they enter.


Professor Ryan gets police protection.

I don't want that.

Two bodies have been m*rder*d and moved to London so you'd find them.

For what purpose? And the photos.

You were being watched on the common and they texted you! You're also involved in a very high
-profile case that I, for one, can't afford to have you not give evidence.

If it were you, Dr Dalton, things might be different.

I will talk to security.

You OK? Yeah.

Obviously, things have been difficult between us this week, but if there's anything I can do Why do you want the hospital records? Their mother says the police had beaten them up before, but she didn't trust the police doctors and took them to a local A&E.

That's proof of m*rder? Are you sure it's not my birthday? Open it.

What is it? You said you wanted to go back.

Yeah, but Flying in two days' time? Why not? Well It's just We can do anything, Lol.

Wouldn't it be great just to get up and go? And once we got there We could get married, or something.

A whole new life.

You look knackered, love.


CHANTING Did you see that woman? What woman? The one outside
- she was there again.

Professor Ryan.

This is Detective Sergeant Baxter.

We assume Mr Miller was stabbed near Cambridge two nights ago and driven into London the following morning Thanks for coming(!) Sorry, sir.

Photos of his body were sent to Prof Ryan.

Josie Grey found drowned in her bath, also two days ago.

Photos of her dead body were sent to Prof Ryan, same with Paul Bearman and possibly the woman we found last night on Wandsworth Common.

We can assume that all four bodies were intended for Prof Ryan.

All four deaths were "inspired" by photographs from this book on forensic pathology.

Again, we're assuming Prof Ryan was meant to do the autopsies for reasons as yet unknown.

Prof Ryan knew Paul Bearman.

They worked together a few years ago.

As yet, we can't connect the other three with her.

But there is, almost certainly, a link.

The extradural bleeding occurred without fracture to Davinder's skull.

Haemorrhage arose from a small tear in the middle meningeal artery.

The dura was lifted locally by the rising pressure of blood bulging into the interior of the skull cavity and displacing the brain.

And in your opinion, this was the cause of death? In your opinion, Professor Ryan, this was the cause of Davinder Juttla's death? That is correct.

None of his many other injuries played a part? Well, indirectly, they may have.

Ah! Can you elucidate? Um Professor? There appeared to have been a violent struggle between the two brothers.

A broken rib, attempted strangulation, severe bruising to the face and neck, and this would have incapacitated Davinder a good deal.

A broken rib? Correct.

Your colleague, Dr Dalton, stated that it was the older brother Manjit who sustained the broken rib.

Is he right and you wrong, Professor? I meant to say Manjit.

Yes, it's so easy to get the two brothers mixed up.

They look so alike.

It was a simple mistake.

Two brothers, both sustained brutal injuries to the ribs.

You say one brother, you mean the other.

Could it be that when you went into the police cell, you made an equally small but significant mistake? No.

That is not the case.

I'm such an idiot.

This arrived for you.

Who delivered it? A courier, apparently.

Aren't you going to open it? Where to? Um, home, please.




We now know the woman found on Wandsworth Common was a Mrs Napier, a lawyer who worked in Cambridge.

She may have a link with Bearman
- a police inspector for Cambridge CID, before he retired.

There's another link Cambridge is the place Prof Ryan trained as a forensic pathologist.

From what I heard, Paul Bearman was a really good copper.

Yes, he was.

He used to get so cross with me
- "Bloody interfering woman.

" And he was only in the paper the other day.

When he got shot? No, before that.

I saw his name in that article about the bloke who was wrongly imprisoned for thirteen years.

'Michael Patterson.

' Bearman made the arrest.

Mrs Napier worked for the prosecution.

He's targeting everyone involved in his trial.

And Sam was the expert witness.

Where the hell is she? God.

It's the same one.

Leave it! MOBILE BEEPS What does it say? "You're next."
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