13x10 - Home 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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13x10 - Home 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Has she been tortured? Yes.

She came into the country on a South African passport, yet claims to be from Zimbabwe.

It defies humanity what these men had to endure.

Captain Brackenfell confessed to ordering these murders.

I was paid by the nationalist government to fight its dirty bloody w*r.

We found six bodies in the grave.

You told Anton there would be five.

The harbour master got to port about two hours ago.

The skipper of the trawler said he saw arms and legs among the fishes.

Why didn't you tell me any of this? I didn't know I was going to fall in love with you.

They've deported her.

How could they do that? She was put on a plane yesterday.

I've spoken to South African immigration.

They believe she should have been taken by the police.

I've made a call to a friend of mine.

What do you mean? She takes in young girls like you and helps them.

Things happen to little girls in South Africa.

SCREAMING Where the hell is she? She's obviously disappeared.



osteoplasty absorption and osteoplasty deposition Welcome, little one.

Thank you Thank you.

HE SPEAKS IN AFRIKAANS Get these people out of the way, man! Jesus! < Come on, girls.

Move it, up off the bed! KEY AND BOLTS RATTLE Good morning, Kudzai.

Did you sleep well? The door was locked.


To keep you safe.

We all have our doors locked.

Is this your mother and father? They are dead.

m*rder*d, I think.

If you like, little one, you can call me "Mother".

The other girls do.

Would you like that? You'll do very well here I think.

What will I do? There's time for that, but first you must wash and get dressed.

New clothes for you.

We'll find you some new shoes.

Whatever you want.

I've called a doctor who'll come and see you later, OK? Thank you.

Good morning.

So, how's it going? Well, I've positively identified three of the men using their dental records.

And the fourth man, I've extracted a mitochondrial DNA profile and compared it with the DNA from the mother.

And I'm hoping to extract the dentine from this man's tooth enamel which should give us some DNA.

But from his height and other distinctive features, I'd suggest that he was the last of the Kensington Five.

As for the sixth, without any idea of who he might be it's going to be a much harder task.

But I can probably give you an age, height, build, and probable cause of death.

I was wondering if we might have breakfast together.

I'd like to finish up here, if you don't mind.

Me and the girls.

I told them what you were doing, that we'd been working together.

They are real interested.

Want to meet.

So? I What? You don't think? No, I think it's fine, but, um They're outside.

Look, I .


thought you'd be pleased.

They're going to fall in love with you.

Why didn't you ask me first? I'm asking.

It's breakfast.

One, two, threewhoa! Wey! Sorry, Sarah, I'm making a real mess.

You're really good at this.

Oh, yeah, right(!) Brilliant(!) I'm talking about the kids.

Ah, other people's kids, maybe.

So, um why did you never get hitched? I don't know.

I never stuck my thumb out.

Well, that's not strictly true.

Anyway, I got through to my friend at Guy's.

He'd be surprised if Haloperidol k*lled the girl on its own, but it does have some very nasty side effects.

What about Terfenadine? Well, read it.

sh**t, your handwriting's worse than mine.

"It's contraindicated in patients at risk of developing prolonged" What? Prolonged QT syndrome.

Terfenadine was taken off the market for similar reasons.

Congenital heart disease, VSD, ASD She did have a hole in the heart.

Even so, she would have to be given a lot of either drug.

I suppose you're right.

Is that for me, or is that the boyfriend? Boy, your love life is costing me a lot of money.

Shit! What? You better get dressed.

We need to go now.

Now! PHONE BEEPS PHONE RINGS Hello? Kudzai? Who is this? Leo.

Professor Leo from the Home Office in the UK.

Um, I'm sorry, Sir, you've got a wrong number.

You texted me.

An SMS? Well, Kudzai texted me.

She said that everything was fine.


A man called from the Home Office in London asking after Kudzai.

Leo? Hi! How are you? All right.

This is Anton.



Welcome to Cape Town.

Thank you.

And his two girls, Silhe and Nolitha.

Silhe and Nolitha, is that right? Yeah.

I'm Leo.

Have you had breakfast? No.

Where shall we sit? There.

There? Come on then.

So you're the investigator, are you? Ex Scorpion.

He has his own company now.


As a matter of fact, I've been involved in a case recently, a young girl who's seeking asylum in London has been sent back.

So, er, umpretty complicated.

More complicated than I thought.

Did you do your hair, or did your dad do it? No, my dad can't do hair.

Who did it then? I did it.

You did it? Do you think you could do my hair for me? Yeah.

You sent a man an SMS? Who is he? Umhe's a doctor.

From London.

He justhe wanted to help.

And you sent him an SMS? To tell him I was safe.

He was worried.


No problem.

I'll get the test results back to you as soon as possible.

OK? Thank you, Doctor.

OK, Kudzai.

See you later.

Um, I heard the girls getting ready.


It's a very busy day for us.

Can I? No.

Not today.

This is something of a rare event these days.

Not that I miss it, but, um a lot of the younger pathologists won't have ever come across Ah, they're a bit more eco
-friendly these days.

Forget the tyre
- just brick them to death, and then whoosh! There were a few incidents in Jo'Berg a couple of years ago.

South African blacks k*lling foreigners, mainly Mozambiquans, Zimbabweans.

Who thought of it in the first place? The ANC did.

In the '80s.

Scare off the opposition.

That's like believing that the native Americans invented scalping.

It was a sign.

A threat.

The black smoke of warning to foreigners.

Do as you're told or get the broiled chicken treatment.

Pieter, please.

What? That's what you called it because of the way they charbroil them.

You can see the wires of the tyre around her neck and upper body .


and that smell.


You saw what happened, Daya? Yes? Tell them.

So they know it won't happen to any of them.

To any of us.

Do we not look after you girls? Do we not feed you, clothe you? When you are ill, do we not care for you? Supply you with doctors, medicines? ALL: Yes.

Are you not all clean from disease? TB? HIV/AIDS? Do we not warn you about the world outside these walls? What's happened to her wrists? They bind their wrists with wire.

And then put the tyre around their neck.

They fill the tyre with petrol.


And Nyasha .


she SHE SOBS .


the fire.

And her clothes.

And her skin.

And eyes.




This is what happens to girls all foreigners.

Be it a lesson to you, to us all.

We must stay together, protect ourselves.

I will not lose any more of you.

They really liked you.

I thought they might play up, but, you know They want you to be happy.

No, I don't think I did it myself.

When my mother introduced me to a new friend, I was so desperate to be liked to please her.

No, they genuinely liked you.

I genuinely liked them.

You've done an amazing job.

You're the first woman I've introduced them to since their mother died.

I see.

They deal with hundreds of thousands, some say millions of immigrants, legal and otherwise, each year.

Don't worry, Kudzai is in the system somewhere.

Explain this text then.

Mobile phones are a precious commodity in places like this.

Same with prison.

Kudzai probably got hold of one I know that, but the woman whose phone this was was not in a prison.

She was outside.

How do you know? Kudzai was taken from the airport to the police station, then to the hospital and then to here.

Then she sends me a text saying that everything is fine and dandy.

It just doesn't make any sense.


It's her! Hello.

Hello, er, you called me earlier? Yes.

I am sorry.

I didn't know who you were.

I have to be careful who I speak to.

I was hoping to speak to Kudzai.

She was sent to Pollsmoor last night.

According to the authorities here, she's not even on the system.

And I have proof that she's 15, so she can go back to England.

I would be glad to meet with you tomorrow and discuss Kudzai, if that's OK with you.

The muscles are cooked and contract, so the body ends up with flexor muscles shortening, pulling the forearms and wrists into a pugilistic pose.

Causes many post
-mortem artefacts which must be distinguished from ante
-mortem injuries.

DRILL WHIRRS DRILL STOPS Fractures of the skull, extradural haemorrhages, burn hematomas, need to be differentiated from ante
-mortem EDH by location and appearance.

Burn EDH looks like Aero chocolate.

Harry, would you mind taking a semen sample? Yeah.

They wouldn't be worried about leaving DNA? r*pe has become like a national pastime in this country.

It's like something's grabbed hold of our men.

They probably think the fire will destroy the evidence.


What? I don't know, there's something Money.



Hi, John.


These marks.

Could be chains.

You mean like the other girl? You think they're connected? Just because they came out of the sea? What do you think she was doing, surfing out there? Oh, except there is a puncture wound in the back of the neck.

What happens over there? Where's he going? Maybe in UK the British police officers are a little more helpful.

THEY SPEAK IN AFRIKAANS Yo, Harry?! Harry! This is not a good place to go swimming, but if you want to borrow a cos Where did that come from? Must have drifted with the tide.

- "106 rand.

" That was on the sheet That the other girl was wrapped in.


Where are we going? You're taking me to Pollsmoor? They say every room is bugged, but I don't see how.

Where's Kudzai? I helped her, unofficially.

If you say anything about this, I will lose my job.

Where is she? She is with other girls who come into the country illegally.

What? Girls like Kudzai come into the country and I help them.

Otherwise they get sent back to Harare or wherever, or they end up in the streets and only God knows what will happen to them.

I see.

She is safe and taken good care of.

And does this place have a name? Somebody should tell Kudzai she can reapply for asylum in England.

My friend, Zali, she looks after the girls.

Kudzai has your number.

I'll ask her to call you.


The oral cavity
- no lesions.

Petechial haemorrhaging present in the mucosa of the lips inside mouth.

No injury to the teeth lips .


or gums.

The hyoid bone, the thyroid and the cricoid cartilages are all fractured.

Strangled? Mm

You think they were k*lled together? They were both wrapped in sheets, tied up with a chain of sorts and weighed down.

I've asked the boat boys to go look.

I wonder if she'll show any traces of Haloperidol.

HE MUTTERS Why won't you tell me what we're doing here? You don't like it? Are you showing me where you lived because I showed you where I lived? Go on.


Whoever you want me to meet isn't in.

Niks! Is it you, really you? Martha? My little baby Niks.

You have You are so beautiful! How did you find me? This is Anton Radebe.

He found you.

I went back to the old house.

Yes, yes.

I never wrote to you, Martha.

I'm sorry.

Are you married with lots of babies? No.

No, I have been too busy at work.

What do you? I'm a doctor.

A forensic doctor.

Your mother and father must be so proud.

You know my mother died.

I am sorry.

And your father? He came back to Cape Town, I think.

You don't see him? That's me! Yes! Albert helped you learn to ride your new bicycle.

I remember you telling me about Albert.

Is that why you left? I needed money to help find my son.

To pay the police, the informers and anyone who might help.

I went to your father, but he could not help me and I was so desperate, I took some money and, well they had no choice but to ask me to leave.

I didn't know.

I was wrong, but I had to find him.

And did you? I told him not to get involved with politics, but he was so sure and so young.

Many boys left their homes and did not come back.

The Kensington Five.

Did he know them? People talk about the Kensington Five, but they are only five because one day they were rounded up and NEVER seen again.

It could so easily have been more
- eight, ten, twenty, why not? Including Albert? According to the programme, I am due to speak about DNA, its gathering, its use by police, human rights issues surrounding the database and so on.

You willyou will be getting that in due course.

I just, um I just thought that I wonder if you'd look at something for me first? This is an x
-ray of the left wrist of a young woman.

I knowI know that using X
-rays to determine age is open to question, open to debate, nevertheless I believe this young girl is no more than 16.

And I wonder how many of you would agree with that.

A totally unscientific show of hands will do.

Thank you, ladies and gentleman.

The UK Home Office are at liberty to ignore me and my so
-called expertise, but the fact that what, nearly 30 of my colleagues agree with me is not only highly unusual, but I would say that it makes it utterly irrefutable.

Do you sail? When I was young, yeah.

My father had a small dinghy on holiday.

My ex used to have one.

George? No, George is my third husband.

Oscar, my first.

I loved it, but I couldn't stop getting sick, so Speaking of men(!) And? I was hoping that every boat, yacht or dinghy in this place would be logged somehow, but no CCTV.

I mean, can you believe it? Some cost more than 50 million rand.

But you said you had something for me.

The boys on the boat found a chain and anchor.

What, with the k*ller's name on it? I was hoping you'd like to see it.

Examine it.

What for? Well, you're the bloody boat expert, or did you just screw on them? Here they come now.

Look, the bodies were probably wrapped in the second chain and anchor.

Yeah, we know that, Batman.

I mean The weight of the anchor can give us a rough idea of the size of boat.

So we make a list of all the boats that match the anchor.

Admit it
- that's genius.

So you called me down here to watch you weigh an anchor? Uh

I still don't know why you need to do this now.

We have identified five, but not the sixth.

We knew who we were looking for.

You confirmed those names.

Yes, but Brackenfell has confessed to k*lling five.

Why wouldn't he tell us who the sixth one was? He might not know.

He ran that place like a bus depot, the Terminus.

He knew exactly who was going in and who was going out.

And you think it might be Martha's son, Albert? Why don't you want me to do this, Anton? I'm not stopping you, Nikki, but What? We have so little time.

I don't want to come to the press conference.

It's your show, it's your history.

And yours.

You were living here when it all happened.

Please, Anton.

I need to do this.

For me.

Let's hope it takes you at least a month.


Professor Leo? Hello! Kudzai.

How are you? Fine.


Thanks for sending your message.

I was beginning to get a little bit worried about you.

No, no, there's no need.

Where are you? I am in my room.

You have your own room? Yes.

I'mI'm very lucky.

What kind of place is this? Sure, umwell, there's a lot girls and we eat together and there's work, but I haven't done anything yet.

Work? What, um? Umcooking and cleaning, I think.

Things I like.

Does it have a name, this amazing place? Ten Grand, I think.

I am so sorry, Professor, but Kudzai needs to eat now.

She will call you again.


I just wanted to say that I can definitely prove Hello? Hello? Gosh, I thought I worked too hard! Where's Anton? Press conference.

For the Kensington Five
- you managed to ID them all? Hm? Why are you so suspicious? Charles bloody Matuzas, wouldn't trust him if he was lying dead on the slab.

Why? I just I wish Anton had never got involved with him.

I don't know why he did.

He helped him set up his company, didn't he? I don't buy that.

I mean Charles Matuzas might be able to use this politically, but there's something else going on here, I promise.


Both girls using it? No, all three of were.

The girl fished out, the girl who was necklaced and the girl washed up on the beach was taking it.


She is too new.

We have lost four girls.

What about Daya? Ahh.

She is useless for us.

Did you have anything to do with that? Nyasha? Adebare? How did you know where Daya was to bring her back? I told you.

My friends phoned me.

And they chased those people away.

Now, go get the new girl and bring her to me.

Adebare has asked if you will work tonight.

Of course.

I'll do whatever he wants.

So what will I? Oh.

Put on these clothes, then we will go and speak with him.

Thank you.


RADIO: We now cross over to a press conference where Charles Matuzas is making a statement about the Kensington Five.

These five boys were not just rounded up, as we were led to believe.

These five were not grabbed at random.

These five boys were chosen, hand

Someone gave Brackenfell the names of these five.

Do you know who this man is? All I know is that he is a senior political figure.

Is he serving in the government? I believe that this senior political figure must come forward, or he will be revealed.

Like these boys, he too will be rounded up.

Hello? Martha, it's Nikki.

Can I see him? If he is Albert, yes, of course.

You think he is? I think it is.

After all these years and it's you who have found him.

God brought you back to South Africa, of that I am sure.

Well, I'm going to take this and send it away to compare the DNA samples.

How did he die? Don't tell me.

Tell me when you know.

There is a part in me that doesn't want to know, that wants to believe he is still alive.


How old are you, child? I'mI'm fifteen, sir.


I have a question for you.

Did you have a boyfriend back in Zimbabwe? I have never had a boyfriend, sir.

Come over here.

Take these.

They will help you.

They won't hurt you.

I promise.

BACKGROUND MUSIC DISTORTS So what else did you find? A couple of bed sheets and a roll of crisp rand carefully bound together.

Can't they be traced? To give DS Lamprecht his due, he suggested that.

Aren't you that woman from the newspapers? SHE SIGHS Don't you start.

Want a drink? Er, yeah.

A glass of wine.



Heard about the Home Affairs Minister? Been forced to resign.

Looks like your friend Matuzas is gonna get promoted.

This is where Kudzai is.

Hmm? "Ten grand.

" No, that's a photocopy of the bed sheet they found the two dead girls in.

It says 106 rand, doesn't it? It could be 106 rand, but it looks more like ten grand to me.

You said Kudzai is at this place? You did very well.

The gentleman was very happy.

That is enough to feed your family for over a month.

You will earn more for you and your family.

We can make an arrangement to have the money sent to them in Zimbabwe.

To help to set them free.

Would you like that, Kudzai? Hmm? Kudzai! Would you like that you save your family? Good girl.

What are you doing? Zali said I was to sleep here now.

This is Nyasha's bed.

Nyasha is dead.

It gets easier.

Less pain.

What are you doing? I don't want to sleep by myself.

I won't wet the bed.

Please Please go, please go away I can't I can't I Ican't I can't SHE SOBS Ssh! Don't worry.

I look after you and you look after me.

Hmm? SHE SOBS LOUDLY Why aren't they going in? They're still trying to wake up the judge to sign the warrant.

Did Pieter find out more? It's some kind of private sex club specialising in young girls
- mainly from abroad.

That's the thing about South African men
- they like a clean virgin and they'll pay good money to get one.

And the girls are supplied by women like Mandisa from immigration.


They arrested her about an hour ago, I think.

'This is Anton Radebe.

Leave a message and I'll get back to you.

' HE SHOUTS ORDERS IN AFRIKAANS Get in, get in! Sit down! It's empty.

Who knew about this? This is the sixth victim, is it? I thought, hoped, it might be this boy
- Albert I wish I could help you.

I've done what I said I would do.

I've helped you find what you were looking for and HE COUGHS .


everyone's done well out of it.

Albert taught me to ride my bike.

It was the first time I felt free, independent.

And that's meant to mean what, exactly? Make me care? Why did you contact Anton and tell him about the Kensington Five? I didn't.

He contacted me.

He told me.

What do you mean? He told me, he came He sat right there where you're sitting now.

He knew where they were, he knew I was in charge.

Sorry, I don't understand.

The man's a Scorpion, don't you know that? They hide under rocks, they survive in the desert, they sh**t to k*ll, they, they That's what they do.

If he knew where they were, then why? I just confirmed the story.

He even talked about the postman.

That's why I was convinced.

The postman? The postman delivers to the terminus.

The politician that Charles talked about in the press conference? The Home Affairs Minister, yah, he was there, but I mean, he wasn't the postman, not for the Kensington Five.

Why hasn't Anton told you any of this? Some Nigerian gangster's been renting the place for cash.

No papers.

How long have they been here? Couple of months.

Apparently, it's a private club that moves from place to place.

In here.

What? Fresh paint.

Have you got a knife or something? Thanks.

We traced the money by the way.

Yeah? ATM down by the marina.

Any idea who used it? Hundreds of the bastards.

But we are cross
-referencing them with people who own a 60
-foot boat, which we got from the weight of the anchor.

So you're not so stupid after all? Look, blood.


When? He's finding us someplace to live.

A much nicer place than the one we had before.

Now, be quiet and eat your food.

Is it true? That it was Adebare who k*lled Nyasha? Drink your water and be quiet.

That he was the one who put the tyre around her head? No, no, stop it.

Tell them, Daya.

Nyasha saw Cynthia and Yvonne dead in room seven.

He gave her money, and then he k*lled her.

And he will do the same to Daya and he will do the same to us all.

That's not true! He looks after us.

Feeds us.

Puts clothes on our back.

You call yourself our mother Our mother would not let those men do the things that they do to us.

r*pe us.

Make us bleed.

For money.

I was helping you, protecting you.

No, no No! Agh! You You lie to us! Agh! And you and you poison us! I escapedMugabe, I escaped the police, I escaped the soldiers, I will escape you and Adebare and anyone! I'm sorry, excuse me, sorry.

Can we use your phone? PHONE RINGS Professor Dalton? Thisthis is Kudzai.

Where are you? Sir, where are we? Brackenfell called me.

Details of the sixth body.

You must have said something moved him in some way that jogged his memory.

It's not Albert.

I know it's not.

I did a DNA test.

You need to be honest with me, Anton.

Who was "the postman"? Was it you? No.

Then who? Tell me, please, Anton.

It was Charles.

Charles Matuzas was the postman.

But he's telling everyone it was the Home Affairs Minister.

The Home Affairs Minister was turned and used as a double agent, so he believes it was him, but he didn't know about Charles.

Nobody did, apart from Brackenfell.

It was Charles who infiltrated the Kensington Five.

You knew this? You knew this and you used Charles to finance your company.

I went to him with what I knew, hoping to find out more.

He bought you.

No, Nikki.

I bought him.

He had no choice but to help me.

Fund me.

Pay his dues.

Who to? The Kensington Five? I wanted to find them.

And used the very man who originally gave their names to security forces? Back then, in the '80s, he made certain choices.

Choices of survival.

Choices he now has to live with.

You're going to have to give me something more than that, Anton.

That's the truth.

The truth? And when were you gonna share this version of the truth?! And don't give me this "South Africa is complicated, Nikki".

Because I know how complicated South Africa was and I know how bloody complicated it is now! I'm sorry.

I joined the Scorpions trying to help rid this country of corruption, of greed, but .


the deeper I dug, the closer we got When I discovered the files of the Kensington Five, I remembered what it was I was doing.

It was because of them I owed it to them and their families, to this country But Charles Matuzas is the man who gave your so
-called friends up to the security forces and now you're taking his money to build up your company, and what's that all about, Anton? And that's what you're offering me, is it? You want me to give up everything I have in England for this? For you? Hello? Anybody on board? This can't be it.

It's Judge Pinard's boat.

Hang on.

It's blood.

It's dried blood.

Are you sure? Out there, definitely.

Who are you? We're from The Ten Grand club.

Eh? They got raided this morning.

We're checking there are no traces of the dead girls.

Who sent you? There's blood on the deck.

Did you bring them down here? They know that the older girl was strangled.

And the light switch hit her on the back of her head.

How do you know all this? Well, I'm a policeman and Harry is a doctor.

We all like a tight little virgin, eh, Harry? The younger one had a heart attack, right? Yeah.

They were pumping her full of dr*gs.

I thought she was faking it.

GIRL: Get off! You're hurting her! Want more, huh? Well, don't they all.

Listen, man, we, we got to hurry this up.

The police forensics will be searching all these boats Was it Adebare or Zali who sent you? Adebare? Adebare, yeah.

Those Nigerians, eh? Man, they got it made.

WOMAN ON DECK: Pieter? Who's that? Pieter? Oh, brilliant! You're kidding me! This is the son of a high court judge.

The consulate have very kindly arranged to fly you back to London.

And I've spoken to Zoe, your solicitor in the UK, all the papers are in place.

What about Daya? Daya is from the DRC.

I know where she's from.

She's from the same place as me.

A country at w*r, a country that kills its own people.

It's just not possible to Then I can't go.

Kudzai, please, er What can I do in London? Can I, can I help Daya? Can I help my family? London does not want me.

England doesn't want me.

But you have every right My rights! I know my rights.

But England wants nothing to do with me or my country.

They let Mugabe m*rder and r*pe and destroy our very hearts! I'm safer here.

I'm safer with Daya.

Um I'm sure something can be arranged with the South African authorities.

A place to stay, whatever, but I really think you should reconsider this.

What would you do, Professor Leo? I When would you stop running? Thank youfor what you are doing, but it's not enough.

It can never be enough.

If it is the same Adebare, we know him.

He started the Ten Grand club a few years ago.

That's what it costs to join or something.

He sets it up, if it gets too hot, he moves, sets up somewhere else.

What about the other girls and the woman? Zali? We'll pick her up.

But in the end, there's not much we can do.

KNOCK ON DOOR Just coming.

Without saying goodbye? If you want me to, I can come to London.

If I want? What about your children? They want you as much as I do.

What exactly would you do in London? They do things slightly differently there.

I'd persuade you to come and live with me in Cape Town.


Hi, you called a cab? Yeah, thanks.

I don't know, I I just know that I'll do anything to be with you.

To have you in my life.

I don't know if I can trust you, Anton.

Not after what happened.

All that will take time.

But good things do.

I didn't think it was possible for me to love again, not like I have fallen in love with you.

Please, Anton.

No, Nikki, I need to say this and I think you need to hear it.

It won't be easy.

I know that.

I love my children more than I love you, Nikki, and I know that you love me.

Then stay.

I can't.

I have to go backto work.

But you'll be back.

Or I'll come to London.

We can make this work.

Please, Anton.

No farewells at airports
- it's hard enough as it is.

But you will be back.

I love you, Nikki.
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