08x01 - Alien Transports

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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08x01 - Alien Transports

Post by bunniefuu »

Flying saucers.

It's going 20,000 miles per hour

and makes a right hand
turn without decelerating.

That isn't possible.

Magic carpets.

There are traditions of King Solomon

having an airship.

And fiery wheels
descending from the heavens.

What Ezekiel described

in his eyewitness report...

it was misunderstood technology.
In ancient cultures throughout the world,

there are stories of
strange sightings in the sky.

Are they simply fiction?

Or might they be accounts
of alien vehicles?

You begin to have to ask yourself...

is something going on here?

Are we missing part of the story?

And honestly, I think we are.

Millions of people around the world

believe we have been visited in
the past by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so,

might we find evidence in ancient stories

of alien transports?

Saqqara, Egypt.

Located roughly 20 miles south of Cairo,

it is home to the world famous step pyramid

of King Djoser.

Dating back more than 4,000 years,

it is the oldest of Egypt's 97 pyramids.

Saqqara is also famous for being
one of Egypt's oldest burial grounds,

earning it the nickname "city of the dead."

It was here, in 1891,

that French archeologists
unearthed an ancient tomb

containing the burial
remains of Pa-di-Imen,

an official from the third century B.C.

Among the various items discovered

was a small, wooden model
of what appeared to be a bird

lying beside a papyrus bearing
the inscription, "I want to fly."

The artifact was later
sent to the Cairo museum,

where authorities placed it alongside
several other bird figurines.

The model sat largely unnoticed

until 1969,

when Egyptologist Dr. Khalil Messiha

was examining the bird collection

and noticed that there was
something very different

about the Saqqara Bird.

It's, uh, interesting,
because on one hand, clearly,

it should look like a
bird because it has eyes,

and has a typical nose of a bird.

Uh, on the other hand,

the wings are clearly not bird wings.

To the middle of the rump

you'll see this wing a bit thicker.

In this region,

the lift up is the highest.

The whole thing becomes thinner

to the, um, end of the wings,

and those wings are modeled down.

And this is a very
modern aerodynamic design.

Then the other point is

birds have no rudders,

because a bird does not need a rudder

because of its aerodynamic architecture.

And so there is the idea

they are not representing birds,

but flying machines, or aircraft.

Could the ancient Egyptians have
possessed the power of flight?

In 2006,

aviation and aerodynamics
expert Simon Sanderson

built a scale model of the Saqqara Bird...

five times larger than the original...

to test that possibility.

We're running at a constant speed,

slowly increasing the angle of attack

and then measuring the
forces which it's producing,

that way we can learn about
its flight characteristics.

At ten degrees,

- we're producing four times weight and lift.
- Yeah.

- So it actually would be flying now.
- Yeah.

That's good.

Tests show the Saqqara Bird

is a highly developed glider.

And this is a design we use today.

During the Sanderson tests,

it was discovered that the only thing
preventing the Saqqara Bird from achieving flight

was the lack of a rear stabilizing rudder

or elevator needed to maintain balance.

Is it possible that the Saqqara Bird

ever possessed this critical component?

What is missing is
something like an elevator.

But if you look at this feature here,

and we may interpret that
something like an elevator

was connected here,

but was lost during history.

Computer models seem to confirm

that the Saqqara Bird
is certainly airworthy.

But there is another problem to consider:

launching a glider.

Modern methods require
the use of a tow plane

that pulls the glider into the air,

then releases it when a
proper altitude is reached.

So how might the ancient Egyptians
have launched the Saqqara Bird?

The Scientifics of Egyptology

told us that such a bird could be

powered off by catapults to fly.

And we had high acceptance

by Egyptian scientists.

The idea of using a catapult

does have a contemporary parallel.

Many of today's glider enthusiasts

employ a bungee cord system

to launch their sail craft into the air.

But if the Saqqara Bird
is capable of flight,

where would ancient Egyptians
have acquired such technology?

I think that people in ancient times

were visited by beings
coming not from this earth

and they gave us culture

and scientific technologies

to improve our life on Earth

coming from the primitive to
a higher developped culture.

It's a fact that our ancestors were

more intelligent and had more

technological superiority capabilities than

our history books give them credit for.

You begin to have to ask yourself,

are we missing part of the story?

And honestly, I think we are.

I think there has been a
forgotten episode in human history

and, uh, we're a species with amnesia.

We don't really remember
who or what we are.

I haven't been

convinced that there is evidence

that supports an ancient visitation.

But there is no reason why not.

And I think to shut
oneself to that possibility

is a mistake. Mainly because
there are so many anomalies

that we can't explain.

Could the Saqqara Bird

really be a model of an
ancient flying machine?

And if so,

might this be evidence that our ancestors

witnessed alien technology?

Perhaps further proof can be found

by examining a century-old Mexican ritual

called the Dance of the Flyers.

Veracruz, Mexico.

Five men in ceremonial dress

ascend a 100-foot pole.

Once at the top,

one of the men performs a sacred dance

while playing a flute
and drum atop a platform.

The other four men launch themselves off.

It is a ritual known as
la Danza de los Voladores,

or "the Dance of the Flyers."

The ritual has the leader

stand on the top of the pole...
a tiny little platform...

and the four flyers wrap
a cable around that pole

and then branch out and fly
around in a pyramid shape

in perfect synchronous order.

It's a stunning and daring thing to do.

And they are representing the birds,

they are representing the
four cardinal directions,

they are representing the elements,

heavily symbolic and mythic,

and it is a powerful ritual.

The Totanac people who
practice this ceremony today

claim it is a dance that
was invented 500 years ago

as a plea to the gods
to end a severe drought.

But could this ancient ritual

have different perhaps
otherworldly... origins?

What we have here

with the Voladores is 100%

living mythology.

Something that describes and illustrates...

in front of our living eye...

the descent of the gods
from a long time ago.

According to ancient astronaut theorists,

the Voladores ritual

is a reenactment of a close encounter

with alien visitors in the distant past.

They believe extraterrestrials

descended upon the flat mountaintops
of the Palpa region in Peru

around 500 A.D.,

dropping from their aircraft

and gliding down to earth
in spiraling circles.

The Voladores ritual

was very technological, as in,

you know, these beings
descending from the sky

and the circle signifying
arrival of the gods.

Where does that flying or
descending gods motif originate?

Our ancestors saw something.

Because why would you hurl yourself

from a 100-foot pole

out of nothing to imitate a bird?

Birds are not that important.

Something very significant happened.

Could an alien encounter

really be the inspiration
for the Voladores ritual?

And could the Totanac people
who created the ceremony

really have been trying to mimic

the ancient gods' power of flight?

As further evidence that early humans

may have encountered alien visitors

equipped with the power of flight,

ancient astronaut theorists

point to various artifacts and statues

depicting ancient gods.

One such example is the Mayan god,

Ah-Muzen-Cab, also known
as the flying Bee God.

Another is the most prominent god

of early Mesoamerican culture,

the winged deity Quetzalcoatl.

The Mesoamericans believed
in the plumed serpent,

or Quetzalcoatl,

which, ah, came from
the sky, bringing wisdom,

uh, powered the wind

and also influenced everything

that happened in the
daily life of the Mayans.

In fact, they looked to the
sky for all their answers,

uh, from everything as simple as when
to plant corn to when to go to w*r.

Uh, they believed all answers
in the universe came from the sky

and trying to relate
that to their daily lives.

The ancient record are loaded

with fantastic examples
of the gods flying around.

These are the ancient aliens,

and humans are being shown

the ultimate capability of these gods.

In my eyes,

because we are the sons of the gods,

we are the offsprings of the gods,

whatever humans can dream,

whatever humans think,

was once reality in the past

or will be reality in the future.

July 31, 2003.

The English Channel.

Felix Baumgartner

becomes the first person to cross
this 22-mile wide body of water

in freefall using a
specially made fiber wing.

But the Austrian daredevil

is just one of many
who have used wing suits

to simulate flying by means of a free fall.

A wing suit is basically a jumpsuit

that you put on under your rig

and it's designed to actually make you fly

when you exit the plane.

Uh, the material inflates
underneath your arms,

in between your legs,

and creates, basically, an airfoil

that you glide on through the air.

It's an amazing feeling

because you're actually
the pilot and the plane.

It is total freedom.

You feel as though you're flying.

Though you are falling,

you're using the air to maneuver your body.

And the wing suit helps
you cover a lot of ground

as you're descending.

Some people have been exceeding

glide ratio.

For example,
three-to-one would mean,

for every foot

you descend, you're
traveling three feet forward.

We got these flying guys
that have these wings

attached to their backs, and they
hurl themselves out of planes,

and some even have rocket
engines attached to them.

And so, they essentially
themselves become airplanes.

Now imagine showing that

to someone from 100 years ago.

That person would be in complete
awe of what they're witnessing,

not understanding that there is
technology involved with this.

Just using our own body, we cannot fly.

We have no wings. But, of
course, we have the fantasy,

and we have the technology to develop

wings that we can fly.

The pursuit of flight

has been one of the
most sought after quests

in all of mankind's history. Why?

Because, with flight,

you could reach, conceivably,

the realm of the gods.

From the ancient Greek myth of Icarus

fashioning wings of feathers and wax,

to modern daredevils
like Felix Baumgartner,

human beings have been fascinated with,

and often frustrated by,

their desire to fly.

But have birds really served
as mankind's inspiration?

Or were they inspired by something else?

Perhaps something extraterrestrial?

Ancient astronaut theorists say "yes",

and claim further proof
can be found by examining

Ancient China's mysterious
stories of dragons.

Celestial beings coming down to earth.

Gods descending from the sky.

Do similar accounts exist in other cultures

and other religions across the world?

And if so,

what is the explanation?

We have to remind
ourselves that our ancestors

were highly intelligent.

However, their technological
frame of reference

was different than our
technological frame of reference.

So, they didn't have the vocabulary

with which to describe,
or with which to name

certain things that they saw.

So, what did they do?

They used words that they were
familiar with in their time.

And so, they tried to describe
whatever they witnessed

to the best of their abilities
with their vocabulary.

Ancient China also shared
some of the same beliefs

that can be found in Egyptian,

Native American and Dogon legends...

that deities arrived from the stars.

According to Chinese mythology

dating back to 3,000 B.C.,

when the god named Huang Di was born,

there was "a radiance
from the great star Chi."

Huang Di would later emerge from
the belly of a fire-breathing dragon

to become China's first emperor.

The origins of the Han Chinese people

start with a story of a great god

looking down with empathy.

Here were people in poverty,

in a beautiful, rich country,
the landscape profound.

But the people were suffering.

He took pity, and decided to come down.

Huang Di arrived

on planet Earth in a flying dragon.

He had the power of flight.

Huang Di could be anywhere within minutes.

And he usually accomplished this by

hopping on his dragon and flying somewhere.

Now this divine energy becomes human,

and is a great leader, the yellow emperor

who rules and unites the people,

and there is a period of great
prosperity until his work is done.

Huang Di brought order to the chaos,

creating China's first empire.

He is seen as a cultural hero,

and is credited with the
invention of the compass,

acupuncture and the
standardization of Chinese writing.

One of his greatest legacies
is the Great Wall of China.

When the land is prosperous,
he decides it's time to go,

and the great yellow dragon comes back,

and he gets back into the belly of
the dragon and flies off forever.


were these dragons

truly dragons in a

biological nature?

Or were they misinterpreted
types of machines?

Because, as we all know,

dragons are always correlated with
spewing fire and a lot of smoke.

Whenever we see a modern rocket
take off, there is all this smoke,

and sometimes the smoke is yellow,

and sometimes it's red.

So, it's very bizarre how we have these

correlations between the ancient times

and modern times today.

Mythology is the effort to grasp what

we can't grasp, to
understand what is beyond us.

In the Eastern teachings, the
dragons very often carry people,

sometimes on their back,

sometimes inside their bellies.

So, if we think of them as a poet's effort

to explain a vehicle
that was strange to them,

well, those sound like flying saucers.

So, it might just be a
problem of translation,

because after all, it's just a word.

It's trying to describe something
that's very difficult to grasp.

Could Chine tales of dragons

be based on ancient interpretations
of rocket ships descending to Earth?

And, if so, could the
legends of Huang Di...

like those of Quetzalcoatl

and the Egyptian Saqqara
Bird... be evidence of

be evidence of alien
visitations in the distant past?

Perhaps the answer can be
found high on a mountaintop

known as the "Throne of Solomon."

In the 21st century,

modern transportation
and communication methods

have connected the world like never before.

Products or ideas,

no matter where in the world
they may have originated,

can spread to even the
most remote countries.

A hip-hop hit in Brooklyn

might make it big in Tokyo

before it's even heard in Manhattan.

This cultural interconnection

has transformed the globe,

but is it new?

Mainstream archaeologists believe

ancient civilizations,

such as those found in
the remote Pacific Islands,

Asia, and South America,

developed independently from each other.

But ancient astronaut theorists contend

that similarities in
building styles and beliefs

found in these cultures suggest

that a worldwide trade route

may have connected them to each other.

But just like we have airports today,

around the world,

in ancient times, with the Vimanas,

there would have been
hangars for the craft,

airports for them to land.

And those airports would have been situated

in strategic places around the world.

And that's exactly what
we see in remote places.

Legends of air travel

are also found in ancient
Africa and the Middle East.

According to The Kebra Nagast,

a holy book of the Ethiopians,

written sometime before
the second century A.D.,

the Queen of Sheba

was once given a gift of a flying carpet

by King Solomon of Israel.

The Kebra Nagast

is one of the most important
texts you've never heard of.

The Kebra Nagast means

"The Book of Kings."

And it is

the most sacred book of the Ethiopians.

In it, King Solomon,

it's described... he had access

to some type of a flying machine.

And in that part of the world,

the term "flying carpet"

was always used very liberally.

My question is,

did they really mean actual flying carpets?

Or was it another term

with which to describe some
type of a flying machine?

This was the original chariots of the gods

that Erich von Daniken talked about,

the flying magic carpets

of the Arabian Nights stories.

There are traditions in the Middle East
of King Solomon having this airship,

and flying to different
places in the Middle East...

certain mountains, which are
known as the Mountains of Solomon.

These may have been certain
airports, or landing areas,

for these Vimanas.

Nicolas Roerich, famous
Russian-American explorer,

who travelled all through
Central Asia and Tibet

in the 1920s...

he, too, claimed that
Tibetans had traditions

of King Solomon flying
to Tibet in this aircraft.

The Kebra Nagast also
describes how King Solomon

used his flying airship
to make maps of the world.

But could these have any
relation to other ancient maps

some believe may have been
made by extraterrestrials?

Some of these maps

show the world, not as it looks today,

but as it looked during the last Ice Age.

And this is really hard to explain.

Everybody's heard of the Piri Reis map,

but they've, perhaps, not heard of the

Orontius Finnaeus map,
or the Mercator maps,

that show Antarctica

in great detail, hundreds of years
before Antarctica was even discovered.

One of the most referenced
stories of ancient aircraft

is found in a surprising
place... the Bible.

In the Book of Ezekiel,

the prophet describes a flying chariot

containing wheels within
wheels and powered by angels.

Although Bible historians suggest

Ezekiel was speaking symbolically

about the terrifying enemies facing Israel,

could this be another example
of an alien visitation,

and proof that prehistoric
aircraft existed?

In the story of Ezekiel's throne chariot...

this flying vehicle that doesn't seem
to have any means of propulsion...

if we thought of the word "angel"

as representing something
like celestial energy,

it sounds much more like a spacecraft then,

because some of the angels
are going back and forth.

Well, that sounds like flames.

That sounds like propulsion.

Some of them are wheel-like.

Well, those sound like flying saucers.

Our ancestors weren't idiots.

Ezekiel saw something that
was so frightening to him,

that he fell to his knees.

Then, out of the glory of God,

came this being in these bright
clothes that looked like metal,

and told Ezekiel, "All right, man,

we brought you here.

We want you to measure this
monument, this building."

And Ezekiel asks, "Well,
why should I do this?"

And the being says, "That's
why we brought you here."

And then, you have 40 pages,

in the second part of the Book of Ezekiel,

with measurement after
measurement after measurement

of this gigantic building

in which, by the way, the
glory of the Lord landed.

In the early 1970s,

NASA scientist Josef Blumrich

set out to disprove the theory

that what Ezekiel
witnessed was a spaceship.

Josef Blumrich is your
proverbial rocket scientist.

He worked on the moon project for NASA,

and from the mind of a rocket engineer,

started to look at what was
written in the first part

of the Book of Ezekiel,

and after many months of research,

Josef Blumrich came to the conclusion

that what Ezekiel described

in his eyewitness report...

it was indeed a type of spacecraft.

Josef Blumrich would go on to
write The Spaceships of Ezekiel.

Several years later,

a German structural engineer

named Hans Herbert Beier

sketched out a blueprint of the
second section of the Book of Ezekiel,

where Ezekiel is told to construct

an open-topped building to
house the flying chariot.

Ezekiel's spaceship

fit exactly into the temple that
Hans Herbert Beier recreated.

So what we have here is
a proof by indication.

Here we have a NASA engineer

and a structural engineer,

they didn't know of each other's work

and both pieces fit together like a puzzle.

In any court of law,

that's evidence that would hold up.

I think that scientists feel uncomfortable

with the notion of the lost civilization

precisely because the evidence
for it is so ambiguous.

It's not so in-your-face
that it's immediately obvious.

Uh, and, you know, the result is that
science has not welcomed this idea.

It'll take much more evidence
before it's widely accepted.

The God that I believe in

doesn't need a vehicle

in which to move around
from point "A" to point "B."

Whatever was described

in the Old Testament wasn't God.

It was a misunderstood


whom our ancestors
misinterpreted as being divine

and supernatural. And why?

Because of misunderstood technology.

And that is the underlying thread

that applies to all of the
ancient astronaut theory.

But while ancient texts provide
tantalizing clues to our past,

physical evidence paints
an even clearer picture.

But will modern science finally
prove the ancient astronaut theory?

Did the ancient civilizations of Earth

have access to advanced technology?

Well, it seems like they
had something going on.

Could ancient stories
depicting flying carpets,

fiery chariots and even dragons

really be evidence of an
otherworldly presence here on Earth

in the distant past?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes

and claim that further proof of alien craft

traversing our skies can be found with
the countless reports of flying saucers.

Guatemala, Central America.

According to most mainstream
scholars and archaeologists,

the earliest human
settlements in this region

date back over 14,000 years.

Here can be found
numerous ancient artifacts,

and among them is this one,

the figure of a man

lying inside what appears to be

the shell of a turtle.

And when I asked the
local archaeologist there,

"What is this?"

They said without the flinching of an eye,

"Well this is, according to legend,

the giant flying turtles

which flew around in Guatemala."

The entire body is
aerodynamically fashioned.

The extremities are pressed
in an aerodynamic fashion

against the body of this turtle.

And if you look closely,

it's as if there's some modern day
fighter pilot glasses or goggles.

This right here

is from the same culture,
from the same region

where they created the turtle in clay.

So they knew exactly
what a turtle looked like.

It looks like a snapping turtle.

And what we have here,

that is everything but a turtle.

It's something else.

In their frame of reference,

they were able to use the turtle

as the best example

of what they might've seen

that the gods used to fly around in.

Halfway around the world, in 329 B.C.,

the Greek ruler Alexander the Great

planned the invasion of India.

But according to ancient texts,

his army was supposedly thwarted

by a strange attack from the skies.

As Alexander's army was getting ready

to cross the Indus and invade India,

suddenly in the sky

appeared these flying discs.

And they began dive-bombing

at the w*r elephants

that were part of Alexander's army.

And what these flying discs did

was cause stampedes

within Alexander's own w*r elephants,

who then ran amok throughout his army, uh,

tearing up the camps and everything.

And after that,

Alexander's generals met
with him and they said,

"No, we're not going into
India. This... this is it.

We're gonna turn back."
And that was the end

of that w*r campaign.

But whether in ancient
times or much more recently,

so-called flying saucers

are often described as
being unaffected by gravity

or the basic laws of physics.

You know, I know that people
who have... who have seen,

uh, extraterrestrial
vehicles in modern times

have said, "How in the world
could it be doing that?"

For example, it's moving through the sky

and it's going 20,000 miles per hour

and makes a right-hand
turn without decelerating.

That isn't possible
using normal aerodynamics.

When jets have been scrambled
after flying saucers,

the saucers are described
as suddenly turning

at right angles at super speeds and just

zipping off in what seems like
impossible aerobatic maneuvers.

And this can be explained as the kind of

technology they're using, which is an...

a gravity control.

It's artificial gravity.

So when you're inside of
a... a gravitational field

that you're creating
yourself around your craft,

the gravity of the Earth
doesn't have a force on you.

But although aircraft propulsion
by means of gravity manipulation

is beyond the limits of current technology,

many scientists claim it
is theoretically possible.

In Davis, California,

inventor Dr. Paul Moller

tests the boundaries of real-life science

with a recreational flying
vehicle called the Neuera.

The Neuera is a very simple device to fly.

It has eight lifting ducted
fans, as we call them,

each one moved by its own engine.

One of the big advantages of...
of this kind of round shape

is that you end up with the

strength, and the skin
of the vehicle itself,

much like the shell of a beetle.

And that gets you a
very, very strong design.

This airframes you see over
here next to this vehicle,

which are similar to this,

weigh only 75 pounds
apiece, which is incredible.

You get a complete airframe

that's capable of lifting 1,500 pounds

with a 75-pound shell.

But could the inherent design strength

of a disc-shaped object

be the key to overcoming
the forces of gravity?

And does the prevalence of
flying saucer sightings suggest

a connection between antigravity technology

and extraterrestrial visitations?

Gravity is one of the most
unknown forces in physics today.

And when we do understand it,

we'll be able to find out a
way to shield ourselves from it

or to provide a device, a method,

electromagnetically but with some much
greater knowledge than we have today,

where we eliminate it within
the vehicle's operations.

Are flying saucers

more than just the product
of overactive imaginations?

Might ancient cultures that
wrote of fire-breathing dragons

and angels descending from the heavens

have been witnessing earlier
versions of these alien spacecraft?

Or could there be another explanation?

Perhaps the ultimate answer can
be found in the American Southwest

with a mythological beast
called the thunderbird.

Elizabeth Lake, Southern California.

This high desert body of water

sits at the junction of the
tectonic plates that form

the powerful San Andreas Fault.

The Mexicans who colonized
California in the 1700s

called it Laguna del
Diablo, Lake of the Devil.

And it was said that the Devil's own pet

would come into this world

through a portal at the bottom of the lake.

Local legend says

that at the bottom is actually
an entrance to the underworld.

They call it the Lake of the Devil.

And it is said that in the
middle of the 18th century,

from up until about 1880 onwards,

something was happening
there which frightened locals.

Some of the rich landowners
built ranches there.

These ranchers claimed to have
been harassed and tormented

by some sort of a monstrous beast

that would come out of the water

and steal cattle and menace the locals.

The ranchers who claimed
to have witnessed this beast

called it the thunderbird,

and their description of it

was nearly identical

to that of the giant bird
witnessed by cowboys in Tombstone

in 1890.

Eventually, one of the landowners,

uh, got it in his head that he was
going to hunt this creature down

and sell it to the circus.

So according to the story,

this rancher was able to actually
fire a few sh*ts at this creature,

which seemed to be
bulletproof and metallic.

The b*ll*ts bounced off, and after that,

uh, encounter, the bird flew east
never to be seen again in California.

Could this so-called thunderbird

really have been the same creature

that cowboys shot at in Tombstone?

And why was it referred to by locals

as the Devil's pet?

They didn't have the
vocabulary we have today,

so when things happened
that they couldn't explain,

it was called the Devil's Tower,

it was called the Devil's Lake,

it was called the Devil's
This or the Devil's That.

Take it away from legend

and you might find that this
was a portal to another dimension

which the locals knew about

and might have something
to do with the fact

that this mysterious entity was
present at that very specific location.

If a portal to another dimension

or another part of the universe

does lie at the bottom of Elizabeth Lake,

might it also be possible

that the thunderbird was
not really a creature at all

but something even more incredible?

A thunderbird was enormous.

It made enormous noises.

So the thunder part of it, uh,

could sound like a jet engine.

Its eyes were able to literally
pierce and emanate fire.

We have this large flying winged creature

which gives off a thunderous sound

and lights fly from its eyes.

That, to me, says, yes,

we could be dealing
with some sort of craft.

Native Indians in North America,

they know, of course, the bird.

But now something differently arrived,

an object which could fly,

which is bigger than the eagle

but, at the same time,
makes tremendous noise.

So you have the creation
of the thunderbird.

Even when the airplanes

first started going up in
the sky here in the Southwest,

they referred them to as metal birds.

As a matter of fact,

when the first fixed-wing
craft landed in Zuni,

the Indians over there actually
went out there and worshipped

the airplane.

It makes me think of a concept
called cultural tracking,

which is the idea that UFOs can

mask themselves to
appear as almost anything.

You go back to ancient China and
they talk about the flying dragons.

You go back to the ancient Egyptians,
they talk about flying boats.

You go to the Roman times, and
they're talking about flying shields.

Perhaps that was just their interpretation,

or perhaps that's what they actually saw.

Have alien spacecraft

really been darting across our
skies for thousands of years?

And could stories of thunderbirds, dragons

and flying chariots

be not mere legends

but the proof we have been looking for?

Perhaps when our own technology

allows us to venture further into space

will we be given the final answer,

that aliens and mankind

share a common origin

and perhaps a common destiny.
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