09x11 - The Vanishings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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09x11 - The Vanishings

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: A tribe gone missing.

was some kind of harvest.

It was an experiment.

NARRATOR: A city mysteriously abandoned.

a sudden they disappeared.

We don't know where they have gone.

NARRATOR: And an entire culture that
dropped off the face of the earth.

GEORGE NOORY: Have they been
abducted? Have they been beamed up?

NARRATOR: Throughout
history and across the globe,

there have been accounts of mass
disappearances that defy explanation.

But did these people
suffer some horrible fate?

Or might they have been taken
by extraterrestrial visitors?

DAVID CHILDRESS: Ultimately they vanish,

and we don't know what happened to them.

NARRATOR: Millions of
people around the world

believe we have been visited in
the past by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, might they be responsible

for mankind's most
mysterious disappearances?

Nunavut Territory, Canada.

Located at the northernmost
point of the country

and stretching across most
of the Canadian Arctic,

the Nunavut Territory is among the most
sparsely populated regions on Earth.

Yet Inuit tribes have continuously inhabited
the region for at least 4,000 years.

Because of its remoteness, most people
had not heard of the region until 1930,

when it first made headlines
across North American newspapers

with the report of the mysterious
disappearance of an entire Inuit tribe.

NOORY: A fur trapper by
the name of Joe Labelle

comes upon a small village, and it's empty.

There are tents, there are
shelters, there's a fire,

there's stew in a pot on the fire.

But there's nobody around.

HOWE: There were graves in this village

where every top of every
grave had been lifted off,

and every dead person was gone.

NARRATOR: There was no sign
of v*olence or disturbance

in the Anjikuni village to explain

how an estimated 25 men, women,
and children would have vanished.

After the disappearance
was first publicized,

other details began to emerge.

HOWE: When the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police got to the village

and they went around
and talked with locals,

they were hearing all about
strange things in the sky.

The Mounties themselves saw blue lights,

twinkling and hovering and
moving around on the horizon,

as if being watched by
something in the sky.

NICK REDFERN: One thing that makes
the Anjikuni case really stand out

is the fact that an entire
village was just gone.

And that is something that
we don't see too often.

But we do see it now and again.

And, possibly, that demonstrates a very
disturbing aspect of the UFO phenomenon.

NARRATOR: Could it be
that the Anjikuni tribe

actually disappeared from
the face of the earth?

Some ancient astronaut theorists claim
that accounts of mass disappearances

can be traced back thousands of years

to some of our earliest civilizations.

HOWE: What is happening on
all of the mass disappearances?

Nobody knows.

In the mass disappearances

where cultures or towns or villages
have disappeared in Earth history,

nobody has come back.

CHILDRESS: Throughout ancient history,

there are various reports
of large amounts of people

just completely disappearing from the earth

and going to some unknown place.

We don't know, but it's possible
that this is connected, in fact,

to extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that there is a common thread

linking mass disappearances
throughout history?

And if extraterrestrials have, in fact,

been removing entire groups of people
from the planet since ancient times,

might their purpose be?

Perhaps further evidence can be found

by examining recently discovered artifacts

left behind by a lost ancient civilization.

Guanghan City, China. 1986.

Construction workers
unearth two sacrificial pits

that contain the relics of
a long lost civilization.

The cache contains hundreds
of bronze and gold masks,

statues, and figurines,

in addition to numerous
marble and jade artifacts.

Chinese historians consider the discovery

one of the most important
finds of the 20th century

and date the site back
between 3,000 and 5,000 years,

to the very start of Chinese civilization.

the Sanxingdui discovery,

Chinese civilization was understood to
have arisen from the Yellow River basin...

basically, one spot in China.

This discovery showed that there
were other very advanced cultures

on the periphery of the Yellow River basin

that also heavily contributed to the
formation of Chinese civilization.

JULIE LEE: Nobody wrote about
the culture at Sanxingdui.

There's nothing that
comes up in Chinese texts,

and the Chinese are very good
at documenting their history.

So one of the most surprising things

is how a culture that was so sophisticated

could slide under the radar of history.

NARRATOR: The Sanxingdui
culture left no written record,

no human remains have been found,
and, according to their artifacts,

they appear to have only
existed for 350 years.

LEE: For some unknown reason,
the artifacts were broken, burned,

and placed into two pits and covered up,

rendering them useless.

So it's very curious
as to why that happened.

NARRATOR: Adding to the intrigue
of the vanished civilization,

they left behind dozens of
bronze heads with odd features.

GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: On November 1, 2007,

the official press agency of China

asked the question whether or
not what we're looking at here

are ancestors or in fact extraterrestrials.

And my question is, what if
what we have here is both?

If you check out this one
right here, look at the eyes.

Now, why would any artisan carve
or create something like this?

Because our eyes don't look like this.

The whole thing is very bizarre-looking.

It is not necessarily
human. It is something else.

CHILDRESS: The masks look very unusual.

They have big ears, big eyes.

They don't look like normal
human beings of today.

NARRATOR: Could it be that the
masks found at the Sanxingdui site

are depicting ancient astronauts who
visited our planet in the remote past?

And if so, could this help explain

the abrupt disappearance of a
seemingly advanced civilization?

CHILDRESS: Ultimately, they vanish,

and we don't know what happened to them.

So, were they some kind of
extraterrestrial civilization

or-or human hybrid civilization

and were ultimately airlifted
out at some point in time

and-and perhaps moved to another place?

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the Sanxingdui,

as well as other ancient civilizations,

were literally taken off
the face of the earth?

And if so, why?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that clues can be found

by examining the stories of Easter Island

and a lost tribe of giants.

NARRATOR: The southeast Pacific Ocean.

Rapa Nui, or Easter Island,
as it has become known,

is one of the most remote
places on the planet.

The nearest inhabited island
is 1,100 miles to the west,

and its nearest continental country,
Chile, is over 2,000 miles away.

Scattered around the perimeter of the
island, most with their backs to the sea,

stand nearly 300 massive stone
figures known as the moai.

Most are between 15 to 20 feet tall,

but the tallest stands over 70 feet

and the heaviest weighs up to 165 tons.

ED BARNHART: Why did these
people go to such great effort

to build these giant statues?

No one else in Polynesia was doing that.

When you talk to the people of Easter
Island today, the Rapa Nui people,

they say that they were doing them to honor

certain important
ancestral ariki, or rulers.

NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut
theorists have suggested

that the moai may have been
erected by a lost race of giants

that once inhabited the island.

Interestingly, C.F. Behrens, a
member of the Dutch expedition team

that first discovered the island in 1722,

described some of the priestly
class of inhabitants as Goliaths.

BARNHART: C.F. Behrens reported
that he saw giant people,

that someone had rode up to their
boat that was some 15-foot tall.

He really made a big deal of
these giants on the island.

CHILDRESS: When the first
explorers landed on Easter Island,

what they found was that there
were two types of people there.

There were the Short
Ears and the Long Ears.

And the Long Ears were
often described as giants,

and they were a different
race from the Short Ears.

Presumably, they had these very,
very long ears and earlobes.

And they were the priestly caste.

They were directing the
creation and the movement

of these statues around the island.

NARRATOR: Francis Maziere,
a French ethnologist

who conducted research
on the island in 1963,

recorded local legends that the
first men to live on the island

were of very large stature.

TSOUKALOS: In his book, The
Mysteries of Easter Island,

Francis Maziere talks about that
the first islanders of Easter Island

allegedly were these tall, giant people.

HOWE: There were inhabitants
there that were eight to ten,

maybe even 12 feet high.

And what do you automatically think of?

Genesis in the Bible talks about
how something that was nonhuman,

perhaps angelic, perhaps extraterrestrial,

saw the fair maidens of
humans, had intercourse,

and from that came the hybrids
known as the giants of old.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that the accounts
of giants on Earth are in fact true,

as ancient astronaut theorists suggest?

Did the remnants of this lost race
continue to exist on Easter Island?

And if so, just what
happened to these beings?

Up to 15,000 people lived on Easter Island

prior to its Western discovery.

But only 52 years later,

explorer James Cook described
a sight of mass devastation,

with nearly all of the
moai statues toppled over

and only about 700
inhabitants left on the island

and no mention of giants.

BARNHART: Something seems to
have happened at Easter Island

that decreased the population seriously.

And it seems that a number
of people either died off,

left, or something happened to them.

NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut theorists

propose that evidence left at the site

may point to a more intriguing
theory regarding their disappearance.

Archaeologists found unfinished
moai left at the quarry

and tools scattered around,

as if the work had been suddenly abandoned.

CHILDRESS: We don't know why
they would have stopped this

and even what happened exactly
to the priestly castes of giants

who was overseeing all of this work.

Suddenly these people just
vanished. All the work stopped.

HOWE: The issue that keeps
coming up about Easter Island:

was this a genetic experiment
where nonhumans would use islands,

high mountains, peninsules,

***so that would not be interference with

or contamination of their experiments?

Maybe that's why they were transferred out.

NARRATOR: Could it be that an entire
tribe was physically removed from Earth

shortly after their
discovery on Easter Sunday?

And if so, could mass disappearances

be part of an extraterrestrial
experiment on Earth?

Perhaps evidence of such a connection

can be found in the
jungles of Central America,

with a civilization that seems
to have strategically abandoned

all of their sacred sites
and vanished without a trace.

NARRATOR: Tikal National Park, Guatemala.

Here, deep in the northern
jungles of South America,

lie the ruins of one of the
largest cities of the Classic Maya.

Starting around 800 AD,

their sacred sites were abandoned,

one after the other.




And then, finally, Tikal.

ED BARNHART: Tikal was perhaps the largest
city of the entire Classic Maya period.

It really was the
signature city of the Maya.

It was also one of the last
cities to be walked away from.

So you get the impression
that whatever happened

that compelled people to
walk away from the cities,

Tikal was the last one to do it.

NARRATOR: Scholars believe that at
its height, the Classic Maya population

may have been as large as 20 million.

But after the collapse, up to 95%
of the Maya were unaccounted for.

VON DANIKEN: We still do not
know why they left their cities.

Because of a sudden they disappeared.

And it was not a w*r, because
you find no traces of a w*r,

no traces of destruction.

They left. We don't know
why and where they have gone.

LOGAN HAWKES: The question remains: why?

Where did they go and why
did they leave their cities?

Of course, there's a lot of practical
reasons that have been brought forth.

Possibly overpopulation, quite
possibly drought, deforestation,

a lack of water, and
so forth, and so forth.

But nonetheless it remains quite
interesting to think that so many people

disappeared all at about the same time.

NARRATOR: Historians have noted that
the disappearance of the Classic Maya

seems to correspond with the end
of one of their calendar cycles.

BARNHART: The priestly
class seemed to have made

a new calendar called the Long Count.

We're still not really sure
why they created this calendar,

but I do note that its timing
seems to time with major events.

The Maya are leading their lives
based on this Long Count calendar.

NARRATOR: The Maya constructed
the Long Count calendar

to count down 5,125 years,

or one Great Cycle.

The calendar was further divided

into 13 units of approximately
400 years each, called baktuns.

At the end of each baktun, the
Maya held a major celebration.

But curiously, on the
tenth baktun, they did not.

BARNHART: Their Maya calendar has this
very important juncture called a baktun,

it's a 400-year period
that comes up in 830 AD,

and they should have
celebrated it, but it's odd,

we know at Tikal, for example, that there
was no celebration of that tenth baktun.

HAWKES: The Maya are the best timekeepers,
possibly, of any civilization of all time.

So if they know so much about time,
and they knew when to do things,

was their disappearance from their cities
really planned according to their calendar?

Now, the Maya of today that have survived

talk about how their ancestors went home.

Where is home?

NARRATOR: Is it possible
the Long Count calendar

was actually counting
down to a preordained date

when the Maya knew they would disappear?

And if so, could further
evidence of this be found

by examining the clues
left behind in Tikal?

Archaeoastronomers have noted

that the seven most important
pyramids in the Grand Plaza

form the same geometric patterns

as the seven stars comprising
the Pleiades constellation,

a star cluster revered by many
ancient cultures across the globe.

DAVID WILCOCK: Many of the
Mayan monuments have undeniable

celestial alignments with
the Pleiades star cluster.

Is it possible that these people
originally came from the Pleiades?

And that's why they encoded the Pleiades
in their monuments so many times?

And then eventually they returned home.

REDFERN: Today in abduction lore

many people report that the... their
abductors come from the Pleiades.

That's what they tell the
people who have been taken away.

So we seem to have a
situation, potentially,

where entities from the
Pleiades have visited the earth,

have interacted with humans for
literally thousands of years.

HOWE: Those Mayans didn't
leave because of drought.

They left because it
was some kind of harvest.

It was an experiment.

The Mayans reached some place

and somebody took them from here.

It was the end of a calendar cycle

and the beginning of another calendar cycle

that means a lot to some
intelligence out there.

NARRATOR: Could it be that the
collapse of the Classic Maya society

was due to a mass abduction,

as some ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?

Was this an event that the elite
priests and rulers were counting down to?

Perhaps answers can be
found 2,300 miles north

with the disappearance of another tribe

intricately connected to the Pleiades.

NARRATOR: Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.


In the desolate high desert
of the American Southwest,

mysterious ruins stand as a testament

to a great civilization
that once flourished here...

the Ancient Pueblo peoples, or Anasazi.

With a population estimated
at well over 100,000,

the Anasazi settled
nearly 50,000 square miles

of the Four Corners region of Arizona,

Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico.

The highly sophisticated culture built
hundreds of miles of ancient roads,

many converging from all
directions to Chaco Canyon,

a ceremonial site believed to
be one of their most important.

ROGER MOORE: The people
that built this site

somehow came onto the
engineering principles

to be able to build multistory buildings,

such as Pueblo Bonito behind me here.

They developed a culture here that
integrated the alignments of the buildings

with celestial objects and events
such as the rising of the Pleiades.

HAWKES: The Anasazi were a
very successful civilization

up until about the 12th century,
and something very strange happened,

and there's a great deal of argument
as to what that event may have been.

NARRATOR: According to archaeologists,
sometime around 1130 AD,

all construction ceased at Chaco.

The buildings were sealed,

and the roofs of the ceremonial
structures, called kivas,

were burned.

HAWKES: It's fair to say that
there were groups that did move,

migrate to other areas.

Those then became the
Pueblos and the Hopis.

What is confusing is what happened to
the central part of the civilization,

the ones that were the astronomers
that built the observatories.

Where did they go?

It appears as though
they simply disappeared.

NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut
theorists, like author David Childress,

propose that there is, in fact,

more to the disappearance
of the Anasazi elders

than a simple migration.

And they claim clues can be
found throughout the ancient site.

CHILDRESS: On this cliff
behind me here at Chaco Canyon,

we have about a dozen unusual
spirals carved into the cliff.

Archaeologists believe
that they represent the sun,

but some of these spirals are very unusual.

One even has little
spirals coming off of it.

So, you have to ask yourself,

are these spirals, in fact,
representations of some kind of portal,

some door to another dimension?

HAWKES: There are some that believe
that that may represent the portals

by which the Anasazi and
other southwestern cultures

crossed from this world
into their point of origin.

I think there's a possibility, at
least, that there is a connection

between the alignments of
certain celestial events

and the openings and
closings of these portals.

CHILDRESS: Is it possible
that the Anasazi themselves

vanished on masse from this site,

and did they go into another dimension?

NARRATOR: Could it be that
the spiral-shaped petroglyphs

left behind by the Anasazi
actually represent portals?

If so, did the Anasazi have knowledge of
when and how to access these other worlds?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes

and believe further evidence
of an otherworldly connections

can be found in the oral stories
about this lost civilization

that have survived through other tribes.

HAWKES: The Anasazi is actually not
a name that they gave themselves.

It was a name that was
given to them by the Navajo.

HOWE: The Anasazi... the name
meant "stranger from afar,"

or "strange enemy"... something
that was separate, apart.

It is possible that the Anasazi
are in a another dimension,

in another timeline, another planet.

All of these various
disappearances of people over time,

whether it is the Mayans,
whether it is the Anasazi...

you can look through history, and
you can begin to see these rhythms.

Advanced intelligences
that are behind all of this

are using the planet like a laboratory.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that the
Anasazi elders were an alien hybrid race,

as their Navajo name would imply?

And could extraterrestrials
have used ancient portals

to remove entire groups
of people off the planet?

Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest

that such portals still
exist on Earth today,

and that the evidence can be found
by examining recent disappearances.

NARRATOR: Burke County, North Carolina.

For at least a century,

a strange phenomenon has been witnessed
regularly by thousands of people

in the foothills of the Brown Mountains.

Unidentified lights moving
erratically just below the horizon

have been photographed
and even recorded on video.

There it is! There it is!

Ooh! Ooh! Look at
that! Look at that!

CHRIS PITTMAN: Brown Mountain in North
Carolina is an area that has, for centuries,

been associated with mysterious
lights and disappearances.

And for decades, these
lights have been studied,

and no one is sure exactly
what causes these lights.

There are many theories about them.

There are tales of people who
have gone out into those foothills

or onto the mountain and never come back.

WILCOCK: There is a long-standing
tradition of disappearances

that happened in this area.

In 1850, we have a case
of a plantation owner

who wanders off into the mountains

and disappears completely.

And then a whole group of
his slaves, carrying lanterns,

go out trying to find him,
and they cannot find him.

And then they also disappear.

In another case, a woman went
missing on Brown Mountain,

and a whole team of people who were
dispatched to search for her did not return.

WILLIAM HENRY: There have been
mysterious disappearances of people

who have gone up on the
mountain and never come back,

and in each instance, there is always
this reference to mysterious lights,

as if these lights somehow
function as perhaps a portal

or a gateway through which
these people disappear into.

NARRATOR: Could it be that there
are actually places on Earth

where entire groups of
people could disappear

through some sort of portal?

If so, is it possible that the Brown
Mountain lights and disappearances

are part of a larger agenda?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes

and suggest that this may offer clues

for some of our most baffling
modern disappearances.

The Pacific Ocean, 2014.

Malaysia Air Flight 370, en route
from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing,

mysteriously disappears from
radar over the waters of Vietnam

with no indication of distress.

The plane vanishes,

as well as the 12 crew members
and 227 passengers on board.

After one of the largest and most
expensive searches in history,

no debris has been located.

Theories abound as to
what happened to the craft,

including the possibility of
extraterrestrial involvement.

PITTMAN: As soon as
Flight MH-370 disappeared,

there were some people who
immediately started speculating

that it might have something
to do with UFOs or aliens.

And there is a historical precedent
for these kinds of disappearances.

HENRY: All around the world, you hear these
stories of people mysteriously disappearing.

The Bermuda Triangle is a classic example.

And people, airplanes and other objects

just were in the wrong
place at the wrong time,

and vanished through
the portal or stargate.

NARRATOR: In the United States alone,

over 600,000 people are
reported missing each year,

and up to one percent are never located.

And paranormal researchers have noticed

a disturbing trend of
unexplained disappearances

associated with remote areas.

NOORY: Hundreds of thousands of people
on Planet Earth disappear every year...

Every year... and nobody
knows where they are.

National forests, parks.

There have been stories of
people talking to other people,

they turn around and they're gone.

They have no idea where they've
gone. Have they fallen into portals?

Have they been abducted?
Have they been beamed up?

PITTMAN: We can only speculate about why

the intelligence behind UFO abduction
behaves the way that it does.

But it certainly stands to n that if
they need to operate clandestinely,

if they're trying to keep
what they're doing hidden away,

that might not be possible
in our culture today.

It's possible that what we're
seeing here is the same phenomenon,

but the means have changed over time...

that long ago, entire
cultures would vanish.

And now, for whatever reason,

it's happening on a
much, much smaller scale.

NARRATOR: Are modern-day disappearances
a continuation of a much older phenomena?

But if entire groups of people
are being taken off the planet,

could it be part of a larger agenda?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe answers may be found

by exploring clues seen on
board an alien spaceship.

NARRATOR: Houston, Texas. December, 1992.

Eight members of the Houston UFO Network

separately report being abducted

in one of the strangest mass
abduction cases in history.

Derrel Sims, a former U.S.
intelligence operative,

conducts the preliminary investigation.

SIMS: All these people,
independent of each other,

and to my shock and amazement, they
all came back with the exact same story.

The same craft, the same entities.

They identified each other in great detail.

Some of them didn't even
know each other very well.

All of these people described being
taken by a small craft and a small entity.

And the entity took them
to a much larger craft.

NARRATOR: After researching
numerous UFO sightings

that were reported the night of incident,

Sims makes a shocking discovery.

SIMS: Someone in Japan had
filmed the moon during this time

and filmed a massive craft that
left a shadow across the moon

as it crossed the moon's surface.

During the same time of the mass abduction.

So there was the
corroboration that we needed.

NARRATOR: UFO researchers
following the case

believe collective details
gathered from the event

may shed new light on
the abduction phenomena

and perhaps clues to understanding
the extraterrestrial agenda.

SIMS: One of the people taken
saw a map-like thing on the wall.

The map that this individual
saw that was on the wall

indicated approximately 6,000 years of
the aliens' involvement with mankind.

We were down to the last
small section of that map,

which was about 100 years left.

What we deduced from the
information from the abductee

was, simply, that this
experiment, whatever it is,

is almost over.

NARRATOR: After viewing the
map, one of the abductees

was led through a massive hallway
to another part of the craft.

SIMS: It was a huge room. Enormous size.

I said, "What did you see?"

He said it looked like a collection,

like, almost like a museum of
things that had been collected.

They seem to have collected species,
animals, people, all kinds of things.

And I said, "And what was
significant about that?"

And he said, "I don't think they were dead.

I think they were all suspended animation."

This may explain the reason why

some people disappear and don't
come back from an abduction event.

NARRATOR: Do the accounts from
the Houston mass abduction event

shed new light on the
extraterrestrial agenda?

If so, might the stories of mass
disappearances throughout history

be not fantasy but part of a program

to collect human beings
and other Earth species?

But for what purpose?

WILCOCK: Perhaps these abductions are
not happening for some random reason.

These samples are being taken

so that the human seed
itself can be preserved

in the unlikely event of some
mass ecological catastrophe

that wipes out human life
on Earth as we now know it.

HOWE: The evolution of
humans on this planet

has been completely and totally an
experiment on the part of extraterrestrials.

We'll call it "experimental
lab process" on this planet.

Intelligences are cloning and hybridizing

and mixing and matching.

NOORY: Earth could very well
be a farm, simple as that.

It's like the Island of Doctor Moreau,

where we're genetically altered,
we're mixed, we're abducted,

we're taken, we're brought back.

This could be the greatest melting pot
of experimental work in the universe.

But, you know, as NASA has said,

they're gonna discover
alien life forms in 20 years.

I think we will find that
creatures on other worlds

resemble us very closely.

NARRATOR: Could it be
that extraterrestrials

really have been coming to Earth

and abducting large groups
of people through our history?

And if so, are other worldly
beings conducting experiments

to upgrade the human race?

Preparing us to become part
of a intergalactic community?

Ancient astronaut theorists propose

that one day we'll be reunited
with our alien ancestors.

But, perhaps, for some of us

this reunion has already occurred.
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