01x01 - Ann's Decision

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "One Day at a Time". Aired: December 16, 1975 – May 28, 1984.*
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Ann frequently struggles with maintaining her role as mother while affording her daughters the freedom she never had as a young woman.
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01x01 - Ann's Decision

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ This is it ♪

♪ This is it ♪

♪ This is life,
the one you get ♪

♪ So go and have a ball ♪

♪ This is it ♪

♪ This is it ♪

♪ Straight ahead
and rest assured ♪

♪ You can't be sure at all ♪

♪ So while you're
here, enjoy the view ♪

♪ Keep on doin' what you do ♪

♪ Hold on tight, we'll
muddle through ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ So up on your
feet, up on your feet ♪

♪ Somewhere there's
music playing ♪

♪ Don't you worry none ♪

♪ We'll just take
it like it comes ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪

♪ One day at a time ♪


How'd you get your
mom to say yes?

You told her my mom said yes.

That's fantastic, trude. That's
how I'll get my mom to say yes.

I'll tell her your mom said yes.

No, I won't bring up the
boys unless she does.

Oh, look, you don't have to worry
about my mom. She's a liberated woman.

I'll check you out later.

Ding dong. Avon lady fainting.

Bad day, mama?

Oh, this lousy
recession. No one's buying.

All I sold was one
pair of false eyelashes,

A lipstick and some eye shadow.

And that was to a guy.

How gross.

Oh. Oh, thanks,
baby. Don't knock it.

A buck is a buck.

Uh, mom, uh, trudy's mom
said yes. Isn't that terrific?

Terrific! Yes to what?

Oh, the backpacking trip.

Trudy, sara and me are going
backpacking this weekend.

And I figured since
trudy's mom said yes,

I'll just call trudy and
tell her it's ok. Thanks, mom.


Something wrong?

3 Girls alone on a camping trip.

Julie, I'm gonna have
to think about that.

Well, we... We're not
going to be alone.

Who else is going?

Uh, a few others.

Like, uh, who others?

Oh, ricky halsop, stuart
gorman and danny pepperdine

Can I go please, mom?

Slow down, swift lips.

I'm gonna take a wild guess.

Boys, right?

No, they're camels.


Of course they're boys.

Want to take a wild
guess at my answer?

Oh, mom, why can't I go?

Ah, julie.

You don't know the
first thing about camping.

What else?

The weather's very
unpredictable this time of year.

Oh, mom. Come on. The weather?

That's not what's bugging
you. It's sex, isn't it?


I mean, you seriously
think I'm worried about sex?

And why would you think that?

Well, i-it's got to be. It
always is with old people.

I am not "old people."

Oh, mom.

My first chance to make
friends since we moved here,

And you make it sound
like an orgy or something.

It has all the ingredients.

Honestly, mom,
that is so medieval.

These boys are
mature, they're seniors.

Ricky is class
president. Uh-huh?

Stuart is editor of
the school paper.


Danny just won first
prize for biology.

That's the one that worries me.

You see? Then it
is the sex thing.

That just grosses me out.

I haven't had a happy minute
since we moved to indianapolis.

It sure was different
before the divorce,

When daddy was around.

Yeah, yeah. I know. You used to
wrap him around your little finger.

Well, now, my darling, I'm gonna
have to be both mother and father.

Ok, then, let's break it down.

What's my mother telling me?

Well, as your mother, I guess I'm
gonna have to say what I always did.

It's up to your father.

You mean it?

You really mean
it, it's up to dad?

Oh, daddy, daddy, darling.

No way.

That's not fair!

You knew you were going
to say that all along.

That's not fair! That's
not... You're not fair.

I'm surprised you don't want
me to wear a chastity belt!

If there's a sale
on 'em, we'll get one!

Mom, it happened!

Oh, my god, what happened now?

I made the team. I made
the team. I really did.

I'm the only girl on the team!

Oh, barb, that is terrific!

Isn't that fantastic, julie?

Just peachy.

The only trouble is I'm the
smallest player on the team.

Oh, I wish I was taller.

Oh, I wish I was dead.

You'll grow, you'll grow.

Your father is
tall. You will be tall.

Yeah, with my luck, the only
thing that'll grow is my bust.

I don't believe
this conversation.

Everything is hip-hip-hooray because
the juvenile jerk made the basketball team.

Well, what about me?

I've got a problem.

Who are you
calling a jerk, jerk?

I'm calling you a jerk, jerk!

Yeah, just 'cause you got squashed
on that dumb weekend thing.

How do you know I got squashed?

Usually, you're just grumpy.

But right now, you're the pits.

The pits?

The pits!

Mother, aren't you
going to say anything?

Oh, of course you're not.

The little miss wonderful over
there made the basketball team.

And what about me? You
don't care what happens to me.

Oh, julie, I do care.

Nobody cares what happens to me!

She always gets so hysterical.

She was born that way.

She didn't even let me go
the full 9 months with her.

She was screaming
to get out at 7!

Hey, uh, look, barb, try
to be sympathetic, huh?

Don't worry, mom.
Maybe I'll burp her.

Oh, what a day.

Oh, my back.

God, a lot of people think
you're really a woman.

If you are, how about
rooting for our team?


What are you doing here?

You see, I have a
brand new pass key

And I was trying it out
in all the apartments.

'Cause it's very important
for the super, you know,

To be able to get into all the
apartments in case of you have burglars,

You have fires...

You have hurricanes.
You have hurri...

You're great.

See, the truth is, I just dropped
by to fix your, uh, stuck window.

I fixed it myself 2 weeks ago.

Time sure flies when you're
strikin' out, doesn't it, schneider?

Does this pass key
let you out, too?




I adore a woman with fire.

Ms. Romano, there's something...

Something I've been
meanin' to talk to you about

And i-i've just been waiting for
the most consummate moment.

I mean, after all, you are a
woman of the divorced persuasion.

And I mean, i, uh...
Well, here I am.

Use me.

I'd like to recycle you.

Go ahead, I'm just as good
the second time around.

Uh, schneider, uh,

Don't you have a wife
somewhere downstairs?

Oh, ms. Romano,
understand... Allow me.

My wife, I adore
my wife, you see,

And I give her all the
love that she can handle.

But I have so much more love

To give, that I just have
to spread it around.

Well, go spread it on the lawn.


Vitini, vitini! Out, out!

I know what I'm doing wrong.

You want us to move

Just a little bit slower.

You precious. Of course,
you've got it. You got it.

You really think you're hot
stuff, don't you, schneider?

Let me put it this way.

The ladies in this building

Don't call me super for nothin'.

Dio mio.

Thanks a lot.



David, I thought you
were... I just got back.

Oh, come on in. I'm
glad to see you.

Oh, david, I've got a problem.

Oh, I know, you can't decide
what day we're gonna get married.

We'll do it this
sunday. David...

A nice afternoon
wedding. David...

Uh, that way the kids
won't be up too late.


Monday is a school day... David!

Will you get off this
marriage kick? It's silly.

Why? I'm 34, you're 26.

Wait a minute. I'm almost 27.

You're barely 34.

Besides, I look at least 29
you don't look a day over 30,

So really we're talking about a
difference of a couple of months here.


What is this obsession
you have with youth?

I mean, why must the woman be younger
than the man? Where is that written?

I mean, you know
what always happens.

The man dies first, the
woman is left alone.

With us with any luck at all, we'll
die together. Isn't that wonderful?

It's something to
look forward to.

Oh, david, you're a
very eligible bachelor.

If you want to get
married, why me?

Why you?

That face.

From the first moment I saw you

Sitting in the offices of macenerny,
coleman, woolf and schwartz,

And they said to me,

"David, we want you to handle
this young lady's divorce,"

The first thought I had was,

"The minute I get her
divorced, I'm gonna marry her."

What did you first
think when you saw me?

It was,

"Good lord, they picked
john-boy to handle my divorce."

In the end, it's not
how long you've lived,

But the quality of life...

Oh, david, I'm in no
mood for this today.

I have a big problem with julie.

I've had a brutal day.

Oh, a brutal day.
Why didn't you tell me?

A brutal day.

Listen, I have got the perfect
medicine for brutal days.

You have your choice.

You got scotch from
t.w.a., Gin from united,

Or white lightning
from ozark airlines.

I, uh, could use a drink. Uh,

David, that briefcase absolutely
puts me away. You're always prepared.

Well, you know what, I hate to get
caught short because I travel a lot.

Now, you sit tight and I will
fashion for you the ultimate martini.

♪ In some secluded rendezvous ♪

That's very smooth. That's
very, uh, cary grant there.

You noticed? You
finally noticed.

Underneath this slightly
chubby exterior and baby face,

I am gary grant.

Judy, judy, judy.

You don't like cary
grant? Forget gary grant.

I got a lot of fred
astaire in me, too.

♪ It's something daring
the continental ♪

♪ A way of dancing that's ♪

David! You're making me crazy!

Will you make me my drink? Ok.

So what's julie's problem?

She wants to go on
this backpacking trip.

What? Backpacking.

3 Girls with 3 boys.


Side by side in sleeping bags.

With zippers.

I see your problem.

David, the bottom line is,

I told julie she couldn't go.

Oh, that must've been rough.

I don't care. I mean
it. Julie, you're...

Hi, guys. Mom, julie says...

Cool it, half pint.

Mother, I want your final answer.
Now, can I go on that trip or not?

You make it sound
like an ultimatum

She's serious, mom. She says if
you don't let her go on that trip,

She's going back
to live with dad!

Stay out of it,
shrimp. This is my crisis.

Did you really say that?


Don't thr*aten me, julie.

David, talk to her, explain
it to her please. Oh...

Yeah, explain it to me, david.

You understand her
so much better than I do.

After all, you're in
the same age group!

Uh, look, ann,

I am a lawyer

And I can stand back
and be totally objective.

Then stand back and
stay out of the way.

Or I can stand back
and stay out of the way.

I'll go back to my
father. I really will.

Do not push me, julie.

Yeah, lay off, julie.

None of your business!

Either I go on that
trip or I go back to dad.

You know, you're not
giving me much choice.

I mean, you're really
crowding me kid.

I don't care. This
is important to me.

Ok. You want to go
back to your father?

I do.


Mom, julie?


Here's your bus fare.

Have a nice trip.

All right. If that's
how you feel, I'm going.

If that's how you feel.

Dad will send for my clothes.

Well, I'm going.

You're a big girl.

Goodbye, mom.

Bye, julie.

Julie, don't.

Goodbye, everybody.

Mom, why'd you let her go?

I had to make a decision!

It's really something.

For the first 17 years of my
life, my father made the decisions.

And the next 17, my
husband made the decisions.

For the first time in my life,

I make a decision on my own

And I blow it.

Oh, david.

I need help.

From me? The kid next door?

Andy hardy, you're
asking me for advice.

Golly willikers!

I'm sorry, david.

I respect you. I do.

And I need an intelligent,
level-headed opinion.

You want my opinion? Ok.

You had a terrible day,

And all of a sudden, julie
hit you with this camping trip.

So you jumped down her throat...

Yeah... Wait a minute!

The wrong thing was that
you didn't do the simple thing.

You didn't sit down and
discuss it with her calmly.

You're right.

You're right.

You're right, you're right,
you're right, you're right,

I don't blame her for leaving.

It's ironic.

That's exactly why I left ed.

He never discussed
things with me.

Every time I wanted to sit down

And talk out a problem
all he'd say was:

"We'll settle it
in the bedroom."


The only good things that came
out of those bedroom settlements

Were julie and barbara.

And now I've lost julie.

Now, ann, I can always get
a writ and get her back here

Just like that.

David, I don't want
to drag her back.

Can't you think of
something constructive?

You want to fool around? Oh.


What I gotta do right
now is call ed and tell him

Julie's on her way.

Oh, uh, listen, that's
kind of personal.

Why don't I just,
uh, grab a shave.

I mean, I could use a shave.
I'll, uh, just get my things.

My razor,

My shaving cream.


Foolish of me.

David, is there anything
you don't carry in that thing?

Yes, legal papers. I
find they get in the way.

Hello, ed?


Right. There's a problem.

Uh, look, julie and I had a
fight and she walked out.

She's headed your way.

I can make it alone.

I knew he'd say that, I knew it.

Who is it?

Ed, uh, there's
someone at the door.

Would you hold on a
minute? Yeah. Thanks.

Well, I see you're all alone.

That's right. And so are you.

Ed, uh, sorry. It... It was just
somebody, uh, selling something.

Yeah, listen, about julie...

Uh, yeah. It was
a silly argument.

She wanted to go
on a backpacking trip.

3 Girls with 3 boys.

I... I just, I didn't
think it was right.

I mean, after all, she's just 16

And I felt a girl of
that age wasn't able to...

Schneider! How did
you... El pass keyo.

Ed, uh, it's just a man.

Not a man, the man.

Schneider, if you don't...

Ed, will you stop that? I mean,
it is none of your business.

We're divorced now.

If I want to have a man in
my apartment, I will have one.

All right, baby,
tell it like it is.


Schneider, will you
give me a break? Ed!

Ann, I've cut myself
do you have a???

No, I'm sorry, david.

Just, uh, coppin' a quick
shave. You know what I mean?

That's right, ed, that's
another man in my apartment.

When I entertain, I entertain!

Ms. Romano, I'm, uh,

I'm a little bit disappointed
in you, I mean, uh,

Why settle for a tricycle
when kawasaki makes a good???


Get out. Now, get out of here.

Now, I know you really
don't mean that, ms. Romano.

Come back later.

Later? Oh, you want to
get rid of the boy scout.

Later, of course.
I'll be back later.

Vroom, vroom.



Uh, ed, hi. Uh, ed!

You're shouting at yourself.

Ed, look, uh, what's
happening here isn't important.

About julie, please, uh,

She's on her way there.

Uh, she-she's probably on a bus.

What I want you to do is go down to
the terminal and wait for her there.

And I want you to call me
the minute she gets there.


Uh, ed, uh, she's back.

She's ok. Yeah, I'll, uh, I'll
call you tomorrow, ok?

Yeah, bye.


Barbara, julie's back!

You're back, aren't you?

Sure, I'm here. I...
I guess I'm back.

Hey, julie!

Hey, runt.

Strange. How come you came back?

My elton john albums. How could I
leave without my elton john albums?

I mean, you know,
elton is everything...

All right, mom.

I wanted to come back.

If I'd have went I'd have
missed you so much.

Even missed the
dribbler over there.

Thanks, baby.

Ok, uh, sit down, both of you.

I, uh, I want to talk to you.


When your father
and I broke up...

I was scared, plenty scared.

But I didn't want
you kids knowing it,

Because you were
very rocky yourselves.

So, I played it very big, uh,
took back my maiden name.

Annie romano, liberated
woman, master of her fate.

Well, the master had a disaster.

But I have learned a lot today.

From now on, we'll
level with each other.

I don't know everything.

Uh, maybe I don't know anything.

But I'm trying.

So, uh,

Stick with me, huh?

We'll make it.

I promise.

I love you and you.


Julie, about your camping trip.

I, uh, may be wrong, but, i, uh,

Still don't want you going.

I don't want you going.

But I am gonna let you.

'Cause, uh, 'cause
I'm just not sure.

Sue me.

Ann, I think I should go
down to the bus terminal...


Hi, david.

Oh, uh.

This comes as no surprise to me.

I mean, all us kids
knew she'd be back.

I apologise to all you kids.

Wait a minute, I
have a great idea,

A great idea, why don't
we go out and celebrate?

Why don't I take you
all out to dinner?

Oh, terrific, you're
on. Oh fantastic.

Hey, I've gotta
make a phone call.

A short one. Ok, baby.

A short phone call?


Right. Uh, I'll tell
her to keep it short.

Trudy? Julie.

Uh, look about
that trip, no dice.

Hey, I argued and argued
with my mom about it,

But she won't let me go.

She's so stubborn.

She's a rock.


This program was
recorded on tape

In front of a live audience.
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