02x08 - Keilen Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x08 - Keilen Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny,"

Jo meets the keilens... Hello!

Hi. How are you?

Good, I'm tami keilen.

A family living the american dream.

With a former navy s.e.a.l. Dad

Who has conceded defeat... Wave the white flag.

And a mom who will settle for no less than perfection.

You are messing up your hair. [Crying]

With one out-of-control ringleader

Who will test jo's techniques and her parents' patience...

Did you just spit?

Jo needs to get mom to loosen up...


Before there's a family breakdown.

I just need her time.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see what family we've got here.

Hi, we're the keilens.

I'm tami. I'm .

I'm shaun. I'm .

[Giggling] give me that fork.

We have four children--

Haeley, who is ,

Twin girls maile and malia, who are ,

And leighton, who is .

So sweet!

I work at least five days a week

At an ice cream restaurant.

I used to be a navy s.e.a.l.

Now I work as a fireman/paramedic.

I work a -hour shift, a.m. To a.m.,

Which can make it difficult for my wife

'Cause she's gotta deal with the kids

From morning until night.

I'm gonna get a key and unlock it.

You're gonna be in big trouble.

[Shaun] life in our house now

Is very hectic and chaotic. Just relax. Come here.

And there's maile, the brown-haired one.

I think she likes being naughty. I think she likes to fight.

Dressing maile in the morning can be impossible.

You put one outfit on her. She takes it off,

Slams doors,

Does everything so that you can't function normally.


Sometimes it could take up to two hours

For me to finally win the battle.

This is out of control.

In malia's perfect world, she would be on my lap

Hours a day.

You need to be a big girl. You're .

I don't wish twins on my worst enemy.

Our oldest, haeley,

Gets frustrated a lot with her sisters.

No ice cream!

Sometimes she can be physical with them.

You stop it, you! No, you stop it!


Supernanny, please come to our house. We need your help.

Better bring some boxing gloves,

'Cause you're gonna be in for one heck of a fight.

Shaun and tami, you definitely do need my help.

I'll be there straightaway.


Hi. How are you?

Good. I'm tami keilen. How are you?

Great. How are you? Very well.

When jo showed up at my house,

I could tell that she was a very serious person

And that she was really ready to get right to business

When she got there.

Okay, tami, I'm here to observe very sharply

And watch you throughout the day.

So I just want you to just make out I'm not here, all right?okay.

The first thing that tami and I did

Was to go upstairs and wake up the girls.

This is haeley. Can you say hi, haeley?

Haeley and...


Maile. Hi, maile.

Are we still sleepyheads?

Malia. [Whines]

Can you say hi, malia?

This is the angel of the family.

Never crabby.

Hi, honey.


This is leighton. Hiya, leighton.

After mommy introduced me to the children,

She then started to proceed in getting them ready

For the morning.

They have crazy hair in the morning,

So I always just do everything in the morning.

I'm a perfectionist. I like the kids to look good.

I want them to look like a million bucks

When they walk out that door.


It's pretty crazy in the morning.

It can be an absolute nightmare.


I like everything to be perfect, I think.

Mom was so busy getting the girls ready

That she forgot that leighton was downstairs.

Hello. You're all by yourself.

I think mom forgot she's got four.

[Sighs] I forgot the baby in the high chair.

When we got upstairs, I noticed

That mom had picked out the exact same sweater

For all three of the girls.

I picked out their white sweaters

Because that's what I wanted them to wear.

I want them to be the same.

Bottom line, I want 'em to look great all the time.

[Crying] itchy!

Mommy has the same sweater on, and it doesn't itch mommy.


Maile, you listen to mommy.


You're going to your bedroom.


Whilst maile was having a temper tantrum

And taking up all of mom's time,

I went over to the sisters

To find out exactly how they felt about this.

She gives you a headache?

Yeah? Does she give you a headache, haeley?

Do not bite your clothes. Knock it off.

Maile went on and on and on.

And we all listened and carried on listening.


I need to do your hair, okay?

Tami just continued to tolerate

Maile's frustration and anger

And never put her foot down once.


When maile was, you know,

Throwing a fit about the sweater,

I mean, it did not surprise me.

That's what she does all day long.

You are messing up your hair.

[Maile crying]

Okay, sit up big so I can do your hair again.

[Maile continues crying]

For two hours, maile fought,

And I looked at tami and thought,

"My word, she wants them to look perfect."

Nothing's good enough.

Nothing is ever good enough for her.

So there's mom and maile

Arguing about this white jumper,

And dad finally comes by, and I'm thinking,

"That's it. Dad's gonna put a stop to this."

Hello. Good morning.

Hi. Hi. I'm shaun. Nice to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.

What's going on here, maile?

But he doesn't. He makes it worse!

It's kind of big, isn't it?

Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it.

Put the white shirt on.

Mom says we need to wear this,

And you know who's the boss. Who's the boss?


You really won that battle.

Listening to maile argue became a tiresome event.

But apparently, this is nothing new.

Maile does this all the time.

No, you just had time to get daddy.

Daddy's too much of a wimp with you.

Coming up on...

Dad reveals his true feelings.

And she's a great mother, great career woman.

She's gorgeous, but... I just need her time.

While jo bursts mom's perfect bubble...

Your perfection is having your daughters

Look like dollies.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

What do you want for lunch?

Okay, we're all having the same thing, okay?

Mommy's gonna make macaroni. I already got the water boiling.

Maybe we can have this for supper.

Mom was in the kitchen preparing lunch,

But ol' maile had a different opinion

Of what she wanted to eat.


When maile didn't get her own way,

She went straight over to the girls,

And she ruined their game.

Maile, that's usually what you pick out every single day.

So dad put her on hisversion of the naughty chair.

Look at me.

You're gonna sit here for two minutes

'Cause you flipped the board over, okay?

I've seen some of your techniques.

I don't know if I'm doing it right.


That naughty bench I saw-- that's not mytechnique.


But I mean, it's like, what should I do,

Handcuff her to this chair?

You know who's chief in this house,

And it ain't mom and dad.

What did you do? Did you spit?

I'm getting your black outfit.

If you not getting sit that chair, the outfit is mine.

The black outfit is maile's favorite outfit.

She loves to wear it at all times.

Go get in your time-out chair, or these are gone.

So what's gonna happen now? I mean...

We're probably gonna go eat some lunch,

And she'll probably come on down and eat some lunch,

Then we'll...

You know, I don't know, you know what I mean? I don't know.

If you don't know, I certainly don't know, that's for sure.


After lunch, it was time for mom

To go to the market with the girls,

So she decided to get them ready...




You girls good apples or bad apples?

Honey, be nice. Be nice.

Chew me up and spit me out?

So, girls, come on. Let's get our shoes on.

These girls cause havoc.


They shout. They fight with one another,

And they constantly take their seat belts off.

Taking the kids to the grocery store--

It's embarrassing because

I don't like having other people stare at us.

Maile, get in the stroller-- the cart. [Crying]


We're not having baby food for supper,

So pick another thing.

Their behavior in public was a disaster.

Mom's embarrassed

Because of the way the children behaved.

No, we're not having candy.


I'd like people to think that we have it all together,

But we don't.

When we got home from the store,

Tami started frantically cleaning the house,

Which was pretty clean already.

I'm a perfectionist. My blood boils

When my kids walk over my vacuum tracks.

It does. It just makes me crazy

When I don't see vacuum tracks in my carpet.

That's the way I am.

While mom was making sure her house looked spotless,

I had a chance to pull dad aside

And have a little chat with him.

For you, what really seems to be

A major issue in your house

Where you become very frustrated?

Um... My wife just loves to get clean,

And I like it that she keeps a very clean house.

But it'd be kind of nice

To sometimes have a little in-between time.

'Cause a lot of times we clean for two, three hours,

And we go to sleep in the middle of the night

And wake up and do it all over again.

Do you miss that time?


The one thing that shaun feels very emotional about

Is his wife.

I mean, I love my kids so much

And I love to spend so much time with them.

But I guess when I decided to...

Excuse me.

I guess when I decided to have children,

I didn't want to... [Sniffles]

Completely sacrifice all my time with my wife either.

I know we love each other, but...

I mean, I got out of the navy for my wife.

[Voice breaking] I can't believe...

I just want, you know, I mean, she's a great mother,

Great career woman.

She's gorgeous, but...

I just need her time.

Let me hug you. Give me a hug.

We'll get to the bottom of this, all right?

You've got a father at the moment

Who is deeply grateful for the family that he has,

And he absolutely adores his wife,

And he's missing her.

I've had more than enough time to observe,

So why don't we sit down and have a family meeting?

All right?

I'm nervous about what jo's about to tell us

Because I've been told a million times before

That I just need to chill out, relax,

And I have a really big feeling that

That's what jo is gonna rip me apart.

I wanna say that your four children--

They are absolutely gorgeous.

Thank you.

Maile is a very bright girl.

I love how she's opinionated, how she has this strong will.


You guys are mixing that up with power and control

And allowing maile to be able to have that full reign.

She's years old.

She's just so hard to fight with.

Half the times I just give in

Just to let her have her way so that everybody else

Can have a better day.

But the whole house is upset

Because you're lettingher have her own way.

We've conceded defeat.

We wave the white flag.

I mean, that's what I feel like sometimes.

I feel like whatever we do, it doesn't work.

But you guys don't step up as parents...

Which leads me on to the next point--discipline.

You tolerate behavior that is beyond me.

What is going on with the morning routine?

It took you over three hours

To get the girls ready.


I just... I don't... I like everything to be perfect.

Now, tami, let's talk about your perfection.

What is perfect?

What's enough?

[Whispers] I don't know.

Your perfection is

Having your daughters look like dollies.

And having to clean

And keep it perfect

Keeps you up to what time in the morning, tami?

[Sniffles] I don't know.

Sometimes till : in the morning.

: In the morning.

So where's time for you and shaun?

I miss you.

I hope you don't feel pressure from me

To keep everything so perfect.

It's gonna be pretty hard to change me,

But I'm willing to try.

It upset me when jo was starting to criticize me

About how perfect my house is

Because that's just the way I am.

Are you prepared to put the hard work in

And change this around for the better for your family?

We are. I am.

All right, let's get working.

Coming up on...

Okay, up again.

Maile won't take the naughty chair sitting down.


And jo sorts out mom's issue with the girls' clothes...

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, if you're traveling in the car

And your children are starting to fight,

Do not try and discipline them through your rearview mirror.

Stop the car, turn around, give your children a warning

And use direct eye contact.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] the first thing I do when I walk into a household

Is to place a family routine into the home

So that it brings structure and organization to the family.



Come over here,

'Cause I've got something very exciting to show you.

Okay, a family routine

Because you guys need structure.

:--Mom and dad up.

:--Haeley up and dressed, breakfast

And ready for school.

Then from to :,

The girls are up and dressed by themselves. Okay.

At :, I've underlined here "all night mom and dad."

Okay, this is your evening together.

It won't do you any harm to get out

One of those evenings as well and get a babysitter in.


It is so important to be able to have

Praise and reward in your household

As well as discipline.

So I introduced a reward scheme for the girls,

And they were flower pots.

Girls, look at what I've got here.

Three flower pots.

And these are your flowers.

Okay, so, girls, you'll be rewarded

With a flower stem

When mommy and daddy feel that you deserve it.

When they've reached ten,

They're then given a reward by the pair of you.

Equally, if they misbehave,

Then they'll lose one of their flowers.

So today we'll start it, all right?

[Shaun] I think someone's getting started already.

[Jo laughing]

I really like the flower pots that jo put in.

And we weren't even really done explaining it,

And haeley was grabbing the laundry,

Going up the stairs.

So I'm excited about it

Because the kids are excited about it.

We're gonna place the pots right at the back there

So they can see.

I thought to myself, "hello, tami.

"You're supposed to be this perfect mom,

"This perfect girl. Why didn't you think about that years ago?"

Good job, haeley. Here's number one.

You put a flower in your pot, okay?

No, we're gonna eat supper now,

But play with daddy for one more minute.

[Jo] okay, mom, let's go in with a warning, all right?

Maile, if you don't go in there with daddy,

We're gonna have to sit in the naughty chair,

So let's go with daddy. Okay, and make that decision, mom.

Maile wanted something to eat,

And mom was cooking dinner

And told maile that she would have to wait.

Maile didn't want to listen. Surprise, surprise.

And she ended up on the naughty bench.


Okay, up you go.

[Jo] she wasn't having none of it, so she got up.

Go right there with mom.


It went on for a while, and I was like, oh, my god.

Is this kid ever gonna quit? It could go on all night.


It's all right.


But then maile stood there. Mom was absolutely shocked.

She couldn't believe that maile had got it

And recognize that there was no point

In even getting up anymore because mom's

Gonna place her back on that naughty bench.

[Jo] say, "sorry, mommy." Say, "sorry, mommy."

Because tami has had so much trouble

With getting the girls dressed in the morning,

I wanted to introduce a technique to her.

What we're gonna do is the...

You girls are going to

Sort out your clothes,

And they're gonna have their clothes in each drawer.

I was mad at first. I was just like,

"My kids' clothes are a big issue with me."

I sat there. I listened.

I thought to myself in the back of my mind,

"Am I ever gonna be able to do this?" Should we get started?

We've got clothes everywhere.

Yeah, this is gonna be embarrassing.

They have a lot of clothes, guys. Let's bag up some stuff.

No one really messes with my wife's closets

Or her kids' clothes, so I knew

My wife's blood was boiling underneath.

[Tami] oh, no, please don't go in there.

I didn't like it at all. I mean, I didn't.

This is a major issue for you.

I was thinking to myself, "what does it matter

"What's in your closet?" You know?

We're gonna be here till next year.

No, we're gonna get this done. Let's be optimistic.

I need to have casual on one side,

Formal on the other.


I do feel that she's going to struggle with letting go

Of some of this control. We're gonna get all the colors

That are existing now and place them on one bed.

What I want you to do is to separate them.

That one's maile's, malia.

I'm gonna bring the girls up, and I'm gonna say to them

I want you to put your clothes into your drawer.

You guys are each getting out two drawers

That have your name on 'em. Whose name is this right here?


Beaker's. Whose is on the bottom?

Malia's. Malia's.

What I want you girls to do

Is I want you to put all your clothes in your drawers. Hey, beak.

In your drawer.oh.

[Laughs] this is fun, huh?

[Jo] well done.

Where do these go?

Maile, good job, maile.

[Jo] good job, maile.


I like to see my kids get really excited

That they have their own drawers,

And it really excited me.

It makes me really happy. [Shaun] wow.

[Jo] look at you girls.


Coming up on...

Now what we're gonna do is play a game called "car bingo."

When it comes to behaving in the car... I see something out my window.

Jo spells it out for the girls...

See how mommy's playing the game, too? You're not a kid!


When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, are you feeling totally overwhelmed

By your children's clothes?

If so, get busy.

Start separating the old from the new.

Give 'em to your friends, or better yet, donate them.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Bright and early in the morning I arrived

To help tami get the girls dressed.

Morning. Good morning.

Fresh morning today, mom. Mm-hmm.

I noticed that a big problem in the morning

Was that mom chose the girls' clothes,

And they didn't like that,

So I'm introducing the "a" and "b" technique,

Where mom will pick out

Two outfits for the girls, and they will choose

Which one they're going to wear for the day.

So tami still gets a level of control,

But the girls get to feel like they choose their outfits, too.

This is outfit "a."

This is your "b" shirt, honey.

Let's go have a look at the jeans.

Malia, this is your "b," okay?

Say to maile, "these are your choices."

Maile, these are your choices. This is "a"

And this is "b." Malia, this is your "a,"

And this is your "b."

Which one would you like to wear today?

And the girls hid. They hid underneath the covers.

They weren't having anything to do with this.

Okay, so maile now needs to make a choice.

So if you can tell her that...

Maile, you need to make a choice out of "a" or "b."

But maile didn't put up a fight for too long,

And sooner or later, she complied.

Maile started to get herself dressed

For the first time all by herself.

Good job. You are so big, maile.

Maile really surprised me.

I didn't think she'd ever, you know, quit the fight.

I was completely, completely amazed.

So together, you guys are a team, right?

Right? Together, you're gonna deal with this.


It's your choice

If you get dressed or you get a time-out.

You need to get dressed by yourself.

Malia was a little bit hesitant,

But when she saw maile get herself dressed,

She soon did the same.


It was a really good morning.

Today the children ultimately got themselves dressed

And have moved on to breakfast.

I'm incredibly happy for tami and shaun

Because they've managed to pull off together

This morning routine.

And thanks for dressing yourself today.

Yeah! All right!


Okay. Shopping technique,

So that the supermarket trip isn't a nightmare.

Maile, get in the stroller and cart.

[Jo] so the next thing I did

Was to introduce the shopping technique.

So each board has their own magnetized food.

What this would do would help mom

To get the children involved in helping her shop

So that they're not running around the supermarket.

"What does your one say? Oh, your one says, 'bread.'

"Okay, let's go and get some bread, then."

And when they've got the bread, mark it off.

Before we go shopping,

We need to talk about how we get there.

Now how do we get to the supermarket?


A car, exactly. So follow me into the living room here.

I wanted to pretend play with the girls to show them

What would happen once we were in the car.

What we're going to do is to pretend

That we're in the car.

Actually, mommy doesn't have a steering wheel.

A steering wheel.


Let's put our seat belts on.

Ready? [Imitates seat belt clicking]

[Jo] the girls get really rowdy in the car.

You stop it, you!

No, you stop it.

So I wanted to show mom one way

Of how she could keep the girls engaged.

Now what we're gonna do is play a game called "car bingo."

Car bingo is a great game

To keep children entertained whilst on the road.

What you're going to do

Is use those big, beautiful eyes

And look out the window

And see if you can find what's on your car bingo mats.

Well, it didn't take long. The girls wanted to get

Their coats, they wanted to put their shoes on,

And they were ready to start going out.

Ooh, malia!

We're lucky.

Bingo! You get trees!

I see something out my window.


Right there!


The car ride and the bingo game went great.

I was excited that the kids were getting excited

About what they saw outside, and it worked awesome.

I see a school bus. [Jo] I see a school bus.

Does anybody see a school bus? You're not a kid!


I a winner.

The car journey was a success,

And mom was ready to put the shopping technique

Into practice.

Where could we find potatoes?

Tami gave the girls their shopping boards,

And off they went into the supermarket.

[Tami] good job, haeley.

Malia, do you see macaroni? Good job, maile.

Is this the same family?

You guys are doing so good. You guys are my big helpers.

Put it in the cart. Mark it off your list.

Mom was encouraging them,

And the children were happy

To be helping her and getting involved

In getting the shopping done.

Look at mom. All the girls-- they're all helping her.

Absolute success.

It went so smooth. Like, I was proud to have my kids

In the grocery store for once.

Give mommy a big hug.


When we got back from the store,

Mom knew that the girls had behaved incredibly well

And that they deserved a flower.

Okay, here, maile, here's yours, here's malia's,

And here's haeley's.

[Shaun] that's for being-- for good behavior, girls.

That was for good behavior at the grocery store, girls.

Mommy and daddy are so proud of you.

The flower pots that jo gave the girls

Is working out really well. How many do we need to get, ladies?


Ten. And then what happens?

They're always asking if they're gonna get a flower

And what their special surprise is gonna be,

And they're really trying to be good.

Listen, girls, I'm gonna go now,

So I want big hugs and kisses, please.

Big hugs and kisses.

Kiss, kiss, kiss. Malia! Mwah!

Listen, I wanna see you girls have lots of flowers

In your pots when I return, okay?

Leighton. Give me a kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.

Shaun and tami,

I'm gonna leave you guys with some homework.

Get yourselves out for the night.

I wanna see you guys have some fun, so babysitter in,

And the night on the town for the pair of you.

I'm very nervous about how well I can follow through

With her techniques.

I just hope that I don't let my kids overpower me once again.

Bye! Bye!



I'm gonna be gone for a while, but I really do hope

That tami and shaun can pull together.

Otherwise, the girls are gonna continue to run this house.

Coming up on...

The fashion police pull dad over.

It does not match at all. How about green?

No. Okay, is there something wrong

With these eight white shirts?

And haeley's rules are ignored...

You're going on that time-out chair for six minutes.

You're going to the time-out chair for six minutes.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


The keilen family are on their own now,

So let's just see how they get on.

[Jo] looks like dad's alone with the girls tonight.

[Shaun] girls, anyone wanna help dad pick up,

Or do you wanna play?

I have to pay it!

No, ipay it.

No, ipay it. Ipay it.

[Jo] shaun, get in there and break this up.

What's going on?

I'm gonna pay.

If you girls wanna help dad,

If you girls wanna help dad clean up the kitchen,

There might be a flower in it for ya.

There willbe a flower.

[Jo] shaun, the flowers are not for bribing.

They're for noticing good behavior.


That looks like a tough one.

[Jo] that's nice, tami playing a game with the girls.


Hey! No, this behavior's unacceptable.

[Jo] come on, tami. She was just trying to play by rules.

If you tell your sister how to play the game again,

You're going on that time-out chair for six minutes.

I said I don't care what the rules are.

You're going to the time-out chair for six minutes.




[Jo] she didn't deserve the naughty bench for that one.

[Shaun] we should get 'em dressed.

[Jo] it's time to get the girls dressed.

Let's just see how flexible tami is.

I'm picking out--these pants are gonna be in one pile.

Okay, shaun, she doesn't have a shirt to match it yet. Well, I'm picking it out.

[Maile] is that mine?

Absolutely not wearing a cheerleader shirt

With army pants.

Let me look through their drawers, all right?

[Jo] mom, loosen up.

This is just a casual day for the girls.

It does not match at all.

How about green? No.

All right, you can hand it to me.

Is there something wrong with these eight white shirts?

Can I just say something?

Did you wake up this morning and think,

"Oh, gosh, I'm gonna pick out something for myself

"That doesn't match"?

[Jo] tami, shaun, this is not what we talked about. If you don't think--

Okay, I used to be like right here, okay?

I think it's huge for me

To have the kids pick "a" and "b."

It used to be "this is what you're wearing.

"This is what mommy says," bottom line.

It does, honey. So good. See?

[Jo] you know, haeley's right, mom.

You need to chill out more.

I'm on my way back.



[Both] hi.

Hi! How are you both? Great, thanks.

Watching the dvd is very helpful for the parents

Because they get to see the mistakes they've made

And then how we are going to fix it. So here goes.

I have to pay it!

If you girls want to help dad,

If you girls want to help dad clean up in the kitchen,

There might be a flower in it for ya.

Okay, someone didn't wanna do the kitchen that night.

You went into diverting the children

Rather than dealing with the issue

That the pair of 'em were having with that game.

And what you ultimately did was bribe 'em...

Which every parent's done,

But this is about rewarding the children for behavior

That you naturally see how they do.

Otherwise, they're gonna be soon coming up to you

Negotiating bigger rewards.

All right?

So just be very aware of that, shaun.

Otherwise, you're gonna be in big trouble with these girls.

I'm trying to move it!

You tell your sister how to play the game again,

You're going on that time-out chair for six minutes.

I'm telling her the rules. [Crying]

So if we're going to play the same game together,

And the girls--the twin girls are not old enough

To be able to understand,

Then as the parent, whoever is playing with the girls

Needs to be able to step in

And make sure that you keep that order

So that we're not unnecessarily placing

Any child into a naughty bench technique

When we could just be discussing and resolving here.

All right?


It does not match at all.

How about green? No.

All right. You can hand it to me.

Is there something wrong with these eight white shirts?

What are you two doing?

I got frustrated with shaun

Because he was picking out stuff that didn't match,

And I think he wanted to see how far I would go

With giving up this whole clothes thing.

Recognize the fact

That tami has worked very hard...

Absolutely. To be able to put those children

In different outfits, but it's casual and it's formal,

And if actually they're just going out on their bikes,

At the end of the day, does it really matter?


It kinda came back on me

That if they're just going outside,

Why do they have to match?

And that's gonna be something that I have to get over.

I can't say that I'm over it now.

Okay, so let's continue to see it work.

Coming up on...

The twins reveal their fall line...

And there's a spy among the family...

[Sing-song voice] I know what it is. No!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


All right, this is what we're gonna do.

Tami was still very highly strung

When it'd come to picking the children's outfits,

So I wanted her to loosen up a little bit and have some fun.

Daddy and I are putting on a fashion show.

Mom was very apprehensive about this fashion show.

We ready?

Okay, let's go then, girls.

Shaun? Mom, we'll be down in a minute.

So we all went upstairs,

And shaun started to pick out some clothes for the girls,

And so did i.

Malia. Let's choose an outfit for malia.


Size ?

Look at you. Good job.



Maile and malia!

[Jo and tami clapping]


Hi, girls. You look beautiful.

What do you think of the outfits?

I love malia's.

And what's maile's?

Um, we're gonna stay inside all day.

[Laughing] no, I don't know.

It's casual but not matching.

Clothes are such an important issue for tami.

But I wanted her to see the bigger picture

Of all of this.

It's really about what pleasing to youreye,

But recognize for the kids it doesn't matter to them.

It's about them playing and having fun,

And sooner or later,

They're gonna have their own opinions as teenagers

About what they want to wear, so just have fun with it.

I introduced a new game to tami to play with the girls

So that she could learn how to deal with haeley's frustration.

We're gonna play "I spy." Mommy is going to call "I spy."

So they could all play together nicely.

I spy with my little eye

Something... Pink.

[Haeley] is it the carpet?

It's the carpet. Oh, yay.

As predicted, haeley was answering all the questions

Before her sisters, so I let it be maile's turn first

Just to see how haeley would react.

Now it's maile's turn.

I spy... With my little eye

Something... Orange.

That ball.

Nope. That thing.

Nope. What about over there?

[Jo] haeley, mommy said, "shh."

[Sing-song voice] I know what it is.


But if you know... I'm not telling.

Don't yell. I don't want you to yell.

Mom did a lot better with haeley.

Instead of losing her temper, she explained

How she needed to have more patience.

What you were doing, I want you to continue.

Jo ws really right

When she showed me at a different angle

How to handle the situation

So I don't start yelling out of frustration.

[Shaun] tell jo jo to take a knee.

Take a knee.

Close your eyes.

Put your hands out. [Shaun] when we meet people, we ask our kids,

"Do you think they're a good apple or a bad apple?"

And right away they were kind of giving jo a hard time,

Calling her a bad apple. You're a good apple!


[Tami] by the time jo left, our three girls realized

That she was a really good apple,

And they wanted to give her an apple

So that every time she thought of an apple,

She'd think of them because she turned them into such--

She turned them into really good girls.

I am very proud of each one of you

For all those flowers in those pots.

I wanna see lots of flowers all the time, all right?

And you getting your rewards.

I'm now gonna say good-bye to mommy and daddy.

You really are blessed to have such beautiful children.

Keep up the hard work. You guys really worked hard.

Keep with that routine.

Give lots of praise. Use those flower pots for rewards.

But at the same time,

Don't feel bad parents because you implement discipline.

Your children need that from you.

Give me a big hug.

I don't think I was ready for her to leave at all, or shaun.

I don't think any of us were. It'll be hard without her.

She was such a good sense of encouragement to all of us

When we were going through all of this.

At least you cried instead of me.

Come here, give me a hug, you. Thanks very much.

Thanks for coming. You're more than welcome. You're more than welcome.

Keep talking, keep talking.

Take care.


[Tami] bye. Thank you.

[Shaun] thank you, jo.

Bye-bye. Take care. Bye. Thank you.

We're on our own now, baby.

I think the keilen family have recognized

That as a family what's important

Is that they're all happy,

And with their hard work and with everybody contributing,

There's no reason why

They can't continue to be happy and contented.


I think if one thing's changed the most, it's been tami.

Which ones would you like to pick? This one.

[Shaun] since they're picking out their clothes,

It's been so easy getting the kids dressed.

They're doing it themselves. Shaun and I being able to have our mornings back--

I've really seen a change in me and shaun and all the kids,

And it's only for the better.

Let's hear it for dad. Hip-hip... [Girls] hooray.


Hooray! Yeah.

Who loves you? Mama.

This whole process brought shaun and I closer together.

I wanna have time with my wife. I love my wife.

I realized that it doesn't take long for me

To see the woman that I fell in love with

And how great of a woman she is.



I think the kids are happier.

[Tami] like, the little things that they do for one another

And wait and take turns

And just play together as friends.

The household seems so much more laid-back, easygoing.

The expectations seem more reasonable.

By you coming here, it made haeley tell me,

"Mommy, it doesn't matter what you look like.

"It's about who you are."

Pull his horns. This is how you steer, guys, right here.

You wanna go left, you twist to the left.

I just wanna thank you, jo, for coming to my house

And helping myself and my family.

I'm truly grateful for that.

Jo jo, you are a good apple.

Peace... Love... Happiness.

Jo, I just wanna say thank you from the bottom of my heart

For helping shaun and I bring out the absolute best

In all four of our kids.


Kids, scream all you want.

I can't hear a word you're saying.

You guys ready to start? Yeah.

Yep, go ahead and start.

Best invention you can make right here.

Dad's gonna play "I'm a big elk,

"And I'm gonna get these naughty little girls."

[Growling] come here.

It's just you and i. What are you gonna do?

[Growling] ohh!

[Malia] I'm going to save you!

Hey. Hold on. Okay.

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