01x09 - Feline Frenzy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x09 - Feline Frenzy

Post by bunniefuu »




Yumachocolate pancakes

Put the biscuits in the pajamas and add some papaya juice.

Cathyhehe, mission accomplished.


♪ As life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Down and down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams from dieing ♪

♪ I hi-five the skys

♪ Spread my wings say got this time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future is still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breathe my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'm taking a chance today


Bronki'm telling you, it doesn't make sense.

Tori - we both know yuma can't duel.

But all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he's rockin' his deck,

He's winning duels left and right.

Toriso, maybe he just got better.

The only thing that makes sense is that there really is an

Invisible ghost duelist from another universe following him

Around and giving him advice.

Hang on, you think that makes sense?

It's the only explanation where the logic actually adds up


Yumawhat's up, guys!

Morning, yum-uuhhhhh.


Look at yuma!

What's he doing?

Hey, what's everyone all worked up about, tori?

Ahh, I'll tell you that the what is,


I don't like to criticize but I'm sorry, yuma, I can't not say

Anything anymore. I can no longer hold it in!

There was yesterday!

Hey, everybody!

And the day before!

What's up, people!

And the day before that!

Who wants to duel!?


Do you not see everyone laughing?

Do you not hear them?

I figured someone told a joke.

You're the joke!

Look at yourself, yuma.

Look what you look like!

What am I wearing!?


We were hoping that you could tell us.

Ahh, I have no idea I'm always half asleep in the morning.

I just throw on whatever's on the floor and run out the door!

It's not just the costumes...

It's like a lotta things have been different with you lately.

Yuma. Your lunches have been like little -star restaurants.

Yesterday, in the gym

Get ready bronk cause I'm gonna high-five the sky!

Up up and away

Is he kidding me?


What's with the wire!? Ahh.

You're right, tori.

It's almost like someone's messing with me.

I hadn't really thought about it before, but

It seems, you do not think about much.

I think about lots of things!

Then think about this

For the past several nights, someone has been sneaking around

In your room while you sleep.

Someone's been sneakin' around my room and you keep it

All to yourself!?

You never ask me to keep you informed.

How was I to know that someone being in your room

Is an unusual occurrence?

Are you serious right now?

Of course it's an unusual occurrence!

That does it!

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!

You might wanna put on a decent outfit first.

I'm not dressed like this because I wanna be!


You didn't even notice that you were dressed like that.

Time to face facts, yuma.

You're oblivious when it comes to fashion.

Huh, what about you?

It's not like you're a fashion model!

I'm not the one dressed like a s has been.

Well you're--!!

You're wearing your school uniform!

Cause I'm at school genius.

Okay, let's put this to a test

Tomorrow afternoon, we hit the mall.

We each get one hour to pick out an outfit.

We post pictures on spacenook and we let our class decide

Who's hot and who's not.

It is on!

City center, pm!

Don't be late!

Says the guy who's never on time!



Cathymy friends, you're the only ones who care about me...

And now I need your help.

I need you to deal with an annoying little mouse.

This mouse has things I don't have she has friends.

One friend in particular...

It's not fair.

She makes me a sad kitten.

We don't like her, do we?


I want you to find this little mouse.

And when you do I want you to pounce!

Who does this, tori?

Who's late to a fashion-off because she couldn't

Decide what to wear!?



Uuuu nice kitties


Man, and tori says I'm never on time...

Maybe she's forfeiting.



What are these?

That awful noise they are emitting is making my spine

Tingle. It is terrifying.

Hang on a sec.

Are you trying to tell me that you're scared of cats?

They are simply not in my observation report.

Well, let me tell you about 'em.

Cats prowl the earth, looking for glowing ghosts they can

Gobble up for breakfast.

That's why they're all staring at you.

Actually, yuma these creatures appear

To be staring at you.


Huh that looks like the ribbon tori wears in her hair

What this?

"We have your friend.

Follow us to get her back."

Yuma! Wait!


Are you in here!?

Whoa it's like a cat mansion.

Everywhere you turn, it's cats, cats, cats


Thank you for coming, yuma.

Who are you?

I'm cathy katherine.

"Cathy katherine?"


But you can just call me cat.

Whatever you say

I believe that I recognize this girl.


She attends your school.

She is often alone, standing off to the side.

Oh, yeah, you'reeee..

That's right, I'm.!

Never seen ya before.


It's fine.

I'm used to it.

Look, let's just get to the point here!

What have you done with tori?

Tori, tori, tori is she all you think about?

No, I think about lots of stuff, but...!


Whatever, just let her go!

Only if you defeat me in a duel.

Ahh, a duel?

You're not a scaredy cat, are you?

Astral think she's got a number card?

If she does have a number then you have to win this duel.

I was planning on winning either way.

Let's do this!

Duel disk go!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Duel interface set!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Bothlet's duel!

My claws are sharp!

And I've got all nine lives!

So get ready - I draw!


I'll activate the inviting cat card from my hand.

So she's kicking things off with a spell

Thanks to inviting cat, I can add a stray cat to my hand.

But that's not all

Next, I'm activating the continuous spell, cat meeting!

A continuous spell!

As long as she meets the conditions she can activate

That spell over and over.

Here, kitty kitty first I summon stray cat in attack mode.

And when I summon a cat monster, cat meeting activates, allowing

Me to summon another stray!

After all, no kitty likes to be alone.


Maybe not.

But those mangy alley cats only have a hundred attack points.

They're totally harmless!

You think so?

You're probably right.

I'm not sure what I was thinking silly me.

I'll just place a card facedown and end my turn.


It's your move, yuma

All right then.

Get set to get decked!

I'm summoning achacha archer!

And when achacha archer is successfully summoned, he can

Instantly dish out points of damage!



And there's plenty more where that came from!

Yuma, wait!

Let us talk this through first.

What's there to talk about!?

Achacha archer attack!


What's the hold up, big guy?

Just take out one o' the stray cats!

That white one over there!

Or no, maybe the gray one aaaargh, I can't decide!

My my my I just remembered that when stray cat is in attack

Mode, you can't target any other monster.

So wait, but I mean, if.

Interesting tactic this poses a bit of a dilemma.


Both of her monsters are stray cats.

Well, yeah, and?

If you target one, the other one will leap in and become the

Target of your attack

This cycle will go on and on and on.

So basically I can't attack!

Ahh, this isn't good

Uh I don't know what to do here.


Yuma I think I know a method that will get us

Out of this situation.

Stop talking!

I'm trying to concentrate.

I know I can do this.

I know I've got what it takes to save tori.

Maybe if well, no, 'cause then

I bet your thinking about her!


All right! I think I got it!

I've got a little flip flap spell card action for

You and your strays!!

With this card, I can now change the battle mode of

One monster on the field!


Let's go with the white one.

Alright, archer -- you're up!

Target that gray one!


My kitty!

The stray cat's ability was dependent on it

Being in attack mode.

So by forcing one of them into defense mode, yuma made the

Other one vulnerable.

That was the suggestion I was going to make.

Perhaps it is better that he came up with

That move on his own...

Cat! You're gona wish you hadn't messed with my friend

Tori! Just you wait!

It's not fair.

I'm standing here right in front of you.

And all you care about is tori?

Just forget about her!

You're supposed to be focusing on me!

Uhh, what is with you?

Before you even think of making another move, I'm activating a

Spell card!

Since you destroyed my cut lil' stray cat, now I can use the

Mysterious cat transformation spell card and summon

Monster cat!


That thing is freaky!

When monster cat comes to the field it comes raring to

Destroy all your weak monsters!

And what makes this such a purrrr-fect combo is that for

Every monster that monster cat destroys you get hit for

Points of damage!


That's what you get for thinking about

Tori while we're dueling.

Yeah, sure, lesson learned

You've got my undivided attention. I end my turn.

I hope you like my kitties' tricks!

Cause monster cat's got another one!

Once every turn, it can rescue one stray cat from my deck or my

Graveyard and place it in my hand

And once it's in my hand, I can summon it out to play!

She has three level monsters on her field

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

She's busting out her number card.

I overlay my two stray cats and my monster cat

To build the overlay network!

I xyz summon twin tail cat lady!


She's a little testy!


Why did she not use the number card?

I now activate twin tail cat's special ability!

Once a turn, by using an overlay unit, she can increase her

Attack power by points!


Are you serious??

You've got two more overlay units left, so um...

If you use both of those, we're talking uhh.

Sixteen-hundred more gives her thirty-four hundred.

Ahh, I would've gotten it!

It's been fun dueling with you. Hehe

Perhaps she does not have a number

I don't know who you are!

But you're a great duelist!

You think I'm?

You haven't seen anything yet. Watch this!

Stray cats shouldn't have to live in dirty alleys!


I'm gonna activate the cat world field spell!

Whoa, did we just teleport?

Welcome to cat world.

A world where cats can play in the grass and lie in the sun.

For them, it's a paradise for you, it's a nightmare.

Here in cat world all cats gain attack points equal to

Their original attack points!

That cat lady just keeps getting more powerful

I've got your attention now, don't i? Huh.

Go, twin tail cat lady - attack yuma directly!



I was hoping you would do that!

- So I could do this!

I can activate pixie gong when I take a direct attack.

And its sound wakes up a pixie in my deck and

Summons it in attack mode!

Joe the pixie, report to the front line!

Aww, he's precious!...

Let's see what he can do. Your move

Man, this is a great duel!

You're awesome!

Yeah, you think so?

You bet!

It's just.


It's just so nice to hear you say that because, well

In the real world, there's this boy.

He doesn't even know I exist.

We see each other all the time, but he just

Looks right through me.

This guy sounds like kind of a jerk.

I tried playing all sorts of little tricks on him, just to

Get him to say something to me, but it didn't work.

I'm just so shy.

I wish I could walk right up to him and

Tell him that I like him.

You should!


He'll never know how you feel if you keep it to yourself!

Just go for it!

Put it out there for the world to see!

You're right, yuma. Ahah

I'm gonna do it!

Im gonna go for it!

Ok, here it goes!

Yuma, I think you're really...!

Now,it's my turn now.

I draw!


It's time to bring out acorno!

See, by sending pinecono to my graveyard, I can bring this

Little guy to the field!

And now pinecono's special ability can activate!

When he gets sent to the graveyard,

I can summon him straight out!

Hang on a second, don't...

Alrighty, here we go!

Now I can xyz summon, too!

I overlay my three level monsters in order to build the

Overlay network!!

Say hello to baby tiragon!

For my next move, I'll be summoning

Gagaga magician!

I activate gagaga magician's special ability,

So now he's a level !

And next, I activate baby tiragon's ability!

By using one overlay unit baby tiragon empowers a level

Monster to attack you directly!

Yuma, wait, I wanted to say that--

Gagaga magician attack!!

Go gagaga magic!


I am on a roll

Baby tiragon attack twin tail cat lady!

Do what?

It does not have enough attack points.

I got that covered!

Don't you worry!

Cause from my hand, I'm activating the ego boost spell!

It gives my monster attack points during battle!

So baby tiragon's getting a power up!

Yuma, wait I just wanna say


The fun doesn't stop there.

Cause ego boost lowers cat lady's attack

Point back to their original total!

Yuma, I think that you're...

I am seriously feeling the flow!!

Go, baby tiragon, time to bring us home!

Baby stream!



All right!

I did it!

She did not possess a number card.

You okay?

A deal's a deal.

This is the part where you tell me where tori is cat.

Alright yuma.

Green light green light

Red light!

Hehe, you guys are great!

Green light green light red light!

Tori, what are you doing!?


Well I'm glad to see you're not in any trouble


The cats wanted me to play with them and they were so cute,

I couldn't refuse.

I just lost track of time!

Yuma, how long are you going to stay mad at me!?

I am not mad!

Well ya coulda fooled me.



Do you need something?

Just, um good morning.

What's up!

Okay who was that?

Don't be rude, bronk!

That girl's in our class.

Her name's, uhhh think it's, uhhh

It's cathy.

She goes by "cat." She and I dueled the other day!

Uh! You did?

You- you didn't tell me.

By the way did you ever find out who was

Pulling those pranks on you?

Nope, that trail has officially gone cold.

So it's a hopeless case, just like you.

Hey, what's that supposed to mean?

Observation number .

It seems that yuma is totally and utterly incapable of

Understanding the females of his species.
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