02x07 - Back To Nature

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Bear in the Big Blue House". Aired: October 20, 1997 – April 28, 2006.*
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Bear lives in the Big Blue House where he is a caregiver for his friends Ojo, a bear cub; Tutter, a mouse; Treelo, a lemur; otters Pip and Pop; and storyteller Shadow.
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02x07 - Back To Nature

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪-Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪-Want some fun
-Here's where ♪

♪ Just for you ♪

♪-All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house ♪

♪ Kitchen's here,
bathroom's there ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ Just for you
in the house of blue ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Door is open
Come on in ♪

♪ Now you're here ♪

♪ So let's… Begin ♪

Oh! Hi, there!

You're just in time.

I was just putting out my

I just love recycling!

Putting the cans with the cans,

the bottles with the bottles
and the paper with the paper.

'Cause, all the stuff I throw
out gets turned into new stuff!

But I still have more cleaning
to do in the kitchen so...

Come on in!

[background music]





What's that smell?



Ha! It's you!

Oooh. Tell me.
Have you been outside?

Because you smell all fresh
and natural.



Cause, you smell just like...

A bee! A bee! A bee! A bee!


We'd better go see what's
going on.

Ojo, Ojo, Ojo, Ojo!
Are you okay?

Watch out!

Don't make any sudden moves
or the bee'll sting you!

What bee?

The bee. Bear!
It was in the kitchen before!

It was gonna sting me!

Well, you do have to be
careful around bees,

but if you leave them alone,

they'll leave you alone.

And they won't sting you, Ojo.

Oh, I don't know, Bear.

This particular bee had
a really mean look on his face.

Well... tell you what.

Why don't we go back into
the kitchen together

and you can show me where
the bee is. Okay?

Well, I don't...I don't know...
but, well... okay...

-Okay, c'mon.
-Let's go Okay.

[background music]

Well, he was over there
by the window.

Well, I don't see him now.

Umm... Over by the flower box,

-Oh! There he is!
-Oh, oh. No!

Ojo, it's okay. The bee
is outside in the flower box.

-He's working.

Working? Bees don't work, Bear!
They just sting.

Wow, look at him go.

Bees are really interesting.

Um, um... what's he doing?

Well, why don't you see
for yourself?

Come on up and take a look.

Okay, but...um...

Oh, oh. Not too close!
He's gonna sting me, Bear.

It's okay, Ojo.
We'll be really careful.

Well, what's he doing, Bear?

He's working. He's collecting
pollen from the flowers.

That's what bees do.

They do?

Oh, yeah.
Bees do a lot of good stuff.

Hey, I have an idea...

Why don't we go outside and
watch our new friend the bee

and see where he goes and
what he does.

Hey, we'll go bee-watching!

But are you sure he won't
sting me?

No, Ojo.
We'll be really careful.

Be right back, Bear!

Huh? Where are you going?

I have to get a few things
before I go on my trip, Bear.

-Back in a minute!

Wow! Bee watching out in nature!

[background music]



I love nature!

Nature is everything around
you when you go outside.

It's the trees, the sky,
the dirt, the animals,

the weather!

And you can find nature in so
many places.

Like, for instance.. oh!

You can find nature in
the woods.

[owl hoot]

Or...in the mountains..

Nature is everywhere.

Even if you live in a city,

you can find nature

just by watching an
anthill on the sidewalk.

[background music]

You just have to look for it.

Aaah! I can't wait to get back
out into the great outdoors!

It's been too long.

♪ I like rollin'
down a grassy hillside ♪

♪ I like walkin' in the mud
Squoosh squish ♪

♪ My paws and fur cause
a stir down at the river ♪

♪ When I'm ticklin' the fish ♪

♪ Yeah, down at the river
when I'm ticklin' the fish ♪

♪ I get close to nature
watch the little bugs ♪

♪ Close to nature
Give the trees bear hugs ♪

♪ Winter, spring,
summer or autumn ♪

♪ Love to race down a hill ♪

♪ From the top to the bottom ♪

♪ Oh, yes, I do ♪

♪ And I like it, too ♪


♪ I like sniffin' through
a field of flowers ♪

♪ Use a rock to scratch
my back right here ♪

♪ A dozen bees buzzin'
Please me ♪

♪ Cause I know that
honey hive is very near ♪

♪ I know that honey hive
is very near ♪

♪ I get close to nature
Climb a mountain top ♪

♪ Cose to nature
sit and watch the rain drop ♪

♪ When I see a bird on the wing
can't help my bear self♪

♪ Gotta flap my arms and sing ♪

♪ Yes, I do! And I like it too ♪

♪ Makes me feel glad
from head to my toes ♪

♪ Smell that air whoa, yeah ♪

♪ And look at those
clouds floatin' up there ♪

♪ I'm gettin' so
close to nature ♪

♪ Gimme sun and gimme snow ♪

♪ What's up high,
What's down below ♪

♪ Gettin' closer and
Closer to nature ♪

♪ I gotta,
Gotta get close to nature ♪

♪ Gettin' so close to nature ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

[bird chirping]

[bird chirping]


I love nature!

But what do you think?

What kinds of stuff have
you found out in nature?

What do you think?

I like to watch the birds,
you know, go by.

We found a caterpillar
in our backyard.

I found, like, a furry
one before, and it was freaky.


Maybe reindeers.


-A leaf
-Dinosaur bones.

We like fossils.

Sometimes I get a magnifying
glass and study it.

Wow. You guys sure do know a lot
about nature.

Well, I think I'll sort through

this stuff a little more
while I wait for Ojo.

As you can see, I have my
trash can, and my recycle bin.

Now from this box...
Let's see. Aha!

This can definitely go into the
trash can.

Let's see.
What else can I throw away?


Hmm? Hey.

Didn't I just throw this out?




What is going on?


It's you. Bear!

Tutter, it's you!

What are you doing in my
trash can?

Trash can?

You mean treasure chest, Bear!

Treasure chest!


Treasure chest?

Tutter, this is just stuff I'm
throwing away and recycling.

Oh! No, no, no, no. Bear.
You can't do that!

I can use this stuff, Bear.

I can still use it!

-Oh! Yes. Bear. Yes!

For instance, that, that,
that, that sardine can...

This one?

It's perfect for a coffee table.


Well, Tutter, look.

Why don't you come up here
and check out this box.

Maybe there's some
other stuff you can use.

Yeah? Oh! Really?!

Oh! Thank you, Bear!

Aaah! All these riches are mine!

Mine, I say.


Just look at all this
great stuff!

I could redecorate my entire
mouse hole!

Now, let's see.
I could use this aluminum foil

to wall paper the solarium.
Or maybe...

Okay, Bear!
I'm ready to go watch that bee!



Uh... Ojo...Excuse me, Ojo.

Did I just hear you say

that you're going to
go watch a... bee?

-A bee bee?

Black and yellow stripes,
always buzzing around?

Yah, uh-uh!

Oh, I see.

Are you crazy? Bees sting.

B-b-but it's going to be
a fim nature trip, Tutter.

And besides, Bear said the bees
do all sorts of good stuff.

They don't just sting.

Wha...? Bear? You said that?

That's right, Tutter.

And if you're very
careful around them

and keep a distance from them,

they'll leave you alone, too.

Huh? Who knew.

Ha, ha. Yeah, so come with us,
Tutter, ok?

I don't think so, Ojo.

Some of those bees are as
big as my head!

Big as my head!

Yeah, I think I'll
just stay here

and sort through
this treasure chest.


Ok, Tutter, if that's what
you want.

Yeah, that's what I want,

Let's see, where was I?

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Bear, Bear, Bear look!
The bee is getting away!

Go follow him.
He's getting away.

We better hurry or we'll
lose him!


[background music]

Isn't it beautiful?

It sure is, Bear.

But, you know what?

I don't see that bee anywhere.
Do you?

Um, no.

I don't see the bee right now,

Do you see the bee anywhere?

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Look! There he is! There he is!

There's the bee! There he is!
There he is, Bear.

Okay, now.
Don't get too close.

We have to be a little careful
around him, remember?

Yeah. Right.

Look at him.

He's taking stuff called
pollen from one flower

and putting it into
another follow.

That's what helps flowers grow.

Huh? I didn't know that.
I like flowers.

-Me, too.
-Hey! You know what?

Maybe bees aren't as bad as
I thought.

Wow, maybe not, huh?

Hey, he's gone again!

Which way did he go?

Umm... oh, oh.

I think I see him over there!
I'm gonna go look! Ok?

Be back in a minute, Bear.

Okay, Ojo. But, if you find him,
don't get too close.


I wonder where the bee could be.

You know?

I wonder where my friend
Shadow is.

Maybe if we sing
our song together,

we can find her. Ready?

♪ O Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o where
is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where could Shadow be? ♪


Hey, you big ol' Bear!
I'm right here!

Oh! Hey, Shadow!
It's so good to see you.

So, what have you been
doing today?

Oh, I've been playing
a game of tag

with the ripples on the pond.

That sounds like fun.

Well, Shadow, do you
have a story for us today?

Why certainly, Bear!
I'd be delighted!

Let me see what tale
I can spin for you today!

-Just watch.

♪ -Oh, give me a home ♪
-Here you go.

♪ Where the buffalo roam ♪

Roamin', roamin', roamin'
roamin', roamin', roamin'.

♪ And the deer
and the antelope play ♪

Got any jacks?

Go fish.

♪ Where seldom is heard ♪

[effort to hear]

♪ A discouraging word ♪


Ding busted.

Don't be discouraged.

♪ And the skies
are not cloudy all day ♪


Looks like
we gotta play inside today.


Wow. What a great story.

"Home on the Range!" Too bad
about that rainstorm, though.

Well, Bear, that's the thing
about living out in nature.

You never know
what Mother Nature's

going to do next!

Hmm... That's true.

Well, I'm off.

But when you need
another story, I'll be around!

Thank you. Shadow! Bye-bye!

Now, let's see where that
bee could be.

I wonder if he's over there.

[background music]

-What's he looking for?
-Beats me.

Must have been a really small
butterfly or something...

I'll try back over...


-Pip and Pop! It's you.
-Yeah. Hi Bear.

What are you doing?

-Well, I was watching a bee.
-A bee!

We love bees!

-Yeah, but he disappeared.

Maybe he's back here.

I don't see him anywhere.

-Bear, Bear, Bear, Bear!

Would you mind moving a little,

Yeah. You're standing in the
grass that the rabbit eats.

You're walking all over
her lunch, Bear.

Oh, uh... Sorry.

Can you imagine..

I know, it would've been



You almost stepped
on that anthill!

You almost crushed an entire
city of ants, Bear.

Thanks for telling me.
I wouldn't want to do that.

Oh! That was close.

Can you imagine the pandamonium?

-That was very close.
-...all those families.


What? What? What?
What is it this time?

My goodness! You almost stepped
on the snail highway, Bear!

Oh! I guess that would have
caused quite a traffic jam.

That could tie up traffic
for hours.

How about there?
Can I stand there?

Over there is fine, Bear!

That's just a bunch of old dirt.

Yeah. No one uses
that for anything.


Wow! It's so nice that

you guys look after your
animal neighbors like that!

Sure, Bear, it's all part of...
life at the Otter Pond.

OJO: Hey, everybody!
There's the bee! There he is!

Come on!
Let's go!

[Pip and Pop excitedly shouting]


Bear! Bear! Bear!
He went in the hole.

I wonder what's in there?


Sounds like a whole bunch
of bees are in there, Bear!

I don't like the sound of that!

It's okay.
Just don't get too close.

[Bees' humming]

Hey. Is that...honey?


Yes it is!

That's the main thing bees do!

Bees make honey!

They take sweet stuff
from the flowers!

And then they make honey...

Ha-ha... that we bears can eat!

-Right, Bear?
-Right, Ojo.

See? Everyone in nature
has something important to do.

Except for spiders.

Even spiders are important, Ojo.

-No way!

Have you ever seen spider's web
and seen how beautiful it is?

You know, nature is pretty
amazing when you think about it.


Hey, I think I see something
over there.

-What is that?

-What's over there?


I think I can see it now.

An animal In the wild,
It appears to be...

-...a lemur.

It is definitely a lemur!


Treelo cannot look birds.

Treelo look at woodpecker.
See that woodpecker?

[clicking sound]


Hi, Mr, Woodpecker, how are you!

[Woodpecker chirping]

I agree.
It is a beautiful day.


[Woodpecker chirping]

No thank you. Bears
don't usually eat woodchips.


Just berries and Honey,
you know.

Don't let us interrupt
your work.

We're just out bee watching

and enjoying a
beautiful day outside.

[Woodpecker chirping]

You're right,
Mr. Woodpecker.

Sometimes the best part about
nature is just being in it.

Wow. Bear, we didn't
know you spoke Woodpecker.

Oh! Sure.

-I speak Owl, too.


-Nature. Yeah.


[background music]

[Indistinct conversation]

Playing ouside in
nature can be fun...

-But you sure...
-...get dirty.

Yeah, and you know what
that means.

Everybody into the tub!


♪ Rub a dub dub,
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ The water's gonna get all
the grit and grime and grub ♪

♪ Rub a dub dub,
it's our favorite club ♪

♪ The water's nice and wet,
everybody in the tub! ♪

♪ Let's get the rubber
duck a bubble bath beard ♪

♪ Doesn't my wash cloth hat
look weird? ♪

♪ Got a little toy sub,
and everything i love ♪

♪ Rub A dub dub,
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ We're soaping and soaking
and floating away ♪

♪ We're laughing, and splashing,
and playing all day ♪

♪ At home in the foam and
the suds and the spray ♪

♪ Rub a dub dub, everybody
in the tub ♪

♪ Rub A Dub Dub,
Everybody in the Tub! ♪

[background music]

♪ Rub a dub dub,
it's time for a scrub ♪

♪ For two otters
and a mouse ♪

♪ A Bear
A Lemur ♪

♪ And A Bear Cub ♪

♪ Rub a dub dub,
it's our favorite club ♪

♪ The water's just fine,
everybody in the tub! ♪

♪ -I Love To Make Waves, ♪
♪ -And Watch The Faucet Run ♪

♪ I love the way that
I feel when i'm done ♪

♪ There's nothing much better
for good clean fun, then... ♪

♪ Rub a dub dub,
everybody in the tub ♪

♪ Rub a dub dub,
everybody in the tub! ♪


Bees are drying..

-Drying bees.
-Hey, that tickles, Bear.

There you go you fuzzy
little bee watcher...

All fluffy and clean.

Oh. Thanks for drying my fur,

You're welcome, Ojo.
You feel better?


You know, Bear,
I was thinking...

wouldn't it be
great to be a Bee?

You'd get to eat honey
all day long.

And that would make you one

happy little bee,
wouldn't it, Ojo?

And when I was full of honey,

I'd fly all around
the whole wide world

-and visit all my friends!

Wow! That would be quite a trip.

But you're right,
Ojo, being a bee would be neat.

Yeah, but then I was thinking,

wouldn't it be great
to be a spider?

Ooh! Spiders are really neat,

Yeah, if I were a spider,

I'd float around on my thread

and swing back and
forth, back and forth,

all around my
web all day long...

That sounds so peaceful.

Yeah, and when
I got tired of swinging,

I'd draw pictures in my web
and drink morning dew tea...

I guess spiders get thirsty
being so creative...

Yeah... a spider would be fun.

...but then I thought,
a tree might be fun, too.

I'd grow really tall and big
and strong...

Just like you, Bear.

Well, thank you, Ojo.

You know, Ojo,
it seems there's a lot

about nature that you like.

Oh! Yeah. Bear...
Nature's really cool!

I like nature a lot.

Me, too.

-Me, too, Ojo.

[both sighs]

[background music]

There she is.

Hey, Luna.

Hello, Bear.

I was just passing over
the deserts of Asia,

the jungles of Africa,

and the rainforests of
South America.

Wow. You've got some view, Luna.

Well, that's just one of the
advantages of being the moon.

But how was your day
at the Big Blue House?

Actually, I spent
most of the day

at the Otter Pond
enjoying nature.

Ojo and I decided to
watch a bee.

Ooh! You went bee watching!

Tell me about it.

Well, we found out all about
the neat things a bee does,

like helping make flowers grow

and making honey.

Bees lead very
interesting lives.

They sure do.

Oh! And Pip and Pop joined us

and showed us all the
great things they do

to help their animal
neighbors at the Otter Pond.

There are so many wonderful
things to see and do in nature,

and the very best
thing about nature

is that we're all a part of it.

Each and every one of us.

True, Luna, True.

Well, I better be going.

I don't want everyone
wondering where the moon went!

Well, would you like to join me
in a goodbye song before you go?

I'd love to, Bear.

I'd love to.

♪ Hey, this was really fun ♪

♪ We hope you liked it too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say,
well, that's OK ♪

♪ 'Cause we'll see you
very soon, I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye,
good friends, goodbye ♪

-And tomorrow, just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ We'll be waiting
for you to come and play ♪

♪ To come and play,
to come and play ♪

Bye now.

Well, thanks for
visiting the Big Blue House!


[light off sound]

[light on sound]

And by the way, the next time
you have some honey,

remember all the bees
that made it possible!


See you soon!

[theme music]
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