02x18 - Online harassment and revenge porn

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". Aired: April 27, 2014 – present.*
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American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver.
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02x18 - Online harassment and revenge porn

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

[cheers, applause]

Welcome, welcome, welcome

to "Last Week Tonight"!

I'm John Oliver.
Thank you so much
for joining us.

Just time for a quick
recap of the week,

and unfortunately,
we have to begin
in South Carolina,

where, on Wednesday,
nine people were
tragically k*lled

at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church
in Charleston.

It was yet another
senseless, horrific
act of v*olence,

and even the president
seemed tired

of this depressingly
familiar routine.

Now is the time for mourning

and for healing.

But let's be clear.

At some point, we as a country

will have to reckon
with the fact

that this type
of mass v*olence

does not happen
in other advanced countries,

and it is in our power
to do something about it.

I say that,
recognizing the politics
in this town...


a lot of those avenues
right now.

And at some point,
it's gonna be important

for the American people
to come to grips with it.

He sounds completely defeated,
which is understandable.

He's made more than
a dozen statements

about mass sh**t
in his presidency so far,

and nothing has been done.

But it's still hard
not to feel disillusioned

watching the most
powerful man in the world

sound so hopeless.

It's like seeing
your father cry
for the first time,

or catching
a department store Santa

getting into his
Toyota Tercel.


Or seeing your
high school English teacher

at the grocery store
with a shopping cart full

of 14 Lean Cuisine lasagnas.

Oh, Mr. Greenblatt,
are those all for you?

You taught us
to be courageous,

but you won't
even try eHarmony.

This is devastating.

I'm devastated, Mr. G.

Look, it is pretty clear

nothing is
going to be done

about how this tragedy
was committed,

which might explain
why some are focused

on a symbol associated
with why it happened.

Because in the wake of this
racially motivated sh**ting,

some people found
one thing especially galling.

Man: The American,
the state flag--

those are at half-staff.

The Confederate flag--
that has not been
lowered at all.

That's right,
the Confederate battle flag

was flying at full staff
in front of the state capitol,

although perhaps
the bigger question is

why it was flying
at any staff at all.

The Confederate flag
is one of those symbols

that should really
only be seen

on T-shirts, belt buckles,
and bumper stickers

to help the rest of us
identify the worst people
in the world.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
Is that a--

Is that a Confederate flag
on your belt, LeAnn?

Thanks for coming in.
The nanny position has
already been filled.

Which is not to say
the flag does not have

passionate defenders
in South Carolina,

and that may be
why politicians there

go through
comical contortions
to avoid criticizing it.

Is it time to stop flying
the Confederate flag?

Well, at the end of the day,

it's time for people
in South Carolina--

To revisit that decision
would be fine with me,

but this is part
of who we are.

The flag represents,
to some people,

a civil w*r, and that was
the symbol of one side.

To others,
it's a r*cist symbol,

and it's been used
by people--

it's been used
in a r*cist way.

Yeah. Yeah, it has.

In fact, I believe
the first time

the Confederate flag was
"used" in a r*cist way

was the exact second
they finished sewing
the very first one.

It was around
that time.

Now, to be
somewhat fair here--

To be somewhat fair,
lowering the flag outside
the state capitol

is a little more difficult
than it sounds.

Man: The flag cannot

be lowered for any reason,

because it is affixed

to that pole.

It can't be raised or lowered.

And if that flag is

to be removed or lowered

or anything done to it,

you have to get-- I think

it's two-thirds majority vote
Woman: Okay

in each chamber of

the state assembly to do it.

Yeah. It needs
a two-thirds vote.

They were originally going
to make it three-fifths,

but even they thought
that might be a bit
on the nose.

Just a bit on the nose.

Now, look.
Look, South Carolina,

and, indeed, any state
that flies this flag--

even as part of their actual
state flag, Mississippi!

Holy shit!

Now might be a great time

out of respect
not just for the events
of this week,

but for the events
of the past several centuries

to take that vote

and lower that flag
down to half-staff.

And then,
when it's at half-staff,

why not keep lowering it
all the way down,

and once you're
holding it in your hands,

take it off
the flagpole completely

fold it--
or don't bother--

put it in a box,
label it "bad flag,"

and put it somewhere
no one can see it.

Just a thought.

It's just, just a simple,
good thought.

Let's move on now to Russia,

a country that will
continue to be funny
until it suddenly isn't.


With-- With summer here,

you may be wondering
where to take your family
on vacation?

Well, on Tuesday,
Russia unveiled
a brand-new option.

It's called Patriot Park.

and when it's finished,
it's set to become

a kind of Russian
military Disneyland,

where children can clamber
over heavy weaponry,

even play
with grenade launchers

instead of riding

on the normal kind
of fairground attractions.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

As an adult, I'm horrified,

but as a former child,
I'm incredibly jealous

that theme parks now exist

where you can play
with grenade launchers.

British children
just got taken

to P.G. Wodehouse's
Faux Pas Mansion.

It didn't have rides so much
as a selection of chairs.

Russia's Patriot Park

is actually due
to open in 2017,

but they've released
an early promotional
video for it,

showing that every part
of it is designed

to celebrate
the Russian military,

from the contents of the park
to how you get there.

Man: It can be reached by bus
from the metro stop
Park Pobedy,

by train from Belorussky
Railway Station,

or by car
by taking the 55th exit
off the Minsk Highway.

The exit is made
out of two large

demountable transport bridges

as used
by the Russian military.

That's right.

Even the highway exit
to the park is "on theme."

That may be taking
things a bit too far.

Even SeaWorld doesn't make
you enter by driving over
a tortured orca,

and SeaWorld loves
torturing orcas.

They love it so much!

Russia is spending

an estimated $370 million
on this park,

which might sound
like a lot for a country
currently suffering

under international
sanctions and low oil prices.

But going by their video,

they're almost alarmingly
unconcerned about that.

More than 500 examples
of military equipment

will be on display
in a special

open space area.

Do you see that?

There is going to be
an area literally called

the "Military
Industrial Complex."

And sure, sure,

you can argue that
Eisenhower saw this coming,

but I don't recall him
mentioning in his speech

anything about it,
one day, getting so big,

that Russian kids could
physically walk through it,

eating a f*cking churro.


Finally this week-- money.

It turns out if you offer
Robert De Niro enough of it,

he'll appear
in "The Adventures
of Rocky & Bullwinkle."

This week brought
a very exciting development

in US currency.

Woman: The $10 bill
is being redesigned

and it will feature
the first woman

on the nations' paper currency
in more than a century.

Great. That--
That feels-- Why not?
[cheers, applause]

That feels like progress...

of the embarrassingly
late kind.

It's kind of like when
a company announces

their first female
vice president.

It makes you think,
"Really? Okay.

"Well, congratulations
on finally doing

"the second-least
you could do."

And even in this instance,
it turns out campaigners
had been hoping,

for something a little more.

Woman: The pick
of the $10 bill

is a bit of a surprise.

Over the last several months,

a campaign to put a woman
on the $20 bill went viral.

Yeah, of course
they wanted the 20.

The 20 is a much better bill
to be on.

The only person in America
who regularly uses the 10
is Richard Gere,

and that's only to show
his hair stylist the look
that he's going for.

A look that
he has nailed.

He has nailed it.

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew
was actually asked

why women had
only been offered the 10,

and he responded
in magnificently
awkward fashion.

Woman: What would you say
to people who say

"The 10, it's not as
prestigious as the $20 bill.

"You can't get that
at every ATM."

I think the $10 bill is
a pretty big deal.

But not--
But it's not the 20.

You know, I think
the $10 bill is

one of our most
widely used bills,

and... it is, I think,

as important as the 20.

Bullshit, it's
as important as the 20!


That's the equivalent
of claiming Liam Hemsworth

is as important
as Chris Hemsworth.

You're fooling yourself!

Liam's useful, sure.
He'll do you in a pinch,

but he's exactly
half as good as Chris.

End of discussion.

End of discussion.

And the crazy thing is,

it actually makes
much more sense

to kick
Andrew Jackson off the 20

than Alexander Hamilton
off the 10.

Hamilton was America's
first Treasury secretary.

He proposed setting up
both a national bank

and a national mint.

Andrew Jackson didn't
even trust paper money.

Jackson took a kind
of fundamentalist view

of money and credit.

Gold and silver dollars
were real money.

Paper was,
in some sense, fake.

That's true.
Andrew Jackson
hated paper money,

and yet we've stamped
his face all over it.

It would be like having
Guy Fieri branded quinoa,

or putting Tom Cruise's face
on an antidepressant ad.

That would
make him furious,
and you don't want that.

He's OT level 16.
He can move objects
with his mind.


He could do it.

But, the thing is,
in an amazing twist,

it turns out Hamilton
won't be completely shut out
of the $10 bill after all.

If you're a big fan
of Alexander Hamilton,

don't despair.
The Treasury Department says

that his image will remain
in some way

on at least some
of the $10 bills.

Oh, so a woman's not
getting her own bill at all!

She'll be splitting it
with Alexander Hamilton.

This is basically
the perfect embodiment

of the Women's
Rights Movement.

Women ask for something
they've earned,

a bunch of men get together
and talk about it,

and then they give
the women half

and ask her to share it.

And now, this.


We want to know
what you think.

Who should be
on the $10 bill?

Man: It should be
the Blessed Virgin Mary,

which everybody on the Earth
knows her picture.

Man 2: Yeah, Ayn Rand.

If this country ever
does make it,

we owe a great debt
of gratitude to her.

Man 3:
The best of the lot,
I'm gonna tell ya,

Amelia Earhart.
A lot of people think

she was ex*cuted
by the Japanese

in the South Pacific.
Nobody knows.

Man 4: Sally Ride,

Eleanor Roosevelt,
Harriet Tubs.

Man 5: I'd rather see a wolf,

a bear, a cougar, an eagle.

Woman: I think it should
be Princess Diana.

Princess Diana?

So, someone who
is not American?

Woman: Well, I still think
she ought to be on there.

Moving on.
[cheers, applause]

Our main story tonight
concerns the Internet.

It's a place where you can see
incredible things,

like glamor sh*ts of cats,

Angora show bunnies,

or even this rare,
heartbreaking footage

of an injured
World w*r I soldier

returning home
to his pregnant wife.

♪ Never gonna give you up

♪ Never gonna
let you down ♪

♪ Never gonna run around
and desert you ♪

You idiots!
I got you so good!

I got you so good!

The Internet has been
blowing our minds

with its power
and convenience
for decades,

as you can see
in this actual AOL ad
from the '90s.

Hey, Dan,
ready for the game?

I'm just finishing up here
with my new kayaking friends.

Kayaking friends
on your computer?

Yeah, I just got
America Online.

Sounds great.
Listen, I can't go
to the game today.

I've got to send something
for my mom's birthday.

It's tomorrow.
Then book plane tickets
for our trip next week,

and my kid's gotta
go to the library
to look up dinosaurs.

Hey, we can take care
of all of that before we go.

Yeah, right.
No, with America Online.

Wait. Let me
get this right.

Your mum's birthday
is tomorrow,

your trip is next week,

and you're only planning
both of those things now?

Forget the AOL tutorial.

Let's talk about basic
responsibility here, Dan.

You're a father!

But as the ad
goes on to point out,

the Internet was
going to fix everything.

Announcer: Call now
for 10 free hours

of America Online,
and get instant access

to the worlds
of sports, finance,

and entertainment.

Here come the dinosaurs.
I saved you a trip
to the library.

That's great!
Yeah, downloading's easy too.

You know, I can even
send email on the Internet.

Of course, there's my
personal favorite: live chat.

That's how I met
my new kayaking buddies.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

I'm now pretty sure
that "kayaking buddies"

is a euphemism.

I'm not saying
that he's not going

to meet his new buddies
in a shed by a lake.

I'm just saying
there's not going
to be a kayak involved.

That's-- Amazingly,
that ad was 20 years ago,

and the Internet
has become integral
to modern life.

But, unfortunately,
it's also become
a haven for harassment,

and I'm not talking about
everyday Internet abuse,

of which I am
more than aware.

Look at our YouTube page

and you'll see
comments like...

...which is
ridiculous, because--

Oh God!
Oh! Get off me!

No, I'm not
talking about that.

I'm talking about
the kind of direct threats

that can make people
fear for their safety.

And if you're thinking,
"Well, come on,

"that doesn't seem like
that big a problem."

Well, congratulations
on your white penis.

Because, if you
have one of those,

you probably have
a very different experience
of the Internet.

Women, in particular,
can receive

a veritable cornucopia
of horrifying messages online.

Just listen
to one female
video gamer discussing

one of the more
colorful threats
that she's seen.

I think the one that
always sticks out
in my mind is

"I'm going to stick an egg
in your vaginal canal

"and punch it."

I don't know why,
but that one is just...

it's poignant.

You know what?
It is kind of poignant.

Fun fact for you.
"I'm going to stick an egg

"in your vaginal canal
and punch it"

was actually
the original title
of "Eat Pray Love."

So, there's
a little fact for ya.

And that threat
was comparatively mild.

Others can be
chillingly specific
and potentially dangerous.

Listen to how
these women were treated

when they spoke out against
what they saw as sexism

in the video game industry.

I am constantly aware
of the fact that

there is an enormous
amount of hate

directed towards me.

Reporter: Hate in the form
of b*mb threats, r*pe threats,

even death threats.

Woman: They told me
they were coming to k*ll me.

When someone posts
your address online,

and they tell you
they're gonna m*rder

your whole family,

you don't really feel safe
staying at that location.

Yeah, no shit.

I wouldn't blame her
for not feeling safe

staying on Earth.

For the record,
if someone did that to me,

I'd hitch a ride
to the International
Space Station straight away.

Except who am I kidding?
They'd never let me in.

I've got spiders
for hands!

The Internet is mean!

And look, this--
this does not just affect
women in gaming.

It can potentially
affect any woman

who makes the mistake
of having a thought
in her mind,

and then
vocalizing it online.

For many female writers
and public figures,

this day-to-day harassment
is their life.

Earlier this year,
writer Amanda Hess
detailed her experience.

The threats were
obviously distressing

It was an anonymous
person on Twitter

threatening to come
to my house,

to r*pe me,
to cut off my head.

And in case you think
she's exaggerating,

here are
some of the tweets
she's referring to.

...which is horrifying
for so many reasons.

First, he put
"manslaughter" in quotes,

like he still doesn't
think it's a crime.

And also, he put his age,
like he's writing the world's
worst OkCupid profile.

I'm 36 years old,
I've k*lled before,

and I've got a pretty
weird-shaped penis.

The thing is,
when Amanda Hess
went to the police,

she quickly discovered
how ill-equipped they can be

to deal
with this sort of thing.

In my home state

of California, it's a crime

to thr*aten bodily harm

against another person.

When I received
my most, sort of, recent

bout of threats--

so the police officer

who came to my door,

didn't even understand

what Twitter was,

had no idea how

to investigate such a crime,

and I'm not even sure knew

that it was criminal.

So, it's hard to know
what to do

when you're put
in that situation.

That's a problem,
because the police
cannot investigate the crime

if they genuinely
don't understand

the medium
in which it happened.

If someone tried
to drown you,

you don't want
the police saying

"I get the m*rder attempt,
but what's this water thing
you keep bringing up?

"Is it like air,
but a bit more chokey?

"Is that what it is?"

And women
aren't just threatened
and harassed online.

The Internet has thrown up

a whole new way
to wreck their lives.

It's called revenge porn.
You may have heard of it.

It's when naked photos
of people are posted online

without their consent,
and it can be devastating.

This is Annmarie Chiarini,
an English professor

who let her then-boyfriend

take some
private photos of her.

Now, after they broke up,

he sent them
to her employer

and her son's
kindergarten teacher,

and then this happened.

I received an anonymous
email at work

that a profile had
been created of me--

someone was
pretending to be me--

and there were nude pictures
on this profile.

So, I googled my name,

and the porn website
xhamster came up,

and there was
my first and last name,

the name of the college
where I teach,

the town where I live,
and a solicitation for sex.

Now, that obviously
sounds like a nightmare.

And sadly, the horror
of that situation

led her to some
pretty dark places.

My actual thoughts were,
"This is my life.

"This is never gonna end,
so I need to end my life,"

'cause I could not
live like that.

So, after...
I found the profile,

I attempted su1c1de.

Now, you would
assume that it's illegal
to do that to someone.

The problem is,
there is no federal law

specifically against
revenge porn,

and in Maryland,
where she lived,

revenge porn was
not illegal at the time.

In fact, only 23 states
have passed laws

specifically against
revenge porn.

In the other 27,
it's one of those things

that should be
explicitly illegal,
but isn't,

like using
a golf umbrella
in Manhattan

or returning
from a semester
abroad in Spain

and insisting
on calling it

You are the worst.

The worst.

The point is--
The point is,

if you are a victim
of revenge porn

in one of those 27 states,
your options are limited.

You can try
to pursue stalking
or harassment charges,

but those laws
may not always apply.

Or you can file
a civil suit against
the person who did it,

but as Annmarie Chiarini
found out,

you face an uphill battle.

I did go to lawyers in 2010
to handle this civilly,

and the first one said,

"Well, you really should
get better boyfriends.

"I won't take this case."

The second one
I approached said,

"Well, it's gonna be
a $5,000 upfront retainer,

"and this could run anywhere

"from 10,000 to 15,000
when all is said and done."

I'm a single mom of two.
I work two jobs.

I don't have $5,000,
never mind 15.

Yeah, of course you don't,

because most people
don't keep a shoe box
full of money

marked "Just in case
a total piece of shit
tries to ruin my life."

Now, you could ask
the website to take

the photos down
if you own the copyright.

But if they refuse,
then winning your lawsuit,

might entail doing something
absolutely mind-blowing.

You could sue,
but to do that,

you've got to register
the copyright.

which brings us
to the cold, hard truth.

In the most extreme case,
you've got to send pictures
of your naked body

to the Copyright Office.
That's in Washington.

Yes. To stop strangers
from seeing pictures
of their naked body,

some women have had
to send more strangers

more pictures
of their naked body.

We are one step away
from trying to protect
our children in the future

by having
the copyright symbol tattooed
onto their genitals at birth.

Look, just to be safe,

let's take her
to Viper's Ink Shack.

We don't know
what kind of assh*le
she could end up meeting.

This situation is insane,

and as one expert found,

the official response
to victims

ranges from offensive
to ridiculous.

Danielle Citron:
I've interviewed 60 victims

of online harassment

What they're
often told is,

"Look, either--
if it's revenge porn,

"you shared pictures
with your ex.

"He owns it now.

"Sorry that you trusted
the person,

"but it's kinda
your fault, right?"

Or they're told, "Look,

"if it's just harassment

"turn off your computer.

"Ignore it.
It'll go away."

But "Turn off your computer"
is simply not practical.

Almost every job requires
the Internet now.

Somewhere right now,
in the world,

there is
a yak herder going,

"Why is the Wi-Fi so slow?

"f*ck it. I'll herd
these yaks after lunch."

And that whole distinctly
victim-blamey sentiment

of "If you didn't
want this to happen,

"you shouldn't
have taken photos,"

is hardwired
into mainstream culture.

Just watch how
the news talks about this
whenever it comes up.

Reporter: How best
to avoid this problem?

Experts say, "Don't take
pictures and then share them."

I think that
the teachable moment

and the takeaway is, you just

can't take these pictures.

You know what? Don't take
naked photos of yourself.

One of the solutions
to the problem is

don't take pictures
of yourself naked.

Okay, we've said that.
Good point.

Kids, don't take pictures
of yourself naked

and put it on the Internets.

It's gonna come up,
some point.

And what if it
doesn't come up until
you're a parent

and then you've got
to explain that?

What the f*ck are
you talking about?

For a start,
not taking pictures
doesn't always work.

Sometimes these photos
come from hacked webcams.

But, regardless of that,
it doesn't matter
how it happens,

because-- here's a fun game--
insert any other crime

into those same sentences.
"Listen, guys,

"if you don't want
to get burgled,

"don't live in a house."

"If you're a parent,
how are you gonna explain
that break-in to your kids?"

[laughs mockingly]

[cheers, applause]


And look,
I'm well aware

that asking law enforcement
to police speech

is a dicey proposition.

No one wants
them trolling through
message boards

looking for
violent language.

But if a woman turns up
to a police station,

saying someone
threatened her life
on Twitter,

the answer,
"What's Twitter?"

is woefully inadequate.

And as for revenge porn,

we're gonna need
some new laws.

Fortunately, there are
plans to introduce
a bill in Congress

called the "Intimate
Privacy Protection Act"

that aims to address
nonconsensual pornography.

And we've obtained
an exclusive video

of one representative's
genuinely moving speech

about balancing
First Amendment rights

and protecting victims.

♪ Never gonna give you up

♪ Never gonna
let you down ♪

♪ Never gonna run around
and desert you ♪

I got you again!

You're a bunch of idiots,
and I'm the king of pranks!


Now, if passed,

this law, as drafted,

would make it a crime
to post revenge porn.

And don't worry.
It would still leave us

with plenty of Internet porn
to keep us going.

And also, the law would
carve out exceptions

for the bona fide
public interest.

Meaning that if,
say, a public figure
like Anthony Weiner

texted his penis around,

we could all
still enjoy that story.

Not being able
to enjoy it

would not be a danger.

♪ Danger! Danger!

although the truth is

the law can
only do so much.

Companies need to be
much more diligent

about clamping down on this,
and they are slowly
coming around.

In recent months,
Twitter and Reddit

banned revenge porn
on their sites.

And just this Friday,
Google finally announced,

after much prodding,

it would remove photos
of revenge porn

from search results
upon request.

And for Google to do that
is not nothing,

because we all know,
not even vindictive perverts
will use Bing.

They won't do it.
Not even they will
go near that thing.

They're not monsters.


And for the rest of us,

it comes down to... to us

and to fundamentally changing
the way that we think
about the Internet.

'Cause too often,
you hear people play down

the dangers
of the Internet
by saying,

"Well, relax.
It's not real life."

But it is,
and it always has been.

The whole point
of those AOL ads

was that what
you did online would affect
your life immediately.

Nowadays, you can click
a button and buy a book

meet your spouse,
or ruin someone's life.

Sometimes those last two
are the same click.

But we all know
the Internet is
an incredible tool,

but like most tools,
it can be used as a w*apon.

And we've allowed things
to get to a place

where women
can fear for their lives

for something
they said online

and find themselves mailing
their genitals to Washington

in order to maintain
their privacy.

And perhaps we would've
dealt with this earlier

if only those
AOL ads had looked
something like this.

[soothing music playing]
Announcer: Every day,
the Internet is

making it easier
for people to live,
work, and play.

Hey, Dan,
ready for the game?

I'm just
finishing up here

with my new
kayaking friends.

Wow. That's a really
specific thing to say.

Listen, I'm not gonna
be able to make
the game tonight.

Oh. Why?

Well, I have to go
out into the streets

and scream
obscenities at women
that I don't even know,

and then after that,
I've got to handwrite letters

to all the "Golden Girls"
telling them

that I'm gonna shit
down their throats.

And then after that
I've got to bring

these naked photos
of my ex-wife to her office

and show 'em to everyone
that she works with,

because she's such a bitch.
It's gonna take hours.

Hey, we can do all
of that before we go.

Yeah, right.
No, with the Internet.

Look, it's easy.

See? Here's a random woman
from Minneapolis

who just said how
she felt about something.

You want me to make her
fear for her life?

Why not?
But how?


Incredible. What else can
this thing do to women?

Announcer: With the Internet,

the only limit to how

miserable you can make

another human being

is how angry you are

and how fast you can type.

Hey, but what about
those photos of my ex-wife?

Oh, that's my favorite part.

All you have to do is
scan them into this site,

and then people
can see it instantly--

her boss, her friends,
her parents, everyone.


[announcer's voice]

And this is legal?
There's no federal law

explicitly against it.
That seems insane.

Doesn't it?
Yeah, it really does.

[audience applause, laughter]

Anyway, come on.
We're gonna be late
for the game.

I can't wait.

Afterwards, I'm gonna
f*ck some of my new
kayaking buddies.

[chuckles] What?


Also sports, weather,
and pictures of cats.

That's our show.
Thank you so much
for watching.

See you again next week.
Good night!


You ready to go
to the game?

I'm just finishing up here
with my new kayaking friends.

Listen, I'm not gonna be able
to make the game tonight.

Oh no.


I gotta go
to my wife's office...

If you're gonna type
like a f*cking idiot...

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