01x02 - Creepy Crawlies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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01x02 - Creepy Crawlies

Post by bunniefuu »

Yusei, voice-overyou beat me once jack, but I learned my lesson...

Jackyou'll never win this duel yusei!

Yuseiyou sure are sure of yourself.

Just sure...that I'm going to beat you!

Yusei...bring it on!

You got it jack!

Junk warrior send'em to the scrap heap!


Yuseiwhat's that?!

It's my trapshadow spell!

And with it I'm going to finally put an end to your

Unbeaten streak yusei!

Now mad archfiend, attack!


How did I let that happen?!



Did he...just lose?!

Jackhe did.

And do you know why our friend just lost?

Because his deck has no balance.

And without balance.

One cannot be a complete duelist.

But you know that already don't you yusei!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

Jack, voice-overahh, now this is the view

That I was always meant to have,

Even if I did have to double cross a few friends to get it.

Hmmph, and to think that it was only a few years ago that

I was living amongst the losers and garbage

Of the satellite.

Well I'm glad that nightmare is over...

Hmm. Stardust dragon...

I wonder if yusei still misses you?

Goodwinquite the view isn't it jack?

Still thinking about your days in the satellite?

Im done thinking about that dump goodwin.

That's good jack.

Because dwelling in the past can sometimes cost you

Your future.

And we've worked too hard to let that happen.

Now shouldn't you be focusing on your match this evening--


I'm plenty focused goodwin.

You don't have to worry about me dwelling on the past.

Cause if I had my way, the satellite would've been

Destroyed years ago!

I understand how you feel.

But the satellite plays a valuable role in our society.

Everyone has been given a role in life; those from

The satellite exist so that the chosen may prosper.

They keep our city functioning by recycling what

The chosen discard.

Without the satellite, new domino city could

Not exist.

Glamorous a role it is not, but a necessary one

For everyone's survival.

But you know that already don't you jack?

How silly of me to give a history lesson to someone who

Experienced it first hand.

Now leave your memories of that place where they belong.

It's time for you make new ones!

You're right.

But what if my past comes looking for me...




That's your best time yet!

You think it's gonna be fast enough to get you to new

Domino city?

It better be.

I just know it's gonna work!

I hope you're right.

Time me again.

Goodwinjack you're a part of new domino city now,

And the only link you have to the satellite is yusei fudo.

And you can rest assured...

...that we're taking every precaution

To keep that link buried.

Tankokay nervin, your turn.

Nervini'm thinkin' a cheeseburger

With bacon and extra onion rings!


Don't forget da french fries and an extra thick milkshake!

Good one!

Or lemonade!


But nothing beats dipping hot french fries into a cold

Chocolate shake.

It really brings out the flavor.

Oh, I can dream about it.

So guys...ya think we'll ever taste a real


t*nk! What happened?!

I fell.

On the contrary...it's actually called a trip.


It looks like he scuffed up your shoe real bad!

Whatta ya tink he should do about it?

Hee hee hee ha!

How 'bout he buys me a brand new pair a' kicks and we

Call it even!

I wear a size eleven.

You'll get nuthin' got that?!

Unless you want a bruise to match that mark on your face?

It'd be an improvement!

I'll show you an improvement!

Guys - little help...

All better!

Oh really?

Then can you please explain to me why it still

Hurts so much?!

I thought that you knew what you were doing rally!

...yeah and I guess I did too

When I stood up against that bully.

Boy was I wrong; I mean they just ran over us.

Nervini know!

I didn't even get a chance

To get in the fetal position.

Tankand now I gotta buy some new shoes for that guy!

Guys come on! Lighten up!

Yusei maxed out his duel runner!

Blitzyeah? Like how maxed out?!

Enough to get outta here.

Ha! You shoulda seen him and his runner speedin' through the tunnels!

It was like vroom! Then whish! Then schrooom!

Yusei, are you gonna go for it tonight?

You gonna try and get to domino city?


Uh...does anybody aside from me have a bad feeling

About all this?

I do, but that's not really saying

Much 'cause I always got a bad feeling about everything.

He-yeah...but don't worry guys, because I got it all

Planned out - I think.

Huh? Huh?

Trudgecaptain, I know you're less than happy about yusei getting

Away...but is this new pursuit deck really necessary?

Cause I don't need any help catching that satellite!

Well judging from your last duel with him I beg to differ.

Now listen up, if I had my way you would have been handing

Out parking tickets until you retire and this special

Pursuit deck would've gone to someone who goes by the book!

But apparently mr. Jack atlas thinks you deserve

A second chance.

And when jack atlas says "do something," I do it.

So what are my orders?

Find yusei and his duel runner and bring them in.

There are some very powerful people that want him off

The streets permanently!

Understood captain.

And just you remember there are no third chances

With mr. Atlas!

Am I making myself perfectly clear, officer trudge?

Yes sir.

He may have caught me off guard in our last duel

But next time I'll be ready...

And will he ever be surprised!

Thank you sir - you won't be disappointed.

When you lock onto the chip's homing signal let me know!

So what's this plan you think might work yusei?

Oh it's gonna work t*nk!

Well I hope you're right rally!

Cause if everything falls into place...stardust dragon will

Be mine again and we'll all be one step closer to leaving

The satellite.

Blitzyuse are ya sure that card is worth the risk?

I mean...you really think that card's gonna make

A difference?

Tankof course it will - don't you remember the feeling when you

First saw it in action?

Cause I'll never forget it!

Seeing the duel runner yusei built from spare parts from

The recycling center was amazing.

And then when yuse started it up and showed us what it could

Do, it was like a whole new world opened up.

Nervinyeah, and then when he summoned his stardust

Dragon, I couldn't believe my eyes or ears - I mean you were

Screaming at the top of your lungs blitz.

Blitzthat's right.

I lost my voice for a week after all that hollerin'.

Too bad jack took away our dreams.

Well, yusei's about to get them back!

Cause with this new runner!

Jack doesn't stand a chance!

Tankyeah! What are we waitin' for?!

Yuseimidnight tonight.

Huh? Huh?

Nervinwhy? What's at midnight?

Yuseithe tiniest of opportunities.

Check this out guys.

See - the only way between the satellite and new domino city

Is this sewer pipeline here.

Problem is, they flood it with trash hours a day

Days a week.

But, once a month at midnight, they shut the system down to

Check the compressor pumps.

Then a maintenance hatch is automatically opened

And that's when I'll get my chance to make it through.

A "sewer?..."

That sounds......a bit unhygienic!

The odors and fumes alone--

Lennyremind us of you.

Larryha ha ha ha!

Lugyeah, you stink like the garbage you recycle!

How's the healin' goin?

Ha ha ha!

Hey you with the hair!

You think you're a tough guy!

...cause I'll show you what tough is!

Ha ha ha!

That's a pretty sweet runner you got there.

How much do you want for it?

The runner's not for sale so beat it!

Well if it's not for sale how 'bout you give it to me

Instead of the shoes we here to collect.

Dhat sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

Ha ha ha!

Or would you prefer I go top side and tell sector security

That you're hiding an illegal duel runner down here?!

Why don't we duel for it?!

Heh - duel me?

You might as well just hand it over to me now.

'Specially if you duel like your buddies here fight.


Well how do these stakes sound -

I win and that runner's mine,

You win and we leave you alone!


Don't do duel'em yusei!

Nervinhe's just a bully!

Yuseiand bullies never learn, unless you stand up to them.

But what if ya lose to em yuse?...

Computerdisengaging duel disk.

We'll be fine blitz.

Huh. I think I'll change the color...

Don't do it yuse! Please!

This runner is the key to our......our......


That's why I have to do this.

Well your future's coming with me.

So ya better start makin new plans for tomorrow!

Ha ha ha!

Yusei and lennylet's duel!

Yuseiyour move!

I can't wait to get my hands on that runner!

Here goes!

I summon chainsaw insect in attack mode!

Aah! Aah!

I've seen big bugs down here, but nuthin' that big!

It is quite the arthropod isn't it?

Yes it is, and next I'm playin' the spell retribution

Of the ant lion!

I always knew that there were bugs down here in these

Tunnels, but ya gotta trust me when I say that you guys

Haven't seen anything yet.

Computerretribution of the ant lion

Is a spell card that deals

Points of damage to the controller when his monster

Is destroyed.

Uh oh, yuse don't like bugs!

Yeah ever since that roach nested in his ear he freezes

Up if you just say the word insect.

I sure hope this doesn't throw him off his game.

Come'on yuse! You can do this!

Scared of creepy crawlies huh?!

Well then this duel - will have you coming face to face

With your worst fears!

You got him shakin' in his boots boss!

Ha ha ha!

Not for long though.

Cause I'm summoning! My shield warrior in defense mode!

Yuseiand next, I place one card facedown.

Ha! You really are afraid.

Looks like you forgot how to attack?

I bet he don't even finish the duel!

Hee hee hee!

Lennywell there's only one way to find out!

I summon pinch hopper in attack mode!

I see the fear in your eyes and it's only gonna get worse -

'Cause by sendin' a card to my graveyard I can play

Insect costume!

And add a scarier insect to my hand!


This next part, you should enjoy 'cause now I have to

Destroy my pinch hopper.

But if he destroys a monster?!

Then won't his life points take a hit!


What just happened, did i, did I just attack myself?

I think "bug boy" forgot that he still had his ant lion

Spell on the field!


Oh yeah - that was all part of my plan!

Cause you see by getting' rid of my pinch hopper.

I can do this!

I activate its special ability and call out

A creepier insect to the field to take its place like my

Powerful metal armored bug!

Lennywhen sector security dumped me here in the satellite I

Thought I'd spend the rest of my life sifting through the

Trash, but your runner's gonna get me outta this dump

And back to where I belong!

I think it's feedin time for your bugs boss!

Hee hee hee!


Yuse, try imaginin' that that bug's a soft cuddly kitten!

Well blitz, its going to take quite the imagination

Considering kittens don't have claws like that.

Well his imagination must be good if he thinks he'll win!

And after this next move your pal's gonna wish he never

Challenged me!

I special summon doom dozer!!

I bet your world's spinnin round and round right now

Isn't it and it's only gonna more out of control!

Chainsaw insect, it's time to attack!

Yuseinot so fast, I play my facedown scrap-iron scarecrow!

My trap card, your insect's attack is

Repelled and my warrior's safe!

Unfortunately, I'm only allowed to use this trap card

Once per round.


Since your bug trap's all used up let's see how you save

Yourself this time!

Metal armored bug, attack!

Take out his shield warrior!


So are you finished?

Oh so now you're a tough guy?!

Well my spell retribution of the ant lion's gonna soften

You right up!

Uh! Uh!

And now doom dozer's gonna shock you into submission!


Lennydoom dozer attack!

Oh no!

Yuse must be too scared to fight back!

D'em bugs are gonna squash him!

Hee hee hee!

Yuseiif I'm gonna stop those insects I gotta trust

In the power of my cards!

Come on! Are you ever gonna attack?!

How's this for an answer?

I summon out... Speed warrior!

And with it I'll play the spell double summon which

Means your bugs are about to find themselves in double

The trouble cause now I can summon out another monster

To the field.

But ganging up, is something you bullies know all about,

Now isn't it!

That runner, is staying put!

And junk synchron's gonna help make sure of it!


Let's go yusei!

Yuseinow with junk synchron and speed warrior finally on my

Field, I can synchro summon junk warrior!

Junk warrior! Let's rev it up!

Oh no?!

With that kind of power my insects don't stand a chance!

Don't worry boss, he's still afraid,

Just throw some more'a ya bugs his way!

Hee hee ha ha!

I'm not afraid of anything when my fighting spirit equip

Spell card is in play!

See for each monster that you have on the field...my junk

Warrior gains attack points!

I knew yuse could do it.

Now it's time to exterminate them insects!

And save your runner!

Oh no!

With all those attack points my bugs are gonna be stomped

By that thing!

He can't take'em all out boss!

Yusein' I don't have to once I play domino effect!

Computerwith the spell card domino effect

For every card on your

Field that you send to the graveyard one of your

Opponent's monsters is destroyed.

Aw man! But I was so far ahead!

Junk warrior, send his chainsaw insect to

The scrap heap!


And now...... Huh?

By sending two cards to my graveyard, domino

Effect activates!

Your bugs - are about to fall!


Yuseiyou and your buddies came down here

Looking to intimidate us,

thr*aten us and push us around...

Well next time you

Might want to think twice before messing with me and

My pals cause we're gonna stand by each other through

Thick and thin!


You tell that domino city cast off that he better watch his

Step the next time he comes down here!

Cause we aren't gonna stand for any more of his

Bullying tactics!

You fought a good duel but my runner's staying put

Just like you.

See with your retribution ant lion spell card

Still in play,

You take damage for each monster my domino effect

Took down.

Ha ha! Ha ha!

Yusei won! He won!

Man...i was so close to winning that runner?!

Yuseiyou had me on the ropes there for awhile

And I wasn't sure how I was gonna get through the duel.

But an old friend once told me

That when your back's against the wall

And it feels like there's no way out as long as

You trust in the power of your deck you can find a way

Out of any situation...

Yusei, you have to learn to rely

On your entire deck.

Don't you see that you could have beaten me today if you

Only believed in the strength of every card you duel with?

Believe and you will feel their power.

That day - a very valuable lesson was taught to me.

A lesson - that I'll never forget.

And it's the belief I have in the power of my cards

That gave me the strength to

Win this duel.

Man, I thought that runner was mine.

Yusei...maybe me and you - can be friends someday.

Next time we duel topside.

But no bugs ok?


Bravo. You dueled well tonight.

And yusei?

Are things going according to plan?

Yes, sector security has informed me that we have

Nothing to worry about.

Yusei, voice-overlook out jack,

I'm comin' to take back what's mine!

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ I can hear you breathing ♪

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪
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