02x35 - Dark Signs, Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x35 - Dark Signs, Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! Ds."


You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.


Oh! Oh!

Yuseikalin kessler?

You were once our friend!

"Once your friend," yes.

But now...your enemy!

Carlyjack, what's going on?

It seems like you know that guy down there with yusei.

He's from the satellite.

We used to all duel together.

You're no match for the power of my dark deck, yusei!

Now prepare to meet the shadows of the netherworld!

I summon one hundred-eyed dragon!



The powers of the dark shadows really suit me!

Duels are much more exciting when I can dish out real pain!


Kalini could have given you everything!

But you were too scared!

You knew the only way the satellite could be ours

Was if we eliminated every threat.

You were blinded by your dream!

Now that I know you duel to destroy, I'm taking you out!

You're wrong.

'Cause your days of dueling are about to end!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪



What's goin' on? Where's yusei?


Woah, he's dueling!?

He's not just dueling, you guys,

He's turbo dueling...

So who's the other guy?

Crowit's kalin.

As in "let's take over satellite" kalin?

I thought they locked him up and threw away the key.

Looks like they didn't throw it far enough.

Is he the one behind the big glowing thing in the sky?


Remember those dark signers yusei was talking about?

Apparently, kalin is one of 'em.

And he used some sort of dark mojo

To trap yusei in this seal and force him to duel,

Only this isn't like other duels.

The damage in this duel is real.

Ah! Huh?

It looks like your precious duel runner

Is about to give up on you, yusei!


It's fine, kalin...

It's just a little wobbly is all.

Then I guess it's a perfect fit for your game!


Did you hear that?

It sounds to me like you have a couple of loyal friends out there

Watching the duel.

I just hope for your sake that you never have to feel

The stinging pain of their betrayal.

Jackkalin can run the table with this combo of his.

He's made it so that as long as he has no cards in his hand,

He can pretty much use any monster in his graveyard

And activate their special ability.

Yusei needs to do something about that or he's finished.

It's my turn!

I've only got one way to throw him off his strategy...

It's a long shot, but I gotta try something.

Alright, kalin,

Since you've got monsters on your field

And my field is empty...

I'm able to special summon this next card

As a level monster!

I summon level warrior!

Next, I'll bring out hyper synchron

To the field in attack mode!

Computerwhen hyper synchron is used to summon a synchro monster,

That monster gains attack points and cannot be destroyed in battle.

I'm shaking!

And now I'll use the power of my hyper synchron

To tune my level warrior so that I can summon out your destruction!

Stardust dragon!

Let's rev it up!

Busting out your deck's top performer!

I was worried you weren't taking me seriously!

I guess in a way I should be flattered.

Wel, this next move'll really make you feel special!

See when hyper synchron is used to summon a synchro monster,

The summoned monster then gets power boost!

Thatta boy!

I bet even with one hundred-eyed dragon on the field

Kalin never saw that coming!

Go get 'em, yuse!

But kalin can still activate lots of abilities.

Starust dragon, attack with cosmic flare!

Attack all you want because now my one hundred-eyed

Dragon gains the special ability of infernity guardian!

And thanks to this power,

It can't be destroyed in battle!

That may be, but your life points are still gonna take some damage!



It's good to see you finally hitting back.

I know that's not all you've got, yusei, what's next, huh?!

Since stardust dragon managed to successfully deal battle damage,

The shard of hope trap card automatically activates.

Which means I can now draw one card from my deck...

And if that card is a trap card,

Then I can activate it by destroying shard of hope.

It all comes down to this...


Here goes everything!

I'm destroying the card shard of hope so that I can activate...

The power of my miracle locus trap!

This trap forces you to draw one card...

And gives stardust dragon , more attack points

And the ability to attack for a second time this turn!

So add a card to your hand, kalin.

Hmph. With pleasure.

All right, there we go!

Now that kalin's got a card in his hand,

That combo he built is useless.

And so are the abilities

Of the monsters in his graveyard!

Stardust dragon, time to inflict another dose of damage...



All right!

And the one hundred-eyed dragon goes down!

And that "means kalin's gonna have to figure out a new gameplan.

Thanks for the help yusei,

Because now that your monster destroyed my mighty beast,

I can select one card in my deck

And then add it to my hand.

It won't matter 'cause now I activate my trap!

Synchro destructor!

Now when my dragon destroys your monster in battle,

You take damage equal to half that monster's attack points.

And then if the monster I destroyed

Was a synchro monster,

You get hit again for the same amount of damage!

So kalin's basically getting served his own dragon's attack points...

So that's, what? Like three-thousand?

If this move is successful...

Yusei wins this thing!

I've never seen a combo so perfectly ex*cuted.

He's the best!

Nothing can stop him now!


This can't be, I'm done for!

But seriously, folks,

I activate the damage translation trap!

This card halves the harm I take from a card effect!





Impressive string of att*cks, yusei!

But looks who's still standing!

Ya' know, I never liked him.

He may've managed to survive that attack,

But he's finished...

He's got no monsters on his field,

And yusei's got stardust dragon.

And I'd bet a salami sandwich

That facedown card of yusei's is scrap-iron scarecrow...

So if kalin summons a new monster,

Yusei can negate the attack.

Yusei's biggest mistake would be thinking

He's got this one wrapped up.


That card kalin added to his hand earlier...

It's gotta be something powerful.

If I can hold kalin off 'til the next turn--

My speed counter will be .

And I can activate the final attack speed spell,

Which'll double stardust dragon's attack points...

Then I'll finish him off.

I end my tu-

Slow down, I'm not done.

See, my damage translation's other effect

Activates during the end phase--

N'since I took damage from card effects twice,

I can summon two ghost tokens to my field.

This can't be good.

Ha ha!

What's so funny?

The irony is delicious!

You did all that work to force me to add a card to my hand.

Did you ever stop to think

That the card I might end up adding to my hand

Would be my most powerful?!

What is it?

Time for the big finale!

Come on out, everybody!

What is this?!

Huh! Kalin, who are they?

Ya' see that, it--

It looks like there's people in the purple mist!

Tankwhere'd they come from?

Nervinyour guess is as good as mine, t*nk.

Maybe there the same people who were taken in

By that weird group and went underground...

Huh? Huh?

I had a feeling it was you dark signers

Who've been taking people...

What are you gonna do to 'em?

It's my turn now...

But because of power baton, I can't draw another card.

Answer me, kalin!

What are you doing with these people!?

Ha ha. What do you think, yusei?

I am going to channel their spirits to this card.

You're... You're gonna do what?!

Their combined energy is going to give this card unbelievable power!

By releasing the two ghost tokens from my field...

I banish the taken to the netherworld as an offering to the earthbound immortal--

Ccapac apu!


Ah! Ah!

What's happening?

Where did all these flashes come from?

Their energy has been assimilated!

And now, ccapac apu will descend upon this world!




That...is really big.

Ha ha!

Okay, how come goodwin didn't warn me about this guy!?

Ha ha!

Get ready to join the rest of the taken in the shadows of the netherworld!


Earthbound immortal, ccapac apu!

Pound this pathetic signer into the darkness!


Huh. Argh!

Stardust dragon!


Oh, it didn't do anything!

Well, at least I got scrap-iron scarecrow!

Come on, yusei--

Do you seriously think a little trap like that

Can stand up against the power of an immortal?

There's nothing I can do.

I can't stop this attack.


Watch out!

Don't give up, pal!


Ha ha! It's lights out!


Hang on, yusei!

Why'd it stop glowing, what's that mean?

Did something bad just happen to yusei?

I'm not sure, but... I think he's been hurt.

Yusei's in danger...

Looks as though the dark signers are stronger than I thought.

Uh! Oh!

And the moment all hope is lost,

Yusei's crummy duel runner breaks...

Officially ending the duel

Before the duel can officially end him.


Ha ha!

Just look at you! You're so pathetic.

You may have managed to survive this little encounter,

But I'm afraid you can't fight your fate...

You can't stop the satellite from being obliterated!

And you can't save yourself.

Earthbound immortal ccapac apu, come back to me now...

What was it that tournament mc started calling you?

"Satellite's sh**ting star?"

More like "satellite's falling star."

See you around, yusei.




You okay?

Hey, man, you still with us?

Ah, my gut!

Oh, man!

Is it bad?

Hey, yusei, can ya' hear me?

Crowdon't touch him!



I'll take him to martha's place.

Good idea.

Is she still in the knotting district?


I'll see you there!

I hope he's okay...

What are you waiting for?

I've gotta catch that creep,

Put this bird on the ground!

No, don't, we have to get back to the city right away.

What are you talking about!?

Are you suggesting that we let kalin just escape?

I know you're upset, jack,

But right now, without your duel runner with you,

There isn't anything that you can do.


We gotta go through outcast alley to get to martha's house, don't we?

Then we should move before it gets late

And the thugs come out to play.

Huh. Hmm.

Wait, hang on, you guys.

What is it?

We can't just leave this.

Get real, rally.

We can't push that thing all the way to martha's,

It'll slow us down.

Besides, when we get to ripper row...

A runner like that is g*ng bait.

And you don't think someone'll steal it

If we leave it lying out here?

We can't just let that happen.

There's a piece of every one of us in this duel runner.

Hmm. The kid's got a point.

We all pitched in to help build that thing.


We spent weeks spreading out and gathering parts

We thought could be useful

And we brought everything back to yusei.

And when yusei revved that engine for the first time,

It was a feeling that I'll never forget,

It was like we had really accomplished something.


We gotta bring it!

He's right.

That runner is a testament to the power of our friendship.

What he said.

Come on, help me!

Sheesh! Don't blame me if we get jumped.


[Distant snickering]


I could really go for a donut right about now.

When could you not go for a donut, t*nk?

We've still got a long way to go, don't you start complaining now.

Marauderyou four lost or something?


Need a ride home? Nice runner.


Gonna get you.

Blitzany ideas?

There's a toll for passing through outcast alley, you know.

That shiny red bike you're totin' oughta take care of it.

Just back off, buddy!

Why don't you crawl back into the sewer you came from.

Just so you boys know, he does not speak for all of us.

Told you bringing the duel runner was a bad idea!

Okay, look, fellas, calm down,

I mean, surely we can work something out, we're all gentlemen here.

Who you callin' a gentleman?

This is not going well.

Look, yous,

Just fork over the duel runner and we'll let yous go.

You're not gettin' one bolt off this thing.

Okay, well, then, what about your decks?

You guys have decks, right?

Of 'course we do,

But there's no chance you're gettin' em from us!

You either give us your decks or the duel runner...

Or we take both.

So waddya think we should do?

I think we should listen to me next time.

Our cards aren't as important as yusei's bike...

So do you guys know how to play pick-up?



It's a freeforall!

This one's mine!

Out of my way!

This one's mine!

Run, run, run, run, run!


I think we... Got away.

Have I said "I told you so" yet?

Five times.

Heh heh.

You gotta pay the toll if you wanna pass.

You gotta be kidding me.

We don't have any more cards to give 'em...

No, but we do have clothes...


Ah, gimme that!

Sweater vest, that's mine!

Hey, martha, it's me, crow.

I need your help, hurry, wake up, come on martha, wake up!

It's the middle of the night, crow.

This better be good.

No, it's bad, it's real bad!

Huh? Is that yusei?

What's going on? What happened?

He's shivering.

I need hands out here, people, come help me get yusei inside!

You hang in there, yusei.

I'm gonna do everything I can to help.

Just hang in there.


Tanki'm about to pass out.

Nervinmaybe we should take a little break...

Blitzgood call...

We can't stop here, you guys, it's not safe.

You want yusei to know that we lost his bike 'cause you guys got tired?

t*nk, think about that time when you were going through jelly bean withdrawal

And yusei ran through the crossroads in the rain just to get you some.

He had a cold at the time, but that didn't stop him from helping you out!

Well, yeah, but...

Now that I think about it...

There was that time I needed an energy cell for a project

And yusei scored one for me by trading one of his favorite cards.

You're right, little man,

Yusei would do anything to help any of us,

And he'd never complain about it.

Let's go! Let's do this for yusei!

For yusei!

There's only one problem...

Look at the road ahead of us.

It's a dead end!

Now what do we do?

Marauderare you in trouble?

Allnot again!

We can't pay any more stupid tolls!

I'm afraid if you wanna pass...

You'll have to cut through the alley over there.

Oh! Uh...thanks?

Here, boys, let me give you a hand with this thing.

Together now...

Well, it's good to know there's at least one nice person in outcast alley.

Marauderwe're gonna make a left up here, and...



They're getting away with the duel runner!

Our symbol of friendship!

Hey! Somebody help!

What's that light over there?

This is sector security!

We've got you surrounded.

Drop the rickshaw and give yourselves up.

They've got us surrounded!

Aah! Aah!

They can't catch us all!

Never thought I'd be so glad to see sector security.

We almost lost you!

It's a machine, rally.

Hey, wait a minute, sector security doesn't patrol way out here.

So then who could that be?


Hey, it's blister!

You guys are dressed... Interestingly.

What happened?

It's yusei...

He's been hurt real bad.

How does it look, doctor?

He's got some serious bruising on the right side of his abdomen.

Is he going to be all right?

It's a long shot...

Come on, yusei... Be strong...
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