11x08 - Snatch Game at Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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11x08 - Snatch Game at Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You need to create
a farm-to-runway look.

Who do you think
should go home?

Yvie should go home.

She's hurt,
and we ain't got time for that.

I'm really pissed
that Silky would say that,

especially when she saw me
finish that last challenge

on a sprained ankle.

Who do you think should go home?

Silky Ganache.

Why you pressed, ho?

[RuPaul] Ra'Jah O'Hara.

Tonight on the runway,
I am seeing the root.


The shoulder pads, I hated them.

[RuPaul] Plastique Tiara.

Designers want you to emote
through the clothing,

and I really got that from you.

[RuPaul] Con-drag-ulations.

You are the winner
of this week's challenge.


A'Keria C. Davenport,
shantay you stay.

Thank you so much.

Ra'Jah O'Hara, sashay away.

Oh, my God.
I got w*r wounds a mile deep.


Ra'Jah is eliminated,
and I feel so bad.

But I got my own struggles
right now.

I really don't trust Yvie
in this competition,

because I feel that
she view me as a threat.

Now, with that being said,

I have to keep a stern eye
on Miss Brooke Lynn Hytes.

For example,
Miss Brooke Lynn Hytes

say that I should have been
in the bottom for my runway.

No Tee, I thought
you were going to be

in the bottom this week
for this look.

But she let her good Judy Nina

go out looking
the hot donkey fool

and praised that bitch.

How you feeling, Yvie,
off of all of your critiques?

[Yvie] I got mostly
positive critiques.

I like wanted to bring
a journey to the judges

and show them that like
I can elevate my drag,

despite how like anyone
may or may not feel.

There's definitely tension.

It's so thick you couldn't even
cut through it with a knife.

You're gonna need a chainsaw.

Silky, what are you thinking?
You're really quiet.

For me as a person,
like, it's stressful.

Ultimately, I'm just
tired of the fake.

I'm tired of the phony.

Who do you feel is being fake?

I'm not even going to bring
that up at this moment.

If you're a judge, you need
to be on the judges' panel.

And that's all I got to say.

Yvie has called me talentless.


You think safe
is gonna get you somewhere?

Sasha Velour
was safe every week.

And won.

That's 'cause Sasha Velour
was talented.

Oh, shit.

Bitch, I'm from Chicago.

When you called me talentless,

I wanted to square up
with your ass.

Before I was trying to be
at least cordial.

Like I was cool with Yvie.

But now I know we just
need to just let it go.

Don't worry, girl.
I won't be giving you

any more unasked-for advice.

I'll just let you be in
the bottom if you go that way.

Yeah, I don't need it.

I mean, after just looking
at the skirt, I don't need it.

I was trying to help you.

Don't worry so much
about what I'm doing--

I was trying to help you, sis.

Being real with someone
isn't called being fake.

Being fake? Girl,
one minute you're being kind

and being cool, and that's
what I was talking about.

People have
multiple feelings, girl.

Just because
I'm being kind to you

doesn't mean I'm not allowed
to be real.

It ain't no feelings.
Multiple personalities.

So how about you shut
the f*ck up with your skirt,

and whatever you--

Okay. What else
are you going to repeat?

Whatever I feel like
repeating, bitch.

So shut the f*ck up
and mind your business.

She feels like I'm fake

because I was kind to her
one minute,

and then honest with her
the next.

I didn't come here to lie
and sneak around corners,

and I don't care
how incendiary that is.

That's all I gotta say.
I don't give a shit.

Guys, guys, guys.
Guys, guys, guys, guys.

I know y'all have drama,

but let's take a moment
to celebrate the fact

that this is
m*therf*cking top eight.

Top eight and we love you

and...and bye.

I'm kind of tired of feeling
like some villain to them,

when really I'm just
like the one bitch

who's telling it like it is.

Miss Vanjie
just let that bitch have it.

We ain't going home for no
ratchet ho that drag cost $3.00.

And I need to take that bitch
out, one way or the other.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

[RuPaul] The winner
of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100.000.

With extra-special guest judges
Tony Hale and Clea DuVall.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

A group big hug.

-Hey, cyst.
-Are you okay?

Silky, what?

-Good morning, Silky.
-I'm wonderful.

I ain't got nothin' to say.

Miss Yvie, at this point,

has called me talentless,
and I am really upset.

I ain't saying a g*dd*mn thing
in this workroom.

Okay, well, word.

Hello, hello, hello.


Ladies, a wise man once said

if you want to be invited
to the party,

you must have something
to bring.

Oh, wait.
I said that.

It's one of the many
nuggets of wisdom

from my new book Guru,

available for download
and purchase

wherever fine books are sold.

[all laugh]

Now, for today's mini challenge,

I want you to pitch
your own self-help book.

Each book needs to be filled
with inspirational messages

and overflowing
with gorgeous photographs.

Just like Guru.

Available for download
and purchase...

...wherever fine books are sold.

[all laugh]

Ladies, what's the name
of my book?

-You got that right.

And where can you get it?

Wherever fine books are sold.

Well, see, you was crazy as hell

when they brought you
up in here,

but you in
your right damn mind now.

[all laugh]

Okay, you got 20 minutes
to get into quick literary drag.


[all laugh]


This is going to be
the prettiest

I've ever looked
in my entire life.

Sounds about right, baby.

[RuPaul] Ladies, time's up.

First up, A'Keria C. Davenport.

Hello, howdy do, Mama Ru.

All right, pitch me your book.

My new book here
is Bend Ova:

Girl, Show Me
What You're Working With.

My best advice, slap that ass
and get a free pass.

Peep show off a cheap ho.

Pay me my shebang.

Oh, oh, it's milking time.

Hi, name, my name
is Vanessa Vanjie Mateo.

Wait, wait, stop.

You had to look at the card
to remember your name?


I done forgot my name.

Buy my new book,

Miss Vanjie Walking Backwards
into Fame, All You b*tches.

[all laugh]

Based on true-life events

and a little bit of fabrication.

[RuPaul] Judge this book
by its cover,

and she will judge you
right back.

Hi. My name's Plastique Tiara.

Buy my new book, Personality:
Not Everybody has One.

[RuPaul] Oh, Eckhart Tolle,
you better watch out, honey.

Plastique is coming for you.

Booty Food: Confidence From
the Kitchen to the Bedroom.

You'll learn how to serve cakes
and eat them, too.

[RuPaul] Oh, you're like
the Bareback Contessa.

Odd-acity: Release Your Meek
and Get Your Freak On.

Go oddballs to the sugar walls.

Eat a baby.

[RuPaul] Are you there, God?

It's me, Crazy.

The Broad Broad:
Tips and Tricks

From the Football Field
to the Runways of Paris.

Forget about proportionizing,
it's about shoulderizing.


[RuPaul] Touchdown.

Go get my new book,

Eat It: The Chronicles
of the Buffet, Honey.

[all laugh]

You've got to know
how to have your food

and how to get it ready, bitch.


I shipped a copy of this book
to Monique,

but she says she don't rub
the big b*tches no more,

so f*ck you,
you skinny bitch.

[all laugh]

I wrote this book due to
the fact that I was hungry.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] I don't think
the Food Network

is ready for this jelly.

From Bitter to Glitter:

The Story of How Cross-Dressing
Changed my Life.

My three best pieces
of advice are:

Lie on your resumé.

Sleep with your boss.

After parties
are the new job fairs.

[all laugh]

Hillary Clinton called it
sad, but true.


[RuPaul] Okay. Oh, yes, churl.

Oh, my God, you're like
a slutty J.K. Rowling.

[all laugh]

Well done, ladies.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

But one of your books
drove me Oscar Wilde.

[all laugh]

The winner of today's
mini challenge is...

Silky Nutmeg Ganache, Ph.D.

[cheers and applause]

You've won a $1.000 credit
from Postmates.

Oh, yeah.
[doorbell rings]

Oh, they're here now.

[cheers and applause]

Oh, look, it's the
hardest-working queen

in show business,
Morgan McMichaels.

Ah, body.

Listen, I love Postmates.

-Why do you do it?
-I do it for the tips.

You know, I've always relied
upon the kindness of strangers.

Yes, I've heard.

[all laugh]

Well, I gotta go back to work.


Oh, Morgan.

Haven't you forgotten
something, darling?


[all laugh]

I was wondering
where I left this.

[all laugh]

it's that time of year,

and I sure hope your
charisma, uniqueness,

nerve, and talent floats,

because this season we're
playing the Snatch Game at Sea.

[cheers and applause]

Oh, my God.

Brought to you
by our friends at Vacaya,

a fresh new approach
to LGBT+ travel.

With amazing destinations,
stellar entertainment,

and world-class hospitality.

Now, landlubber rules
still apply.

You need to impersonate
a celebrity,

play the game,
and make us laugh.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

[cheers and applause]

Bitch! I've made it
to the Snatch Game.

If you don't do good, bitch,

everybody's going to remember
your Snatch Game,

ain't no ifs, ands, or buts.

Whatever you do
is going to follow you

like the shadow
followed Peter Pan,

and haunt you
till death do you part.

When I curl synthetic hair,
does it go on a low setting?

The lowest setting possible.

Our challenge today
is Snatch Game,

and I cannot wait.

I'm so excited.

This is your strength, though.

-I'm so excited for you.
-I hope so.

I hope it's my strength.

I don't want to jinx myself.

It's going to be fun.

This is a celebrity

The whole goal of this

is to be in character,
have fun,

and make Ru laugh.

I'm gonna curl this hair.

[Yvie] Who are you thinking
about doing, girl?

I'm going to do something
for my Latinos out there, Charo.



-Who you doing?
-Tiffany Haddish.

-Is she from Girls Trip?

The one that was ready
to cut her bra if she needed to.


♪ She read, aah ♪

-Oh, my snatch.
-The tricks, bitch.

Impersonations are not exactly
my strongest suit.

I'm freaking out a little bit.

Or a lot bit.

-Hi, boo-boo.

-How are you?
-What's up?

I'm just--I don't really do
a lot of characters ever,

and so it just feels
like a mental block.

It's just like...


Brooke Lynn is looking at me
with those googly eyes,

and she's shook, 'cause
she doesn't think of herself

as a funny queen.

Who you gonna do?

I think I'm gonna do
Celine Dion.

-Celine Dion.

Is that your final answer?

[both laugh]

Last time
I had to do a character,

it was Rosie...


I was gonna say Rosie Parks.
Rosie O'Donnell.

You know that was not
my jush, either.

I don't really do characters.

Just be--you know,
make them laugh.

Just don't
freak yourself out before.


Make them laugh, bitch,

even if you're not doing Celine

and you're doing Snoop Dogg
or whoever.

While I'm telling her, bitch,
I'm telling myself, too.


Bitch, count to 25.

If not 30.

My ass had to count
to 40 the other night.

And that didn't even
leave me nowhere.

Don't freak yourself out.

Come back later.

Hey, cysts.

We've got company.


Yes! Jinkx Monsoon is here.

Oh, you all look
absolutely fantastic, honestly.

[all laugh]

Jinkx won Season 5
of Drag Race,

and she's in the history books

for being one of the most
amazing Snatch Game winners

as Little Edie.

The label is faded.

I can never tell if it's paté

or if it's giblets
for the cats.


[RuPaul] Now, Jinkx Monsoon
is here

to help you get shipshape
for the Snatch Game.

Who's our first victim?

Dr. Silky Ganache,
meet Jinkx Monsoon.

-Hello, Jinkx.

-How are you?
-Nice to meet you.

I'm wonderful.
How are you?

Oh, I'm wonderful now, honey.

So now please tell me

you're going to be doing
Oprah's second cousin Cornetia.

-Cornetia Winfrey.

Is that what you're doing?

Very similar.

-Well, who is it?
-Ts Madison.

-You're doing Ts Madison?

What a great choice for you.

Welcome to my chateau.


She quits porn, so now
like a social media mogul,

and she's everywhere
doing everything.

Are you worried at all about--


I think she gonna love me, and
I'm gonna become best friends,

and we gonna have a good time.

Now, Jinkx knows a thing or two
about Snatch Game.

Do you have any questions
for her?

I got a question for you.


Can I get your phone number?

[all laugh]

Dr. Ganache, I just never know

what's going to come out
of your mouth.

And that's a good quality
for Snatch Game,

because you've gotta
keep it fresh.

You've gotta keep it funny.


You've got
such a big personality.

And you filter that through
Ts Madison and you're golden.

You know I'm gonna give you
everything, plus a little more.

[RuPaul] You better.

Listen, can't wait
to see you out there.

-Thank you so much.
-Thank you, Dr. Ganache.

Oh, my wig.

Yvie Oddly.

Now, I see sort of
a dreadlock wig here.

Are you going to do
Whoopi Goldberg?

I am gonna do Whoopi Goldberg.

Is this a strong character
for you?

I don't do impersonations
very well.

What would you say
your biggest strength is?

I won the first acting challenge
that we had.

-That's a good sign.

Last week you surprised us
with this glam look.

You looked really pretty.

I didn't realize that
I wasn't turning any of that...

[laughs] For y'all.

Oh, bitch, come on.

You know you were serving
freakazoid before.

This all sounds so familiar.

[RuPaul] Yes, that's right.

So if you've already won
the acting challenge,

you already know
what you're doing here.

So if you can get yourself

to where you've transformed
into Whoopi,

and then you use your own
natural wit and cleverness,

like I think you can handle it.

You're funny.
You're already funny.

So just make me
f*cking laugh, Yvie.

Okay. Thank you.

Thank you. Bye.

-Brooke Lynn Hytes,

meet Jinkx Monsoon.

You know, Jinkx
is a Snatch Game assassin.

Now, we're here
to guess who you're doing.

So don't tell me
because I want to guess.

I see a white jacket.

Sammy Davis Jr.?

[all laugh]

Celine Dion?

-Thank you.
-Is it?

You are doing Celine.

[Brooke Lynn] Celine, yeah.

Do you have Celine's voice down?

Because that's really
the most important part, right?

Yeah, the accent,
the French Canadian accent.


Yeah, 'ello, 'ow are you?

It's good to see you, Jinkx.
You look beautiful.

Um, she's trying.

-Do you feel good?
-I feel good.

My heart will go on.
Love you.

How about this. Celine,
what'd you have for lunch?



It's a French-Canadian delicacy.
You will love it.

It's French fries
with cheese curd and gravy.

It's amazing!



I--to be completely honest
with you,

I'm just not feeling
super confident about any of it.

I just feel like
I have a mental block.

It's just...

Sometimes also
an over-exaggeration

can make up for maybe you're
not the best at doing her voice.

-I love doing Bette Davis,

but it's not accurate.

It's just me going, ahh...

ahh...as much as I can.

It works.
That works.

I see the worry in your eyes.

Can't wait to take a Xanax
after we finish.

[RuPaul] All right, all right.

-We'll see you out there.
-Thank you, Ru.

Come on, Jinkx.

I'm gonna die.

-Hi, Nina.
-Hi, Ru. How are you?

Meet Jinkxy.

-Hi, Jinkx.
-Hi, Nina.

So, now, Nina, you're
a comedy theater queen.

I am.

I would think that
if anybody in this workroom

knows what Snatch Game is,
it would be you.

I think so.
This is improv, riffing,

and it's knowing your character
and trying to make you laugh.

[RuPaul] Yeah, I love to laugh.

Which is really
what I want to do.

You know,
even if it's halfway funny,

I'll f*cking laugh. True.

[all laugh]

I have brought--

I'm between
two different characters

who I think I can embody.

Is that Betty Rubble?

Close. Jo Anne Worley.

Oh, oh, Jo Anne ♪ Worley ♪

-♪ Worley ♪ Yeah.

And is that Eleanor Parker?

Close. [deep voice]
Harvey Fierstein.


I'm trying to decide
really between the two,

and what's going to be
the best decision.

A lot of the kids
watching this show these days,

they're not going to know
either of these people.

-Now you have to do it so well

that even though they don't know
who these people are,

they're going to laugh at it

just because
it's a good performance.

When I did Little Edie,

I had certain things that I knew
that I could always go to.

I could always go to the cat tin
and talk about cat food

and I could always say
her certain catchphrases.

But I also had to be able
to go on the fly.

So I had to be able
to just trust

that if I stay in character,
I could say something

that Little Edie probably
never would have said,

like she goes into
the voting booth in seizures.

Spelling? You know,
she never said that.

But it's a funny thing
that I did in character.

-And it's in her character.

I mean, she would say that.

Listen, I can't wait to see one
of these characters out there.

And make me laugh.

-I'm gonna try.
-All right.

So nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

I'm torn between
these two characters.

I'm not sure
what I'm going to do.

But if I'm going to make
a bold decision,

this is where I need to do it.

[sighs] Now what do I do?

[RuPaul] Hello, Miss--


Oh, Miss Vanjie.


So now I see a red wig here.

Is it Lindsay Lohan?

It's not Lindsay.
She was on Dr. Phil,

the little "cash me outside"
viral girl.

-Oh, yes.
-Danielle Bregoli, yes.

Well, what are you going to do
besides cash me outside?

It's just basically
acting like her.

I was going to address RuPaul
as Dr. Phil.

Stuff like that.

That sounds like
a g*dd*mn laugh riot.

It's not funny talking about it.

It's funny acting, I guess.

You know what?
Everybody says that.

Because on your audition reel,
you had L.A. Toya.

Did you think about doing
Latoya Jackson?

No, I'm not doing
Latoya Jackson.

Why not?

Because I know
she's friends of the show,

so I didn't--and then I would
have felt like uncomfortable,

probably stepping over
those bounds.

Oh, please, bitch.
If you're doing it with love,

there's no disrespect.

I just--the most person
I would be able to for me

I feel like turning it out
when I'm on set would be her.

And her whole thing
is that she's a rebellious kid

who is--bucks authority,
is that the thing?

Remember, Detox playing Ke$ha,

took a pee on stage.

It was like, how are we supposed
to laugh at that, you know?

And Detox learned
a big lesson from that,

that like just going for
the lowest common dominator

doesn't always cut it
if you've got someone else

doing a sophisticated

up against you, you know.

Now you done flipped the script,

got me over here,
don't know what to do.

I'm about to go back through
my luggages again

and figure out
what I'm about to pull.

No, it's up to you, honestly.

It's just we're just questioning

your ability to make
this character come to life.

You've seen Snatch Game before.

[buzz buzz buzz]

You know what happens
on Snatch Game.

Make it funny.

Can you do a character
that's just that?

That already was
the funniest thing you did.

[RuPaul] Funniest thing
of the day.

Well, you decide.
Can't wait to see you out there.

[Vanjie] Okay.

[RuPaul] Thank you, Vanessa.

Bitch, I'm shook, scared,

stand-still mannequin.

I don't know what the f*ck
gonna happen now.

-Hello, Plastique.
-Hi, Ru.

Meet Jinkx Monsoon.

-Hi, Jinkx.

So good to meet you.

an unaccompanied minor here?

[all laugh]

[Asian accent]
Hello. Good to see you.

Oh, my goodness,
are you in character now?

Yes, yes, I am.

[RuPaul] Who are you doing?

I'm actually going to do
Lovely Mimi.

She's on Love & Hip Hop.

She's like this nail tech
from Atlanta,

but she's like--
she pulls out an accent.

She jumps in and out
of that Asian character.

But how different is she

from the nail lady
you performed in the Wakanda?

She's a little different,
because like, you know--

A little different or--

A little different.

So she jumps in and out
of different dialects.

What's her other dialect?

-Is she very 'hood, also?
-Yeah, she's very 'hood.

Can I hear a little bit
of your 'hood voice?

Where you wanna go
to lunch?

Lady Bunny's Glory Holes.

Well, it feels like you've got

one half of this character down.

[RuPaul] Yeah.

But it kind of sounds like
you've done it before.

Are you a one-trick pony?

I've done it before,
but I stick to my g*ns.

I know that
I can do this really well.

I know that I can do the accent.

This is actually my drag voice.

[laughs] The accent
is actually my real voice.


Your challenge
is to not be exactly like

Why it Gotta Be Black?
and also make me laugh.


Plastique already
did this character

in Why it Gotta Be Black,

Plastique did this character
in mini challenges.

Plastique has did this character
walking around the workroom.

I guess Plastique's gonna try
to do this character again.

All right, ladies.
Look, y'all,

I don't care how you do it.

You just better make us laugh.

Bon voyage,

and don't f*ck it up.

[cheers and applause]

Couldn't have
said it better myself.

Shall we, darling?

-Thank you, Jinkx.
-Bye, y'all.

It's Snatch Game at Sea,

brought to you by Vacaya,

a fresh new approach
to LGBT+ vacations.

How do you Vacaya?

Welcome aboard.
We've been expecting you.

Let's meet our Snatch Game
at Sea contestants.

Our first guest
loves escape rooms.

It's Clea DuVall.

-Hi, Ru.
-You look fantastic.

Thank you.
So do you.

Good luck
getting out of here alive.

I never want to.
[all laugh]

Now, our next guest
is obsessed with cruise ships.

Welcome Tony Hale.

Hello. I love cruises.

It's like a floating mall,
and the food feels free.

Well, there's
no shopping on this ship,

only mopping.


All hands on deck.

Let's meet our stars.

First up,
a social media maven

who has stepped her p*ssy
all the way up.

Ts Madison is here.

-Is it on?

Is it on?

The question of the day
and every single day

is this bitch recording?


Good morning, Baltimore.

It's Broadway's
Harvey Fierstein. Hello.

-I want to clear things up.

-I'm not Harvey Weinstein.
-No, you're not.

The only thing I've assaulted
is a cheese plate.

Yes. [laughs]

Now, all the way from
Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta,

it's Instagram superstar
Lovely Mimi.

Hi, Lovely Mimi
in the house.

Hi, Mimi.
Would you do my nails?

Any day of the week, honey.
Come in.

I do the cuticle.
I do the extension.

-Everything for you.
-Oh, wow.

[Silky] Let me tell you
something, RuPaul.

Oh, what's that?

I let Mimi do my nails
in Atlanta, bitch.

I was the first bitch bitch
walking around Atlanta

with athlete's feet on my hands.

Don't you trust Mimi, honey.

Don't do it.

I will check you, ho.

This one's got two voices.

Next up,
she won an Emmy, a Grammy,

an Oscar, and a Tony.

It's Whoopi Goldberg,

Hey, Whoopi.

You know, it's funny
that you should mention that

because I actually brought them
all here with me.

Oh, those are
all of your awards.

Yes. Trying
to get rid of them on eBay

since I haven't had a role in a
good five or six thousand years.

Aren't you on The View?

I am on The View, but after
interacting with these ladies,

something tells me I'm gonna
quit show biz altogether.

[RuPaul] All right, up next,

it wouldn't be a cruise
without her.

My good friend Charo is here.

Hola, RuPaul.
It's so nice to be here.

Can I get one cuchi-cuchi?

Oh, claro que sí.
Oh, cuchi-cuchi-cuchi.

[all laugh]

Up next, we've got someone
that you know from Dr. Phil.

Problem child Danielle Bregoli
is here.

What's up, Dr. Phil?

Oh, shit, I'm sorry.
What's up, Ru?

Are you gonna behave here
on the Snatch Game?

-f*ck no.
-You're not gonna behave.

No. This fucker
is ratchet as f*ck

and knocked my mom out
a few times.

I had to beat her ass,

and now I'm here
trying to get this check.

[RuPaul] Yeah, good, good.

Up next,
from the movie Girls Trip,

the hilarious Tiffany Haddish
is here.

I hope you went to the ladies
room before we started the show.

Oh, there'll be no
golden showers as of right now.

[laughs] Tell me this.

Now, I know you became close
friends with Will and Jada.

-How they doing, girl?
-Girl, listen.

I had tried to take them
on a boat trip

that I had bought on Rupon--

'cause you can't say
the other thing.

[all laugh]

And girl, everybody wanted to
take pictures of Will and Jada,

and I just felt
so non-celebrity-like.

Oh, dear.

-But, girl, guess what?

I still got my Rupon.


She's calling it Rupon.


A'Keria as Tiffany Haddish
was spot-on.

Yes, ma'am.
Y'all caught that mug.

[RuPaul] Last but not least,

oh, my goodness, one of my
favorite voices of all time.

Celine Dion is here.

I'm a little bit confused.
I'm not sure why I'm here.

I thought this was a Titanic
20th anniversary reunion.

Oh, no.

I don't know
who any of these people are.

I know.
There is a nautical theme--

Is it Alzheimer's?

You got Alzheimer's, baby?

-No, baby, no.
-But you--

I have a show in Vegas, though.

[RuPaul] Let's see
how the show goes,

because it might end up
like the Titanic, actually.

All right,
let's play the game.

First question is for Tony Hale.

Bianca Del Rio is so mean.

Recently when someone yelled
"man overboard,"

she didn't throw
a life preserver,

she threw blank.

Another man.

-She threw another man.

All right, let's go
to the celebrities

and see if you got a match,

Let's start with Ts Madison.

Bianca Del Rio is so mean,
she threw what?

I threw over a ruler, bitch,

to make sure
you had nine inches.

And if you didn't have
nine inches,

I wasn't saving you, 'cause
you wasn't worth anything.

Tony, you got nine inches
over there?

Ooh, we're not gonna go there.

[all laugh]

Let's move on down
to Lovely Mimi.

You know, Bianca Del Rio
is so mean,

she throwed the Ts Madison
at the man.

Girl, can you imagine,
she go overboard?

She go to the bottom
and die forever.

She just mad that her nails
are bad and I told everybody.

Okay, that's not a match,
but a very good try.

[audience] Aw...

Let's move on down
to Danielle Bregoli.

-What say you?
-Dr. Phil--

I mean, Ru, stolen credit cards
from her mama,

because that's
what the f*ck I did.

-And I'm here.

All right.
Not a match, not a match.

Why you looking at me
like that, though?

No, it was close.

-Cash me outside, then.
-All right, all right.

Cash me outside, how 'bout that?

-I don't want to.
-Well, you're not angry.

-You're not angry.
-No, I'm not angry.

-All right, hey.
-What's up?

Hey, guys, it's gonna go down.

[Shuga] Vanjie
is messing with Tony,

and I can tell
that he is afraid, honey.

I ain't scared of you.

I whoop my mama.
I'll whoop you, too.

[all laugh]

Let's see
if the greatest voice on earth,

Celine Dion,
has a match for you.

I wrote the Heart of the Ocean.

That's the necklace
from the movie.

I am so angry.

It took them 20--it took them
100 years to find it.

-They got it out of the ocean,

and she throw it back in.

-She threw it back in.

Unfortunately for Tony,
that is not a match.

Celine Dion,
you have so many hits.

Is there one song in particular
that you love the most?

My favorite song to sing is
All Coming Back to Me Now.


Because the music
and the passion,

it just draws me in,
and I feel so alive

when I sing that song.

Where's the Celine?

It ain't even Celine Dion

It's Celine You're-done.

All right, this next question
is for Clea DuVall.

Lady Bunny is so thirsty,

instead of portholes
in her cabin, she has blank.

What does Lady Bunny have

instead of portholes
in her cabin?

-That's a good answer.

Let's go to our celebrities
and hear what they have to say.

Harvey Fierstein, what say you?

Well, I've known Bunny
for years.

She's a New York queen.

-I'm a New York queen.


is that same as a manhole?

-You need a man.
-Unfortunately not.

You do need a man for this.

But that is a very good answer,
Harvey Fierstein.

Let's go down
to Whoopi Goldberg.

What do you have?

I just wrote old movies
I had winning roles in.

Because there's really nothing
like enjoying The Color Purple.

In fact, my feet
are still dirty from it,

to be 100% honest.

[RuPaul] Okay, yeah.

Let's move on down to Charo,
cuchi-cuchi Charo.


[RuPaul] Charo,
what does Lady Bunny have

instead of portholes
in her cabin?

I said Mazola.

It is the oil for the corn.

But you put it in your skin,
then you can slip around in it.

You know, slip in your partner.

And then cook a taco.

And cook a taco.
That's a good answer.

Not a match,
unfortunately, Charo.

Tiffany Haddish,
we're looking for a manhole.

What do you have?

I said she has a little man
she can grapefruit.

See, what you do, Ru--

-Oh, oh, oh, oh.
-You cut the side,

and you cut the side.

What do you do with that?

Oh. [laughs]

All right,
so we're gonna do a bonus round.

Clea and Tony
will play together.

Here we go.

Nicki Minaj loves
going to the beach.

Her hair always stays dry,
but her blank don't.

But her...

Badonkadonk don't.

-But her badonkadonk.

Don't. Okay.

We're looking for badonkadonk,

Oh, Jo Anne Worley is here.

♪ Ooh, aah ♪

The stars are here.

All right, so we're looking
for badonkadonk.

I want you to know

my answer is coming
from a lot of experience

with working with dicks.

-d*ck Martin.
-d*ck Martin from Laugh In.

[Nina] d*ck Nixon.

I've worked with so many dicks,

I think Paul Lynde
really outdid me, though.

♪ Oh ♪

I want you to know.

[RuPaul] Snatchword.





Aah! Melons, that's melons.

It's not a badonkadonk.

No, it's down here.
It's down here, yeah.


Melons would be here.

So unfortunately,
that is not a match.

Now, Ts Madison, are you
familiar with the badonk--

Oh, you've got a new hairdo.

Girl, let me tell you

If you ain't rocking 22 inches,

you practically bald, bitch.

You practically bald.

[laughs] 22 inches.

[Silky] 22 inches. I got to
keep cashing in your check.

[RuPaul] Yes, honey.
All right, now what say you?

Anaconda, honey.

Let me tell you, you ain't
rocking at least nine inches,

you can't rock with me, bitch.

-Nine inches, honey.

Silky as Ts Madison
is k*lling it, girl.

She is the captain of this
cruise ship right now, girl.

Let's move on down
to Whoopi Goldberg.

Any time I go to the beach,
I make sure to medicate.

And so much like Nicki,

I know that her joints,
her joints are always wet.

If you're not about it,
then you're against it,

because the devil's lettuce
is actually God's gift.

What the hell is going on?

I was actually
looking at her like this.

then I looked at RuPaul.

Baby, when I tell you,

[RuPaul] All right,
let's move on to Charo.

We're looking for badonkadonk.

Took me a minute to understand
what the badonkadonk is,

because my English is good,
but not that good.

No, your English is very good.

Listen, people telling me
that my accent is fake,

They tell me, oh, no,
Charo is from Cincinnati.


Do not miscon-screw me.

I am from España.

[RuPaul] What say you, Charo?

My friends tell me, you
selling out with cuchi-cuchi.

But I tell them, my cuchi
take me all the way to the bank.

It certainly has.
It certainly has.

So I say cuchi-cuchi.

Is this the cuchi-cuchi?

The cuchi-cuchi.

The cuchi-cuchi,
unfortunately it taint a match.

All right, let's move on
to Danielle Bregoli.

Danielle Bregoli.

-Is that a pasta?
-No, bitch.

Nicki Minaj
loves going to the beach.

Her hair always stays dry,
but her blank doesn't.

My mix tape.

[RuPaul] Her mix tape.

Right here.

Can you sing a little bit
for us now?

Are you going to do
a little bit for us?


Oh, okay.
All right, Celine Dion.

Her poisson.

So what is a poisson?

Her lady garden,
her arc de triomphe.

Oh, you mean
between me down there?

Down here, Ru.
You gotta shimmy it.

-You gotta shake it.

-Uh, uh, oh.
-Her poisson.

[RuPaul] Poisson.

Poisson, poisson, poisson.

Hey-Ha, hey-ha,
ha, ha, ha, ha-ha.




I'm just saying, like, heh.

[ship horn blows]

That sound means I had
a three-bean salad for lunch,

and we're out of time.

Thank you, Tony.
Thank you, Clea.

-Thanks, Ru.
-Thank you.

Until next time, remember,

spay and neuter
and tip your local drag queens.

Bye, everybody.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


Whoo. [laughs]

Today is elimination day.

We are going to find out

who did well
for Snatch Game, girl.

I definitely feel shook,
and not stirred, bitch.

Oh, baby.
Shake, rattle and roll.

Right. After Snatch Game,
I'm shaking in my boots.

I can't be in the bottom.

How you feeling?

[Brooke Lynn]
Girl, I feel nauseous.

It sucks.

It just
is the worst feeling ever.

I feel like I froze.

At this point
in the competition,

I've been doing so well.

And then my Snatch Game
was so bad.

To go from like
such like a nice high

and then it's literally
just straight down.

I don't even know
what else to say.

I'm just like...
It's the worst feeling ever.

I don't feel safe at all.

But let's get in drag
and be beautiful.

[Yvie] It's so weak

to just be a silent bitch
in the background.

It's like really painful
to be so g*dd*mn unfunny.

Silky, how are you feeling?

After a long night
of tossing and turning

about what I said to Silky,
I feel really bad.

It's not right for me to have
like questioned her talent.

Well, girl, I do think
it was wrong of me

to like come at you
in Untucked.

And I do apologize
for calling you talentless,

'cause that wasn't coming
from anywhere real.

That was anger.

I like do still stand by
the rest of my opinions

that I had in the past,
but you f*cking proved me wrong.

And I feel like in the Snatch
Game, girl, you slayed it.

Yvie is giving
some half-assed apology,

and I'm not buying it.

There's a lot of things that
I can put up with being called,

but talentless
is not one of them.

We ain't got to be friends,
we ain't got to talk about this.

Moving forward,
I'm just doing me.

And you like it or you don't.

I don't give a damn.

[Yvie] I know
you're not here for me.

But I just want to say
like good job, girl,

'cause that was k*ller.

All right.

Yvie can take her apology,

pack it with the rest of
the trash that she calls drag,

and go back to Denver.

[Shuga] My heart game
is on point today, girl.

You draw a heart on your nose?

I do.


I don't know.
One day I did it, and now I say

it's the way that I spread love
throughout the world.

I don't know, girl.

It's cute.

I don't feel good about what
happened between me and Yvie.

I feel like it got real ugly.

I don't feel like this
for no reason.

If they would have
asked me about you,

I would have not read your ass

and walked your ass
right there on the red couch.

I would have
pulled your ass aside,

and said, Yvie,
your makeup looks crazy.


[Yvie] Yes, queen.

Are you busy?

I can take a second.

It'll be quick and easy.

Come here if you can.

It's not a good look,
acting like that.

Not at this age.
No, ma'am.

I wanted to apologize to you for
the way I behaved in Untucked,

because you know I love you,

and it was just like
a bad moment for the both of us.

And we're like family.
Sisters are gonna fight.

And like I don't take it--
like I still love you

and I don't see you
any different.

Thank you for apologizing.

I'm sorry, too, 'cause, I mean,

it really isn't cute
to be acting like that.

And so I apologize for
snapping off at you like that.

You're fine.

And, bitch, I know like
after I was heated,

but I was like, I'm sure
we'll be able to like make up.

We like two pit bulls
going at it.

She's somebody
that speaks her mind.

I spoke my mind.
We sisters.

We're gonna be fighting.

-I love you.
-I love you, too.

But I still respect what she do.

We here together, bitch.

-Thank you.
-No, thank you, bitch.

Miss Vanjie is turning out to be

like one of the most
genuine people I've met.

I think her heart
is in the right place,

and she doesn't just see me

as somebody who's like
trying to take her down.

I just spoke to Yvie,

and I know all of y'all
were in Untucked, you know.

I just want to apologize

for getting so turned up
at Untucked,

and all y'all had to be there,
and I was behaving like that.

-Baby, it happens.

We get heated, girl.

Now I gotta get ready,
so f*ck y'all.

Bitch, I'm sorry,
but I ain't that sorry.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

[cheers and applause]

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Michelle Visage,
do you do any impersonations?

I play a lady on TV every week.

Oh, I'd like
to see that sometime.

You're soaking in it.


The hilarious Ross Mathews.

Now, I hear you do

a mean Sylvester Stallone

Oh, I do.
You want to hear it?

-Okay. [clears throat]

[normal voice]
Yoo-hoo, Adrian.


Good. That's good.

-Do you have another?
-I do Arnold Schwarzenegger.

-Let's hear that one.

[normal voice]
I'll be back.

[all laugh]

Keep working on it.
[all laugh]

Clea DuVall.

Did Snatch Game
change your life?

100%. It's all downhill
from here.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] So, Tony Hale,
do you think my girls

suffer from
arrested development?

That's what I love
about this show.

That's what I want.


Tonight, category is
Sequins on the Runway.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

♪ We got a mighty love ♪

[RuPaul] First up,
A'Keria C. Davenport.

[Tony] She is telling a tail.

[RuPaul] Yes, darling.
It's a tail and two titties.

[all laugh]

I feel strong and sexy.

I got this tail
'cause I'm ready

to whip these girls
right into shape, baby,

and right the hell
out the door.

Get out.

[Tony] Me-ow.

[Clea] Zoo better work.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Vanessa Vanjie Mateo.

Ooh, you glow, girl.

[Michelle] Mr. T starter kit.

[all laugh]

[Vanjie] Baby,
I'm serving you superhero.

Starting with the cape,
I'm giving you body.

I'm giving you legs.
I'm giving you blonde.

Everything's great.

Just I know I'm not supposed
to be wearing no swimsuit.

[RuPaul] Yes, darling,
she's very cape-able.

[all laugh]

[Clea] Gayest superhero ever.

[Tony laughs]

[RuPaul] Nina West.

This is Paul Re-q*eer.

[all laugh]

I am in love with this look.

It is signature Nina,

red, white, and blue
patriotic eleganzers.

Well, she's a grand old flag.

[RuPaul] Yes, she's headed
to the What's the Tee party.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Shuga Cain.

[Michelle] This is what
we call a flamenc-ho.

[all laugh]


[Shuga] I just feel gorgeous.

I'm showing all of the tetas
in the world.

I feel so sexy.

And it weighs like 50 pounds.

I can barely walk in the bitch,

but I will be taking
a slow strut on the runway.

I love this dress so much.

If I wore this dress,
it would be La Isla Boniva.

[all laugh]

[Ross] #Eggplant.


[RuPaul] Brooke Lynn Hytes.

All right, Pam q*eer.


[RuPaul] Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me?


-How you doing?
-Yes, bitch.

[RuPaul] You better
m*therf*cking work, bitch.

[Brooke Lynn]
I f*cked up Snatch Game,

and it was terrible.

And I know I'm getting read
to filth for it.

So I'm pulling out
all the stops.

I need to f*cking
light that runway on fire.


[Brooke Lynn]
RuPaul is gagged.

Everyone is gagged.
Yes, I did it.

[Michelle] I guess blondes
really do have more fun.

[RuPaul] Oh, yes.

She went from Crooklyn
to Brooke Lynn.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Yvie Oddly.

[Ross] Pantsuit of many colors.

-David Ho-wie.

[all laugh]

My sequins might be shiny,

but they're also nitty gritty.

I'm serving the best Peg Bundy
androgynous sixties Barbie.

[RuPaul] Oh, I see.
This outfit was 25% off.


[Ross] I love a look

that really shows off
a girl's assets.

[RuPaul] Yes. Cheeky devil.

Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

[Michelle] Why don't you
come up and seaweed sometime?

[all laugh]

[Silky] I am channeling
my two favorite divas:

Miss Aretha Franklin
and Diana Ross.

If they had come together
to make one big baby,

I am truly that.

Yes, whore.

[RuPaul] Oh, those mountains
are definitely high enough.

[all laugh]

Turquoise for the boys.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Call her Miss Ross.

Plastique Tiara.

Oh, I love a water feature.

[Clea laughs]

I'm super excited for this.

Sparkling bubbles
all over my body.

I look like an eel
freshly out of water.

Feeling gorgeous.

[Ross] Icy what she did there.

[RuPaul] Mm-hmm.

[Michelle] Now where could she
be hiding her trident?

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Welcome, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

A'Keria C. Davenport.

Plastique Tiara.

Ladies, you are safe.

You may leave the stage.

Thank you.

Ladies, you represent the tops
and bottoms of the week.

[RuPaul] Ladies, now it's time
for the judges' critiques,

with Vanessa Vanjie Mateo.

I like this look.
It's a little Storm from X-Men.

Vanjie, leotard and a cape
is what it is.

At this point,
I don't know what else to do.

It's just like
the same thing again.

Is there
a lack of creativity here?

[Ross] Or is there a look?

Is there a brandable thing
she's got going on?

Yes, and she did that
six times already.

Now let's talk about
the Snatch Game.

Now, listen, I've watched
so much Danielle Bregoli

it's not even funny.

You didn't embody her at all.

You started out with
some weird Muppet voice.

What's up, Dr. Phil?

And then it just was you.

Cash me outside, how 'bout that?

The Meryl Streep of drag
you are not.

Who dat?

-Oh, from Devil Wears Prada?

[Clea] I don't know who

the cash me outside girl
is really,

but you really made me laugh.

Thank you.

[RuPaul] Up next, Nina West.

Your makeup
looks lovely tonight.

Thank you.

It's blended out.

Your eyebrows
are in a better place.

They're thicker.

You have that campy look,

and it separates you
from the other girls.

What I noticed watching
the Snatch Game

is that you made Ru laugh a lot.

And then when you switched
to Jo Anne Worley,

you chose an obscure person
who Ru happens to love.

So it was a wise choice.

And you got some
of the ♪ whoos ♪ in there.


Yeah, I loved
your bit with the cards.

It was a lot of fun
to watch you.

When Ru threw a ball your way,
you hit back every time.

That's how you win Snatch Game.

Up next, Shuga Cain,

in one of my favorite dresses
to ever walk down this runway.

Thank you.

That eggplant color
is just gorgeous on you.


I mean, I'm allergic
to eggplant, but I don't care.

I'll get an extra EpiPen,

because I can't get enough
of this dress.

Your Snatch Game was
really, really fun to watch.

You did look exactly like her,
you sounded exactly like her.

I thought you did a great job.

But you could have
taken it further.

But I thought
every time you spoke...

I said Mazola.

[Ross] It was funny,
it was in Charo's voice,

and you looked just like her.

[RuPaul] Up next,
Brooke Lynn Hytes.


That runway storyline,
we were gagging.

You gave us Nomi Malone 2019.

[all laugh]

[Tony] It's going
to probably go down

in like RuPaul history
of like great reveals.

Thank God for that,

because we're gonna
talk about your Snatch Game.

I got the backwards suit,

and I think
that's where it ended.

I just got like a confused
realtor maybe from Toronto.

What happened?

I panicked,
and, yeah, I f*cked up.

Canada called,
and they're pissed.


There is so much fun to be had
with Celine Dion.

You know, she's so intense
about everything.

You know, she--

You just made her Italian.

Shut up.
[all laugh]

The accent wasn't there,
the jokes weren't there.

It was a big letdown,
and I'm worried about you.

All right, up next, Yvie Oddly.

I think you look gorgeous.
Like this is such a cool outfit.

And I wish that
I could pull anything,

even one thing
that you're wearing off,

but I'm too square.

That jumpsuit is fantastic.

So Ziggy Stardust.

I love this hair on you,

but that's giving me
like sixties girl group.

But what I'm getting below
is like seventies glam rock.

The head up and the head down

are giving me
two different looks.

Let's talk about Snatch Game.

Whoopi's a good choice,
because we all know Whoopi,

and there's a lot there.

And you brought none of that.

You could have even said,
"Ru, you in danger, girl."

You could have had some clay

and make believe
you were doing the pottery.

Sister Act, Sister Act,
oh, my gosh.

Even though
I had done my research,

I got on that panel and I
just like forgot everything.

I just think you overthought
a narrow part of her,

and stuck too hard to that.

That was a really big misfire.

[RuPaul] All right.
Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

Tonight on the runway
you look beautiful.

The moment you opened your mouth
yesterday, I was laughing.

[Ross] You always
look like you're having fun,

and that just makes us
have so much fun with you.

Something that you have that
a lot of improv players have,

where there's
a "yes and" quality,

and it's super fun to watch.

Technically a couple ha-ha-ha
in Snatch Game.

You get it. The hair.

That wig, girl. Whoo-fa.

It was chewed up by dogs.

It was dragged
down Main Street, USA.


-The 22 inches refers to?
-Her hair.

Okay. I was
a little nervous to ask.

[all laugh]
But, uh...

That would be very long.

Well, I don't have a lot
of experience with those,

so who knows?

[all laugh]

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, now just between
us squirrel friends,

I want to know
what you guys think.

Vanjie Mateo.

I like Vanjie.

Every time she spoke,
I was thoroughly entertained.

She made me laugh, too.

Guys, Vanjie will make you laugh
just because she's Vanjie.

But the Snatch Game,
she was Vanjie in a bad red wig.

But I don't care.

It's like you go
to a Julia Roberts movie,

and you see Julia Roberts,

and you're like, good,
'cause I love Julia Roberts.

Vanjie's whole thing

is that she's hilarious
and authentically Vanjie,

and she's bringing that
every week.

That was not what
the challenge is.

I love the tension.

One day we're just gonna
have passionate sex.

Yes, you and me, Rossy.

On a very special
RuPaul's Drag Race.

[all laugh]

Nina West.

Nina just really exudes joy.

She's got the opposite

of like the person
who has a resting bitch face.

Don't look at me,
because you don't have that.

[all laugh]

You're full of joy,
and I know that.

[all laugh]

Nina West in the Snatch Game
was one of my tops.

She had a fully realized

and not only one, but two.

Tonight was a very strong night
for Nina West.

[RuPaul] Shuga Cain.

Shuga Cain
with that gorgeous dress.

That "merlot she better don't"

-Absolutely gorgeous.

In terms of Snatch Game,
how she sounded was spot-on.

Shuga like loves Charo,
and you could feel that.

She, too, came prepared.

But the difference between her
and Nina for me

was she didn't take it
very far.

You know, I would have loved
to seen her push it further.

But Shuga has done very well,

and she's emerging
in this competition.

So it's a good, good night
for her.

Brooke Lynn Hytes.

We're gonna talk
about everything

that's all
coming back to me now.


There was no Celine in that.

It was all wrong.

But then the runway happened.

[RuPaul] Oh, goodness.


[RuPaul] That is one
for the history books.

-It was so exciting.

But here's the question.

With her Snatch Game
being so terrible,

is this enough to save her

from having to lip sync for
her life and maybe going home?


[RuPaul] Yvie Oddly.

Yvie's one of my favorites

because she's
so specifically her.

Every week, it's fun to see

how she funnels the challenge
through her Yvie filter.

And usually
it works out okay for her.

This time,
she got in her own way.

[Clea] There's
something about her

that I find very interesting,
and she seems like

she has a very specific
point of view.

I don't know that that fully
came out in the Snatch Game.

She missed almost
the entire essence of Whoopi.

And after seeing
kind of the life and joy

of kind of Nina and Silky,
it was like, whoo.

Worst week yet for Yvie.

[RuPaul] The Reverend
Dr. Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

You want to talk about
star quality, that kid's got it.

-And Silky's star quality

worked for her
in the Snatch Game as well.

And it was so effortless.
She was really living in it.

Every time Snatch Game
comes around,

I look forward
to having that patter

and sort of volleying
with someone,

and I was able to do that
with our Silky Ganache.

-Yes, honey.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls!

[all laugh]

Ru, I want to hear that again.

[RuPaul] Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Nina West.

You're safe.

Thank you.

[RuPaul] Shuga Cain.

You're safe.

Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

Ts stands for Top Snatch.

Con-drag-ulations, you are the
winner of this week's challenge.


You've won a $5.000
gift certificate from Vacaya,

which you could use for
a fabulous LGBT+ vacation.

Thank you.

You may join the other girls.

Thank you.
God bless you.

I am stepping over
Miss Yvie Oddly with my $5.000.

How you doing?

Brooke Lynn Hytes,
on the runway,

you are queen of the world.

But your Celine Dion
was a Titanic disaster.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

Yvie Oddly, after that
Whoopi Goldberg impersonation,

you in danger, girl.

Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, your
bad baby was a problem, child.


You're safe.

[RuPaul] Yvie,
I'm sorry, my dear,

but you are up for elimination.

The bitch who called me
talentless is in the bottom.


The bottom
looks nice on you, bitch.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life!

I'm a fighter.

I'm not going
to just die off gently.

I really need to turn this out.

This bitch
is not sending me home.

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

♪ Now I'm out here
looking like revenge ♪

♪ Feeling like a 10,
the best I ever been ♪

♪ And, yeah, I know
how bad it must hurt ♪

♪ To see me like this,
but it gets worse ♪

♪ Wait a minute ♪

♪ Now you're out here
looking like regret ♪

♪ Ain't too proud to beg ♪

♪ Second chance
you'll never get ♪

♪ And, yeah,
I know how bad it must hurt ♪

♪ To see me like this ♪

♪ But it gets worse ♪

♪ Wait a minute ♪

♪ Now payback is a bad bitch ♪

♪ And baby, I'm the baddest ♪

♪ You playing with a savage ♪

♪ Can't have this,
can't have this ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ And it'd be nice of me ♪

♪ To take it easy on ya,
but nah ♪

♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm not sorry ♪

♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm not sorry ♪

♪ Feeling inspired 'cause
the tables have turned ♪

♪ Wait a minute ♪

♪ Now payback is a bad bitch ♪

♪ And, baby, I'm the baddest ♪

♪ You playing with a savage ♪

♪ Can't have this,
can't have this ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ And it'd be nice of me ♪

♪ To take it easy on ya,
but nah ♪

♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm not sorry ♪

♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm not sorry ♪

♪ Being so bad
got me feeling so good ♪

♪ Showing you up... ♪

I'm living.
Come on, Cirque du Soleil.

♪ Talk that talk, baby ♪

♪ Better walk, better walk
that walk, baby ♪

♪ If you talk, if you talk
that talk, baby ♪

♪ Better walk, better walk
that walk, baby ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Talk that talk, baby ♪

♪ Better walk, better walk
that walk, baby ♪

♪ If you talk, if you talk
that talk, baby ♪

♪ Better walk, better walk
that walk, baby ♪

♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm not sorry ♪

♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

♪ I'm not sorry ♪

♪ Feeling inspired 'cause
the tables have turned ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm on fire
and I know that it burns ♪

♪ Baby, I'm sorry ♪

[RuPaul laughs]

[cheers and applause]

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Shantay, you both stay.


[Vanjie] Yes!

[cheers and applause]

[Shuga] That's right.


♪ We both safe,
we both safe, uh-uh-uh ♪

Sorry, not sorry.

[all laugh]

And ladies, you in the back,

I hope you're taking notes.

We got a couple of lip sync
assassins in our presence.

No one is safe.

Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

Now, remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

-Now let the music play.

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

[RuPaul] Next time
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You'll be starring in LADP.

We got a 169
at the Tuckahoe Trailer Park.

-It's showtime.

Get her.

Ma'am, ma'am.

Oh, you feel so good.


You're like a very sexy robot.

You were giving me everything.

You didn't give a shit.

The pressure is definitely on.

I don't give a f*ck.

♪ To, to, to, to,
to, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪
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