01x16 - A Fight at the Opera

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x16 - A Fight at the Opera

Post by bunniefuu »

All right, class,
before you clean up

I have an announcement to make.

What does this say to you?

You got drafted by the vikings.




Now, although I teach science

my first love has
always been opera.

What do they have in common?


And that's why I'm bitter.

Which brings us to the annual
festival of the classical arts.

Here it comes.

Who wants to sign up?

You get a beautiful trophy.

And a $100 gift certificate
donated by the bayside mall.

Hey, Rae, what do you think?

Should we sign up?

You getting any psychic vibes?

No, I got nothing.

But I do have an idea.

We are going to do an opera.

An opera?

Rae, come on, we don't
know anything about opera.


we love the mall, and
depaulo loves opera.

Therefore... we love opera.

You do?


So, Raven, what will you and
your sidekick be performing?

What-what do you
mean, "sidekick?"

Sidekick... you know, a follower,
hanger-on, second banana.

Mrs. Depaulo, Chelsea and I...

We're equal bananas.

That's right.

Okay, as far as
what our act will be

all our decisions will
be made together.

Chelsea, we're leaving.

Right behind you.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

Needs something...



Drop the marshmallows,
step away from the blender.

Corey, what are you doing?

My class is putting out
a fourth grade cookbook

and we all had to
bring in a recipe.

Honey, with recipes like this

no one's going to
make it to the fifth grade.

Nobody's going to
fit in the fifth grade.

Son, what were
you trying to make?

A dessert.

I call it...

"the deliciator."

Why didn't you
come to me for help?

You know I am a
professional chef.

Or me.

I have this box full
of family recipes

passed down through
the generations.

Like your mother's fruitcake.


I'm still waiting for
that to pass down.

Well, it might have helped

if you hadn't
swallowed it whole.

I tried

to bite it, but that
thing had no give.

It's like cement.

Are you two fighting?


Why don't you both
make me a dessert

and I'll put the winning
one in my cookbook?

Son, you're not going to
get your mother and me

to compete against each other.

I mean... please.

Are you scared?

No way.

Son, hand me my apron.

Watch a real man in action.

Yeah, it takes a real
man to wear pink.

Hey, you two, how
was school today?

Great, mom.

Chelsea and I signed
up to do an operatic duo

for the classical arts festival.

I'm impressed. What
are you singing?

I haven't decided yet.

Why do you get to decide?

Chelsea, are you still tripping

because Ms. Depaulo called
you my second banana?

No, it's cool. Of course not.

Now, if you'll excuse me

I'll be in your room
awaiting further instructions.

Mom, tell me the truth.

You don't think

I boss Chelsea around, do you?

Oh, yeah.

Come on, seriously.

Oh, yeah.

Come on, honey.

You have a lot
of great ideas, but

every once in a while

you need to let someone
else have their say.



Honey, because people don't like

to be overshadowed by others

who act all superior
just because they went

to cooking school

and know how to whip egg whites.

Like that's so hard.

Come back.

Oh... sorry.

That's all right.

Rae, Chelsea's your best friend.

Give her a chance.

I'm sure she has
some wonderful ideas.

We're going to be singing trees?

Not just singing, Rae.


Girl, that is...

Gosh, it's a wonderful idea.

Thanks... because I was thinking

you know, we take
some opera... Mm-hmm.

But we write our
own words, you know?

About something we
just really care about.


Um, no.

Actually, um, something like,
you know, the environment.

Like, um, acid rain.

You know, how it just really
destroys trees and stuff.

That's... That idea...

It's a bit too wonderful.

You know, Rae if you...

If you don't want to do this...

No. Chelsea... Go ahead, girl.

You're the boss.



Okay, I'm the boss then.

I mean, if that's okay with you.

Hello. I don't have to ask you.

I'm the boss.

Okay, people, I'm
on a tight schedule.

Make my mouth happy.

Banana cream cheese cake.

Nothing but the
best for my baby.

Son, if you need to
rinse that bad taste

out of your mouth

I've lifted the ban on
drinking out of the carton.



I'm... I'm good, I'm good.

Yeah, slow your roll, Sara Lee.

Son, get ready for my
fudgy fudge fudge cake.

Open your mouth and say, "yum!"


Awesome is better
than excellent.

Well, actually... It's a tie.

So, I'm going to
need another round.


Unless... One of
you wants to give up.

I believe he's
talking to you, Tonya.

Oh, yeah?

Well, bring it on... Fudgy.

Oh, Eddie, Eddie

since depaulo made you mc

you think you can
get us a good slot?

Right. The, uh,
singing dead trees.

There's a showstopper.

Thank you.

Oh, you know what?

I left the rotten
moss in my locker.

I'm going to go get that.

Girl, you better go get...
Get that rotten moss.

I don't want to be a dead tree.

Yeah. Who does?


This is the first place
trophy for the festival.

I call it "the depaulo cup."

It's an old bowling trophy.

I know.

File off my ex-husband's name.

Way to go.

You and Chelsea
make a great team.

Rae, Rae.

Great news.

The moss is really rotten.

They're going to smell
us in the back row.

Yeah, girl. Hey, put
it down, put it down.

I just had a vision
that we're going to win.

Oh, my gosh, are you serious?

I totally knew the dead
tree thing was the way to go.

Yeah, but, see,
when I had the vision...


I didn't see us in our trees.

I-I was wearing a
really beautiful outfit.



Um, well, what was I wearing?

Yeah, I didn't see you.

Hmm. How convenient.

Hey, girl, listen.

If we didn't have a
chance of winning

I'd still go with these trees

but since we have a chance

girl, I just think

a good idea's better
than a dumb one.

That didn't come out right.

You always think your
ideas are better than mine.

Can we please not fight now?

Please, let's just do
it my way and win.

What? What is your way, Rae?

Sing about something
really stupid like shopping?

This country was
built on shopping.

And I think that
we should honor it.

Well, you know what?

You can honor it yourself

'cause this tree stands alone.

Fine, because your tree is going

to become my
shopping bag anyway.

Rae, this is not
about trees, okay?

It's about our friendship.

And you know what?

You just acid
rained all over it!

Come on.

You guys have
been friends forever

and I'm not about
to let you ruin it

over some silly argument.

It's not silly, Eddie, okay?

She said that, for once,
we could go with my idea.

That was before I had a
vision that we could win.

Okay, wait, so, you're saying
that we can't win with my idea.

Yeah, if we change it to mine.


Now, Chelsea's mom
gave me this video

and I think it's going to
help you guys remember

why you're friends.

I got a tree. It's still a baby.

♪ Hey, Chelsea,
it's your birthday ♪

♪ get busy, get busy. ♪

This is Raven

my bestest friend in
the whole wide world.

And this is my bestest friend.

Hug! Hug!

Aah... doesn't that just
make you want to go...

Oh... Oh...

Yo, who's that
cute little fellow?

I've got new sneakers.

They're the b*mb.

Let's see you run, Eddie.


Keep going.

Keep going.

Oh, look, it's my birthday cake.

Make a wish and blow
out the candles, Chelsea.


Okay, time for cake.

Oh, man, I probably should've
watched the whole tape.

Now I remember.

You blew out my candles.

Well, who takes 20
minutes to make a wish?

I was wishing on each candle.

Girl, it's one cake, you
get one wish, that's it.

Oh, my gosh, so, it's
your rules again, Rae.

Well, you know what?

Thanks to you, none of
my wishes even came true.

Yeah, you know what?

You owe me a pony... and a bike.

Oh, and, that's right

I blame you for global warming.

Okay, so, I'm glad we
worked this one out.

Now, you two will be going
on last, closing the show.

I think it's a great spot.


I am not performing
with the wish k*ller.

Chelsea, you don't
have to perform with me.

You don't even have
to be friends with me.

Fine. Fine.

Not that fine.

There's only one slot open

and if you're not
doing it together

then one of you is not doing it.

Which one? Which one?

Corey's going to love my
chocolatey chunky chunk cookies.

Well, not as much
as he's going to love

my creamy dreamy
peanut butteremy cake.



What is this?

"The fourth grade cooks."

They already have
a cookbook out.

And that's Corey's recipe

for the deliciator.

Then what are we doing?

Send in the treats!

Getting scammed
by a ten-year-old.

You know we only
live to serve you.

Well, if your desserts
aren't good enough today

there's always tomorrow.

Mmm, yeah, that's
'cause that cookbook's

not coming out
for a while, right?

Oh, yeah. Could be weeks.

Maybe months.


Then maybe I should do
a little more work on this.

I want it to be perfect.

Oh, it's perfect.

Give me a cookie.

I don't know.

Maybe I used too
many chocolate chunks

on it.

Victor, what do you think?

Mmm. Mmm, mmm,
oh, it's, I don't know.

Is it supposed to be
this sweet and chewy?

I like sweet and chewy.


Now, see, Tonya, I'm worried.

I don't know if my cake is moist
and luscious enough for Corey.

Let Corey be the judge.

Mmm. Mmm.

That is sweet.

Mmm. Mmm. And creamy.

But is it up to
Corey's standards?

I have no standards. Mmm.


Mmm. Mmm.

It's like a flavor
party on my tongue.

Could I have a piece?


Oh, no, we seem to have
eaten all the desserts.

Because they were that good.


Well, wh-what am
I supposed to eat?

I don't know.

Maybe we should look

in the fourth grade cookbook!


I think the real issue here is

what were you doing
in my backpack?!

Want to try that again?

Uh... I love you?


You lied to us.

You manipulated us.

You turned us
against each other.

Okay. I'm sorry.

No dessert for me tonight.

Try a week.

That's fair.

And I'll clean up
the Kitchen, too.


Now go to it.

Try to play us, will he?

Victor? Hmm?

There's a tray of cookies
and a half a cake in there.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

I'm Edward Thomas,
your humble host

for this evening's
cultural festivities.

Yo, yo, yo, it's mc
ed to the dizzle.

And if you dig culture,
let me hear you holler.

Dig that. Dig that.
All right. All right.

Right on, right on.

Settle, settle, settle, settle.

First act up, they
dance, they prance

and one of them is named Lance.

Put your hands together
for your bayside swan Lakers!

Eddie, I got your message.

Thank you so much for
putting me in the show.

No problemo.

Hey, you're going
to love my shopping...

♪ Opera. ♪

Yo, yo, yo, yo,
swany, swany, swany.

The lake's that way.

Get on, get on.

Oh, my gosh, Eddie.

Thank you so much
for giving me this spot.

It was nothing. Really.

Well, I guess I better slip into
something a little more woodsy.

Mr. Thomas, did I
just hear you promise

the last spot to
both those girls?

Okay, I know it sounds
crazy, but here's my plan.

Oh, I have no plan.

Ms. Depaulo, they're
my best friends.

I couldn't chose.

Interesting dilemma.

Let me just take a
moment to pretend I care.

Glad that's over.

Don't mess this up!

Guys, this is t*rture.

Can I get a snack?


But no sweets.

Beautiful, beautiful.

I mean, that was just beautiful.

Give it up for
Holly hunkins, y'all.

And now, for our
final act of this evening

ladies and gentlemen.

If you like music, drama
and possibly wrestling

then you'll love the opera
stylings of Raven Baxter.

And... or Chelsea Daniels.

What?! What?!

Y'all have fun.

Get off the stage.

What are you going to do?

Blow out my candles?

Let it go.

♪ I'm a sad little
tree in pain ♪

♪ because I'm
dying from acid rain ♪

♪ come on, girlfriends,
let's heed the call ♪

♪ the shops are
waiting at the mall ♪

♪ the mall ♪

♪ the tree ♪

♪ come on ♪

♪ oh, please, you just want
someone to boss around ♪

♪ a little mouse who
never makes a sound ♪

♪ you never minded
when I took the lead ♪

♪ you said that I gave
you the push you need ♪

♪ what's going on? ♪

♪ This is my slot ♪

♪ talk to the tree ♪

♪ please stop fighting
or depaulo blames me ♪

♪ what's going on? ♪

♪ You promised me
I could be the boss ♪

♪ but who looks good
covered in rotting moss? ♪

♪ Is that part of the song? ♪

♪ Why don't you
understand how I feel? ♪

♪ You're running long! ♪

♪ Look, they like us ♪

♪ I guess we're good ♪

♪ it worked much better
than we thought it would ♪

♪ I'm glad everything
worked out all right ♪

♪ good... night. ♪

And now, our
emcee for the evening

and my favorite
student, Eddie Thomas

will announce the
judge's decision.

Way to go.

You and Chelsea
make a great team!

We're going to win.

Just like I saw it.

And now, the winner
of the depaulo cup

and the $100
gift certificate is...

Holly hunkins!

Rae, what happened
to your vision?

I saw it right, but
I read it wrong.


It's okay.

You know, we won a lot more

than just a gift
certificate and a trophy.

We sure did.

Hey, Holly, will
you knock it off?

You won already.

Run, Chelsea!

What are you doing?


You guys, what
is the big surprise?

Just something that I owe
you from a long time ago.

Happy fifth birthday.
Happy fifth birthday.

Oh, my gosh, you
guys are the best.

We know.

Now go ahead and
blow out your candles.

Wait, wait, first I
have to make a wish.

You know what?

I can think of something better.

Gosh, that was too selfish.

And the whole rain
forest, of course.

You know, and the cheetahs.

I love the cheetahs.

And the monkeys.

Did I say the monkeys?
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