01x07 - Crazy Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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01x07 - Crazy Love

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm Hank.
I was your typical
emergency room doctor.

Until I got fired.

You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

I made a judgment call.

You made a mistake.

HANK: This is my brother.

I'm Evan R. Lawson, CPA.

HANK: He took me away
from my troubles
and to the Hamptons.

And suddenly,
I had a chance to become
a whole new kind of doctor.

It turns out the wealthy
and not so wealthy out here

could use a guy who
makes house calls.

So, I've got a second chance
to do what I do best.

Five more seconds.

Okay. Slowing you down.

Your VO2 max is 55.
That's impressive
for your age bracket.

You might have stopped
at impressive.

I just need to
come back tomorrow
and draw some blood.

Why wait until tomorrow?

You have to fast
for eight hours.

You're very thorough, Hank.
Thank you for the check-up.

Oh, I'm glad
to finally be
earning my keep.

People often schedule
physicals during that
special time of year.

Happy birthday, Boris.

I'm not one usually
for celebrating
the passing of time.

Well, medically,
you're in the

I mean, you might as well
be turning 25.

That, I would celebrate.

Arrange something
with Dieter for tomorrow?


I'll see you then.


Hey, are you in Mumbai yet?

Oh. What kind of side trip?

Tomorrow? That's short notice.

No, no, no. Of course
I want to see you.

[STAMMERS] I'll just have to
juggle some things around.

[LAUGHS] I'm working
this weekend.


Raj? I'll have to
call you back.

You're too far forward.
You'll pearl
when you hit the water.

Well, I don't know
what pearling means.

Maybe it's something
I want to do.

Trust me.
It's not.

Oh, my God.
Just get in the water

Okay. Whatever. Okay,
so check this out.

Hi, there.
You looking for somebody?

Maybe somebody
who knows how to surf
without pearling, because...

You got me.

I like to base
my relationships
on surfing technique.

Katie. Hey! I didn't know
you were coming in,

or I would have
picked you up.

Oh, no. It's fine.

I'm actually...
You know what?

I don't even surf.
I'm more of a turf guy.


What are you doing
in town?

Oh, it's a long story.
But the short version?

Boris? Wait,
your research project.

Yeah. He agreed to fund it.
I think. Kind of hard to tell
with the accent.

Oh, my God,
Katie, that's amazing.

EVAN: That is awesome.

Congratulations. This calls
for a celebration, in fact.

A big one where things
get all crazy, and...

Okay. Please tell me
this isn't him.

No. This is Hank.

Hey, nice to meet you.
I've heard a lot about you.

I'll assume
that's a good thing.

And this is his brother.
Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of HankMed.

I think that introduction
speaks for itself.

So, this one's the CFO
and this one's the MSG?

MS what?

It's nothing.

Anyway, I should get to work.

You know, with Boris,
the clock
is always ticking.

All right. Go.
I'll call you later.

Okay. Good meeting you.

HANK: Good to meet you, too.
JILL: Bye.

EVAN: Bye, Katie. Bye.

What's an MSG?

Medical super god.

Oh, all right.

Miniature sex gimp.


snow gerbil.

Hey, Divya.

You seem to be walking
okay. Can you move
your arms for me?

What do my arms
have to do
with walking?

Oh, no, no, no.
It's just a test for
neurological damage.

I think you're fine.

She didn't
lose consciousness.

In fact, she's been
quite animated
since the accident.

SOFIA: You know, I was about

to call 911. And then,
she told me about you.

No problem.
I just need to irrigate
these abrasions.

Listen. I hear you treat
the who's who out here.

HANK: It depends
"who who" you
talk to.

JAVIER: Mi amor.

Are you hurt?
Oh, God.

Javier, it was awful.
She drove right
in front of me.

I did no such thing.
Yes, you did.

How did you find me?

What is that?

SOFIA: Oh. I just bought it.

Trevor said that
it was the must-have
for the summer.

Who's Trevor?
He's just the salesman.

You know,
and he said that
it matched my spirit.

And my Jimmy Choos.

You can't keep
buying vehicles

just because
they match your outfits!

What about my
near death experience?



You should go
to the hospital.
You need stitches.

Hank, could...
Could you do it, please?

He's the best there is
out here.

Yeah, I can't
take care of it here.

I need a cleaner environment.
And less kissing.

Oh, I just got out
of a hospital.


Because I went up
a cup size. In Rio.

Long trip
for an extra cup.

SOFIA: It was Javier's idea.

He knows the top
plastic surgeon over there.

Anything for Sofia.

Including you.

Come to our home
up the road. Number 57.

All right.


SOFIA: Yes. Bye!

Brazilian augmentation.
A scooter
to match her shoes.

They're crazy.

Well, they're in love.
Come on.

So, Jill, can I interest you
in one of my
house specialties?

I can make
a Hong Kong hangover,

a whiskey peppermint flip,
maybe a Pensacola bushwacker?


Grey Goose?


Done and done.

Anyway, Katie's been
trying forever to
get this project financed,

but she couldn't
interest anyone.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm interested.
What's she researching?

Well, uh, epigonal organs,

I'm already bored.

Of course.

Try that on for size.

Mmm. Nice job, Evan.

Okay. So, where was I?

Oh. And then,
I introduced her to Boris

at the same
Memorial Day party
where I met you, Hank.

Hey. That was a good night
all around.

JILL: Yeah.
God, that feels like ages ago.

You say that
like it's a bad thing.

No, no, no. I just...
No, I meant that

it hasn't been
that long,
but it feels like a...

In a good way.
Never mind.

You're welcome for that,
by the way.

You know, dragging
you out to Boris' party
in the first place.

Getting you and Jill

Oh, okay. So, you're
going to take credit
for everything

that happens in my life
post Brooklyn?

Hey, man. A butterfly
flaps its wings.

Okay. So, about this
MSG thing...

Oh, it's not a thing.
It's really no big deal.

Macho surfing guru.

No? Mucous spewing growth.

Mucous spewing what?
Okay, he doesn't
make you laugh.

I make you laugh.
He's in denial.

And it's been nearly
a full day of this.

How are you
not sick of him yet?

He's funny.

Funniest third wheel
I've ever met.

That's true. And this jalopy
needs a fourth wheel.

Just hook me up
with Katie, will you?

Don't you want your friend
to be happy and really,
really satisfied?

I think we're all really,
really uncomfortable.

JILL: Yeah.
Although, I've got to say,

she is impressive.

Pitching an
epigonal organ study
at a summer house party?

That's badass.

Yeah, that's Katie.

To Boris, no less,
who's probably
going to keep them

in the freezer with his
human head collection.

Boris does not collect
human heads.

How do you know that?
Because he is very private
and fairly mysterious.

Or fairly private
and very, very mysterious.

I'm sure there are things
about Boris that
none of us know.

Yeah. He's a good guy.
And he's been good to me,
to Katie,

to you guys.

Oh, yeah.
He just...

He likes things quiet,
controlled, predictable.



Hank, there's been
an incident.

BORIS: Will she need stitches?

No. They're shallow marks.

Hank, let me tell Jill
about this.

She has a tendency
to overreact.

Well, I couldn't
tell her, anyway.

Patient confidentiality.

Did you see
what bit you?

No, I was in the ocean.

At this hour?

I love night swimming.
I felt something
tug at my leg.

Between the bite pattern
and this tooth,
I'm thinking shark.

We better report it.

Yeah. You can
leave that to me.

There you are.
Do you want some eggs?

No, I don't.

That's good,
because I only made
enough for me.

So, uh, listen.
I've been brainstorming
the Katie situation.

And, I mean, it's perfect.

Like, come on.
Brothers dating best friends?

It's like...
Can you see
the '80s movie montage?

So, I was thinking we have
dinner here tonight.

You and Jill
laugh at my jokes.

You swoon over my cooking.

And then, at some point,
you just remember, like,

"Oh, my God, we gotta
go surfing," or whatever,

and leave me and Katie
alone to just get to know
each other.

What do you say to that?

I say the last thing
I'm doing is getting
in the water after dark.

I need you
to do some research.

Look, I don't know
what "pearling" means.

Why don't you just
research it yourself?

Pick up the phone
and find out

who to call
to report a shark bite.

Um... Why...
Why do you need
that information?

Why do you care?
You don't go in the water

unless it's got
the foam noodle thingies
and a swim-up bar.

I'm just wondering
for billing purposes, man.

I just, you know,
I need to know.

It's a Boris thing,
and we're not billing him.
So, can you call?

Boris got bit? Where?

geographically where,

as well as on his body?
Like, was it bad, or...

Evan, you know,
there's only so much
I can tell you.

What's with
all the questions?

[SIGHING] Oh, boy. Okay.

Look, I know something
I'm not supposed to know,

and I'm definitely
not supposed to tell
anyone, so...

You know what?
Don't even ask me,
'cause I can't tell.

You tell me right now, or...

Boris has a shark
in his basement.


Okay. Yeah, no.
I'm sure Boris has
a shark in his basement.

Henry? I'm serious.
I saw it.

Up close, in person.

ANNOUNCER: 317 to Manhattan
will be departing at 3:45.


Wow. You look amazing.

I thought you were working.

I figured that you'd need
a decent half-caf soy latte.

Are you okay?
Were you hurt?

It was just a scooter.
I'm fine.

And the car was
just a bit scratched.

You had it at the shop
first thing this morning,
didn't you?

So, tell me
why Dad brought you here.

Construction schedule
for the London hotel.

We can't open it
soon enough for his taste.

He flew me in
for a face-to-face meeting.

Hmm. But it's your taste
that will make the place work,

whenever it opens.

Can't wait for you both
to see it.

Well, we'll...
We'll be in London
for the wedding, I guess.

I heard our engagement party
announcements were mailed.

Is this really happening?

I think if we postpone
the engagement again,
my dad will disown me.

He'll bury me
in the hotel's foundation.

So, I guess
we better do it.


I brought you something.

Our mothers both insisted
that you present that to me
at the party.

Just open it.


A cricothyrotomy tube.

And a key chain.
A good luck gift
for your new business.


Speaking of...

Go. We'll see
each other later, right?

Of course. Of course.
I promise.

You have a shark
in your basement.



You called me over
for a medical emergency,
and then lied to me about it.

You scared the hell
out of my brother,

and then you asked him
to lie to me, too?

I need to know
what's going on.

BORIS: Katie
studies them,

so, when this one
became ill,
I called on her.

It's sick?

Well, not anymore.

Quite commonly,
sharks in captivity
have trouble with buoyancy.

Katie went in the t*nk
to feed her through her
stomach and help her float.

Okay. So, that's why
Katie was in there.

But why is the shark
in there?

Is that medically relevant,

No, it's not. But right now
I feel like I'm living
on a Bond villain's property,

so explain it to me or
I'm packing up my stuff

and I'm leaving.

I like you, Hank.

This animal was
meant for research
in Maryland.

But I began to lose faith
in the facility down there.

So, Katie's
going to research
this shark here?

She's considering it.

I called because you are
clearly overcharging me
for the services provided.

No, we're just
regular charging.

I see the price
for a stitch.

One stitch. It's absurd.

What would you suggest?
Buy nine stitches,
get one free?

Like, free wound cleaning
on Fridays?

Sofia changed her mind
about the upholstery.

I don't blame her.
Now, about paying
for her health care...

Uh, I mean...

It's too much.
I won't pay it.

Whoa! Okay, there, Highlander.
Why don't we just
put the knife down?

Knife? I deal
in antique weapons.
This is a misericorde.

Okay, then, put
the misicaba-thing down.

It's French for "mercy."

Knights used it
to give the final stroke
to the mortally wounded.

I'm not mortally
wounded, dude.
In fact, I feel fine.

And I'd feel a lot better
if you'd just...

I made my first dollar selling
my great-great-grandfather's
sword from Valencia.

Each dollar since then
is thanks to his legacy.

He'd be enraged
by these numbers.

So you're blaming me
for inflation?

Mr. Santos.
Uh, you paged me?

No, I did, Divya.

Please tell Zorro here
that you performed all
the procedures on this bill.

You paged me
to go over a bill?

An inflated bill.
You saw my wife.
She's flawless.

Uh, we do injuries
and illnesses,
not flaws, buddy.

Okay. No, no.
Actually, we do do flaws.

She barely had
a scratch on her.

Yeah, except for
all the ones
that needed stitches.

Never mind,
it's on the house.

What? It's on whose house?
Your house?
It's not on my house.

We'll talk
about it outside.


So, which one of us is
the Evan R. Lawson, CFO
of HankMed around here?

It's a minor bill.

There's no such thing
as a minor bill, Divya.

It won't break the bank.

Okay, look. I understand
you were raised
with a silver spoon

up your...

But I would like
to make a profit.
Besides, I do billing.

You do medicine-y stuff.

Okay. They're not
worth it, Evan.

What do you mean, "they"?
What's your problem
with them?

First of all, I don't like
their pretend
lovey-dovey nonsense,

which is only there to
compensate for whatever is
absent in their relationship.


Second, they keep
wrecking my car.

SOFIA: Javier?

She said her vision blurred
for a moment, causing her
to crash into my car...


I suspected a concussion
from the Vespa accident.

Yeah, but
the CT is clean.

Have you
ruled out CD?

Chronic Duane syndrome?

Crappy driving.

This pain is unbearable.

JAVIER: Are there
no more tests to perform?

We could do
an MRI.
What would that do?

Rule out
other possibilities.

It would also
add to your bill.

Well, it sounds like
I need it.

This is what
we charge for it.

We rent this
on a per-patient basis,
so it costs a ton.

Meaning it will
cost you a ton
plus a little bit,

because we have to eat, too.

You could go to
Hamptons Heritage.

Your insurance
might cover it.

The hospital? No.

No more hospitals,
not for her.

All right.
Well, if you don't want
to go to the hospital,

I can try to get
an MRI truck here
by this evening.

What should we do
until then?

She should be fine.
But call us if her
mental status changes.

Like if she suddenly
becomes sane?


Can you handle the MRI?


Do you really think
it's safe to go home?
Like, you don't understand.

Boris was really,
really serious

about me keeping
his deep, dark shark secret,

and I really
don't want to be thrown
in his hedge maze

to be gored by a minotaur
or something.

Don't worry. No more secrets.
Just stay out of his way
and out of his hedge maze.

What was the big mystery,
anyway, with him?

Katie's some kind
of shark expert.
She's doing research there.

Clearly, she's not an expert,
because an expert would know
that sharks eat people.

Well, apparently,
she does it all the time.

She's got some
cojones, man.

If she actually had cojones
and you saw them
when you treated her,

you couldn't even tell me,
could you?

Nope. Couldn't.

Just please keep
the drool in check
when they come over later.

No promises.

One minute they're fighting,
and the next,
they're all over each other.

Sounds like
a lot of drama.

The medical term is insane.

Maybe her condition
is psychosomatic.


Did I mention that
she makes him
jealous on purpose?

[LAUGHING] I mean,
what's wrong with
these people?

What an exhausting way
to live.

DIVYA: I mean, we work
in different cities,
and there's no jealousy.

Of course not. We trust
and respect each other.

Leave the drama
to the teenagers,
and your insane patients.

Yes. We're very lucky.

Okay, close
your arm up, please.

So, I'm just going to run
a standard CBC
and chem panel on this.

Should be back
by tomorrow.

Where will you send it?

Hamptons Heritage.

Of course,
Jill's hospital.
Very convenient.

So, complete blood count
and chem panel.

Let's do that.

Thank you, Hank.



What? Are you
feeling nauseated?

Only when I look
at my reflection.

Nausea is a sign
of a concussion.

Well, then this gown
is giving me one.

You need to remove
your jewelry.


is a giant magnet.

You can remove it now,
or the machine
will do it for you.

And not gently.

You think you know me,
but you don't.

All you see are these.

He bought me this one
because he stayed away
too long on business.

And then, this one
just because he thought

I looked beautiful
one afternoon.

But you want to know
what I see?

I see this.

When we met in Caracas,
this was the only thing
he could afford.

He bought it
from a street vendor.
And I love it.

Well, that's
very charming.

And then, we locked ourselves
in a motel room for,
like, three days

of nonstop earth-moving
carnal feasting.
It was amazing.

Right. Well,
that's not so charming.


Your boyfriend?


I mean, no, it's...
I'll call him back.

You know, I would
never ignore a call
from Javier, ever.

Just to hear his voice
makes me want to...


I can't believe you're
here all summer.

I love coming home,
seeing who's changed,
seeing who hasn't.

Making fun of the citiots.

Oh, yeah.
Hate the citiots.

Evan, we're the citiots.


It will be just like
when we were kids.

Except you'll have
your very own shark.

Katie, have you ever
seen Jaws?

Oh, he's going
to regret that.

Evan, do you know
how many people are k*lled
by snake bites each year?

Fifty thousand.

Sharks k*ll six.

All right.
How many do they
just bite?

KATIE: It was a love bite.

She's new to captivity.
I'll take
very good care of her.

And she'll
chew on your torso
until you stop thrashing.

Oh, you just dug
your own grave.

Yeah, he is no MSG.

Don't worry, though. All you
missed was a couple months
of casual, really good sex.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Okay. I am an MSG.

Look, what the hell
is an MSG?

You guys have got to
tell us what that means.
It's enough already.

It's stupid.
Medieval slut gatherer.

Man seeking guacamole.


All right, seriously?
Put us out of our misery?

Yes. Save yourselves.
I cannot hear one more
of these.

It means
"my summer guy."

"My summer guy"?
Isn't that
a Judy Blume novel?

We came up with it
in seventh grade.

You came up with it.

No, I really think
Judy came up with it.

I read that.
I loved that book.

That's because you always
ran in heart-first.

All of Jill's ex-boyfriends
were summer guys.


Not all of them.

Well, it's the price we
paid for growing up in
a summer hot spot.

Boys just come here
for the summer,

so you can't get
too invested.

And they can't burn you
if you beat them to it.

So, there's a mass grave
of burnt MSGs
out here somewhere?

Yeah. Very few make it
to Labor Day.

What happened
after Labor Day?

Well, everyone's gone
by then. You'll see,
if you stick around.

What is your plan,

[STAMMERS] I don't know.
I hadn't thought
that far ahead.


Sorry, guys. I've got to go.

Divya has
an emergency. Sorry.

So, this should help us
figure out why you're
feeling worse.

Don't worry.
It won't hurt.

It's just really loud.

Where's Javier?

He'll be here
when you get out.




HANK: Turn it off!

Turn it off!


Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.
What's happening?

Just stay calm, Sofia.
Everything's going to be okay.

What is that thing?

Have you ever broken a bone?

I mean, the doctors
may have inserted
a metal pin to repair it.

She had a breast augmentation.
Maybe the surgeon
left something in.

Well, whatever it is,
I want it out.

Okay, it has to be
done carefully,
or I could leave a scar.

A scar?

We can take you
to a plastic surgeon to
have it removed if you want.

I want it out now.

Okay. Let's do it.

Here's the packet. Gloves.

Is it going to hurt?

Just when I put in
the anesthetic.
Then, you'll be fine.

You won't feel a thing.


You're going to feel
a little pressure.

Now, you won't feel a thing.

Okay. Dab it with the gauze.
Clear the area.

What the hell is that?

It's not a medical instrument.

HANK: This part looks
like an antenna.

What? It's receiving

Or sending.


Am I crazy?
Or is this
a tracking device?

What do you know about this?

Nothing. What is it?

The piece of metal
that almost
k*lled your wife.


It was supposed to be
completely safe.

Yeah. Not when you
put it inside a magnet

than the Earth's
magnetic field.

We're lucky
it didn't rupture
a major organ.

Just one of the safety
hazards when you
implant metal in someone

without their consent.

I asked the surgeon
to put in the GPS.
But he said she'd be fine.

He said she'd
never find out.

Well, sure. Otherwise,
putting a GPS
in your wife's implant

would just seem crazy.

You must understand.
Haven't you ever done
anything foolish for a woman?

Are there any other foreign
objects inside your wife?

Of course not.

Can I see her?

I'd give her some space
right now.

Did she say anything
about pressing charges
against him?

No. She mostly said,

"Why me? Why me?"

Listen, you've been
here a while.

I'll stay with Sofia,
watch her mental state,

keep an eye on her vitals
for signs of bleeding,

and update my Facebook status
to "is watching patient."

I can stay.

You don't have any plans?

Nothing I can't bump.

We should set her up
with fluids.

Already done.

You're sure
you want to stay?

Go. We'll be fine.
Sofia and me.

Okay. Um...
See you later.

Well, if you're
gonna get kicked out
of your house,

you may as well
get kicked here.

I feel like Sofia is slipping
out of my hands.

Really? Well, I can relate
to that feeling.

It's exactly how I feel
about your payment.

That credit card
you gave me
declined, my friend.

I'll get you the money,

Okay. So, either
they got the upholstery
wrong on your car

as well as your couch,
or they both
got repossessed.

So what's going on, man?

The truth comes out.

I am very nearly broke.

How did that happen?

I invested emotionally
and I lost millions.

I can't believe
this is happening to me.

Now, I'll lose Sofia, too.

She grew up with nothing.
She'll never go back
to that life.

When she finds out,
she'll find a man
who can provide for her.

A man who invests with
his mind, not his heart.

I hope you don't plan
to use that misery knife
thing on anyone.

I'm selling
my personal collection.

It's the only way
to keep Sofia.

Wait. You're selling off
assets to pay for your
wife's crazy shopping sprees?

Why don't you just
tell her that you can't
afford them anymore?

This will cover
our medical bill.

Why? How much
is it worth?

More than the bill.

Please. Take it.

I'll tell you what.

At the risk
of sounding immodest,

I was a wildly
successful accountant
back in New York. So,

how about I throw in, like,
a free financial check-up
and tax consultation

to make up the difference?


I have the power.




So, I got the results
on your blood work.
Everything looks great.

Nothing abnormal,

Uh, well, your CPK is
slightly elevated, but that's
no real cause for concern.

Creatine phosphokinase.

Yeah, but that can spike
from an intense work out.

And you have no other factors
indicating muscle damage.

May I have
this printout?


Yeah, hi.
This is Hank Lawson.

Yes, I got the CBC.

But I need you to do
a full kitchen sink
on that blood.

And put a rush
on it. Thanks.


Hey, Divya, what's up?

Is she still having
trouble breathing?

I did an x-ray.
And it's not leftover
metal causing irritation.

You won't believe it.
Take a look.

Mmm. Were the
others like this?

All just as cloudy
as this one.

All right. We need to
get her to the hospital.

Call the ER, let them know
what we're bringing in,

and have them arrange
for an isolation room.

Sofia is going to
take this very badly.

In case you hadn't noticed,
she can be rather dramatic.

Yeah, I'd be, too,
if I found out I had
radiation poisoning.


I know it sounds scary,
but it's a minimal amount.

The tracking device
must have used
an old pacemaker battery.

It cracked in the accident,
and leaked into your body.

Dr. Lawson.

Her radiation exposure
was internal.

Her incision needs
to be reopened
for gross debridement.

What about your exposure?

I handled the device.
None of us have symptoms.

But you should still
sweep me. Just in case.


You're clear.

She's a live one,
but it's localized.

Come on.
Let's get her inside.
Let's go. Here we go.

Let's go, guys.


You're the perfect excuse
to avoid another
vending machine meal.

You want to grab
lunch in the caf?

I can't. I'm going back
to the marine institute.

Why? Did Boris
back out?

No. I did.

He called me this morning
with a complete change
of objectives

and a pretty
unrealistic timetable.

I never quite know
what's going on
with that guy.

So, what does
that mean?

I can't talk about it.
As much as I'd love to.
Believe me.

Yeah, but, Katie, this
is your dream project.

Yeah. Not Boris' way.

I'm not just gonna proceed
with my eyes closed
and fingers crossed.

I can't do that.
And PS, neither should you.

You think
I'm doing it again.

Hey, I get it.
Hank's nice, charming, cute...

And you think
he's only here
for the summer.

You saw the look
on his face
when I asked him.

Jill, it's the same story
since seventh grade.

I mean, you married a guy
who couldn't stay put.

Yeah, but we're not
in seventh grade anymore.

And Hank's not Charlie.
He's different.

Shouldn't I trust
my instincts?

If history's
taught us anything,

it's that when it comes
to guys, whatever
your instincts say,

do the opposite.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying I don't want
to see you get your
heart broken again.


SOFIA: Hank.

Welcome back.
How are you feeling?

Is the radiation gone?

Completely. The surgeons
cleaned up the wound,

and the chelation therapy
is taking care of the rest.

Luckily, we caught it early,
minimizing your exposure.


Can I come in?

I swear. I didn't know
that thing was poison.

I was just so afraid
of losing you.

I can't believe
you did that to me, Javier.

I had no idea
you loved me so much.


But mi amor, I have
to tell you the truth.

About the money...

I don't care about
the money. Just you.


Let's go back to Caracas.



Okay, uh, we should go.



What happened in Caracas...

...should have
stayed in Caracas.

Katie. Hey.

Evan told me you're leaving.
He was really bummed about it.

Yeah, so am I.
That's not why
you're here, though.

You're right.

What exactly were you
going to do with that shark?

Well, my plan was to
study the immune system,

T-cell differentiation,
stuff like that.

So, what did Boris
change his mind about?

Sorry. He had me sign
a confidentiality agreement.

Well, just out of curiosity,

are there any human
medical implications
to your research?

Not yet.

But let's just say
there are a few
prominent geneticists

closely following
these studies.

I should go.

You're lucky, you know.
Jill's a catch.

Yeah, I know she...

You better not
hurt her.

Oh, sorry.

I paged you,
as a patient.
I know I shouldn't have,

but I thought it would
be the only way to say
goodbye in person.

I'm so sorry
I was so busy.

Was it a fun case,
at least?

It was enlightening.


I'll be back soon.

Uh... I'm sorry.
I didn't expect that.

Look, I just...

No, no, no. I just...

I would stay, but I've
got to be in Mumbai
on Tuesday, so...

Of course. I understand.

Have a safe trip.


Are you okay?



Doctor Lawson?

I received your many
messages for Mr. Kuester
von Jurgens-Ratenicz.

Yeah, I need to
see Boris now.

He departed
on an extended trip.

How extended?


So you can please
stop calling. Thank you.

Yeah, hi. It's Dr. Lawson
checking on that blood.

Whoa. Dieter's making
house calls?
That can't be good.


I'm sorry? What do you mean,
it just disappeared?


Dude, what's up?

First, Boris alters
his vaguely medical
research plans

when he gets
his blood results.

Then, the blood mysteriously
vanishes from the lab.

Okay, why are you
telling me all this?

Evan, I have a patient
who just passed his physical
with flying colors.

So, what's the problem?

The problem is he's sick.

And I totally missed it.



Everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Can we talk?

Of course.

Listen, Hank,

I've been thinking...

[SIGHS] We rushed
into this pretty fast.

That's true. We did.

Yeah. And I need to know
what this is before...

I don't want to
get hurt again.

[SIGHS] Look, I get it.

I mean, two months ago,
I was in a job I loved,

about to marry a woman
I thought I loved.


If you told me then
that I'd be here now,
doing this,

I would have said
you were crazy.

Things change, Hank.
Believe me, I know.

I was married
to a man
who I did love,

who I wanted
to start a family with,

but who kept leaving
for his job.

And when I finally told him
that it was his job or us,

he got back on the plane.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, I can't
do it again.

I can't invest my heart
in someone who
may not stick around.

Look, I want to believe
this will all work out,

but to be totally honest,

I can't tell you where
I'll be after Labor Day.

I wish I knew.

Maybe we should
slow things down.

Maybe we should.

But then, we both know
what that means.
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